Newspaper Page Text
'lilfoOilSTT fi 11
’ pi’liMSli ft I) WftftK LY.
- - - - UEriliCllA
• fit-.' 1 ' ’
arrival of trains.
j oCa I schedule, Albania. Great
pjtlmrr. (Queen &
Kout e )i
ii\ kkfkct kkb; 10, 190 Vj.
. I ‘
South Hoiinil.
x , j, (’. &X. O. Limited 3:35 r. m
v •• Pan American Specuil. 7;I8 a. .\i.
jid. •’>
Not tit Hound.
*, o ('. Si X. O. Limited 9:‘>s a. w.
plan Ameriotn Special; 1 1:4U r. m
r s(op. c
,* () v 1 ami 2, fast mail Wain-, stop a
fr titon.
pule Superior Cmtrt meets 3rd Mondays
„ March and September.
Justice Court for Trenton District meets
2nd Saturday in each month.
(jousty Officers. —Wm. O. Reese. Or
iinarv; S.J. Hale Clelk Superior Cmirl;
r \y r . TituiUian, Sheriff; \V. lace,
fix Collector; Samuel J. Hale, Tax Jie
*eiver: Rcht. S. Rodgers, County Treasurer;
tV T. Hughe?) County School Coinmis
•ioner;]\V. H. Morfisbn, Surveyor; Mark
lair, Coroner.
Cni'it if SKtivtCKs, M. ft. Olmrch, South
~] l!1( | 4th Sitmi tys in each month.
( r aver meeting each Sunday evening at
o’clock. Kpwnrth League meets every
iVeiliiesAt v -veiling' Sunday school every
iv morning at 10:00. D; 11. Rogers*
U. E. SMITH, Pastor,
Tien t>n Lodgn, F. & A. M.
No 179.
Meets at the Masonic Hall on
Wednesday night, on oi bef re tm
full trmon and every 3rd Satur lav
night therefrom at 7 :30.
J. M. LyetnanCe, \V Ml
Trenton Lodge, No, 38, I. O. ()• F.
Meets at th c ir hall north sid j pub.
lie square every Stitnrday evening
Mt 7 130. W. (L Colo. N. G.
I hide Lo Igo, No. 122, K. of P.
Meets in Odd Fe 1 lows’ Hall Mon
day evening- at 7:30.
Frank Morrison, C. C,
Physician and Surgeon
and. At h. aV r
{! 'lsiti F AWM U.
a i tornk y a r la w\
•'KENTON, - (lKOi!;],\.
Wili practice in all tin* courts
aml Federal.
attorney at lvw
’'ill practice in all the Courts. Prompt
attention given all business.
w. u. J’ACOWAY.
Attorney a Law ,
r .. - -
—Collections a Specialty—
New England City, Ga.
| I—
k \VITHi
Hi Schwartz & Bro.
Get the "DUXI” Shoe
Miss Mary Parker Friday
inf ’’aattanooga.
dim Simpson spent Saturday in
Leer Head Cove.
M . P. Pace was at Durham the
List ol‘ the week.
f . A. Bryan oi Rising Fawn was
here Thursday,
Price Jacoway was in (diatta
hooga We lnesday.
Mrs, Will Dabbs returned to
Hanoi 1 ton ? Ala., Monday.
George < kistlebeny was do vn
from I vising Fawn Friday.
I Muse Swatford of Rising Fawn
moved to Trenton Thursday.
Next week best calicoes, shorts,
only 5 l-2cat John L. Cases.
| Russ Oneal of Bean Rocky Ala.,
was home on a visit this week.
Pretty slippers, beautiful hats
very cheap at John L. Cases.
Miss Myra Parker returned Fri
day from a visit at Talley Head.
Raymond Costello of Ohattan ru
ga visited friends here this we'!:.
Mr. Connally of T alker county
D visiting his brother Reon (ton
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacoway
were lie re from Rising Fawn Sun
Mrs. .1* C. Robertson and son
Carl have returned from Tracy j
Will Reeves of Chattanooga
spent Sunday with home folks
Beautiful ginghams in short
lengths less than value at John L. j
Grady Jacoway and dim Xeth
erly spent Tuesday in Chatta
Dr. A. W. Boyd of Cmittanooga
was here on professional Business
Miss Annie Cureton returned to
Chattanooga Friday after a weeks
visit here.
Arch and Lester Oneal of La-‘
Fayette and Chattanooga were
here Sunday.
Mrs. Sarah Powers of Valley
Held. Ala., is visiting the family
of \V. O. Reese.
i >
Water melon seeds, double
shovel plows and blades ready at
John L. Cases.
Air. and Mrs. C. A. Timmons
were out from Chattanooga Satur
day and Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. J. It. Brock were
down from liising Fawn this week
visiting relatives.
Ordinary Win. O. Beese was in
Chattanooga Wednesday having
his eyes treated.
Airs. J. B. Williams and little
daughter Elizabeth Visited in the
city Wednesday.
Jeff Maxwell and family of I)ur
ham visited the family of D. 11.
Rodgers this week.
Malcolum Sells who has been
very ill with fever for several
weeks is reported better.
John L. Case will save you one
third on dress goods and one-half
on hats if you come quick.
Mrs. B. S. Kodgers ell te rta in ed
her Sunday school class with a
picnic at Curetons mill Wednes
Mrs. Susie Hale, Frankie Hale
and May O’Neal visited Sarah’s
Chapel cemetery near Morganville
Mesdames Fahey and Allison of
Chattanooga and Rising Fawn
were guests ol Miss Myrtle t me
lon this week.
Capt. Murray of the Tank Con
struction crew of the A. G. S., is
pushing the completion of the new
water tank at this place.
John L. Case is
slipper at $1 75 fine Parisian model
hats worth in the cities $7 00 to
#9 00 each, your choice $2 95.
Pretty merry widows at about one
half value.
, Mr. and Mis. John Waller spout
Sunday in Chattanooga.
Miss Norma Conally was out
1 10,11 1 hattanooga Sunday.
New prints, new dress goods,
new waistings at new prices a
dohn L. Cases.
Regular quarterly
the 31. 10. Church, South will con
vene at the C. j*. ('liurch next
The owner that lost a half yard
of black elastic on the street can
have the same by apply rug at this
We were pleased to sec our friend
d• H. ( orput who 1; s been in
feeble health for so ne time able to
attend church services Sunday.
Remember Judge A. W. Fite
\v ill speak at the court house here
tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o’clock
Lome out and hear what he ha; to
It. L. Wilson N. P., J, p., 0 f
1037 distri *t and an all round
substantial citizen was in our
office for a short while Wed nos
Miss Rula Jacoway is visiting in
South Pittsburg and will attend
the commencement exercises of the
Pryor Institute at Jasper, Tenn.,
J. M. Lyemance is rebuilding!
the brick chimbney to the resi
deuce of John Blansit at Rising
Fawn which was blown down by
the recent storm.
Are you throwing away the
c-ointorts of old age? You are if
you are not taking advantage of
the many little savings offered you
by John L. Case.
Col. R. J. McCamy candidate for I
dtidge against Judge A. W. Fite
spent several days in the county
this week working in the interest
of his candidacy.
Little Ruth, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charley Prince, died
Tuesday of Meningitis and was
hurried near Coal City on Sana
Mai ntain Wednesday.
Brother Thomas preaches at
New England May 17th ni 11 a.
ni. and 7p. in. An old fashioned
Metbodht love feast at 7 in the
evening. All invited to attend.
s O. B. Bryan who has been lo
cated in South Georgia since the
Southern Steel Company bio wed
out is taking a few days rest and
visiting relatives at Rising Fawn.
Every employee of the Queen &
Crescent system from chief opera
tor down to section hands sus
pended operation at 9:30 o'clock
Wednesday for live minutes to pay
their last respects to the memory
of their First vice- President, Mr.
Murphy who died last Monday.
Atty B. T. Brock has complet
ed the construction of his swim
ming pool and bath house near
his residence on town creek. ([This
bathing resort was especially pre
pared for his young daughters and
their female friends. And will also
be u tali zed in forcing water to ins
residence by means of a Hydraulic
Ram. Male children may also
use the pool for bathing purposes
by applying at Mr. Brocks resi
dence for permission. But under
no circumstances must they do so
without this permission. These
are the rules short and simple and
should be enforced and the pa
rents should allow their children
to avail themselves of this great
privilege and see to it that their
children observe the rules. Why
not each mother make their
daughter or daughters bathing
suits and allow them to indulge in
this great cleansing pleasure.
Harris & Johnson, 13 E Bth sf.
Chattanooga, are the only exclusive
opticians in the city. 15 years ex
perience assures accuracy and cor
rect fitting. The most up-to-date re
tracting rooms in the South, Ev
erything at moderate prices.
Telephone, orders or
go to Dan C. Wheeler & Cos., at
607 Market St., Phone 175, Chat
tanooga, Tenn., for grain, hay and
feed supplies. Cotton seed meal
and hulls a specialty. Don’t for
get the place.
W lliia ins* La bin.
At dm h Dili" of 11* hi ides pa
rents last Sundav cv- ting at six
o’clock Ben G. Williams and Miss
N C l l 1 c ft. D.I > I W * It* li;;i 11'K'ii ;n
inn presence of fiii'inhi rs of H.m
imno-di tic fa Indies ol'l !i emit 1 act.
big par icsaml a lm t of neighbors
and friends. Rev. 11. K. All iso*
of 1 renton officiating.
The groom is a son of Rev. an 1
Mis. \\ diiams of this
county and is a lising ymmg busi
ness man with a bright rfiHße be
fore him. lie was educated';i.t the
Byrne Business College in oxa£
and has since his grad uat io luff'd
many responsible positions. He is
at p’psent employed in the Traffic
department of a railroad conipanv
t Cedartown.
lhe bride is a daughter of E q
and Mrs It 11. Babb-- and is a
vc y ( steemabie \oqng laity. Sb
was educated at Dixon Co-lege at
Dixon, Tenu.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams left Sun
day evening for Chattanooga
wheie they took a train via Bir
mingham for Cedaitown wliere
they will reside in t futu e
I In y aie very popular s<u i.iliv and
their host of friends here regret to
lose them. The Times extends
George W. Wheeler our popular
southsicle blacksmith and Mis?
Margaret Tinker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. WL 11. Tinker were qui
etly married at the home of the
brides parents last Sunday after
noon, Esq. E. D. Brock officiating.
The Times extends congratula
tions to the happy couple.
Lse Dr. \V: li. Citldvvell’s Syrup Pepson
and Herb Laxative Compound for all
stomach troubles, such as dyspepsia, Bili
ousness, sick headache, sour stomach and
heartburn also liver troubles, constipation
and ills caused bad digestion. On sale et
Trenton Trug Store.
. Open an account by mail with
the Avenue Bank <fc Trust Cos.,
Jhattanooga. Safe and sound.
Good business men at the helmt
For Tnfants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I invite you to be a perma
n lit member of my large
it is A Stanton Family.
You and 1 are at home here.
We are here to stay.
We like the country. We like
each other, and we are all boosters
for this section. Handing you out
ari article in exchange for cash is
not the whole tiling. The salt of
success is loyalty, friendship and
helpfulness. You and I will turn
to each other as -hve would to a
dictionary for desired information.
I will help to spread your table
with good things. I will supply
you with durable and comfortable
wearing apparel. You will get big
values for your money.
This is a store of quality. The
best in the beginning is always
the cheapest in the end.
I want every boy and girl in this
section from 1 to 90 years young
to make this store a meeting place
—a council chamber—a school
room for studying qualisy, prices,
things that fit and last and suit.
Flour 48 lbs 11.30
Meat and Lard 9c
Brown Mule Tobaccojand Snuff
3 for 25c
3 lbs Tomatoes 10c
New line of dry goods and gents
furnishings, also notions, calico,
cotton checks, etc. Farmers and
friends call on rue for farming
tools and hardware.
Morganville, Georgia.
Came oi the Stasoii*
% „■ • dyL Iw %
The first game of haseb&le play
ed in Dade (*.uiuy thi seasun \vn?
pulled 'Off ;t the f jvjp Pope dimond
at Wildwood dipt 8a t u rda v be
tween of that place and the
Whiteside team. The game ver\
uderestmgdmm beginning to mid
Many poi|jkG #)!'nu rit were sconu
by both teams.
A good ciwas, in attendance
and perfect order prev-aded. The
honors word to the locals who won
I hem by snpoj-ior woi k
The follow ii,e <*/■ tigrai ulatory
let ter was furnished by- a former
Day .county. Itoy with a request
that it tf&. p*lhfiKfeecl ;is UTihvm
Cincinnati, 0.,.,May 11, iq()8
Editor of tli 5 Dade County
Weekly Paper,
Tremor,. (*■..
Dear Si; :
Having been apprised of a con
flict between two renowned base
ball teams on‘the lawn of Mr. Lee
Pope Saturday, May 9, 1908, the
members of one thriving from
\Y Itlwood, La., and its sister
towns and those of the other from
\\ hiteside, Teun , and its shelter
ing mountains, and victory being
accorded the former team which,
without a doubt, imrnt he accred
ited to their evidenced ability to
twirl the sphere, the employes and
officials of the General Freight
Department Office of the Ry.
enjoin the writer (who happens to
be one of them) in congratulating
t he participents of the Dade county
team for their merited success in
game. Further,in wishing a
triumphant career for the boys
composing the Wildwood base ball
team this season.
Assuming courteousness of the
printer to the extent of inserting
the above in his issue for the pres
ent week, I am
Respectfully yours,
One Interested in the Victorious
Cave Springs
As I have not seen anything
from our burg lately, thought I
would write.
We have been having some un
iv-nally cold weather for the past
'ew days, but the sun has come out
and it sterns like summer today,
and the farmers are making good
use of the time.
Mis. Nancy Dotson has been ill
with a partial stroke of parelysis,
but is improving rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. John Allen spent
Sunday with the family of Mr. and
Mrs. John M. Forester.
Misses Lucy and Louwlla For
ester visited Misses Slaton recently
Mrs- Slaton is improving rapidly.
Misses Annie and Josie Brown
entertained quite a crowd of young
people Sunday afternoon.
Quite a number of eople
are joining the farmers’ union at
this place. I wonder why-
Oscar Graham is so interestde in
going to Mr. Forester’s.
Miss Mollie Forester visited at
Cloverdnle yesterday.
The people of Cave Spring have
purchased some school property
and antisipate building anew
school house in the near future.
Well for fear this finds its way
to the waste baskeL will close.
Byrds Chapel
Rev. AD*. Sandei-s preached a
line sermon Sunday morning.
Air. and Airs. Author Thurman,
of Chattanooga, are visiting their
parents, Air. and Airs. A. AI.
Aliss Marcy Parker was shop
ping in Chattanooga Saturday,
Miss Maude Tang, of Aloimd
viile, Ala., is visiting Miss Bonnie
Alas ter William Cureton is on
the sick list.
Miss Stella Tatum is at home
from Chattanooga.
Aliss Rosa Stewart is visiting at
Rising Fawn.
Joe Tatum is at home for a few
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Buffington, a son.
New s i-lain
The young people enjoyed s
* singing at John Neal's Sunday.
Henry Melvaig and sister visited
at New Salem San lay.
Misses (Mara and Virginia Neal
entertained a large crowd of young
j people Sunday afternoon.
Drew MeKnig, of Cave
is visiting at J*. A. McKaig's this
Mr. and Mis. \V. A, Moore vis
; iteJ at W. J. Bradford's Sunday.
Airs. MeKaig, of Rossvilie, has
returned home,
W. J. Bradford is still very
j The farmers are busy planting
corn. J. it. Wheder thinks it is
too late, but we will show him.
Mrs. T. J. Wallace spent the
day with Mrs. Jonn Price Sunday.
Several from Trenton, Byrd’s
Chapel and Pine Grove attended
the singing here Sunday.
Miss Ethel Price visited her
grandmother, Mrs. Charley Gass,
last week.
"There will be an all day singing
here the forth Sun lay in the
month. Dinner will be served on
! the ground as usual. Prof. F.
Hall will bo with us and preach
for us at 11 o’clock a. in. Prof. F.
Clark Perry said he would be with
us if possible. Let everybody
come and bring song books and
stay all day and make the day
long remembered. Singing will
begin about 9 o’clock. We could
say much more than this, but will
not this time.
Farmers are taking advantage
of the fine season’s and will mostly
finish planting this week.
Lem ill Coats who has been
quite sick is much better,
The singing class is tuneing for
the convention here on the sth
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph Kiser is reported
much improved in health.
Mrs. W. E. Dabbs left for Bir
mingham Monday.
R. S. Brinkley is going to 9tart
a canning process here for the can
ning of tomatoes, etc.
Van Coats enlisted in the U. S.
Army last week and was sent to
Columbus, Ohio. We think ‘•Van”
will make a good soldier. He was
a good bo} T .
John VV. Waller the efficient
section foreman is almost building
anew railroad through here.
R. L. Wilson will leave in a few
days for Lookout [mountain for a
needed rest.
R. B. Allison and wife of Ala
abama is visiting relatives here
this week.
Brother Rice Bible was here this
This place is shipping about five
cars of bark besides other stuff a
week. Jacob.
Sulphur Springs.
We are having some fine weath
er now' it is bad wiien a boy has
to carry his saddle down the moun
tain and get his Sunday shoes
John Hicks left Tuesday for
South Pittsburg Tenn.
Misses Birthel Forester and Ger
trude Stewart were visiting Pearle
Jones Sunday.
P. G. Bible and wife were] visit
ing Dr. Middleton Sunday.
Mrs. G. S. Hamic was visiting
Airs. Beckham Sunday.
A. A. Thomas was visiting P. G.
Bible Monday,
G. S. Hamic w r as visiting on
Lookout Mountain Sunday.
'f Miss Ella Brown was over from
Sulphur Springs Sunday visiting
her mother,
G, W. Bible and wife were vis
iting W. C. Amos Sunday*.
Martin Hamic was visiting at
Sulphur Springs Sunday.
Uncle Torn,