Newspaper Page Text
Volume L-YL
I'Federal Union Established In*. 182Sl
[^SouthernRecorder “u > «< ig 19>
Consolidated 1872
Milledgeville, Ga., June 1. 1886.
Number 47-
Come and See the Beautiful
Embracing all that is New, Desirable and Grand! }
it will pay you to call! Don’t' fcteep over your opportunities!
L mav lose something if you stay awaV! Come early wliile ievery-
is fresh and hew! , k ’ V, ' '
riling is
We are
roods that we
gain to the frdntSvith one-of tile' handsomest stocks of
have ever shown in this city. * -
■•The Flower?tijat[lilopih in the Spring,
,TraLa. ; ’ll u.'
HnVe nothing to do with the case."’ %
Hut ffe Say This:
Let others quote their prices.—We tell you if they quote Calicoes
t one cent per yard, we will sell 3*011 better Calico at same price.
If they quote you Shoes at 10c per pair, we will sell you better
Shoes for 10c per pair. And so it goes throughout our whole stock.
I t lo business on, and CHALLENGE (mark the word) Competition.
Published Weekly I11 Miiledgeville, Ga.,
advance, six
.Ollar and fifty cents a year in
,aonths for seventy-five cents.—
dollattHi^feaVqr not paid in advance.
The services ofCoL. James M. Smythe, are en
gaged &s<J«Q*twf*Aj»l8tant.
RECORDER” were consolidated,’August lst,lS72,
the Union being in Its? t'ort^-Thinl Volume and
the Recorderin its Fifty-Third Volnme.
TL! IQ DA DCD mav be found on
I N I 0^1 nOLilP. Rowell & Co'
per Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce 8
advertising'contracts may
file at Geo.
s Newspa-
pruce St.), where
be made for it IN
ForeSgfc.jtftil Gayv i
Mr. Blomlt closing debate
said, last wial
extra session
red in the S
priating £4'
service. De
\\e hav
e determined to do the
Lion's Share
Of the Dry Goods Business in this City,
Our stock is strictly* First-Class
We carry
in all its various departments.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes,
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
ill we
, and you
extend a
cordial welcome. Remember
have polite attention.
we Guarantee
No,- 8 and 10 South Wayne Street.
Don't Forget the Number.
Miiledgeville, Ga., April lGth, 1880.
40 lm.
the popular favorite for dressing
the hair, Restoring color tv hen
gray, and preventing Dandruff.
It _cleanses the ecalp, stops the
hair falling, and Is sure to please.
&>c. and 81.00 at Druggists.
The best Cough Curo you can use,
And the best preventive known for Consumption. It
cures bodily pains, and nil disorders of the Stomach,
Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Urinary Organs and
all Female Complaints. The feeblo and sick, strug
gling against disease, and slowly drifting towards
the grave, will in most cases recover their health by
the timely use of Parker’s Tonic, but delay is dan
gerous. Take it in time. Sold by all Druggists in
large bottles at 31.00.
The safest, surest, quickest and best cure for Corns,
.’.'unions, Warts, Moles, Callouses, Ac. Hinders their fur-
'iiergrowth. Stopsallpain. Givesnotrouble. Makes the
'*-t-t comfortable. Hindercorns cures when everything of age.
'-iee fails, gold by Druggists at 15c. Hiscox A Co., N- Y.
Sold by Druggists i
11th, 1885.
Personal and General.
Death of Dr. J. M. Johnson.—
The Atlanta papers speak of the death
of this distinguished physician. His
second wife was Mrs. Erwin, a sister
of Hon. Howell Cobb. One of his
daughters married (Jen. Albert Sid
ney Johnson of Confederate fame.
Atlanta in his death has lost a worthy
citizen and noble gentleman.
Judge Daniel Pittman dropped dead
on Whitehall street Atlanta, on the
23rd inst., while in conversation with
Albert Cox and ex-Mayor John B.
Goodwin. The cause was the rup
ture of a blood vessel on the brain.
Daniel Pittman was the Ordinary of
Fulton county for sixteen years. He
married a. daughter of the late John
Neal, of that city. He was 51 years
New Advertisements.
"an elegant efficacious,
pleasant aperient in the
form oi'a powder, produc
ing when dissolved in
( water an Exhilerating,
Eifervescing Draught, rc-
1 commended by our best
- _______ Physicians as a reliable
and agreeable remedy.
cures Const! pa-
tion, cures Indigestion,
cures Dyspepsia, cures
Piles, cures Heartburn,
•cures Siclc-headache,
cures Liver Complaint,
nvrnrnoii cures Sick Stomach, and
LflOlLrolA gently urges all the Ex-;
.. ri *cretory organs to a pro
per action. It should be found in every liouse-
':old and carried by every traveler. Sold by
druggists everywhere.
^ Q 0 —WANTED at once, an active Agent in
every County to take orders for onr goods.
Wml stamp for particulars. D. A. GOItSUCII
Baltimore, Md.
A DVERTISERS! send for our
Local Newspapers
L Spruce St., N. Y.
Geo. P,
List, of
& Co.,
Attorney and Real Estate
TONEY advanced to early callers,
Li on farm securities. Superior ad
vantages for putting your surplus
lands on the market. There is no de
mand here. Purchasers must be found
Miiledgeville, March 2, 1886. 34 tf
High Water Does not Stop Him.
—George R. Lombard, the foundry
and iron king, notifies his patrons
and the public that high water does
not stop his foundry and machine
shops, as he has put in an immense
engine to run his works -while the riv
er is up. Orders may, therefore, be
sent right along, and they will receive
the customary careful attention char
acteristic of the clever men at Lom
bard's establishment.—Evening News.
A gentleman who arrived in this
city this morning from Atlanta says
he was very much surprised at the
strength of Major Bacon in that place.
A large Bacon organization had been
completed among the members of
whom were some of the leading and
wealthiest ■ men in Fulton county.
Gen. Gordon will find it no easy mat
ter to carry even Fulton. Of course
the Constitution ridicules this idea
and claims everything for Gordon.—
Augusta News.
C. Z. McCord, Esq.—In our ab
sence from Augusta we have seen
various matters in the Augusta pa
pers of which we would have been
pleased to have made notice. Among
them is the announcement of the can
didacy of Mr. McCord to represent
Richmond county in the Legislature.
Mr. McCord has been a close student
of law, political science, the needs of
the people, and every interest affect
ing their prosperity. His mental re
sources, inherent and acquired, aided
by sound judgment, self possession,
forcible logic, eloquence, and impres
sive power of elucidation, eminently
qualify him to represent the people of
Richmond and the whole state use
fully in the legislature.
The Committee on Evolution have
reported substantially that the. Pres
byterian Church accepts the facts of
Creation just as stated in the Book of
Genesis, and*believes : that the body
of-man is * )not * derived from ani
mal ’ .ancestry* but from the dust of
the ground. This confirms the doc
trine the CoruGegskm of Faith.
kfrs? Caroline Thompson, widow of
iColonel.W. T.- Thompson** founder of
tint Savannah Morning News, wliile in
her dressing-room last Tuesday super
intending some matters, suddenly
sank to the lloor in a raint. She was
conveyed to her apartment and died
itihalf an hour. She was Miss Corrie,
Augusta, and was sixty-one years
of age.* She leaves a daughter and
three sons.
Pensions.—The everlasting Pen
sion bills occupied much of the at
tention of the Senate on the 21st. as
they do in both Houses on many days
during every session. From 50 to 00
thousand cases come up every year.
Untold millions will yet be appropri
ated for this purpose, the South bear
ing its proportion without getting a
cent. The Mexican war pension bill
would yield something to the South
ern men but that bill finds no show-
in Congress. It may pass after the
soldiers and their families are all
Gustavus J. Orr, State School
Commissioner, will hold one Peabody
Institute only this year. The site will
be Atlanta. It will begin Monday,
the 2d day of August, and will con
tinue in session four weeks. As last
year, provision will be made for in
struction not only in the ordinary
common school branches of our State,
but in the High School branches. No
pains or expense will be spared to
make the work instructive as well as
entertaining. Teachers of our com
mon schools, teachers of our private
high schools. County School Commis
sioners and’City Superintendents are
all invited. Instruction will be free.
Messrs. Daly & Armstrong.—To
morrow Daly & Armstrong will offer
25,000 yards calico, lawns and corded
piques at 3c per yard. Ten thousand
yards medicis and Torchon laces at
10c and 12ic. They invite every one
looking for bargains to call early.—
Augusta Chronicle 23rd.
We know of no dry goods firm in the
State that can exceed that of Messrs.
Daly & Armstrong for either the
beauty, excellence, or cheapness, of
their goods. The people of Augusta
recognize the high character of the
firm and the superlative merit of their
goods. Our friends in the country,
and at a distance, will do well to call
on them. • *
The Home Rule Debate.
der the threat of an
House had concur-
iui^endments appro-
tbe foreign mail
tic administration
came into pow#r bud put the ban of
its condemnation op the proposition.
Policy of the birlmihiatration on this
subject could hot mistaken, and
-when the iTttited States Senate in
violation of its rules, in violation of
the principle that general legislation
could not be placed on the appro
priation bills, sought to force this
proposition upon the Adminis
tration, there- was audacity and
boldness exhibited that needed to be
met with courage. The issue was
plain and clear <hit; and for one he
was willing as a Democrat to take
the responsibility for his action. Mr.
Burrows 1 amendment was rejected by
85 to 142, and He witfe’s rejected by 82
to 139. Tl}e amendment offered by
Mr. Taylor, of Ttulnessee, and Mr.
Dougherty^. o/ ; Florida, was rejected
without division.. Tbe Senate ainend-
in without
its action to the House. The recohimen
dations of ihe committee were all
agreed to without division with the
exception of the foreign mail service
amendment., which Whs non-concur-
redin by a vote of—yeas 178. nays 80.
The announcement of the result
was received with a round of applause
from the Democratic side. The bill
and anendinents will now be sent to
the Senate and then go to the Confer
ence Committee.
Our representative in Congress, Mr.
Blount, (the watchful chairman of
the committee on post offices and post
roads,) net only stands at the head
of the list with Morrison, Randall and
Holman as a democratic leader, but
he has by his superb conduct of the
case, united the democratic party in
Congress as it has not been before.
Not only Georgia, but the South may
well be proud of the able and faithful
services of the representative of the
Sixth District.
The Old and the New Way.
inent was ^ion-concurred
division, and the committee reported
Hon, H. H. Carlton’s Candidacy.
We do not care to occupy much
space in alluding to the Home Rule
question now before Parliament.
There are a goodly number of new
members who have been somewhat
frightened by the blood and thunder
speeches of Saulsbury, Chamberlain,
and some others, who have presented
to them a prospect of disunion and
insurrection in Ulster. Mr. Gladstone
will satisfy them after a while that
tliese pictures are worked up to sus
tain their ambitious aspirations for
place and power. Gladstone’s defeat
is not yet. If his policy is defeated
when the vote is taken in Parliament,
sometime in the summer, the dissolu
tion of that body will be followed by
a direct appeal to the people. Should
the people decide against Home Rule,
that will be the end of the struggle
for the present, and Mr. Gladstone
will retire from public life. The
struggle for home rule will not cease,
however, but continue with increas
ing zeal. Its adoption is only a mat
ter of time. The unconquerable spir
it of freedom is spreading in the Eng
lish Isles and the Government will
come to the terms of the Irish as a
measure of safety.
Talk and Practice.
Mr. Randall in his letter on the 18th
to the Augusta Chronicle says:
On Friday last, Hon. Win. D. Kelley
taunted the Democrats with once sym
pathizing Southward, where negroes
were whipped. That night a negro
approached him at the aristocratic
Riggs House, where he boards, ap
pealing to the friend of humanity and
brother of the whole human race for
some little place under Government.
Mr. Kelley resented the colored man’s
importunities, and some of his loyal
Republican friends kicked the poor
darkey out of that exclusive sanctuary.
No Southern man would have been
guilty of such an outrage, so soon too
afterprofessing such love for the ne
gro. My experience of Northern peo
ple is that, as a rule, they have no use
for negroes except as political dupes
and tools.
Tin; Athens Banner Watchman, of
the 22nd contains a letter from Dr.
Carlton addressed to the editor, Hon.
T. L. Gantt, in which he says:
“Having been earnestly entreated
by yourself an 1 quite a number other
friends im < , as wei^.as other
counties of this, the 3th congressional
district, to become a candidate before
the district convention for nomina
tion to the 50th congress, and having
promised to decide the matter at as
early day as possible, 1 now beg leave
to make known my decision through
the columns of your most valuable
and widely circulated paper.”
He then goes on to say in substance
that he feels it to be his duty to yield
to the wishes of his friends, and form
ally announces himself a candidate
for Congress in the 8th congressional
district. He refers in very compli
mentary terms to the present incum
bent, Hon. Seaborn Reese. He makes
no war on Mr. Reese, but thinks
“Time about is fair play.” Dr. Carl
ton “Respectfully suggests that the
counties defer selecting delegates to
the convention as long as possible, as
Mr. Reese is absent at his post of duty
and I certainly do not desire to take
any advantage of his absence, but
would greatly prefer to canvass tlie
district with him.”
Dr. Carlton is a distinguished mem
ber of the Democratic party as our
readers all know, and says in sub
stance, he will cordially support Mr.
Reese if the majority of the Demo-'
crats shall prefer his election. Both
are high toned honorable men, and
the Democrats will be well represent
ed by either. Let all democrats bow
cheerfully to the decision of the ma
The Providence Journal tells how a
life was saved as follows: “A singu
lar affair occurred in one of the pleas
antest homes in the suburbs of our city
on Friday, the relation of which may
not only be of some interest, but also
of some use to the reader. A few days
ago the family physician visited the
game residence, and in the course of
conversation mentioned that while at
tending a sick child the child had sud
denly began to suffocate, owing to a
quantity of mucus getting into its
windpipe, and he had turned the child
upside down in order to relieve it.
This story passed almost unnoticed
except by the sister of the lady of the
house. On Friday the family, consis
ting of the husband, wife and wife’s
sister, w r ere at the table eating. Sud
denly the wife began to show signs of
suffocation. Her husband resorted to
the familiar remedy of patting her
smartly on the back, but it was una
vailing. She could not speak. Her
face became of a purple hue, and she
was evidently at the point of death.
At this moment her sister, r’emember-*
ing the doctor's story, seized her by
the ankles. The husband caught the
idea instantly, and the lady was soon
m an inverted position whereupon
she immediately coughed up the food
which had nearly caused lier death.
The husband blesses himself for the
story which tlie doctor so casually
told, without any thought that it
might help to save a life.”
Mr. Editor:
Among many “wise saws and mod
ern instances,” I propose to scan a
few briefly, more for suggestion and
thought than for elaboration and
discussion. Modern scientists and
Medical gentlemen have very recent
ly announced in the press and journ
als devoted to their profession, that
it is not healthful for one to drink
coffee or tea while eating a meal.
How then do you account for the lon
gevity and unimpaired health, vigor
and endurance of our grand-fathers,
grand-mothers, and their mothers and
fathers, who lived in the early part of
this and the closing decades of the last
century? Hunt up the old menand wo
men now living, between the ages of
seventy and one hundred, and point
to a single one who ever before heard
of or followed this “modern instance”
of the speculative scientists and
health guardians. They drank their
coffee or tea and eat bread and meat
all their lives at the same meal, and
never felt any serious or even unpleas
ant after pains on that account. In
this, as in many other purely hygienic
method,s the old way is the best.
Again. Fifty or sixty years ago, our
fathers and mothers cooked their vic
tuals in iron vessels principally, many
using iron pots to boil coffee in.
There w r as little or no paralysis,_ dys
pepsia, rheumatism, Bright’s disease
or neuralgia in those days. Fevers
were the most common diseases then,
and they were caused liy clearing up
land or creek and swamp malaria.
These modern compound conglomer
ations o.f metals in the composition
of the cooking apparatus of this day
is the source of scores of new diseases
that our dead fathers and mothers
never heard of when they were boys
and girls and men and women. Our
soldier boys, in the late war, who,
when they abandoned tent and close
comutpUnion, eat bread and meat cook
ed in iron vessels or the ashes, and
drank hot coffee while snatching a
bite as the army was about to move,
were healthy and hardy, enduring and
as free from bodily ailment as any
men in the world. '“Throw physic to
the dogs,” and take to out dopr exer
cise and sunlight, and fresh air, and
eat wholesome food—how you like it,
and when you are hungry, and let
the scientists and health-keepers stir
their crucibles and publish their won
derful discoveries to the world as
much as they please, but stick to the
old way, it is the best, for the “tree is
known by its fruit.” J. H. N.
May 26th, 1830.
Mr. Cox Visits The Sultan.
The Technogical School.
Chairman N. E. Harris, of the
Technological commission has sent out
c rculars in which he announces the
readiness of the commission to receive
proposals from all points in the State
desiringThe location of the school and
closes his circular as follows:
• ^ earnes t wish of the commis
sion that every commnity desirous of
securing the location should have the
fullest opportunity to he heard on the
merits of any propoosition that such
a community may make in accor
dance with the act, so that no
tice mav be done to any one.
Permit me to say that in the
ion of the most thoughtful
the country there is no
which would tend so mud
late tlie growth of a communitv, call
out the energies of its people, and
develop its resources, as would the
location of a school in its midst like
the one in question. Tt is intended to
educate mechanical talent, dignify 1 -
bor, and lit tlie students for work in
any of the great industries of tlie coun
All communications referring to the
subject of location, should be address
ed to E. R. Hodgson, Esq., Secretary,
Athens, Ga. Very respectfully,
N. E. Harris, Chairman.
Does Miiledgeville want this school;
if so wliat has she to say on tlie sub
ject and what advantage can she of
men in
i to stimu-
A Norwegian Weddia;
Constantinople, May 10.—United
States Minister Cox to-day had a three
hours’ interview with the Sultan.
The American Minister presented to
liis Majesty gifts sent by President
Cleveland, consisting of 1,000 views^ of
scenery in different parts of the Uni
ted States, portraits of celebrated and
typical Indians, copies of the last
census reports, &c. The Sultan was
well pleased with the presents amd re
quested Mr. Cox to thank President
Cleveland for the “unique and valua
ble gifts.” His Majesty said he had
recently ordered the taking of a Tur
kish census and asked Mr. Cox to co
operate in the work by giving the
benefit of his American experience.
This he promised to do, provided his
his health, his duties, and his Govern
ment permitted him. The Sultan ex
pressed himself as greatly interested
in the progress of America and or
dered that Mr. Cox be shown his pri
vate grounds and gardens. The Sul
tan will give a banquet to Mr. and
Mrs Cox on the 26th inst.
Gordon Cummings, wliil
in Norway, saw a villag
which he 'thus describes :
“About fifty persons were assem
bled all in holiday costume—the wo
men in bright colored petticoats and
bodices with beautifully white chem
isettes. They were a very pleasant-
looking group—the men strong well
knit fellows, but all alike fair-skinned,
with flaxen hair and kind blue eyes.
The bride was a demure young wo
man, somewhat overweighted with
necklaces and bracelets, which we
understood to be heirlooms, but more
especially by an immense gilt crown
running up in tall points to a height
of about eight inches, and studded
with many colored crystals. It is a
most gorgeous head-dress, and it be
longed to the village. Every village
issupposedto have one, which is hired
fertile occasion by the parents of the
All the men sat ou one side and tie
women on the other, according to th*
usual customs. The parson whos
garb is a black gown, with a ver\
large white fluted collar encircling liis
throat like a Queen Elizabeth rut!
performed the simple service, hi which
a wedding-ring, shaped like a double
heart, did duty in the place of our
plain circlet.
There was one feature in the cere
mony which we noted with especial
interest, therein recognizing a linger
ing trace of pre-Christian days. Tlie
pulpit stands in the centre of a large
Chancel, and, at a pause in the ser
vice, all the wedding party walked
thrice round it in side-wise procession
—a pretty survival of old Norse pa
Religious FanaticDm.
Awarded Speakers’ Places.
Athens, May 21.—The following
members of the Sophomore Class of
tbe University were awarded speakers’
places by the Faculty: L. M. Brand,
Non, Lawrenceville, Ga.;N. R. Broy
les, Chi Phi, Atlanta; E. W. Charbon-
nier, S. A. E„ Athens;, W. S. Chis :
holm, K. A. Savannah; J. E Fay, I hi
Delta Pheta, Egypt, Ga.; P. R. Hard
wick, Phi Delea Theta, Atlanta; L. L.
Knight, Chi Phi, Atlanta; J. C. Hell,
S. A. E., Athens; W. L. Moore, S. A. E.,
Atlanta; W. H. Quarterman, Non,
Liberty county, Ga.; T. W. Reed, Phi
Delta Theta, Athens; W. J. Russell,
Non, Athens; F. E. Twitv, Non, Ca
milla; E. W. Wade, Phi Gamna Delta,
Athens: F. W. Wright, Chi Phi, Au
gusta, Ga.—Augusta Chronicle.
Injuries by Floods.—The losses
by floods, on the Savannah river,
have seldom been exceeded in former
years. The crops on both the Geor
gia and Carolina side have been ut
terly destroyed, and the only chance
for the planters is to begin and plant
anew, as soon as the ground will ad
mit of it after the waters subside.
The temporary desolation is complete.
But such men as Col. Campbell and
Mr. Warren, whose places are near
Augusta, who have experienced such
disaster in the past, possess the spirit
and energy to proceed anew and with
good seasons, from this time forward,
will make all possible amends for the
ravages of the raging waters. Much
harm seems to have been done by
high water in the interio.r of Carolina
not only to the crops, but also to the
railroads and bridges.
Wheeling. W. Va., May 19.— A ter
rible murder and suicide occurred in
Lincoln county, this State, Monday
night. Mrs. Margaret Donan, a wid
ow, became insane from religious fa
naticism and imagined that she had
been called on by the Lord to sacri
fice the lives of herself and her three
children to the Divine wrath. Early
in the afternoon sbe threw herself
upon her knees and spent several
hours in wild ravings. She then
arose, and arming herself with a large,
sharp carving knife, made her way to
a room occupied by her three daugh
ters, aged twelve, ten and eight years,
cut the throat of each child, and
plunged the blade into her own heart.
The bodies were discovered yesterday
by neighbors, who state that the
room was so bespattered with blood
as to bear strong resemblance to a
slaughter house.
The juice of a red onion is a per
fect antidote for the sting of bees,
wasps, hornets, etc.
A minority committee on the man
ner of electing the President has sub
mitted that in the opinion of the
House of Representatives the time lias
come when the Legislatures of the
several States should apply for a con
vention to amend the Constitution.
How Dio Lewis Wished to be
Buried.—Dr. Dio Lewis gave the
following directions in regard to the
disposition of his remains: “Although
I am adverse to the somewhat un
pleasant notoriety which as yet cre
mation involves, my very strong con
viction is that it is the right disposi
tion of the dead. I leave directions
that my body s*hall be cremated, and
the ashes shall not be put in an urn,
but in the earth, over which my wife
may lovingly plant forget-me-nots. 1
direct also, with my dear wife's as
sent, that all funeral parade and ex
pense shall be avoided and that my
remains be placed in a pine-casket
for removal to the crematory. 1 de
sire also that no flowers may be sent
by my friends.” The incineration of
the remains took place on Monday.
May 24, at Fresh Pond, L. I.
I had to comb back the hair from
my forehead and omit the parting t(
conceal my baldness. Since men
Parker’s Hair Balsam has made my
liair as glossy as ever. Ladies \s un-
hair is getting thin will Lml the La.
sam just splendid. Mar\ Swanson,
47 lm.
Aaron Carr, of Oconee countv, who
recently died, when 86 years old .-piu
in one day, 225 rails from very rough