The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, March 12, 1853, Image 2

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1 11 1 TANARUS„. - —= From the New York Herald. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION. The Cabinet. SECRETARY OF STATE—WILLIAM LARNEI) XARCT. New Yorkers, and politicians generally, are familiar with the political life and career of this gentleman. Although his experience as a mem* oer of a legislative body has been very limited, the various executive offices he has held,’ and the influence he has possessed, from his political associations, have made him a man of mark among the men of his times. Mr. Marcy is a native of Sturbridge, Worcester county, Massa chusetts, where he was born, December 12, 1786; consequently he is now in the 67th year of his age. Having completed his accademic course, he entered Brown Univesity, (Provi dence, R. 1.,) where he graduated in 1808. He afterwards removed to Troy, in the State of New York, where he studied and commenced the practice of law, and soon took a prominent part in politics as a democrat. During the war with Great Britain, he served as a volunteer in the military defence of the State. In 1816 he was appointed Recorder of the city of Troy; but afterwards, taking part with Mr. Van Bu ren in opposing the administration of Governor De Witt Clinton, he was removed from office by the friends of that Governor, in 1818. When the anti-Clintonians came into power, Marcy received from Governor Yates the appointment of Adjutant-General, in 1821, and removed to Albany, where he has since resided. On the organization of that potent and secret associa tion, called the “Albany Regency,” Mr. Mar cy became one of the most trusty and confiden tial members and advisers of its head, Martin Van Buren. To his connection with “the Re gency” Mr. Marcy doubtless owed most of the good success which has generally attended him as a political leader. In 1823 he received from the Legislature the appointment of State Comp troller, which office he held for several years. In 1829 he was appointed one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the St.ite; but in 1831 he resigned that office, in conse quence of being elected United States Senator. He was in the Senate less than two years, when he resigned, being elected Governor of N#w York, in 1832. He was twice re-elec ted, viz., in 1834 and 1836; but on a fourth nomination, in 1838, he shared in the defeat of the democratic party, and William H. Se ward was elected over him. After retiring from the executive chair, Mr. Marcy principally devoted his attention to his private bussiness, until Mr. Polk became President, in 1845. He was then offered and accepted the office of Sec retary of War, and was considered through the four years of his service one of the most influ ential members of Mr. Polk’s cabinet. The du ties of the War Department during the Mexican war were arduous, and were discharged by Mr. Marcy with energy and ability. On his retire ment from the cabinet, after the election of Tay lor and Fillmore, Mr. Marcy exerted himself to heal the dissensions in the democratic party of his State. Although decidedly opposed to the free soil and Wilmot proviso movements of Van Buren and others in the democratic party, Mr. Marcy urged the union of the party as essential to success, and therefore became separated from many of his hunker friends. This feeling against him operated so far as probably to pre vent his nomination for President at the Dem ocratic National Convention of 1852. With a large section of the democratic party in this State Mr. Marcy is not popular; but his ability as a writer, tactician, and statesman, is general ly admitted. SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY— JAEMS GUTHRIE, is a distinguished lawyer, of Louisville, Ky. where he has acquired great wealth and elevated stand ing in society. He has grown up with the West, and is indentified in feeling and interest with the prosperity of the Valley of the Mississ ippi. He is known as a Union Democrat, and unites to commanding talents and an intimate acquaintance with the wants and resources of the whole country, manners the most urbane and prepossessing. He is considered a promi nent leader of the Kentucky democracy, and is very popular with his party throughout the Western States. He has not been a member of Congress, but he has had experience as a legislator in the Senate of Kentucky. He was President of the State Convention which form ed the new constitution of Kentucky in 1849. His friends predict for him a popular career as a cabinet officer and an able discharge of the responsible duties of the treasury department. He is about fifty years of age, of athletic form, and very energetic habits. It should be added, that in 1837 Mr. Guthrie was urged as a can didate for Judge of the Supreme Court instead of Judge Catron; and on the death of Mr. Clay, in 1852, he declined the offer of Governor Pow ell to appoint him successor to Mr. Clay as United States Senator. SECRETARY OF INTERIOR—ROBERT M*CLELLAND, At present Governor of Michigan, owes his selection as a member of the new cabinet to the friendship and influence of General Cass. He i9 a native of Pennsylvania, where he received his education. Emigrating to Michigan, he practised law at Monroe, in that State, from which district he was elected to Congress for three consecutive terms (1843 to 1846.) He had previously distinguished himself as a mem ber of the State Constitutional Convention, and of the Leislature of Michigan, in which latter body he was chosen Speaker of the House, in 1843. Although a zealous supporter of General Cas* for the Presidency, he voted for the Wil mot proviso, and made free-soil speeches in Congress, He always voted for bills to improve harbors and rivers. His talents are very respec table, and he is esteemed as a man of integri ty and energy. He is forty-five years of age. In November, 1851, he was elected Governor of Michigan, and, under the new constitution, was re-elected, in 1852, for a term of two years, which will expire in January, 1855. In Con gress he was Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, in 1846, and in 1848 he was on the Committee on Foreign Affairs. SECRETARY OF WAR JEFFERSON DAVIS, Was born in Kentucky, and removed in early life to Mississippi, from whence he went to the United States Military Academy, at West Point, where he graduated in June, 1828. The same year (in July) he was appointed second Lieu tenant of Infantry, in the United States army. and was made first lieutenant of dragoons, in 1833. The same year he received the appoint ment of adjutant. In 1836 he resigned his com mission in the army, and retired to private life in Mississippi. He married a daughter of Gen. Taylor, and this lady died several years since. In 1844, Mr. Davis was chosen one of the Presi dential Electors for Mississippi, and voted for Polk and Dallas. The following year he was elected to Congress, and served one term as a member of the House of Representatives, ex cepting the time he was absent in Mexico during the war. In July, 1846, he was appointed colo nel of the regiment of volunteer riflemen raised in Mississippi, and distinguished himself particu larly at Monterey and Buena Vista. President Polk offered him the appointment of Brigadier General in the United States Army, in 1847, but he declined the honor. The same year the Legislature elected him United States Senator, and he was placed on the Senate Committee on Military Affairs, as chairman. He took an active part in important debates, particularly in | advocating Southern rights, and his talents placed him in the front rank of the democratic leaders. He opposed the Compromise Union measures,which were supported by his colleague, Mr. Foote, and, being nominated as the State rights candidate for Governor, to run against Foote, he resigned his seat in the Senate in 1851. He was defeated at the gubernatorial election, Foote being chosen by a majority of about one thousand. He has since remained in private life. In person Gen. Davis is of the middle size, and his habits are active and energetic ; his age is about forty-five years, and he is consider ed well qualified for the duties of the War De partment. SECRETARY OF THE NAVY —JAMES C. DOBBIN, Is a lawyer of Fayettville, and was elected a member of the Twenty-ninth Congress, (1845 ’47.) He was Speaker of the House of Com mons at the late session of the Legislature of North Carolina, and was the candidate of the democratic party for United States Senator; but his election was defeated by the intrigues of Romulus M. Saunders, and a few other members of the Legislature. This circumstance doubtless commended him to the favor of General Pierce. Mr. Dobbin was also a member of the National Convention at Baltimore, and promptly second ed the movement of the Virginia delegation in favor of the nomination of General Pierce. Mr. Dobbin is in the prime of life, and of very indus trious habits. In debate he is distinguished for eloquence, and his friends have every confidence in his ability to make a good successor of Gra ham and Kennedy in the Department of the Navy. POSTMASTER GENERAL JAMES CAMPBELL. This gentleman is at present Attorney Gen eral of Pennsylvania, to which office he was ap pointed since the State election last fall. He had previously* been a lawyer of Philadelphia, and one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in that city. In 1851, an attempt was made to elevate him to the bench of the Supreme Court of the State, the five judges of which are elected by the people of the State by general ticket. Judge Campbell being a Catholic, and a special friend of James Buchanan, was defea ted by the intrigues of General Cameron, late United States Senator, and other enemies of Buchanan , and the Protestant and Native American feeling arrayed against him. Conse quently, Judge Coulter, one of the whig candi dates, was elected, with four democratic judges. This circumstance, with the influence of Mr. Buchanan, have combined to give Judge Camp bell his present prominent position. He is a good lawyer, and of active business habits. He is, we believe, the youngest member of the new cabinet, being about thirty-five years of age. ATTORNEY GENERAL—CALEB CUSHING, At present one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, and well known through out the United States as a distinguished politi cian and eminent scholar. Mr- Cushing was born in Salisbury, Essex county, Massachusetts in January, 1800, and consequently is now in his fifty-fourth year. His father, belonging to one of the most respectable of the old families of Massachusetts, was extensively engaged in the shipping business, by which he acquired a hand some fortune. Caleb Cushing entered Harvard College when very young, and graduated in the eighteenth year of his age. He commenced the study of the law at Cambridge, and was appoint ed tutor of mathema s ics and natural philoso phy in Harvard College, which place he held for two years, and then removed to Newbury port to engage in the practice of law. In his profession he was very successful, and acquired the reputation of a good lawyer. The political career of Mr. Cushing commenced in 1825, when he wasc hosen representative from New buryport to the lower House of the Massachu setts legislature. In 1826 lie was elected a member of the State Senate. Both these pla ces he filled with ability, and to the satisfaction of his constituents. After this he continued in the practice of the law for two years, and in 18- 29 he went to Europe, on a tour of pleasure and observation. After his return he prepared for the press and published his “Reminiscences of Spain ” a work which added much to his literary reputation. He also appeared as the author of a “Historical and Political Review of the Revolution in France,” in 1830. About the same time he was a contributor to the North American Review, writing mainly on historical and legal subjects. Mr. Gushing was again elected to the Massachusetts Legislature in 18- 33 and 1834. He made several unsuccessful runs for Congress, but was finally elected to re present the North Essex District in 1835. His Congressional continued for four conse cutive terms, or eight years, viz: from 1834 to 1843. Having commence public life as a friend of John Quincy Adams, Mr. Cushing acted with the whig party, both in the State Legislature and in Congress, until the administration of John Tylor, when Mr. Cushing was one of the ew whigs who ventured to sustain the course of that President in abandoaing his political friends. The consequence to Mr. Cushing was , his separation from the whig party and even- ; tually his connection with the democratic party ■ for the last ten years. Asa member of Congress he evinced decided ability, and kis speeches and reports showed in the most favorable light his statesmanlike qualifications. In 1843, President Tyler nominated Mr. Cushing as one ot his cabi net, but the Senate refused to confirm the nom ination, owing to his political course, and the of parties at the time. I here upon the President nominated him as Commis sioner to China, and the Senate assented to the appointment, He left the United States in the summer of 1843, and proceeded to China, by the Medietrranean and overland route. In 1844 he negotiated a treaty with the Chinese govern ment, establishing, for the first time, diplomatic relations between the two countries. He return ed to the United States by way of Mexico, hav ing accomplished the important business ot his mission, and passed around the globe, within the short period of a year. On his return home Mr. Cushing made a visit to Minnesota Territory as was supposed for the purpose of taking up his residence there. He, however, returned to Newbuiwport in 1846, s and was again elected to represent that town in the Legislature. In that body he was the most prominent member at the session of 1847, when the Mexican war was at its height. He acted with the democrat ic members in advocating the policy of that war and for appropriating 820,000 for equipping the Massachusetts Regiment of Volunteers at the expense of the State. When his proposition was defeated, Mr. Cushing advanced the money from his own means, and the regiment was made ready for service. He was chosen Colo nel of the regiment, and accompanied it the Rio Grande, in Mexico, in the spring of 1847, be ing attached to the army under command of General Taylor. Soon after his arrival in the Mexican terri tory, he was appointed a Brigadier General in the United States Army, and several regiments of volunteers were placed under his command. Hostilities having ceased on the northern line, General Cushing being anxious for more ac tive service, was at his own request, transfer red to the army of General Scott. It was not, however, his fortune to be engaged in any of the brilliant actions of the war ; and after various services, as a commander at San An gel and other places, he returned home on the restoration of peace. In 1547, while he was in Mexico, General Cushing was nominated by the democrats of Massachusetts as their candi date for Governor. This movement was owing to the part he had taken in support of the war, and was done without consultation with him.— It doubtless greatly improved his position with the democratic parly in the State and nation ; and the increased, though, of course, unsuc cessful vote given to him, compared with the democratic vote of the previous year, was flat tering to General Cushing,and his friends who had urged the nomination. In 1848, General Cushing was a zealous laborer in behalf of the election ot General Cass, acting on all oc casions with the Union democrats, and against the free soil party. In 1850, he was for the fifth time, elected a member of the Legislature from Newburyport,and was active in that body in opposing the coalition of the democrats with the free soil party, which paused Jhe, of Charles Sumner to the United States Senate. In 1851, the office of Attorney General of Mas sachusetts was offered to Gen. Cushing by Gov Boutwell, but he declined the honor. The Legislature of 1852 having created an addition al Justice of the Supreme Court, Gen. Cushing was appionted to the office in May. ft is ad mitted that he has performed the duties ofhie seat on the bench with abilityand integrity, and as a judge, he has acquired an enviably popu larity. In person, Gen Cushing is tall and slender, with dark complexion and pleasing address. His habits are of the active and in dustrious character, and his friends have great confidence that he will acquit himself in the duties of a cabinet officer with the same abil ity that he has shown in the various other pub lic station he has occupied, &lje atifr %mimd COLUMBUS, GEORGIA’ SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 1853. TELEGRAPHIC, Telegraphed Expressly for the Times & Sentinel. Mobile, March 12. The Crescent City has arrived at New York, via Havana. Vice-President King is said to be very ill. New Orleans, March 12. There is very little enquiry for Cotton. Prices are unchanged since our last. Two thousand bales had been sold up to 1 o’clock. Mobile, March 12. The enquiries for cotton is slack, sales to-day amount to 1500 bales. Holders are very firm at our previous quotation. Mobile, March 10. New Orleans Market. Yesterday the demand was active ; sales amounted to twelve thousand bales at firm prices. The market is stiffer to-day with fair demand. Sales to 1 o’clock 2000 bales. Mobile Market. Yesterday’s saies 10,000 bales ; fair enquiry to-day, and market firm. Sales to 1 o’clock 2,000 bales. We quote P'air 10 alO 1-1; Middling 9 1-2 a 9 3-4} Mid dling Fair 9 a 9 1-4 ; Ordinary 8 a 8 I*4. Mr. Demerest’s Examination. We were one among a crowd of spectators who had the pleasure of attending the examination of Mr. Deme rest's Dancing School on Friday night la3t in Concert Hall. The scholars gave evidence of the ability of their instructor by the ease, elegance and precision with which they performed all the fashionable dauces. The young ladies were dressed in costume} the performances were varied and beautiful, and the whole effect of the exhibition was more pleasing than we could possibly have anticipated. Mr. Demerest’s success as a teacher of this pleasing art in this city has been complete. The Polka, Scott ischee, Cotillon, Waltz, Highland Fling, Cracovienne, and many other new and beautiful styles of dancing, hare been taugt by him to his classes in an incredi bly short space of time, and we take great pleasure in bearing this testimony to the capacity of a gentleman whose private*worth is equal to his professional skill. The Post Master Again. We publish to-day, the statement of Messrs. Pitts, Cherry and Jones in relation to the late meeting of the pierce and King Club, which resulted in the election of Michael N. Clarkb as Post Master for this city. It seems from the statement that thirteen persons, in eluding among them some of the officers of the Pierce and King Club, met at the Court House on the Tth Inst., under a general notice of a Club meeting, and very summarily disposed of the Post Office and also of the claims of several very worthy candidates for the appoint ment, by nominating them and voting them down with almost entire unanimity—that these gentlemen thus summarily disposed of had no notice of the objects ot the meeting, and that all who did aitend, exeept the three who refused to vote and signed this cer tificate were the friends of Mr. Clarke, From all which can gather that the meeting was nothing more then a caucus of the friends of a particular candidate ; and is entitled to no more weight than if they had privately met in the office of Mr. Clark and signed a certificate in his favor. Fair play is a jewel, and every worthy member of the party is entitled to it from the hands of his party friends, on all occasions, and especially in the distribution of “the spoils of war” after a battle in which all fought equally well. So far as we are at present advised, we can but regard the action of a small portion of the Pierce and King Club at its late meeting, as an attempt to foist a man in office by indirection, and, if this is the case, it will meet with the contempt of every honest man. We hope the gentlemen who composed the meeting will be able to throw some light upon this matter, which will relieve it from objection, and until we hear from them, we will forbear further observations upon this subject. Losses by the Storm. W have confined our enquiries to the business part of the city. Besides those enumerated below, every house in the city has suffered damage of from 5 to 50 dollars in fences, chimneys and glass; which will amount in the aggregate to not less than $25,000. Hardly a merchant in the city has escaped severe in jury from leakage. Wo put down the injury to goods at not less than $! 5,000. Warehouses. —H.S. Smith & Cos .S6OOO 00 Gunby, Daniel & Co* 3,000 00 W. Rankin 1,000 00 Greenwood tfc Cos 500 00 Store Houses.—John Smith, No.— Broad St.. .25 00 A. Andersen, (owned by Rankin,). “ “ 200 00 D. Hudson, (owned by Besssel,) 141 “ 200 00 D. B.fThompson, owned by P. Adams) 143 “ 225 00 Jas. Boulter, “ “ “ “ 145 “ 125 00 Mr. Morris, (owned by B. Wells) 147 “ 125 00 A. Schwartz, “ “ 149 “ 125 00 John Code, “ “ 157 “ 25 00 A. Halle, “ “ 159 “ 30 00 T. J. Clem, “ T.J. Clem,) 161 “ 200 00 J. A. McNeil, “ B. Wells,) 163 “ 200 00 Schwartz & Bro. “ “ 165 “ 225 00 F. Golden, “ ‘ 167 “ 225 00 W. Rankin, “ W. Rankin,) 169 “ 200 00 3 stores on Crawford st., (Wells,) W. Degnan, Front &, Crawford st., (Estate of P. Sullivan, dec’d.) 50 0# Public Buildings.—Court House & Market,.. ..200 00 Catholic Church and Houses, 100 00 Episcopal Church, 300 00 Gas Houses 800 00 Corporation Buildings.—R R. Buildings,... .5,000 00 Howard Factory, 1,000 00 Eagle Factory, 500 00 E. T. Taylor &, Co.’s Gin Factoiyt, 250 00 Private Residences.—(E. Lentilhon, corner of Broad and Bryan streets, Mrs. Sarah Clark, R. Hyslon,) 2,500 00 Shanty adjoining Greenwood & Cos, 100 00 _BarnyDolan, F ronl latFOO E. 3Tenements on Front at,... .vm. ; v . .350.00 J. B. Hill, 1,000 00 Oglethorpe House, 1,000 00 Dr. Ware’s residence occupied by Mrs. Brice, 500 00 Damage to Real Estate, 26,730 00 Whole amount of damage by the Storm, $61,730 00 *The old tin roof was worthless. tThis is their own estimate. Railroads—Lumpkin—Americus—Al ban y Savannah and Brunswick. It seems to be a settled point, that the South-Western Road is to be extended from Oglethorpe to Amerieus ; and the Georgia Courier , in remarking upon the fact, encourages tho people of Stewart county, to extend it still further (thirty-six miles) to Lumpkin. There are some things connected wtih this subjeot, which are not so far in the future as to cast no shadows before. We say then, that sooner or later,’and we think within a few years, there will be a Rail Road from Brunswick to Columbus, as well as from the former to Pensacola. The first will pass through Albany and Lumpkin. We give the proof in a few words. Bruns wick is by far, and in every respect, a better location for a commercial seaport-town than Savannah is. Her harbor is amply large, and deep enough for vessels of the largest class. She is healthy at all seasons. The Railroad connecting her with Columbus, will be free from curves, that will materially increase its length or retard the speed of travel upon it. Its actual length will be aboutTfifty miles less than that of the Railroad be tween Savannah and Columbus ; and lastly, when the Brunswick Road shall have reached Albany, its Stock holders, as well as the owners of land along the line, and of lots in the city, will see, too plainly, the advan tages she will have over Savannah, by contesting the field with her in Columbus. Columbus, too, will see the vast advantage to her of having another (and we think) better bidder for her trade, than Savannah will be—better by far at least than Savannah will be without formidable competition. By this Road, Brunswick will be connected with the State Road, and thereby with the Mississippi YTilley, and by the Opelika and Chunnenug gee Roads, with the heart of Alabama. Now if we were citizens of Lumpkin, we should come to this conclusion : “We will exert every muscle to form a connection with Brunswick. All the means we have to share, shall go into the project. It will secure to us a better outlet to the Atlantic, and at the same time, will connect us w ith the up counties of Georgia, and even with the \ alley of the Mississippi—-with Sa vannah and Augusta, via Columbus, by a route but lit tle greater in length than by Amerieus and Ogltehorpe; and lastly, it will compel Savannah to build without o\t aidy the thirty-six miles between Amerieus and Lump kin, or relinquish all hope of commercial intercourse with us. She will build the road. We therefore get three roads by moving in the direction of Brunswick first, the Brunswick—second, the road to Columbus, and third, the road to Amerieus. The advantage which would result to Columbus from a direct Railroad connecting with Brunswick, would be many and important, and are too obvious to require discussion. * * E. T. Taylor & Co.’s Gin Factory. We are very much gratified to barn that we were misinformed as to the extent of the injury done to this extensive establishment. Dr. Taylor informs us that two hundred and fifty dollars will cover the damage, and that they will be able to meet aH their engagements for gins. Our information was derived from one of the work men whom wo met on Broad street, in the midst of the storm. New Music. “my OLD KENTUCKY HOMt, GOOD NIGHT.” This is a plaintive Ethiopian Melody by the aether, f “Old Folks at Home,” and is said to be quite a 9 pop,, lar at the North as that famous song. Rg success at tt,, South is problematical, as there is a slight leaning t wards abolitionism in the poetry. Tub Fascination Polka. —This is the title of a beautiful polka well adapted for the drawing roo)ll composed by Maurice Strakosch, and performed by him at all his concerts. Firth, Pond & Cos., New York, publisher*, for sale by Whittelsey <fc Cos. FOR THE TIMES AND SENTINEL. To the Democrats of Muscogee County. We do hereby certify, that the so called meeting, of the Pierce and King party, said to have been held in this city on the7h inst., was composed of only sixteen persons, including the names of the individ. ual members who sign and make this certificate. The objects and purposes of the meeting were at no time publicly made known previous to the open, ing of the meeting. The proceedings and expressions of said meeting in no respect meet the approbation of this commu nity, or any considerable portion of the Democratic Party. Each of the individuals named, to wit, Robert C. Forsyth, Mansfield Torreace and Wilet E. Jones, were nominated by an individuallknown to be unfriendly to the claims of all these gentle men for Post Master. Neither of the subscribers who were present at said meeting, voted, or took any active part in the proceedings thereof. We make this statement for the purpose of pre. venting erroneous impressions in relation to the wish es and feelings of the Democratic Party of this city, and the community generally, and stand pledged to make good these our solemn statements. G. J. PITTS. G. W. CHERRY. RICHARD JONES. Columbus, Geo., March llth, 1853. Incidents of the Inauguration. We take the following paragraphs from the detailed accounts of the inauguration, in the New York Herald of Saturday : Gen. Pierce delivered his inaugural address, after taking off’ his overcoat, amid immense cheering, just exactly as if ho were delivering an •xtempore speech. He had no paper or notes, but delivered the. address beautifully and gracefully, without a blemish, to the end. It will be remem bered that Presidents Taylor, Polk, and others, read their addresses from the manuscript. When he came to that part of his address which rela ted to the protection of American citizens abroad he turned face to face with Mr. Fillmore and the diplomatic corps, and laid down the law with thrilling emphasis, and when he again turn ed to the mass of the people in front, occupying the vast square, below, they shouted with de light, and every man of the fifty thousand in th streets declared that Piqfce Is the man for the times. President Pierce is a graceful and striking speaker, and his voice, although not equal to reach to the extent of the enormous multitude that surrounded him, was clear and distinct, and his style of delivery was excellent. He has ap peared remarkablyelaßtic cool and self-possessed ‘ToFltie last few days, to-day.— He rose at daylight and has been busy the en tire day% and he evidently feels that he has the game in hand and intends to hold it. Mr. Fillmore’s cabinet made the best of their time to the last moment. For weeks past they have been filling offices with bogus democrats, appointed at the solicitation of whigs who re signed. Even as late as yesterday a post-mas ter in the State of New York was appointed in this way. The whole matter will be thoroughly investigated. A company of dressed in rags and tatters, marched along the avenue whilst the procession was passing, who received some rough usage. The pageant is over and the multitude is dis persing. This is a revolution of the govern ment in a carnival. Large masses followed the President to the White House, and waited upon him in the usu al reception room. Mr. Fillmore took immediate possession of the apartments at Willard’s just vacated by General Pierce, intending to occupy them for a few days prior to the commencement of his Southern tour. Snow continued falling slightly during the day, melting as it fell, and not particularly in terfering with the inaugural ceremonies. This evening several ballsand other entertain ments are given to the military and other guests. The hotels and boardinghouses, though some what relieved, are still thronged. It is reported that after the inaugural Gener al Scott thanked the President for his remarks on West Point and the army. After having received a host of people at.the White House, General Pierce retired, and the doors closed. Ex-President Fillmore took up his quarters at three o’clock in the rooms at VVillard’s, vacated by his successor two hours previously. A few friends dined with General Pierce at the White House, but Mr. Fillmore, consulting the General’s repose, declined. They will dine together perhaps to-morrow. The White House is closed to-night to all vigitros. Its new occupant has made a mighty sensation to-day. At eight o’clock the storm continued, and the army of incursion was leaving by thousands. Vive laPßepubliqve ? Hamburg and Edgefield Plank Road. —We are gratified to learn that this road is doing a flour ishing business. About nineteen miles on the main road, and five miles on a branch have been finished and are now in use. The Company, we learn, on the 24th inst., declared a dividend of fourteen per cent. The road to Edgefield C. H., will be completed by the 4th of July next, Already Hamburg & Augusta are reaping the benefit of this enterprise. Cotton and other produce which formerly found a market at o* lumbia, are now brought this way, and planters will find it to their interest to trade with us, as they will, by so doing, be able to realize more for their produce, and have a larger and better assortment ot merchandise and groceries to select from.—Augus ta Const. The item of #50,000 which the Hon. R. M. Charl ton caused to be inserted in the Naval Appropriation bill, in the Senate removal of Wrecks in Savannah Harbor, foiled in the House of Representatives.