Newspaper Page Text
Cnftri Cnrttr
(currp, c/., fis.2
W. P. PHD.
Grant wa* from Ohio, Hayes was
from Ohio, Me< lellen now claims that
he was from Ohio, ami is only a Yan
kee by accident.
Mr. Whitelnw Heed has been re
< lee tod managing editor of the New
York Tribune for’another term of five j
\ cars, ending January 1883.
I’iosident < badbourn. of Williams
<c||epc, is of the opinion that what
the wot Id most needs is a society for
the suppression of useless know'cdgo.
Ikon Hill is btjinp urged by the l ond
-1 oldrrs to answer Yoorhoer. He will
find it an un-bill business. Better let J
Yoorheea alone, Ben. He is right j
and if yon are reported correctly, you |
nre wrong ; at least not in accord with J
the people whom you represent. — ,
1 hotmisville f J iuios.
The lait issue of the fHrtorsville
Express contains an extract frHU a
private letter writleu by lion. II.
l eltei! to a friend in that which ,
it was permitted to copy. W >ake
pleasure m reproducing this extract,
ns it shows thut the Penile have a
Miong defender of their rights ns o]>-
pos'd to tho nineliinntions of the goal
monopolists, in the person of Dr. Fel
ton, Representative in Congress from
the Seventh District:
“The li r :lit hetveen the money power
end tho people, prows hotter every
day, and God only knows woiel. is go
inn to hip *he Split, for n oney is
here doing its vile work. NN all street
is here in nil it* ,>ower. But tied be
imr my helper, I intend to speak, vote
and work li r the masses against an
oligarchy of gold monopolies ami a’.l
the icst. If Wall street whips this
tight it will he the master of the toil
ing millions lor the next hundred
Hon H Stephens is wa in’y in
favor of tin! Texas Pacific It. It.
Atlanta produces the extremes of
•rood and evil. During the Itoeon
s <r i she produc 'd tin* toil
iiloomniu rose of D mocraey. and also
the Upas plant of Radicalism.. And
now while her intelligent patriots op
p ise Resumption, theie are yet to he
found in her borders men who stand
arrayed with the Bondholder prepar
in'' to rob the masses ol their last
and 11 tr.
The money question in politics will'
produce a giouter excitement than
anything else. If tln* agitation should
be 'prolonged it would not surprise us
to hoar of the masses taking summary
vengeance upon the Monopilists and
Bondholders. The Sccvctnrv of the
Treasury says he will ‘'he and— —and il
he d* n't resume, ’ hut we arc inclined
to think that he will he and and if lie
does, between the two horns of the
di’cniuia Mr. Sherman is certainly in
a bad way.
The great Atlanta Cotton Factory
started lust Monday night. Ihe
building was illuminated and a big
demons! rut on was made. Its success
is of course for the .future to decide,
but if human pow r can make if a
success, Hi Kimball and Atlanta com
bined will do it.
•Tames McPherson, Clerk of the U.
8. District Court, died at Savannah, a
few days ago. Deceased was loimcrly
a merchant of Atlauta.uud his bright
intellect,varied information and genia’,
generous nature won for him a host of
Trie nds all over the country. Peace
to his ashes.
At the hard money meeting m At
lanta, the other night, letters were
read from Judge Warner, Ben Hill
and Milton A. Candler. Speeches
were made by Dr, H. Y. M, Miller
and Judge MoCay—all on the hard
money side. Nothing definite was
resolved as there were so many Green
backers present that the hard money
men were overpowered. The meeting
adjourned in tumultuous but jolly con
If Lamar and Hill are both going
for the Presidency on this money ques
tion, we shall go for Hill. It would
require an hour and a half to vote for
Lamar, if we included all his middle
names.—\tlanta Constitution.
Our friends of the Constitution
need give themselves no uneasiness on
that score, they will never l>e called on
to vote for either Hill or Lamar for
President, When these gentlemen
have recorded their votes against the
silver bill the bondholders of the
North and hast will have no further
use for them, and they will be per
mitted to retire to private life. Such
a betrayal of the hopes of their con
stituencies will be their political death,
end on their p ilitical toombs will be
Lamar and Hill
Went ‘jrainst the bill—
Ob, terrible disaster!
Lamar fell down
And broke bis crown
Hill cuuie tumbling after.
Mr. A. B. Smith, of Jasper coun
ty. lias bought a half interest in the
Butts t’ouuty Argus, which now
changes its name to Middle Georgia
Tom Alexander, of Atlanta, the
well known lessee of convicts is dead.
Harlan Connaway, of Og ethorpe
county, has succeedad in inventing an
article long needed in the South -a
cotton-picker’s stool. It is seif-ad
justing and self-acting, being strapped
on to Loth legs and around the waist.
After picking a stalk of cotton you
can rise, and this caudal appendage
follows, but ’twill re adjust when you
squat to jack again.
New Yohk, January 28. —The
American Bible revision committee
hold its monthly meeting at the Bible
11 ouae on Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday. Rev. Philip Schail, president,
reported that the Old Testament com-
I any have nearly finished the first re
vision of and wih next take
up Ezekiel. They had previously re
vised the Pentateuch, the Psalms, and
the Piopliet Isaiah. The New Testa
ment company have reached theelev
enth chapter of the Second Epistle to
tin! Corinthians in the first rovi. ion-
The gospels, the acts and two-thirds
of the epi.sdes have been revised so
far, but will require a second revision.
The American committee are hut lit
tle behind their brother revises in
Englan ,
The eccentricities and vagaries of
Ren Hill are too much for human lb -
bearance. Mr. Hill is not a larseenig
statesman. lew public men have
made a greater number of predictions
that utterly failed to be fulfilled, and
few have been as wayward and unre i
uble. At.this iuuciure we need a pa
triot, statesman and a financier in tlie
Senate, and this alone is equivalent to
saying that Mr. 11 ill ought to resign.
One of the most foolish arguments
of the resumption repeal hill is to
point to the fact that greenbacks are
nearly on a par with gold. The truth
is that if greenbacks were to go up to
gold or beyond it to-morrow resump
tion would not be brought about, tor
the nearer greenbacks count to gold in
price the more irredeemable they be
come. Resumption ean never be
brought about until greenbacks are
converti’ le, and they cannot be made
convertible until there is enough gold
n the treasury vau ts to redeem them.
We should be most heartily in tavorof
resumption if the policy contemplated
an accumulation of gold, but so far
from this being the uise, it Cos tem
plates the gradual destruction of
greenbacks, and this destruction wiT
go on, unless the representatives of
the people put a stop to it, until the
euiiie country is ruined. Mr. Ilill
may wear out all the pens b Wash
ington explaining h s position but he
cannot relieve the country until the
con tract ion policy inaugurated by in
active capital shall lie stopped.
A fine lot just received at II P
D M Aluiaml’s the latest styles at
to c 5 cents per yard.
The Best aud Cheapest
IN THE MARKET for 460 l bs
Delivered at Plat tor’s Depot on the
Ist day of November 1878.
Planter* are requested to call and
see us before pu;chasing,
Age.n s Conyers, Georgia,
TO debtors and credi
All persoi s indebted to or holding
claims against tne estate of Mary
A J Thompson, late of Rockdale
county, deceased, are hereby notified
to come forward and settle in terms
of the law.
H II Peek
Will get tho Courier and the De
troit Free Press for one year I
you waut good and cheap reading
matter— two papers for the price o
one—you will do well to embrnoe
this offer. If you want any paper
in the country you can save money
by gett ng it in connection with the
Will be sold before the couit house
door in the town of Cony< rs within
the legal houn of sale, on the
first Tuesday in March, 1878, the
fallowing described property to
Oae house and let, and a blaok
soiith’s shop oq said let, said lot
oontaining one fourth ef ao aore
more or less, situated in the town of
Conyers, bounded North-Eeast by
Decatur Street. North-west by Bap
tist Cburoh lot, South-west by lot of
T. H. Bryans and South east by lot
of Sarah Scott. Levied on as the
property of James Jones by virtue
of a fi fa issued from Rockdale Supe
rior Court in favor of T. II- Bryans
vs, James Jones* Levied on to
satisfy this fi fa after paying balance
of purchase money to John Tread
well. Property pointed out by
plaintiff. Tenant iu possession noti
find, Levy made Jau 24th, 3875.
At the same time and place will
bo sold the tollowing property, to
Seventeen acres of land, the same
being the undivided moiety of a
parcel of land containing 82 acres,
uf vvhieh au undivided 66 acres has
becu set apart as a homestead ex
emption. property lying ar.d
being in the 16th, District of origi
nally Hetuy uow Rockdale countv,
ami known as part of lot No. 258,
bounded East by Win, Owei.s, north
and suuto by W J Turner, West
by Juo. A. Myers, being the romaiu
der of the land of Juo Hammock
not included in his homestead ex
emption, Levied uu as the property
of J no. Hammock by virtue of a fi
fa issued from Newton Superior
court, iu favor of Catharine J,
Owens guardian of Susan Hammock
vs. Jno, Hummock, Administrator
ot A. F, Hammock. Property
pointed out by Piff’s Atty. Teuant
in possiSsiou notified. Levy made
Jau. u3rd. 1 878.
! t the same time and place will
be sold the following property, to
wit :
1 welve acres of land more or less
the same being an undivided moiety
of a pai eel oi laud containing 92
acres more or less, lit No. 306, in
the 49), distuct, of originally Walton
now Rockdale county, bounded west
by Gin fchmiogtou ; an undivided
eighty sens of said ninety two acres
having been set apart as a homestead
. Xemptioi’, Levied on as the re
muiuuer ot lima not included in the
homestead exemption of W J Hum
piiiies, by vu me ot two li fas issued
ftom the Justices Court of 475th,
Dist. G‘ M- in favor of Joseph
Bose vs. W J Humphries. Protjor
ty pointed out by Biff. Tenant in
possession notified Levy made
May 7in, 1377 by \7 T Owom LC.
and returned *o me,
J 11 TAYLOd,
the riff
Will be sold before the court house
door in the town of Conyers within
the h gal houis of sale, en the first
Tuesday in April, 1878, the follow
ing described property to wit :
One portable steam engine, five
hor*e power, manufactured by B W
Payne & Son Troy N Y, Levied
on as the property of T- J. Nelms
by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued
from Rockdale Superior Court in
favor of Stewart and McOalla vs 1 T
J Nelms. Property pointed out by fi
fa, Levy made Jan 14th, 1878.
At the same time and place will be
sold tin following described proper*
ty to wit:
Oue sorrel mare mule named
,‘Nell,”niie years olu; one black
maro mule, name 5 “Dolhe,'’ about
four years old Levied on as the
property of T J Nelms by virtue of
a mortgage fi fa issued from Rook
dale Superior court in favor of
Stewart & McCalla vs T J Nelms,
Property pointed out by fi fa, Levy
made JaD, 12th, 1878,
Permanently Cured—no humbug
—by one mouth’s usage ef Dr. Gour
lard’s Celebrated Infallible Fit Pa*,
ders To convince sufferers that
these powders will do all we claim
for them, we will send them by mail
post paid, a free trial box. As Dr.
Goulard ia the ouly physiran that
has ever made this a nd: case * special
study, aud as to our knowledge
thousands have been permanently
cured by the use of these Powders,
we will guarantee a permanent cure
in every case, or refund yon all
money expended. All sufferers
should give these Powders an early
trial, aod be convinced of their cura
tive powers*
Price, for large box, 83,00, or 4
boxes fur SIO,OO, sent by mail to
any part of United States or Canada
on receipt of price, or by express, C*
0. D. Address,
Ahh & Robbins,
360 Fulton St. Brooklyn, N. Y
All tufferers from this disease tha
are anxious to be cured should try
Dr. KissneV Celebrated Conumptive
Powders. These Powders are the
only preparation known that will
cure Consumption ard all diseases of
the Throat and Lungs—indeed, so
strong is our faith iu them and also
to convince you that they are no
humbug, we will forward to every
sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free
Trial Box.
We don’t wai.t your money rntil
you are perfectly satisfied of their
curative powers. If your life is
worth saving, don’t delay in giving
these Powders a trial, as they will
surely cure you.
Price, for large box, $3,00, sent to
any part of the United States or
Canada, by mail, on receipt of price.
Ash & Robbins
360 Fultou, St, Browklyu, N Y,
sheriffs Sales for march
Will be sold befere the court hous
door in the town of Conyeis within
tVe Legal hours of Sale on the fi st
Tuesday in March 1878 tho follow
ing described pr perty to wit :
One hand power printing press arid
fixtures, twenty type c ses, two
stands. stones, one heating stove, me
stool, two boards, two lamps, and
one water bucket, eight gailies, aid
all the type belonging to the press,
Levied on as the property of W P
Reed, to satisfy one mortgage fi fi
issued from the llookdaie Su.
perior court in favor of a J Pierce
against W P Reed. Property poin
ted out by fi fa. Levy made J)cc 12,
Consumption Cured,
An old pbysieian retired from active
practice, having bad placed in bis
bands by an East Indian mis-i mary
the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and perma
nent cure of Consumption. Bnnchit
as, Catsrrh, Asthma, and all Throat
and Luug affections, and also a pos
itive and radical cure for General
Debility and all nervous complain s,
after having thoroughly tes ed its
wonderful curative powers in thou--
ands of eases, feels it his duty to
make it known to his fellow sufferers
The receipt will be sent free of
charge, to all who desire it, with fu 1
directions for preparing and success
fully using. Address with stamp,
neming this paper, Dr, J. C. Stone
44 North Ninth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa, Oct 30—ly
A Scholarship in Moore’s Busi
ness f Diversity ,of Atlanta. Ga.,
can be b >ught at a discount by apply
ing to the Courier office. The
Scholorship entitles the purchaser
to a complete Easiness Education
in all the departments of tbis insti
tution Any yonng man who con
templates attending this excellent
University will find it to bis interest
to give us a call.