Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, January 26, 1878, Image 1

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ifPlcE Under Whithead House. | VOL. 2. L OC A L : Parties indebted for the legal ad vertisements to the Courier are here by requested to pay up. All lega Svertisements are due when ibe bill is pres nted, and iu no case will in dulgence be granted longer than the time for which said advertisements are to run, Hon. Jno. B. Estes, of Gaines ville was in town to day. Col. Estes ia favoably spoken of as the next •J udge of his judicial circuit. Mail trains will arrive Sundays at the usual hours. The parties who signed that peti tion are notified that tney are invited m an oyster supper at the Whitehead House, next Tuesday night. The supper is given by the new down Council- Oysters young and Roysters old, Oysters hot and oysters cold, Oysters long and oysters short, Oyst.-rs \iou :h to make ’em snort! Several parties have been trying to buy ival estate in and around town, recently. Lindsey Granger was arrested last Wednesday night .by constable \V T. (),vens and brought to town next day. He was turned over to the Sheriff who '••n', him to Newton jail under the charge of Capt. W II Wardlaw, Gran g*r is charged with assault, riot, and forgery, Some people seem to forget that the new Oon-titution is in force. For tunately they are for the most part people who do nit read the papers, and it is to bo expected that such will make mistakes and btuaders in business. The regular night passenger trains on the 0a- Hli have been discon tinued, and t.tio mails now arrive on the day trains. Mr-Jones our Post Master will receive mail up to the ar rival of tiie trains, Mrs, Tingle was not sent to the as ylum as was reported by our contem porary, last week. Kev. A: Means, DD is preparing for publication a volume of his own poetry. Mr. W, B. Seam, one of the editors and proprietors of the Sunny South gave us a pleasant call the other dav. We are gratified to learn that the Sunny South is growing in populari ty, and increasing in merit. It dese rves a liberal patronage. We regret to learn" that Dr 0 L Smith. Vice President of Emory Col- Jo 'e, died at his home in Oxford, last Pairs lay evening Deceased was an able and zealous Christian minister, an I his death leaves a void in Meth odi-ni that will not soon be filled, New Sheriff’s Sales in this issue. # i'lr J N Hale contemplates a trip t> Madison. He says it is one of the attractive twwns In the State. Mis I) l a Langfiird left, Friday * .st tor Madison and other points' tine Eastern Irish potatoes just re ceived and fur sale by S- H, Anders son. lemale College opened on • Jouday last, and we are pleased to '“a. n that the attendance is increasing ajtuily every day, President Bailey „ . us accomplished assistants will •ontume to maintain the high char- of the institution. . /^, r- M, Miller is put down a laid uaoney man, A man with 11 l y initials as be has can afford Conneni (tenet There is very little local news of any interest, this week. Gov Colquitt is residing at Kirk wood while the executive mansion is being repaired. Let’s go to work and get up that Greenback club right away. If the Bjople of Georgia had spoken in time eu Hill would never have dared to array himself on the side of the bondholders. Dr. S W. Bryan, we regret to say, continues seriously ill. SPREADING. We are making arrangements to issue a supplement with our paper, at an early day. The number of legal advertisements in this is&ue does not speak well for the prosperity of our country. llev Dr Loftwiteh of Atlanta, has recently preac icd a powerful, sl-t uron agai ist dancing. Bjn IliH’sharl money will count fer nothing in the Senate while Dan Voorhees is there to meet it. Dr. c L Smith’s death, noticed elsewhere in this paper, was remark ably sudden. Half an hour before he died he was at the Covington depot, apparently in his usual health. On his return home he lay down and ex pired in a few tumttes. Clemmons & Petty have another advertisement in thi- i-Mie calling at tention to the l’atapsco Guano, G rang Mixture. Lowe’s Georg.a Formula, & Acid Phosphate, for which they are agents- Farmers will do well to see Messrs. Clem in *ns & Petty at once and get all the dots cooeenoug tho above popular fertilizers. The Covington Enterprise gets oft some good jokes. Here is one of the latest if not the best • ** Vt e are for prohibition notwithstanding some op pose it.” Vid* Enterprise on the li quor question. Another new blacksmith’s shop near the P. O, Co;ton has been on the’ decline this week. Silver change is rapidly driving the shinplastcr out of existence. Look out for counteifeit Mexican dollars, Get jc ur gardens ready for early vegetables. A little tobacco is raised itt this county with tolerable success. There is no reason why the ‘weed should not be raised here in large quantities and to the profit of the producer. THE GOOD TE.V]PLABS. At the quarterly election of Cres cent Ledge, No. 434, T O. G TANARUS., held last, night the following officers were elected ; W D Wilburn, w J T Miss Adolla Winburn, W V T J N Glenn, W R 8. W E McCalla, W C Jiobt. Irwin. W F S A E McDonald, W T Jno, Langford. W M Miss Faunie Langford, W I G F Weems, W O G. T!jo Lodg" ht, roer’' T '’d a number of a ee.-lions .aieiy, a-vl the meins bers appear to be errnest and zea'ous, Lev- P- E, Bass, P. E, of the At lanta District of the Colored Metho dist Episcopal church in America is from Fort Valley, Ga* He is new a resident of Conyers, COl/3*3, GSJRGU, SITiHDIY, JAI. 26. 1373. State of Ga. Rockdale oouuty Whereas H H Peck, Go ardian of Mary A J Thompson deceased, having made applicatiou to the court of Ordiuary of said county for a f om his G uardiaoship of the proporty of the said Mary A J Thompson, this is therefore to cite all persous concerned to show by filing objections in my ioffioe within the time prescribed by la v why the said H II Peek should not be dis missed irom his Guardianship of the property of the said Mary A J Thompson aud receive the usual let ters |of dismission, Given uuder my hand aud cflbial signatue, O Shamans; Ordinary. Mrs. S. K. Summers will open a Mantua-Making Shop, iu the first house West ol Roberts' Tin Shop, early next week. MARRIED On the 24, at the residence of the bride’s father by A M Helms, Esq.. Mr. T. L. Overton to Miss G. A. i-o wan. A resolution leclarin 'thj right of the government to pay its bonds in silver coin has passed the Senate by a vote of ferty-lnree to twenty-two ■This is an expression of opinion which is important us uid,eating the result of the silver bih. Sunday trains will make it lively again. Business has nt t been very flush of late, The Barber Shop will be closed to-uiorrow. The serni UH of the bile Rev Mi Stilweli will be published in b >ok to nu. Our farmert are rapidly buying their favorite guan'S' HATS. Get your fall and winter bats at Gletn mons & Petty’s. 1 hey have a ino as sortment. THE DEBTS Due this office for subscriptions and adverti-eiiiCuis uiu-X he -e’lled at HCe We have I u niTuls if smalt accounts <>n our bunks ranging from filty • tits to twenty dollars, and e want the aggregate aui-mnt tn ca h or us equivalent. We do not pin— p se to gve our paper and labor away to those who aie able to pay, and we begin the New Year with the good old newspaper rupi—Cash in Advance. TWO DOLLARS Will get the Courier and the De troit Free Press for one year I you want good and cheap reading matter— two papers for the price o one —you will do well to embrace this offer. If you want any paper in the country you can save money by getting it in connection with the Courier THE TOP OF THE MARKET For your produce, cotton etc., wil be given by H P & D M Alman 1 Alex Stephens is in favor of an unlimited issue of silver. Ben G. Yancey, Prsdt M. A Stovall, Seo. & Treas GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS. Factory, South Brnnlry St. Augusta, Ui. Office; 163 Exchange Building, Reynolds St. ——Manufacture PATAP3CD GUANO V. * t. w GitANGE MIXTURE Lowe’s Georgia Formula AN „ Acid Phosphate. The analyses by State che-n'st of th m stnh;l frrtilu >rt, with oirc i lars emit linin ' certiti; ites fr u over oij h n Ire 1 u th i uMt iitilli' sit p. i t ters in G s irgia il l migh ) sufcei, will bi l ini-di i 1 on appucUioi to the unlsrsit iel, or any of tin aithiriisl it tin c ixp i ly. 35-3iuos M. .1. Stovall, So3,y & Tres. Jibuti ri. Clem mils & Patty Agents, Conyers, Georgia. subscribe FOR THE CO U RIE R ? N). 35.1 Suso.ttprt jm : U :• CIJB E D Djrang,s Internal Hemedy the great It mutnatio Medicine, will po lively cure any ease of the Itlieum tsm on the face of the earth. 1$ a bottle, s x bottles 5 dollar Sold by all w lolesale and retale druggists L'on’t. forget to send lor a circuia Helpenstinc & Jiouly Druggi t Washington D C. cLEMMONS & PETT/ Have just received a large lot of th best goods in almost every line. W take pleasure in recommending ihi bouse, and can assure its custom : that they will be fairly, liberally a_* atisfaotorilydoalt with. HEaDS OF FaMILIE s Will do well to buy their tin wir hardware, crockery, drugs, groceri : etc,, at Clemmons & Petty’s. G and examine their stock, — SOMETHING NEW In order te intro 1u33 oir Bi g Seed Spring Wheat, The Wheat of Taos, in your locality—single grains measuring { inch in length—l pro pose to send a sample of the wheat free of charge, to every subscriber to this paper who will state the namo of the newspaper and send a three cent stamp to pay postage, Agents wanted in every county to sell this new wheat, address L LoSMENT, Cleaveiani, Tean,