Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, February 02, 1878, Image 3

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THF GRAND CENTRAL This well-knowo establishment keeps constantly on hand the very best WINES & LIQUOR That can be found in market. Plain and Mixed Beverages at Hard Pa-'. Priess. Beer & Cider , 0> Always >n draught. A fine r.ftoi.. wicnt, of OYSTERS, ARD ORACKERS, PIC XL T OP \ C C 0 S, E T 9., For sale at low pr> !es. Another a* tractive f.-atur J is the elegant BiLUSkRD TABLE, in the ba ik room. If you want t> spend a pleasant hour, give the ‘ * rand Central a call. You will find under the Whitehead H use Ecb LANGICED C oil ump ticn Cured, An old physician retirr and from active p tac ice, having had placed in bis ii and* by an East Indiuu mis-i man the formula of a simple vegetable leutedy Ur the speedy and porrna lieut cu-e of Co* sumption, Bnmchit as, Cat?i ill, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung affections, and also a pos itive ad radical cure for General D- bility and .all nervous complaints, after having thoroughly tcS ed its wonderful curative powers in thous ands if cases, fee!' it his duty t< make it known to his fellow sufferers The receipt, will be sent f'r* e of charge, o all who desire it, with fu ! directions for preparing and success fully using. Address with stamp, neming this paper, Dr, J. 0, Stem 44 North Ninth Street, Philadel phia, Pa, Oct 30 l y P DISEASES & - LjVER STOMACH PAYNE’S AGE OF REASON Payne’s Age Of Reason is the Ijrgest and best liberal pi b'cation in America. While its mission is to unfjtter the minds of men fro n the dismal superstition of the past, it is a first class family Journal as well. Every independent thinker can but be pleased with it ands ueb are re spect fully solicited to give it their support, Specir en copits 15 cents, idd ess, S. W Payne, Editor /-Cn, 141 Bth street New York We offer the above magnificent r AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATF TO THE 9&lbX¥8&8 ’V^BOEGtXii AND HAVE NO HESITATION IN 11KCOM MENDING Ia TO THE FULLEST EXTEN i. We shall endeavor to meet all leuirim ite competition, and fee/ as sured that all who use ou>' article v. ll be higi ly pit-used wit* the icsults. ■ WE OFFER YLSO CUR ‘EUTAWACID T H 08PHA TE ” which wc believe : s e' i> *jany in the market, §©s*os: o^mow Given if dt i ed Call on Agents for T"‘i ns ani Prices. GEO. W. WILLIAMS a CO. PROPRIETORS, CHARLESTON, S. C. T I. P. & D. M. Ai.iiand age ts; Coiners Go. §OO3 SBWBi ‘ o I„F nr.< r.n will if 'uAti TA- p Hit tiiE OLD RL L I &BL E ST ORE On the corner Centre and (cm i eiciul Stieets, conducted by s now re eiving the largest, finest at .1 best assortment of Goods eve jb’ought to the Conyers fhajict. r J 1• „* unrivaled facilities enjoyed by this [d and popular house have ft ailed (left ft>is, Ain an 1 tt- stt-uie for Fall Stock a l ; oe ot % FIRST class bargains fsa hwhiebneed only to be seen to be apo.eciated. Tbe proprietor e Store aro determined that no merchant in this section shall surpass theme her the quantity, quality, style c: cheapness of merchandise offered to th Publ'O. Everyth’Jg that can be though*, of io the lines of GROCERIES, DF.Y GOODS, RATB&CAPB, BOOTS&SHOES CROCKERY ani GLASS WA.’IB, CUTLERY, CLOTHING, IfO CIONS, ETC., will be found at this house. No trouble to show Cords. Call and see for yourselves Baa 0. Yanoay, Prait. YL A Stovall, Soo & Troai ** If i # o k 4 GEORGIA CHEMICAL WORKS. Faototy, South B iu:t lry S'. VijHtt, (ri. Oh) :, 163 Etehuigo Bullin', Reynolds Sr. ——-Manuf lOture PATAP3C3 GUANO G.IAN3K MIXTURE Lowj’o Georgia Formu’a AN; , Acid Phosphate. The analyses by State chemist of these standard fertiliiors, wiflt cirri lars containing certificates from over one hundred of the must intelligent plan tors in Georgia and neighboring states, will be furnished on application to the undersigned, or any of the authorized agents of this company. 35>3iuos M. -4. Stovall, Sec,y & Ties. Jugusta (Ja, Clemmons & Petty o „,™. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CO U RIE R ? CUUAD Drinks Internal lleumlv the great 11 eumatio Mediniim, wib po ttveiyourc any case of the Ilium n tsm eu t )ie fane of the earth. 18 a hottle, six te tiles 5 dollar Sold hy aU \v i•I, sa e aid re*ale druggists L*on't t.jrget. to se..d tor a ettonla llelpet stine & 15ru ly Druggi t Wa>lmigtou i) C. THE DEBTS Due this office f., r subscriptions and advert! eiiicois ttiu-r. t.o settled at Htioe. Wcliavc lumlnds if small accounts • <i* our bm.-.s tanging from fifty c tits to twenty dollars, and w< want the aggregate am-,out m ea 1 or ns equivtt eel. We <| i not pn p sc to give our paper and lab ,t awoy to fli so wiio aic aide to pay and wc begin the Now Year with tin g 1 od old news, aper rug:—Cash it Ao vutico. TWO DOLLARS A ill get tin*. C U’.itKU and the Del 1 1 * *it V u ici-; Pit ess for one year you want, good und cheap reuli.l matter- two papers fur tbe price I ■tic —you will do well to cinhriul tins offer. If you want any pap* in tbe country you can save mom Ly getting it. ;i, connection witu ti OoUIUBR. 90S SAX3S SIASON CF 1878 i WATT SON & CLAJI3 SMSft We beg to offer (Lis popular Gc ano to the public, as being one the best Fertilisers on our Southei market. f Cotton Option, CLEMMONS* PETTY, Ag (f Conyers, G West Bros. Gen* Acts, 34-4 mos. Savannah Ga.