The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, January 07, 1853, Image 4

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„ BBC j>m&v I KW©R^^i^., „„ m ~~~ Y |G|, . w £ Broad Street, OolumA Worsted, n i!! e, Brass Instrument!. V — ; ———~~- kj^Silk, WHITTELSEY & CO Violins, F^^^^^\ases, j,j u^e> OITER for sale an assortment of new and elegant good* in merits _, ! K their line. Solo agents for the celebrated Manufaeiuiers ]Si in, (Marionettes, t f Violincello*, i'jNTJNN’S & CLARKE AllT> CKICKERING, of GIW/por^^^ Drums, They keep constantly on hand an assortment of &c. Accordcons, PIANO FOIITSS of their make, with and) Watches and Clocks,’ Fiutinw, J J ts J J without the iEolian attachment. Jowe , rjj Tamborinea, i s ,v Bridal Presents, Melodeons, j • just been added, all the latest publications ‘ Parte Monnaies, f Fine Italian, German J frQm the New York press, both vo IAI§ Ladies’ Work Boses, and English Violin and j’ AND INSTRUMENTAL. j? Portable Writing desks Ceiio Strings, I) Gun. and Pistol., i | WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. ‘|l Walking Canes, Powder Flasks, is! . Combs^Brushes, „ , apoQ Repaired by a skilful workman, just arrived from M ~ , _ Shot Pouches, 7 : v , v , ... , .. 7; Toilette Soap and Per- T fi/CL New York. A ll work warranted. i) K Cap. and Gun \\ a s, XSF Pianos tuned and repaired, and ali turnery, Diamond grain Gunpcw- j a the best style. j( ; Homeopathic Books and Her. fc j£j Medicines. Bagiev’s Gold and Commercial Pens. Columbus, Ga.. Oct 15, 1852.—ts ’ GENTLEMEX’S CLOTHING WaiISIMS BSTABLISHIBMT. cos2fss cossraa’ss'o Clothier and Sfferchcmf Tailor, (NEXT WOE TO mil AND DAWSONS,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. IS NOW PREPARED TO SVPP.LV GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST Y FAI.D. AHD WLWEB I Styles ©I Clothing, Fnrntshing ©©oils ■3 =a^L3P*flV9 —ALSO— i —rttTmrwgß* va&iiasa -a rasiasiLk&s* w ! CLOTHS, CA SSI ME RES AND VESTINGS, V j of the latest importations, or French and styles manufactured to order and warranted, ! under the direction of szm* m. m, who baa just returned from Mew York, and wid ho piursed to accommodate his friends and ali ci.ers . that may call, with sueh garments as cannot foil to please. Columbus, Oct 9, 1852. tw&wtf bbav mbntm. Come gents, one and all, s And he’ll show you with delight, Just give Jonas Smeeton a call, His beautiful goods so new and bright. J. SMEETON j Upturns*incre thuiiki to the inhabitants of Columbus for past favors, and begs moat respectfully to announce, that he has received his RICH and fefLBiNBJX) stock of —CONSISTING of — FJREMCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH CLOTHS, CAS MERES & VESTINGS, OF ALL COLORS & SHADES, His assortment ofCASStMISSIRIi AXI3 A FtSTIUCxS are of the latest-and most unique styles, wnieh are too various for description, here, but will be shown with much pleasure to those who will give him an opportunity to do so, tile aim keeve on hand a oeUct ateortment of Gents aaastf mm %wmm> Which ar* manufactured under his own supervision, and warranted to b* superior to garments ihat is generally to be had in an importer of the monthly Pari. Fashion., he flatter* himself th*. h can plea*e the most skeptical. All fits (ruarantied. Mis faciihie. for buying are the best—consequently, he will sell at Via rLG ft’ TRICES— and with promptness in the fluifllment of ordera, and a wish to please all, he solicits his friends’ snd the publie patronage. October 9, 1852. v/£ctwtf H. Wl DALEYj | MEBCII 1N T TA I 1.0 It. j ONE DOOR BELOW GESNER & PEABODY’B DRUG STORE j SViBIIT? ©©MEHBOSS, ©l©iß®3A —HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF— ipmL mmm 9 \ a to which he aolicii. tha attention of the public. B * stock comprise, aoma of the most beautiful styles of H Ci.Ui, Agar.<l) •<! fsucy c.leied Frcach ead LaglUh C.silmsrtt; Mack ,” T aiad fmuey SUia Velvet of *U shwde. and color., which he is prepared to make up in the NF. ATEST and mosl FA?HI ON A RLE STYLES. A long experience in cutting, i tome of the most fashionable citioaof he L’nicm, make, him confident, that k'ft*rta to please all those who may favor him with a cJ, will not he i 1 vain. He is only deairous to have a iair and itepfotini trial before the public, aud this he a*ks. feeling sure that it will he accorded, and once accorded he fear* Dot the result, tu addition to the various cloth*, Cashmere* Cassimerea k Drillsenu*erated above, ha las on hand and is receiving a stock o ! READ Y IL ID E CL O THIJYG, tu UUatatvlea, and of superior qualitv. in a wold ho has everything suitable to a gentleman'* toi'et. ijr Cail.mH etaxine, as he is deter*i;ned to give cheap bargiir.a. J 1 t'.lambus OetS— twtf mn mim* 1 J. D. WILLIFORD & CO, {At the old eland of H. Middkbrook t|> Cos.) Two doors above J. Ennis i Cos,, Broad street, Columbus, Ga„ ARE NOW RECEIVING A VERY EXTENSIVE STOCK OF FIRST CLASS —- Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, &c. Gentlemen’s Goods of every variety. Every article in this establishment has been purchased this Fall. The garments have been cut bv the most exner enced and fushionable tailors. All sizes of men amt boys evu be easily fitted with Ready made Clothing. Gents’ reidv mX i garments of everv conceivable variety and style. * h venu. re-aj-made , j 13 im P°.f^ le toemimemte the diSferent articles of Oothing for bov. and children LADIES CLOAKt?—A new aud elegaut articic —Ladies’ Silk, Merino and Cotton Vests, Ac. njHats and Caps— Of the best make and bleat, fashions. __ CLOTHING MADS TO ORDER. tv are prepared to makeup Clothing at unusually low rates—and in a rot inform, r ranted to give satisfaction. Our assortment of Cloths, Cassimn*, r oJv-tZ lLurop - d— r-h. 1 - 11 ■■JltiLl 1 ‘F””- Li_ -SB FILL AM WINTER CLOTHING, issa. J OHN S MITH —IS NOW RECEIVING ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF— ! READY MADE CLOTHING EV ER OFFER E D IN Till S MAR KE T. It lias Been selected with taste and care, and every article otiered is warranted well made, w i?issia> m© ®i? ¥iii iLairissT sirviL^a* FOLLOWING EMBRACES A FEW OF THE LEADING ARTICLES NOW IN S2-‘RE: h und English Black Cloth Dress COATS : A ESTS, of various styles and patterns, inchiJuig Satin ‘‘ Frock “ Silk, Cloth, Cass, Marseilles, &c. &c. , ~, , . , kox-k “ r~C< HATS and CAPS, from the best and most lasl’. ..C^afe t’ llemeiy o V er C„ al8 . X€ * u “ FHE FURNISHING Departmet is well supplied with I Grey and MShirts, Drawers, Collars, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Cra f Beaver, Mohair, vats, Ties, Stocks, Leggings, &r M &c, fßlack and Fancy A T QA Grey, Blue and Mixed /ililjv/ SATCHELS , VALISES, Cotton and Sii w. article usually kept in CLOTHING STORS.” ‘V i ... purchasing elsewheie.%'it fL* TRA Via L a & TR UNA'S , C., /\ PfsirTWl L'liltß* LT.AS, and every JOHN SMITH. tfwi'j t n' * R, “ exainire iny_ goods beio. - - _____ 0 I 1 ’ t"w Country dealers supplied on iil era! n Col umbus, September 17—twtf W? W A BW* w *sas m sohielM ICIIBES - Sj. ijg <m mfwe mu wmi COLUMBUS, GA. . HIS ESTABLISHMENT is now in complete and successful operation. It is the object of the Company to supply the Southern demand for the heavier styles of Cotton and Woolen Fabrics, so far as their capacity for production will permit. They now offer to purchasers the following schedule of their Manufac tures. This schedule will be altered trorn time to time, as they add to the variety l . 4-4 Sheetings, very heavy and superior. 7-8 Shirtings, do/ > do. 7-8 Osnaburgs, do. do. | Cotton Y arns, assorted numbers, neatly papered. PLANTERS’ CASSIMEBE—(Jeans,) colored. Black, Brown, Green &c do. PLAINS, do. ‘ do. do do. ‘ PINE KNOT do, very heavy, for negro wear. COLUMBUS FASHIONS—(Stripes,) very heavy, of a great variety of colors and patterns. MATTRESSES Os any size or weight, made to order, and a supply constantly kept on hand. COMFORTERS—Of a superior quality, made to order. designed to supersede blankets for negroes, heavy and warm, more economical than blankets.” BATTlNG—Suitable for Quilts and Comforters. WRAPPING TWINE and COARSE SEWING THREAD. (Pip All the above goods are made of the best materials, and in the best manner, and can be recommended to purchasers with confidence. j ( 2Sf~ The Company pledge themselves to sell these goods on terms as favora i bie as similar goods can be procured from any market in the world. The attention | of buyers is solicited to them before making their selections elsewhere. Address ■ J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent . WOOL.-—Th: E. M. Cos. are prepared at all times to buy Wool. They will also manufacture it iw Planters on shares, or at a stipulated price per yard. September 30, 1852- “49 j LA GRANGIi MUSIC ~STORE. ! Nosunau m> vam. Just opened, in I hornton’s Hock Building, on tLo West side of j the Court House Square, a large and | WE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MUSIC—SUCH A Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Port Folios, &c, &c, —.jSIIL. zem — PIANOS, with and without /EOLIAX ATTACHMENTS 91 w Yfl DOLCE CAMPANOS, Hows’ American Action, and the LEAF TUR NER, patent of Knabe, Gachle Cos., and from many other Factories. $& ALSO, fjr AfIOEOLETS, CELLOS, .DRUMS, BANJOS, ACCORBEONS, FLUTINOS Music Boxes, ot various sizes, and well selected Brass Instruments for BANDS; Italian ! En S lish be?t ’ slrin^s for MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. All of which we pledge sell as cheap as ean be purchased elsewhere in the South. S3r Dealers, Teachers aud Schools, supplied at the lowest rates, and all orders filled with care LIGNOSKI, KENER &. CO. i I*. S. All Pianos sold by us will be Jmpt in ordar tor one year, without char-e Durability guaranteed by Factors and by us. All new music received as soon as published “ ” Nov. 11, 1852. J 46 tt DAGUERREOTYPES, i . -0- WOODBRIDGE’S GALLERY, Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelery Store. IT AV[NG entirely remodeled my Rooms, they are again open- 1 \ 1 L ed for the reception of visitors and sitters.* with everything I new m my department, I flatter myself that as ever, all may be I pleased. I have a very choice selection of most beautiful Case* I and Frames, entirely new style, together with a great variety ol | Gold Lockets and Medallions, at all prices. Please call at my rooms, where everything pertaining to the Art, can be seen, and judge for yourselves. A fine- engraving of ! the talented Authoress, * 6 MKS. CAROUSE LEE HEXTZ, | with or without frames. J. S. WOGDBRIDGF., : Qct 18 Practical Artist and Dagnerreotypis , P. & J. DeCORDOVA’.T TEXAS LAND AGENCY. AUSTIN AND HOUSTON. THE subscriber would inform the heirs of those who fell with Fannin, Ward and Travis, that the Legislature has made ample provisions Tor them in gratitude for the bravery of their ancestors. Full information can be bad by addressing as above 1 at Austin and Houston, Texas. >ve referto { - Gov P. H. BELL, v Lt. Gov J. \Y. HENDERSON, j Hon THOS DUVAL, Sec'rv of State, j Hon J. B. SHAW, Comptroller. 9 7~wm .s. HOLT, <krgut. VARIETY WORKS. WARE ROOM Broad st.. COLUMBUS Ga • XEXT . DOOR SOUTH OF TIMES OFFICE T S^f 11 . 15 establishment are endeavoring to , 1 rest the evil of ouying at the North, bv manufacturing evei i butldmg requirements—such as PAXIj BOOR S i all sizes,! FLOORING p LAA K and other kinds ot LUMBER ; WOOL)EM fi ire l of every description ; BEDSTEADS from 84 50 to SCS each i And more remarkable than all, the finest COTTAGE < if Fin in the world at $1 each. \ PHase give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, for we are al -1 in a trading humor at low prices for cash. LATHS at . ou per thousand. I ~ . . , , _ WM. BROOKS is. CO. i Columbus duly—27wtf UTSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. nr'TfE undersigned respectfully informs his former friends and i pupils, and the public generally, that he has returned to tbi city where he proposes to establish himself in his profession as a i i eaher oi Music. He is now prepared to lake a limited numbei ot pupils on tne Piano Forte and in Vocal Music, to whom hi* regular and undivided attention will be given. £3f”Orders left at the .Music die re of Wha.elsey & Cos will re ceive prompt aitemion. New Music. \ GOOD assortment of new Sheet Music, amonz which oiav be rv~ toulKl the following: Tallahassee Waltz, Routs- Waltz Diamond W altz, &c. published and for sale bv Cdw&M, may B—vvtf JIARMci, TiiWAJt <* #U • tftJttillUaffii**- ‘ ANTI-DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE. i For the relief and. cure of Dyspepsia, Chronic Liver } Affections, and most of the diseases arising from J Indigestion. J IN ushering the above medicine to the notice of the 1 public, the undersigned feels in duty bound to make | i candid statement of its merits, and the peculiar morbid \ •ondition of the stomach and alimentarycanal, for which ie regards it as remedial. It is his desire that this medicine shall be appreciated by the public, only in pro (ortiontoits merits; and from his own long espen. I jnce in its use, and from the commendations which it | .. as received from a number of his medical brethren | .vho have been kind enough to make use of if, at his in j tance, he feels satisfied that he can base its success be | i jie the public upon no surer foundation than that of its intrinsic virtues. But while the author feels no hesitation in commit, j ing it to the test of public estimation, he does not offer : tto them as a grand catholicon for all the ills of hu. j nanitv. His experience in the practice of his profession j basbeen of too ample and diversified a character for him jto indulge a moment in so idle a speculation. It is his 1 province, however, to recommend it w T ith confidence to i such persons as suffer from indigestion in any of its muL j tiple forms, attended with a constipated condition of the . I ‘ owels. 1 In torpidity of the alimetary canal, whether arising J I iiom an imperfect digestion of the food by the stomach * j -or from a deficient, or morbid secretion of bile hv the ‘ I { i ?r —or from the insufficiency of the natnral vermi j radar mo ions of the bowels, depending upon whatso’ wit cau.c it may— in all such cases he feeis assured j hat he cannot commend it with a confidence too entbu j v ; astic To persons likewise afflicted with Hemorrhoids O Piles, with whom it is neces-ary to beep the-bowds ; i;: a soluble state ; and to the relief of the eostiveness ! of pregnant women, u will be found eminently bene j fi *ial. In all such cases he begs leave to advise its u?e, [ ami he feels confident that its efficacy will command i their approbation. THOS. VV. GRIMES, M. D. For sale by GESNER $•: P.EABODT, r and HILL& DAWSON, ALSO. FOR SALE, DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE, GESNER & PEABODY, HILL & DAWSON, : an—!G-3wiy Ooßimb.. a a*. Wolfe’s Schiedam Aromatic fcclui&pp-. Manufactured by the proprietor exclusively, at £chio~ | dt in, in Holland, by a process peculiar to his own fac i lory, It is flavored and medicated, not by the common! harsh berry, but by the choice botannical variety of thuy aromatic Italian juniper berry, whose more vinous eA™ tract is distilled and rectified with its spirituous solvent n. and thus becomes a concentrated tincture, ol exquisite flavor and aroma, altogether transcendsnt in its cordial medicinal properties, to any Holland Gin hereto, n o w n. j ./Vnjc'ravel, Gout and Rheumatism ; in obstructions o 1 for^^^^.^ er ar *d Kidneys its effects are prompt, decid- j n reliable. And it is not only a reined’, I the but in all cases in which they are i ed and inbad water, which is almost uri | for these it operates as a sure prevon produced by u , versally the cauSv.^^^^^ApP oTl the stommn, bowels and | tive. dents, and all persons un i The distressing °y the waters of nearly J bladder of travel! era, Ohio. Mississippi | accustomed to them , prodof decayed veg i all our great inland rivers, of soiutif n, and Alabama, from the large qua of lime j ©table matter contained in them, in ... it | is well known ; as is also that of the v. an ! stone regions in producing Gravel, Calculi a the Bladder. The Aromatic Schiedam be him absolute corrective of all those injurious prop er 1 1 bad water, and consequently prevents the diseat, which rhey occasion. It is also found to be a cure niu< preventive of Fever and Ague, a complaint caused by the conjoint effects of vegetable malaria in t iic afrnus | phere. and vegetable putrescences in she waters tliose districts in which it principally pievaiJs. Tlte Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps is cons* iuirntiy -V* demand by.persons travelling, or about to sett leotthmWfl parts of the country, especially ; as well as by mjnny J n every community where it has become . novvn \>n ac count of its various other remedial ptonyJXLes. j In all cases of a dropsical tendency, it is gent*”? illy the only remedy required, when adopted in the rarly ! stages of the disease. In Dyspeptic maladies, when taken in proper quantities, as a diet drink, and especial ly at dinner, it is found by uniform experience to be em inently efficacious in the most obstinate cases, whea even the best of the usual remedies have failed to af ford more than mere temporary relief. In cases of Flatulency, it is an immediate and invaluable specific ; and it may be administered in diluted and proportionate quantities even to young infants, in all those paroxysms oi griping pain in the stomach and bowels to w hich the v are especially subject, as well rs in the colic of grown persons. Its judicious adoption in connection with the princi pal meal 8, or when a sense of exhaustion dictates its use never fails to relieve the debility attendant upon pro tracted Chronic maladies, low temperaments *and ex hausted vital energy, by whatever cause induced. These are fact* to which many of the most eminent medical men, both in Europe and the United States, have borne testimony and which are corrobated bv the; • highest written auihorities. The Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps is put .id in .rood itrong bottles, neatly covered and labeled, accompanied by an Essay upon its properties and uses. For sale by the principal Druggists in this city and United States. UDOLPHE WOLFE, Importer, No. 22 Beaver tt, HOLLAND GIN AS A MEDICINE. -%4| In our iast number we accompanied the publication or a circular on this subject, from our fellow cihzt n Udolphe Wolfe, Esq., with a briefcommeiitary, expres sive of our own views. Since then we have been em y!,iying this agent, and thus far with favorable results. Bui “e are in receipt of several communication <n the subjfcv* from medical men, which serve to show th:,* Mr Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps is very ex tensively in use, -nd in the hands of physicians, is proving itself as a stimJating diuretic to be eminent] v successful after other medication with tin? intent l ad been tried in vain. In one of tne cases thus leocrted abdominal dropsy has been cured, and the necessity of tapping averted ; and in another C of gravel, so called, has been entirely removed bv u e passage of a calculus of considerable size, which is es cribed to the use of only two bottles of this ar'icle* We know not the object of Mr Wolfe i ] designating his preparation by the singularly uiieuphcnious name of “Schnapps,” nor of his denominating it m his ad vertisements, the ‘ concentrated Tincture of Jumper * instead of perpetuating its anci *nt title ofilfoi land Gin. * It is true that he admits it to be no in; _ el-e than th.- latter artic.e in its oure state, unadulterated by noxious drugs, 3iiu hence be coiitraoistmguisues it ironi Gin oi commerce, nearly all of which, as is v eil known , is manufactured here and elsewhere fiom inferior whiskey and refuse drugs. The name he has given it. however, may serve the purpose f designating his article, as pi c : pared exclusively for medical purposes, and thus com mend it to physicians for whose convenience it is o sale only by reputable druggists and apothecari s. As respects its medicinal and curative effects, we un derstand him to claim only that it is a pure end reliaEU article of Holland Gin,and as such worthy of the edij# of physicians, in those diseases for” which th mj&f. are wont to prescribe it, and have hitherto orU restrained, by finding it impracticable to obtain the tide in a pure state. Nor shouio any prejudice against alcoholic medicine deprive the afflicted o the benefit ts this article, which from time immemorial has held its place among the remedial agencies of the Materia Met ica, if it be found worthy of confidence by continued ex perience. At all events, those* who persist in the em* ployment and toleration of other alcoholic medicines as tmetnres, bitters, 4'C., and especially those who pre scribe Gin under any circumstances, must all unite-: giving the preference to a pure article over the man foil adulterations so rife in the market. Mr Wolfe liberal ly supplies physicians with a sample bottle for analysis and trial, as set forth in his circular, and strikes the reputation of the remedy upon the innocence, safety, and efficiency of his Holiand Gn, when used under medical advice ; and pledges his own character in bu siness that the article wili not disappoint any who use it New York Medical Gazette, N. v 2—43w3n ROCK ISLAND FACTORY, IS now manufacturing Writing Paper oi all the various kinds, —such as Letter, I’oois-cap, i ial-cap, folk and (Jmn-j mercial Post, (ruled and unruled,) Medium. Dcmys, &.e. A i News-print, Book and Colored Paper, Post-office a’d fJeJfci Envelopes and Wrapping Ft per of all'sizes; ail ot v> vjp be sold am m favor abi* teru-s a* *tj* bv. pinyhased in -U - *. i**m?i* **