Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
New Home Telephone
Cables Being Laid
Installations for telephone ser
vice for the New Home Com¬
munity are progressing on sche¬
dule according to Trenton Tele¬
hone officials.
The large cables, carrying
many wires, have been laid as
far as Cooper’s Store and are
expected to continue along
Shanty Town Circle, along New
Home Circle and part way along
Leedman Circle. Poles are being
erected to carry the open wire
lines which will bring telephone
service to the home and stores.
The Telephone Co. has recei¬
ved 63 applications for tele¬
phone service in this commun¬
ity, they are scattered over a
large area. It is understood
these open lines will go part
way up Cole City Road and part
way on New Home Circle;
around New Camp Circle and
the length of Tinker Road.
Lewis McBryar Home
Appeared to Explode
Burst Into Flames
Brick chimneys and badly
charred beams are all that is
left of the Lewis McBryar home
which, before last Saturday
afternoon, was a lovely home
located just south of the Tren¬
ton Baptist Church.
Prom all reports it appears
that the whole house seemed to
explode and then burst into
For some time Mrs. McBryar
had been waiting to have some
redecorating done in her home
and it was just being completed.
A big new window had been
made over a new cabinet sink
'in the kitchen and an air venti¬
lator had been added over the
stove to remove cooking odors.
(Tile was being laid on the
floors. Paint was being scraped
on the woodwork in the front
of the house in preparation for
fresh paint.
Saturday morning it was cool
(and a heater had been lighted
to take off the chill. J. B. Mc¬
Bryar, Fred Mahan and J. W.
Forshee were going about their
work in the front of the house
and Mrs. McBryar was working
tin the kitchen when the ex¬
plosion occured. Mrfe. McBryar
Iran through the house to the
(front porch where she collapsed.
She was taken to a neighbors
land when the men returned
the fire was too hot to save
Sherman Moore called the
Trenton Fire Department but
the house was a roaring inferno
when they arrived. They did
keep the back wall of the house
and the trees and shrubbery
wet down to save the two build¬
ings in the rear of the home.
Mr. and Mrs. McBryar have
made no plans for the future.
They had a very smalll amount
of insurance and will wait for
this to be settled first. For the
present they are living around
with their children.
There will be a working and
a decoration at the Miller Ceme
tery in Cloverdale next Satur¬
day, May 23. The group plans
to get started about 7:30.
X Graduation Time
May 24 , 1959 3:00 P. M.
Processional______________________Mary Lee Hill
Hymn: “Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us” . . . .
. . . Congregation
Invocation____________________Rev. T. W. Schild
Song: “The Lord Is My Shepherd” ....
.... Dade County High School Glee Club
Introduction of Speaker___Principal D. O. Chumley
Baccalaureate Sermon____________Rev. Ed Kelley
Song: ‘T Would Be True”__________Senior Class
Benediction_____*______________ Rev. Lee W. Hill
Recessional______________________ Mary Lee Hill
May 29, 1959 8 P. M.
Processional______________________Mary Lee Hill
Invocation_________________Rev. Richard Looney
Salutatory: “The Uphill Road”________Roy Clark
Song: “The Halls of Ivy ”... .
.... Dade County High School Glee Club
Valedictory: “My Purpose Holds”----Paul Dugan
Introduction of Speaker — Principal D. O. Chumley
Address____________________Dr. Walter B. Barbe
Professor of Education, University of Chattanooga
Presentation of Diplomas----Supt. Roy W. Moore
Alma Mater____________Senior Class & Audience
Recessional ______________________Mary Lee Hill
Abbott, Larry Clifford Hartline, Patricia Ruth
Allen, James Merrill Hughes, Jerry Roger
Arnold, Wanda Lou Knous, Jerry Roscoe
Barton, Bettye Jo Massey, Charles Raymond
Blackstock, Barbara Joyce McBryar, Anna Rochelle
Bradford, Melba Ethney McCarty, Jimmy Lee
Carroll, Mary Jaquline McKaig, Melvin LeBron
Carver, Joyce Hazel Moore, David Eugene
Castleberry, Joyce Yvonne Moore, Glenda Faye
Moore, Sherman Clemons, Jr.
Clark, Mary Lois Parker, Nancy Ann
Clark, Roy Baxter Puckett, Riley Lee
Dugan, Paul Lamar Quinton, Charles Albert
Gass, David Terrell Ross, James Rufus
Gothard, John Marvin Stowe, Mattie Joan
Gray, Jerry Lynn Strawn, Judith Ann
Greene, Larry Leighton Troxtel, A. C.
Harrison, Bettye Leeoma Wheeler, Earl Gene
Velma Davis Laura Autry
Betty Guffey Rayford Hammond
Mary Jane Price Robert Raulston
Edna Rousseau Anna Mae Walker
School Auditorium
Tuesday, May 26, 1959
8:00 P. M.
Prelude__________Mrs. M. R. Wilson at the Piano
* Processional__“Pomp and Circumstance” — Elgar
* Invocation______________Mr. I. H. Wheeler, Jr.
Minister, Magby Gap Church of Christ
Hynijn______________“Onward Christian Soldiers”
Salutatory----------------------- Rosemary Kirk
Hymn_________________ “America, the Beautiful”
Introduction of Speaker___Principal Henry Elliott
Class Address---------------Rev. Henry Horton
Pastor Jones Memorial Methodist Church, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Valedictory__________________ Richard Fricks, Jr.
Presentation of Awards and Diplomas . . .
Mr. Henry Elliott, Principal Rising Fawn School
Benediction________________Rev. Richard Looney
Pastor Rising Fawn Methodist Church
* Recessional ________March from “Aida” — Verdi
* Audience standing
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Obtain ALL Deeds for Hwy. 11
The officials of Dade County
and of the State Highway De¬
partment of Georgia have just
announced that all required
right of way deeds for the re¬
building of U. S. Highway No. 11
from the public square in the
City of Trenton to the Tennes¬
see State Line have been signed.
The representatives of the State
Highway Department who have
been working on this project
say that, to the best of their
knowledge, this is the first Prim
ary Federal-Aid Road Project in
the State on which all necessary
Tight of way deeds have been
obtained by negotiations with
the property owners and with¬
out resort to condemnation pro¬
ceedings. The successful con¬
clusion of this phase of the pro¬
ject is due to the fine co¬
operation of all the people along
this highway, and to a lot of
hard work on the part of Mr. J.
L. Hufstetler and John Norwick,
(representing the State Highway
Department: Mr. Sam Reed.
Resident Engineer, who will
S upervise' the construction
work; Col. D. E. Morrison, who
acted as County Negotiator;
County Ordinary, A. W. Peck;
County Treasurer, James V.
Jenkins; Mayor of Trenton,
Charles T. Sims, and Maddox
Trenton Little League Baseball Team
Season .. Cubs and Giants Win
In last Saturdays little league
action the Braves beat the Cubs
e-5 and the Giants downed the
Tigers 9-8. Tuesday afternoon
saw two other close games as
the Braves and Giants battled
to a 9-9 tie and the Cubs nosed
out the Tigers 3-2.
Pitcher Willard Dickerson
with a home run and single in
3 trips to the plate and Terry
Sims with a double and 2 singles
in 3 trips led the Braves attack
in their win over the Cubs. First
sacifer Joe Geddie hit a triple
and 2 singles for a perfect 3 for
3 also. Third baseman Gary
Gaddis hit 2 singles in 3 at bats
and Bart Brannon socked a
homer to the lead, the Cubs
The Giants scored 9 big runs
in the 2nd inning and then
stopped a Tiger rally to win 9-8.
1939 Class Reunion, May 23
The Dade County High School
Class of 1939 will have a Class
Reunion at the Cloudland Can¬
yon State Park on Saturday
night, May 23, at 6 o’clock.
This will be a picnic to which
all members of this class, and
their families, and their former
teachers are invited. The Class
will be glad to see old friends if
they would like to drop by.
Wesley Barrett Rosemary Kirk
Donna Blevins James Reuben Minor
F. M. Blevins Roy Pangle, Jr.
Andy Bowen Leonard Payne
Larry Castleberry Lynn Roberts
Paulette Crane Sandra Steele
Eva Mae Fischer Frankie West
Richard Fricks, Jr. Addie Belle Whited
James Gatlin Johnnie Williams
Edna Gifford Alma Wooten
Linda Hawkins Glen York
Hale, County Attorney and
State Representative. Tributes
must also be paid to the fine
work done by the three men
who acted as Appraisers on this
Project, Mr. Jiles O. Gass, Mr.
G. V. Green, and Mr. C. L. Ivey.
According to these officials,
all right of way deeds and other
required documents are now on
their way to Atlanta, and there
does not appear to be any reas¬
on why this Project cannot be
included in the Projects which
will be advertised for bids dur¬
ing the month of June, and very
probably a contract will be let
so that construction can get
under way in July.
This particular stretch of our
Highway has been in deplorable
condition for a long time, and
has caused a good deal of un¬
favorable comment on the part
of visitors and tourists, as well
as the local people. It is a great
thing for- our county to see this
project moving along so well,
and we know this will be a bit
of welcome news to all our
people. The county officials
have asked that we express to
all of the people their sincere
appreciation for the fine co¬
operation they have received in
getting right of way deeds and
Terry Allen with a double and
a triple and Raymond Emanuel
with a round tripper led the
Giants at bat.
Charles Page hit a home run
and single in 3 trips for the
In Tuesdays action the Cubs
got into the win column with
a 3-2 win over the Tigers. This
game was a pitchers battle all
the way as Cub pitcher Bart
Brannon allowed only 1 hit and
Tiger pitcher Albert Wheeler
just gave up 3. Center fielder
Lloyd Troxtel drove in the win¬
ning run with a single.
Both the Giants and Braves
made 4 errors each in their 9-9
tie game. It will be finished at
a later date.
The schedule for this Satur¬
day is the Giants vs. the Tigers
and Cubs vs. Braves. The first
game starts at 2 p. m.
The Planning Committee for
the Reunion is Miss Wilma
Pace, Mrs. Virginia Page, Mrs.
Clara Frazier Geddie, John
Slaton and McClellan Gearrin.
There will be a Homecoming
at the House of Prayer, Church
of God in Trenton, on Sunday,
May 24.