The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, March 16, 1853, Image 3

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AUBURN WATER-CURE. TFII3 Establishment is now open for the reception of patients. The location is pleasant and healthy, being on the r;reat eou'hern Mail Route In Eastern Alabama, and is about a hundred ’ j ro m the depot, immediately adjoining the Railroad. ’ The efficacy of the Water Treat moist in all acute diseases, as l>vcrs, Scarlatina, Measles, Small Pox, tc., is so complete and rapid as to seem almost miraculous; while in chronic diseases. i , all diseases of long standing, a9 Gout, Rheumatism, Dyspeo in Neuralgia, Scrofula, Consumption, &c., it ia the only eflec- j tunl mode of arresting the progress of the disease and eradicating it from the system. In the peculiar diseases of Vv omen, the Water Cuie is a sever ! rien remedy, where all other remedies have failc-d, and in child- j birth it procures immunity from untold suffering. patients should bring one quilt, a comfort, two pair blankets, ! •vo sheets and several yards of linen diaper for bandages. Terms according to treatment and attention required, payable ! veeklr. invariably. Consultation fee. $3. 3 DU. \V. G. REED, i MRS. M. A. TORBET, i 1 bjsiclar.s. Auburn, March ifi—wly ! HYDRAULICS. hydraulic rams, fountains, and aqueducts, 1 ON IMPROVED PLANS, fitted up with dispatch, AND DURABILITY WARRANTED. BY A. McQUEEN, March 16—ttvGw ’ Oglethorpe House, Columbus. ! ) * DANCING ACADEMY, AT CONCERT HALL. Mr. G. W. DEMEREST very thankful to the citizens of Col umbus and vicinity for the very liberal patronage hereto fore extended to him, begs leave to renew to them, by the re questof many families, the offer of his services te teach a third term In the polite art of dancing, to commence on SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 19. nt 9 o’clock. School for Masters and Mieses, exclusively, on Saturday morning and afternoon. The gentlemen’s class will meet on Friday and Saturday eve ning?, March the 18th and 19th. There will be a liberal reduction made on scholars who lias at tended the two courses. Terms ten dollars, payable half quarterly in advance. Tickets lor the parties can he had by apply ing at Foster &. Purple’s or Whittelsey & Co.’s Jew elry Stores, or Mr. Demon st. at the room, j There will be no gentlemen’s invitation tickets excepting to heads of families. There will be a reduction to gentlemen who wish to attend the parties and not wishing to take lessons. Columbus, March Lost or Stolen, IMIOM the subscriber on the 3d Inst., three notes, as follows: ! 1 One note dated 25th February, 1653, for three hundred dol lars, made by Horace Webster and Forbes Bradley, and payable i to John R. Wynn or bearer, on next Christmas. One othernote : dated 25th February, 1853, for two hundred and one dollars, made • by Horace Webster, and payable to John R. Wynn or bearer, j one day after date of said note. One other note for twenty six ! dollars’ made by John Persons, and payable to Horace Webster, ’ k which note was due and payable, and endorsed by the said * Horace Webster and transferred by him to the said John R. Wynn. Ail persons are cautioned not to trade for said notes, and the j makers are forewarned not to pay them in the hands of any other j person than the subscriber, they having been lost or stolen from ! him. JOHN R. WYNN. ; Oswichee, Russel county, Ala., March J6-twlt&w2t* SCHOOL ASSOCIATION OF MUSCOGEE. ! #AN Educational Address will be delivered at Presbyterian Lecture Room on Saturday ! next at 3 o’clock,P. M. by the Rev. Tuos. B. An Essay will be road at the same time by Mr. John Isfiam. All teachers and the public generally, aro invited to at- j tend. March lG—tw2t WM. F. PLANE, Sec’ry. CtOR the Growth and Embellishment of the Hair to Prevent F its Falling off and turning Gray. Awarded the highest prem iums by the States of New York, Maryland and Michigan, at their ‘ rnnual Fairs of 1831. The Kathairon neutralizes the effect of disease, climate, and ; old age, in preserving and restoring the Human Heir, even af- 1 ter a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Scurf ami Dandruff; will cuteVthe Nervous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Diseases oiThe is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies’ <r Gentlemen’s use in the world. Its perfume equals ; Lubin's Choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive oil, | or coloriug properties, it gives the Hair that clean, bright, soft, i lively appearance, secured by no other preparation. The use of the Kathairon is adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a patronage and sale unprecedent- j edin the history of the materia, medico. But words are superflu- i oils, a trial only can attest its real virtue, as millions certify. — j To be had throughout North anil Bomb America, Europe and the Islands of the Ocean, in large bottles, for2s cents. Sold in Columbus bv DR. R. A. WARE, (1 ESN ER & PEA BODY. ROBERT CARTER: E. Thomas Lyon, IGI Broadway, N. Y. LYON’S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMA IC A GIN GE R . NOTHING need be said to command the attention of the pub lic to this article. when convincedjthat it is PURE and unc- ! dulterated. Medical men, or thost seeking a harmless beverage j : destroy the unwholesome eTecisof brackish and turbid water, j can rely upon its genuine character, and it is also extensively used for culinary purposes, in flavoring cakes, preserves, &c. ! To the afflicted-with Dyspepsia, Bummer Complaints, Cholera,! Nervous Debility. Fever and Ague, Dizziness, general Prostration, ! &c. nothing has ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. Thomas Lyon, Chemist, IGI Broadway, New York. Inquire for Lyon’s Pure Ginger. Sold bv reputable Druggists! tkioughout the world. GESNER & PEABODY, ROBERT CARTER. .. DR. R. A. WARE. March IS—twGm Columbus, Ga. FAIR NOTICE. \LL persons are hereby forewarned against trading with or crediting any person whatever on my account, either as Executor, Administrator, Guardian or otherwise, for any thing st all; as lam determined not to pay any accounts, or for am thing, except of my own contracting'from this dale, either here or elsewhere, except at places where I have made such arrange- 1 monks. 1 regret having to resort to this but circumstances demand it. ISAAC T. ROBINSON, i Columbus, March IS—twlt&.\v3t GUANO. T'il E season is fast approaching when tlu- valuable manure X should be used. The experience of those who have used it proves, (if wo believe their agricultural essays, which we do not doubt) that even the cotton planter is doubly, and sometimes trebly paid by its application. Dr. K.T. Taylor’s experiment applied to pine hums near Col umbus. on corn and peas, proves that if much more than dnubiv paid him Gardena arc greatly benefited by if, producing vege tables in abundance, and leaving the ground much benefited for the succeeding years. By referring to the Soil oftlio South, full directions for its application as well as for its benefits mav be seen. The undersigned h ns it for sale at Greenwood fc Go’s. Ware liouse. _ -Lin.2B—twtf J. R. JON!'6'. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. DOF*N’TV LAND VVARRANTS for 40, 60, 100 acres * wanted, for which the highest cash prices will be paid bv Columbus, aug 24—3twtf J. FNMH & c< >. t SHEW BACON, have purchased 450 Hhds. of *od Cffa cinunti cured Bacon Sides, a p irt of which has£3H3y ‘, “**> arrived, and fbr sale at a low price. • v e sell, to be delivered on the river, if enetured before i GREENWOOD i~ CO. Columbus, Feb. 05—2tnw&tw THOMAS J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LA W, Columbus, Georgia. Office over J. B. Stripper’s, near corner of Broad and Run dolph streets. ILL practice in the counties of this and ti;o adjoining judicial circuit in Alabama. March i.s—wly Notice. TO MY FRIENDS AND CREDITORS. 11*0 hereby give notice to all that l am indebted to. either by note or otherwise, that they may not give themselves any un easiness. it is true, if lam pressed on at present, 1 could not pay fllty cents in the dollar. My loss of property and other bad treatment by some o> the citizens of Columbus, lias caused me to be unable to make payment at the time my uotes and debts fell uue, but if my health permits me. 1 have yei go: that energetic and persevering disposition, that I will work out in ft short time, and no man shall lose any thing that is just, bv me. March 2— tw&wtf r>. D. RIDEXHOUR. SELLING OFF SHEET MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. i npHE undenlgncd desiring to reduce their extensive stock of ui.inUri' iT \^’i S,C ’ will sel! at three per page, (or halt the usual price) a large share of their present stock. Among which I S?. a .y ? e foUn<l many of the new and popular pieces ol the dav. Hits is an opportunity not to be neglected bv Teachers and j gr?°W? ‘if in a s PPIv. 11l tlds lot will be found most of the desirable Mrsic every day ordered. j P nn~?.’ n kPu Instruction Books for the PIANO j fORTE, which will be sold at less than cost. Among the Sheet Music are the following pieces, arranged by C. REPS, viz.: Dancing Feather Waltz ; Bombardment of Vera Cruz ; Elbert Waltzes : Stone Mountain, Q. S La Sultana Waltz; Columbus Guards, Q. S. Gibraltar A'allz: Hvacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, Q. H. Gallopade Polka. —A large variety oj Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, Marches ami Quick- 1 steps, iiv celebrated authors. Sales of this lot to be strictly Cash . Just received, a large lot of NEW MUSIC, wblcli.will be sold at the usual price. ( all and examine. Order.? with money enclosed will be filled and forwarded to any part of tHo country by mail. „ , , WHITTELSEY & CO. Columbus. Gm, March 9—twtf Ufew Sheet Kusic. j nPHE subscribers have this day received a large nssortmem of I Sheet Music; among which are mam new and popular pieces never before offeree! in this market. The ladies in parti cular are invited to call and examine our stock. TRU A X & PEASE, Columbus. March 2—tw ICO Broad street. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. 1 ffMJE undersigned respectfully informs his former friends and I pupils, and ihe public generally, that he has returned totkis , city where he proposes to establish himself in bis profession as a Teaher of Music. He is now prepared to taken limited nnmbei ! of pupils on the Piano Forte and in Vocal Music, to whom his I regular and undivided attention will be given, i 10?“ Orders left at the Music Store of WhU-elrey & i \>. wilin’ ceive prompt attention. -dpril 23J 851—wfctwtl JP. ÜBSKL E. I! ARIt 16 BLACK SILKS. JUST received, an assortment of superior Plain Black silks and Palin du Heines. February Ifi—twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS CO. PRINTS. M ERRIMACK, Fail River, Coebeco, and Hoyles’ Prints, war- ‘ ranted fast colors. Also, French Cambrics and Brill iantes. ! Jlli t received. Feb, 16 —twtf BROKAW. CLEMONS & CO. EMBROIDERIES. IT'RENCH worked Collars, Under Sleeves, Jaconet end Swiss Edging s, Insertions and Financings, a large lot, just, re- I cei veelby Feb. Ifi-twtf li RO KAW, CI >F.M ON S & C< >. TO THE LADIES.” NEW SPRING GOODS AT J. & J. KYLE’S. Just received, a splendid assortment of the newest styles of j FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, JIDKFS, CIIEMIZETTS, ; SLEEVES, COLLARS, BANDS., FLOI'NCINIiS, Ac., 4c. j Also, a few choice Barege Dress Patterns, Ribbons, Calicoes, Carpets, &c., &rc. BEEBE’S No. 1 SPRING HATS. Columbus, Ga., Feb. 25—twtf SMITH AND BROTHER, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, OF ALL KINDS, No. 201) Duane street. New York. Solicit Southern orders for the same; who will pack and ship i s the best manner, and sell at the lowest cash price. S. B. SMITH, N. York. Jan. 29, 1853.-svv3m J. F. SMITH, x FINE ARTS. ‘ COLUMBUS ART V&IVRyJ | OVER? of the Fine Arts can have an opportunity of seeir-g 1 J many flue Pictures, by calling at YVOODBKIDGE’S DAGUERREIAN GALLERY, over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. These Pictures have been selected with great care, wild are in tended for distribution in the “Art Union” manner by \ t, wher ever a sufficient number of subscribers are obtained. Price of subscription, FIVE HOLLARS. The Pictures an not offered for gain ; the object is the cultivation ol a taste in • our community for the Fine Arts. A catalogue of the Pictures i now oh exhibition may be seen at the above Rooms; and some j very fine pieces now in progress of completion, will soon be ad- j ded to the collection. Columbus. Feb. 25—twlm KASE’S PATENT PUMPS. I I UST arrived, a lot of Ease’s Patent Pumps of various sizes, i manufactured expressly for Southern use—a few of which I are not y t engaged. Those desirous of obtaining one should j apply immediaiteJy at JHUSTLiJftx. .MOTT’S stage yard. For . all purposes to which a pump is a pplicable,these stand unequal- ! led. Columbus. Feb. 2—twfit* A. McQUEEN, Agent. Printing Presses For Bale. ! rrnVO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, j A with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or on time it j preferred by the purchaser. Warranted jis good as new. j to “ LOMAX fc ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. February 4—; vcfcwtf Look! SIX NEGRO MEN FOR SALE. Apply to SAMUEL M. CARTER, or ROBERT E. DIXON. Columbus, Ga. March 2—twti. WANTED, IN a private family in Columbus, a HO USE KEEPER ofgo experience, who* has no family. Aiidress Post Office box Nd 240. Columbus, Doc 15 —twtf _ LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ’ rpHE subscribers having determined to close tlieir business, I offer their large and well assorted stock oi GROCERIES at Reduced Prices, For Cash. i Tbev would also beg to say to those indebted, that early pa v ents would be quite acceptable. Columbus, Jan. s—twtf E. BARNARD & CO. Copartnership. WE. the undersigned have this day termed a copartnership 10 transact business under the name and firm of WHITTELSEY A CO.. ! \Yiiicii will be continued at the old stand in Winter’s 1?i ii.mxc, i where we shall keep as good an ttssortment as can be found in this dlv. of PIANOS, MELODEONS. and other Musical Instruments; together with Watches, Jewelry, and fancy articles, iii -h we shall sell at prices satisfactory to purchasers. .5. if. WriITTEL?RY, Columbus. Feb. i6—twfit t. b. t. ill LLSr.\ . OLD RAG NOTICE. iAROM and after the 20th of this month. Rock It land Factory ’ will pay tor Clean Cotton or Linen lings 3 cents a pound Cash, or 3r/ cents in paper at Cash prices. ’ G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Columbus, Jan. 11, 5853 . wtf J3T Al papers that advertise Rags lor us. will please alter their advertisement to read as above. Wood Land! Wood Land!! THE undersigned wishes to purchase a lot of wood land, with in a short distance of the city. A. RHODES BROWNE, February 11—twtf oflft-e of the Eagle Factory. For Sale. V Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below Boston prices. For particulars, apply at this office. Columbus, -lan. 4—ts j7s. WOODBRIBGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. j Rooms over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Stor ! [3 roai | gtreet. Columbus, Jan. s—lw&tw. ly WILLIAM B. CARTER, ruN B R AS’ D REPA IU E K O F v F’ I M O ° - * &Order* roediveti flt ih? Book store of D. V. V\ mcoi, Broftd street. Jftn*l9—tw If RETURNED. _C T. CUSHMAN, D. D. 8. _—y r HAB returned from New York, j where he critically inspected, in j t oo ****-* > vflrionsDentnlLaboratort€B,uome of the best woi k that can be done, and availed hlnvoilf of addi tional means to execute the same atvles with disnnuh. Also, toopernte on the teeth, with his usual care and flul-h. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. No. G 9 Broad Sired. Columbus. Jnnunry, 7—twtf NNep w. f. lee, and. and. s. ‘dtgypH OBNTAL SURGEON. ! Office oh liroad street, over >lygatt‘s store. ‘ j Columbus, Oet 29—ts . DENTAL NOTICE. DR. O. P. LAIRD HAB returned’ and resumed his profeea-sloal duties. Office j next door to Mulford’a. up stairs. \ Columbus, Nov I?—twfim. ‘ Metallic Burial Cases. r eases have been universally approved wherever I J. used. They aro much superior to those of wood, and j combine within themselves all qualities so desirable in a . Bouthern Climate. They are composed of eeveral kinds of Me tal, but principally i of Iron. T hey are thoroughly enamelled inside and out, and thus made impervious to airand indestructible, and can be s<.>ld at about j the rates of covered coffins. The public aro Invited to call and examine them for them ■ selves, and at a glance they will seethe great advantage of this > article over any oilier ever offered to the public. Columbus. IVb. 23—w&twCra SAM.MIS fc ROONEY. Pianos Tuned and Repaired! .•sggtrp —j THE undersigned take pleasuro in announcing t 0 their customers and the public generally, that ts j iHFfHn they have obtained the services of F. O. hUMM, i Sk If and who, for several years past, has been Tuner, ; in A rads Celeb rated Establishment in Paris. Mr. Rumm comes j i to us with the highest recommendations. And we are prepared i j 50 Rttend to all orders for Tuning and repairing, in the most thou.- ! ■ ottgh manner. V\ e hold ourselves responsible l’>r ail work ! done by Mr. Rumm, believing that he will give entire satisfac t.*i>. All. order? addressed to Whittelsey 3c Cos., or Trvax Pease, will meet with prompt attention. WHITT'.LSEY £c CO. 1 Coinmbng, Feb. 12—iw&wtf TtvUAX & PEASE. New Boarding House. BY D. A. GARRETT. , ■ THE new Brick House, East side of Broad street, op- j posite the Market, is now in full runnin.: order, and | ;r; i s ready for boarders and transient customers. Persons j ‘ H” patronizing this house, will find good board and good ! attention in exchange for their money. Columbus, February 18—tw3m ibsi For Rent. I jflgsira FROM the first of October, for a term of the ; rl 7 : "'brick store between J. Ennis & Co.’s and D. Mulford’s. i ;t is well fitted for a Dry Goods or Clothing business, and for | location is nearly as good as can lie found in the eitv. Columbus, March 4—twlii 1). F. YVi’LLCOX. A STORE TO RENT. The store house known a? the Columbus Tim as Office, JlilillL f-ne door south of A. K. Ayer’s Auction Room, -will be rented until October next. Apply to ROSWELL ELLIS, February 4 tw&wtf ‘ Columbus, Ga. FOR RENT. A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street, nd- j joining Captain i!arrov/s and E. S. Greenwood. SHfil Apply to R-EKA, j. l. musts ax. Columbus. Jan. 7—2 twif For Kent. THE large and pleasant room, over J. M. Raum’a Dry i „ •_ Goods r?tort. Broad street, tillfirst of October next. Apply at Ruse’s Warehouse. . j Columbus, .March s—tw3t For Kent or Sale. • House and lot in Summerville, Ala., immediately ad- ! joining Dr. Lockhart’s residence. The houses and offi- j H,s j; j ces art*, oi’ the best character. . For information apply tome, or to c. Dillingham, | ■I I L; i 1 S'.O -fwndVKU'O'StOZt-7 *’ ~ w ■■■> —— , , j Oohnnhiis. March B—low3m F. A. CAIRNS. * GLOBE HOTEL, SS?;EN/\ VISTa :>JA£IC'?X tJO.. GA ?■THEsubscriber iepclftdly announce? tot tVicit Is j aid the public generally, that he has taken charge j “i Y. i/.*!!iis wel 1 know e t \.• iLTsmi v: xr . The bouse is commodious and well finished; and no pains will ; bo spared to render those, .somfortabta, who may favor him with : their patronage. Dec 3—ts _______ E. TITCOMB. | CENTR AL IIOI'EL, BUTI.InH, TAYIiOK Plj] COUNTY, GSiO. BV JOHN B. ARNOLD. Till E undersigned respectfully announces to the public, that he ] has opened this large and new establishment situate immediate- j ly opposite the MCJMCOOEI2 KAIL ROAD DEPOT, and just half the distance between the cities JJ.dCOJ\‘ .dXJ) i COL U.ilß US, and as the junction of the South West ern Rail 1 road branch and the Muscogee Railroad,he hopes by untiringea- ; orgy to receive a liberal share ol age from a generous trav- i cling public. 11 vtier, Dec 13—SOwfim HOTEL FOR SALE. ,^ a THE. subscriber offersvor sale iris cotnmodi ou aid j well finished Hotel, situated on the east side of the ! yT! public square, in the town of Buena Vista, Ga., and i T V:known as the ‘ k G LOBE HOTEL.” I '. ?■?furnished'’with ‘ all necessary conveniences, and has pertaining to it, a goi,,. kitchen, smoke house.stable, lot, &c„ all in good repair. The house is conveniently situated,and is favored with a liberal share of boarding and transient custom. Buena Vista, though new, is a large and beautiful town. Its schools, and varied merchant ile | and mechanic interests, insure its permanency and rapid growth, j No one need fear depreciation in property for many years. Persons wishing to purchase such property, would do well to i call and examine. Reasonable time wiii bealibwed for payment, j For terms applvto tlie undersigned Z WILLIAMS, ’ or to fVILI.MMSiz. OLIVER , March s—Jwif Buena Vista. .Marion co. Ga. For Sale. A small : nn about one and a half miles from Coiurn- j bus. ft contains 150 or i6O acres or land : about a third ; of which is cleared, and in suitable condition for culliva j filN lion. The remaining portion is well timbered with j pine. It is a desirable location tor any p; rson, wishing a small farm : or summer residence in the vicinity of the city. Apply to 7o!umbns, March 9—twtf K.T. TAYLOR. Land at Public Out-Cry. ON the first Tuesday in April next, 1 w iii soli at public . out-cry, in the town o: Talbotton, it not earlier soiJ, one I lot of land number fifty, in the sixteenth district of Tal- j hot county, adjoining Geneva, containing 2;*2K acres; and nit fifty iu the elt vetith district, situated one anti a half miles from Geneva, containing acres. Also, house and }4 acre iot in the town of Geneva, known as White’s Tavern. The above property wi’l be sold without reserve on lime to suit purchasers. WM. UAI.L, .-r. March I—9w4t* LAND FOR SALE. 1 HAVE for sale 900 acres of good farming land, <H tutted .-igid miles and a half from Fort Gaines on the road lead j ing from that place to Newton. the couut ysite of Baker co. These lands are well situated, wit** plenty of good run- ! ning water —high and healthy, with lfiu acres cleared—all rosh, j or nearly so, and are in a fine state of cultivation. Tlie land will ! be divided if the purchaser desires it. and if not. the whole will be ‘ disposed of. Any person wishing to buy land in the low country ; would do well to'caii and examine for themselves. Prices will be madeto suit the purchaser. For further information apply j to the subscriber on the place, or to .John West. Fort Gninc-s, Ga. march 2 —ts M. A. HENDERSON. Lli MPXIN FURXJTORE WARE ROOM AND MANUFACTORY. s E~ 3 THE sub criiier hasr.ow on hand and for sale iTiTjAXar at his Ware Room in Lumpkin, a large and weliyQt selected lot of Furniture, of various styles and i prices, and is constantly Manufacturing and re *T * t ceiving among others, the following articles of the latest styles; Chairs, .sotas. Bureaus. Sales, Beds'eads. Sideboards, i)inii:g-Tab:i s. Wardrobes, Worb-Tabies, Wasli stands, Rocking-chairs, Looking Glas? and Picture Frames, and in fact u!i articles belonging to hi line of business can be had at the shortest notice and lowest terms. | Also. Window Glass, French and American manufacture; Fire ] beard Prints and Border, Window Shades, &c., &c. Glass cut ; to any shape or size. All work warranted. Pianos Melodeons furnished to order, i All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Ft b. 15—7 w 1 v W. il. CROSSMAN. ! ‘ * ‘ ” NOTICE. MR. Vv M. FI. Gil Ai is the authorized Collector for the Columbus Guards, and all monies due the Company, must ba paid to him, until further orders. N#v 24 H. ALLSTON. Bect'y. HOME MADE ATTRACTIVE! FURNITURE !~FI'RN[Ti:RE.'! AT SAMMIfj & RCONEY’S, One door below Hall and Moses. ” ■“ j PERSONS in want’of furniture, can hero be supplied with every qualily of Parlor, Silling. ! „. lft4 L„ Dining and Bed Room furniture ; made fancy and durable wood?, at New York prices: ‘ i up (with the exception of what is made in Coktmbus) uu • tiers ecial supervision ©tone of the partners at Uieir manufacto n in New York city. i ThcfoUowing named are a part of tha articles in their exten sive itock f Divans, Sofas, Ottomans, Tetcft j Damask and Lace Window Tetes, all sizes; ! Curtains, in the piece or made • ; Marble top Tables, all kinds ; j to order: Folding Tables, Walnut and ; Window Shade-, Carpeting, | Mahogany ; !’led furniture in sets, i Work Tables,Extension do lor Red Rooms, a beautiful | , Bureaus of nil kinds arw prices; article; Mahogany & Spring seat chairs; Portrait and Picture Frames of I Catse snd Spiit do do Mahogany or Lilt, made to j of all k nds, and good articles; order; ’ Work stands. Wash stands, j Window Curtain Trimmings j and Afusic stands. | In great variety. Paper Hangings and Wall papering, of all kinds. All articles not found in their stock will be furnished to order, ‘ with dispatch. •'olnmbus, dan. 21—tw'.hn BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! JUST RECEIVED BY A 0. FLEWELLEN & CiO. CALHOUN’S works; Maunder’s Bio | Cr M graphical Dictionary ; lngersoli’s History of the late war; Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Second pari—My Novel; by Buhver. Cecilia: by Miss Burney. Beckman’s History of Inventions. ; ‘l’aylor’s Holy Living and Dying. Michelet’s French Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales, j Miller’s Philosophy ol History. Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Rabelai’s Works. j Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. | Schlcger’s Philosophy of Life. Sheridan’s Dramatic Woiks and Life. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religion. Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands. Neander’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Groat Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelli’s History of Florence and other Works. Roscoe’s Lite of Lorenzo De Medici. Sehlegel’s Dramatic Literature, lloscoe’s Life of Leo the Nth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egaiont, and Goetz. ■ The Fortunes of the Colville Family ; by the author of i Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel, i Home Influence: Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; j Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Ilayne and Webster’s Speeches. Waldo Warren ; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by Emerson Bennett- A Lite of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Aitillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by Harrv Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; The Free Footer. The History of Pendennia. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart: a true story from Blackwood s Magazine. David Copporlield. The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and his I Merry Men. Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan ; Quintin Matsvs, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Hester Somerset, a novel by N ****** jyi***** The adventures of Captain Blake ; by Maxwell. Graigallan Castle, or The Stolen Will: by Mrs. Gore. Lord Saxondale, or Life among the London Aristocracy. Captain Kyd, or The Wizard of the Sea. Heads and Hearts, or My Brother, the Colonel. Stanfield Hall. Yankee Jack, or the Perils of a Privateersman. Minnie Gray, or The Ancestral Curse. Amy Lawrence, or The Freemason’s Daughter. Stories of Waterloo ; by W. 11. Maxwell. The Bivouac, or The Rival Suitors; by Maxwell. Harry Burnham, the Young Continental. Columbus, March 9—twly The Grammar oi’ English Grammars .. ~ WITH an Introduction, Historical and Critical, / ■/ fK tlie whole methodically arranged and amply iliu* y'Hr tratcd; with forms of correcting and of parsing; Improprietiesfor correction; Examples for pars- MMilgFjMgfeae mg; Quest ions for examination; Exercises for writing: Observations for the advanced Student; Biecisions and proofs for the settlement oi disputed points; Occasional stric tures and defences; An exhibition ot the several methods of analysis, and a key to the oral exercises; to which are added four appendixes pertaining sepaiately to the four pans of Gram mar—by Gooli Brown. This great work containing 1028 pages octavo, has been finish ed in accordance with a design formed hy tie author twenty seven years ago, and there is no book like it or equal to i in the English Language. It has received high commendations from distinguished scholars in this country and Europe, and is j ustly considered the most comprehensive Treatise on Grammar to be found. For sale by I). I". WILLCOX, Columbus, March o—twtf 92 Broad street. •‘NOTICE,” *£B ALL persons concerned w ill please take notice, (>rslt = ,h at in consequence of my being compelled to t raise funds to a large amount shortly, to meet the xEz. .Jas’ demand of my business, I shall be obliged to put alt. notks that have passed maturity* in suit for collection, unless they are settled or arranged satisfactorily, beiore the next return day, in the respective counties. Ail persons, tciihmt ex ception,on whom l hold due notes, ate earnestly requested to comply at once with this notice. li.C. McKEE, Coach Repository, Oglethorpe st. A/arch B— iOvv Ira near Oglethorpe Hotel. MUSCOG RE R AIL UO A I)CO. r-.-rt T-m rs?:,'r pgft'agaflfcd ffV- • |A: A A CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Only 10 miles ofStasinsr between Columbus and Macon. On and after the loth inst. the Passenger Train will leave and run by the following schedule daily until further notice: Leave Columbus at SA. M.; Arrive at Butler B>f \. M. Leave Ruder at I’j P. M.; Arrive at Columbus 5 p. M. E. F. RICKER, Superintendent. Columbus, March 5, 1553. OFFICE GIRARD I!. R. CO..' ’ Girard. Jan. (J, 1853. SUBSCRIBERS t > the Stock of this are hereby notified that an in stanmentot one-third of their subscriptions in Cash. Grading and Supers! ructure lias been called in by the Board of Directors and that cash installments in the county* of Muscogee, Georgia! and Russell, Macon and Barbour, Alabama, will be due and payable at the Treasurer’s office, in Columbus, Ga., sixtv diivs from the date of this notice. ‘ ’ J ’ \v Ai.lON B. HARRIS, Secretary. Jan. 11, 1 g}., v ‘ United States Mail Line. Front Columbus, to Cliunnemiggec, and Union | Springs, Ala., Via Earnin~toii.Sam! Fort. TJchee, Creek Stand, Hernando, Enon, and Stewarts | mins. undersigned is now ’prepared to curry j on this line; he therefore hopes to be lavored wun a good share of the public patronage. This iin<* : intersects, at (■hunnenuggee, the line to Montgomery, \ia kegee, Ala.; also, the one to Emaula, via Clayton, Ala. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, Thursday and Si.turday 7A. >1 arrive at Chunnenuggee next days, at* noon. Leave Chiumer.uggee Tuesday and Thursday at noon and Mondays at 3 o’clock a. in., and arrive at Columbus Mond-v Wednesday and Friday at 8 p. in. * ’ A. HAYGOOD, Con tracer OF istage Office a? ‘•Oglethorpe House.” Connecting with the maii train of cars on Muscogee RMiro'd ’ for Macon, Savannah and Charleston, and all intermediate no‘in‘4 : Relative distances from this route: Warrior Stand is four ‘ miles from Hernando ; Five Points is seven mile- from Enon- Ridgelv is two miles I'om Cbunnenoggee; Abc-rfoii is eih! miles tiorn < ihunnenmrgee; and Missouri, Pike, county is eteh teen miles from Chunnenuggee. Carriages reserved’ and rez'v at any trip for the use of families. T. C PRI nerv ! 7*♦ Jan. 11,1853. * j’ FOR RF.\T~ A com mod ion 3 and pleasant sleeping loom in Wlntai-'s Build ing over Music store of Whittolsev & Cos. Aorb Columbus, Dec 3-ts CO I Avery’s Sewing Machines.’ Price Only $25!! ; Patented October 19, 1852. j npniS machine ia acknowledged, by all who have iiwnl it, to b<- : 1 superior to that of any other Sewing Machine ever invent ed, for its simplicity, compactness, the biwity and strength of its j stitch and its cheapness. It weWhs shout 2' lb“., and costs nxi.v from $25 to 330. It will work, neatly with the smallest thread, | tlic finest muslin, cambric or silk, as well as linen, woolen and i cotton goods, and all kinds of leather. It is so simple, that a | child of 10 rears of age can understand and work It rapidly, with i out any danger of its getting out of order, and can do the work I of more than 20 so ;rostreses much better m every respect than it can lie done by hard. The stitches are independent of each other— so much so, that if every other switch Is cat, the seam still ; holds good and strong. It is unlike mid much better than any j other sewing machine ever invented. Tills machine is peculiar j !y adapted to family and plantation use, as it does al! kinds ot Is< wing, anil when known will beg ntrally introduced into fanii ■ lies and plantations. The Avery Sowing Machine Company have perfected the* r sr ■ rangetnents tor manufacturing on the largest scale, and wi 1! tufe I plv any number of machines at the shortest notice. Orders ad | dressed to CHARLES NETTLF.TON, 231 Broadway. New York, I will receive prompt attention. January 11, IF.">3 1 Amis 1853. SPRING GOODS, 1853. WILLIAM il. KNOEPFEL, 99 Willunn Street, New York. IMPORTER AND JOBBER, IXFftEXC If, GFJIM.iX. F.XOEISII JXD DOMESTIC | GOODS. For Tailors ami Clothiers, have received by late arrivals, a i large and well selected stock in German, English and French Cloths, of all grades and style-. Mohair Coating?, DrapD’Ete, Queen’s noth, Alpacca and Worsted Coatings, Cashmerette. j Mixed and Clouded Zephyr Cloth, plain and twilled. Fancy French and Rnrnsley Drills. Drown and Yellow Linens, fancy Plaid and Figured Mar | seilles; White and Buff figured Mat settles; Drab Bilk and l.inon i Coatings, together with an extensive assortmeut of TRIMMINGS, ! and other Goods, suitable for the CLOTHING TRADE, the i most favorable terms. ; Particular cadi or short-time buyers, and all who study thei interests,will call and examine his stock, before purchasing else where. New York, January 22—4 wlv HEIRS WANTED. j A NUMBER of Georgians were killed in the battles of the Tex ! an Revolution. The heirs are entitled, by the laws of Texas, j to a large quantity of land ; seven thousand acres il the soldier t was married,and tour thousand if single. Further information | can be obtained by application to S. YATES LEVY, Savannah, Ca., or to 4. & P. CORDOVAS, j March 12—It Austin, Texas. Faper Hangings. npiJE undersigned have just opened a fresh amt complete stock I of WAI.I. PIP Fits, among which are OOED and VF.I VET, FIXE SJtTtX, ami the LOWEST PRICED IX GLAZED PAPERS: Also, . Decorations, Borders, Fire Screens, Curtains, &c., &c. if hieh they offer at the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. The best workmen employed to hang paper either in the city or country. BLANK BOOKS. STATIONERY, &e., &,<?. We have also our usual assortment of Writing Papers, Wrappino Papers, JSlank and School Rooks, Stationery* &c. PARRISH & HOUGH. No. 4 North fifth st.. two doors above Market, Philadelphia. Cash paid for country rags. March 12 —tw3t NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE, a . Weekly The new and splendid Steamships Capt. Lyon. and Alabama , ('apt. Ludlow. Belonging to the New York and Savannah Steam Navigation* Company, ATTILL leave Savannah and New York every Saturday. These Y Y ainps are 1,3 tonsregister,and unsurpassed in safety.t,. - t and comfort. These steamers leaving Savannah at the same time that the .Marion and Foutherner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as soon as.or bel'orethem. rs' 1 cabin passage s*2.> —payable before going on board Agents* PAPF.LFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April3ft. 185*2—tf] 194 Front street,New Yura. FOR PHILADELPHIA. - THE U. S. Mail Steamship STJiTE OFGEOn OM leuvcs Savannah the following Wednesday to Philadelphia : Dec 15 and 39th, January 12th and 2(sth, February Plh and 23d, March 9th and 23d, April tith and 2()tli, May 4th and 18th, Juno 1. Anew steamship now building, in every respect equal to the Siam of Georgia, will take her place in the line dm* inglhe raontli <> June next, and with the Georgia make a weekly line. S3T This ship lias been built with the strictest regard to the safeiy and comfort, and her accommodations for passengers are unsurpassed by those of any other steamship on the cost. Fare to Philadelphia s2s*; through to New York §25; Steer age $9, P.JDELFORD& FAY. Agents, Savannah. Dec 7- 4‘J wt f 11 ERR ON fc MARTIN, Philadelph i DH H. M CLECKLEY HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. r j POL l i’ELY tenders his professional services to theciti zensoi Columbus and vicinity. He may always be found \.il at ids office on Broad street, two doors above the old 1* Bank of St. Mary’s,orat Captain P. 3’. Schley's residence, i on < iglethorpe street. October 13, io>2—twbrn DRTJG-S AND MEDICINES. A T TII V. BL U K DR U G STO UE , Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. ! / JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, aiarge t supply of select Medicines, consisting of pure and select ; yW Powders and Extracts, for sale at the lowest market prices j / and warranted to give entire satifaction or we shall count ! it no sale. Physicians’country bills and plantation medicines put up on the lowest terms; every attention will be paid to their quality, and they will be securely aid speedily packed and forwarded. G ESNKit <k PL A BODY, Druggists, March 2 —tw&wly Sign of the Xegro and Mortar. Mexican Mustang Liniment. AT Nc.v York prices. We have just received a large invoice ol the above excellent medicine, to be sold at the manufac turer’s prices. Call at the BLUE DRUG STORE, March 2 —tw&wlv Sign of the Xcgro and Mortar. Pure Medical Wines. DOZ PORT and Brandy for Medical purposes, lor sale at the Slue Drug Store , ; March 2—twfcwly GESNER & PEABODY. i Paints and Oils. FJRE and Getna Lead, Linseed, Lamp and Machinery Oils, tor saie cheap at the Blue Drug Store , March 2—tw&wly GESNF.It & PEABODY. VAiiiiFi'Y Works. WARE ROOM Broad st.. COLUMBUS, Ga NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF TIMES OFFICE. rpHE proprietors es this establishment are endeavoring to A rest the evil of buying at the North, by manufacturing evei description of building requirements —such as BAXEJ.DOORS, WIXD OIV ii LIXDS , SASH ot all sizes, dressed FJ.UOIUXG PLANK, and other kinds ot LUMBER ; WOOD EX WARE, i of every description ; BEDSTEADS from $4 cOto s'-5 each.— I And more remarkable than all, the finest CO IT AGE t DAlit j in the world at $1 each. | Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, lor we are al ways in a trading humor at low prices for cash. LATHS at i $1 50 per thousand. i v fi M. BROOKS & < O. Columbus July—27wtf JUST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK AND FOR SALE CHEAP. A 1 Agency of Rock Island Factory, a splendid article of En ;U glixk Cream and Blue Laid letter paper, unruled. Also | French Extra Superjine Blue and White letter paper ruled and ; amuled. G. B. CURTIS, Agent. Ooiumbits, Dee 1 Otw 1 m% FLOUR!FLOUR! AT WINTER’S I’ALACE MILLS! VI7*F will receive this day, and continue to keep on hand, for M our customers,a supply of F LOU R from the celebrated Montgomery Mills, until we are able U resume operations, i BROUGHT TO JAIL, t.\S a runaway, a negro man who sajs hla name is Charles, and sa s lie belongs to John Richcson, oi Al.- liama. county not known ; - aid boy is dark complectet , 28 or 3 i years old, and weighs 175 80 pounds. The owner is reqr esteil to come forward, P r y Te P ro P trt ': P ‘ lake him M *lt h - 1 cording to law - JOSEPH REMBER 1 , j Colunibi's, Mars h s-iOwtf _ oJ ‘ Vvsco S' e county. SSO Reward. ft KAlt'A WAY from my residence, near Gienalta, Ma -3s riowowi) ity, Georgia, last Thursday morning a black MK negro ctr r ],*with full face and eyes,and projecting rore he.uL ra med ANN. about twenty two year;old , weighs near m** hundred and fifty pounds. Sh .® fP^lunti and in a low tea eof voice. She is probabi) abo J! l 1 Ga. I will $ for her apprehension f'CrUcoDe’ for her and the- bite innn, w r ho probably eided ini P March B—ljljtf ;f A. M. BHtrlib-KU.