Newspaper Page Text
The Gem in Georgia’s Crown
VOL. 59—No. 49
It's sorta funny the way
Christmas tree effects
So far as ’Im concerned, it
makes me sentimental. The
other day, for instnace, when we
were placing the lights on the
trees on the square, I got the
feeling that Christmas had ar¬
rived. There was a warm glow
inside and all the Scouts
to get the same feeling. It might
have been hard work,
up those trees—is the cold rain
—but that glow kept us going
as if at a party.
People passed and smiled as
they watched us, some com-
mente about how pretty they
looked or thanked us for spread-
the spirit—and we all felt
But alas—there’s a Scrooge on
the Square!
And this modern-day Scrooge
caused extia work and tempor¬
ary ushappiness. But since
we’ve learned that for
Scrooge, there are hundreds
people, working to
This Scrooge demanded
the boys take down the
and leave the courthouse
after all, he reckoned,
had secured his permission
put the trees up.
It was at that point that
Christmas spirit hok
flight, and. after, an.
jstanding” the work proceeded..
Permission to place the
on the square had been
iseveral weeks ago by the
.authorities and Georgia
Co. made a special effort to
place the defective wiring
the lights could be turned
on schedule.
All we’ve heard about
trees since has been good
I’m back in the grips of
Christmas spirit, as I sit
and look through my window
those very nice trees.
Monday night the Scouts
out selling trees to benefit
polio fund and met with
One customer in
impressed us.
This man had given us per¬
mission to cut trees on his
In order to help raise
money. And when a scout
on him Monday night,
bought a tree—for five times
selling price! And what’s
he’s going to decorate it,
give it to someone who
afford to buy their own tree.
His action erased all the ugli¬
ness of the action of the
of the Square.
We hope that the presence
(the trees will grind on
Scrooge, until after a while
be so moved that he may
volunteer to assist us in
them down after the holidays.
(Continued to page 4)
on the
Dale Dover, announcing the
birth of 7-pound, 11-ounce
Debra Lynn, Dec. 15, by passing
out cigars.
Mrs. C. E. Kyzer giving an as¬
sist to the furniture store
movers, by cleaning hundreds of
square feet of plate glass win¬
Rayford Hammond
home from Tri-County
after a bout with
of a tonsilectomy.
Road Crew Gets Big
Welcome As Paving
Reached The Square
It’s all over but the shouting!
U. S. ll’s repair job, that is.
There are still a few spots to be
covered but for practical pur¬
poses, the job is done.
The crew is to be congratu¬
lated on the rapid schedule and
the smootheness of the opera¬
tion—as well as the smoothe¬
ness of the road!
Traffic was maintained with
minimum delays and apparently
Special care was taken to avoid
leaving hot tar where it would
Spash on the cars.
The other afternoon, as the
paving machine rolled onto the
square, we thought it fitting
that a impromptu crowd
gathered and welcome the
Cigars were presented to tlie
operator amid cheers from the
crowds. And the pleastnt thing
about the whole ceremony is the
ifact there were no speeches.
Now, while the road makes
driving to Chattanooga a plea¬
sure, we remind you that it
cost less to shop with your
hometown merchants.
Those mad crowds still
the city!
Six Persons Hurt
In Two Accidents
Automobile accidents in Dade
County last week left six per¬
sons injured, some seriously.
Saturday, Mr. Eliga Elliott
and Mr. Ralph Bailey
driiving cars which collided
head-on just north of the
Brown bridge near New Eng¬
land. Riding with Mr.Elliott was
his mother, who suffered a
broken leg, nose and other in¬
juries. She is a patient in
Chattanooga hospital.
Mrs. Ina Mae Henegar Bailey
was taken to a hospital
Moore’s ambulance, suffering
fractured skull, abraisions and
other injuries. Both men were
treated and dismissed.
Saturday night a car went out
of control on Georgia 143, west
of Trenton, injuring Mr. Ant¬
hony Dolye and Mr. Joe Brow,
both of Rt. 1.
The car jumped a fence, went
over a fill and landed in the
pasture of Buck Pace. Both were
taken to Tri-County Hospital in
Moore’s ambulance and hospit¬
alized with lacerations
! District Lawmakers
Elect Maddox Hale;
Discuss Road Work
i Dade County’s representative
to the Georgia House, Maddox
jj a j e ^ as been elected vice-
president of thf Seventh Dis-
trict Legislative Assn.
The meeting was held recent¬
ly in Rome.
Elected president of the as¬
sociation was Rep. Robert Mur¬
phy of Haralson County.
1 A committee, named to study
j.j le j^ting of highway costracts
j n s t a t e , reported that North
i Georgia is not getting its fair
share of highway construction
| money. The committee said
■ a survey
j taken from Feb. 1 to Oct. 2,
Showed North Georgia received
; only 25 percent of all contracts
of all descriptions for road work.
(.Continued to Page 2)
Trenton Furniture
Moves Into Large
NeW Quarters
The Trenton Furniture and
Appliance Co. has moved into its
new building at the corner of
School street and U. S. 11, noilh
-of the square.
The new buddii. te has 4,000
square feet, more than double
the previous location.
| Manager Bill Austin said new
facilities include live water
plays-demonstrations on wash-
ers, dishwashers and live re-
frigerator and range displays.
The big front window will
piay a complete room suite
it will be changed on alternate
The store will feature a com-
plete line of furniture and ap¬
pliances and service. J. C. Hol¬
mes isservice manager.
Burglars Take Cash,
Goods at Two Stores
The Georgia Power Co. and
Shop-Rite Supermarket were
entered during the weekend
more than in cash and a
quantity of merchandise was
Entry was gained by forcing
the doors of the buildings.
At the power company, the
safe was opened and about $500
In cash was taken. Some cash
and a quantity of canned hams,
cigarettes and other merchan¬
dise were taken at Shop-Rite.
The Georgia Bureau of In¬
vestigation was called and is
handling the investigation.
Special Christmas
Edition Next Week
Next week, The Times will
publish its annual Christmas
It will be an extra large edi¬
tion, filled with greetings from
individuals, office and stores
throughout the county.
In addition there will be an
abundance of fine holiday
ing in many Christmas
submitted by Dade
and others.
You won’t want to miss
special edition.
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Polio Bowl Game Is
Slated Here Jan. 8
Merchants Report
Increased Sales
Trenton merchants report ex¬
ceptionally large crowds of
shoppers this week, during
Trenton Days special sales.
Nearly all Trenton merchants
are participating in the special
sales promotion, with the slogan
“shop at home and save.”
The square has been decorat¬
ed and signs placed at each end
of town, urging shoppers to save
at home.
Hundreds of dollars in free
prizes will be awarded Friday at
6 p. m. from the front of Dyer
Motor Co., on the square. Regis¬
tration boxes will be moved from
participating merchants to the
drawing and in order to win,
you must be present at the
drawing, or have a member of
your family on hand.
Fellow-Workers Are Heros After Accident
At Saw Mill Opration in Isolated Woods
Mr. Jake Hicks of Rt. 1, Tren-
ton, lay in a bed in a Chattan-!
00ga hospital, suffering painful
injuries to his leg, but complain- j
! d little. He was too full of
e very
gratitude to his fellow workers
t 0 think much about himself,
p 0 r it was the quick action of
tus co-workers that saved his
m e) after an accident at a saw
m ju operation.
Last Monday afternoon, Mr.
Hicks was working with a crew
from Brown Lumber Co. in an
isolated wooded section on Sand
Mountain when he was caught
between the carriage and a ski&
pole. but his
No bones were broken
riht leg was mulitated and he
Mr Dale Brown and Mn A
Frazier Q uickl y improvised a
tourniquet and managed to con-
trol bleeding, while Richard
Bryant and Charles Gilbreath
prepared a sled and hitched a
Quote-ability of
The Times Spreads
A recent edtorial in The
Time last week was reprinted
and distributed nationally and
in Canada by Peck Associates,
publishers of The Weekly Bul¬
letin and syndicated newspaper
The editorial lauded the
Georgia Municipal Assn, for its
stand on REA cooperatives. !
Thus the name of the Timess
and its editorial reached pract¬
ically every newspaper in the
nation, plus many in Canada.
The distribution marked the
third time in the past three
mon ^ s that editorials of - he
Times have been reprinted foi
wider distribution,
One previously was distribut¬
throughout ee state, and
one to the entire Southeast.
7c Per Copy
The on-again off-again Polio
Bowl football game has been re¬
scheduled. This time, the date
set is Friday night, January 8
at Dave L. Brwn Field.
Reason given for the post-
ponment was to allow for more
time to plan the event.
D. O. Chumley will be chair¬
man of the queen for the game,
who will be crowned at the half¬
time show and presented a
Jim Morrison will be in charge
of the coffee sales. Coach Payne
and Coach Smith will handle
all details concerning players
•and teams and Aubrey Dyer will
act as chairman of the entire
Mrs. Edna Sutton will have
charge of the concessions, as¬
sisted by the PTA groups from
various schools.
G. V. Green and Rev. J. O.
Stewart will assist in obtaining
concession stocks.
The Rev. Lee Hill has been
named chairman of special
mule to it.
As Brown rushed to a tele-
phone to get assistance, the
others loaded the victim on the
and brought him out of the
woods, to a point two miles
away, where Brown again join¬
the group. Hicks was placed
Brown’s car and driven on a
log road to an¬
road where a Moore’s am¬
Hicks then was rushed to a
hospital where
said the first aid pro¬
saved the man’s lift.
Hicks has been assured that
be home for Christmas—
he will be on crutches.
Gray Is First
Essay Winner
Miss Carol Gray, daughter of
and Mrs. Charles Gray, is
first place winner of the
conservation essay contest,
by the state soil con¬
committee and the
The contest was open to all
school students in the
and some 67 entries were
Second place winner was
Pace and third place
winner, Robert Raulston.
Local sponsors of the contest
Roy Moore, A. W. Peck,
R. S. Townsend, Trenton Furni¬
ture Cd., Ralph Suggs, Shop-
Markets, Dyer Lumber Co.,
Lumber Co., E. R. Wells
the Bank of Dade.
r.. i n ,. -■ .- I — - — ■ .1.. -«■ ■ - —— —i . i, i « .i. m i.
Wildlife Club Plans
Public Skeet Shoot
The Dade County Wildlife
will hold a skeet shoot
Saturday, Dec. 19th on the old
Jackoway place, behind the well
The shoot will get underway
at 3 p. m.