The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, January 07, 1853, Image 3

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COTTON STATEMENT. \ i ? w~ ~'a % 51 V < 5. s. ° % f C <> ►a *3 “ © [ S a - £ (2 | 1 | 2 *"3 _> V 7T 1 g*f 5 - i 1 | f f§ I, s § £ % & f •§ r £• a % •< ? 3 s ft Weck~encl’firl 1 Jan. 3, 1852. 860 783 21134 35874 2860 16751 21611 14263 Week end’s | Jan. 1, 1853. 229 4731 35172 22777 2248 8142 10390 12387 Columbus, Jan. 6. The market is brisk, the demand good in anticipation of the A .•’■’<* advices. Receipts light. We quote Mid dling 8 3-8 : good Middling 8 5-8 ; Middling Fair 8 3-4. Augusta, Januaiy 5. Monday opened with a good inquiry, and after the receipt of the Pacific’s advices fuller prices were paid. Yester day, Tuesday, the demand continued good, and holders were enabled to realize an advance of s(a)+ cent on the pri ces of Saturday, Good Middling bringing y cents, and Mid dling Fair 9l(3)9i— at these prices our market closed film, with a light offering stock. i Charleston Market, Jan. 5. Yesterday, the 3d inst., there was a good demand for the Vt a, tide, and the transactions for the day amounted to 1469 bales, the paiticulara of which are a3 follows: 25 bales at 7*; 119 at 7 13-16; 40 at 7}; 15 at 8; 30 at 81; 5 at 8f; 5 at 8!; 11 at 81; 340 at 8*; 204 at 8*; 45 at 8i; 168 at 9; 31 at 9|; 209 at 9s; 50 at 91, and 172 bales at 10c. Prices are full with an upward tendency. Savannah Market, Jan. 5. Cotton.— -The market was quiet yesterday, with sales of 422 bales, viz .:—4 bales at 8 ; 14 at 8? ; 51 at 81; 42 at 3s; 127 at 9; 105 at 91; and 79 at 9Jc. Operators are aw'aiting further foreign accounts now due. The market closed firm and the sales nraie wore at full prices. I Havana , Dec. 29. Messrs. Editors :—The manufacturers in this city have had almost entirely to suspend operations in consequence of a great many of their workmen being sick with the small pox, which has been almost general, both in the city and in the vicinity. i COraCITPROCEEDmGS. Council Chamber, Jan. 3, 1853. Ordered that an Election be held at the Court-House, on Monday, Bth inst., for an Alderman of the ssh Ward, to fill a vacancy occasioned by a failure to elect but one Al dermao in sa ; d Ward on Saurtday last. Beit further Ordered, That the Polls be opened at 10 o’clock, A. M., and chued at 4 o’clock, P. M., by the Mar shal. By older of the Mavor. CALVIN STRATTON, Clerk. Council Chamber, Dec. 13, 1852. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Present his Honor the Mayor, Aid. Barden, Herringdine* Hogan, Lively. Pruden, Perry, Quin, Robison, Spencer’ Wilkins and Williamson. The journal of the last meeting was read and approved. By Aid. Hogan— The committee appointed to confer with the President of the Gas Light Company, in relation to the location of a site for the erection of the building, state that the President and committee have agreed to locate the Works on the lot lying on the River Bank, immediately west of the Eagle - Factory Boarding House—the company agreeing to grade the bank of the River opposite said lot and protect it from being washed away by freshets. T. M. HOGAN, A. J. ROBISON, JOHN QUIN. f.On motion the above report was received and adopted. PjArAld. Quin — inlhe committee appointed by his Honor the Mayor, to I on the petition of many citizens in regard to the j ■, (Warning the Commons, report that they have attended to i x\fe duties required of them. And we find that it is irnprac- * ticable to do so by Council, in as much as most of the brick ; holes are beyond the limits of the city. We would recom- j mend that with the permission of the owners of the several brick holes, that Council take measures to drain the brick j holes now on the City Commons, into the mam ditch run ning through the East Commons ; and would further re commend tnat if the owners of said brick holes, would per mit the main ditch to be cut so as to run through the brick holes, it would be the means of furnishing a constant supply of fresh water, which in the opinion of your committee, would tend greatly to improve the health of that part of the city. We find that Mr. Hays lia3 trespassed on the Com mons in digging brick holes in direct violation of his con tract with Uouncil. However, Mr. Hays has gone to work ; to repair the damage. We would therefore recommend no proceedings against Mr. Hays, as he states that he did not j know that"he was trespassing or infringing on his contract with Council. All of which is respectfully subnmttted. JOHN QUIN. T. M. HOGAN, T. R. HERRINGDINE, 1 A. J. ROBISON. F. G. WILKINS. Or motion the above report was received. Bv Aid. Williamson — Whereas, a nuisance on the South East Commons of the j City of Columbus, and n sar the brick yard, that is destruc- j tion to the health of the citizens, and requires removal. Be j it therefore ordained, by the Mayor and Council of the city I of Columbus, That the sum of—-—Dollars be and the r same is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treas ury not otherwise appropriated for draining the grounds- j around and near the brick yard, on said South East Com j mons of the city of Columbus, and the removal of said nuisance. j Whereupon, Aid. Perry offered the following as a sub stitute: , . Resolved, That a committee be appointed to make a contract to have the brick holes (that are complained ol ) j on the East Commons drained or filled up. (Adopted.) j In agreeing thereto,thb yeas and nays were required to j • be recorded—yeas 9, nays 2. Those who vo’ iin the affirmative, wero Aid. Barden, Ilogan, Herringdine, Lively,Pruden, Perry,Quin, Robison, j and Spencer. Those who voted in the negative, were Aid. Wilkins and Williamson Whereupon, his Honor the Mavor appointed Aid. Perry, Williamson and Herringdine | a* tnat committee. By Aid. Wilkins— Resolved, That a committee be appointed to investigate the causes of complaint in the Magazine, and also the con struction of the building, &c. (Adopted.) . Whereupon, his Honor the Mayor appointed Aid. Wil kins, Hogan and Spencer, as that committee. R. M. Gunbv, President of the Eagle Manufacturing Cos., submitted a petition in behalf of the operatives in the several ; Manufacturing establishments, desiimg aid from the eity in consequence of their being out of employment by the late ‘ disastrous freshet. , I Whereupon, Aid. Wilkins offered the following resolu tion : Resolved, That the Mayor and Council of the city o ’ Columbus, appropriate tire sum of— Dollars, to be ; applied to relieve the distress, among the operatives of the J different Manufacturing Establishments located in this city, occasioned by the late freshet: and that said appropriation ► bo placed in the hands of a committee of Council for dis tribution. _ j Oa motion of Aid. Hogan, the blank was filled withSO j dollars. (Adopted.) _ ! Whereupon his Honor the Mayor appointed Aid. v> il kins, Quin, Hogan, Perry and Barden as that committee. On motion or Aid. Perry, his Honor the Mayor was ap pointed Chairman of said Committee. r By Aid. Lively— To the Mayor and Council of the City of Columbus. Gentlemen :—New business arrangements render it ne- . cf'ssarv for nre to resign nrv seat in your honorable body.— > Tins is therefore my resignation, which is respectfully and j affection. tely tendered to vour body. Very Respectfully, Yours, i GEORGE W. LIVELY. j On motion received. , Ar, account was p/•'sen ted to Council in favor of Neptune ! Fir,- Company,No. 3, id - $36,00. Ordered t,, paid. Council then adjourned Monday uext, December 20, at half pad 7 o’clock, P. M. CALVIN FTR ATTON, Clerk. TEACHER WANTED. I ‘ teach s small school about eight miles from * ,’olumbus, on p the Alabama side. A pleasant and healthy neighborhood. PHlary will he paid for c competent gentleman r. w Add re.-.- \V. hOWTUBR, - v Uumbu*. Jaa. 7—Stwtf J. \V. ALLEN. mareifd Mr° J.Sw nfvnl n !^ , ,? 3d J llt -’ hy tl ‘ e Rev - W ‘ w - Robison, By ihe i u f ‘ SS / iRAn Skinner, all of Muscogee co. Dor ks o l “ Csd:iy evening, 29ih ult.. Mr. Benjamin Columbus S ° e coum >’’ to Elizabeth Holcomb, of OBITUARY. Died in this city, on the sth of December ult., Mrs tw* Fv* Hoffman, a native of Bavaria, in the 35th year of her a “e Wi,s beloved by all who had the happiness ofknowing erin this community. Although retiring in her habits she n0 fl opport, T ,i,y t 0 pas9 ’ wi, bout contributing ’m h<? pre sence and means, to works of charity and religion • amiatilfPm her Intercourse with others, a devoted wire, a fond and affection ber memory will long remain fresh and green in the hearts of those who knowing her, loved her. Fortified by the sacraments of the Catholic Church of which she was a fervent, devoted member, filled with faith -oirl n imK hope, imbued with an ardent love of he, no terrors for her-she sank in its embraccs hv2 deeply afflicted lamily, to whose care and comfort her be<t ener gies had been devoted, a model of a Christian mother may her children emulate her virtues, and mny^hej-^^ Columbus Fire Company No. 1 A , ‘“P annual election held on the evening of the 4th the fol ‘ v r’ f.™ Gesner T n L Uoitch , Assistant Foreman; W. . I ouglass, J. .M. I'.stes. E. Lawhon and B. Townelev. ’ „ IIT? NOTICE. HIE company will meet for drill on the evening of the*oth January at 7 o’clock P. M. By order of the Foreman Columbus, Jan 7-2tw6t GESN KR, Pec’ry. A CARD. TzfnsofrnS tender g his mostsincere thanks to the clti mostTr/wn Sr! n nd vicinity for past patronage, and would a ffont,, ont, . nimiice of l be same; he would an tnrJt h!i? bh nV t iat tbe 81tuation his business is of such dnl. h compelled to do an entire Carsli Bu of nmt i knowing full well that there are such a number p ‘% en led to credit, that if they were to ask the j ‘ cnild not re use, even to his personal r.u’.i? 1 hope no one w,u mak e application for Ck kb it ,at the same trnie, as most of the”c mrnuni<v can iust as w r ell Khl°met f H ° E 'V 39 Wel ‘ °l ie ,ime “wll! enabh- me to keep a better stock of goods.—l hope no one will h Th erDl8 n nd *n hl ! ol<i tlleir patronage on account of c Banie - Tho public will please patronise me, as I need pat ronage. D. A. GARRETT. Columbus, January 7 Imtw&ltw To Sell or Rent. , A VL ‘ r y desirable residence, ttiree and a half miles si ••>> the city. The place contains two hundred acres— -22431 one hundred and twenty acres in cultivation. There is nii^nfTha* d,dfriut .bnthe place, good improvements, and pu?cS. 10 ““ —*• !be Q.l„mb ll .,J a n7-&tw4t At V *™ >J ’ * Eclor ’ s FOR RENT. M A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street ad joinmg Captam Barrows and E. 8. Greenwood. Columbus, Jan. 7—2 twtf L ” m E'STj AN. LOANS MADE ON PRODUCE, STOCKS, NOTES, &c., &c. Apply to THOMAS CHAFFIN, Columbus, Jan. 7—2w3wtw At J. & J. Kyle’s MRS. H. E. MARBLE, ~ Will resume the exercises of her School for YOUNG LADIES, on Monday next, 10th inst. Columbus, Jan. 7— twit RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. B. S. returned from New York, where he critically inspected, in ■ i various Dental 1 laboratories, some of the best woik that can be done, and availed himself of addi tional means to execute the same styles with dispatch. Also, to operate on the teeth, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. Columbus, January, 7—twtf Notice: DANCUIgT ACADEMY. VXT’R respectfully give notice to our present and former pat > V rons, that .duringthe next term of our Class, Mr. Demur est will remain permanently in Columbus. We have found it necessary to our interest, as wrell as better for the advancement of our pupils, to pursue this course, instead of alternating be tween Montgomery and this city, weekly. Mr. Demerest will teach all the NEW and FASHIONABLE DANCES, known to the polite and elegant art, which we possess. The first party of the Academy will come off on FRIDAY EVENING, J AN. 14th. where Mr. D. will be happy to see all the former patrols and pupils. Columbus, a 1 7—twit if BINSON fc DEMUREST. LOOK TO YOUR INTERSBT ! rjMIE subscribers having determined to close their business, .1. offer their large and well assorted stock ot GROCERIES at Reduced Prices, For Cash. Thev would also beg to say to those indebted, that early pay ments would be quite acceptable. Columbus, Jan. s—twtf E. BARNARD & €■'. DANCING ACADEMY. MR. GEORGE W. DEMEREST very thankful to the citizens of Columbus and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage here tofore extended to him, begs leave to reyew to them the offer of his services to teach a second quarter in she polite Art of dancing. lie will, therefore, resume the exer< rses of his Academy at Concert Hall for Misses and J/asters on .Saturday morning, the Bth of January next at 9 o’clock. Hours of tuition for Misses and Masters every Saturday, from H till 12 A. M., and from 2 till 5 o’clock, P. M., exclusively on Saturdays. Hours of tuition for Gentlemen, every Friday and Saturday Evening from 7 till 9)4 o’clock. Terms of Tuition $lO. No deduction will be made for lost time, except lit esses of sickness. Columbus, Jan. s—w&twtf EDUCATION. DR. NEISLER will open a School for Boys In this city, on -Monday next, at the Academy formerly occupied by Mr. Jsham. * Columbus, Jan. s—lw3t FOR SALE. * first rate building lot of iwenty acres in Wynnton, near Mrs. i V Shepherd; also, a fine building lot of half an acre, in the city, next above Mrs. Boykin’s residence, on the corner. Price low and terms easy. GEORGE W. WINTER. Columbus, Jan. s—tw3t A GREAT BARGAIN ! ! A~HL FOR SALE, within ten minutes’ ride of the city, a very jjdj J, desirable residence. The house has five good rooms, with kitchen, servant rooms, store rooms, Ac., in the basement, good out-houses and good water, and surrounded by good neighbors ; there are about seventeen acres of land, a portion of it in the woods, attached to the place, and will sell it at a bargain. Columbus, Jan. s—twtf JV *. A. J'-NES. VBOY wanted, from fourteen to sixteen years of age, to learn the Bookbinding business. He must have a good common education. Apply at the Book Btore of Columbus, Jan. s—3t A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. BEEBE & CO., 15G Broadway, New York. Spring Fashion for Gentlemen's Ha ts,\ 185.3. a BEEBE at CO., respectfully solicit the orders of their patrons and the public, for such goods in their line ns w>ll be wanted at the commencement of spring trade ; the ob ject is to afford ample time to manufacture the Hats, and have them ready for shipment in time to offer for sale on the 12th of February, when the Fashion will be introduced in New York. The following is a li-r of their established prices, subject to five per cent, discount: Terms (.'ash”—S3t §39. $42. $-15, S4B, ssl, arid $54 per dozen, for fine, iashionable, black flats, and from 542 to sfib per dozen for white Rocky Mountain Silver Beavers. New York, Jan, s —twfit . T- S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Booms ovpr'Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s— l w&twly. Georgia, Muscogee county—Whereas, Benjamin Matte'* applies tor letters of administration on the estate of Aaron Johnson, late of said county, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, if any they | have, whv the administration of said estate, should nr t be granted I to said applicant at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and r or i s county on the first Monday in February next, i Given under mvhand, this 4:5i o: January. 1553, Jan. s—2wst JNO. JOHNSON. Ordinary. I vetiee to Debtors and Creditors—All persons in > debted to the estate o. John A. Walker, deceased, are re -1 quested to come forward and make payment, and those holding I claims against said estate are requested to present them duly au ; thenticated to me. 3 AS. 8. WALKER, Adm r. January s—2w7t For Sale. \ Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below Boston prices. For particular*. apply at this office. Columbus. Jan. 4—tt EDUCATION. MRS. ABBOTT will resume her CHILD'S SCHOOL, neai th® East Common, on Monday. 17th January, 1853. t'®luiabas, D®e £9—two. GUANO. MY Guano has arrived and is at Greenwood &. Co.’s Ware house for sale. Columbus, Dec 29—tw&wtf J R JONES. °nirer and Sentinel copy three times each. WANTED, TN a private famHy in Columbus, a HOUSEKEEPER of good experience, who has no family. Address Post Office box No. *49. Columbus, Dec 15—twtf FLOUR!FLOUR! AT WINTER’S PALACE MILLS! WE will receive this day, and continue to keep on hand, for our customers, a supply of F L OU R from the celebrated Montgomery Mills, until we are able to resume operations. Columbus, Dec 15—twtf C. T. INSEKE, Agent. LIKELY NEGROES FOR SALE* TH E subscriber has for sale a lot of choice and valuable ne groes which he eflers for sale at very reasonable prices. — There are among them good field hands, Railroad, Steam Boat, and Steam Baw Mill bands, one first rate Engineer arid Sawyer. Several first class Seamstresses, Washers and Ironers. Also, a good nurse and clean starcher, His house is at the foot of the Bridge in Girard, 4,1a. Dec 15-tw& wtf J. M. AfcKEB. NEW JEWELRY’ STORE. f'UHE subscribers would most respectfully inform the citizens X of Columbus and vicinity that they have just opened—at the store East side of Broad street, formerly occupied by M. H. : Dessau, and next door to George A Nortis—one of the RICH- • EST jSKI) MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCKS OFJEIV-) ELIIY, ever before offered in this market, consisting in part of the following articles: Patent Levers, I etaclied Levers, U’Epine and Vorge Watches—Bracelets, Jr’S Breast Pins, Ear and Finger Ring's/ GikLhida Gents Breast andScarf Pins. Togethet with Silver and Plated goods of all kinds and descrip tionfl. Also a splendid lot of ladies & gentlemen's Port Monnaies. ! The subscribers intending to make Columbus their permanent j residsnee, would respectfully request a share of the public pat- ! rouage. Repairing Watches, Jewelry, Ace., executed at the ! shortest notice, and with neatness and durability—all work done by them will be warranted. HERB & FCtIWED. Columbus, Dec 10—t'.v&wlm Cement for Sale. A LOl 1 of superior Rosendale Cement, bv the barrel. Apply 1 jr\ at the office of ROCK ISLAND FACTORY. f Columbus, Dec 11—If Watches Repaired. zsoo A skilful Watchmaker and Jeweller, engaged by the undersigned in New York, has just arrived, and we j * SR are now prepared to give the best satisfaction to friends ! and customers having work to be done. All work warranted. Oct 2 WHITTELSEY & CO. rpHE late firm of HILL. DAWSON fc CO., at Appaiachicola, A having been dissolved by the death of John R. Dawson—’ the undersigned beg 1 e%ye to inform their friends and former pat- j rons, that the business will be continued by them as heretofore, ‘ under the name and style of J. B. HILL Sc CO. J. Lb HILL. j Columbus,Nov 17—tlj H. K. HILL. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW” YORK j AND FOR SALE CHEAP. AT Agency of Rock Island Factory, a splendid article of En- j glish Cream and Blue Laid letter paper, unruled. Also French Extra Superfine Blue and White Letter paner ruled and ! unruled. G. B. CURTIS Agent, Columbus, Dec 10-twlm NOTICE. GREAT SALE OF LAND AND NEGROES. THE subscriber, wishing to close his planting interest, will offer for sale at public out-cry on Friday and Saturday the 21st and 22d of January next, in the town of Lumpkin, in Stewart ounty, Seventy likely negroes, amongst which is a wagoner, a good blacksmith and three good sawyers and forty choice plantation hands. ALSO —AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE : Twenty likely mules, three valuable yokes of steers, two carry logs for saw milks a large stock ®f bogs and cattle, and a largo quantity of plantation utensils. AI.SO—AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE: My settlement of land in Stewart county, on the Hannahatchee Creek, containing about 2100 acres—Boo acres cleared and in good repair—soo acre® of which was cleared tbe past and the present year. There is oil these premises a fine trow Merchant Mill, with three tetts of runners and anew Saw Mill, with two saws and a heavy supply of timber, all in possession of a good patronage. The terms of sale will be for the negroes X cash, the balance of the purchase money on acredit unlit tr.e first of January next, The lands will be sold on a credit of one, two, and three” years, without interest. The first payment commencing on the first of January 1854. The lnn<l would make four settlements with hous es adapted to each—and wouid be sold in part or otherwise, at private sale between this and the days of sale, with or without the mills. The balance of the property wiil be sold on time until the first of January, 1854. From purchasers, notes, with approv ed security will be required. Ail sums under ten dollars, cash. Lumpkin, Dec 28—52w3t JAMES CLARKE. VALUABLE PLANTATION AND MILLS ~ WE will sell, on Monday, the tenth day of January'. 1853, (mi lesssold privately before,) our plantation, containing m ACRES rill?: COTTON land—lSO Cleared. There is, on the premises, a first rate CORN and WHEA T MILL, together with a SAW MILL, recently fitted out, new, with uti the latest improvements. Tire place is twenty miles south of Columbus,’ near tbe Lump kin road, and two miles south of Jamestown, in one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Georgia. We will also sell, at the same time and place, all of our stock, consisting of some extra FINE MULES, OXEN, COWS, AND HOGS, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, Ac., £lc. Terms made known on the day of sale. GUNN k. WHITE, Jamestown, Muscogee county, Dec 28—2tw BOOTS ! BOOTS!! J GENTS fine French calf and water-proof Bools; “ calf and kip pegged do Boys’ sewed and peg’d do Youth’s and Children’s do Nov 10—wAtwtf Just received by I. C. CHANDLER. LADIES’ SHOE*. EMBROIDERED patent leather Toilett SLIPS; Bronze and black French Kid C&iySjsfci&fa;., Bronze Kid BOOTS, p. 1. tipp’d : and a large stock of new style Walking Slues; also, white Satin and Kid SLIPPERS, just received by Nov 10—w&twtf L C. CHANDLER. For the Country. \ LARGE stock of .MEN'S, WOMEN'S, JUfD CHIL i)U E-JY'S SHO ES, made very substantially, and adapted to the wants of the country. House servant, and plantationMides, just received by Nov JO—w& I. C. CHANDLER. TEAS! TEAS!! BLACK and GREEN of the first quality from the* Pekin Tea Company. For sa’e by DANFORTH & NAGEL. Columbus. 0 ... Dec 18 —ts POTASH! O /t kA Fob. best Potash, for sale by DANFORTH 4c NAGEL Columbus, Ga.. Dec I s —ts FOR RENT. A commodious and pleasant, sleeping room in Winter’s Build ing over Music Store of Whittelsev & Cos. Apply to Columbus, Dec3 —ts WHITTELSEY 4c CO. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. XTTE hope to be able to resume work, very soon after Chriut- T 7 mas, and having on the way the best lot of Wheat ever shipped to us : our friends may expect a little of the best Flour they ever saw. {Tgf*Cash paid for Corn and Wheat as usual. Columbus, Dec 3—ts * C. T. INSLEE, Agent. Youth’s Clothing. A large Jot of YOUTHS and CHILDREN CLOTHING, f\_ Oct 13— Just received by J. H. .MERRY. Furnishing Goods. CRAVATS, Stocks, Silk, Lambs Wool, Cashmere, Merino and Cotton under Shirts and Drawers: Kid, Silk, Cashmere Cloth and dog skin Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, &x, Oct 13— Just received by J H MERRY. Shirts ! Shirts ! ! \FCLL Fall supply of Morrison’s best SHIRTS —all sizes and . qualities—3 plv tollars, &c. Just received bv October 13- * J H MERRY. JUST RECEIVED. OF.VENTY FiVEyoung negroes, consisting of Men, Women, plow Boys and |G Iris, which we will sell at the lowvst market prices. ’ C. 8. HARRISON it CO. Columbus, Dec 10 fit MIDWIFE. MRS*. VINCENT would inform the public that she has located in the city of Columbus —resides at the Brick House lately occupied by Miss Stallings, at the upp*r end of Church street, near Col. Johnson’* and Mr. McKendree’s. A successful practice of fifteen years assures her of giving en tire satisfaction to all who rosy used her services. The best o referees** • e gi>* Nor 17—tw#tw 12w | | . .. NOTICE. MR. WM. H. GRACE, is the authorized Collector tor the Columbus Guards, and all moni*? due the Company, must ; be paid to hiui, until further orders. [ Sot 24 IT. A ELSTON, BecUy._ LAND WARRANTS WANTED. BOUNTY LAND U ARRANTS for 40, SO, 160 acres wanted, for which lire highest cash prices will be paid by Columbus, any S4—34wtt~ J. ENNIS fc. CO. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF BLUE LAID AND WOVE LETTER PAPER. For sale at the’ Store of the Rock Island Factory Columbus, July 24 -if G. B. • urtis, A<renr. PORTRAIT OF JOHN C. CALHOUN, INI E subscribers are preparing lor publication and have nearly - completed, a large full length likeness of South Carolina's Illustrious Statesman ; —engraved in the highest style of art, on steel, by A. li. /fitchie, from an original painting. The details of ’ the likeness will be finished from a celebrated Daguerreotype, taken from life, and which is pronounced the best likeness extant. Size of the Engraving, with suitable margin for framing, will be thirty by twenty three inches. The style and iinisli of the work will 6e superioi to any thing yet executed in this country. Every copy Will be printed on proof style, on extra flue plate paper, manufactured expressly for the purpose. it will be sold by sub.*crip ion at the low price ot Five Dollars per copy, ami ready for delivery about the first of December next. Orders received by It. A. BAQIIIA & CO, Publishers. Dec 14 —lm 23 Chambers street, New York. ORCHARD TREES. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT TOPE ORCHARDS, r |AHE undersigned lies had his Gardener at the North selecting A the best qualities of FRUIT to increase his Orchards, uid having a few more than he will require for his pwnttse —he offers lor sale- SO!) Peach Trees, comprising 30 of the best varieties. 50 Pear Trees, “ *2B “ ** “ “ 25 Plum Trees, “ Washington, Coe,’ Golden drop, scarlet and Green Gage and Other choice varieties. 25 Cherry Trees, comprising Id of the best varieties. 25 Apricot “ u 8 “* “ ** ** 3 -Soft Shell Almond Trees. 50 Gooseberry and 100 Currant Bus'ie?, several varieties. ■ Also, about 300 peach trees of his own raising. The quality of all of the above fruit may b n depended on as j li the'jest,’’ Orders can be left at my office where a list of I prices can be seen. The trees will be delivered in Columbus free I of extra charge. R J. MO SIT?. Columbus, Ga„ November 51—twfcwtf j LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. YiribL be sold at public out-cry, at the residence ofthesuh vv seriber, near Butler’s shop, Harris county, Ca., si t miles South of Hamilton, on Tuesday, December twenty first. Four Hundred and Fourteen Acres of Land whereon the subscriber now lives. Also—My NEGRO property, Farming utensils, Stock of all kinds, household and kitchen furniture, corn and fodder, and oth er articles too tedious to mention. Dec 7—49w2t RANDAL MORGAN. NOTICE. THE Annual election for Directors of the Muscogee Railßoad Company will take place at the Director’s room, on Monday the 3d of January next, at 11 o’clock. A.M. Columbus, Dec B—twlj Tt A WARE, reeVy. | CAUTION. HAVING lost or mislaid five notes for thirty dollars each, giv en by Zacliariah Stephenson, in January or February, to VVmJ. Stamper, and due Dec 25, 185*2. 1 hereby caution the public against trading for such notes, should they appear in oth er hand*. M G STAMPER. Columbus, Oct 29 —tw&wtf SALEM FEMALE SEMINARY. # William T. Holbernxhb, Principal and Prof, of Ancient Languages and Natural Science. Miss E. J. Cargill, Instructress in English Liter ature snd mixed Mathematics. Mrs. S. J. Holdrrnbss, Instructress in Primary Miss 8. P. Sampsox, Instructress in Embroidery, Painting and Wax Work ; also, Assistant in Music. Mrs. M. E). Masters, Instructress in Music. The exercises of the above institution will he resumed outlie First Monday in February, 185 3. This institution issituated in the healthy and growing village of SALEM, Russel county, Ala., three mile’s from the Pine .Mountain and seventeen miles N. W. of Columbus, Ga. The village is very healthy and remarkable lor the moral and religious tone of its citizens. Board may be obtained in the most pious families for five to eight dollar’s per month. RATES OP TUITION : Ist Class §8 per session of 5 month*. Sophomore Class thirteen dollars per session of five months Junior -i eighteen dollars “ “ “ Senior “ “ “ 4i ‘• “ Music on the Piano, twenty dollars. Embroidery and Painting, twelve dollars. Wax Work per lesson, one doilar. Latin and French, extra, ten dollars. i-gF” Young ladies maybe educated in this institution for to F.SS per annum. An elegant and commodious building to cost about six thou sand dollars will be in readiness in the early r-art of the session. Salem, Ala., Jan. 4, 1853. —2w6> iiiemmlle Female Collegiate Institute. #THE duties ot thD Institution will be resumed on Monday, January 17th, 1853, under the direction ol Mrs. S. A. AVERY, who has been formally years Principal of a Female Seminary in Philadelphia; and who brings testimonials from Rev. J. P. Durbin, D. D. ; Rev. L. Pierce, I}. D. Rev. G. M. Clarke, of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Philadelphia and others highly satisfactory. The course of instruction is to be ample and thorough both in the solid and ornamental departments, The method of discipline will be parental—the Teachers in each department exercising a continued and kindly care over the moral, physical and intel lectual improvt.mailt of pupils while under charge. The above, together with our healthy and otherwise desirable location, facilities for boarding, and other advantages connected with the institution, render It worthy the attention and confidence of our friends and the public. m For any further particulars, inquiry may be made of either of 1 the Trustees; E. E. Deßose, A. M. Sanford, A. C. Mitcball, J. M. Raiford Win. Freeman, R. Mitchell, or M. M. GLENN, Sec’ry. of the Board. Glennville, Ala., January s—2w3t EDUCATIONAL CARD. #MRS. AVERY, for many years a Teacher of Young Ladies in Philadelphia, proposes to open a'SFLEC'T SCHOOL, in this city, to commence o the first Mon day in January next. The course of instruction is to be thorough and complete—including nil the Brandies, both solid and ornamental, required to finish a young Lady’s education. Effi cient Teachers will be provided for each department, and the num ber of pupils limited. Lessons in Music, only, will be given to such as may desire it. Testimonials from Rev. Dr. J. P. Durbin, Rev. M. G. Clarke, Rev. Dr. L. Pierce, Rev. T. Rambant, and others may be seen, and further reference and particulars learned, by calling on Mrs. A. at the “ Mansion House.” Early application is desirable. Columbus, December 4—twtf TALBOT TON FEMALE INSTITUTE. # THE trustees announce to the public that the have engaged the services of the Rev Jno T. Groves to take charge of this Institution, lie brings an un blemished reputation ,nnd the experience of eigh teen years in the avocation of juvenile instruction, lie will be aided in the literary department by competent assistants. The Jl/usic Department will be under the care of Mrs. Walker, a lady es experience, who occupied a similar station in Mrs lientz’s school in Columbus. The department of Drawing and Painting will beunderthe care ’ of Miss Dklony, a lady also of experience and skill. The Institute is furnished with an Apparatus. Lectures ac • companied by experiments and illustrations will be given to the ! classes in Natural Science. j We hope from the united efforts of those worthy teachers, that ■ our Institution will merit and receive a large share ot public patronage. The school will open on the second Monday in January next TRUSTEES: Thomas B. Turns*. j James P. Leonard, E. H. Worrell, I William Ragland, Lem B. •Smith, J T. A. Brown, Noy23—w2m T. 11. Persons. i — .... - ■■ . ‘MONTPELIER FEMALE INSTITUTE. #T!IE 24th Term ofthe Montpelier Female Institute will commence on toe first Thursday of January Miss M. M. Rl ell, so long and favorably known as the principal Teacher of the Institute, “and lor years as its Superintendent, will take charge ofthe | Institute, and have entire control over ail its interior arrange* 1 ments. She willbe assisted by the same able corps of Instruc tors which has hitherto given so much satisfaction. A Clergyman ofhish sta tding in his profession, will attend to the religious instructions of the young ladies. The Bishop ofthe Diocese will continue to be the visitor of the j Institute,"and will attend the examinations and see that proper ; and sufficient instruction la afforded to those who patronize the School. Application for admission will be made to Mr. W. S, Williford, Secretary and Treasurer, Macon, or to the undersigned at Macon. * v STEPHEN EI.LJOTT,Jr. Nov 20—tw2m Bishop o the Diocese of Georgia. CENTRAL HOTEL, BUTLEH, TAYLOR Pj s l COt'NTY, GEO. BY JOHN B ARNOLD. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that ht has opened this large and new establishment situate immediate- J ly opposite the lIUSCOfiEE RAIL ROAD DEPOT, and just half the distance between the cities MACOJi” COL I’MB US, and as the junction of the South Western Rail toad branch anti the Muscogee Railroad,he hopes byuntiringen .■ray to receive a liberal share of patro> age from a generous trav -5 efcng puidie. Bcrler, Bee 43—Abwiias , TO KENT. ? * CIRCrMFTANCEr* renderincri! necessary that f should U A: be near my business, 1 ntfer tin; place where! now re* Na U side for rent, from-the first. ol January mxt, until the * U t .-L first of October foi lowing. There is not a nioife desira ■ ide place in Alabama. About eight acres of ground areopen. i with a good strong fence, fifteen acres in the woods—the place is one ftiile and a hnlf from the city* .seven rooms in (lie house, kitchen with two good comfortable rooms, smoke house and storage room and stables, and an excellent well of water. I For lurlher particulars gjitiuircol me at Ram mis it Rooney’s Furniture Store. Rent cheap. E. M. GRAY. Columbus, Ga., Dec 10-ts and Sentinel copy. , : 'N HOTEL FOR SALE. - THE subscriber offers tor sale his comroodi ous and well finished Hotel, situated on the east side of the public square, in the town of Buena Vista. Ga., and .KSUL known as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It is furnished with all necessary , conveniences, and has pertaining to it, a good kitchen, smoke house,stable, lot, &c., all in good repair. The house is conveniently situated, a nd is favored with a liberal share of boarding and transient custom. Buena Vista, though new, is a large and beautiful town. Its schools, and varied inetohanlik* and mechanic interest's, insure its permanency and rapid growth. No one need fear depreciation in property for many years. Persons wishing to purchase sfijch property, would do well i<> call and examine. Reasonable time will* be allowed for payment. For terms apply to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS. or to WIIJ.MMS k. OLIVER , March5 —9wtf Buena Vista, A/arion co. Ga. RIVER PLANTATION FOR SALE. i j, SITUATED two miles north of Columbus, on the a Chattahoochee rive; - , containing f>oo acres, ono-half cleared and now in cultivation, the remainder heavily timbered with oak aud hickory. Thiaplacefls most de sirably located for a MARKET FARM ; and a hand can cut and haul two loads of wood per day, for which he can get SI 25 per load. There is fine water power on the river, and a splendid gin sits on a creek running through the place. Apply to ■ROBERT B. KYLE, at Aug 10—wtf Grimes, Kyle fc Thornton's. GLOBE HOTEL, BUENA VISTA, SUKION (JO,, GA - . THEsubscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that he has taken charge SSh-lil of this well known ESTAIi LIS II MEN T. The house is commodious and well finished; and no pains will bo spared to tender thosecomfortable, who may favor him with their patronage. Dec 3—ts B. TITCOMB. I WILL OWE NO MAN, I'HE subscriber will, on the 6th day of January, 1853, ■ -.4LA sell at liis house in Muscogee county, twenty four miles south of Columbus and six miles from Bald Hill, on the Lumpkin road, a’good plantation of six hundred and eighty acres. With good improvements, good water and fine .screw with about three hundred acres open land in a fine stute of cultivation. —ALSO — Some twenty very likely negroes, consisting of men, women hoys and girls. Also, horses mules and stock of all kind, corn, fodder, oats and plantation tools. . “ Terms twelve months credit, with notes and two good securi ties. All notes against myself will be taken as cash. Dec 21 —sl w3t T F WOOLDRIDGE, LACTATION FQR SALE. THE undersigned is Offering his plantation for sale, containing eight hundred and ten acres, about one hundred and fifty acres of which is cleared, and one hundred and seventy of fine hammock land, the balance tree productive pine land. The place is situated on the Upatoie creek near the Railroad, about, twenty five miles from Columbus on the line ol Talbot and Marion counties, opposite Spark’s Springs. For further information apply to Judge G E Thomas,Columbus, or to the undersigned on the premises. Oct 26—wtlj T H KENDALL. LAND FOR SALE. jffc I HAVE for sale 900 acres of good larmingland, situated eight miles and a half from Fort Gaines on the road lead ing from that place to Newton, the county site df Baker co. _ These lauds are well situated* with plenty of good run ning water —high and healthy, w ith ICO acres cleared—alii resh, or nearly sc, and are in a fine’s! ale of cultivation. The land will be divided if the purchaser desires, it, and if not, the wholewill be disposed of. Any person wishing to buy land in the low country would do well to’eall and examine for themselves. Prices will be made to suit the purchaser. For further information apply to the subscriber on the place, or to John West, Fort Gaines, Ga. march 20—If - M. A.jHENPERSON. LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. WILL be sold in Baker county, at the late residence of Dr G. D. Royston, deceased, on Wednesday the sth da; of January, 1d53, fifty lour prime plantation negroes ani fl, five hundred acres of first quality oak and hickory land; two hundred acres cleared and in cultivation. Also, all the plan tation tools, provisions, stock, consisting of horses, mules, cattle , hogs and goats, and all other property pertaining to the planta , lion. Any information respecting the property may behad by inquir ing of Jacob G. Lewis, Columbus, Ga., \V. J. Lawson, Albany, Ga , or the Overseer on the plantation. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. The sale will continue from day to day until the property is all sold. M. A. ROYSTON, Adm’trx. Oct 12—wtds with the Will annexed ofG D Royston, dec’d C3T The .Mauon Telegraph and Albany Patriot, will publish 1 untilfirstof* >i t v, and forward their ucc'ts. to this office. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP JLINIC, The neto and splendid Steamships and Alabama , Vapt. Ludlow. Belonging to the New York and Savannah Stk am. Navigation Company, \TTILL leave Savannah and New York every Saturday. These W ships are 1,390 tons register, and unsurpassed in safety, and comfort. . These steamers leaving Savannah at the arane time that the Marion and Southerner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as soon as, or before them. nr Cabin passage $25- payable before going on board. Agents* PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April 30,1852—tf] 134 Front street,New York. FOR PHILADELPHIA. , ... THE U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF OEOII GIA leaves Savannah the following Wednesday lo Philadelphia: Dec 15 and 39th, January 12th and 2Gtb, February 9th and 23d, March 9fn and 23d, April tith and 20th, May 4th and 18th, June 1. Anew steamship now building, in every respect equal to the Stale of Georgia, will take her place in the linedur ingthe month o June next, and with the Georgia make a weekly line. Of*” This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the ! safety and comfort, and her accommodations for passengers are unsurpassed by those of any other steamship on the cost. Fare to Philadelphia $25; through to New York $25; Steer age $9, P„SDELFOIID &. FAY, Agents. Savannah. 7—49wtf HERRON tc M ARTIN, Philadelpbi. CHUNNENUGGEE MAIL LINE. /i\ THE undersigned is now prepared to carry pae ’i tMIM ” on this line running via. Lamington, r 7 Bisr:-* gandfort, Uchee, Luon and Stewart’s mills to Chunnenuggee twice a week. Leaving Columbus,Ga., every Tuesday and Friday at 2 P.M. from the Oglethorpe House. December7—49w6m ♦ A. HAYGOOD, Contractor; MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD CO. ” ARRANGEMENT. ON and after the 12th No > ember, the Trains willbe governed by the following schedules: MAIL TRAIN, SEVETS’ TIMES A WEEK. Leave Columbus at 10 p. m.—Arrive at Butler at 1 % a. in. Leave Butler at 5)4 p. m.—Arrive at Columbus at 9 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN THREE TIMES a WEEK ON TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Leave ColumbusatG a. m.— Arrive at Pine Hill at 8 )4 a. m Leave Pine Hill at 10 )4 a. rn.—Arrive at Columbus at 1 p.m. All through freights will go by the mail train, and way freight* bv the accommodation train. Both Trains will carry passengers. Nov i3—wfctwlf S, G. JONES, Ch’s. Eng’r, H. T. GREENWOOD, JOSIAH MORRIS, J. I. RIDGWAY. GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGWAY, FAOIORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 41 Carondelet Street, New firleaus. Oct 29—xv&twly DENTAL NOTICE. D R . O. P. LAIRD HAS returned, and resumed his professional duties. Ossie next door to Mntford's, up stairs. Columbus, Nov 13—twOrn. W. F. LEE, D. D. S. dental surgeon. Office ou Broad street, oxer My*att*s store. Columbus, Oct 29—ts ‘ _ I'YOOK Bindery, over “Sent inell” office. A DAVID RQBS LANK Boobsof every description, for sale bv A. C. FLKVVBLUEN, A CO.