The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, January 12, 1853, Image 3

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“Why, I gave you that capital Chancery suit, and then you have a great many new clients ; what more can you want ?” “Yes, sir,” replied the son ; “ but 1 have wound up that suit, and given my client great satisfaction.*’ “What! you improvident loo!,” rejoined the father, indignantly. “That suit was in my family twenty-five years, and it would have continued as many longer, if I had kept it I shall not en courage any such a fellow. ” A Catholic prelate once pertinently asked a legal gentleman whether he had a soul, sup posing doubtless that his “quiddit, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks,” had purged it out of reality. Notwithstanding this doubt, I think that we may safely admit that a lawyer has a soul. In this world it is usually in his fee. And the fol lowing story told by Foote will determine pretty accurately where its abode is in the ne’it: A gentleman in the country, who had just* buried a relative, an attorney, complained, to Foote of the great expense of a country funeral. “Why, do you bury attorneys here ?” gravely asked Foote. “Yes, to be sure; how else ?” “Oh, we never do that in London.” \f -“No!” exclaimed the other quite astonished. I * “Why, how do you manage that ?” “Why, when the patient happens to die, we j lav him out in a room over a night by himself, ! lock the door, tlirpw open the window and in the morning is entirely off.’’ “Indeed,” said the gentleman, amazed “And pray what becomes of him C “Why, that we cannot exactly tell, not being acquainted with the supernatural causes. All j that we know of the matter is “that there is a | strong smell of brimstone in the room the next morning.” I Tub Dividing of the Waters.—The Court- House of Portage County, Ohio, in the hand some village of Ravenna, stands in such a posi tion that the water which falls upon the North part of its roof reaches the Atlantic Ocean through the River St. Lawrence, and that which falls upon the Southern side goes down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico—two drops which fall from the same cloud thus reacli * ing the ocean at points more than three thous ” and miles apart. TELEGRAPHIC. [Expressly for the Times and Sentinel.] Montgomery, G o’ck-J 35 ni., P. M. / January 11, 1853. \ New York, Jan. 10th —The steamship America has arrived at Halifax, bringing advices from Liverpool to the 25th ult. The sales of cotton during the week amounted 1o 33,000 bales, taken mostly by trade* Cotton has advanced from a sixteenth to an eighth of a penny—principally lower qualities 5 Middling Or leans five and five eighths. Imported since the last steamer, 70,000 bales. New-Orleaus Market. No sa[ss ol magnitude. Sales Yesterday thiity-five hun 'dred bales. Mobile Market. * The demand is good. Sales three thousand bales j f Middling eight and three eighths. ’ v f From the Daily Morning News. LAT E R FROM EUROPE. j AIIUI VA I. O F Tll HT E AlVl E R ASI A . New York, dan. 5, The British mail steamship Asia has arrived, with , .Liverpool dates to Saturday, the 18th ult., three days later than those brought by the Pacific, Liverpool. Cotton Market, —At the depaitufe of the As’a cotton was steady and the market closed qui et. The sales of the week amounted to 37,000 bales, ! of which speculators took 6, G00, and exporters 1,300 | bales. Fair Orleans is quoted at Gl-Sd. Other qua’- | ities remain unchanged, ; Trade in Manchester was steady. The advices trom j India are reported favorable. Breadstuff's are firm, but j a fraction lower than last week. The Derby Ministry have been defeated by nineteen j majority on a House test. It is reported that Lari l)er- , by intends to lay his resignation before the Queen. Havre Market. —llicc was dull, and we have no j sales of American to report. The Havre Cotton Mar- j ’ het was unchanged, and the sales of the week are 5,000 j bales. England. The new English Ministry it is supposed will comprise a coalition of Whigs, Peelites and Radicals. The Mar quis of Landsdowne has been named for the Premier. ► Lord John Russell will be the Ministerial leader in the House of Commons. Great floods had occurred in. England. France. Prince Napoleon, son of Jerome Bonaparte, had been up- j pointed by the Emperor, King of Algeria. Turkey. Great consternation existed in Constantinople, to there- j tiisal of the Bank to receive paper and the reported success of the rebels in Albania. The Pope will crown Napoleon 111. Spain. Spain is on the eve ol a revolution. FURTHER BY THE ASIA. The New British Cabinet.— -The following persons are spoken of as likely to form the new Cabinet: Marquis oi . Landsdowne, Premier; Lord Aberdeen, Minister of For eign Affairs: Lord John Russell, Leader in the House ol Commons; Mr. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer . ♦Mr. Osborne, Secretary of War; Lord Newcastle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and Lord Herbert, Lord ol the Ad miralty. > France. —The affairs of the French Empire were pro gressing quietly and satisfactorily. The Emperor’s depar ; lure for Berlin is supposed to have reference to the settle ments of the Zoll Verein question. ’ The financial deficit for the year will not exceed 40,- 000,000 francs. The duty on segars has been fixed at 12 per cent. Ihe Ambassadors of Austria, Russia and Prussia, bad presented their credentials. Prince Napoleon,son of the ex-king ot W estphalia, has ( accepted the governorship of Algeria, and is already ar ranging his administration. - Italy.— The Pope has exprec ed his gratification at the establishment of the French Empire, and will certainly ’ vhit Franee to crown Napoleon. intelligence. Savannah, Jan. 10. On Saturday this market was quite animated, and sales reached 1979 bales. Holders are very firm to-day, and the market has experienced a further advance. Middling Fair is worth 9i cents. Montgomery, Jan. 10. The market continues active at our former quotations— (d 8* c. for Middlings. Telegraphed Expressly for the Alabama Journal. Charleston, Jan. 10. 1 wenty-one hundred bales sold yesterday at 8 (a) 10. Full prices paid and an advancing tendency. New Orleans, Jan. 9. The demand for Cotton is limited. Sales, 1000 bales. Mobile, Jan. 9. Cotton Factors have submitted to lower prices. Sales of the day 3000 bales. Middling 8f (S) Bfc. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. corrected tki-weeklv BY J. K. RKI) AM. CO. j BAGGlNG—Kentcky vard.B ® 15 : _ India _ 14 @ I HAmfrVi rlh 9 @ •• BAt,ON—Hants ={? If. 12l£@ 15 srii. if @ ; . Shoulders #>’ lb 10 © 11 I rttttfp^ 011 4? ' lb - © - | i SSSSS rib 15 ® 25# ! EA f£INGS r,b © 5 COI iEE sp U) 11 @ 12# I f , Avmra Ja ’* Vlb 12 © 15’ cANDlihs—Sperm 4?’ 11. 50 @ Star qa* 11, 33 © 1 Tallow ip-n, 18 © i>o HP'lb 35 © 45 * USll—Mackerel No I spbbl 14 00 @ 16 oil Mackerel No. 2 HP bbl 12*00 © dackercl No. 3 bbl 850 © 900 Bhad 4P bbl 18 00 © _ Herring 4P box 100 © FLOUR—Western HP bbl 7 Oil © 800 banal City 4P bbl 600 © 750 FODDER 4P 100 lbs 80 11, 100 ; GRAIN—Corn 4P bushel @ 55 Wheat 4P bushel 100 © 125 flats 4P bushel @ 40 GLASS 4P box 225 @ 700 GIJNPOW ER f>>keg 500 @ (; 00 HIDES qpft 8 © 9 IRON—Swedes £[P lb 5 © f, English 4f lb 3# @ 4 eae D <p>lb 12#@ 14 f Ab) vib 7 © -a ljm F AF ri,bl * SO ©3 50 H9 E ASSES HP gallon 33 © 40 *:;V L t HP & 5@ 5# OlL—Lamp gallon 125 © 175 Linseed qp gallon 100 © 125 V gallon 75 © _ HP keg 200 @ 250 P EA ? bushel 60 © 70 tHf'E lb 5 @ 8# SYRUP—Lemon per gallon 125 @ Raspberry 4P doz 600 © V* sack © 1 DO SHOT qp bag 175 © 200 SO A P 4P lb 5 @ 7 STEEL—Cast qp ft, 20 © 22 German r#p lb 15 © * .American qp lb 10 @ SUGAR—St.Cro:x qpjt, © Ncw-Orleans lb’ o #@ 11 Loaf, refined sf> h, 12 @ 12 Lump 4P lb 8 © io SPIRITS -Brandy,Cog 4P gal 100 © 400 American 4P gal 40 @ J 00 Peach spgal 100 © 162 Dlmi A l > P'G HP gal 60 (S 75 RUM Jamaica, Fgal 200 © 300 j New England 4P gal 45 © 50 WFIJSKEY—Irish \4Pgal 400 © Monongahela 4P gal 100 © 200 “ Western 4P gal 28 ® 33 GlN—Holland spgal 150 © 200 American 4Pgal 40 ® 50 TALLOW qP It, 10 © 12 VINEGAR— <jpgal 37# © 50 WlNES—Madeira, ? [P gal 125 © 400 Sherry 4Pgal 150 © 300 Champagne rpgal 15 00 @lB 00 Malaga qpgal 70 0(1 © 100 Fort 250 © 4 00 Claret 3 00 © ‘r'JYKQS VA IS Columbus, Jan. I*2, 1853. twtl DANCING ACADEMY j AT t;©Eli!s{Elf llAObifi* I MR. GEORGE W. DEMEREST, STILL continues to give lessons in all the late and FASH- i lONABLE DAJVCES>, inhis Academy at Ihe above Saloon, and will continue the exercises for Misses al Masters every Saturday Morning and Af i ternoon, during the ensuing term. emeu’s Class every Friday ami Saturday Evening, ! from 7 till # past nine o’clock: there will be six evening car- I | ties given during the term, exclusively for the benefit of the j scholars and former patrons of the school. No tickets sold at. the door: there will also be lour Juvenile j parties given in the quarter on Saturday afternoon expressly for 1 the children. Private lessons will be given by applying to Mr. Demerest, j at the Hall, at school hours. Terms, ten dollars per se sion, to be paid*when called on. No reduction for lost time, unless in case of sickness. Columbus, Jan. 12—tw’.it I GUANO. MY Guano has arrived and is at Greenwood & Co.’s Ware- j house for sale. Columbus, Dec 29—tw&wtf J R JONES. ! | Enquirer and Sentinel copy three times each. > NOTICE. MR. VVM. JI. GRACE, is the authorized Collector for the j Columbus Guards, and all monies due the Company, must \ ; be paid to him, until further orders. ) Nov 24 H. A LI.STON, Sect’y. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS for 40, 80, iqo acres wanted, for which the highest cash prices will be paid by Columbus; aug 24—34wtf J. ENNIS Sc C( >. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF BLUE LAID AND WOVE LETTER TAPER. For sale at the Store of the Rock Island Factory Columbus, July 24-ts G. B. Curtis, Agent. ; OLD RAG NOTICE. IYROM :uut alter the 20th oi’ this month, Rock Island Factory ? will pay lor Olkas Cotton or Linen Rags 3 cents a pound Cash, or 3cents in paper sit. Cash prices. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. j Columbus, Jan. 11, 1853 l wtf j O?” All papers that advert! e Bugs for us, will phase alter j their advertisement to read as above. J- S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster & Pfc -pie's Jewelry Store Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—lw&twlv. For Sale. 4 Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below /\ Boston prices. For particular?, apply at this office. Columbus, Jan. 4 —if Cement for Sale. 4 LOT of superior Rosendale Cement, by the barrel. Apply , at the office of R OCK ISLAND FAC TOR Y. Columbus, Dec 11—tf_ Watches Repaired. A skilful Watchmaker and Jeweller, engaged by a the undersigned in New York, has jusi arrived, and we, are now prepared to give the best satisfaction to friends and customers having work to be done. All work warranted. Oct 2 “ WHITTELSEY & CO. Dissolution of Partnership. rrq’.E Finn of S.'HEYS CO., was dissolved by mutual con- I scut on the first inst., bv the withdrawal of Samuel Heys. ’ ‘ SAMI’ ’'T. HKYS, SEABORN JONES. R. P. SPENCER. The affairs of the late firm will be settled hv the remaining partners, who will continue the business under R. p. spencer & co. Seaborn jonks. Jan. 11, 1853. 1 wltwJt LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! ffAIfF. subscribers liaving determined to close their business, X offer their large and well assorted stock of GROCERIES at Reduced Prices, For Cash. Thev would also beg to say to those indebted, that earl v pay ments would be quite acceptable. Columbus, Jan. s—twtf E. BARNARD & C J.ff FOR SALE. A first rate building lot of iwenty acres in Wynnton, near Mrs. Shepherd; also, a fine building lot of half an acre, in the city, next above Mrs. Boykin’s residence, on the corner. Price low and terms easy. ‘ GEORGE W. WINTER. Columbus, Jan. s—tw3t ■ Columbus Fire Company No. 1 AT the annual election held on the evening us the 4th, the fol lowing officers were chosen: R. A. Ware, President; J. H. Strapper, Foreman; It. R. Goetchius, Assistant Foreman; VV. Gesner, Secretary; J. D.Johnson, Treasurer: Committee on ac counts, R. Greene, George Strapper, J. H. Merry; Directors. T. o. Douglass, J. M. Estes, E. Lawhon and B. Townsley. NOTICE. THE company will meet for drill on the evening of the 20th , January, at 7 o’clock, P. M. By order of the Foreman. Columbus,Jan7—2twtlt GESNER, Sec’ry. WANTED, IN a private family in Columbus, a HO USE KK F.PF.R ofgood experience, who has no family. Address Post office box No. 240. Columbus, Dec 15—twtf BOOTS! BOOTS!! J GENTS line French calf and water-proof Bools ; “ calf and kip pegged do Boys’ sewed and peg’d do Youth's anti Children’s do Nov 10—w&twtf Just received by l. C. CHANDLER. LADIES’ SHOES. EMBROIDERED patent leather Toilett ! I Yxffijpk SLIPS; Bronze aiul black French Kid 1 Bronze Kid BOOTS, p. I. lipp'd ; and a large stock of new style Walking Shies; also,white Satin ami Kid SLIPPERS, just received by Nov 10—w&twtf I. C. CHANDLER. For the Couni y. A LARGE stock of AfEJY’S, WOMEN'S, .LVD C/7/// ; JIREN'S SHO ES, made very substantially, anti adapted i to the wants of the country. House servant, and plantation shoes, just received by Nov 10—w&twtf 1. C. <TIANDLFE. j TEAS! TEAS!! BLACK and GREEN of the first quality from the Pekin Tea Company. For sale by DANFORTII & NAGEL, i Columbus. Ga., Dec 18—ts POTASH! 4) k A/v lbs. best Potash, for sale by DAN FORTH & NAGEL iwOUU Columbus* Ga., Dec 18—ts FOR RENT. A commodious and pleasant sleeping room in Winter’s Build ing over Music Store of Whittelsev & Cos. Apply to Columbus, Dec3—tf WHITTELSEY & CO. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. WE hope to be able to resume work, very soon after Christ mas, and having on the way the best lot of Wheat ever shipped to us ; our friends may expect a little of the best Flour they ever saw. J3?“Cash paid for Corn and Wheat as usual. Columbus, Dec 3—ts C. T. INS LEE, Agent. Youth’s Clothing. A large lot of YOUTHS and CHILDREN Cl A) THING, Oct 13— Just received by J. H. .MERRY. Furnishing Goods. CtR AVATS, Stocks, Silk, Lambs Wool, Cashmere, Merino and > Cotton under Shirts and Drawers: Kid, Silk, Cashmere Cloth and dog skin Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, &e„ Oct 13— Just received by .1 II MERRY, j Shirts! Shirts!! ; \ FULL Fall supply of Morrison’s best SHJU ’J’S —all sizes and XJL qualities—3 ply Collars, &c. Just received by ■ October 13— .1 ‘ll MERRY. MIDWIFE. MRS. VINCENT would inform the public that she has located in the city of Columbus—resides at the Brick House lately occupied by Miss Stallings, at the upper end of Church street, near Col. Johnson’s and Mr. McKendree’s. A successful practice of fifteen years assures her of giving en tire satisfaction to all who may need her services. The best o references can be given. ’ Nov 17—tw&wl2w CAUTION. HAYING lost or mislaid five notes for thirty dollars each, giv en by Zachariali Stephenson, in January or February, to Wm J. Stamper, and due Dec 25, \1852. I hereby caution the public against (fading for such notes, should they appear in oth er hands. M G STAMPER. Columbus, Oct 29—tw&wtf BEEBE & CO ~ 15C Broadway, New York. Spring Fashion for {Gentlemen's Hats, 1853. A BEEBE & CO., respectfully solicit Ute orders of their patrons and the public, for such goods in their line as will tie wanted at the commencement of spring trade ; the ob ! ject is 1o afford ample time to manufacture the Hats, and bare | them ready for shipment in time to offerfor sale on ihe 12th of February, when the Fashion will be introduced in New York. \ The following is a list of their established prices, subject to live j per cent, discount: “ Terms Cash”—s36 $39, $42. s4s', S4B, ssl, and $54 per dozen, for fine, fashionable, black Hats, and from ; $42 to S6O per dozen for white Rocky Mountain Silver Beavers. ■ 1 New York. Jan. s—tvvfit A CARD. FIMi E undersigned lenders his most sincere thanks to thecili- j X zens of Columbus and vicinity for past patronage, and would \ . most respectfully solicit a continuance of the same; he would j also say to the public, that the situation of his business is of such Ia nature, that he will lie compelled to do an entire Casli fin. siitess; and knowing full well that there are such a number | i of people so fully entitled to credit, that if they were to ask the : same, the undersigned ould not refuse, even to his personal * injury; therefore, I hope no one will make application for Crkh- | it; at the same time,as most of the'eomm unity can just as well j pay for their SHOES, as welt one time as another—and as it will [ i enable me to keep a better stock of goods.—l hope no one will i ! object to the terms and withhold their patronage on account of < ’ the same. Tim public will please patronise tne. as I need pat j ronage. IX A. GARRETT. | Columbus, January 7 —Dntw&ltw Dr. John E. Bacon, , HAVING sold his house on Front street, may be found al j Mr. Pkrry’s Hotel, on Oglethorpe street. His office is at i j the old place, over McKendree’s Store. or* Messages left at the Drug Store of Dantorth & Nagel, j j will be attended to. i Jau !!’ 1853 I w lttw4t ” C.”b7 HATCH & C 0.7 Manufacturers and Importers of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, No. 97, William Street, Midway between Maiden Lane and John St., j NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED IN 1834. iff Merchants will find at this establishment a full assort ** • ment of the latest styles, (embracing the most approved London and Paris fashions,) of Shirts, Stocks, Cravats, ** / j SUSPENDERS. J LINEN COLLARS. DRESSING ROBES. HOSIERY. HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDF.R-GAIIMENTS, MONEY BELTS. VI GLOVES, SHOULD HR BR ACES, &.C., &.C., And even description of Goods appertaining to the Fur- nishing Business which will be sold at the lowest Market * prices. Jan. 9. 1853. i 5^ TEACHER WANTED. Hpo teach a small school about eight miles from Columbus, on X the Alabama side. A pleasant and healthy neighborhood. A liberal salary will be paid for a competent gentleman. Address \V. LOWTHER, or Columbus. Jail. 7—Jtwtf J. W. ALLEN. EDUCATION. MRS. ABBOTT'will resume he. CHI I.IT y. SCHOOL, near the East Common, on M >ndav. 17th January 1853 Columbus, Dec 29—tw9* ‘ EDUCATION. DJuNjKLSLER will open a School for Bovs in this city, on .Monday next, at the Academy formerlv occupied hv Mr. | lshatn. Columbus, Jan. s—tw3t BROWNWOOn LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE. #1 HIS institution, situated I H miles from LaGrang© Georgia, will be opened under its new organization, lor the reception of pupils on the 3d MONDAY 1 3ii JANUARY NEXT. The undersigued flatters themselves from the amplejprovisions which they have mule for an extended and liberal course of Literary and Scientific instruction, that their effort will meet the approval ofan intelligent public. For particulars, reference is made to their published circular, which contains an extended exhibition of their course and plan of instruction. S. S. SHERMAN, )„ . . . Dec 14—jOwtlt OTIS* SMITH. G r "‘^W SALEM FEMALE SEMIN ART. William T. Holdkrxks.s, Principal and Pro!'. • /m. of Ancient Languages and Natural Science. <- • 1 Miss E. .T. Cargill, Instructress in English Liter- | aiureand mixed Mathematics. Miss S. P. Sampson, Instructress in Embroidery, Painting and Wax Work; also, Assistant in Music. Mrs. M. ]>. Mastkrs, Instructress in Music. The exercises of the above institution will le resumed on the First. Monday in February, 1853. This institution is situated in the healthy and growing village of SALEM, Russel ‘ county, Ala., three miles from the Pine Jtfountain and seventeen . miles N. W. of Columbus, Ga. The village is very healthy ami i remarkable for tltomoral and religious lobe of its citizens. Board may he obtained in the most pious families for five to | eight dollars per month. RATES OF TUITION : Ist Class $8 per session of 5 months. Sophomore Class thirteen dollars per session of five months Junior •• eighteen dollars “ “ “ Senior “ *• •• “ “ “ Music on the Piano, twenty dollars. Embroidery and Painting, twelve dollars. Wax Work per lesson, one dollar. Latin and French, extra, ten dollars. £l#“Voting ladies maybe educated in (his institution for \ to $95 per annum. An elegant and commodious building to cost about six thou sand dollars will he in readiness in the early ‘>art of the session. Salem, Ala., Jan.‘l, 1853.—-2wtit (ilennviiic Female Collegiate Institute. #THK duties of this Institution will be resumed on , Monday, January 17tli, 1853, under • the direction ot Mrs. 8. A. AVERY, who lias been I for many years Principal of a Female Seminary in j Philadelphia; and who brings testimonials from 1 Rev. J. P. Durbin, D. IV; Rev. L. Pierce, I). I), j Rev. G. M. Clarke, of Tabernacle Baptist Church, Philadelphia ! and others highly satisfactory. The course of instruction is to be ample and thorough both in . the solid and ornamental departments. The method of discipline will he parental—the Teachers in each department exercising j a continued and kindly care over the moral, physical and Intel- j loctual improvement of pupils while under charge. The above, together with our healthy and otherwise desirable ! location, facilities for boarding, and other advantages connected with the Institution, render it worthy the attention and confidence of our friends and the public. BBFor any further particulars, inquiry may be made of either of the Trustees; E. E. Deßose. A. M. Sanford. A. r. Mitchell. J. M. Ifaiford Win. Freeman, R. Mitchell, or M. M. GLENN, Scc’ry. of the Board. Glennville, Ala., January s—2w3t EDUCATIONAL CARD. fMRS. AVERY, for many years a Teacher of Young j Ladiesin F liiladelphia, proposes to open a\S E LF.CT i ggsC//OOL,in this city, to commence o the first, Mon- ! in January next. F 1 The course of instruction is to be thorough ami complete—including all the Branches, both solid and j ornamental, required to finish a young Lady’s education. Eld- i cient Teachers will be provided for each department, and tlienum- j her of pupils limited. Lessons in Music only, will be given to such as may desire it. Testimonials from Rev. Dr. J. P. Durbin, Rev. M. *G. Clarke, Rev. Dr. L. Pierce, Rev. T. Rambant, and others may be seen, and further reference and particulars learned, by calling on Mrs. A. at the “Mansion House.” Early application is desirable. Columbus, December 4—twtf TALBOTTON FEMALE INSTITUTE. yCs. THE trustees announce to the public that the have engaged the services of the Rev JnoT. Groves to take charge of this Institution. He brings an nn blemished reputation ,and the experience of eigh teen years in the avocation of juvenile instruction. He will be aided in the literary department by competent assistants. The .Music Department will he under the care of Mrs. Walker, a lady >l'experience, who occupied a similarstalion in Mrs Hentz’s school in Columbus. The department of Drawing and Painting will be under the care of Miss Delony, a lady also of experience and skill. The Institute is furnished with an Apparatus. Lectures ac companied by experiments and illustrations will be given to the classes in Natural Science. We hope from the united efforts of those worthy teachers, that our Institution will merit and receive a large share ot public patronage. The school will open on the second Monday in .laitunry next T it U s T E F. s : Thomas B.Titrnkr, j James P. Leonard, E. 11. Worrell, j William Ragland. Levi B. Smith, * | T. A. knows, Nov 23—w‘2m T. 11. Persons. MONTPELIER FEMALE INSTITUTE. tTHE 24th Term of the Montpelier Female Ttistitnle will commence on the first Thursday of January (b Miss M. M. Bi ell,*so long and favorably known as the principal Teacher of the Institute, and (or j years as its Superintendent, will take charge ol'thc Institute, and have entire control over all its interior arrange- j ments. Sho will he assisted by the same able corps of fnstruc- | tors which has hitherto given so much satisfaction. A Clergyman of high standing in his proicssion, will attend to 1 the religious instructions of the young ladies. The Bishop of the Diocese will continue to be the visitor of the Institute, and will attend t-lie-examinations and see that proper and sufficient instruction is afforded to those who patronize the .School. Application tor admission will be made to Air. W. S?, Williford, Secretary and Treasurer, Macon, or to the undersigned at Macon. : ST I! Pft EN E L LIOTT, .1 r. Nov-20—tw2m Bishop o; the Diocese of Georgia. A GREAT BARGAIN !! Ml DR SALE, within ten minutes’ ride of the city, a very desirable residence. The house has live good rooms, with kitchen, servant rooms, store rooms. &c., in the basement, good out-houses and good water, and surrounded by good neighbors ; there, arc about, seventeen acres of laud, a portion of it in the > woods, attached to the place, and will sell it at a bargain'. Columbus, Jan. s—twtf5 —twtf JNO. A. JONES. t To Sell or Rent. Avery desirable residence, three and a half miles ! from the city. The place contains two hundred acres — £ .;:g r !;j one hundred and twenty acres in cultivation. There is JGXJ- splendid fruit outlie place, good improvements, and one of the best springs in the connlry. Terms made to suit the purchaser. Apply to J, T. ECTOR, At Veruoy & Ector’s Livery Stable. Columhtt Jan 7—w&.tw4t. FOR RENT. - b A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street, ad ! joining Captain Barrows and E. 8. Greenwood. ! Baal:: Apply to * J. L. M t T BTI AN. Columbus. Jan. 7 —2 twtf TO RENT. j . CIRCUMSTANCES rendering it necessary that I should be near my business, l offer the place where t now re- Liltiii s 'de for rent, from the first of January next, until the i JtCA.ZL first of October following. There is not a more desira j ! ble place in Alabama. About eight acres of ground are open l with a good strong fence, fifteen acres in the woods —the place is j : one mile and a half from the city* .Seven rooms in the house, { ! kitchen with two good comfortable rooms, smoke house and i ’ storage room and stables, and an excellent well of water. For further particulars enquire ot me at B:;mmis &l Rooney’s Furniture Store. Rent cheap. F. M. GRAY. Columbus, Ga., Dec 10—ts EaP 5 ” Enquirer and Hentinel copy.. HOTEL FOR SALE. ■l . a THE subscriber offers ior sale his commodious and well finished .Hotel, situated on the east side ot the Biilaiil publicsquarc, in the town of Buena Vista, Ga., and . .lU'J&L known as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It is furnished with : all necessary conveniences, and lias pertaining to it, a good , i kitchen, smoke house,stable, lot, &c., all in good repair. The house is conveniently situated, ami is favored with a liberal share of boarding and transient custom. Buena Vista, though new, is a large and beautiful town. Its schools,and varied merchantilc i and mechanic interests, insure its permanency and rapid growth, j No one need fear depreciation in property for many years. Persons wishing to purchase such property, would do well to t call and examine. Reasonable time will he allowed for payment. Far terms appiv to the undersigned WILLIAMS, or ><> iVILLMAIS & OLIVER , March s—9wtf Buena Vista, A/arion co. Ga. GLOBE HOTEL, UUIdNA VISTa, iHARIOX CO., GA M THE.subscriber respectfully announces to his friends apd ihe public generally, that he lias taken charge of this well known !•: S T A B LISILM E N T. The house is commodious and well finished; and no pains will be spared to render thosecorafortabie, who may favor him with their patronage. J)ec3— ts E. TITCOMB. CENTRAL HOTEL, BUTLER, TAYLOR p|s[ COUNTY, GEO. BY JOHN B. ARNOLD. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that he iias opened this large and new establishment situate iminediate : ly ° Pl MUSCOREE RAIL ROAB DEPOT, and just half the distance betwetW the cities .V.7ro.\ .tW; das the junction ot the South Western Gail road branch and the Muscogee Railroad, he hopes by untirmgen ergv lo receive a liberal share of patronage lrorn a generous trav eling public. Better, Dec 13—50wSm LAND FOR SALE. jgA 111 VVE for saleWi'i acres of good farming lAud, situated ’ eight mites and a half from Fort < Jameson the road lead i ingfn.rn that placetn Newton, the county site of Baker co. : These lauds are well situated, with plenty of good run limgwater—high and healthy, with IbO acres cleared—alls resli, or nearly .“.o, and are in a line state of cultivation. The land wilt !>.• divided if ihe purchaser desires it, and it not. the whole will be disposed of. Anv person wishing to buy land in the low country would do well to cull bud examine for themselves. Prices wil he made to suit the purchaser. For further information apply to,the subscriber on the place, or to John West, Fort Gmnw, Ga. tnifrfl, 2fi -iI M. A. IIENDERfcON. I NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP line; —dp* ‘Fh e artp and splendid Steam ship 9 Florida Capt. Lyon. tin A Alabama * ..... Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to iheNtcw York andßavannah Bteam Navigation t ’('MrANY, VITILL leave Savannah and New Y ork every Saturday. These YY ships are IJMMMons register,and unsurpassed in safety,tf. ami comfort. , ...... These steamers leaving Savannah t the same lime that the Marion and Fomherner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as soon as. or before them. . . . Ahknts • PADF.LFORD, FAY &CU., Savannah, Ga. BAMITEI. L. MITCHELL, \pril 30,1852 ts 194 Front street, New Yotk. FOR PHTLADRLPHIA. .v. . THE U. S. Mail Steamsltip STJTE OF GEOR • 6M leaves Savanna 1 1 the following Wednesday lo Philadelphia: Dec 15 aiid 3‘Vth, January 12th aud 26th, February !hh and 23d, March 9lh and 2;UI, April <>!ii and 20th, May 4th and 18th, June 1. Anew steamship now building, in every respect e<iu;d to tire Sta'e of Georgia, will take her place in the lino dur iiiglhe month •> June next, and with tin* Georgia make a weekly line. This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort,ami her accommodations for passengers are unsurpassed by those of any other steamship Fare to Philadelphia ; through to New York §25; Bteer ire .89, IV/DKLFOUD & FAY. Agents, Savannah. ’l)oc 7—49\vtf HI(URON & M ARTlN,Philadelphi. MUSCOGEE RAH. ROAD CO. 1 \ INTER \RRANCEMENT. ON and after the 12th No, ember, the Trains will be governed by ttie following schedules: AI.H I. TRjJ IJ\\ SKVF.Y TIMES .1 IV EE K. Leave Columbus at 10 p. m.—Arrive at Butler at 1)4 a.m. Leave Bailor at s>.f p. m.—Arrive at Columbus at 9 p. m. .ICCOJSIMODMTIO.YTRJHX THREE TIMES A WEEK ON TUESDAY'S, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS. Leave Columhusatti a. m.— Arrive at Pine Hill at Bhf a. m Leave Pine Hill at 10>f . m.—Arrive at Columbus at 1 p.m. All through freights will go by the mail train, and way freights by the accommodation train. Both Trains witlcarrv passengers. Nov 13—wfct-wtl” ‘ _ 8. G. JONES, (Ti’l. EngV. OFFK’KCIBAIM) It. 1’ GO.. Girard, Jan. <>, 185 J. sva,- SUBSCRIBERS t > the Stock of this u ,'omp.-;ny are hereby notified that an in stallment of one-third of their subscriptions in Cash, Grading and Superstructure has been called in by the Board of Directors, and that cash installments in the county of Muscogee, Georgia, and Russel!, Macon and Barbour, Alabama, will be due and payable at the Treasurer’s oltice, in Columbus, Ga., sixty days from the date of this notice. WALTON B. HARRIS, Secretary. Jail. 11,1853 I Btw United States Mail Line. From Columbus, Ga.. to Chunnenuggee, Ala., Via Sand Fort, Uchee, Creek Stand, Enon and Stewart’s Mill. q. THE undersigned is now prepared lo carry passengers on this line: he therefore hopes to be favored with a good share of the public patronage. This line intersects, at Chunnenuggee, the line to Montgomery, via Tus kegee, Ala.; also, the one to Eufaula, via Clayton, Ala. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesdays and Fridays, at 2 P. M. Arrive at Chunnenuggee next days, at 4 P. M. Leave Chunnenuggee Mondays aud Thursdays, at 4 A. M. Arrive at Columbus same days, at 8 P. M. A. fIAYGOOD, Contractor. Stage Office at “Oglethorpe House.” Jap, 11,1853. 1 12m STEAM FACTORY. Corner of Oglethorpe and Franklin Sts. JOHM L. BARRIWGER k BROTHER, ARE prepared at the above establishment to make . WINDOW SASH of all sizes, Primed and GJazed; Window Rlmds, painted if required : PANEL DOORS and all other kinds of work in their line, a chert notice, and made in the best manner and on as good terms as can be had elsewhere. Columbus, Jan. 2\!, 18.12. 1 ly LIKELY NEGROES FOR SALE* i’TMI E subscriber has far side a lot of choice and valuable ne- I. groes which he wlters for sale at very reasonable prices.— There are among them good field hands, Railroad, .Steam .Boat, • and Steam Saw Mill hands, one first rate Engineer and Sawyer, Several first elass Seamstresses, Washers and 1 rollers. Also,a good nurse and clean Marcher, His house is at the foot of the Bridge in Girard, Ala. Dec lf>-lw&w/i J. M. JI/cKEE. FANCY GR< >CKRY STORE. C. OGLETREE,” Oglethorpe Street, opposite Keiiiiieky House. \\r HI' f-D say to his friends, that lie has just received a V y line assortment of FA WILY GROCERIES FOR I HE CITY ‘TRADE, which he would he much pleased to have his ifiends to call and see for themselves. ‘The following comprise a part of his stock, viz.: Cod fish, dried and pickled Salmon, dried Holleburt, pickled Shad, No. 1,2, & 3 Mackerel, No. 16c 2 Kits, Mess Prk, Beans, Irish Potatoes, Rice, Buckwheat Flour, fine St. Louis I lour, Butter, Cheese, Java aud Rio Coffee, fine leas, Raisins, dried lias. Preserves, Pickels, Catsup, Yeast 1 owders, Cranberries, dried Apples and Peaches, fine chew ing Tobacco, Powder and Shot, Mustard, Onions, Table Salt, and many other articles too tedious to mention. .lust received, a Fresh supply of Family Groceries, and a fine lot of Brandy, Wines, Champaign, Cider and Whis key, and a fine lot of Cigars. Dec. 16, 1852. 51 3 m MARBLE WORKS, East .side liroad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American, Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carving done on stone in the best possible manner; and all kinds of Gran ite Work al the shortest notice. JOHN H. MADDEN. P. S.—Piaster ot Paris and Cement, always on hand for sale. Columbus,March7,lßso. 10 ts D, B. IHOMPSON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART.) Uelow Ilill, Dawson & Cos. TIN, Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner of Gutters, Piping, Conductors and Roofing dono> to order, substantially and warranted. i Nov. 27 48—ts FLOUR!FLOUR! \ ; ATWIN TEK ’ S PAL AC E MIL LS! k j VY7"E will receive this day, and continue to keep on hand, for ! I tt our customers, a supply of FLOUR from the celebrated | Montgomery Mills, until we are able to resume operations, j Columbus, Dec 15—twtf C. T. INS LEE, Agent. AUCTION. BETWEEN the first and fifteenth of February next, we will sell in front of our stores | THIRTY NO. 1 NEGRO FELLOWS, RAIL ROAD HANDS, The precise day of sale will be advertised hereafter. Terms made 1 known on the day of sale. G S HARRISON &c CO. j Columbus, Dec IS—twlt&.wtf A K AYER, Auct’r. JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK AND FOR SALE CHEAP. AT Agency ot Rock Island Factory, a splendid article of En- V ! isk Cream and Wue Laid letter paper, unruled. Also trench Extra Superjine Blue and White Letter paper ruled and unruled. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Columbns. Dec 10-twlm H. T. GREENWOOD, JOSIAH MORRIS, J. I. RIDOWAY. GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGWAY. FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANT!!. No. 41 Caroudeiet Street, New Orleans. Oct 29 —w&twly DENTAL NOTICE. dr. o. f. laird HAS returned, and resumed his professional duties. Ofti next door to IMulford’s, up stairs. 1 Columbus, Nov 13—twfirn.