The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, February 09, 1853, Image 3

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distinct l>ut connected governments; but it is, t •„ ,va!itv, nil old question under anew form, jon” since perfectly solved. Whenever separate n „d dissimilar interests have been separately rep resented in any government; whenever the sovereign power has been divided in its exercise, j die experience and wisdom of ages have devised j but one mode by which such political orgaiiiza- j tion can be preserved —the mode adopted in j Kn'dand, and by all governments, ancient and j modern, blessed with constitutions deserving to be called Lee —to give to each co-estato the: ri-dit to judge of its powers, with a negative or I ve to on the acts of the others, in order to protect against encroachments the interests it ; particularly represents ; a principle which all of our constitutions recognize in the distribution of j p oW er among their respective departments, as j essential to maintain the independence of each, j ] >u t which, to all who will duly reflect on the j subject, must appear far more essential, for the j same object, in that great and fundamental dis- j trihution of powers betwen the general and state governments. So essential is the priuci- 1 pie, that to withhold the right from either, where ; the sovereign power is divided, is, in fact, to \ annul the division itself , and. to consolidate, in j the one left'in the exclusive possession of the I right, all powers of government: for it is not pos- j sible to distinguish, practically, between a gov- j ernment having all power, and one having the! right to take what power it pleases. Nor does it in the least vary the principle, whether the dis- ! trihution of power between co-estates, as in England, or between distinctly organized but connected governments, as with us. The rea son is the same in both cases, while the necessi ty is greater in one case, as the danger of con- ; flict is greater where the interests of society are divided geographically than in any other.” A Caloric Engine on the Ohio. —We are informed that a responsible business house in this city has contracted for the building of a first class packet boat, to run hence to St. Louis or New Orleans, which is to be propelled by a caloric engine. All honor to the men who first introduce Ericsson engines on the Ohio.— Cin. Gaz, 25/ h. An anecdote is told of a Scotch shop keeper who declined some request made by a, customer. *‘Do you know,” said the customer, “that I am the Bishop’s lady V’ “Hoof, wo man,'’ was the answer, “1 would not do it if you was his wife, much less his leddy.” Lady is a beautiful word in its place, and female is a proper word, but either of them employed for wife or woman, is in shocking taste.— Prov. Journal. TELEGRAPHIC, LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE CANADA. Large Advance in Cotton. New York, Feb. 4. ’£lie Royal Mail Steamship Canada arrived at Halifax on Friday (4th hist.) and brings seven days’ later intelli gence of the Liverpool Cotton Market—up to the 22d alt. * The sales of Cotton in Liverpool, for the w eek ending the 21st nit., comprised fiftyieiglit thousand bales; of which ing the amount taken by the trade, 40,300 hales. Fair qualities had advanced one-quarter of a penny per lb., and middling qualities one-eighth. The following are the latest quotations : Fair Uplands s|d., Middling 54d. The Stock in Liverpool was 600,000 bales, of which 400,000 were American. New York, Feb, 4. The transactions tosday embrace sales of 1750 bales, at a decline of 4 a dc. before the receipt of the Canada's news. COTTON STATEMENTS. oSfja'l g 3 ? m . stock 3 2- o : g T m sj < £=■ -g* H : on ;5S °2. r- 3lg|o';§’ 3§ hand g_o S.£ 2-0 : I£.T_£L : this ;• pr Feb. 7, 1 —t- 1852. 860 1709:32150 31719 1355 21347 2&T02 12017 Feb. 5, \ 1853. 2292768 45391 483921427 32718 31l 15 M 243 LATEST DATES FROM Liverpool Jan. 16. | Havre Jan. 9. j Havana Jan. 29. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Coltoibus, Feb. 8, 1853. The Cotton Market has been active for the past two ! days, under the influence of the Canada’s news. Prices range from 71 to 92c. Middling 9 (a) 91. A Fair article would command 10c. Montgomery Feb. 7. Cotton, throughout the past week, was quite active at improving prices, Good Middlings going off readily at 91c. To-day, wo quote Middlings 82 a 9c.; Good Mid dlings 9i a 91c. Mobile, Feb. 4. The cotton market to-day was quiet, tire sales reaching only 3100 bales—Middling closing at 7? (and 9c. New Orleans, Fob. 4. Cotton. —Market to day lias been very quiet, the sales summing up but 3500 bales at yesterday’s rates. Sugar.—No change. Molasses. —Sales of prime at 24c. Flour.—Sales of Ohio at unchanged rates. WmsiCKV.—Some lots of rectified at 20.1 c. Pork.—Mess dull at previous quotation. Bacon. —Prime side* sold at Bc., and a pared of shoul ders at 71c. Corn. —Considerable sales at 50 (ft 51c. for prime white. Coffee.—Dull. Sales of Rio at 91c. Freights.—No transaction on resold. Pathanges.—No alteration. IMPORTANT SALE OF THIRTY LIKELY NEGROES. HAVING completed the', r contra-'.-.ton the Booth Western Hail Road, the undersigned will offer, o:t the FIRST DAY OF >1 \RCII next, in front of Messrs. C. S. HARRISON & CO.’S AUCTION ROOMS, their valuable lot of THI ‘i T > i- F.I.JA) TVs . purchased for that Wv i-k. They are voting, healthy, stout men, and v\’tll he sold some (or cash and some on t tvelve months* time. HOW AE:), SONS & CO. , A. K. AVF.It. Auctioneer. < omnibus, Ga., Feb. 9, 1853.—twTds an! Mestengdv, Macoa. Ga., and Alabama Jour nai, M mtiromery, will please copy twice. H..|S. &CO. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED TKI-VVEEKI.Y BY J. K. REDD AND CO. HAOUIXG— Kcntcky q? yanfi 15 India * 1 j 4 © - fcOfK V.V.V.V.'*” *Mt,i 9 © I BACON—Hams n> 14 © l<i sp lb 11 © ! ir,T> v ‘ ,K ’ uld< 'r <T H>i 10 © 11 rm txr 15 © 25^ CASTINGS 12 ® H fAvnr no JaVa Vlbj 14 © 15” F ‘ ; >r tp-iid © _ ! I’FATnET*S IaJ1 °' V ‘P'bl 18 © 20 I l. H—Mackerel No 1 spbbJ 14 no © ig 00 Mackerel No. 2 tp> > )b j 12, oo (% dackerel No. 3 p>6b)| 8.50 © 9 00 */, lj:i and q? bbl 18 00 © rrnt'P w n 7 Vbox! 100 © _ i Lot It—Western bb! 700 © 800 <!,ual Vbbl 750 © 900 ronnirP ,ly Vbbl 600 © 7 5!) | * • KA !N— VH” V bushel I © 55 U aeat q? bushel! 100 © 125 \•• bushel! © 40 ;AY a LR • keg -5 00 ©f> 50 1 inAv- 1 ■'•••; 8 © 9 ! IRON—Swedes spp tt, 5 © 0 English 4?’ tl, ! 4 (n) tnTAhshV ‘P’bblj 250 © 350 fill I 5© s y, j on.— -amp gallon! 1 25 © 1 70 lai'feed gallon 100 @ 125 ! roi ll r gallon 75 @ ‘;VA lh q? keir 200 © 250 i ;,/y? T busheli 00 © 70 ! •f'CL.. in i— © SYRUP Lemon per gallon j 125 © , Ar _ Raspberry qpdozj 000 © SP sack! ® 1 50 i, . I 75 © 200 L, ■ •, rib 5 @ 7 .-iJ.lili —Last t jf,l 2!) @ 22 German ..!!!! ih i 15 © American §Jtb| 10 © I; O A R—St. Croix ]{, New-Orleaiis sp> jj, ; ttv® it Loaf, refined tjpn,; ]2 © 12 rib! 8 © ]0 nl !tv ITS -Brandy,Cog p> <- n p | no © 4 (ip American.. rial! 40 © 100 •’each -rgall 100 © 1 02 Ajple, r trail fit) (a 75 kuA, Jamaica, r gai 200 © 300 New Kngland rg-.j 45 © 50 WHISK BY—lrish sHVaf 4 00 © Monongahela. .• rkal 100 © 200 M'estern rc r a'J 28 © 33 BlN—Holland ‘pLajj I 50 © 200 American ac’r a t 40 © 511 ; VINEGAR- >J t! 37 1? k L WINES Madeira, rgalj 125 @ 400 (yampagtie Bask 15 fit) © 18 00 Alidaga r gal —7O @ I 00 k orl 250 © 400 ( 4aret a 00 ® Columbus Fire Company FTo. 1. TF.MBLRS will meet a’ the Kngittp House on the evening of the 17th of February at seven o’clock, I*. M., for drill. By order of the Foreman. Feb. s—lw3t GESNF.R, Sec’rv. W. D. FORD DEALER IX CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pieklcs, Preserves, Fruits, Confectionaries, Segars. ALSO, Fish, Oysters and Ice when in season. Wai.dburg’s Bitikding, Jefferson street, Savannah, Ga. February 9, 1853. twGm TEM PEMNCE H ALL! MONDAY EVESJ®(t, Feb. 14, 1050 - -9- @m BWMs'S FAREWELL CONCERT IN AMERICA. OLE BULL begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lic in general, that before retiring from his Artistical career he will visit some of the cities of the Wes tern States, where he has met on his former tour such a cordial reception. The first and only GRAND /CONCERT OF in Columbus, will take place on the above evening, on which occasion he will be assisted by Signorina AMALIA PATTI STRAKOSCH. The eminent Vocalist; and M. STRAKOSCH, The great Pianist. Columbus, Feb. 2, ]853.-twtf THE GREAT WONDER OE ALL WONDERS ! AND TRIUMPH OF THE 19TE1 CENTURY, THE RENOWNED, ASTOUNDING & UNAPPROACHABLE W§ilß&[L :iiJJA:UiS>d:DAO THE lIFAIT laWMMII, Assisted by Mad. EL DORA LOUIE, the distinguished Vocalist; and Pro lessor LOUIE, the eminent Pianist and Buffo-Singer. < In connection with other Instrumental Talent, will give a BRILLIANT MUSICAL FESTIVALS on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Nights, February 9th and 10th, AT TEIIFERABJCE HALL. For full particulars see small hills, presenting at tractions of a chaste and novel character, and a musical entertainment of an exciting and thrilling interest and sur passing excellence. TICKETS, FIFTY CENTS— Children and Servants half price Doors open at half past 6; to commence at half past 7. Afternoon Concerts will be given for the accom modation of Schools and families at half past three o’clock. Columbus, Fob. 4—twtf THE LONS STAR. TUG members of Forsyth Division No. 1, arc notified to Lein attendance at the regular meeting of the Division on Wed nesday night, the 9th inst., punctually at T o'clock. I’u-dm -• of the first. importance, will be before tne Division, and it is ex pected that every member will bo at his post. Columbus, Feb. s—tw2t A STORE TO RENT. The store house known as the Columbus Times Offtck, isui ! one door south of A. K. Ayer's Auction Doom, will be rented until October next. Apply to lIOriWELT, ELLIS, February 4—tw&wtf Columbus, C;u Printing Presses For Sale. TWO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or oa time if preferred bv the purchaser. Warranted as good as new. Api ly : t > ‘ LOMAX &. ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. j February 4—tw&wtf NOTICE. OEAI.ED proposals will be received until Thursday morning, :iO tenth inst., lor the removal ot tlie loose HOCK in the TAIL U ACE of the Canal below the Howard Factory. Plans made known on application to me. Parties will state ; within w hat time the work can be done. 4. RHODES BROWNE. Columbus, Feb. 4—tw4t At Eagle Factory. TO CONTRACTORS, Columbus Female Orphan Asylum. , ri'MJßplans and specifications lor the ne~ ? building are now JL. ready, and sealed proposals will be rceived until the eleventh inst, Separate bids will be made for the Mason and Carpenters work. Tito plan may he seen at the Warehouse of Messrs. Ruse, Patten & Cos. II.T. H ALL, ? i Columbus, Fob. 4—tw3t R. PATTEN, \ 1 omm.dec. Enquirer copy one tin e. LOST DOG. Ten Dollars Reward. v ‘ A ABOUT a month since, a Yellow and While Setter Bitch. Had on when last seen, a Chain Collar without any name. Tne above reward will be paid on her delivery to me at J. & 4. Kyle’s Store. 4AS. M. EVERETT. Cdumbu*, Feb. 4,1851. t v. tit ROBINSON & ELDR ED’S GREAT COMBINED Ynr.L exhibit in this city on MONDAY, TUESDA Y AND VfEDNESDA Y, H Ist, 22d and 23d February. Admission 50 Cents to the entire Exhibition. Children and Servants half price. .VLLI NDLR ‘> w, IvFMLNSI • V ILLS’A. I’he most < xtittoruiitjwv and interesting ewnbinatioji of WILD ANIMALS AND CHASTE AEENiV SPOUTS. Eooinson A Laired, i-o long renowned lor tli -.i* ooinplrte and chaste Arena Performances, beg to make known to th inhabitants of Columbus S: victim >\ that in order more fully to satisfy their patrons they have lately at a e slot’ FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS , purchased the SFPEUE COLLECTION OF SANDS, QUICK & CO., justly celebrated for the rmnihr and variety of the specimens of Animated Nature it contains: among which are tne Great \v ar-E!cp!iant EuLIV All, we.: .Ling 10,000 pounds, and over 11 feet high. This huge, sagacious ani mal, is perfectly docile, and pet onus almost Incredible feats of strength and cunning. Two superb Lions and Lioness, from Ulrica; Loyal E t.-yt! iiger, Terrii: ’•> Into or Polar Jh-tug weighing over 1200 pounds ; and the only specimen in America; magnificent Black or !m’ : i Tiger, the only spceinieii ever imported into America; huge Grislev .Leal* o! Gaklornia. A wliolo tribe ol Monkeys, 1 iyonas, Ourang Outangs, Zebras, Kangaroo, Ilhinoceros, Innta, with a delightful collect ion ol it- ‘pica! !> r.!s, form a part ol this immense and interesting Caravan. Con nected with which, is TUB fiIEAT SOUTHiSBN CIRCUS! will; ail its Aretia Sports and Entertainments, and comp. , big a greater list of Equestrian Stars than ever. Master JAM ES ROBINSON will appear in all his difll ult and wonderful acts. Madame ROBINSON will introduce her superb dancing and performing Horses, Jupiter and Beeswing. Little JACK will t ide two interesting Poneys, SnarJey and Smallbones. Mashu* JOUN, t!;egreat . ih'onrut Leaping Equeetriao, will perform Jim wonderful Policy “Venitia Trelaway.” Mad':! *. .lIENRIETTA will delight all who befiolil her chaste and elegant performances. rvgP A host of minor Stars will also appear. Columbus, February $, Ulb/j.-w&twii’ T. U. TIDMARBH, Agent. The Compiinv w'l! exhibit at Knoxville on Monday 14th; Culloden, I’uesday loth: ITodtensvdle, Wednesday, 16th ; Prattsburg, ‘i Jiursdny ITih ; Talbotton, Friday IBrh ; Ellerslie, Saturday, 19th of Fbruarv ('harles 31. Harris and ) A T CHAMBERS, William 111. C. Neal, t John W. Kelly. j -bt Equity. TlltS day this cause came onto be heard further upon the pe tition of the complainants, and the report of the Receiver. And upon'the written consent of the,Solicitors of the parties fil ed in this case for the sale of the Steam boat Quincy; wirich beina read and considered by the court; —it is ordered that the said Receiver, Samuel B. Love, sell the Steam Boat Quincy, with all her tackle and furniture, on the fourteenth day of February next, at Chattahoochee, in the county of Gadsden, upon such terms as the said Receiver may think best lor the'interest of all parties concerned. And that said Receiver, as soon after said sale as may be plate ticable, report to this court in what t. aimer lie has executed this order. It is further ordered and decreed, that said Receiver give notice of the time and place of sale by advertisement to be published in the newspaper printed in the city of Apalachicola, and also in one of the newspapers published in the city'of Columbus, Geor gia, at least ten days jnevious to raid -ale. A true copy. .1. WAYLES RAKER, Kludge. Attest: R.O. Luster, Clerk (Pair-den Circuit Court. In pursuance of the above order, 1 ‘shall sell the said 5 team Boat Quincy, at Chattahoochee, in Gadsden county, between the hours of eleven A. M. and four P. M. on the said fourteenth day of February, 1853, when the terms of sale made known. FAN!EEL LOVE, Receiver. February 2, 1853—twtds* _____ - _ MIDWIFE. A YliS*. CATHARINE FORLAN offers her professional sen ices iJL to the citizens of Columbus as a Midwife; after bavin x the advantage of ten years’ practice, she feels confident of giving full satisfaction. Residence on Anglo street, next door to John I). Arnold. References: J. J. Walton, Dr. F. Shadier, Columbus, Jan. 28—t w2w REMOVAL. J. H. MERRY, TTAB removed to the store formerly occupied by 11. IShnDim- JIJL brook, one door North of Ruud & Johnson’s, where he will be pleased to see all of his old customers and as many new ones as will cal!. lie has on hand a good stock of Over Coats, Cloaks, lU’k. Brown and Blue Cloth Frock and Sack Coats, Black and Fancy vot'd. Cassi ■mere Pants, Black and Fancy Sill: and Marino Silk Satin Vests, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Silk find Linen Hkjs., Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrel las, sot. Give him a call, as he is determined to sell LOW. Columbus, January 20—tw! rn Mew and Beautiful Map. i -new and correct Map of the United States and Tcrrit.&rlrs, Jk\. the Canadas, New. Brunswick and Nova Scotia and Mexico. Also, Central .'imer.ea, the Ist/imns and the West India Islands. There are also tables of distances by land and water ; the name of every country and county town in the United States; and a new Map of the lFarltl nineteen btj ttrelre inches —making alto gether t-hc most valuable and complete map among us. it is well mounted on rollers, is 02 bv 58 inches and for safeat $7 09, by ‘ 1). F. WILLGOX, East side Broad street, 2 doors North of Hail & Moses. Columbus, January 21—tw LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! rpHE subscribers having determined to close their business, I offer their large and well assorted stock ot GROCERIES at! Reduced Prices, For Cash. They would also beg to say to those indebted, that earls pay ments would he quite acceptable. Columbus,.Tan. s—twtf F. BARNARD & < 0. Dissolution. copartnership between the undersigtiad, is this day dfs- X solved by mutual consent—Air. Forsyth retiring. The ‘busi ness of tire firm will be settled by J. T-i. Whittelsey, who is au , thorized to use the name of the firm for that purpose. JOHN FORSYTH, J. 11. WHITTELSFY. The business will be carried on at the old stand, under the style of WHiITEL: GY & CO. The retiring partner rec<-m- Jinends his late associate to the patronage and confidence of the ’ friends of the late firm and the public generally. Columbus, Ga.. January 2(5--twtf GUANO. fjpil E season is fast approaching when this valuable manure 1 should be used. The experience of those who have used it proves, (if we believe their agricultural essay?, which we do not doubt) that even the cotton planter is doubly, and sometimes trebly paid by its application. Dr. E.T. Taylor’s experiment applied to pine lands near Col umbus, on corn and peas, proves that it much more than doubly paid him Gardens two greatly benefited by it, producing vege tables in abundance, and leaving the ground much benefited for ■ the succeeding years. By referring to ‘the Soil of the South, full directions for its application as well as for its bencStsmav be seen. The undersigned Las it for rale at Greenwood & Co’s. Ware house. Jan. 28—twtf J. R. .JONES. A CARD. George S. Carey, HAS fitted up the old stand formerly occupied bv Mrs. Man onxM, as a private B OS RDIXG HOUSE, next door to Foster & Purple's corner, on Randolph street. Will open on Monday, January 24th. lot li e* reception of a few day Boarders. He will take one or two small families nsreg idar Boarders Columbus, January 22—w&twtl’ J- a WOODBRIDGS, PKAGTIM'L ARTIST & DAG UERR EOTYFIST, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster Purple’s Jewelry Btore* Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—lw.&tw. ly FOR RENT. A commodious and pleas mt sleeping room in Winter’s Build ing over Music Store of Whittelsey & Cos. Apply to Columbus, Dec3 —ts WTUTTEL.SEY fc CO. RETURNED. C. T. CUSHMAN, D. I). S. ,lAS relurneilfromNt;w Vork gv where lie critically inspected, in various Dental Laboratories, som of the best woik that can be done, and availed himself of addi tional means taexecute tlie same styles with disnatch. Also, to operate on the teeth, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. • IV a. 69 Broad Street. < olunibus, January, 7— \vA’ w, F. LEE, D. D. S. dental surgeon. Office on Broad street, over Mygratt's store. Columbus, Oct 29—ts DENTAL NOTICE. 3S - ° F ■ LAIRD HAS returned’and resumed his profeesaioal duties. Office next door to Muiford’s, up stairs. < ‘olmnbiia, Nov 13—twdrn. WILLIAM B. CARTER, TUNIS It A77 1) It EVAIIt Elt O F ffS&m# ffwf s?s&S£®.i§* Orders received at the Book store of D. F. Wili.cox, Broad street. Jan J9—tw ly DR. H. M. CLECKLEY IIOMCEOPATHIC AND ALLOPATHIC sjPE£L^S3ac^asiEEL® n POLITELY tenders his professional services to thoeiti zens of Columbus and vicinity. He may always be found O’ A at his office on Broad street, two doors above the old Bank of Ht. Alary’s, or at Captain P. T. Sell ley’s residence, on < igletliorpe street. October 13,1852*—tw6m HOME MADE ATTRACTIVE! FURNITURE mFuRNITITRE!! AT SAMMIS & ROONEY’S, One door below Hall and Moses. 3 PERSON'S in want of furniture, can hero bo ;-- i/ supplied with every quality of Sitting. lA ~_.V frs,„ Joining and Bid. Room furniture ; made *off9jl| .!. -K fancy and durable woods, at New York prices :’ 1 t •:ot up (with the exception of what is made in Columbus) un der r- .ecial supervision of one of the partners at their manufacto ry in New Y ork ci !y. Tiie following named are a part of the articles in their exten sive stock Id vans, Fofas, Ottomans, Tote a Damask and Lace Window •fcle:-, ail sizes ; Curtains, In the piece or made Nat hie top Tables, all kinds ; to order ; Col dine; Tables, Walnut and Window Shades, Carpeting, Idaho’"any ; Emune’Jed furniture in sets, Work Tables, Extension do for Bed Rooms, a beautiful Bureaus of all kinds auc prices; article; any & Spring seat chairs; Permit and Picture Frames of <dane and Split do do | .Mahogany or Ci it, made to ‘.'trill and good articles; j order; \V. , k stands, Wash stands. | Window Curtain Trimmings and Jt/usic stands. | in great variety. Fa per Hangings and Wall papering, of all kinds. All articles not found in their stock will be furnished to order with dispatch. Columbus, Jan. 21—tw3m WANTED, I.\ a private family in Columbus, a HOUSEKEEPER ol'geod experience, who has no family. Address Post Office box No 21'. Columbus, Dec 15—twtl PGR RENT. -A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street, ad joining Captain Barrows and E. S. Greenwood IhS* Apply to - -N- J. L. MUSTIAN. Columbus, .Tan. 7—2twlf TO RENT. ~~ ‘ c! RCU.WSTANCES rendering it necessary that 1 should ■’ h-e near my business, 1 offer the place where l now re q de for rent, from the first of January next, until the r , lirst of October following. There is not a more desira me pmee hi Alabama. About eight acres of ground are open. a good strong fence, tit teen acres in the woods —the place is one mile and a half from the city. Seven rooms in the house kitchen with two good comfortable rooms, smoke hou ami storage room and stables, and an excellent well of water. ~~ For further particularsenquireof me at Saimuis & Rooney’s r iirniture Store. Rent cheap. ]<’ jj gray’ Columbus, Ga., Dec 10—ts iy Enquirer and Sentinel copy. A great bargain m ‘ID SALE, within ten minutes’ ride of the city, a very , desirable residence. The house has five good rooms, with kitchen, servant rooms, store rooms, fee., in the basement, good out-houses and good water, and surrourded by good neighbors : there are about seventeen acres of land, a portion of it in the woods, attached to the place, and will sell it at a bakgaix. Columbus. .Tan. s—twtf .IXO. A. JONES. HOTEL FOE. SALE. w g THE subscriber offers tor sale his coin modi os and y . well finished Hotel, situated on the east side of the ~j public square, in the town of Buena Vista, Ga and • ~ - A. known as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It is furnish ,and with unnecessary conveniences, and has pertaining to it, * good kitchen, smoke house.stable, lot, fee., all in good repair The house is conveniently situated, and in favored with a liberal share of boarding and transient custom. Buena Vista, though new is a large and beautiful town. Its schools,and varied merchantile and mechanic interests, insure itspermanency and rapid rowth No one need fear depreciation in propertv for many rears Persons wishing to purchase such property, would do Veil to ca.l and examine. Reasonable time will boallowed for payment For terms apply to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS „ „ or to WI /. EIJI.VS fc OLIVER. Jlarc.i o—9wtf Buena Vista, Afarlon co. Ga. CENTRAL HOTEL, BUTLER, TAVLOU PPI COUNTY, GEOt BY JOHN B. ARNOLD. THF. undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that he has opened this large and new establishment situate immediate ly opposite the MUSCOGEE It AIL ROAD DEPOT, and just half the distance between the cities MACOJV JiXD V,Ol. C.MRUS, and as the junction of the Honth Western Kail road branch and the Muscogee Railroad, lie hopes by untiring en ergy to receive a liberal share ofpatrornge from a generous trav eling public. Butler, Dec 13—aOwSni GLOBE HOTEL, UITF.VV VISTa, MARION CO.. GA MTllEsubscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, t hat he has taken charge of this well known ESTA Ti LISIIMENT. The house is commodious and well finished; and uo pains will be spared to render those comfortable, who may favor him with their patronage. JDee3-tf F.. TITCOMD. LAND FOR SALE. 1 II AY F for sale 900 acres of good farming land, situated sight miles and a half iVotn Fort Caim-son the road lead ingfrointhat place to Newton, the county site of Baker co. These lands are w ell situated, with plenty of good run ning water—high and healthy, with 160 acres cleared—silt resh, otrnoarly so. ami areiua fine state of cultivation. The land will be divided if the purchaser desires it,and if not. the wholewill be disposed of. Any person wishing to buy land in the low country would do well to call and examine foe themselves. Prices will he made to suit the purchaser. For further information apply to the sijjwribvroii the place, orto John West, Fort (laines, Ga. match”?—tf _ M. HENDERSON NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE, >■* N’eeklif The new and splendid Steamships ('ajit. Lyon. and Alabama, C 'apt. Ludlow. Belonging to the New York andSavaknaii Stkam Navigation Company, IITILI. leave Savannah and New York every Saturday. These V V ships are l,3tHiton< register, and unsurpassed in safety.fpc“d and comfort. These steamers leaving Savannah at the same time that the Marion and Foutherner leaveaUharleston,arrive in New York as soon as. or before them. passagepayable before going on board Agrnts: PADELFORI), FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April 30,1852 —tf] 191 Front street.New York. FOR PHILADELPHIA. , ... THE IT. S. Mail Steamship ST.ITK OF OKOR MvMXM. Qm leaves Savannah th* following Wadnesday’tfo Philadelphia: Dec 15 and 39th, January 121 hand 26§f, February 9th and 23d, March 9th and 23d, April fitli and 20tli, May 4th and 18th June 1. Anew steamship uow building, In every respect equal to tho State of Georgia, w ill take herplac# in the linedur ing the month o June next, and with the Georgia make a weafclv line. This ship has been built with the strictest regard to tka safety and comfort,and her accommodations for passengers am unsurpassed by those of any other steamship on the cost. Fare to Philadelphia $25 ; through to New York §25; Hirer age $9, P. JDELFORD &. FAY, Agents, Savannah. Dec 7—49wtf HERRON &. MARTlN,Philadalphi. List of Letters, REMAINING ill the Post Office, at Columbus, Ga., on the Ist February, 1853; A j Allen, S. W. Alexander, W. W. Allen,John Allen, E. M. Dr. Avery, Sylvia A. Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth B Blair, Win. Esq. Browning, Perry Baker, 11. Bridges, Mrs. Bostwick, M. A. Mrs. Boland, David Bray, Thomas Brooks, Miss N. A. Brooks, C. C. 2 Boyd, Miss Georgiana Butler, Greene Bryant, Miss E. A. 2 Butt, J. A. Borland, E. Bueky, F. H. 2 Booker, R. M. Benson, Rev. W. F. Bush, Thomas Boatwright &.BmßHor, mes. Battle, Mrs. Sarah Baird, B. C. 3| Bellflower, Susannah 2 j Baird, Mrs. Dr. Burner, Thomas J. G Columbus Woolen Cos. Central Division, No. 237 2. Cannon, Tlios. E. Clark, J. E. Clem, Win. Clabome, John F. Campel, Mrs. Mary Coleman, Miss E. C. Clark, B. W Claggett, Win. 2 Corbitt, E. C. Copeliu, Lucy Co’eman, Robt. Cusinan, James < Cooper, Wrn. 11. Gorgell, Miss E. E. Cooner, Miss Mary A. Cochran, A. Cowdrey, J. J. Cook, Elijah Colen, Patrick Collins, James D Daniel, James M. Davis, Miss Mary A. Dochler. W. Davis, Jas. 2 | Duffee, H. S. David, Rev. J. W. David, L. C. Miss Duinel, James M. 2; Derrick, Elizabeth Dyer, J. Davidson, C. F. Mrs. Daniel,Mrs. AnnaM. Dudley. Miss E. A. Doles. Benjamin 2 Dent, Alexander Dent, Robert Davidson, S. E Evans. J. W. Eley, ft. N. F Field, J. M. Fahson, Daniel Fahy, Frances 2 | Finney, Wrn. 2 Fioyd, Mr. Flournoy, Thomas Francis, A. Fields & Carson, Messrs. G Godwin, Masena Gray, Mrs. G. C. Guyce, N. Green & Spencer. Garrett, Franklin Goued, Miss M. C, Gray, O. E. Gay & Bro. Messrs. H Hays, Tiros. S. 2 Holmes, Mrs. Nancy Hollenbeck, Jno. Hackney, J. B. Hardy, Thomas H. Harvey, Brinson Hightower, James F. Houghton, Miss L. A. Houghton,Col. H. W. Heer, Mr. Healy, Patrick Hearn, Beni. Houston, Mrs. Mary Houston, Mrs. Jno. B. C. Houston, Mrs. M. R. Heath, Mathew J Jackson, L. Jones, F. W. Jones, Selina Jessup, R. M. Johnson, S. D. Jones, C. S. Jones, Miss F. J. K Kelly, John W. Jr. 2 Kirvin, G. W. 2 Iveizcr, Mayer Persons calling for any of the above letters, wil please say they are advertised. J. A. L. LEE, P. M. Feb. 4, 1853. Kelly, Mr. Kelly, Miss M. Kimtry, H. IL Lester, Miss M. A. Lewis, John J. Lewis, P. A. Mrs. Langdon,R. Lanssell, F. M. Laughlin, John W. Lamb, Miss Seacy W. Lafou, Dr. C. B. Lasseter, John F. M Morris, Joseph 11. Moore, Jas. S.* Morris, Thomas Moore, Geo A. Morris, Miss L. Massey, Geo. S. Morris, H. S, Moore, Kelly Morrison, A. C. Morris, Henry Moore, N. C. Miss Mason, Miss Mary Mason, Mrs. Mary Martin, John O. Melum, Miss P. Mitchell, Mrs. Jane i Muscogee Division, j Martin, Win. W. | Manasse & Bro. 5 i McVay, Jno. j McGutf, Jno. i McKinney, T. * N. 1 Norris, G. M. P. | Poo’, Mrs. Martha Pace, Elkanah Portow, Wm. N. D. Phibbs, Elbert Park, Clias. Pugh, Jas. A. Pace, Stephen Pike, Philip R. Robinson, Wm. Rogers, Nathaniel Robinson, Thos. H. Reese, T. C. Roberts, Mrs. Nancy Robinson, Geo. C. Rogers, Jas. P. Rogers, T. M. Rogers, Caroline A. Reid, A. J. Roe & Patterson, Messrs. Rogers, Sarah Reese, J. P. Roland, Catharine Russell, Jas. M Randall, E. A. R. Miss Ryals, Jas. G. S. Shippy, G. J. 2 Smeau, Henry Stallings, Charlotte Saflbrcl, Miss M. J. Stroud, Major Scott, Mrs. Mary E. 2 Schofield, Jno. Snow, E. S. Shepard, Andrew 2 Stevens, 11. .J, ; Scott, Lewis i Stubblefield, G. Schofield, Wm, J. | Simmons, G. j Snow, E. S. ! Smith, Hiram j Seim, Cornelius : Smith, John 2 • Small, It. 2 Smith, Wm. F. 4 Sanborn, Benj. o T. Tray wick, J. J. ; Tarnell, F. C. j Thornton, Jonathan Toinson, N. Thornton, Euphema i Tucker, Mrs. M. i Tillery, John Tillman, J J | Tritt, A. C. I Thornton, Johnston Tennille, Wm. H U. Urquhart, David 1 V. Vanzant, John Vail, Geo. W. Wiggins, Mrs. Mary J. VV eliborne, Mrs. M. C. Wooldridge, T. F. j Wright, L. D. Wood, Henry : Ward, C. 11. Williamson, Wm. Wilson, Miss V. A. Watkins, Wm. ] Wynne, Thos. 11. . Walker, Jas. i Wynn, Wm. B. 1 Wallace, Chas. J. 4 1 Walker, Jas. G. i Westmoreland, Mark. ! Walker, Samuel Williams, Miss Nancv 1 Willis, J. J.