The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, January 26, 1853, Image 4

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Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS AND OILS. I AM bow recaivinf alar*e and IWo f a*arv tfciof MfUAllf kept in • DRLG S I Otlfc., hm. and wifi oiler iaduoenventa to purchaser* that will be Mtiefieeiory. I have Schienelier'* extract Fo w - Lxtracta, i&d every thiu£ of the best quality. to euit the liman Choice TEA3, Blech and Green. 4ril 88, Hit. R. A. WARE. CHOICE CIGA Rs 7 THI fieeet eeleetion of HAVANA CIGARS that bee ever been offered ia this market, can be had at Dr Were’e Drug Wore. Thoee who like a good smoke, “fflg gg’ “* * WARE. EXTRACT OF COFFEE. NOTHING to do but to have Boiling Water and a Teeapooaful of the Extract stirred into it, and eoe have ae fine Coffee ee can be made. For eale by R. A. WARE. April 13,1858. FISHING TACKLING. LINES, Hooka, Rada, Flaw and Thongs For gelt hr R. A. WARE. April 81, 1858. WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. JUST received and for tale by April IS. 1858. R. A. WARE. LAMP OIL. WINTER Sperm, Bleached, Elephant and Lard Oil. Beet quality. For aale by April 88, liftt. R. A. WARE. BEST CHEWING TOBACCO. FOR eale he R. A. WARE. April U. 1851. L ANBRET li’S NEW CROP. JUST received and for sale by R. A. WARE. ALSO, a few Box* Choica Flown- Seeds, 20 varie ffaain each box. lab. 3, lifti. 6 ts PAPER! PAPER!! PAPER!!’ JUST raeeived from New-York, and for sale cheap, atthe Agency ot Rock Island Factory, a splendid artiela of ENGLISH CREAM and BLUE LAID latter paper, UNRULED. Alao, FRENCH EXTRA SUPERFINE blue and white letter paper, ruled and aaruled. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Colunabua, Dec- Id, 1858. 51 ltn TOWN RESIDENCE FOR SALE. THE subaeriber wiahing to remove into the country, offara his house and lot for sale. The premises aonaist of two full lots running through from street to •treat. It iahigh and pleasantly located ; the improve- Xtante now, with one of the best wells of water in Co lumbua, and in an excellent neighborhood. For terms, (which will be reasonable,) apply to R. M. Gunby. W. H. YOUNG. Columbus, Dee. 9, 1858. 50 9t J. W. PEASE, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, Two Doors North of the Mechanics’ Bank, COLUMBUS, GA. HAS on hand, and offers for sale on the most rea sonable terms, the largest and moat complete as sortment of *®©&S AH© STATOMffi&Y, aver offered in thia market. The public are respectfully INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCK. £3F” Teachers and Country Merchants are paiticu larTyi invited to examine our large and well selected stock # SCHOOL AND CLASSICAL BOOKS, embracing all the varieties used in this section of coun try, from whom orders are solicited, and a liberal dis count made. August 87, 1858. 35—ly LETTER and Cap Paper. A fresh supply at A. C. FLEWELLEN & CQ.’S. - Jana 18, 1851. 26 BLANK BILLS OF LADING, FOR sals by J. W. PEASE. Dee. 9, 1352. 50 ts GUANO. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF GUANO, just ar rived and for aale at GREENWOOD & CO.’S. GEO. W. WINTER. Deo. S3, 185S. 52 ts. BLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, QF the beet quality, lor aale by J. W. PEASE u. 9, 1858. 50 ts ARVINE’S Moral and Religious Anecdotes. For saie by A. C. FLEWELLEN <fc CO. IS, 1898. 25 LAMER HOUSE, Northwest corner of the Public Spare, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA. THE Subscriber has taken the well known House formerly kept by Mr. Samuel Curtright, in La- Grange, and now offers his services as a TAVERN KEEPER, and from his long experience, he hopes to receive a liberal patronage from the public. R. LANIER. La Grange, May 81, 1352. 21 ts BLANK BOOKS. I AM now receiving a large and complete assortment of Blank Work, of the beet quality of Paper and Binding, consisting in part of Ledgers, Journals, and Day Books, of various sizes and styles. Also, Cash, Invoice, Letter, Bill Books, Records, &c. &c. J. W. PEASE. Deo. 9, 1352. 50 tl SCHOOL BOOKS. THE subscriber is now receiving the largest and most ; complete assortment of School Books ever offered in thia market, and is offering them on such terms as to give satisfaction to all who will give him a call. J. W. PEASE. Du. 9, 1858. 50 ts RIPLEY'S War with Mexico. Forsale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. June 18, 1858. 25 IRVING’S Complete Works—uniform edition. For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. June 18, 1858. 25 ABBOTT'S Young Christian, and Way to do Good’ ! For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. , June IS, 1858. 85 A RTHUR’S History of Georgia, Kentucky and A Virginia. For mk & EWELLEN ca Jute IS, 1888. 85 WINDOW GLASS. A LL sixes usually kept—French and American —by A AffU m 1188. R. A. WARE. RSOTCQ© m © [F/M©7 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, ZeDhvr Worsted. as* Instruments. aa v - l ’ Guitar., If WHITTELSEY & CO. Violins, ! Flutes |’ OFFER for gale an assortment of new and elegant goods Jn ( Cutlery, Clarion ttes i theirline. Sole agents for the celebrated Manufacturers Mantle Vases, Violoncello., j( NUNN'S & CLARKE AND CHICKERING, Drums, They keep constantly on hand an assortment of &c. Accordeons, gESESH PIANO FORTES of their make, with and! Watches and Clocks, 1 ! Flutinas, JJ* J J without the Alolian attachment. I Jewelry, Tamborine*, ;irw"To their large stock of Sheet Music his ( , Bridal Presents, Melodeons, (i J UB t been added, all the latest publications “ Parte Monnaies, Fins Italian, German rom th® ew press, both f OC.IL Ladies’ Work Boxes, and English Violin and AND INSTRUMENTAL. Portable Writing desks Cello Strings, j>! —— Silver and Plated Ware, Gun. and Pistols, ! WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY- Walking Canes, Powder Flaska, ; ; Combs,Brushes, /too Repaired by a skilful workman, just arrived from Shot Pooch... jPyiN New Vork. All work warranted. |( To.lelte Soap and Per- Capa and Gun \\ as, t 13 s ” Pianos tuned and repaired, and all instruments iumery, Diamond grain Gunpow- )| re p a i re< i f n the best style. Homeopathic Books and er * |4 Medicines. Bagley’s Gold and Commercial Pens. Columbus, Ga., Oct 15, 1852.-ts GENTLEMEN’S CLOTHING FII MIS HUG ESTABLISHMENT ©7 Clothier and Merchant Tailor, (NEXT DOOR TO HILL AND DAWSONS,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST A FALL AND WINTER Styles of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, ** —ALSO— JIPWVI CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, X of the latest importations, of French and English styles manufactured to order and warranted, under the direction of ws&* at. mmwm* who has just returned from New York, and will be pleased to accommodate his friends and all others that may call, with such garments as cannot fail to please. Columbus, Oct 9, 1852. tw&wtf BEAU MONDE. Come gents, one and all, m} And he’ll show you with delight, Just give JonasSmeeton a call, \\ His beautiful goods so new and bright. J. SMEETON Returns niucere thirnks to the inhabitants of Columbus for past favors, and begs most respectfully to announce that he lma received his RICH and SPLENDID stock of ’ —consisting OF— FRENCH, GERMAN AND ENGLISH CLOTHS, CAS MERES & VESTINGS, OF ALL COLORS & SHADPS IligassortmentofCASSlMEßES AND VESTINGS are of the latest and most unique styles, wnich are too various ’ for descriptions here, but will be shown with much pleasure to those who will give him an opportunity to do so He also keeps on hand a select assortment of Gents a aaasrc a&aa wtKi, Which are manufactured under his own supervision, and warranted to be superior to garments that is generally to be had in slop shops. J. S. being an importer of the monthly Pans Fashions, he flatters himself that he can please the most skeptical All fits guarantied. His facilities for buying are the best—consequently, he will sell at VER Y LOIV PRICES— and with promptness in the flulfllment of orders, and a wish to please all, he solicits his friends’ and the publie patronage. Oetober 9, 1852. “ w&twtf H. F. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR. ON K DOOR BELOW GESNER & PEABODY’S DRUG STORE STEHTf* SSMUKBUISo ,®S®lß©a£u —HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF— FMJL a to which he solicits the attention of the public. His stock comprises some of the most beautiful styles of |l loth a, figured, black and fancy colored French and English Cassimeresj black -IT- and fancy Silk Velvet Vestings of nil shades and colors, whichb is prepared to make up in the NEATEST and most FASHIONABLE STYLES. A lou experience in cutUm', iu some of the most fashionable cities of the t/nion, makes him confident that his efforts to please allthos who may favor him with aca l, will not be in vain. He is only desirous to have a lair and impartial trial before the public uid this tie asks, feeling ure that it wdl be accorded, and once accorded he fears not the result. In aaditioa ‘.6 the various cloths, Cashmeres, Cassimeres & Drills enumerated above, lie has on hand and is receiving a stock o READ Y--MJIDE CL O THIJYG, a latest stylo*, and of superior quality. In a wold he has everything suitable to a gentleman’s toilet I3T Calland examine, as he is determined to give cheap bargains-.JPJ Columbus Oct B—twtf8 —twtf (3 wm® mmL J. D. WILLIFORD & CO , (At the old stand of H. Middlebrook <sp Cos.) Two doors above J; Ennis & Cos., Broad street, Columbus, Ga., ARE NOW RECEIVING A VERY EXTENSIVE STOCK OF FIRST CLASS Heady Made Clothing, Clotbs, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods of J ‘ every variety. Fverv article in this establishment has been purchased this Fall. The garments have been cut by the most experienced and fashionable tailors. All sizes of men and boys can be easily fitted with Ready made Clothing. Gents’ready-made CLOTHING- enumerate the different articles of Clothing for boys and children. LADIES’ CLOAKS —Anew and elegant article —Ladies’Silk, Merino and Cotton Vests, &c - Caps—Of the best make and latest fashions. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We are prepared to makeup Clothing at unusually low rates—and in a style not inferior to any. Every garment war- ( ranted to give satisfaction. Our assortment of Cloths, Cassimres, Vestings, Furnishing Goods, &c., will be found complete in every particular • and a careful examination of all our goods is respectfully solicited from those who may read this notice. N. 8.--A deduction of five per cent, will be made for Cash, on all bills not less than ten dollars. ‘ Jas. D. Williford. Daniel Rowe. Oct 27—twtf i FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, wnr “iw i 9i>.-r.. JOHN SMITH —IS NOW RECEIVING ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCKS OF READY MADE CLOTHING EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. It lias been selected with taste and care, and every article oficred is warranted well niai't IFISSSKb i\Ei© ©F 1F521 kAlfiSSir STTOEB* THE F OLLOWIXG EMBRACES A FEW OF THE EEHDIXG JIR THJJ.ES XO W IX STORE *I# French and Fnglish Black Cloth Dress COATS : VESTS, of various styles and patierns im imi;, iR “ “ u “ Frock “ Silk, Cloth, Cass, Marseilles, &c. &c ? fa t n (f/fli “ “ “ “ Sack “ HATS and CAPS, from the best and most sash *-■ -JUL Grey and Mixed Sacks, Frocks and Pelts “ JWf/ ionable Manufactories in New York ‘ p - -? PBeaver, Mohair, West End, and Hemely Over Coats ; tiu-riiDvicrnvc „ .* \ rßlack and Fancy Cass Pants; IHE v FQrey, Blue and Mixed ,l shirts, Drawers, Collars, Gloves, Handkeicbielv < , vats, Ties, Stocks, Leggings, &c., Ac, ‘ —ALSO— i TRjIVELLIXG TRUXKS , CJiRPET BAGS, S.ITCHEJ.S, Vj9JJSFS, Cottcn and l UMBRELLAS, and every other article usually kept in a “ CLOTHISG STORE,” v •HIPYvrl and examine my goods before purchasing elsewheie.*©& * “** H H ‘I M jgp”Country dealers supplied on lil eral term Col umbus, September 17—twtf JOHN SB'lTli ‘ sorara MmcTrns COLUMBUS, GA. k THIS ESTABLISHMENT is now in complete and successful operation. It is the object of the Company to supply the Southern demand for the heavier styles of Cotton and Woolen Fabrics, so far as their capacity for production will permit. They now offer to purchasers the following schedule of their Manufac tures. This schedule will be altered from time to time, as they add to the variety. 4-4 Sheetings, very heavy and superior. 7-8 Shirtings, do. do. 7-8 Osnaburgs, do. do. Cotton Yarns, assorted numbers, neatly papered. PLAL TEES’ CASSIMERE—(Jeans,) colored, Black, Brown, Green, &c. T do. PLAINS, do. do. do do. PILE KNOT do., very heavy, for negro wear. COL EMBUS FASHIONS—(Stripes,) very heavy, of a great variety of colors and patterns. MATTRESSES Os any size or weight, made to order, and a supply constantly kept on hand. COM! ORTERS—Of a superior quality, made to order. 0 * designed to supersede blankets for negroes, heavy and warm, more economical than blankets. BATTING Suitable for Quilts and Comforters. ‘ WRAPPING TWINE and COARSE SEWING THREAD. All the above goods are made of the best materials, and in the best manner, and can be recommended to purchasers with confidence. iSF’ The Company pledge themselves to sell these goods on terms as favora ble as similar goods can be procured from any market in the world. The attention of buyers is solicited to them before making their selections elsewhere. Address J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. WOOL.—The E. M. Cos. are prepared at all times to buy Wool. They will also manufacture it for Planters on shares, or at a stipulated price per yard. ‘ September 30, 1852* j LA GRANGE 31 (NIC SI'OKII iryii is MU© [ESTa, Just opened, in Thornton’s Rock Building, on the West side of the Court House Square, a large and WE WILL KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MUSIC—SUCH A Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Port Folios, &c, &c, | PIANOS, with and without jEOLIAN ATTACHMENTS f 1 #T7 DOLCE CAMPANOS, Hews’ American Action, and the LE AF TUR NER, patent of Knabe, Gachle A Cos., and from many other Factories. & ALSO, CELLOS, DRUMS, BANJOS, ACCORDEONS FLUTING^ Music Boxes, of various sizes, and well selected Brass Instruments for BANDS , x , English best, strings lor MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. Ail of which wo pkdgo on Jteto sell as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere in the South. JSP Dealers, Teachers and Schools, supplied at the lowest rates, and all orders filled with care LIGNOSKI, KIONER &, CO All Pianos sold by us will be§,kept in order tor one year, without .1 - Durability guaranteed by Factors and by us. All new music received as soon as published ° Nov - n - 18M - _____ ‘ “ As ,f GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. THE next term of this institution will commence on JJ/ondny January 10, 1853. Additional buildingshaving been erected, there will be accommodations for One /An id red and Thirty Cadets. A copy of the Regulations will be sent to any person desiring further information, on application to the under Signed. * AW BRUMBY, Superintendent. Marietta,’October 26—3 m ROCK ISLAND FACTORY, rl new manufacturing Writing Paper of all the various kinds, —such as Letter, Fools-cap, Flat-cap, FoIi• and Com mercial Post, (ruled and unruled,) Mediums, Dcmys, itc. Also, News-print, Book and Colored Paper, Post-office and Newr Envelopes and Wrapping Paper of all sizes; all of which will be sold on as favoi able terms as can be purchased in any mar ket g. B.eruims fee OFFICE GIRARD R. R. CO., Girard, Jan. 6, 1853. P 77 ig-gg SUBSCRIBERS t) the Siock of this are hereby notified that an in stallment of one-third of their subscriptions in lash, Grading and Superstructure has been called in by ,Le Board of Directors, and that cash installments in the county of Muscogee, Georgia, and Russell, Macon and Barbour, Alabama, will be due and payable at the Treasurer’s office, in Columbus, Ga., sixty days from the date of this notice. WALTON B. HARRIS, Secretary, Jan. 11,1853 1 8tw ’ AUCTION. o r ursm?e3 flfteenlhof FebrUary next > we will THIRTY NO* 1 NEGRO FELLOWS, RAIL ROAD HANDjj^ kiown e on S the a L o v f^ le be adverti “ ed hereafter. Terms made JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK and for sale cheap. A n ° f Rock . xland Factory, a splendid article of F ■ French Laid lettcr f unruled. A Dr unruled superfine Blue and White Letter paper ruled and Columbns, Dec 10-twlm 1 Agent. CAUTION. TTAA ING lost or mislaid five notes for thirty liars each, gri - f® b y Zachariah Stephenson, in January l ebruarv, to VV “ Stamper, and due Dec 25, 1852. Jhe y cautioii the puolic against trading for such notes, should the ppear in oth erhands. M G S AMPER. Columbus, Oct 29 twfcwtf FLOUR!FLOUR! AT WINTER’S PALACE MILLS! WE will receive this dav, aud continue to keep on hand, for our customers, a supply of F L OU R from the celebrated Montgomery Mills, until wo are able to resume operations. Columbus, Dec 15 —twtf €. T. INHLEE, Agent.