The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, March 12, 1853, Image 4

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The Soil of the South For 1853. A MONTHLY JOURNAL, Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and the General Planting Interests of the South. JAMES M. CHAMBERS, Agricultural Editor. CHARLES A. PEABODY, Horticultural Editor. Published at Columbus, Georgia, on the First oi every Month at the low rate of One Dollar a year, in advance. TERMS: On© copy, one year, Si 0 n Six copies, one year 5 00 Twenty- Five copies, one year 20 0* One hundred copies, one year, 7 5 0’ All subscriptions must commence with the volume. C HA RAC TERiSTICS. Both the Editors of this Journal aio engaged in the cultivation of the soil of the South. In the Agricultural Department, our list of contribu tors embraces many of the mo-t successful agricultu rists of the South; and each number, for 1853, will contain a contribution from one of the most distinguish ed scientific agriculturists in the United States. In the Horticulural Department, Mr. Charles A. Peabody, who has attained unrivalled excellence, secured the co-operation of Iverson L. Harris, J. Van Buren, and Dr. Camak, distinguished horticulturists ot Georgia, who have pledged themselvea to contribute regularly to our columns. With a rapidly increasing subscription list, the Pub lishers hope to be able to have the next volume beauti fully illustrated. Every Southern man who cultivates a plantation, works a farm or garden, or grows a tree or flower, will find the Soil of the South an invaluable companion. N. B.—The ca*-h system will be rigidly adheted to, and in no case will the paper be sent unless the money accompanies the order. We return our thanks to oir subscribers for 1852, and hope each one of them will send us his dollar before the close of this year. The first number for the new volume will be published by the Ist of January. LOMAX & ELLIS Dec. 1, 1852. Columbus, Ga.. Drugs, Medicines, PAINTS AND OILS. n I AM now receiving a large and fresh assortment of everv thing usually kept in a DRUG STOKE. I'M, a,l d will offer inducements to purchasers that will be satisfactory I have Sehieffelier’s extract Pow ders and Extracts, and every thing of the best quality. Prices to suit the times. Choice TEAS, Black and Green. April 23.1352. R A. WARE. CHOICE CIGARS. THE finest selection of HAVANA CIGARS that has ever been offered in this market, can be had at Dr. Ware’s Drug store. Those who like a good smoke, and a good Cigar, can be accommodated. April 23. 1852 R. A. WARE. EXTRACT OF COFFEE. NOTHING to do but to have Boiling Water and a Teaspoonful of the Extract stirred into it, and you have as fine Coffee as can be made. For sale by R. A. WARE. April 23, 1852. __ FISHING TACKLING. TINES, Hooks, Rods, Flats and Thongs. For j sale bv R. A. WARE. April 23, 1852. WHITE LEAD AND LINSEED OIL. JUST received and for sale by April 23. 1852. R. A. WARE. LAMP OIL. WINTER Sperm, Bleached, Elephant and Lard Oil. Be-t quality. For sale bv April 23, 1852 _ R. A. WARE. BEST CHEWING TOBACCO. FOR sale by R. A. WARE. April 23. 1852. L A IV D RE T IPS NEW CROP. JUST received and for sale by R. A. WARE. ALSO, a few Boxes Choice Flower Seeds, 20 varie ties in each box. Peb. 5, 1852. G ts WIN 1) O W GLASS. ALL sizes usually kept—French and American—by April 23, 1852. R. A. WARE. BLANK BOOKS. I AM now receiving a large and complete assortment of Blank Work, of the best quality of Paper and Binding, consisting in part of Ledgers, Journals, and Day Books, of various sizes and styles. Also, Cash, Invoice, Letter, Bill Books, Records. Sec. See. J. W PEASE. Dec. 9, 1852. 50 tl_ RIPLEY’S War with Mexico. Forsale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. June 18, 1852. 25 IRVING’S Complete Works—uniform edition. For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. .Tune 18. 1852. 25 ABBOTT’S Young Christian, and Way to do Good. For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. June 18, 1852. 25 ARTHUR’S History of Georgia, Kentucky and Virginia. For sale bv A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. June 18, 1852. 25 PAPER! PAPER!! PAPER!!! JUST received from New-York, and for eale cheap, j at the Agency ot Rock Island Factorv, a splendid j article of ENGLISH CREAM and BLUE LAID letter paper, UNRULED. Also, FRENCH EXTRA SUPERFINE blue and white letter paper, ruled and unruled. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Columbus, Dec. 16, 1352. 51 lm GIJAAO. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF GUANO. ju=t ar rived and for sale at GREENWOOD & CO.’S. GEO. W. WINTER. Dec 23, 1852. 52 ts. BLANK BILLS OF EXCHANGE, OF the best quality, for sale by J. W. PEASE- Dec. 9, 1852. ___ 50 ts ARVINE’S Moral and Religious Anecdotes. For sale bv A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. June IS, 1852. 25 LANIER IIOIJSE, Northwest corner of the Public Square, LA GRANGE, GEORGIA. r rilE Subscriber has taken the well known House JL formerly kept bv Mr. Samuel Curtright. in La- Grange, and now offers his services as a TAVERN KEEPER, and from his long experience, he hopes to receive a liberal patronage from the public. R. LANIER. La Grange,May 21, 1852. 21 ts SCHOOL BOOKS. THE subscriber is now receiving the largest and most complete assortment of School Bo its ever offered in this market, and is offering them on such terms as to give satisfaction to all who will give him a call. . ~ J. W. PEASE. 9, 1802. 5© t mmm Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. ass Instruments. “ : —Zephyr Worsted, Guila,B - | WHITTELSEY & CO. Ch ”^ ilk( Violins, / K; (j OFFER for sale an assortment of new and elegant goods in Cutlery, Clarioncttes M theirliue. Sole agents for the celebrated Manufacturers j)j Mantle Vases, Violincellos, : NUNN’S & CLARKE AND CHICKERING, v o/ahms^Pmcelain! DrU,n8 ’ They keep constantly on hand an assortment of ‘ &c. A c< roeons, Ij PIANO FOaTt Sos their make, with and, ; Watches and Clocks, Flutinas, J : J U j U without the ASolian attachment. j(| Jewelry, I amborines, MlFVr'Ti 1° their large stock of Sheet Music has Bruin! Ir seats, Melodeons, K;| just been added, all the latest l’arte Mm i nies. Fine Italian, German from the Now York press, both rot Ji if Ladim ’ Woi 1 Box< s ind English Violin and JiNTLi INSTRUMENTAL. K| Portable Writing desks Cello Strings, —— !; S.lvor and Plated vYart, Guns and Pistols, WATCHES, CLOCKS m JEWELRY Canes, Powder Flasks, jv ju Combs. Brushes, tL , r>„„„iw.c Repaired by a skilful workman just arrived fromL _ „ . T ANARUS, bhot Pouches, i-: .. V , ‘ , . (j Toilette Soap and Per , r , ;>i F/% x>ew A ork. All work war ram ed. )| r rips ,iru >.n aU -j ; •w , “'w Pianos tuned and repaired, and all instruments }'■ hnnery. Diamond gram Gunpow- s repa i re ,t in the best styie. ! Homeopathic Books and cr * sp! Medicines. (KrR glcy*B Gold and Commercial Pens. Columbus, Gn., Oct 15. 1853.-if GENTLE MEN ’ S CEO T III N G QO'SSZm QDSSTESa *2s*o Jt_ HL JD)^MM?E®r v Clothier smd Merchant Tailor {NEXT DOOM TO HILL AND DAWSONS.) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. >|J IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST FALL AND WINTER Styles ©f Clothing, Furnishing Goods, —A LSO— HTBIiBISSi, @ WAILQSSS & llßUßfßlihfUiftgL.. JjjEWla CLOTHS, CASSI.ViERES AND VESTINGS, M / A. of the latest importations, of Fren mi and English s’vies manufactured to order and warranted, under ihe direction of who has just -(‘turned from New York, and will be plensefi to ‘accommodate bio H\ ;-L T A . v |i othefs~ :h?) T miv call, with such rraruients as cannot fail to please. Coluinbus. Oct 9, 1852. hv&wf ."ire. nminmanMni■ i m i- .mm i iwiiwiw in. mm n, mi , ’ © MJP:-JTSL iJLa M MERCHANT TAILOR, ONK DOOR BELOW GESNLR & I‘EABODY’o DRUG STORE ®mm SinESlTi, ©DlLliaißlSi, -HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF— \FMJL MDRUTIIK .©©©©©, g to which h” solicits the attention of the public. I’is stock comprises some of the most beautiful styles of ottis, black and fancy colored French and English Cassiineics j black f .f.. and fancy SilJk Velvet A r estinss of all sliades and colors, vincli • is prepared to makeup In the NEATEST and most FASHION ABLE STYLES. A ion e v iLTi jiice iu c lUm r, in so no of tie hi 4t fajtiiouable cities of the (7.ii.n, makes him confident, that his efforts to please i s.ithtis iv ib may favor hi n with ict i, will not be in vain. He is only desiro is to have a mir and impartial trial before the; • uhlic uid this he asks, feeling sure that it w>il be accorded, and once accorded lie fears not the result. In audition to tic v trio. is oioths, Oaso neres, Cassiiaeres it Drills enumerated above, iie has on hand and is receiving a stock o \ READ Y-MAD E CL O THING, i latest styles, aid ofsuperior quality. In a wot Jhe has everything suitable to r. gentleman’s toilet jy* Oalliind examine, as he is determined to give cheap bargains. ‘olunibus Oct 8— twtf J. D. WIA.LIFOKD & CO., ! (At the old stand of H. Middlebrook Af Cos.) Two doors above J. Funis Cos., Broad street. Columbus, Ga,, ARE NOW RECEIVING A VERY EXTENTBIV E STOCK OF FIRST CLASS Iteadv Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting s, *& c . Geiitlemen’s Furnishing Goods of every variety. Ev ery article in this establishment has been purchased this Fall. The garment* have been cut by the most experienced and fashionable tailors. All sizes of men am! boys can be easily fitted with Ready made Clothing. Gents’ready-made garments of everv i onceivabie variety and style. , BOV’s cLoTIII IVG —lt is impossible to enumerate the different ariu-les ot clothing lor hoys anu children. LADIES’ CLOA Sis —a new and elegant article —l.a;iies* Silk, Merino and Colton Vests, 6ec. /f’ Hats and Caps —Of the best make and latest fashions.^gg^ CLOTHING MADS TO ORDER. vVe are prepared to makeup Clothing at unusually low rates —and in a style not inferior to any. Every Garment war ranted to give satisfaction. Oar assortment of Cloths, Okssimres, Vestings. Furnishing Goods, &.C.. will be found complete. j in even particular; and a careful examination of all mr goods is respectfully solicited from those who may read this notice. N. U.—A deduction of five per cent, will be made for Gash, on ah bills not less than ter. dollars. Jas. D. Williford. Daniel llowe. Hot o*7 fti-tf PUBLIC M STING. AT a meet 1 ns of the citizens of the -Ith district ot Farly county assembled at their Justice Court Ground on the 20ih inst.. the follow ng preambl and resolutions were submi.ted and unanimously approved:— V \ |, ei eas. the citizens of this district, and of certain other ad ioinin” districts in tins couniy, and the counties of baker and Randolph labor under manifest inconvenience on account oi the distance of their county capitals. .. . . . c r , Resolve That we, the citizens of-the 4Ji district of Early coiintv. will use all honorable exertions to form anew county. Beit further Resolved^ThfitthcciiizciisOt the 4tii,OLh uihi fi h districts of Gariy, th 3rd district ot Raker, and the .Mb and 7lh districted'Randolph, be notified by publication ot these pro ceedintrs in thelimes u 1 and ‘-en'ii ela*u. \ibany to meei the citizens o! tu*’4th district ot taro at ABNER DY S 4 N’ S , in said district, on the third Saturday in April next. to take into consideration the importance ai.d propriety of form ing, through the proper authorities, anew county trom thesiari districts. JOSEPH D. HARDY, Chairman. A. Dyson. Secretary. January 18. 1853. 3wt2oap. D. B. •} HOMPtON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART,) Below Mill, Dawson & Cos. r IMN, Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner JL of Gutters, Piping, Conductors aud Roofing done to order, substantially and warranted, ov. 43—ts “HOME INDUSTRY.” JOEL T. SCOTT, I G A R MANUFACTURER, {A FEIV DOORS JfORTH OF HALL Sc .MOSES.) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, A LWAYS on hand, at Wholesale and Retail, all desirable | fV varieties of HAVANA AND AMERICAN CIGARS, which will bo sold on low terms. A liberal discount will be made to those who buy to sell aaain. A generous share of the patmnasre of the public is respectfully solicited. All Cisrars warranted to be such as represented. Columbus, October 2—4 owly MARBLE WORKS, East side Broad St. near the Market Honse COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones 31onu?nents, Tombs and Tablets, of American, Italian and Irish Makble. Engraving and carving done on stoneinthe bestpossible manner; and allkinds of Gran ite Work at the shortest notice. JOHN H. MADDEN. P. S.—Plaster ofParis and Cement, always on hand for ale. Columbus, 31a*eh 7, 1350. 10 ts tOt AHD mum 010THDK i fagem^i JOHN SI IT H —IS NOW RECEIVING ONE OF THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCKS 0’ _ HEAD? JMLAiIJJEI OliO^F.l^SH’O’ jfcj V il OFJbL RL D iiV PHI S MA n js it hits been selected with taste and tare, uiid eter}, article oUied is warranted v win made, ir&ssia* a® ©if ?aas a. Aims? ai/v&ia* THE rOLLQIVIXO EMBRACES A FEW OF THE LEAPIJVGh ARTWJ.ES .VOW LY STCI:± : French aud Fuglish Black CJoth Dress COATS : VESTS, of various styles and patterns, incO.C^ u l "‘ “ Frock “ Siik, • loth, Casa, Marseilles, &c. &c. If;!# “ . ‘‘ “ “ Fade “ f~fa HATS and CAPS, from the best and most sash ~ *“*‘'*“ ® rc J’ a “d Mixed Sacks, b rocks and Pelts *• Av ionabie Manufactories in New York. Beaver, Mohair, \ vest End, and Hemely Over Coats; . TTPV emvr- T w Black and Fancy Cass Pants; A hcpajtinct 15 wed supplied W ;-, Grev, Blue and Mixed •• slin K Drawers, < ollars, Gloves, liandia _■, vats, lies,blocks, Leggings, &tc., c.c, —ALSO— ®Z3JBL.]© r ßr'jaE*:E[:i^r<2s-e l TRAVE/.LWO Tl. UXKS, CARPET BAG S, SAICIJELB, VAJ.I> /and, Colt* r. rid t-i.k - UMBRELLAS, and every other article usually kept in 0 *• CLOI HIKG STORE.” ‘ -x. and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhc:e.*S3& W t¥W~ t ouniry dealers supplied 011 lil oral teim / \ Col umbus, September 17—twif JOHN SMITH. ‘ f p IF rn lf ¥? lIT w a IT T¥ A PifiFlFf klillMl Mil Mill Hill. EACHLE £6TT 01 MS WfME IACTOIT, COLUMBUS, GA. T . . EbiABLTSHMENT is now in complete and successful operation It is tne objeet of the Company to supply the Southern demand for the heavier styles ot Cotton and Woolen Fabrics, so far as their capacity for production will permit, a hey now otfer to purchasers the following schedule of their Manufac tures. 1 his schedule will be altered from time to time, as they add to the variety. 4-4 Sheetings, very heavy and superior, iff? 11 trtings 5 do. do. 7-8 Osnaburgs, do. do. CotfOii Y arns 5 assorted numbers, neatly papered. PL Aid! EhS CASSIMERE—(Jeans,) colored, Black, Brown, Green, &c. do, PLAINS, do do do tin PINE KNOT do., very heavy, for negro wear. COLUMBUS FASHIONS—(Stripes,) very heavy, of a great variety of colors . r 4 and patterns. •mI IRESSiiS Oi any size or weight, made to order, and a supply constantly _ _ ‘ r r kept on hand. -JOMFORTERS—Of a superior quality, made to order. designed to supersede blankets for negroes, heavy and WA rrt'nTATM -n • , P more economical than blankets/ - -v WRAPPING TWINE and COARSE SEWING THEEAJX AH the above goods are made of the best materials, and- in the I = manner, and can be recommended to purchasers with confidence. H J and Company pledge themselves to sell these goods on terms as favor.:- p as similar goons can be procured from any market in the world. ■ The attention of buyers is solicited to them before making their selections elsewhere. Address mnnr , J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. WOOL— -The E. M Cos. are prepared at all times to buy Wool. The-, wit also manufacture lt lor Planters on shares, or at a stipulated price per yard ‘ ‘ September 30, 1852- 1 * IjA GRANGE MUSIC STOfiM TOMMILS lJmtMh, Just opened, in Thornton’s Rock Building, on the West side of ilie Court House Square, a large and rnowai&jraraiDtbig oiwh&c WILL KEEP ON HAND, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF MUSIC-SUCH A Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Port Folios, &c, &c. -—— ffffsi ™^ P^, and wi ! liout MOLm attachments, kA.;li a.\Oo, slews’ American Action, and (ho M’ \F TT!‘ JSER < patent ot Knabe, Gachle & Cos., and from many other Factories.” lUv ’ A ALSO? w DRUMS, BAIT JOS, ACCORDECNS, PLTJTJFOfi ~SJC * J ' #xes ’ ot vanous slzes > antl well selected Brass Instruments for BANDS • t,..u , p ’ English I*,. strings for MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. All of which” we pledge S*'."” sen as caeap as can be purchased elsewhere in the South m DealerS> TeaCherS a,,d Scii ° ,s > “PPIW *tthe lowest rates, and all orders filled withers LIGNOSKI, KENEIt & CO P. ft. All Piano* sold by us will be kept in order lor one year withe Durability guaranteed by f actors and by us. All new music received as soon as published ‘ COPPER AND SHEET IRON AND THE subscriber, ever grateful for past patronage begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has one of the largest assortments of 7'in Wareaiid Housekeeping articles ever offered in this market: consisting as follows: bath Tubs, Shower Bath-!, with Brass Valves, Hip Baths do., Sponged Pyramid cake and ornamental moulds; Jelly moulds;coffee Filterers; do. Biggins; do large and small Urns; KnifeTravs; do. Washers, anew a-tirle- Brooms, Cocoa Dippers; Pie and Dessert plates, all sizes; Britan nia ware, of all kinds; Spice Boxes; Dressing Cases, Cooking Stoves of various patterns, warrented to perform well. Ail manner of Tin or sheet Iron, or Copper or Zinc work, done at short notice, on the most favorable terms Ati orders tor Tin put up at short notice, on terms to suit the times. Having in his employ the best <ob workman in tins countn all he a iks is to give him a trial. Guttering or Roofing done at short notice, and warranted. Call and see me before engaging or purchasing elsewhere, a? am determined to sell and yvork as low as the lowest. J. B. HICKS. East side Broad street, near the Market. Columbus, Ga.,May 18,1852 vvtf NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the la?e firm of LOWE k. SIMMONS, kx. are roqueted to come forward and settle, or make satisfac tory arrangements,or the notes yvill be placed in the hinds of collecting officers. The notes may be found in the Acrenev of the Mechanics Bank at Columbus. My address is Ellerslie, Harris county, G'a. Feb. 19—w&twtlap If. H. LOWE. ‘ i 1833. SPRING GOODS, X3SC WILLIAM 11. KNOEPFEL 99 William Street, New York.* importer and jobber, /A FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH ANIF VOJJF.STH T- rp . . . iGOr'DS. |..l! r ? , !° rS n' :d , Clothiers, have received bv lute arrival-- Ge ™“"’ “■ iF ' n aute "’ s c,O,h ’ • Fnrr fc v <Jlouded Z phyr Cloth, plain and twilled. Fancy French and Barnslev Drills. Ye !J‘S V J L i neJ,s ’ Fancy Plaid and Figured ;! Buff Figured Marseilles; Drab Silk a: <i I _,s, o c e.her with an extensive assortment of , TRIMMINGS, f, Ny’er Goods, suitable for the CLOTHING TIiADL, most favorable terms. j articumr cash orshort-tnne buyers, and all who study if nut'iesos, wi.l cull and examine his stock, before purchasl!;-’ 1 ‘ ? d( ' rt ’- New York. January 22 — 4tvlv FLOUR!FLOUR! A T WI T ER’S P A L ACE MILLS-’ TIJE will receive this day, and continue to keep on hand- •’ t our customers, a supply of FLO U R from the ecv 1 ‘ Montgomery Mills, uutil wo are able to resume ion^. HeJumbus. Di e 15—iwtf c. 7. iNSi IE. Agent. JU S T RECEIVED FROM - NEW'YORK AND FOR SALE CHEAP. A T Agency of Hock Island Factory, a splendid article °f^ n r JIA gtik Cream and Blue Enid letter paper, unrulre. Am* French Extra Superfine Blue and White Letter paper ruled unruled. ‘ G. B. CURTIS, Agdt. Columbus, Dec 10-twJm