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be dull
Nothing gives a meal so much zest
as a well flavored salad. It seems
to give point and enjoyment
menu that might oth< u '
and uninteresting.
Real and White Slaw
Shave 1 red and 1 white cabbage
very thin. Take the center out •
the red cabbage for the shavinj
ve the hollowed out shell f>
Virgtate Egg M
2 eggs
2 cups milk
1-2 cup sifted com meal
1-4 cup of cooked cereal (grits
oatmeal etc.)
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon salt
Beat eggs add cooked cereal and
beat thoroughly. Add one cup of milk
corn meal melted butter and salt
the "salad * bowl"." JJix ~the "cabbage Stir well and then add other cup ot
with a boiled salad dressina in; milk. This makes a very thin
which you have sprinkled a few cel- ti
ery seeds.
Delirious Mixed Vegetable Salad
into greased pan (9 inch
I pan. about 1 1-2 inches dcepl and
i moderate oven.
Cut into shreds 1 head of lettuce.
6 stalks of endive and 1 head of ro-
maine. Cut 1 cup of cooked string
beans into 1 inch lengths and chrp
into small pieces 5 or 6 stalks of
celery. 1 green pepper and 1 bunch
of water cress. Mince finelv 1 tea
spoon of parsley. Peel a medium size
cucumber and slice cross-wise. Peel
an avocado and riice that thin length
wise. Slice crosswise 6 red radishes
and 1 cooked carrot. Cut 4
Pine Apple Charlotte
1 pint of cream
1 cup milk (
3-4 cup sugar
Juii. of one lemon
1 teaspoon vanillla
3 eggs
1 cup grated pineapple
1 1-2 tablespoons gelatine
1-3 cuo cold water
Pinch of salt
Dram pineapple. Dissolve gelatin
tomatoes into eights. Heap all these in 1-3 cup cold water. Heat milk,
vegetables lightly in the salad bowl [Beat egg yolks and add sugar pine-
with. a French dressing made by i apple juscc. then hot milk. Cook un
soaking 1 crushed clove of garlic ] til it coats the spoon. Melt gelatine
1- - proportion of 2-3 oil to 1-3 and add to mixture. Set aside until
vinegar half hour. Just before
On Wednesday evening July 3.
Misses Thelma and Ruth Taylor gave
_ prom and fan-well, party at the
home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Coxwell. in West Baldwin.
After enjoying games on the spaci
ous lawn and foilcaving the proms
light refreshments and ice cream
were served.
At a late hour the guests departed
after bidding their hostesses godspeed j
on their trip t'' Syracuse New York,
where they will make their future I
Those present were: Misses Lois j
Gladin. Mary Jewel Martin. Effie
McCullar. Beth Martin. Eva Lee |
Martin. Ellen Parker. Polly Weaver.
Frances Forshee. Doris Godard. |
Elizabeth Forshee. Addie Overman. |
Mary Overman. Emma Overman,
Genie Weaver. Mary Weaver. Thel
ma Taylor and Ruth Taylcr. Messers.
Thurmon Strickland. Edward Wea
ver. W. V. Weaver. Eugene Mixon,
Doris Mixon. M. A. Hodges. Walter
Hodges. Aaron Farmer. Rudolph
Flanders. Desmond Patterson. George
Gladin, Marvin Gladin. William
Childs. Nevins Hall. Francis Hall.
Lewis Hall, Charlie McCullar. Carol
Martin. George McCullar. Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. Coxwell and son Charlies,
B. Coxwell. Lewis McCullar.
the garlic and add 1 i Beat whites of eggs stiff,
spoon of sugar. 1-2 teaspoon salt, whipped cream. Add the pineapple
ttaspon drv mustard and pep- 1 and flavoring. Beat gelatine mixture
■ to teste. Beat well and pour | and *
go* as thick as whites of cegs. | Mrs _ Rebccca McCuUar , Mrs. Ethel
with cream mixture. Turn
mold to get firm.
Sunshine Cake
j 7-8 cups sifted flour
j 1-2 teaspoon cream of tartar
I 1-4 teaspoon salt
! 11-4 cups sugar
1-3 cup water
{ 5 egg whites, stiffly beaten
5 egg yolks, beaten until thick
paprika. $alt and j and l p nion color.
Ives of fresh pears or I 1 teaspoon vanilla,
canned pears. Dress lightlv with the ■ cream o. tartar and salt with
French dressing after cutting each | n ° ur f . our _ **
half into three lengthwise sections, w-ater
Arrange the grapefruit and pear sec- j drop 1
the salad bowl or on indi
salad bowl just before
nutting in the vegetables. Toss
lightly until every bit of salad is
coated with a thin film of dressing.
Grapefruit and Pear Hal ad
Separate the sections of a large
grapefruit, skin each section ana
remove seeds. Sprinkle lightly with
French dressing which has been
pepper. Use halves of fresh pears
vidua] nests of crisp lettuce leaves,
garnish with rings of green pepper
and chopped green mint cheiTies.
Dot with mayonnaise.
Bacon and Potato Salad
4 large or 6 medium boiled pota
1-2 Bermuda onion
1-2 pound bacon cut in small pieces
and fried.
2 hard cooked eggs
1-2 cup cooked peas
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon vinegar
Salt and paprika
1 head of l.-ttuce
Wash the lettuce, shred fine and
chill. Place in a 1art*e salad bowl,
Cut the potatoes in 1-2 inch cubes.
Add the onion, finely chopped, then
the bacon, vinegar and mayonnaise.
Season with the salt. Add to the
lettuce and garnish with the egg
slices, peas and paprika. The eggs
chopped finely and the cooked peas
may be added to the salad if you
Savory Green Bean Salad
Cook green beans until tender.
Prepare enough to make 2 cups: add
2 tablespoons chopped Rreen pickle.
1 cnion minced fine, l canned pi
mento. minced. 1-2 cup mayonnaise
which has been blended with 1-3 cup
chili sauce.^Mix, chill and sc;
lettuce leaves.
Orange Prune Salad
4 or 5 oranges peeled and sliced
20 prunes, cook'll
1 package cream cheese
1-2 cup celery finely cut
1-3 cup sweet pickle relish
Few drops tabasco sauce
20 California walnut kernels
Arrange 5 orange circles on each
lettuce lined plate. Center every
circle with a prune, cooked until
tender, cooled, pitted and stuffed
with the cream cheese to which the
celery, pickle relish and tabasco
sauce have been addeJ. Place
California Walnut on each cheese-
stuffed prune. Serve with French
dressing, mayonnaise or a sweetened
fruit salad dressing.
Fruit Salad
Take 1 pint of shredded cabbage.
1 can cl white cherries. 1
sliced pineanple. 1 pound of blanch
ed almonds. 1-2 pound of fresh
marshmallows and 1 pint of whipped
cream. Cut the cherries into halves,
shred the almonds, quarter the
marshmallows and mix all together
with the whipped cream and a few
tablespons of mayonnaise. Serve on
lettuce beds.
Vegetable Salad
1-2 rup corked green beans
1-2 rup cooked asparagus
1-2 cup diced celery
1-2 cup sl’ccd cucumbers
1-8 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons chopped green pep
1 tablespoon chopped onion
1-4 cup French dressing
Mix and chill ingredients and
serve on lettuce leaves.
soft ball forms when
poured in cold w-ater. Pom-
fine stream over egg whites
beating constantly. Continue beat
ing as mixture cools. Fold in egg-
yolks and flavoring, then flour, a
small amount at a time. Pour into
ungreased tube pan. Bake in a slow
oven 40 minutes, then decrease heat
and bake 30 minutes longer. Re
move from oven and invert pan one
hour or until cold.
Lento* Filling for Layer Cake
1 cup sugar
1 cup boiling water
2 2-3 tablespoons corn starch
1 egg yolke, well beaten
1-8 teaspoon salt
Grated Rvnd 1 lemon
1 tablespoon butter
1-4 cup lemon Juice
Combine all ingredients except
lemon juice. Cook over hot water
until thick, smookth. and transpar-
Add lemon juice. Cook 5 min-
Top cake with 7 minute white
Meat Loaf
1 lb ground round steak
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 egg slightly beaten
2 tablespoons chopped onions
1-4 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 cup coarsely broken crackers
Combine all ingredients. Form
loaf. Bake in moderate oven 375 de
grees F. about 1 hour. Serve w-il
tomato sauce.
Plain Muffins
2 cups flour
4 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons melted shortening
1 cup of milk
3 teaspoons baking powder
1-2 teaspoon salt
1 egg well beatert
Sift flour, measure and sift wi
Parker and daughter Jewel Parker,
also Mr. W. R. Batsford. Mr. Wil
liam Boothe and Mr. Fred Gale of
Syracuse New York)
Clayton. Ga.. July 3.—Guy Wells,
Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Guy Wells,
is attending the Dixie Camps for
boys where he is leader of Cabin 13.
One hundred and seventy-one
campers are enrolled at the Dixie
Camps for Boys for the 1935 sea-
Special Fourth of July programs
have been arranged for the Dixie
campers and they will be climaxed
with the bombardment and sinking
of the claming raft on the Dixie lake
During the aftdmoon the cabin lead-
rill play the staff members in
a game of baseball. Wells p lavs first
base for the cabin leaders. This will
be the first game in round robin
For those on beds of sickness.
Or fettered by dread fear.
We ask Thee, loving God,
Our meek petition hear.
We pray that Thou wilt help
All those bowed down by grief.
That Thou in tender love
Wilt send them swift relief.
Give courage to the frail.
And strength unto the weak;
Hear those afflicted ones
Who peace and respite seek.
Dear God. we humbly pray
That Thou good health wilt give.
To all Thy children dear,
And show them how to live.
—Grenville Kleiser in Dalton Citi-
Regular communi
cation Benevolent
Lodge No. 3 FA AM
First and T*iird
Tuesday’s 8:S© P.
M. Visiting Breth-
eren welcome.
R. SMITH. Sec’ty.
baking powder and salt. Combine
egg. shortening, milk and sugar. Add
dry ingredients. Beat only until
smooth. Fill well oiled muffin tins
2-3 full. Bake in hot oven (425 de
grees F.) 15-20 minutes.
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