Newspaper Page Text
Augusta, Ga., May 28th, 1886.
Editors Union Recorder:
Augusta is full of Presbyterian Min
isters. A remarkable fact is that most
of them are tall. One can see them
<ui the streets, a block or two in the
distance, towering far above the aver
age Augusta man. They are all well
dressed, and appear to be well fed.
As a rule, the Presbyterian preacher
is well provided for—comfortably
housed, kindly treated, and well paid.
This is right." No minister of God
.should be allowed to suffer for the
comforts of this life, while trying to
save the souls of his fellow men.
The General Assembly is composed
of the most intelligent men in the de
nomination. many of whom are ex
ceedingly handsome. Their meetings
have been held daily in the First Pres
byterian Church, which at times has
been crowded to its utmost capacity.
The debate on Evolution drew large
crowds. (Overtures had come up from
several Presbyteries begging for ‘‘de
liverance'’ upon this subject. These
overtures were referred to a special
committee, with Dr. Armstrong as
chairman. There were two reports.
The majority recommended the As
sembly to declare its adherence to the
belief that Adam and Eve were crea
ted, body and soul, by immediate act
of Almighty God, without any natu
ral animal parentage of any kind, out
of matter previously created of noth
ing.” The minority recommend that
the General Assembly should not
make a deliverance on the subject.
The discussion that followed lasted
the whole of Monday and most of
Wednesday, Tuesday being set aside
for the celebration of the Quarto Cen
tennial. Many able (?) speeches on the
subject of Evolution were made, and
the majority report was adopted by
an overwhelming vote. Put after all,
what has the Presbyterian Church
gained? What light has it thrown up
on this perplexing question? What
right has that, or any other church to
say that the creation of Adam and
Eve .were immediate acts, when the
Word of God is silent on the subject?
Suppose the theory of Evolution
can be established as a fact? How
would that alt**r man’s relations to
his Creator? The truth remains that
God breathed into man the breath of
life, and “he became a living soul'’.
Hi s accountability to God is the same
whether he was created by an imme
diate act or was evolved from an in
ferior grade of animals. P strikes me
that the Assembly wasted much of
their precious time in the discussion
of a useless subject.
An enthusiastic meeting of dele
gates irom the counties on the pro
posed line Of the Chattanooga Air
5dne Road was held in Augusta this
week. Earnest men met earnest men
face to face. For a time politics was
forgotten. Bacon and Gordon were
• not thought of. A railroad was want
ed, a railroad must be built, and so
the whole talk of the earnest men was
about this railroad. Practical speech
es were made, practical plans were
laid, and the delegates left Augusta
assured that in a few months the iron
horse will be snorting oyer the track
of the Chattanooga Air Line.
A daring robbery occurred at the
house of one of our citizens last Wed
nesday. The children of Mr. Geo. A.
Denning, one of our largest contrac
tors, were attending the Houghton
1 institute picnic at Schultz's Hill, S. C.
During the afternoon Mrs. Denning
locked up the house and walked to
her section in the city cemetery. On
her return she was surprised to find
every window open. On entering, a
hasty glance disclosed the fact that a’
thief had broken into the house dur
ing her absence and helped himself to
-whatever his fancy suggested. Six
medals, several breastpins, rings, and
jewelry of all kinds were missing.
That night while the family were
•grieving over their loss, a colored man
-by the name of Mattox called at the
.houseand returned all of the missing
•articles, save a gold ring. On being
'questioned lie said that his little son—-
eight years of age—had stolen the
jewelry and placed them in a hole
under a certain store in the vicinity.
The father's suspicion was aroused by
seeing a part of the stolen property
on bis son's person. He immediately
wrung a full confession from the boy,
-and lnul him locked up in the Guard
House for the night. (Sometime ago
this same boy stole a horse and bug
gy from Mr. James Bailey of tin’s city,
rsurely there is need of a Reformatory
Institution for Richmond County.
Measles are still prevailing all over
the city. In some instances it is a se
verer type than the common measles.
Some have been known to have this
disease twice during the present sea
The different schools are making
preparations for their closing exercis
es. In most of the schools the linal
examinations last only three days.
At the Houghton Institute the exam
ination takes upj an entire "scholastic
• week. This institution is now prepar-
for a brilliant commencement.
Washington, May 26.—Dr. 1 ierie,
of New York, a brother-in-law of the
late Vice President Hendricks, called
at the White House on Saturday, and
was closeted with President Cleve
land a full half hour.
“It is a fact'’, he said when he final
ly emerged, “the president is to be
married. If he had not told me so, I
would know he is to be married any
how. I have been married more than
once, and can tell w T hen a man intends
to take a wife.”
“Did you ask him the question?
the reporter inquired.
“I did, and he said the marriage
was to take place on the 16th of June. 1
It is stated by a friend of the presi
dent that rooms for a number of the
Folsom family have been engaged at
the Carrolton hotel, in Baltimore,
from the 12tli to the l4tli proximo.
This is interpreted to mean that the
relatives of the bride-elect are to stop
in the monumental city, where they
will be joined by Mr. Cleveland, and
from there go to Buffalo, where the
wedding is to take place. On account
of the death of the grandfather the
wedding is to be in private.
Among our Exchanges.
miles from Atlanta to
JUNK 2d,
Washington, May 28.—President
Cleveland will be married at the White
House on Wednesday evening, June
2d. to Miss Francis Folsom.
The recent death of a relative of
Miss Folsom lias changed the original
plans for the wedding, and invitations
will now be limited to a few of near
relatives and members of the Cabinet
and their -wives.
Rev. Dr. Sunderland of the First
Presbyterian church of Washington
will officiate. The ceremony will be
followed by a collation. The
ding in all of its details will be
and unostentatious.
Miss Folsom arrived at New
from Europe kist night on tlie
werp steamer Nordland. Slie was
met at the steamer at quarantine
station by Col. Dan Lamont with a
revenue cutter and landed at one of
the up-town piers on the North river.
Her coming by an Antwerp steamer
was so little regarded as -within the
possibilities that only two of the New
{ York morning papers, and not any of
the telegraphic reporters, had the
news. The reporters generally were
watching British steamship liners.
Washington, May 28.—[Special.]
It is 1,018
New Y T ork.
Dr. Felton speaks in Macon county
today for Bacon.
Labor discontents and some strikes
continue in Chicago on the number of
working hours.
The Ordinary of Madison county
has refused to issue any more licenses
to sell -whisky.
Mrs. Carrie N. Preston, wife of Col.
J. W. Preston, died of consumption,
in Monticello, on 21st ult.
We learn from the Eatonton Mes
senger that Mr. W. J. Martin, a prom
inent and esteemed citizen of Putnam
county, died on the 22d, ult.
Chicago, May 24.—It is learned on
good authority that A. R. Parsons,
wanted for illegal complicity in the
Hay Market bomb throwing has been
The Griffin News has sold a column
of its space for “a reasonable compen
sation” to the anti-prohibitionists and
offers the same proposition to the
other side.—Macon News.
Pat Walsh says: “The issues of war
ought to have no place jn this can-
! vass. This is a civil contest between
i two distinguished members of the
! democratic party.”
Last Friday, in Atlanta, Mr. Dud
ley M. Hughs, president of the Macon
& Dublin railroad, signed $1,000,000
bonds. The road is being pushed to
The period of great bussiness pros
perity is postponed in Georgia until
after the elections. In the mean
time, General Green presses to the
front with all his gallant aggressive
ness.—Albany News.
Thirty-two years ago the father of
Alexander Bailes died, and after the
estate had been settled, as was sup-
weL posed, some papers and family relics
were locked in a chest and given to the
care of the boy's grand-mother. She
died and the chest went to the moth
er. Bailes -was married a while ago
and went to housekeeping in Green
ville. Mich., and his mother sent the
chest to him. He opened it, and in
the old family Bible found documents
which make him heir to property
worth $40,000.
How Powderly Made Himself
Useful.—A passenger train on the
Michigan Central road came to a sud
den and unexpected stop not long
ago. Engine disabled. Passengers
get off and watch the futile efforts of
the engineer to discover the cause of
the trouble. Quiet man among the
The long agonv is over. At last the passengers asks engineer to loan his
° • . n _-l 11.. n litfla aefnnicViQrl
public is in possession of the great se
cret.* The president is to be mar-,
ried next Wednesday. Washington (
breathes easier to-night, both be
cause all mystery is at last cleared |
away from this absorbing topic, and i
because the happy event is to occur ;
here instead of at the home of the
Folsoms, as has hitherto been re
ported. President Cleveland, accom
panied by Miss Cleveland, will go
over to New York Sunday night. On
Monday he will attend the decoration
day exercises. Tuesday morning the
presidential party will leave on an
early train for Washington. Miss i
Folsom, her mother and several other
relatives will come to Washington on
the same train. The Folsoms will be
the guests of Secretary Whitney un
til the wedding, which will occur at ,
8 o’clock Wednesday evening, at the i
white house. Only a few friends and
relatives, the members of the cabinet
and their families will be present at
the ceremony.
After the marriage there will be a
reception to congress, the diplomatic i
corps, army and navy officers and in
vited guests. The date originally set ,
was June 16th, but it was moved up i
two -weeks on account of the inces-1
sant gossip and the variety of com
ments which is said to have been
very annoying to both parties. This
will be the first wedding ever had in
the white house. It is thought per-
overalls. Engineer a little astonished
at the request but complies. Quiet
man puts them on, crawls under the
engine and, flat on his back, hammers
and tinkers for awhile, then he crawls
out. Engine moves off all right.
Name of quiet man, General Master
Workman Powderly, of the Knights
of Labor.—Texas Siftings.
The Gubernaterial Convention will
consist of 350 delegates, or two for
each member of the House of Repre
sentatives. Six counties will have six
delegates eaclj^ twenty-six counties
will have four (relegates each, and the
other counties will each have two
delegates. It is more than likely that
the majority rule will be adopted.
The old two-thirds rule was about the
only thing killed by the split in
the convention of 18S0 and the subse
quent red hot scrub race bet ween Col
quitt and Norwood, and it will pro
bably stay dead for a long time.
Were the two-thirds rule to be adop
ted in the coming convention it would
be morally certain that neither Gor
don nor Bacon could be nominated.—
Augusta Evening News.
Sometimes the confusion of a sim
ple-minded person is ludicrous, and
yet it seems ungracious to laugh. He
will say that it cost3 more to make
cotton"than it is worth in the markets,
but he is obliged to make it in order
to get money wherewith to pay the
fectly proper that Miss Folsom should j debt he was obliged to contract in or-
be married there as Mr. Cleveland is
her guardian as well as the groom
elect. F. H. R.
Capital Prize. $150,000.
lit Fr"»'"‘ 01
J\ r o. 17 South Wayne St.
•«*Oc lionc
Lville* b> ) _
c . anl>e fom,i
“We do hereby certify that we supervise the
arrangements for all the Monthly and Quar
terly Drawings of The Louisiana State Lotte
ry Companv, and in person manage and control ,, ^ — j # -
the Drawings themselves, and that the same are Tattled Goods viz.: DeSICated Cocoanut in quart fruit
conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good DOlwcu vxuuus, \T*
faith toward all parties, and we authorize the
Company to use this certificate, with fac-slmiles
of our signatures attached, in its advertise
The finest lot of Fancy Groceries in the cit}
We have just received from New York a fresh lot of (j a
-D/,Hlnd GnArb i-irj . Tipsionlorl Cocoanut in nnart. .
glass top, Queen Olives, nice lot Pickles, Durkey’s Sah
the be?
.■ancient a
|oial lialuc
We the undersigned Hanks and Bankers will
pay all Prizes drawn in the Louisiana State
Lotteries which may be presented af our coun
J. II. OGLESBY, Pres. Louisiana Nat l Ilk.
J. W. KILBRETH, Pres. State Nat l Bank.
A. BALDWIN, Pres. New Orleans Nat’lBk.
w Over Half a Million Distributed.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis-
tature for Educational and Charitable purposes
—with a capital of $1,000,000—to which a re
serve fund of over $550,000 has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise
was made a part of the present State Constitu
tion adopted December 2d, A. D.,1879.
Its Grand Single Number Drawings Will
take place monthly, it never scales or post
pones. Look at the following Distribution:
193rd Grand Monthly
In the Academy of Music, New Orleans,
Tuesday, June 15, 1886.
Under the personal supervision and manage
ment of
Gen. G. T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana and
Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia.
CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000.
#3rNotice.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only.
Halves, $5. Fifths, $3. Tenths, SI.
50 “
100 Approximation Prizes of $200..
100 “ “ 100..
|100 “ “ 75..
A Bacon Club will be formed in
-each of the city Wards tonight. Rich
mond county is solid for the States-
.man. Houghton.
Boards of Health endorse Red Star
-Cough Cure as a speedy and sure rem
edy for coughs and colds. Scientists
pronounce it entirely vegetable and
free from opiates. Price twenty-live
cents a bottle.
Eruption of Mount ^Etna.—Cat
ania, May 21.—The eruption of Mount
iEtna hourly increases. Molten lava
was only two hours distant from Nic-
olosi, eight miles from here on a slope
of the volcano, when ’the inhabitants
tied. Many dwellings were destroyed,
but no lives lost. Earthquake shocks
• are constantly occurring.
T. J. Tookewas dragged to death
by a mule near Perry a few days ago.
I he unfortunate man had become en
tangled in the harness while attempt-
.»Aig to dismount.
Houses R azed, Cattle Slain and
Crops Destroyed.—Danvilla, Ind.,
May 22.—A terrible wind and rain
storm over this (Hendricks) county
yesterday afternoon, doing great
damage. Many cattle and horses were
killed by falling trees. Hailstones fell
measuring two inches in diameter, to
the depth of six inches. Many houses
had all tlieir windows torn out by the
hail, The greatest damage is to the
growing wheat crop, now in full head,
and which is wholly destroyed along
the track of the storm, No lives were
lost so far as known, but several
houses are blown down.
The University.—Governor Mc
Daniel appointed the following gen
tlemen as a board of visitors to the
university of Georgia: Rev. W. J.
Scott, of Fulton; Professor W. H.
der to make the cotton. Advise him
to buy as much cotton as he must
have, especially as it is clearly cheaper
to buy than to produce, and at once
lie is overwhelmed with confusion.
He cannot understand at all that the
capital he borrowed really bought
the cotton at a loss. Why could he
not incur the same obligation an
make other crops as well as cotton?
Other crops are dearer to buy than to
make, and cotton is dearer to make
than to buy. Therefore he makes
cotton at a loss to buy other crops at
a loss. But he engages to deliver so
many bales of cotton in consideration
of the credit he secures. Well, he
ought certainly to discharge ?his obli
gations faithfully, but it would be
cheaper to pay commissions than to
deliver cotton with a loss in it. The
factor would be satisfied.—Clem in the
Perry Home Journal.
2,279 Prizes, amounting to $522,500
Application for rates to clubs should be made
only to the otllce of the Company in New Orleans.
For further information write clearly, giving
full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Mon
ey Orders or New York Exchange in ordinary
letter. Currency by Express (at our expense,)
New Orleans, La.,
Washington, D. C.
Me P.0.Money Orders payaWe
andaiira Registered Letters to
New Orleans, La.
May 11th, 1886. 44 5t
Crinkled Seersuckers, in all the
popular shades.
Crinkled Seersucker
In beautiful Shades—Linen Fin
ish Styles.
It is very evident at this stage of
the campaign that Gen. Gordon can-
Baker, Chatham; Professor W. S. Me- i not climb into the Governorship of
Carty, Jackson; J. B. S. Davis, Cowe
ta: Jas. G. Parks, Terrell; I. W. Avery,
Fulton; Rev. Groves H. Cartledge,
Franklin; W. U. Power, Cobb; Bur
ton Smith, Fulton, and A. S. Frank
lin, Newton.
At Butler, Wednesday, while Mrs.
C. C. West was feeling in her hus
band’s vest pockets for a match, a
rattlesnake measuring over two feet
in length dropped out. The lining
was torn, and it is thought that the
snake was coiled under it. Col. West
thinks it got into his pocket while he
was out fishing over two weeks ago.
At Athens the senior class of the
university have completed their recita
tions and they are now busy on their
final examinations.
North Carolina makes over a mill
ion dollars a year from dried black
berries. Despise not small things.
President Cleveland, who is 49, is
four years older than his mother-in-
Georgia by the skirts of Senator Jos.
E. Brown. Col. Avery, who was Gov.
Colquitt's secretary and who says he
knew all the facts, declares that Gen.
Gordon was opposed to the appoint
ment of Senator Brown. There is a
strong effort, however, on the part of
Gen. Gordon’s friends to array Senator
Brown’s against Major Bacon’s friends.
Senator Brown has wisely declared
that this is not his fight. He has too
much good sense to make a gratuitous
rally to save a forlorn hope. Senator
Brown is a man who, however much
he may have been opposed when he
entered the United States Senate, has
proven himself to be vigilant, earnest,
practical and progressive in his duties.
He has never lost an opportunity to
work for his State or its people." He
has proven a sound and a sagacious
leader. He has loaned himself to no
visionary schemes and relies upon no
illusory fame. He is a man of busi
ness sense and judgment and is not so
much concerned in the spontaneous
eruption of this political Etna in Geor
gia as some other people in and around
Atlanta.—Augusta Chronicle.
For Gentlemen
We liavo the newest styles of
Neckwear, Shirts and Collars—
Hosiery and Underwear.
Look at onr Elegant
Cashmere Capes!
Just the thing for a Spring Wrap.
Milledgeville, Ga., April 20, ’86. 8 ly
T HE BEST 5 cent CIGAR in town
at C. L. Case’s Drug Store. [15 tF
v - — m *• ■ - Ty
Tomato Catsup, Celery Salt, <fcc. Just received fresh T
and Pine Apples, both sliced and grated. TV e can suit v » n ,
will send us your orders or call on us and will make the
Price as Low as the Lowest
ve on hand the finest Coffee the market affords. j Csf J
t of the celebrated Murray Hill Java in handsome P J
We ha\
ed a lot of the celebrated Murray mu Java m nanuso^ o
toons, with screw top which makes it air tight and keeps^
aroma of the Coffee. In meats, we have White Meat ^
Bacon, Hams and Shoulders. Lard in any quantity.
to suit any man’s pocket book. Be sure to ask for our >
same. We can now furnish anything in the way oi PIC Nly (i
wanted. We do not pretend to advertise all we keep, as p
take up too much space. Try Cleveland Baking Powder sole
Calhoun and Gravely are the best
brands of tobacco, and you can al
ways find them at the new drug store
of Dr. T. H. Kenan. [35 tf
1 bo w lov
[ tower h
hin£ ^
jot of H
feu Ha 1
ture at /
at 5 o’c
Also our
Jersey Patent Flour,
We can’t help from bragging on our different grades of }
cause all of our trade tell us it is fine. Try it and be comincl
gr^Our regular patrons will please remember that we wffj
times try to fill their orders whether we have the goods in <
not. Goods delivered promptly and free of charge to any
ia\ erv
1, espe<
of con
well, tl
the city.
No. 17 Soutl} Wayne Street, Milledgeville.!
- Miller j
|ood an
lis bettt
Vg ladii
May 25th, 1886.
|e had i
Tut Hill
: ownei
Special Department
in m W*
in artei
iw Pi
[to tak
let, to
Eva us
Obt. Wh
"We wish to call the attention of the Merchants of this sectioj
our special and recently organized department.
Our facilities for handling Tobaccos in large quantities is s«
to none of any house in Georgia.
We have over twenty brands of Tobaccos and can suit anybod
either quality, quantity or price.
Our trade in these goods is increasing daily and we have
pie testimony that our goods are giving satisfaction.
We have recently purchased and now have in stock, a large
sortment of all grades of Cigars, and are now ready to meet all
orable competition in this line.
In Snuffs, we have different kinds and any size packages.
Re no
> nlon
See our Goods and Hear Our Prii
Is all we ask. We will certainly sell you.
W. T. CONN & CO]
|tlie £
Jobbers in Groceries and Tobacc
fill ai
|H say
Ime 1
me m
old ?
No. 22 and 24 South Wayne St., Milledgeville, Gm two
April 6th, 1886. " 291 «dun
New Advertisements, application for chart
UfAUTCn...l AnV Active anfl intelligent
|f Alt I uU LAUI to represent in her own
locality an old firm. References required. Per
manent position and good salary. GAY &
BROS, 16 Barclay St., N. Y.
Its CAUSES and CURE, by
one who was deaf twenty-eight
years. Treated by most of the noted spec
ialists of the day with no benefit. Cured
himself in three months, and since then hun
dreds of others by same process. A plain, sim
ple and successful borne treatment. Address
T. S. PAGE, 12S East 26th St., New York City.
-LADIES to work for us at
their own homes, $7 to $10
per week can be quietly made. No photo
painting: no canvassing. For full particu
lars, please address at once, CRESCENT ART
COMPANY, 19 Central Street, Boston, Mass.,
Box 5170. .
I havo a positive remedy for the above disease; by Its
_ dy l
Tjso thousands of cases of the worst kind and of ions
standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong Is my faith
in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE,
together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this di.eaM
td any eufferer. Give express and P. O. address.
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, 131 PearlSt., New York.
When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them
for a time and then hare them return again, I mean *
radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPI
LEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I
warrant my remedy to cure the worst eases. Because
others have failed uno reason for not now receiving a
sure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of
my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office.
[t costa yen nothing for a trial, and I will cure you.
Address Da. H. G. ROOT, 183 Pearl St., Mew York.
Parker’s Tonic
Baldwin County. >
his (
he 8
e la
a g
e &
i i
it a
A Pare Family Medicine that Never Intoiicates.
If you are a lawyer, minister or business man
exhausted by mental strain or anxious cares do
not take intoxicating stimulants, but use
Parker's Tonic.
If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out
with overwork or a mother run down by family
or household duties try Parker's Tonic.
CAUTION.—Refuse a'l substitutes. Parker's
Tonic is composed of the best remedial agents in
the world, and is entirely different from prepar
ations of ginger alone. Send for circular.
aiscox 6l co.,
163 William Street. New York.
Sold by all Druggists in large bottles at One Dol
For Sale.—Pure Plymouth Rock
Eggs for sale from select hens. $1.50
per setting of 13 eggs. Applv to
35 tf] W. A.’Cook.
To The Superior Court of
County: The petition of R. N
mar, C. AV. Ennis, T. W. Turk, J|
B. Wall, Solomon Barrett, 0. M.l
A. J. Carr, B. T. Bethune and K
Denton, showeth, that your ptuu
ers desire to be incorporated ui
the name and style of “The
of the Milledgeville Baptist Cliur«use]
which said church is located and in
ted in the City of Milledgeville and
State and county. The object of}
petitioners, is to protect said Lai
church and its property from tre;i
and intrusion, and to promote
cause of morals and religion m ■
City, County and State, for ul _
purpose your petitioners pra\ t
they may be permitted to exercise,
their corporate capacity, the p-
leges of having and using a cornaj
seal, if they so desire, to contract -
be contracted with, to sue anu
sued, to answer and be answered th
in any and all the Courts of law
equity in said State, to appoint,
officers as they may deem necessar}
make such rules and regulation:
they may think proper for their o
government, any three of whom ='
constitute a quorum for the tran*
tion of business and all vacancies
said Board of “Trustees” shall be
ed by the members of said Bapt
church and said Trustees shall hi
power to purchase, take, hold, recei
and enjoy, and sell such real esta
and personal property as may
necessary to enable said corporation
carry into effect the objects of tn<
incorporation, and to have,
and enjoy all the rights,
and immunities, incident to c0 . r P?
tjons of like character and descripu
and your petitioners pray the P a j^.
of an order by said Court gra
this their application, and that '
and their successors in office be 1
porated for and during the te 1
Twenty years with the prn u o J
renewal at the expiration J
Term, and that the same be recorag
as provided for by law, and
petitioners will ever pray &c. *
Petitioners AttoRS^J
Milledgeville, Ga., May 17th,