The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, February 11, 1853, Image 3

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What Mks- S.whh —• o = 1 “.ah* ! 1W been out of ihe ci'v this summer 1” “No. Jones 9 iici he couldn’t afford it.” “My, innocent Abigail! Mr. Jones smokes his forty-nine cigars a day, as usual,don’t he ? ’ ‘•Yes/’ . ** tVell, he resides on horseback every morning 1 “Yes.” “Wed. he play* billiards and Ekes his sherry ind all that sort o’ thing down town, don’t he *” “Yes.” . “Well, put that and that together! Jus? so Smith told me—couldn’t afford it. 1 didn’t dispute the roin'; it was tos much trouble. I smiled just as iweed'y at him as if 1 didn’t know it was all a hum bu r. but I very quie'ly went to my boudo rand dis patched a note to that jewel of a doctor , Haying that I should be taken suddenly ill about t hc time Smith came home to dinner, and sbouldn’i probably recover til! after a trip to Saratoga or Niagara, or s me other of those quiet places. Well, -he is as keen as a briar, and when Smith sent for asSrim. he came in and fund me in a sta e of ‘fore- j nrdame 1 exhaustion,’ in the hands ot my maid, ; Libby. He felt mv p’Tlse, looked wise and orae- i til nr and slid I must hive a change of air. Os ; course I objected, declared I never couid bear to • be moved, was qui'e entirely run down &c. Doe- | ior said, ‘he wouldn’t be answerable for consequen- | res,’ and finally to oblige Mr. Smith I gave in !- i Understand-- Nothing like a lit le diplomacy. Always use the check-rein ! my dear. i’ you want to start j Jones in anew direction. Men are a little contra- j ry, that’s all ! The\\l be ‘perfect treasures,’ eve ry mother’s son of tliem, if it wasn t for that ! Fanny Fern. A R*sE>!BLakC2. —“Colonel Wilson is a fine looking man,'* said a friend of ours the other <1 iv. “Yes” replied another, “I was taken for him once.” “You! why you are the ugliest man Tever saw.” “1 don't care for that ; I was taken for him ; I endorse ! his note, and was taken for him —by the sheriff’s • filler.” COTTON STATEMENTS. * I 2T~stock sa * s I< ? ? * S;< E on |r* t 1 2*3* 3~ hand 2S 8 § —i this ]P-£- o- ! : j ~ j day. F 1852. / ’ 860 1700 32150 31719 1355 21317 22702 12017 5 ’ 229 2768 45391 18392 1427 32718 31115 11213 LATEST DATES FROM Liverpool Jan. 16. | Havre Jan. 9. | Havana Jan. 29. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. Columbus, Feb. 10. Our market has experienced no material change since our last quotations. We quote Middling 83 4 a 9 1-8; Good Middling 9 1-4 a 9 1-i. ; Middling Fair 9 3-4 cents. Mobile, Feb. 8. The enquiry for Cotton to-day is good. The day’s tales reach 3000 bales. Prices a little stiff. Middlings 9 cents. * New Orleans Market, * New Orleans, February 5. Oil the receipt of the Canada’s advices, middling cot ton was sold at 8 ; good middling 9 3 4alo ; middling fair 10 1-4 a 10 1 2e. The increase in the receipts at all the .ports up to latest dates as compared with last year is 516,636 ; and in the exports there is an increase of 311,613. Sugar.—Prices steady and firm, and the demand good. Common 3 5 8 a 3 7-8 ; Fair to fully fair 4 a 4 3-S, Prime 4 5 8 a 4 7 8 5 Choice 5 a 5 1-4 ; Clarified 4 1-2 a 6 1 -2 c. Molasses. — No material change of prices. Good to Prime, 23 a 240 per gallon Flour. —Market dull and inactive, owing to the ditfi ! eulty of making freight engagements. For three days sales have amounted to 53U0 barrels, at a range of $4 60 as4 70 for Ohio superfine ;$4 70 as4 80 lor St. U>uis do; $5 25 ass 75 per barrel for choice extra brands. Grain. —Increased receipts have caused a decline of 2to 3 cents per busln-1. We now quote 50 a 5.c fi r good lots. Pork.— An extremely dull market. sls 75 a sl6 12 I*2 for uninspected ; and sl6 25 a sl6 37 1-2 for inspected. —A decline has taken place in the Bacon market. Ribbed sides 8a 8 1 -4e, Plain and Bagged hams in limited request at 9 a 10 l-2o; and extra sugar cured 11 1 -2 a 12 I-2c. Kentucky Hanging is selling at retail for 12 1-2 a 13c j pvr yard, Rope 7e per lb. Coffee. Rio coffee ranges from 9a 9 5-Be. Salt.—Liverjjool salt commands 77 1-2 a 80c for as- | •orted. Kxchangk has advanced, sterling, S I*4 a 9f per eent. premium. New York 0 days 1 7-8 a 2 1-S per eiit, discount. Freights. —To Havre 1 3-S. To Liverpool in Brit- j i x h ships 19-32, in American -Bd. —orai ——im_——Mila—ii——i ■ i—) TIIE AMHUICAN GIANT GIKL THE LARGEST FEMALE LIVING, IN BLOOMER COSTUME. THIS extraordinary young lady, only eighteen years old, meas uring two feet lour inches around the arm, five leet around the waist, and weighin'/ five hundred and twelve pounds, is re markably well proportioned. The most perfect symnetry of form for a person of such an en ormous size, astonishes every one who Oehohis her. • Her levees will be held on the West side of Broad street m the building formerly occupied by the “Times Office,'’ during this week, from ten o’clock, A. M*. until nine P. M. tlie convenience of Ladies, no gentleman will be admitted a the hours of 3 and 5 [. in., u.dess in company with a Tickets 25 cents. Children ands irvants fifteen cents. mhus, February 1 1 —(wit _ W. D. FOIID DEALER I-V CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pickles, Preserves, Fruits, Confectionaries, Segars. also, Fish, Oysters and Ice when in season. W’xLnni-Ro's Bcildino, JKFFkRSON street. Savannah, Ga. February 9, It 1 A3. tv Cm A STORE TO RENT. The store house known ns the Columbus Times Office. JOL one door south of A. K. Ayer’s Auction Room, will bv rented until October next. Apply to ROSWELL ELLIS, _February 4—tw&wtf * Columbus, Ga. Printing Presses For Sale. TWO large and very stiperior Washington Printing Presses, with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or on time i: preferred by the purchaser. Warranted as good as new. Apply to LOMAX & ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. February 4—tw&wtf LOST DOG. Ten Dollars Reward. US' —ABOUT a month since, a Yeliow and White Seti< Bitch. Had ou when last seen, a Chain Collar with<> i any name. The above reward wih be paid ou her delivery to n. at i. 4t J. Kyle’s istore. JAM. M. EVERETT. * Columbus, Feb. 4, I£3*. t -UuGM >US PRiCErt CUiU.E \ T. | CORRieiTRO TKI-VVEKKLY BY J. K. RISD ANT* CO. ; RAGGlNG—Kentcky yard; $ (& 15 India ’ — I 14 (si ! k { 7 ~R ?Ml| 9(& BACON—Hams q, 14 ® 16 Sidas ip u, 11 ® Shoulders S? 11, 10 © 11 POltK—Nett u, © i HOTTER It-. 15 @ 25v I fit, 12 © 14’ l CASTINGS ipq. @ 5 j COFFEE—Rio 4* 11, 11 © 12% •lava u, 12 © 15 i CANDLES—Sperm ib 50 @ Star lb 30 @ i FP ATfrrn Ta!IOVV 16 ® 20 ■ lb 35 © 45 i r JsII .Mackerel No 1 tp bblj 14 00 © 16 00 Mackerel No. 2 sp bbl’ 12 00 @ tfackerel No. 3 Fbbli 850 © 0 00 £ ha ‘ 1 . bbl! 18 <M) ® Herrin?.... .apbox! 100 © FLOUR—Western bFM 700 © 800 Cal!al bbl 750 © 000 pnnni’D Clt > 4* bbl 6 (KI @ 750 KR V 100 lbs 80 tb 100 GRAIN—Corn bushel © 55 Wheat Vbashel 100 © 125 ° a ‘ s bushel © 40 GLASS tp box 225 © 700 GUN ROW -ER 40-keg 500 © 650 qrfc 8 @ 9 IRON—Swedes 4* ft, @ 6 English _V fb| 4y © 5 lb -12X© 14 J ‘ .V* tl. 7 © LIME 4* bbl 250 @ 350 v?!', I3SESl 3SES r gallon 33 @ 40 I 6@ W ‘ OlL—Lamp HP gallon 125 © 170 Linseed fr gallon 100 @ 125 Train 4p gallon 75 @ PAINTS keg 200 @ 250 V bushel 60 © ?y R ‘LL ft, © _ SYRUP—Lemon per gallon 125 @ Raspberry fd(>? 600 © 2 h V T I s bat'! 1 75 © 200 it | 5 @ 7 STEEL—Cast (p ft,! 20 @ 22 German p 15 © American p ft, 10 @ SUGAR—St.Cro;x p jf, @ j New-Orleans p tb 6X@ 11 Loaf, refined ; p fl, 12 @ 12 Lump p )h 8 © 10 SPIRITS lirantiy.Cog p ?al 100 @ 400 American p^r H i 40 @ l 00 pgal 100 © 162 pirAtT Af T ,e Varal O<S 75 ‘Turali 45 ©. 50 WHISKEY—Irish pea!, 4 00 © Mononqrahela pal| 1 00 © 200 Western p trail 28 © 33 GlN—Holland p L , a! 150 © o ()0 -, TT ™r American f r?al 40 ® 50 vrJp?Aw’ ’T fi- 10 © 12 I vviwS* A \Th‘ r eal @ 50 Sherry Peal 150 @ 300 Champagne (task 15 00 © 18 00 Malasra p era! —7O © 1 00 R° rt - 2 50 © 4 00 */hirer 3 no © Guano $3 per hundred lbs. Columbus Fire Company No. 1. \TEMPERS will meet at the Engine House on the evening of Ai the 17th of February at seven o’clock, P. M., for drill. By order ol the Foreman. Feb. s—tw3t GESNKR, Sec’ry. IMPORTANT SALE OF THIRTY LIKELY NEGROES. HAVING comp'eted their contract on the South Western Rail Road, the undeisigned will offer,on the FIRST DAY OF M VRCH next, in front of Messrs. C. S. HARRISON & CO.’S AUCTION ROOMS, their valuable ot of TIIIHTY IV§, purchased lor that They arc xountr, healthy, stout men, and will be sold some for cash and some on twelve months’ time. HOWARD, SONS & CO. A. K. AYER, Auctioneer. Also, at the same time and place, a lot of land number fifty in the ninth district of Muscogee county, containing two hundred and two and a half a<Tes, Titles indisputable. This lot is situat ed about five miles east of Columbus, and is well timbered and watered. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 9, 1853.—twtds Wood! Wood !! Wood!!! THE undersigned wishes to purchase three or four hundred cords ofplne wood ia the trees, within a short distance 0! the city. Apply at office of the Eag.e J4icior\. February 11 —twtf J. RHODES BROWNE. Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations. IT KING oriv'inal readings on subjects rom Sacred History, > Biography, Geography. Ant quiriesand Theoloay. especially designed lor the Family circle. Since Dr. Kiitocommenced this w-irk, large numbers have been sold in England, Scotland, ainl th : s country, and probably no book of the kitni has ever received such a cot dial reception. It has been every where welcomed; and the author’* profound and varied kuowbdge. hisgen al tem per, bis shrew dues-, and knowledge <•! human nature, combined with the greatest reverence for the word ol God, have made his name a household word. A late w riter say of his w ork : “The idea of the work is excellent ; in reading- desig: ed ior each day in th year, but so briel that they may he read aloud in ten min utes : the am hor goes over the outstanding facts and incidents in thc sacred narrative, an.l from his boundless acquirements sheds over them a flood of charming illustration.” For sale by D. F. WILLCOX, Columbtii Feb. 11 —twtf 92 Broad s reet. TEMPEII AN C E 11A JL L ! MONDAY EVENING, Feb. 14, 1853, OXcfi BTOM FAREWELL CONCERT IN AMERICA. OLF7 BULL begs leave to inform his friends aud the pub lic in general, that before retiring from his Artistical career he will visit some of the cities of the W es tern States, where he has met on his former tour such a cordial reception. The hrst and only GRAND CONCERT OF in Columbus, will take place on the above evening, on which occasion he will lie assisted by Signoriua ADELINA PATTI, the Musical Phenomenon, only Eight Years of Age. This extraordinary child sings the songs')!’ Malibiani, Pasta, Jenny Kitul, Paredi.’ Madame Soiling. Catherine Hayes, Aiboni, and Madame Bisnop, exactly ascoruposed lor them, witn iucred ibte ease and perfection. MAURICE STRAKO3CH, Director and Conductor. Programme of Ole Bull’s Grantl Concert. i PART FIRST. L Overture from Rossini’s Grand Opera Guiliaeuni .Tell, per- j formed by M. Strakoscb. 11. Madame Sonttg's Celfebrated Cavatina, from Linda di A ha- : mount “Plucedi quest auima,” sung by tsignorma Adeima | Patti. 11l Paganini's famous “Witch Dance,” performed by Ole Bull. This extraordinary and eccentric composition has been only recently revived by Ole Bull, up to which tint the execution of the jooubie lJuruioniques not being believed possible.] iV. “Ah non giunve,” the celebrated Rondo Finale Irom La , ’ Sonambuia, sung by Signorina Adelina Patti. V. “The Mother’s Prayer,” a “Fantasia Religiosa, composed ; and executed by Ole Bull. PART SECOND. I “The Banjo,” anew Caprico Characteristique, composed and pertormed by Maurice Sirakosch. 11. “Coming thro’ the Rye,” the favorite Scotch ballad, sung by j Signorina Adelina Patti. 11l Grand National Fantasia for the violin alone, performed by j ’ Ole Bull, asd cheated to tne Senate and Congress ol the United States at their request, and performed ou the occa- l sion oi his first Concert at V\ ashing toil. IV. J jnuy Liud's “Echo Song,” sung by Signorina Adelina Patti. V. “The Carnival of Venice, ’by Ole Bull. Tlie price of admission has beeu fixed to all parts of the Hail. Se ured seats $ 50—not secured 51. With every admission ticket, w ill be given a certificate bear „,g a number corresponding to every seat. This certificate has in the hands of the original holder, and establishes thv •wnership to the seat. The public are respectfully requested to occupy their seats ten ninutes before the Concert commences. On theeveuing of the Concert there will be in attendance a n nnber of Ushers, wearing rosettes, w hose duty will be to show . iMtors their respective seats. Doors opeu at half-past six; Concert to commence at'. hlf-p* t seven o'clock. . . Ktb. 11, ißd3.-twi Hi ROBINSON & ELDRED’S GREAT COMBINED 1 WILL exh bit in this city on MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 2 1st, 22J and 23d February. Admission 50 Cents to the entire Exhibition. Children and Servants half price. ALL UNDER ONE IMMENSE PAVILLION. The most extraordinary and interesting combination of WILD ANIMALS AND CHASTE ARENA SPORTS. Robinson & E’dred. so Tong renowned for their complete and chaste Arena Performances, be£ to make known to th ’ inhabitants of C<lumlns & vicinity, that in order more fully to satisfy their patron®, they have lately, at a e stof FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, purchased the SUPERB COLLECTION OF SANDS, QUICK V CO., justly celebrated for the number and variety of the specimens o( Animated Nature it contains ; among which are the Great War-Elephant BOLIVAR, weighing 10,000 pounds, and over 11 feet high. This huee, sagacious ani mal, is perfectly docile, and performs almost incredinle feats of strength an 1 cunning. Two superb Lions and Lioness, from Africa* Royal Bengal Tiger, Terrific White or Polar Bear, weighing over 1200 pounds; and the only specimen in America ; magnificent Black or Indian Tiger, the only specimen ever imported into America; huge Grisley Bear of Calif >rn a. A whole tribe of Monkeys, Hyenas, Ourang Outangs, Zebras, Kangaroo, Rhinoceros, I-tuna, with a delightful collection of Tropical B.rds, form a part of this immense and interesting Caravan. Con nected with which, is THE CHEAT SOI I'll ERA CIRCUS! with all its Arena Sports and Entertainments, and comprising a greater list cf Equestr an Stars than ever. Master JAM ES ROBINSON will appear in all his diffi ult and wonderful acts. Madame ROBINSON will introduce her superb dancing and performing Horses, Jupiter and Beeswing. Little JACK wdl ride two interesting Poneys, Snarley and Smalibonts. Master JOHN, the great. Aeronaut Leaping Equestrian, will perform his wonderful Policy “Venitia Trelaway.” M. d'lle. HENRIETTA will delight all who behold her chaste and elegant performances. A host of minor Stars will also appear. Columbus, February §, 1553.-w&t\vtf T. U. TIDMARSIJ, Agent. The Company w : ll exhibit at Knoxville on Monday 14th; Culloden, Tuesday 15th: Hootensville, Wednesday, 16th ; Prattsburg, Thursday 17th ; Talbotton, Friday 18th ; Ellerslie, Saturday, 19th of Fbru- ry Charles M. Harris and j AT CH AMBERS, William M.C. Neal,!, Tallahasske, 27 January. 1853. John w! Kelly. j 111 E<luit-V ----THIS day this cause came onto be heard further upon the pe tition of the complainants, and the report of the Receiver. And upon the written consent of the Solicitois of the parties fil ed ill this case torthe sale of the Steam boat Qiuncy: which bein read and conside ed by the court; —It is ordered that the said Receiver, Samuel B. Love,'sellthe Steam Boat Quincy, with all her tackle and furniture, on the fourteenth day ot February next, at Chattahoochee, in the county of Gadsden, upon such terms as the said Receiver may think Ixst tor the interest of all parties concerned. And that said Receiver,as soon aftersaid sale as may be prac ticable, report to this court in what l aimer he has executed this order. it is further ordered and decreed, that said Receiver give notice of the time and place of sale by advertisement to be published in the newspaper printed in thecity of Apalachicola, and also in one of the newspapers published in thecity of Columbus, Geor gia, at least ten days previous to said sale. A true copy. J. WAYLES BAKER, Judge. Attest: R.C. I-k-ticr, Clerk Gadsden Circuit Court. In pur uance of the above order. I shall -ell the said .Steam Boat Quincy, at Chattahoochee, in Gadsden county, between the hours of eleven A. M. and lour P. M. on the said fourteenth day of February, 1853, when the terms ot sale wili lie made know n. SAMUEL B. LOVE, Receiver. February 2, 1853—twtds* MIDWIFE. MRS. CATHARINE KOREAN offers her professional services to the citizens of Columbus, as a Midwife; alter bavin tlie ad vantage often v. era’ practice, she dels confident of giving lull satisfaction. Residence on Angle street, next door to JohnD. Arnold. Reference-: J. J. Walton. l>r. F. Shadier, Columbus. Jan. 28—twi'w REMOVAL. J. H. MERRY, HAS removed to the store formerly occupied by Ff. Middlk brOok, one door North of Kkdd &. Johnson’s,where he will be pleased to see all of his old customers and as many new ones as will oall. He has on hand a good stock of Over Coals , Cloaks, Bl'k Brown and Blue Cloth Frock and Sack Coats, Black and Fancy cok'd. Cassi mere Pants, Black and Fancy Silk, and Marino Silk Satin Vests, Cravats, Shirts, Collars, Silk and Linen Hkjs., Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Umbrel las, fyc. Give him a call, as he is determined to sell LOW. Columbus, Januarj 26—twlm LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! THE subscribers having determined to close their business, offer their large and well assorted stock o; GROCERIES at Reduced Friees, For Cash. Thev would also beg to say to those indebted, that early pay meats w'ould be quiie acceptable. Columbus,-Fan. s—twtf E. BARNARD & CO. Dissolution. THE copartnership between the undersigned, is this day dis solved by mutual consent— Mr. Forsyih retiring. The busi ness otthe firm will be settled by J. H. Whitielsey, who is au thorized to use the name of the firm tor that purpose. JOHN FORSYTH, J. H. WHITTELSEY. The business will be carried on at the old stand, under the •=tvle of WHITTELSEY & CO. The retiring partner rec m meuds his late associate to the patronage and confidence of the friendsoi the late firm and the public generally. Columbus, Ga., January 26--twtf GUANO. THE season is fast approaching when this valuable manure should be used Tne experience of those-who have used it proves, (if we believe their agricultural essays, which w e do uot doubt) that even the cotton planter is doubly, and sometimes trebly paid bv its application. Dr*. E.T. Taylor’s experiment applied to pine lands near Col umbus, on corn and peas, proves that it much more than doubly paid him Gardens are greatly benefited by it. producing vege tables in abundance, and leaving the ground much benefited lor the succeeding years. By referring to the Boit of tlie South, tu) directions for its application as w ell as for iis benefits may be een. The undersigned tias it tor sale at Greenwood &l Cos Ware house. Jan. 28 —twtt J. K. It >N Ks. \ CARD. George S. Carey, IT At s fitted up the old stand formerly occupied by Mrs. Man tl GUAM, as a private F O.IRDLVQ HOLSF, next door to Foster & Purple’s corner, on Randolph strtet. Will open on Monday, January 24th, loi ihe receptio: of a few day Boarders. Hewill'uike one or two small families as reg ular Boarders Columbus, January 22—w fctwtf J- S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—lw&tw. ly FOR KENT. A commodious and pleasant sleeping room in Winter’s Build ing over Music Store of Wbittclaey tCm Apply to Columbus, Dec3—tt \\ HITTLLNLi & C ). OLD RAG NOTICE. and after the 20th of this month, Rock Island Factory 4 w ij| p;,y lor Clkax Cotton or Linen Rags 3 cents a pound *Jash, or 2% cents m papvr at Csu price,. Columbus, Jan. 11, *PS3 1 v ' ,, ! Al papers that adverti e Raas for us, will please ailer si,eir advertisement to read as above. . LAND WARRANTS WANTED. BOUNTY LAND W ARRANTS for 40, 80, IGO aervs wanted, for which the highest casb prices will be paid by ColuuibuSy&ug 24—34wtf RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. D. S. —G 7 ” HAS returned from New York, where he critically inspected, in various Dental I .aboratories,some of the best woik that can be done, and availed himself ol addi tional means to execute the same stvles with dispatch. Also, to operate o’i t he teeth, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. No. 69 Broad Street. Columbus. January, 7 twtt W, F. LEE, D. D. S. dental surgeon. Office on Slroad street, over Mygatt‘s store. Columbus. Oct 29—ts DENT 1 AL NOTICE. DR. O. F. LAIRD HAS returned’and resumed his profeessioal duties. Office next door to Mulford’s. up stairs. Columtuis, Nov 13—tw6m. WILLIAM B. CARTER, TUN K K AN D KEl* A IltEfi O F 9mm soawsa. Orders received at the Book store of D. F. Willcox, Broad street. Jan 19—tw ly DR H. M CLECKLEY HOMCEOPATHIC AND ALLOPATHIC S POLITELY tenders his services to the citi zens ot Columbus ind vicinity. He may always be found at his office on Bioad street, two doors above the old Bank of St Mary’s, or at Captain P. T. Sch'pv’a residence, on Oglethorpe street. October 13, 1852—tw6m HOME M ADE ATTRACTIVE ! FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! AT SAMMIS & ROONEY'S, One door below Hall and Moses. r- w PERSONS in want of furniture, can here be 6i m supplied with every quality of Parlor , Hittinir. yt\ - n "d c( l tiomn furniture ; made fancy and durable woods, at New York prices: ‘ 1 got up (with the exception ot what is made in Columbus) un der special supervision of one of the partners at iheir manufacto ry in New’ York city. ’ The lollowing named are a part of the articles in their exten sive ttock Divans, Sofas, Ottomans, Tete a Damask and Lace Window Teies, all sizes ; Curtains, in the piece or made Marble top Tables, all kinds ; to order ; Folding Tables, Wainut and Window Shades, Carpeting, Mahogany ; EnameMed furniture in sets’ Work Tables, Extension do for Bed Rooms, a beautitul Bureaus ol all kinds am prices; ariicle; Mahogany At Spring seat chairs; P.qftrait and Picture Frames of Cane ind do do | Mahogany or Gilt, made to of all k nds, and good articles;! order; Work stands. Wash stands. | Window Curtain Trimmings and A/ usie stands. j in great variety. Paper Hangings and Wall papering, of all kinds. All articles not found in their stock will befurnished to order, with dispatch. ’olumbus, 21—tw3m WANTED, IN a private family in Columlms, a HOUSEKEEPER ofgod experience, who has n<> family Andress Post Office box No. ■24n. ‘ Columbus, Dec 15—twtf FOR RENT. - A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street, ad- i joining Captain barrows and E. S. Greenwood. Apply to jLZJuL J. L. MUSTIAN. Columbus, Jan. 7—2 twtf TO RENT: ~ P ti CIRCUMSTANCE 4 renderingit necessary that I should be near my business, 1 offer the place w here I now re side for rent, from the first ot January mxt, until the first of October following. There is not a more desira j ble place in Alabama. About eight acres of ground are open with a good strong fence, fifteen acresin the woods—the place is j one mile and a h>Jf sroin thecity. seven rooms in the house, j kitchen with two good comfo r table rooms, smoke house and storage room and stabies, and an excellent well of water. For lurlher particulars enquired me at Samrais &. I money’s Furniture Store. Kent cheap. F. M. GRAY. Columbus, Ga., Dec 10-ts and Sentinel copv r . A GRcjZi _ EaRGtAINT! *==jL FOR SALE, within ten minutes’ ride ot the city, a very desirable residence. The house has five good rooms, with kitchen, servant rooms, store rooms, &c., in the basement, good out-houses and good water, and surrourded by good neighbors : there are about seventeen acres of land, a portion of it in the woods, a tached i o ttie place, and will sell it at a bargain. Columbus Jan. 5 twtf JNO. A. JONES. HOTEL FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers or sale his commodious and well finished Hotel, situated on the east side ot the public square, in the town of Buena Vista, Ga., and Uif.ii. known as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It is furnished with all necessary conveniences, and has pertaining to it, a good kitchen, smoke house.stable, lot, &c., all in good repair. The bouse is conveniently situated, and is favored with a liberal share of boarding and transient custom. Buena Vista, though new, is a large and beautiful town. Its schools, and varied merchant]’* and mechanic interests, insure itspermanency and rapid growth. No one need fear depreciation in property for many years. , Persons wishing to purchase such property, would do well t*> call and examine. Reasonable time wiil beallowed for payment. For terms applv to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS, or to WILLIAMS tc OLIVER , Search s—9wtf duett* Vista, A/arion co. G*. CENTRAL m HOTEL, BUTLER, TAYLOR COIJXTY, GEO. BY JOHN B. ARNOLD. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that h* has opened this large and new establi&hrneut situate inanediAte* ly opposite the _ MUSCOGEE RAIL. HOAD DEPOT, and just half the distance between the cities A!.ICON JAW COL UMB US, and as the junction of the South Western Rail road branch and the Muscogee Railroad, he hopes by untiringeß ergy to receive a liberal share of pat ro age trom a generous trav eling public. Bvtler, Dec 13—50 w3m GLOBE HOTEL, BUENA VISTa. M ARION CO.. GA MTHF.subscrtber respectfully announces to!.is friend* ard ihe public generally, that he has taken charge o. this well known ESTABLISHMENT. The house is commodious and well finished; and no pains will be spared to render those comfortable, who may favor him with their patronage. , Dec 3—ts _ E. TITCOMB, LAND FOR SALE. igR I HAVE for sale I*oo acres of good fanning land, situated eight miles and a half from Fort Gaines on the ro/ul lead ing from that place to Newton, thecounty site of Raker co. .These lands are well situated, wit*> plenty of good run* ning water —high and healthy, with 160 acres cleared—allt resh, or nearly so, and are in a fine state of cultivation. The land will be divided if the purchaser desires it. and if not. the whole will be ! disposed of. Any person wishing to buy land in the low country would do well to call and examine for “themselves. Prices will | be made to suit the purchaser. For further information apply i to the subscriber on the place, or to John West, Fort Gaines. Ga, match ati—lf M. A. HENDERSON. SEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP’ 1.1 M3, Weekly The new and splendid Steamships j Florida, ... . Capt. Lyon. and Alabama , Capt. Ludlow. Belonging to theNicw York and Savannah Stiam Navigation Company, wtttili, leave Savannah and New York every Saturday. These VV ships are 1,3 H) tons register, and unsurpassed in salety,c“ — “1 and comfort. These steamers leaving Savannah at the same time that the Marion iuid Southerner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as ‘ soon as,or heldrethern. tT#"Cabin passage $25- payable before going on board Agents* PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April 30,1852 —tf] 104 Front street. New Yon,. FOR PHILADELPHIA. „ THE U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEOR f g/A leaves Savannah the following Wednesday so Philadelphia: Dec 15and 30th,January 12thand 26th, February Oth and 23d, March oth and 23d, April 6th and 20th, May 4th and 18th, June 1. Anew steamship now building, in every respect equal to the Sta'e of Georgia, will take her place in the line dur ing the month o June next, and with the Georgia make a weekly line. H3 5 ” This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort, and her acconfmodations for passenger* are unsurpassed by those of any other steamship on the cost. Fare to Philadelphia $25; through to New York $25; Steer aov &<), PADELFORD & FAY, Agents. Savannah. Oe C 7-49wtf 11RRRON A MARTIN, Philadelphia List of Letters, REMAINING in the Post Office, at Columbus, Ga., ort * the Ist February, 153: A 1 Allen, S. W. Alexander, W. W. Allen, John Allen, E. M. Dr. Avery, Sylvia A. Adams. Mrs. Elizabeth B Blair, Wm. Esq. Browning, Perry Baker, R. Bridges, Mrs. Bostwiek, M A. Mrs. Boland, David Bray, Thomas Brooks, MissN. A. Brooks, C. C. 2 Boyd, Miss Georgiana Butler; Greene Bryant, Miss E. A. 2 Butt, J. A. Borland, E. Bucky, F. H. 2 Booker, R. M. Benson. Rev. W. F. Bush, Thomas Boatwright &.Burkelor, ines. Battle, Mrs. Sarah Baird, B. C. 3 Bellflower, Susannah 2 Baird, Mrs. I'r. Barner, Thomas J. G Columbus Woolen Cos. Centra! Division, No. 237 2. Cannon, Thos. E. Clark,.!. E. Clem, Wm. Olaborne, John F. Campel, Mrs. Mary Coieuian, Miss E.C. Clark, B. W Ciaggett, Wm. 2 Corbitt, E. C. Conelin, Lucy Coleman, Robt. Cusrnan, James Cooper, Wm. H. Corgell, Miss E.E. Cooiier, Miss Mary A. Cochran, A. Cowdrev, J. J. Cook, Elijah Colen, Patrick Coliins, James D Daniel, James M. Davis, Miss Mary A. Dochler. W. Davis, Jas. 2 Duffiee, H. S. David, Rev. J. W. David, L. C Miss I Darnel, Jarnetf M, 2 Derrick, Elizabeth Dyer, 1. Davidson, C. F. Mrs. Daniel, Mrs. Anna M. Dudley. Miss E. A. Doles, Benjamin . 2 Dent, Alexander Dent, Robert Davidson, S. E Evans, J. W. Eley, R. N. F Field, J. M. Fahson, Daniel Fahy, Frances 2 Fit nev. Wm. 2 Fioyd, Mr. Flournoy, Thomas Francis, A. Fields &, Carson, Messrs. G Godwin, Masena Gray, Mrs. G. C. Guyce, N. Green & Spencer. Garrett, Franklin Goued, Miss M. C, Gray, O. E. Gay & Bro. Messrs. II Hays, Thos. S. 2 Holmes, Mrs. Nancy Hollenbeck, Jno. Hackney, J. B. Hardy, Thomas 11. Harvey, Brinson Hightower, James F. Houghton, Miss L. A. Houghton,Col. H. W. Heer, Mr. Healy, Patrick Hearn, Benj. Houston Mrs Mary Houston, Mis. Jno. B. C. Houston, Mrs. M. R. Heath, Mathew J Jackson, L. Jones, F. W. Jones, Selina Jessup, R. M. Johnson, S. D. Jones,C. S. Jones, Miss F. J. K Kelly, John W. Jr. 2 Kirvin, G. W. 2 Keizer, Mayer Persons calling for any of tho above letters, wil please say they are advertised. J. A. L. LEE, P. M. A IQ&Q I Kelly, Mr. Kelly, Miss M. | Kimtry, H. H. L 1 Lester, Miss M. A. ; Lewis, John J. Lewis, P. A. Mrs. Langdon, R. Lanssell, F. M. Laughlin, John W. Lamb, Miss Seacy W, * Lafou, Dr. (.1. B Lasseter, John F. M Morris, Joseph 11. Moore, Jas. S. MorrisfThomas Moore, Geo A. Morris, Miss L. Massey, Geo. S. Morris, H. S, Moore, Kelly Morrison, A. C. Morris, Henry Moore, N. C. Miss Mason, Miss Mary Mason, Mrs. Mary Martin, John O. Mdum, MLs P. : Mitchell, Mrs. Jane M uscogee Division, Martin, Wm. W. Manasse &. Bro. 2 McVav, Jno. McGufl, Jno. McKinney, T. N. Norris, G. M. P. : Pool, Mrs. Martha | Pace, Elkanah Poitow, Wm. N. D Phibbs, Elbert Park, Chas. Pugh, Jas. A. Pace, Stephen Pike, Philip R. : Robinson, Wm. i Rogers, Nathaniel ; Robinson, Thos. H. Reese, T. C. Roberts, Mrs. Nancy Robinscai, Geo. C. Rogers, Jas. P. Rogers, T. M. , Rogers, Caroline A. ; Reid, A. J. Roe & Patterson, Messrs. • Rogers, Sarah Reese, J. P. Roland, Catharine Russell, Jas. M Randall, E. A. R. Mis 9 Ryals, Jas. G. S. Shippy, G. J. 2 Smead, Henry Stallings, Charlotte Sa fiord, Miss M. J. Stroud, Major Scott, Mrs. Mary E. 2 Schofield, Jno. Snow, E. S. Shepard, Andrew 2 Stevens, H. J, Scott, Lewis Stubblefield, G. Schofield, Wm. J. Simmons, G. Snow, E. S. Smith, f liiani Seim, Cornelius j Smith, John 9 I Small, R. j Smith, Win. F. 1 Sanborn, Beni. T. Tray wick, J. J. : Tameil, F. C. Thornton, Jonathan i Tomson, N. ■ Thornton, Euphema Tucker, Mrs. M. : Tillery, John Tillman, J J Tritt, A. C. Thornton, Johnston* Tt-nnille, Wm. H. U. Urquhart, David ! Vanzant, John ; Vail, Geo. W. w jggins, Mr*. Mary J. ] Well borne, Mrs. M. C. Wooldridge, T. F. ; Wright, L. D. I Wood, Henry | Ward, C. H. Williamson, Wm. j Wilson, Miss V. A. j Watkins, Wm. I Wynne, Thos. H. | Walker, Jas. i Wynn, Wm. B. ; Wallace, Chas. J. < J Walker, Jas. G. | Westmoreland, Mark. Walker, Samuel [ Williams, Miss Nancy I Willis, J. J.