Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, January 26, 1878, Image 2

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' Clg Cerrtrs 4 onrirr ( oMFFf, CA, 2C not CUT OCT FOB AN KDITOU “ Mr* Hockley,” ai<* col ot th* Argus, to one of the awn*taut editors whom he had rccentiy mstah ed, in order to give him atrial, you have many of the cnaroctenstics of a great journalist, ami I have no dou t ihat at some time in the remote fu ture you will he eapable of conduct in? the London Times : hut, at W*' , tit some of your peculiarities a.e oi k „ marked a character as to , destiny much of vour usefulness in t.iis esta >■ 1 hun •What do you mean?’ ‘Why, for instance, I notice that v.,u always spell horse hoarse ; and that in spell'll'-.' Congress you mv in ably use a lag K. These fli ngs are so important perhaps while our i ■ oof- leaner maintains a condition r.l Milniety. Hut \ h n .VOU speak of ! In/eirovina as a specie ol _ Aslatie l i.jtkcn, and allude to its conflict wi'h j ,1 key as if they \ e e two fowls fihet :i - iii a barn yard, you go too far—you 1 tn sjiass upon the gno l nature ot oni > le;;iio.s, You aie mistaken hi al- ' Inning to J’v.M t as tlm capital "I 'Oi; in asserting that He sue* canal n„„s . > Mullalo, and was built hy Do Wut 1 li iton. 1 wi".t to puss that ~ .i-i.u, in oblige you, hut ready ] in afraid 1 can t, Well, 1 iii sorry.’ ‘Now, take that ar i *’o of yours nljiiUt Cub-. You speak of (’non as l.oiuK 11 the antic legions, ami vou i Unde to the natives as livng <*li 1:y tn wa ru> moat. Aral B ' ll 8,>l “ ln 10 i„k tint tho American Navy is com ~ s ,1 cl.iu: yof sows that arc |*ro , \c l mules, ami that a vi*: admi i*a’’s ill ty is to km i> his (*. os on In* mules ami inanity-: tne t\vdine. llu v | ivo no tow-linos in tiio navy. Mr 1 looklo.v, It is not your limit <hat v u hive never been o sea; but when a man und. nukes to supply marine imo, lor a great daily nwvspu por, he ought to 1 uow that a qua tt deck t not a pack of cards wii cli tost a quarter., 'I didn’t say it.’ ‘You in.hunted a-* mnc.i. avd l ted you it just drives the pubhc wm>, It won’t'do. When you mention l‘s, ,at' ias the contemporary of 'loses, ; ,.d praise William Cullen B-.nt lor tin; manner in which he wrote the ue.s ol the apostles, you expose us to •d.ei ision; and h 1 had primed join i r tele 0 the p issuge of the Kui tcon by Oau.eo ju i . f cr l>s election lo the presidency of the Imbed biate-, com v yiug the idea that said Kulneon w is a law :o prevent negroes .iem iun nn: off, this oilic'd a been mobbed '.e lore night.’ ‘ i he mischief it would, ‘Yes! 1 know 1 1 have niy linger on the puldie pulse. They II stand a K nat deal. 'I hey are patient and all that; but. when you come to them for instance with an editorial asser tion that Petrarch weft no of the aims ,1 ties, and that he used to fish with a lay-out iine. in the river Herodotus, they Vet and 1 rious. Heavens am. ou-tl " man ! I lerrdotus was not a riv* er ! lie was a hisiorian! How could v 0 i allulo to Romeo as the residence ot the pope, declare that the lorn tiff s principal cardinals are the points of the compass.’ ‘Blauidf I knew.’ ‘Well, anyway, you see for your self that ywu need veers of study be fore vbu will be qua itied to form pub lie opinion. No journalist can hope to guidx' the public mind who teaches ♦ tint the phrophet Daniel's last name WS Boone, ami tl\t he hunted cows nnd Indians out, in Kentucky, ‘I say no newspaper man who does those things, and then sits down and asks Congress to do something about ti e tariff, taking the view that the tariff is a tropical fruio— some myste rious kind ot a banana —bn* medical purposes, can ever attum the highest tank in his profession. ’ ‘•Don’tthink so hoy?’ 'No, l don't. 1 guess we 11 have to pa't. I’m sorry, but necessity knows n > law. Take tuy adviee, go off some w.iorc out in the country : study up, as enain that membranei us croup is no the • ropor of a harness, learn that Amorio u V .ispueius w;u no: the t clinical name f r cabbages: hunt up the fact that the Israelites did not th > ■ quail in the desert with doublo bi i 1 1 shot-gnds; inform yourself th t Plutarch was not the God of the infernal regions; discover that the Mi oics of the hop crop do not re fer exclsively to dancing parties, and acquaint yourself with the facts that. Pharaoh a nd; 1 not invent the game of *pcveu up G''d morn ng.’ Me. 1 lock ley is now engaged in tending bar. MARK TWAIN’S JUMPING FROG AND HIS MAN SMI LEV, Smiley, who waa in the habit of betting on everything that oaae along kept a pet frog in a little lattice box aid ho used to fetch him down town sometimes and lay for a bat. Oue day a fellow—a atranger in the camp, | !0 was —coiO aar -ss biui with his box, and says: ‘What might it bo that you’vt got iu the box ?’ And Srniiey says, sorter iodiffer ont like : •It might be a purr-/, or it might he a cauary, may hr but it ain't i it’s only just n frog - ’ j And the feller took it, an 1 looked ■it itetreful, nd itirnel it r.iuod this way and that, and savs : Hui— *o *tis, Well, nhal’i h* ! good for ?’ ‘Well,’ Pmi’cy soys, emv and careless, ‘be’-* good tor wrur tiling’ I st-ould judge ; lie cm * I jump ary ir*>gin Calaveras c-m.ty ’ 'l'll,, foiicr took i e in* v again, and took another long, pa tidi n' t- 1 k. and give il hack to Smiley, and say* verv deliberate : *W. 11. I doll I SCO lie "’iu*s i ll nt that Ir g t aiV uuy b ttiu'ii uiy jthi r i''**g.’ ‘M \he y< u dm.V S-niley •■ ‘Mmbc y• j u .d,r-tand fogs, ,-e and in <y be y- u <1 ill i.mterstu .and ’em; maybe y*uj ain't <in y a anmtufi, as ii am re. Ao\wavs, “Ive g t mv opn - ion. II •'i I’m r• k Inny and • i’urs tied be can ->ut jump any tr *g i t t. use umy Ami the t I*-T s’ndie 1 a mi at . and i iit.n say *>, k tiid'T sad like; ‘Well, ! in inly u sti an cr hi r , uu l I ’.iii t got mi Irag J but .t l it 1 a i ro.’, id b* t\o . a. 'I lieu t-ini’ey says ; ‘That’s all right—tlia 's u 1 rig! t • if you'b ho Imy frag ami t , I 1 go m I get;you a fr g A i.o xo .i e f. Ih r mob t i* la X and put up li st ty and 1 icv a> i ao. g vvil S', lhy’s, >ll dS> t tn wait* S.i In* si t the ca go and whi c i Kink itig aid I hinko to liissi f, and tli n he got (lm frg out aid p iz and h s 111 Mlt|| open and took 1 lei' O *‘i u.i ; tilled h-in lull of q alii slioi—hi eit him pretty mar no to I is chin—ami set Inat on the tl or. ‘huiloj he we o to t' e swamp and slipped a o.iml in mud for a long lime ami ti salty it • ki tolnd a frog, and h'C eii 1: m m, Hid give him to ties tidier, ami sad ; •Now if you’re riaiiy, set him i alongside of D.o’i. with lii.s foropaw j'.si uveu wi h Uan’i, and I'd gi y ‘ | the word, 1 Tbeit saw, ‘One — t-v,.- ilii ec— ■■'jump !’ Aini whe i >be tilo r touched up the *rog b lm-d. aiul the new frog Imopod <dl but D u I g o a heave, and bistod up nis ->h ui dm.' _,;o like a Frenchman, but it wa'ii’. no use—he coibdii’t budge ; be u;i> planted us soiii as an anvi , and !>• couldn’t no more sto than it he was auetmied out- Snily was a good ,u pidsedaml he was disgustid t m but bo didn’t have any idea what the matter was, course- T e teller took the money and s'arled away; and when he was going out at tho door, he sorter jerked his thumb over bis shoulder,)—this way ;,t Dan’l, and says again, very tie lib rate : ‘Wei, 1 dm’t see no p’iots about that’s any b tter’u any ot ier frog ’ Soi ey ho s cod stra ching his head and looking at Dau’l a 10. g time, and a- 1 ist. he says: l do wonder what in the nation that frog th'ow and off for—l wonder if there ain’t something the matter with him -he ’pears to look . mighty baggy, somehow, aud he kctched Dan’l bv the nap t ,f the nook, an 1 lifted Imu up an i says; ‘Why 1 blame my cats if ho don't weigh tive pound !’ a id turned him upside down, and he bol died ou a double handful of shot, and he than see how it was, and he was the maddest man —he set the frog down and took u'ter that fellow, hut ho never ketohed him. Young Jenkins was bound to be accurate, and ho th is describe l the woman’s costume : ‘feha wore a suit of something or other, cut bias, and trimmed endwise.’ “Only a look of golden hair! The lover, smiling sadly said— “To*night it forms a halo fair Above her head ! “Only a lack of golden hair!” The maiden,Smiling sweetly, said. Then laid it on the back ot a cha r And went to bed. mmsm TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS. All persons i- debted to or holding c’aims against too estate of Mary A J Thompson, late ot Rockdale eounty, deceased, are hereby notified :o come forward aid settle iu terms f the law. II II Pock Ot Guardian. THS LADIES Will tin J special altraet'ons it CLEMMONS Sr PiTTI’3 in the shape of II ANDK if 111 EK>, ( Ur PS, 1 o laiv, tit*', kid gloves, laljiora skirts, nnri'.iis. etc. 1 ou t iail to ea.i til ih ‘ r r\ l|*' -> *} f ,4 tc u 4% H‘JJ 1 S THE LATENT ST ALES * Of nu n’s and boy’s clo'hmg, iust fc-a i.i eti ii eiu-.i j -it. i * a < LhM.MO'sH * I’ETTY'S. : ' ..-ty. ,Sis, GRAND CRN 1 ] : I hi' well-know a e'tabii'hmc'iif keeps constantly on hand tin *o) best wines & liquor fhat ean be found in market. I'lai uid Mixed Beverages iu Hard Pa Pries. Beer & Cider A1 .avs an draught.. A fine spsoi ■uent of OYSTERS, AR’> CRACKLRS, PICK hid-S, Cl A RS, TOP A 0 0 0 S, ETC., For sale at low pri ies. Another s‘ tractive fjatur J is the elegant SiLUHBD TABLE, iu the bade room. If you want tv spend a rleasaut hour, give *he Mrand Central a call You wi 1 had uuder the Whitehead House. Bob LANGFORD Copy of Lost Note SIOO. On or before the first day of Deoembei next, I promise to pay M. C. White, or bearer, one hundred dol lars with ten ier_ cent from da e. January 1877 [signed] H. P. Almand. Geouqi a— Rockdale eounty: We offer the al o~e magnificent AiOO'ifATEB SUPER PHOSPHATE TO Till PXAHTORS A > T> r/i YF NO HESITATION IN RFOOMYEM INO I. TO THE FULLEST EXT£N T . y\'(. Ml ill np leaver to *n -ot -.’l Im'Dimate comnctition. and f-*.cl :u- M’rcd tl i' a’l v !,o ns* n>i> - artin’o” w 11 be hi si lv pleased v-u • the uvu ts. \YF OFFER \L>O Cf T n “ £ U T A W ACID PHOSPHA TTb which we believe : s e- la *3 any in the market, CQISOS ©E'SJOH Given if and. i ed 3M V;> m f>- v u> fi -“• GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. proprietors, charleston, s. c. T I. P. &D. M. Almaxd age- ts; ooayers Ga. ''' r J H> - PEOF .K WILL '~AD TO HAT TP-L OLD R’SLIA 111 ST ORS, On the corner Outre and Com rercial Stveats, condscted by * . . , ihe InriresT fined ar J best assortment of Gordp eve 'bWitVt* Conyers flUt. Thj facilities crj yrd by HiJ , and nn d popular house have ot ablec tbe Messrs itlnard te k* rn t t -hr (>• Fall Stock a bne ot __ . • ■* t\t CJ FIRST CLASS BARGAINS ,t eo fwhichneed only to be seen to be appreciate;'.. "he proprietors Store nr- determined that no me!'bant in this section shall surpass t feme her tbo quantity quality. style cr cheapness of merchandise offered to th Public F.*cry*h : -ig that can be though', of in the lines> of , GKOCRFIRS, DF.Y GOODS, Bl ATS ft.CAMK BOOTS & CROCKERY aoi GLAfeb WARE, Ct>lL dti, KOTIONS, ETC., will be found \t this bouse. gda. Call and see for youreelvee.