Newspaper Page Text
)i published E V KUY IV F. HJYf si) A ) and ERJIjA Y AIOIi’A
Is published every TJKSDAY MOKJYJjVff.
Office on Bandolph street, opposite the Post Off ee.
TRI-WEEKLY, Fite* per r/nnnm, fn advance.
WIJEKI.y, Two Dom.aks per annum,in advance.
Jjf” Adverti*eme>ss conspicuously inserted at Ox* Dollar
per*qw*re, for the first Insertion, and fifty cxsts lor every mib
sequeiU insert ion.
Liberal deduction will be mode for yearly advertisements.
Muscogee Sheriff Sa’es.
TTTIMi be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the
YY in irkel house, in the city of cobus, between the usual
hours O’ sale, tiie following property to-vvit:
All ttie interest o R chard \Y Fox in ."no to the following ne
groes, tu-wit: Guffeo, a man about fifty three years old ; (Larissa
a woman about years old ; C aroline a woman abom thirty
years old, and l.odiska a girt about fourteen years old ; levied on
as the properly oi’ Richard W. Fox to satisfy sundry ti las tr-in
.Uuseogce Superior Court in favor ui John Ranks, and other ti fas
’ in in, hands against said Fox.
Also, a house and lot on the west side of Broad street, on
and part of lot number seventy thr.*e, and now occupied as a
residence bf Timothy It. Goltius ; levied on as the property of
sail! Colbjis to satisiy a fi fa from a magistrates’ court iti favor of
John White-tides against said Gollii'S; kvy made and returned
to me by a constable.
Also, lot ol land number one hundred and nineteen in the 7th
district of Muscogee comiy. levied on as ihe property of .1.
H (low *ll to satisfy a ft la from a magistrates’ court in favor of Har
rison Thomas, against said Howell ; levy made and returned to
me by a constable.
Also, a number of school desks and seats, levied on as the
property ol Daniel H. Thompson to satisfy a ti fa from a magis
trates’ court in favor of James Vernoy against said Thompson.
Also, lot of land number one h wired and seventy four, in the
tenth district of Muse gee, containing two hnwired and two and
a half acres, mory or (ess : levied on as the property if Wit'iam
L. Gulbreath to itisfv afi fa from Harris .Superior com! in favor
of Augustus F. Harvey and Emelins P. Harvev against said Cttl
breatti. A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff.
C'olmnbus, January 2S—tds
Randolph Sheriff Sale3,
TTTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before
YY the court house door in the town of Cuthbcrt, Randolph
oounty, witiiiu the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit: ✓
One lot of land number one hundred and twenty-four in the
seventh district of said county, ajul one negro man by the name
of Jeter about th rly three years ot age : levied <n as die proper
ty o James Morris, to satisfy one ti fa issued from the Superior
Court ot said county in favor ol Mo.vell Cobb, Governor of the
Htate of Georgia, vs. James Morris.
Also, the east half of lot of land number six in thesixth district
of,said county, and one sorrel inure and colt ; levied on as the
■ the properly ol James A. Foster to satisfy two ri (as is nod from
the'Sup r or court ot said county: one in favor of Brooks and
Smith,one in favor of Thomas W. Robinson, y.,. James s. Fos
ter. Pointed out by defendant.
Also, lot ofland number two hundred and forty eight in the
sixtli district of said cotimy : levied on as the property of Robert
Nickels to satisfy two ti las issued irom the Superior court of
. said county; one in taxor of John Aliev, vs. Robert Nickols, the
ii? favor of YY. Jordan, administrator of Joan Alley, de.c'd
vs. said Nickols. i'ointedoui by \Y. Jordan,
Also, two lois ol land number one hundred and twelve and
‘eighty one in the ninth district of said county; levied on as the
property of Herbert Stubbs to satisfy one ti la issued from ihe Su
perior court iif said County in favor of Macon Langley, vs. Her
bert Stubbs and John F. Rail, endorser, l’oin'ed out by HI rbert
Also, the undivided south half of lot in the town of Gutlibe t No
two in square eight, it being one-fourth part of said lot; levied
on as the property ot John llnine.l to satisfy sundry ti fa3 issued
trout the tmerior court o said county, one it lavor 01//enry 1.
Taylor, vs. Jo m ilametl and Wi.liam C. Perkins.
Also, four lots ot land number forty-nine and the north half of
number forty eight in the eleventh distric, and number thirty
live, and the north halt ol tot number tliirty three in tit#- tenth
district, a 1 ot said county : levied on as the property of William
Matlock to satisfy three H fas,one in favor ot Alexander Pace
and others, vs. YVidiam Matlock and JohnT .McLendon.
Also, two negro boys named Adam ten years of age, and Jim
i years oi age. and mu* two horse wagon and two horse- ; lev
ied on as the property of John h. Jones, to satisfy sundry It t:.s
issued from the Superior court of said county in favor ot David
Biggcr.stafl'and others, vs. John I!. Jones.
Also, one sorrel mule, levied on as the property of John .1.
Rett to satisfy one ii ia issued fro in the Super or court ol said
county in favor of.s. I*. \Bison, vs. John J. Roll and Duncan Jor
Also, the undivided half of forty acres of lot of Jnitd numtier
-one hundred and thirteen in the sixth district of said county, ii
being in the north east corner msaid lot ; levied on as the pro
perty oi John 11. Jones to sat sly sundry fi fas issued out of a Jus
tice court o. said comity m favor of A,orris Sels and others vs.
Joint H. Jones. Levy made and r turned to me by a eon tabic*.
Also, six acres o! to: o, laud number one hundred and twenty
■one in tiie e eventh and strict <>! smd county, it being die north east
i Corner ot said lot, levied mt as the pri pt ity of.Aiicht’l Reason to
1 satisfy one ti lit issued trout a tustice court of Stewart county in
j avorof Joint Fttssei, vs. Mitchell Reason and Hm. Iteason.—
I Levy made and returned to me by it constable.
Also, e ist half a ten acre hi, it being in tin* south west ronerof
W lot of hind rut :n nerjone hundred and ninety throe i.iti eninto dis
ft ■ ic. of said county ; levied on ast he property of John I!. Jones
and Anderson Lee to satis v one li fa issued from the Superior
court of smil county in .avor oi’ E. D.Smith vs. John H. Jones and
Anderson Let*.
Jan. 2b—lds WASHINGTON JOYCE, Sheriff.
Mat T !AU E S.iLE.
Also, at the s/t mr time and ylnc; trill br fold on the. first 7'itesday
in J! ire.h, the follotrinp property, to-irit:
Lot ot land numtier two hundred and thirty-six. in the fifth
district ot said county. Levied on as ttie property o 1 ’ Tdman
Hu Ison, to satisfy one mortgage fi ft issued from the Superior
Court of saiti county, ip favorof Philip Cook vs. Tiimun Hudson.
Also, lot ofland number iif.y-twoiu the eleventh district of said
county; levied on as ttie property of Robert ?. .Scott, to satisfy
one inort gage fi fa issued from ihe .superior Court oi said county
in taver of Isaac B. Brown vs. Robert .V. *cotf. Pointed out by
Plaintiff. RICH UiD DdF/V, ij-'y. S.Cff. ’
December 30,18.72. itils
Early Sheriff Sa es.
\VniJ, bo sold before tbeeourl bouse door in Blakely, Early
t county, on the first Tuesday in ‘inrcli next, between tlie
usual hours ot s-ile, the follow it nr joeperty to-wil :
Two lots of laml numbers one hundred and torty eight and one
hundred ai (1 forty nine in the fifth district of Ear-’y county, to
satisfy a flfa in favor of Peter I.*e and Mrs. Elizabeth Lee. ‘s.
Burrell T. liinson. issued by the Superior court of Early county.
Also, one sorrel mare, one yoke o oxen and cartas the proper
ty ot'one Joseph 11. Ellis to satisfy ah’ ‘a issued from Randolph
Super.or court in favor of Bennett 11. Perkins, \s. said Elli-.
•'ls* >, otie negro woman levied on as the property of Eihehlred
Hays to satisfy a fi fa issued Irvin the Early Suj erior court in la
vor of Bohn 11. Robinson, and sundry fi las issued iruui a justice |
court, against said Hays.
Also, lots ofland numbers three hundred and sixty five and
time bundled and sixty six in the thirteenth district oi Early
county to satisfy afi fa ui tavor of James 8. Lathiop, vs. James
L. Canlnee.
Also, | .t of land number two hundred and tiny nine in the
toiirth district oi stud county of Eariy : levied on as die property
U illiain I', Smith to satisfy fi fa trom Early Superior court;
rj f' 4 oivor of John 110 l is. vs. said William T. Smith.
one lot ui the-south art ot Fort Raines, number five, tad
out by O. II Davis in the norm side of Mbany street, containing
R!) acre, more or less; also, three thousand feet of lumber, more
(,'f fotir thousand singles, more or less, levied on as the
‘* W *lll* J. Langford t> satisfy a ii ia in favor ot R. S.
yvViinams, Langford.
Jan.‘Jit—ids JOHN W-ST. sbt nff.
8 Joxi-s. )
_ vs. I Bill for D-s
----( tv;oßog Field. Thk SofFnjsß> Liyp Ivsr- !CO very, Relief,
®-' v K . \ N I’ trs r Company, fit* I'lgsxix f &.**.. in Muscogee
Bank. v\ ti.t,t\M iJouaUKRTY. kqkuk H 4-ij.r ! Superior (Joud.
, oil WBs. John Banks and PiiiLip f. Sctintx . i
It appearing p, jiie Court that the defendants, George Fie and
. an t the southera Life I.i ir iii ‘u and Trust Company, are net
, within t e jurisdiction of this Court—Field being a citizen
vet resident of New York,and the Southern Life insurance and
Trust Cii.up my being a body corporate established bv liie Terri
v 10-v o: F iorida.
i *’ I?.-motion of complainant, ordered that the said Field and
4.10 satd so pbern Lite In. rnd Trust Cos plead, answer ot demur
tosihi till,n .idem irring aione, on or before the fir>t day of lie
next Term: \nd it is further ordered that the above order l<e
pu t.U.ieil by the * ‘lerk of this Court, once a montn for our
out is. Bet ore the next Term o*'thi* Court, in one of the public
Lazeties o! the city oi Columbus. Ceor-ta.
. .rue extract from the mimt’es of Muscogee Superior Court
at Auvembei term, 1852, this Kith and .v of Jm.uarv, 1853.
Jan ~ JOHN R. STURCIB. Clerk,
1 indin J
A d .m, lni^ 1 ; ator * Sale.— \greeable to an order <; the
TucsO iv iii"vn r |t , " ar ’ ° f bounty, wil! be sold oh the first
b’k lv .P I"’* 1 "’* befere the court house door in Hlakely, a
•coinnlexiVi iwi ‘“'i'” ‘A catey, about fourteen \!d,oi
t . !h, ‘ ot Ur. John Hill, deceased,
boat to make a division ot sa.d * state.
ju?/* “ j ‘ i3 WILLIAM HIM., Ad mV.
i G I*. OKGI A, I (.'out of Or pi vary,
Museogee county, ) November Term, )5.”2.
i order jv*/ si.
NT7HERE \S. Thomas V Mi Her, Guardian for Martha L. Rod
’ gen*, orphan ol Adarp Ibxlgers, deceased, having applied
, or dismission from saitiGuardia ship.
it is ordered by thecourt, that ali persons concerned,appear
Jat the Court off Ordinary to be held in and ‘or said county,on the
second Monday in January next, to shew c nsc, if any they have,
why -.aid Guardian should not be dismissed.
A true transcript from the minutes of said court, this 11th No, 18.52. JNO. JOHNSON,Ordinary.
Columbus, Nov Hi—4f<wff
fi F.Ofi Cfl.i, f Court, of Ordinary , October Term , 1552.
JWuxeetprc enunty. ) R C/.f JV/ gs.
I HA* 5 . Edward Broughton, Administrator of the estate
\ ‘ ‘ of Lewis Lockey, deceased, tiaving applied for letters of dis
m ssion. It is ordered by the court that at! persons concerned,
sftevv c:ut*k*, i! any they have, why ttie said Edward Broughton,
n<hiinbtmmras aforesaid, should not be dismissed at tiie next
May Term of- tid court.
A true ext met from the minntes o f sa'd court, Oct Stth, IS.Y*.
j Oct ‘2— nitiiu JOHN JiIIINSitX, Ordutfiry.
ti K )/<Ci / .1 , l Court of Ordinary, October Term, 1832.
I Jiln*coper, rotm'y, a UI.K .VI SI.
; \\ T H ERE \b. lohn Forsyth, Adminis’nitor of rheestate of Jtthn
tv Forsytt*, dect‘;tse<i, having for letters of dismission,
j t is or lured by tie court th it at! persons c-eicrned, shew ca se,
fatty they h ive, why saitl ad niuistrator should not be dismissed
at the next May term of said court.
I A ‘rue transcript from the minutes of said court, Oct 9th, 1852.
Oct 1 2 —tiirtm J(HfN.bHINSON, Ordinary.
Ret ben Simmons
vs. ■■Mortgage, &c—September Term, 1832.
John C. Silv t ey. S
Pit ISSEN L’ tin; Hon. William Taylor, Judge of the Superior
Court. It appearing to thee >urt bv the petition of iletthen
j Simmons, that on the 30ih of June, 1815, John 0. .Silvey nta.'e
arid delivered to >aid Reuben Si Ivey itis certain note, bearing the
date and year aforesaid whereby tiie said John <Filvev protn
ised to pay b. the 2! o’ December next, after Ihe dafe ot said
note, the said Reuben Mm n ms, seven hundred astd fifty dollars
for lot ol land numoei four hundred in the twenty sixth district
o’ Early county, And that afterwards, on the same day and year
| aforesai i. Hie said J dm C. Siivey Ihe itetter to secure the pay
mmitntsa and noteexeen’ed and delivered to said Re dten Sitn
i moils,tii- deed of mortgage, whe eby the said John G. Siivey con
veyed to tiie said Reuben Simmons lot ofland number four hun-
I dee ’, n the twenty sixth district of said court!y of Early, contain-
I jngt vo Iniodred tml fifty acres, more or less —conditioned that
j if said .To m G. Siivey should payoff anti discharge said note, or
cause Hit same to be done according to the tenor -and effect there
of, that then the said deed of mor*gage and said note should be
comeand be mill and void to a!! intents and purposes. And it
I t ther appearing, that said note remains unpaid. It is, therefore,
| ordered—flint the s i.ui Joan G. Bil vey do pay bito Court by the
| first day of next erm thereof, the principal,interest, and cos', due
! 0,1 Jidd note, or.- • cause, to ‘ln* contrary, if any he Isas. That
oil the failure ot s :id John G. rlilvcv so to do. the equity of re
; demptioti i*t aitd to.s iid -nor.gtged premises be forever literafter
itarred and foreclosed. Ami it is further ordered —That this rule
be published in the Co'nmbus Times once a month for four
I months, or i copy thereof served on the said John G. Siivey or his
agent or a torney at least fltre.e months previous to the next term
i of said Court.
RkCHKN PIMWONS, ) ~ .r,rr.
vs f Earlv Superior Court, Pept. Term, 1852.
John C. Nil,vet ( Rule Nbsi to foreclose Mortgage.
II appearing to the Court that the* defendant resides without.
the limits of this county. It, there lore, on motion of Pi’ff*.
Counsel—That service be perfected by p blication of this order,
once a montli f*r four months iti the Columbus Tim**s, a public
gazette. 8. S. STAFFORD, Pi’tfs. Ait'ny.
A true extract from the minutes of Earv Superior Court, at Sep
tember term. 1852.
Due 7—tin TMOS ft. ANDREWS. Gl’k.
GLOU(HA. ) Court of < ‘rdinarv, lor said county,
Ea: ly county. { January Term. 1853.
OWF.N \V r . SH YCKELFORD. Guardian of tht n inor heirs of
Jiimes oter and .\sa Travis, deceased, having applied to
the Court for letters of dismission irom ihe guardianship of sad
minors* It is hereby ordered, That all persons concerned, be
amt appear at ihe March term of said Court, and cause shew, (if
any they have) why said applicant should not be dismissed !r Yn
sard guard; tnvidps. A true extract from the minutes ol said court,
January 15th, 1853.
January 5-4wf.t S.S. STA FORD, Ordinary.
( t enrgia, R:mlolph comity.—Whereas, Henry L.
* ? Taylor ami Manuti ... tay lor apply to me for letters of ad
minis ration on the estate of Taylor, /ate of said county,
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and sing lm Ihe
kindred and creditors of said deceased, >o bs and appear at my
office within the time preserib- <! Ivy aw, and shew cause, if any
they have, why said Ictft rs should not lie granted.
Given under my hand at office, this the :2h day of Jan., 1853.
Jan.\9—swGt O. P. BEALTi, Ordinary.
{s eorgia. ttomlolpli county Wtiereas, John Peter-
T so s a,ipiie-s:o me or .etters of administration on the estate
of Archibald Peterson, lute of said county, deceased.
The-e are, therefore, to cite and admonish all end singular the
kindred and creditors -f saiti deceased, <o be and appear at n.y of
fice, within the time prescribed by taw, and shew cause, if any
they have, why said idlers should not lie granted.
Given under my hand a! office this I !th biy of January, 1853.
January 18—3w5t <. i*. BEAf.L, Ordinary.
/ 1 corg a, Muscogee county— vVhereas, Benjamin
vT M nt. y, applies for idlers of ad mi nisi ration on the estate of
An m fohnto.t. late of said co ir.ty, deceased.
I’hese are. therefor to cite and admonish all and singular the
kit ire i am! cred tors of said deceased, toshew cause,if anv they
h tve. why tne administration of saiti estate, should n t l>egranted
t > said apaiicaut at tm* Gour of Ordinary to lie held in and for
said county on the first Monday m February next.
(liven under tny hand, this 4Mt of Jan tary, 1853,
Jan. s—‘2'st JNO. JOHNSON. Ordinary.
/ i rorgia, arly county.— V'heretis. Jesse collier i
\T makes application to me mr tetters of Guardianship of the ;
, persons and property of .Martha, John and William Travis, minor
heirs of \sa Travis’ deceased; and of -Hiepperd and .'.alissa
Foster, minors of June Foster, deceased :
These are to notify all persons conoerned, to shew cause, if any 1
| they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant, j
at the March term, next, ol the Court-of Ordinary for said county. j
Given under mv hand at office this January 15th. 1853.
January 25—4wtt S. *u. STAFF''MIb. ‘ Ordinary. j
i TTeorgia, Early county— *v herons. iniiiu Hid |
* T ia uve’ ipplicution to me for letiers ot Guardianship oi the |
person and property of Eliza Hill, a minor heir of Dr Joint Hiil, j
dec used. j
All persons concerned, are hereby notified that said letters will |
be grained said applicant, ii no objection is filed in my office j
within the time prescribed by law. ‘ Given under iny hmdatjof- j
five, this Novi min r 22d, 1852.
Dee 7—4w7t S. -S'. STAFFORD, Ordinary.
(■> eorgia, Tnlbot bounty— Whereas, Joseph Brown
T applies to me tor letters of administration on the estate of i
Oliver H. P. Dnniei, late ot Talbot ceuniy, deceased.
Tiiese are therefore, to citeand admoni h all and singular the :
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed bv law, then and there to shew
cause, it any they have, why aid letters should not. be granted. I
Given under my hand and official signature, this the 29th day ;
. of Vo vein tier. 185*2. MARION BETHUNE, Ordinary.
Decent her 7—4ttw7t
nardiati's Sale—On the first Tuesdtty in January next.
_T l wii sed itt ‘Tit diert, Randolph county, on a credit of
twelve months, a negro man ( Harry'i about fifty years of age
,<ol ! by order of the court of ordinary of said county for the
benefit of Amanda A. Lanier, orphan.
Nov fi- ds ItKN < V'MN F Vfl \ STV Guardian.
/ 1 iiot gia, Itandolph county—Whereas Thomas T l-
VT tey, nJiiiinistmior of P.iilifi Tmsiey. .:ite of said con* j
.■eased, having made application for letters o dismission. Par
ties at interest are hereby notified to file their objections.if any ;
they have, within the time prescritied by law -otherwise siiid
letters will be granted. Given under mv hand at oitioe, tlii- sth
day of May, 185*2. ‘! av 1 fi-6m <> ~P P>F VT,. , < >,
/ x eorgta, Muscogee county*- Whereas, t rai ces t,
\ T Bat icy applies :<>r lit •rs c>. : niliuitustrsitiou oti the estate**
Pamuet A. Hailey, ‘ate <t said county,deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and dtnmish all and singular the
kindred and creditors ot said deceased, toshew cause, it any they
have, why ih< administration oi said estate should not he grant- i
ed to said applicant, at the Court of * irdinary to be tield in and i
for said county on the second Monday in January next-
Given under my hand, tiiisTihday of December, 185*2.
Dec 9, 1.852—47w5t tN< >. J>! 1 \S< >N. Ordinary.
CTEORGIA, Unudolplk county—Whereas, William ;
Jf Sandlin, administrator ui Ephraim .'dams, deceased, lute ot !
said county, applies to me for tetters of dismission trom said ad- ;
These are.therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
parties iuteresteo, to show cause, “itiiin me lime prescribed by
taw (if any they havt,)\vliy s.-vd letters should nut be gratred.
Given tinder tny baud at office tlie lr-lh Jay of Jut e. 1852.
,Tune*2U —2d—xvGm o. P. HE VLL. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Itunriolpl* county—Whereas. Frede
rick Giierry, administrator of ivißingsw orth. deed,
late ot said county, applies i me for letters ot dismission from
said estate. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
parties interested, t • show cause, within the time prescribed tj
taw (if any they have) why said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hamlat office Hie 18th day ol June, 1852.
June 29—2 O. P. HEALL. Ordinary.
/ * enrgin, Randolph cotuuy— ‘ iureas. Thomas
ll Coiuai,a!mini.4r loro the es,ate ol -lOseph Willistras, de
ceased, applies to me .or ictters <• dismission. Tcese are. there
to re, to cite and admonish alt and sittgniar the parlies i ter, sti-J.
to show cans**, it any they have, within the time prescribed by
law, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under my
hand at mlice the 21st day of sept ‘s*2.
j 8-pt 28
f s earjfls, Itamlolph coniity—Whereas, Thomas W
Y Garner, administrator <m the estate of William L Morgan,
deceased, app to me for letters of dismission (herefrom. These
are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the parties
nteresteii, to show cause, if any they have, within the time pre
scritted hy law. why saiti letters should not i>e granted. Given
under rny hattd at (liTn e sept iGth, ’52.
.Sept 28—3<Hv6:n O P BEALT., Ordinary'.
Ft EOiiGIA, Randolph county- -Whereas. John J
* J Bessiims,administrator upon the esta e ot Robert BatJer, de*
ceased, applies to me lor letters of oi amission,
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
parties intereateo, to shew cause,it any They have, within thetime
prescribed by law, why said tetters shouid not be granted. Given
under my hand at office this 22d day of may. 1852.
.Ifa\ 25—wfim <>P REAM.. Ordinary.
( Uorgia, F.arly county--Whereas, Reuben McGor-
T qttada.e appl es i me ft r tetters of administration upon li.e
estate of John McCnrquadate, late of saiti county deceased.
These are,therefore, to crite,suntmon and admonish ali and sin
gular the kindred an I creditors of said deceased to fib* their ob
jeclioi.s in my office within the time prescribed bylaw, if any
they iiave, why said letters should not be granted said applicant.
Given under my band at office, t! is Dec 21st, 1852.
Dec 28—52w7t 8. 8. BTA i'F< IID, Ord’ry.
\fltninis#ratcr’ :*Blc#--Wiil Ijc sold in Cuthbcrt. Ran
dotpii couniy, oil toe first Tties'iayin March next, a *ike'y
negro man by the name o Bam. Sold by fm order of the Court
ol ‘ rdinitrj'of said county, as tin* propeMy ot Tharp Hale, de
ceased fbi the payment of Ids debts. Terms rash.
_Janu-try 19 -td4 1> \ViT> R('v Ad mV.
A dlministratov’s Sale.— Will be sold in CuUibert, Ran
liolpti county. <m the tirsi l in Marcii next, a negro
man by the name t Ned, about fifty-five years old. Sold as the
property of Everett J. Pearce, deceased, for (be payment of bis
debts. Terms.on the day. DIXON P\ PEARCE, Adm’i.
January 18 -ids
\d in i nisi rat rix’is Sn te— Ut the first Tuesday fit March
next, wilt be sou! in Cuthbert, Rttndolpb county, lots ofland
numbers two hundred and thirty two and two humired and forty
nine, in the eighth district of said county; ibt-str lands are in a
fine state of cultivation, and have upon ILetn all necessary build i
i ngs |br a farm. 8o!d for the benefit oftiie heirs 011-bam Wheetis |
deceased. Jan ‘B->ds MARTI! V ‘\ IIEIHdS, Adm’x.
Vtlmiuist rators Sale—Y\’i;l le sold on the first Tues
day in March next, be-ore the court tioiise door in Cutli-i
bert, Uiitdolph county, iot ofland mimoerone hundred and six
teen, in the4Hi district of said county. Fold as the property of I
John Dobson, late ot comity, Alabama, deceased.
Terms cash Jan 18 tils J'OSIAH GRIER,
\dministralors 9alc—Will be sold by virtue o anor-j
.. dero-ihe ‘rjinaryo’ Early county, on the first Tuesd'-y in
February next, tietore the court bouse door in the tow u of Blake
ly, Early county. Ga., within Hie usual in airs of sate, lot of land
number one hundred and twenty tr.ree in the filth distr c of said
county, as the proper y of Alt reel Renfroe, late o’ said county de- ,
ceased, -add tor the benefit of the iters and craditora of said
deceased. Terms on thedav of sale.
Dec 28—Ids THOMAS 15. ANDREW?, Adnvr.
4 dmtulstrators Sale—Agreeable to an order of the
/V court ot ordinary of F.arty c- unty. will be sold on the first
Tuesday in February next, before the court house door in Starks
ville, Lee county, between the usual hours ofsa e. lot of land No.
seventy six in tlte tweT.h district ot Lee county. Boldastlie
jtroper'y of Abner W. Jones, deceased, late of Early county, for
the benefit of ihe heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms
on day of sale. Dec‘-B—tds THO.S 15 ANDREWS, Ad'mr
\dminist ratrix’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the
•Jrdiitary of MuscOgoo county, will be sold
of Benjamin Je Ferson. deceased, in VYynnton, it .-aid county, ott
Fri ay the 4th day of February next, the personal property of
sai deceased, consisting oi household find kitchen furniture ; a
fine lot ot farm tig utensPs, wagons and carts, sows and pigs, two
fine mules and three good dray horses, one fine yoke of oxen,
cow- and calves —some fine milehers —goats, corn and fodder,
potatoes,&c„ fee. \ dat
Tn the city of Golumbus, on Saitmta the sth of February, one
pntr large scales, a lot. ot tobacco, hardware, •* oonen ware, cil
lery, and many arlicestoo numerous to mention. If all should
not he sold t.n the days above n*uued, the sale to be continued
from day to day. Terms made known on the day of sale.
Columbus. Ji.i. 19 tds ‘IARRfE ‘JE FET'tON, vdm’tr
\ dmlnistrators Sale—Will be sold beiore Ihe court
. \ bouse door in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, (Li., on
the first Tuesday in February next, within tiie legal hours ofa!e,
1y virtue of an order ol ihe court ol ordinary of said county, the
following negro property belonging to tiie esia e of Young Daniel
late of said cou i.ty, deceased, viz; Ephraim about thirty six years
old, Khody twenty seven years old, Lewis eleven years old,
nine years old, Franklin seven years old, Joshua five ye; rs old ;
sold for ilie benefit, of the heirs, &e. ol said deceased.
Dec 14—tds JHB. BROWN. Adm’r.
Kdmliiistrators Sale —W ilt be soul before the court
house-door in the town of l albo'ton, Talbot, county, Georgia,
on the first Tues lay in February next, within the legal hours of
sale, by virtue of an order ot the court of ordinary of said county,
fifty acres of land adjoining the lands belonging to Joseph H.
IY T i Ison’s estate, and one negro boy by tie name of Jacob, about
six years old sold as the property oi'Barney Wilson, lateol said
county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of aid
deceased. Terms given on thedav of sale.
Dec 14-tds WM F. ROBEET?ON. Adm’r.
T^x editor's Pale- \greeably to an order from the hon-
J oraiue Gourt ot Ordinary of M us. ogee county, I w ill sell, at
the market house, in the city of Columbus, on be. first Tuesday
in arch next, the following negroes, belongii gto the estate of
N. Me. Robinson, deceased, lateol said county: Henry, a man
about twenty-five years old ; 9am, a man about ti rty years old
.-'aid negroes sold for the benefit of the creditors and heiisof said
estate. Terms cash. ISA AG T. ROBINSON, Ex’r.
Columbus, January 18—tds.
sale—Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb
ruary next, before t.oe court house door in Lumpkin, Ntnvvart
comity, during the usual hours of sale, two negroes. Beofoid a
man about 25 years<>ki and Lucy a woman about 22 years old,
belonging to the estate of James Perkins, deceased, late of said
comity, (void for the benefit of the creditors ol said deceased.
s u in ,. ick rkaa s c jy, )
JAMES r. EIAAS , > Ex’ts.
December, 14—wtds MARY PERKLVS, )
IT'xecutor’s Sale.--Pursuant to the last Will and lesta
\ meat oi Pniiip F. Sapp, deceased, will be sold be tore tin*
Gourt House door, in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county,
within the usual hou**s ol e He, on the first Tuesday in February
next, lot ofland number not known, in the nineteenth district ol
said county o Stewart, known as the Mill Lot, and being a part
and parcel of the late settlement of the said Philip F. Sapp, de
ceased. Said lauds to be sold for the besn fi m the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. Wll I.LAM \YI*>T, ) ,
Nov. 18. 1852.—47w5t B. S. WORKI ,L, { Ex rs.
L''xecutors’ Bale )n the first Tuesday in February next.
I j wilt be soui.belore tite Court House door in the town oi
| Luinokin, Stewart county,Georgia, witiiin the legal hours of sale,
the Southwest corner of lot number tony and the Southeast cor
: tier oi lot number fifty-seven, in tlie thirty-third district of said
I county, containing one hu-drwl acres, more or less, tielonging tn
the estate of Win f . Prather, deceas ‘d. Sold agreeably to tin
order o’ the Court of *. >rdinary of said county, for the bent fit ol
the heirsof said estate. Terms made known <n the day of sale.
Nov. 18, 1852 —47 wot RICH A Ilf* PK \THER, Ex’r.
N otice to debtors and creditors—Ml persons in
deoltNl to Hie estate**! Gimr *■> Keudail, oeceased, late of
Mitscogoe county, tire requested to make immediate payment:
j those holding Haims again-t stiid estate are requested to present
! them duly authenticated tome.
| Columbus, Jan. 25 —4>stit JANE KENDALL, Adm’trx.
N otice to debtors and creditor*—Ml personsin
debieklo the estate of stefiin t-. Rodg*rs. dec’d. late of
Randolph couny, are requested to make immediate payment;
ttiose holdit gclaims against said deceased, are notified to pre
sent them for payment.duly authenticated.
CC WILLIS, > , . ,
December9B—s2wfit * A WII LIS. ( Qn ’ r
Notice to Debtors andCreditors~Mlpers>nsin
ilebted to iire es ate <>t Jolm A. Walker, deceits**. , are re-
I quested to come u*rw .rd and make payment, ami those holding
| claims against stiid esiateare requested to present them duly an
: thenticated to me. J ‘S. S. WALKER, Adtn r.
January s— ; 2w7t
r\VO months after date, application will be
made to the Court ot * >rditia**y >;Randolph county,for iea\e
| to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of George \V. Moye,
I deceased, late ot said county.
January s—4w*2tn W.M. A. MOVE, Adin’r.
i r l'WO months after date, ! shall apply to t lie
j I Court oi or.Jm.rv of Karn oiph cotm.y Ibr nave to sell a
! negio belonging t<* the mit ors ol *ol. (iraves, deeeased.
January Ik—3w2n* B, GRAYES,Guard an.
j r p\VO months afler date application will be
1 made I** the <>url ofOrd.nary of county, for leave to
i sell the lands belonging to the estate ol Epsey Dv’son, deceased
j January -9—2iu ABNER DY ON, Adni’r.
r T'W <> months after da’e, we shall apply to
1 Hie ( ourt **f Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sett a
town lot in Coving, on, New ton county, as the property of 801.
Graves, deceased. L. A. G< >NEKE,|
B. GRAVES, ’} Adm,r *
January !B—2m with the Will annexed.
TWO munths after date application will be
A made-to toe eoun o ordinary of Randolph coiuily tor iQJve
to ge.l the land belong:ue to Hiram Harris. >n,dec’d. Sate of said
cunfy. Duc2B-2in L. C. BALE, Ex’r.
j s . .o y, *
TWO monlltt after date application will be
A m ,dc to the court oft >rdinary of Randolph county i-T leave
to sell the laud belonging o Timothy Pitman, deceased, late of
said county. Dec 28—2 m A A PiTMAN. Adin’r.
TW’O months after date application will be
t 1 made to the Court of Ordinary ot Randolph county, for
i leave to sell a negro man by the name of Guy, belonging to the
| estate of Allen Move, deceased.
Dei 26—2 m YVM A MOYK, Adm'r.dc bonisn n.
TWOmonilu afterdate application will be
1- made to the ..ourt of ordinary of Early county, for leave to
self the real estate of F. Griffith, late of said couiitv, dec'd.
Dvc 7—w2tn FRANCES A GRIFFITH, Adm^rx.
• —rm-innun n ■ imimaums
For the rapid Cure of
Marty years of ttial, instead o> tmpatntur the public con
fidence iri this medicine, has won for it an appreciation and
notoriety by far exceeding the nto-t sanguine expectation
of its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and the un
mistakable benefit conferred on ihou-ands or>uik*r**rs could
originate and maintain the reputation it enjoys. While
many interior remedies thrust upon the community have
failed and been di carded, this has gained friends be every
trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never for
get, and produced cutes too numerous and too remarkable
to be forgo ten.
While it i8 a fraud on the public to pretend that any one
medicine will infallibly cure—still there is abundant p oof
that the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing,
but almost invariably cure the maladies for w hich it is cm,
As time makes the ; e facts wider and better known, this
medicine has gradually become the best reliance of the af
dieted, from the log cabin of the American Peasant, to the
palaces of European Kings, Throughout this entire coun
try, in every State,city, and indeed almost every hamlet it
contains, Cherry Pectoral is known as the best remedy ex
tant for diseases of the Throat and Lungs, and in c any
foreign countries, it is coining to be extensively used by their
mo t intelligent Physicians. In Great Britain, France and
Germany, where the medical sciences have reached their
highe-t perfection, Cherry Pectoral is introduced, and in
con-tant u-eiu the Armies, Hospital.-, Alms Hou-es Public
Institutions, and in domestic p notice, as the surest temedy
their attending Physicians can employ for the more dan
getous aflectioiis of the lungs. Also in milder cases, and
for children it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. In
fact,some of the most flattering testimonials we receive
have been from parents who have found it efficacious in
cases particularly incidental to childhood.
The Cherry Peetoial is manufactured by a practical
Cheinift, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with in
variable <eeui'aey and care. It is sealed and protected by
law from counterfeits, consequently car. be relied on as gen
uine without adulteration.
We have endeavored here to furnish the community with
a medicine of.-wch intrinsic .superiority and worth as should
commend itself to their confidence—a remedy at once sate,
speedy and effectual, which this has by repeated and count
less trials proved itself to be: and trust by* great care iri pre- j
paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to ;
afford Physicians anew agent on which they can tely for j
the Le-t results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do
for them all that medicine can do.
Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer,
: Practical and, Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
! Sold in Columbus, Ga., bv ROBERT CARTER,
land by Druggists generally. Jail. 22—w&tw4m.
| A SAFE and certain cure for Cough, Colds, Croupe*
j Asthma conumption of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood,
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, and all Pulmonary Affec.
A lovely young lady cured of Consumption
It"/” fne following is from the pen of Wm. H. Levi
son, Esq., the distinguished editor of'he U. S. Military
and Naval Argus, under date New York, January 16,
I*so. What could be more conclusive !
“ It is seldom we permit ourselves to occupy a space
in these columns to speak in praise of any article in the
patent medicine way ; but when we s< e the life of a
fellow-creature saved by the use of anv medicine wnat
ever, we co sidei it as our right, it not our duty, to give
a simple statement o’ .acts, that others may, m like
manner, be benefitted. The case wheh has induced
us to pen this article was that of a young lady of our
acqaintance, who by frequent exposure to the night air,
contracted a Cold whiciisettled on the Lungs before
its ravages could be stayed. (This occurn and two years
ago this winter, Various remedies were used, but with
very little effect or benefit. The Cough crew worse,
with copious expectoration, and the sunken eve, and
pale, noil w cheek, told plain y that pulmonary disease
was doing us worst on herdeiicale frame. The family
physician was consulted, and although lie would nol
admit to the young iady that she really had the consump
tion. yet he would give no encouragement as to a cure
At this crisis her mi t her was persuaded to make use oi
a bottle of Dr. Rogers’Compound Syrup of Liverwort
and far, and we are happy to state she was perfectly
cured in less than three months by this medicine alone
after even hope was destioyed. It is useless to com
ment on such a case as this, for the simple ruth will
reach where polished ficti-n never can.* If anv doubt
the authenticity ofrh.s >tatem. lit, let them calf at this
office U S Military and Naval Argus,No. 19 Chatham
street, N Y.
Testimonies of the N. Y. Press.
From the New York Courier, Aug. 13, ISSO.
Dr Rogers’Syrup of Liverworr and Tar. —We!
ave heard oi several important cures recently effected 1
by this excellent medicinal preparation, and ig one in
stmee that came under our observation, we can peak {
confidently. One of our employees, who had suffered
severely from a long standing coid, during the past
week commenced the use of this medicine, and his
Cold lias entirely disappeared.
From the N~w York Mirror, Sep. 1, 1850.
Liverwort and I’ar. —Of the virtues of Dr. Rogers’
Cough Medicines prepared from the above articles, it i
is needless now to speak ; its efficacy in speedily cur
mg Cough, Colds, and other lung complaints, which too
frequently, if neglected, result iu Consumption, is too j
well established in public confidence to need euiogv
From the New York Despatch, Aug 15th, 18 IS.
We have heretofore taken occasi n to give oar tes
timony in favor of the curative properties of Dr. Rogers’
Compound Syrup of Li ei wort and Tar, and wnu'd here
repeat the advice already given, for all persons who
are afflicted wish Consul, ption, or any o! the premoni
tory symptoms, to make a trial oi Dr.Rogers’ prepara
l he genuine is signed Andrew Rogers, on ths
steel plate engravt,. v. i a pj e t aioui.d each bottle,ahu 11*
; soli) wholesale and retail by.
113 Chartres st., New Orleans
Sole general agents lor the States, to whom a) erdors
and applications for agencies must be addressed,
orders must invariably be addressed.
Also sold by Danlorth Sf Nagle, Columbuir,
tiesner S; Peabody, do
Hubert Carter, do
I. fierce, do
And by serenes in every town in Georgia and Alabama.
! _ .‘Jiso sold at wholesale by ail theprivcipal 1 )ruggists and deal?T9
f -Medicines in Charleston aid Sarunnah, and Ay
Harzlrvri, Kcesr k Cos. principal agent in AYar York City,
Nov 9 tin *
Avery's Sewing Machines.
Price Only $35 1!
Patented October lIJ,l I J, 1853.
•'piITP machine is acknowledged, by all w ho have used if, to bn
i superior to that ol any other Sewing .Machine ever invent*
’ eu, tor its simplT'iy. compactness, |he beauty and strength ot its
i stitch and Its cheapness, it wet Its abmo 2.~> ibs ~ and c<&tsM.Y
[ from 335 to SM. ti will work, neatly with the smallest thread,
| the finest mttsih:, cambric or silk, us well as linen, woolen and
’ col loti goods, and alt kinds oi leather. It is so simple, that a
’ child of 10 years of age can understand and work it rapidly, with •
mil any danger oi its getting not o’ order, and can do the work
of more than -<> se .mstresses much be ter in every respect than
ii can be done by hand. The stitches are independent of * ach
oilier —so much so, that it every other stitch is cut. the seam still
holds good and strong, it is unlike and much better than any
other sewing machine ever in\ entc and. This macliine is peculiar*
!y adapieii to family and plantation u. c, as it ri-cs ad kinds ot
s wing, and when known will be gem rally introduced into fami
lies and plantations.
’! he Avery sewing Machine Company have perfected the r ar
rangements tor manufacturing on the largest scale, and will rup
ply any number of machines at the shortest notice. Orders ad
dressed to ■ HAROES NKTI LETON, 2.'1 Broadway, New York,
will receive prompt attention.
January 11, lf>3 1 fimis
(.? FF.n noons .youth of h.u.l & moses.)
Broad Street, Columbus, tieorgln,
A LWAYS on hand, at Wholesale and Retail, all desirable
Z Y varieties of
which will be sold on low terms.
A liberal discount wi t be made to those who buy to sell again.
A generous share of the patronage of the public is respectfully
solicited. All Cigars warranted to be such as represented.
Columbus, October ~ —4ow Iv
3P2ST S2ASSf'fJj'S , A<e3£‘<©'2Es‘St
f |MIE subscriber, ever grateful for past patronage begs leaveto
L inform his friends and the public ihat be has one of the largest
assortments of 7'in Ware and Housekeeping articles ever offered
iii ifns market; consisting as follow: Hath Tubs, show er Baths,
with ! truss Valves, Hip Bailie do., Sponged >., pyramid cake and
■rnamenial moulds; telly moulds;coffee Pilferers; do. Biggins; do
large and smail I’rns; Knife Trays; do. Washers, anew article;
Brooms, Cocoa Dippers; Pie anil Dessert plates, all sizes; Britan
nia ware, of ali kinds; Spice Boxes; Dressing Cases, Cooking
Stoves of various patterns, tvarrented to perform well.
All manner of Tin or sheet Iron, or Copper or Zinc work, done
at short notice, on the most favorable terms
Ati orders lor Tin put up at short notice, on terms to suit the
Having in his employ the best Job workman in this country
all he atks is to give him a trial.
Guttering or Roofing done at short notice, and warranted.
Cali and see me before engaging or purchasing elsewhere, an
am determined to sell and work as low as tin 1© vest.
J. ii. HICKS.
East side Broad street, near the Market.
Columbus, Oa.,May Id. 1852 wtf
Corner of Oglethorpe and Franklin Sfe
ARE prepared at tho above establishment to make
WINDOW SASH of all sizes, Primed and Glazed;
| Window Blinds, painted if required ; PANEL DOORS
I and all other kinds of work in their line, at -hort notice,
i t a,, d made in the best manner and on as good terms as can
! be had elsewhere.
j Columbus, Jan. 22, 1,852. 4 fv
15G Broadway, NeiY York.
Spring Fashion for Gentlemen's Hats, 1853.
a BEEBE & CO., respectfully solicit the orders of their
patrons and the public, for .- itch goods in their line as w* i
be wanted a; ihe commencement of spring trade ; the ob
ject is to a (Toed ample time to manufacture the Hats, and have
j them ready for shipment in time to oiler for sale on the l2lhof
; February, when the Fashion will be introduced in New York.
The following isa list of their established prices, subject to five
per cent, discount: “ Terms Cash”—s3G $39, $42, slf>, s4*, ssl
and .$54 per dozen, for fine, fashionable, black Hats, amt fr.uu
4J to $0 per dozen for white Rocky Mountain Silver Reavers.
New York, Jan. s—tvv(st
D. B. r HOMPSON & CO.,
Below Hill, Dawson & Cos.
r T' , IN, Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner
JL of Gutters, Piping, Conductors and Rooting done to
order, substantially and warranted.
Nov. 27 48 ts
Ware Room on East si, Arrad street , next door to
P. McLaren .
SB? PROPRIETORS of the above works respectfully infbrfn
jCpte the nubile, that they have now on hand for sale, and are emi
stantly manufacturing sdl descriptions of Wooden Ware,
such as Chairs. Settees, Bedsteads, Buckets. Tubs,&c.; &c.,
ol the best material, and fmisned in excellent style under their
personal supervision.
They particularly call attention *o their various styles and quali
ties of c'i airs, vv hicli, for neatness, comfort, durability uhd cheai -
ness cannot be surpassed hi any country; varying in pricofrntu
$lO to $24 per dozen —specimens of which can be seen at the’r
Ware Room .me door above I’. McLarknV, Broad St fee ,
Columbus, which the publican- invited to examine.
Every description ot * hairs, Buckets, Tubs, &.c. madetb order
after any ijsshiondesired. They are also prepared to furnish tViu
doyvSasii and Blinds of all descriptions to order.
premiums were awarded totheTrovFactorv at
the Southern Agricultural Fair at Macon, for the best specimer
ofCh- ir and Mooden Ware.
at their Ware Room—east side Bread street
ire ied to R. G. -Jefferson & Cos., Columbus, will meet w
rompt attention. May 10—wly
THE U. B. Mail Steamship .■> TA TF. OFOF.OH
‘TiJLtzL. OM let ves Savannah the following Wednesday to
Philadelphia : Dec I'and 39th, January ISthaud 26tb, February
9th and ‘-3d, March 9tn and 23d, April tith and 20th, May 4th and
.June I. Anew (steamship mw building*, in every respect
equal to the bta’e of Georgia, wiil take her place in the liiieclur.
rngthe month o June next, and with the Ceoruia make a weekly
23*° This ship has been burlt with the sfric f est regard to Ihe
safety and comfort,and her accommodations for passengers are
unsurpassed by those ot any other steamship on the cos*.
Fare to Philadelphia s2s*; through to New York Svs: Steer
age -S9. P.2HELF* >RD & KAY. Agents. Savannah.
_ i)ec 7—49wtf HERRON 4t_MARTiN. Philadelphi.
rNN and after the 12th N-. ember, the Trains governs \
\ r by the following schedules.; # lJ *crftjr-t
MAI!. TRAIX, SF.t KX TIMFX -} ff'F ”
Leave Columbus at Id p. ra.—Jtiuie-
Leave Butler at 5# >, nt.— Arrive,a-, &.•• • • h ’
E F RlClfP 1 ’ ati>4 u * n, “