The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, April 23, 1853, Image 3

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COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE. COTTON STATEMENTS. j 7l Igs'l? IS 3 ifsllss Igj : slock g§ §B. S' 2. 1 £ |sl|a’ j|| hand \hh\U\: PP||£!.h April 24, 1- —L; :—: 1852. 860 36741728 420951272 38366 39638 3317 April 23, .. I ■ 1853. 229 ; 290 54890!551701184 i 5Q335 51519 3876 Columbus, April 23. No material ohango in price* to quote since last statement. Receipts continue light—sale* readily ef fected at last quotations. Mobile, April 22. This market i* more animated to-day, and factors have receded in their demands. Sales 2000 bales.— Middlings 9 3-4. New Orleans, April 20. Cotton.— The receipts at this port sinoe Ist Septem ber, (exclusive of the arrival* from Mobile, Florida and Texas) are 1,490,754 bales, against 1,2 1,084 bales to same date last year ; and the increase in the receipts at all the ports, up to the latest dates, as compared with last year, is 310,756 bales. Middling 10 1-4 alO l-2c. Good Middling 10 all l-4c. Middling Fair 11 l-2c. Bacon.—The bacon market with light receipts and a g(xd demand has continued quite firm, and sales to the extent of 400 to 500 casks have been effected, most ly from the Levee, at 7 3-4 a 8 cts. for ribbed sides, and 5 1-4 a 5 3-4 cts. per lb. for ordinary to prime Shoulders. Plain and bagged Hama are in moderate request at 8 1 2 a 9 1-2, and extra Sugar cured at 10 1 2 a 11 cts. per lb. Freights.— The foreign freight market has been dull since our previous report, and transactions limited—in consequence of which the rates have further declined. Vessels on the berth are filling up at 1 -2d. for Cotton to Liverpool, and lc. for Havre. Coastwise the market has again been quite dull, and a very general decline has taken place in the rates. Exchange.— -Since Friday last there has existed a fair demand for ull descriptions of Exchange. Drafts on England have been in somewhat better request, and in the face of large sales of Cotton drawers have been enabled to ohtain an advance, only, however, for first class signatures. This is owing to the moderate amount offering. Time bills ou the North are without change, but more scarce than when last noticed. Sight checks are in good request. We quote Sterling 8 1-2 a 9 1-4 and 9 1-2 por cent premium. A Place Utlder in Fear, —Several days ago an humble employee in the City Hotel modestly approached one of the boarders, and taking off bis cap, asked him, in a broad Irish accent, for “the trifle of a six pence.” Ihe politeness of the applicant secured to him the coin. But an ad ditional favor was solicited, “to be so good as to speak to Mist her to kapo him.” “Is there any danger of your being dismissed in quired the gentleman. “And sure but there is,” \ said the Hibernian in a mournful tone, shaking * ,his head; “I see so many paple round looking for places that bedad who knows but that they’ll be afther mine.” There was a hearty burst of laughter from the bystanders, and the son of Ei in walked briskly away, elated with the nssu- • ranee of an intercession in his behalf.— Washing * j ton Republic. Improveinc^^t~Type-Setti ng.—M r. John S. Sergeant, of Cincinnati, makes the following suggestions in the Gazette of that city: His plan i3 simply this: ‘Omit all spaces’ until the words of a line are in type, and then j carefully insert en quadrats, three, four, five em or hair spaces, as may be required to till out the line, and leave the correct width of space be tween all the words and before the points, &c. This does away with the frequent and often very hindersome visits to the space box, and al lows the compositor to follow more closely j with his stick the right hand, greatly enhancing j speed ; it ensures with a moiety ot care, proper j spaces in the line, and enables the compositor es- ! ficieutly to detect errors, at this, the proper time j for their correction. Yankees in England. —The London Critic says,“that the last number of the Westminster had actually in it articles from two Yankees, one of them on “Daniel Webster” by a person of the name of Whipple, who, instead of being thankful that he was printed at all, is complain ing on the other side of the Atlantic that his precious lucubration was altered and abridged!” A Solejnn Question. —At a recent meeting oi a parish, a solemn, straight bodied and most ex emplary deacon submitted a report, in writing, of the destitute widows and others standing in need of assistance in the parish. “Are you sure,deacon,” asked another solemn brother, ‘that you have embraced all the widows?’ He said he believed he had done so ; but if any had been omitted, the omission could be easily corrected. Parke, an old man about sixty years of age, j has been tried before the Circuit Court of Mon roe county, Miss., for committing a rape upon a girl about sixteen years of age, and then mur dering her. The trial resulted in the conviction, and he was sentenced to be hung on the'27thof the next month. Riggs, previously convicted be fore the same court, of the murder of Hunt, is to be hung on the same day. SPECIAL NOTICES. A young gentleman, educated at Oglethorpe University, and who has had a short acquaintance with business, de sires a situation as clerk or agent in some active employ ment ; or should he not succeed in this, will accept a place as teacher in some private family in the country. Addiess, Rev. S. J. CASSELS, April 23—2 w Savannah, Georgia. Fashion’s emporium. Said Mrs. Beau Monde to her dear : “If you’ll buy me a beautiful robe, I’ll pour out your coflee so clear ! And your steak shall be done ala mode Said Mr. Beau Monde to bis “This current bank bill you may take, Buy the beautiful robe for our house, And then let me go—to the steak.” And so it happened that Mrs. 8., got a bill from her husband —and a beautiful robe from J. M. RAUM, April 22—tw3t-w3t. No. 64 Broad-St. LaORANOB FEMALE COLLEGE Thf Mvstic Sisters, composed of young ladies of the above Institution, will hold their Anniversary in the new Chapel, commencing at 7* o'clock, on the second of May next. It will consist of a Fair, Tableau Exhibition, a splendid Supper, sc. The young ladies of this society, stimulated by a desire to be useful, organized this society wo years ago, since which time their meetings have been weekly,and they have worked with the needle every’ Sat urday from morning till night, the avails of which are now for exhibition and sale. The proceeds of this Fair will be appropriated to benevo. lent purposes. The public are eamestlly socited to attend. Come one / Come all ! ! j The 11th Rule will be suspended on the occasion. I , . By order of the Sisters. ; March 26-\v&twtmayl | ICE, ICE, ICE! The Ice House is now open for the sea-on. The price will be ro>’ all amounts less than fifty lbs., three cents per lb. Over fifty and loss than two hundred, two and a half ce.Ua; two hundred lbs. and over, two cents. Hours from 7tf to 12)tf A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M., except Sun days, on which day the house will be open from 7# to 10, A. M. only. Tickets can be had on application to Columbus, April 13—twtf W. J. CHAFFIN. GUANO. I STILL HAVE ON HAND SOME FORTY OR FIFTY TONS OF GUANO, AT GREENWOOD’S WAREHOUSE. The season is fast advancing when it should he ajtplied. | Those wishing profitable investments, would do well to avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining it. Ex perience has proven that it adds about one half to the pro duct. After the corn is up, many think it as good a time to apply it as before. See the Soil of the South. March 25-w&twtf J. R. JONES. GAS FIXTURES, THE subscribers baring engaged competent workmen, will be prepared to fit up Stores and Houses with pipes, burners, and ail necessary apparatus for the use of Gas. This work will be war ranted, and done under the superintendence of the Engineer of the Columbus Gas Light company. WHITTELSEY is. CO. According to the by-laws of the company, the houses and stores will be fitted up in the order of their application. A Register Book is now ready at the store of Messrs. Whittel- ■ sy * Cos. C. E. DEXTER, Sec’ry. April 15—w&twtf Columbus Gas Light Company, j confers a real benefit on the community, and it B with con fidence we heartily commend Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral to our readers as possessing extraordinary virtues for the cure ; of diseases incident to the Throat and Lung*. This may account for our frequent reference to this article which we feel fully justified in making known to the public,— N. Y .* Tribune. LABORERS WANTED. > ONE DOLL A . PER DAY, Will be paid for good White laborers, or stout negro follows, at the Water Works in this city. Columbus, April 15—w&twlm THE SOIL SOUTH, FOR 185*, Containing Peabody’s method of cultivating lu’s cele- j brated Strawberry, beautifully illustrated, and much > other valuable Agricultural and Horticulture l j mation ; for sale nt the office of the Times & Sentinel, Columbus, Georgia. Unbound Volume. 00 Bound Volume 1 50 Columbus, March 2,1853. —w&twtf Sam. S. Hamilton, Columbus Cunningham. I HAMILTON & CUNNINGHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, Pike County, Ala. I April 23, 1853—w&twly. RUSHING THEM OFF ! RECEIVED this day, 50 pieces cheap Jaconet Muslin* fast colors, which we are rushing off at 75 cents a Dress of eight yards. J. M. RAUM, April 22—tw3t-w3t. 04 Broad-Street. IRISH LIN ENB, bleached and unbleached Homespuns, brown Linens, Striped Drillings, Tickings and Cottonades, 20 per cent, less than they are sold for in th : s market. J. M. RAUM, April 22—tw3t-w3t. 61 Broad-Street. - * “ i URENCH, English and Americau PRINTS—new styles—just i F opened at J. M. ItAU u’S, April 22—Iw3t-w3t. 64 Broad-Street. NOTICE. THE Partnership between CALAOUN & CODE having been dissolved by mutual conseat, the subscriber will settle the business of ti e firm, and continue the business at the same old stand. A. CALHOUN, j April 22, 1853—tw3t. j Self-Heating Smoothing Irons. A GOOD supply ol the above useful articles on hand, and for sale by HALI & MOSES. Columbus, April 23—tw2m VALUABLE PLANTATION I’OR SALE. ’ jrf- I will sell my Plantation, situated in Russell -83L* I County, Ala., in miles west of Columbus, on Uchee Creek, containing twenty-two hundred fL Aces —seven hundred cleared, wit 1 ’ allneeessa j ry improvements. Also, my House and Lot, in Wynnton, i I containing twenty acres, and one o . the most desirable residences, and among the best improved places in or near Columbus. April 22. JOHN VV. HURT. iONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. ON Sunday morning last, the 17th inst.. my nephew, JOSEPH UPDFGRAFF, was stabbed by one Brittain itleCuU I ler* es this vicinity, who has since lied irora justice, or has se ! cretedbinm If so that he cannot be found by the proper officer, i The wound Inflicted upon the person of my nephew was a mortal one, and he has since died. 1 will give the above reward for the apprehension and delive ry (either to mo or to the Bailiff who holds the warrant) 0; the said Brittain M’Cullers. JOHN D. ARNOLD. description : M’Cullers Is rather small, light complexion, and hair nearly jof a sandy color. He is about twenty two years of age, and it is i supposed will weigh one hundred and thirty or forty pounds. ! Columbus, April 23—tw ll&w It NOTICE. -9 RAN AW AY on the 6th inst., e negro man by the name of DICK, twenty yeaiw old, complexion is black, tolerably quick spoken, about five feet six or eight inches /jt high. Any imeiligeuce from him will be thankfully re ceived at Cotton Valley P. U., Macon county, Ala. Doubtless he is on his way to Carolina, and is trying to find his way by the Railroad. WM. H. GARNER. April 26—wtf BROUGHT TO JAIL, ftICK, and belongs to Win. Garner, of .Vacon county Jthr* Alabama, Said boy is about 20 years old, dark complex ~Z ion, weighs 130 or 135 lbs. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro A 1 nertv, pav charges and take him aw ay, or he will be deal I withas the law directs. JOSEPH REMBERT, Columbus. April 26—wtf Jailor Muscocee county. Look! SIX NEGRO MEN FOR SAL'S. Apply to SAMUEL M CARTER, or VV 3 ROBERT E. DIXON. Columbus, Ga. March 2—twtf. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORKKCTKD TKI-WCISLY BY J. !• RCDD AS CO. | BAGGlNG—Kentcky yard,* dt 15 India HOPE V lb! 0 © 10 BACON—Hams V ib 13 © 14 Sides V lb! 1° ® 11 Shoulders ‘Tib: 9 © 10 I PORK—Nett v lb! ®. I BUTTER yib 25 © 30 I CHEESE tplb 12 © 14 CASTINGS *r*lb © 5 j COFFEE—Rio *Mb; 11 © 12 % Java CANDLES— Sperm q? Ib 50 (at Wax ¥ lb: Star 4* lb, 30 © Tallow f*Mbi 18 © 20 FEATHERS : tp lb 40 © 45 FlßH—Mackerel No 1 Pbbl 14 00 © 16 00 MackerelNo.2 bbl 13 00 ® dackere) No. 3 V bbl 11 00 @ 0 00 Shad V bbl 18 00 ® Herring 4P box 100 © FLOUR—Western V bbl 700 @ gOO Canal bbl 750 @ 900 I City sp bbl’ 6 (HI @ 7 50 FODDER fr 100 lbs 125 @ 14P GRAIN —Corn qp bushel 75 ® TO Wheat 1 00 (&, 1 25 Oats qp bushel 50 @ 60 GLASS V box 225 © 700 Gi’NPOVV ER V’kec 500 @ 650 HIDES frft, 8 @ 9 IRON—Swedes lb @ 6 English ip l it 45£ © 5 j i.ARD Vib LEAD <£> it 9 @ 10 LIME bb! 350 © 4 0 MOLASSES gallon! 33 © 40 NAILS y it,’ e @ 7 OlL—Lamp qr gallon i 1 50 @ 2 IK) Linseed gallon 100 @ 000 I rain 75 @ ! “MINTS keg 200 © 275 p F.AS V bushel 75 BO ICE lb! 5 © 6,^ ■WKUP—Lemon pergallon 125 @ Raspberrv doz j 6On © i ‘'ALT V 9 a c k! @ 1 50 BHOT bag 000 © 225 SOAP ip- It 5 7 STEEL—Cast f* lb 20 @ 22 German tt- 15 @ American It, 10 @ SUGAR—St.Crotx © New-Orleans If 7 @ 10 Loaf, refined tp tE 12 @ 12^ Lump <pft : ’ 8 © 10 SPIRITS Brandy,Cog <Tgal! 1 00 © 400 American gal 40 @ 1 00 Peach tp gal 100 © 162 . A PPIe V>ga] CO <q 75 RUM Jamaica, 4? gal 200 © 350 New England gal 45 (a 50 WHISKEY—Irish f’?alj 400 © •Monongahela 100 © 200 Western gal 30 ® 40 GlN—Holland 150 2 00 American TALLOW ibi 10 © 00 VINEGAR— spgal © 50 WlNES—Madeira, %> gal 125 © 400 Sherry gal 150 @ 300 Champagne Rask 15 00 @ 20 00 Malaga gal —7O © 100 Pert 250 © 4 00 Claret 3 00 @ Guano $3 pp r hundred lbs. JUST Received, a lot of Fine FANS. Also, Embroidery Silk, by [April 22.] WHITTELSEY <k Cos. W. D. FORD DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pickles, Preserves, Fruits, Confectionaries, Sugars. also, Fish, Oysters and Ice when in senson. WxLiißrKo’a BriLiuso, Jekfkp.son trkkt, Savannah, Ga February 9, 1853. t wGm “DECIDEDLY COOL 1” 1. G. STRUPFER’S jUn ICE CREAM SALOON! Will he open to the public t his day. Lovers of 1111 STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM, SS3M&P Will make their arrangements accordingly. 1. G. STRUPPER, Columbus, April 20 —tw6t Randolph street. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the public, the largest, most varied, and best SELECTED STOCK ot SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, ever opened in Columbus; embracing every style of new and fashionable goods in their line. Also, anew and direct importation of IRISH LINENS, SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, &e„ &c. Also, a complete stock of HATS AND SHOES, including 3000 pair Negro Shoes, of a superior quality. Co.uinbu-, April 13—2mw&tw !m PARIS SPRINB FASHIONS IsaCOUa £L23<&>S3b GREAT NOVELTIES! J. lII.~K~A U JM , i No. 04 Broad Street, next door to the Marine Bunk, RESPECTFULLY solicits the attention of the I.AiuKsof Co lumbus and surrounding country, to his jYE H’ STOCK oi SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, | which will be opened for inspection this day; consisting in part of i Rich Tissues, Bareges, Grenadine?, French, English and American Jaconets, Embroidered Swiss Muslin Dresses, French & American Calicoes, of the most recherche styleß and patterns. I *OO pieces Jaconet .Wuslins, yard wide, and fast colors, at j 12)6 cents per yard. 50 doien Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, all Linen, at G# cents apiece. I ine Embro dered Handkerchiefs of all kinds. Cl.eini setts. Flouncing-, Collars ala mousquitaire, Cuff's and Under si, eves. I.ubin’s celebrated Extracts for Handkerchiefs: German Co s: logne distilled from flowers; in fact every article necessary fora I Lady’s Toilut. DOMESTIC GOODS. j White and Unbleached Homespun, Linens, Table Cloths, Tiek ’ incs. Denim- and Cottonades, all of which can and icill be sold : twenty per cent less than they are offered for hi this mar ’ ket. J. v '. RAUM. Columbus, April 6 —wlia 04 Broad street. Georgia, Randolph county.-. W hereas. Margaret E. Suappard uuU isaiuuel C. iscoit apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of William B. lute ot said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all end singular the kindred and creditors oi said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, w ithin the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand at office this 18th lav of April, 1853. April 26—w6t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. I.- : j / Georgia, Randolph county.--Whereas, Mary An VJ Butler aud Thomas Coram apply t me lor letters >f auniin istratiou on U.e estate of Harman Butler, late of said county, de ceased : The-e are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the creditors and kindred of said deceased to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. and shew cause, if miy they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the 18th day of April. 1853. | April 26—w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. eorgta. Early county.—Whereas, James E. Brown T and Ann J. Weeks apply to me for letters of administra tio.i upon the e-talo of Jane Stevens, late of said county, dec** sed: These are to notify and summons all person* concerned, to be ind appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and >hew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to one or the other, or both of said applicants, at the June term next of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office this I7tn day of April, 1853. April 26 - w6t S, S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. Georgia, Talbot county.—Office of Ordinary, 29th A,area, JHS3. —Wuercaa, J. J. Jamison, Guardian oi Nathan el vVoimnock’s orphans, petitions lor letters ot. Dismission from aid guardiaustiip: Be it ordered. That all persons concerned, be and appear a he June Term of the Court ot Ordiu&iy of said couDty, next ei aing, then and there to shew cause, it any they have, why saic .etlers should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court. April 15th, 185 April 20—wCm MARION BETHUNK, Ordinary. spurn Mil SUMMER CLOTH! ‘/ \o 125 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, IIAS NOW ON HAND A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMER CLOTHING! To which he invites the attention of the public Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine for themselves. Every article usually kept in a ‘‘CLOTHING STORE” will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, M ml 20 —w&twtf No. 125 West side Broad Street. MOURNING CRESS GOODS. .Just received an assort mei it offi v k MOURNING DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING Ol’ Black Grenadine SILKS: Lupin’s RFRAGES; Plain and fig’d. French .IACONETTS; French PRINTS; Canton GAUZES; TISSUrS. TAFFETA Lueture Crep de Pans, Satin.du Cliine, India ’turner SILKS; Challeys aid Satin La Rt-ine. BROKAVV,CLEMONS & CO. Columbus, march 2C-t\vtt SUMMER ,ILKS. 1 BERAGES AM) GRENADINES. A very larce assortment just received by BRdKAW, CLEMONS & CO. Columbus, march 26-tw NbW GOODS. The subscriber has in Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered for sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, F9R CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT Purchasers for Cash will find it to their advantage > to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing Columbus, April 2—tw C. MYGATT. j List of Letters, REMAINING in the Post Oftce, at Columbus, Ga., on ! the 15th April, 1353: Allmond, C K Lockhart, Mary A Almond, Miss Georgia E Lewis, Jacob G Allgood, Danl N Lester, Aloah N Armor, Mi>s Erelinn 2 Lamb, Joseph M Adams, Mrs Lapham, Mary A Anthony, Lewis Lynch, James Austin, Dr. SJ Langford, Mary A * Aaron, Miss E T Lyon, Mary E Ashburn, J C 2 Moore, Louisa Adams, Joseph D Mo.ton, Mary A Byard, John Mats, Mo es J Braley, J \V Morgan, Z L Bussey, S F Morris, Thomas Beckman, Sami Moore, F S Boyd, G C Montgomery, William Brady, Charles Moons, John VV Bryan &. McCarter, Milam, Linda Buckler, Isabella Muscogee Division, No. 29 Buckler, Mrs S Mullin, J VV B Burns, Geo J Miller, G H Bussy, J a rues M ees, K Britton, Joseph Murphey, Wiley Brooks, Gincey Mills, Andrew J Central Division, No 23 B T Moore & Edwards, Clark, Miss LAE McGhee, William Clark, Johnathan E McCalla, John Clayton, Cadet G R McMutty, Wm Call, f'homas S .Meßride, Mary A Cash, Chesley McNeil, Margaret Clemons, Wesley McLester, James Cooper, Joseph Neville, John Coplen, Mrs. Mary Owens, William II Cook, Jas H Owens, is a rah A M Church, Sami A Oliver, Carry Cooper, Mrs Syntha P Ohalleran, J Courtney, John T Pu.ker, James A Cocks, Jessey Payne, George Cogburn, Thomas Pace, Clement Cook, Miss Nancy A Peabody, Sarah F Coleman, R C Preston, Ned Cox, Joremiah Palmore, Dr. S Duncan, Mfc? Martha 4 Paine, S W Davis, Mary E Phillips, John Duke, Robt Pritehaid, JH Dunn, John C 2 Parkei,J M Doles, .Miss Mary E Pool, M E Dawson, D F Paniotte, Nathaniel Dawson, James A Pembeston, Archer F Elder, Wm Parker, Zes. haniah Elder, Joseph RichaicLou, Leah Elder, Ha.twell Ristiue, B 2 Fergurson, Mrs Sarah 3 Richards, Benson Floyd,.! M Ru:-sel, Jon us D Flanigan, P II Reynolds, VV S Fann, Lovick S Read Jes-e M Foy.'ter, Miss Caroline Robin on, H G Floyd, A J li Roy.-ton, M D 2 Fullis, Miss Cornelia Ra.-en, George L Ford, Eli 3 Rogers, Thadeus Fulton, Mrs Fannie Kobe.t . A C Fvsh, Mrs Ereiina Ree e, Hugh Fisher, CH Renfro, Jo enna 1 Garrett, Mrs Mary J 2 Stanford, Thomas J Garrett, Henry A Swann, James Gilbert, J K Smith, Ed wad 2 j Grant, Augustus L Smith, Edmund Geflord, B F Sawye , Baroary Gammell, Zazchariah Smith, J..nes A 2 Gafford, Geo Satioid, Adam G K Garris, S Smith,Seberon J Gideons, Geo W Smith, Robt J Gariaid, Mrs Martha A Seller-, Martha 2 j Gibson, H Seemuller, Wm Gi tson, Miss Ann Bell Smith, E S Gamble, Mrs Mary C Smith, Abby Grace, James A Stanfield, VV'm Gerdy, Noah She.deu.JN Gerdon, James S Shippy, Samuel J Golden, Sarah Scats, J P Gouldiug E R Shockley, Thomas 3 j Geer, Mrs Matilda Statem, Sherwood Gonis, Drewis Schneil, Mary Howard, Mrs Eilen Shorner, VViiliam Hamiltoi , Robt Spiller, Charlotte tlomes, VV’m B Snell. Ann | Hays, J Shaw, Charles ! Howard. Hugh W Sehumpeit, Amos 2 - ! Haskell, J S Skeltou, Harriett Harris, B H Tho. nton, Jeremiah R j Hoi is, II B Thomas, Amanda I Haviland <fc Cos, A J 2 Thomson, M S j Hales, Johnathan Thornton,Laae R 2 I Hawes, Richard R Topp.Johu S j Hall, Wm F Tilery, William ■ Hardin, Martin Tnoaias, Ail ; Howard, James W Thomson, Jeremiah F I Harrison, James Taylor, H It ! Hailma, GeoW Vieus, Nancy I Hooker, Nancy V’icary, Jane i Hearn, Eiija S* VV ooten, James Hughes, Ann E Mrs lllis, T J Hunter, J D WiLn 6c Thomas Hunter, Jane J • Watkins, Washington Huekabee.James Williams, Je-.-ee Jackson, Cornelia VV iisn, Chanotte King. Horice West, S A C Kilpatrick, Thomas S Ward, C II Kew, John L Walker, Laae Keys, John Wiley, H S Rating, Edmond Wilson, VV Kent, Henry Wyner, Wm Keys, Samuel W erner, M B Long, N W W il-on, Sarah W Lovelace, Allen Wilson. Francis M Floyd, T O Young, John Pauline A Y oung, Manday A Young, F S doyd, Elizabeth Persons calling any of the above letters, will dease say they a:e advertised. J. A. L. LEE, P. M. April 19, 1853. DR. STRON (LS -- COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS: • Tlir-e Pills arc entirely Vegetable, nrt art. n iuiii nilj>-riot* Medicine i’ the cu •01 all Bilious uiti/U i it.*, <h Gn a"it C rer, / ysprps.a, Custivr- Leer Cutup a nt, Jaundice, S', k H ndirhr, ‘c ofu. a, Si t Hftemii, here, sot a l kmi*, / 1 iss or’ Appetite, Oh*!rutt ed an Ipi rtt'ul .1/ '■•ni‘trnit>oH, a d a/, t>n*rermp diseases. Ae a Feu ale Mo iiein they act like a charm, ami when talon accord 1 gtot* e and rections. ihoy never fa I to cno the worn c w- of Piles, 11 ie all other remedies fail. They pneify til*’ blood, equd xe the ci<- ciitaio it, 1 ettore die Liver, Khlnete. Mid oilier secretory Organs to a Iteaitliy -one and nciioit; and as mii Anti lliithiw Family .Medicine they have Uu equal. Piice 25 cents |H-r b>x. Also, DR , STRONG S j PECTORAL STOMACH PILLS j .■} remedy fur Coughs, Colds , Catarrh, Bronchitis , Crcup , If hoop 1 tig Cough, As thin •, Con miopt on, Nervous l )i.<- e-iaes, Dyspepsia, t ‘ostirents.* , F.rysiptlaDisease of t’ir Heart, l fi, mm tirni rind Bam in the C'hest, Back and Sid ", and oil diseases arising from a deranged state of the Sg mica, and to retiree th“ and stress and bid feeling from ea‘ing too hearty f"id, in weak and dyspeptic habits. WARRANTED TO BE PURELY VEGETABLE. Ti-ese Pi L act as an Exnector <nt, Tonic, and Aperient. One 2i cent box po s ases three times more power to cure diseases iliati a one dollar b ttle of any of the S>nipF, H dsams, or illas that was ever undo, and a sim ple 1 iai of only one box will prove this on porta nt truth. They promote Expectoration, Loosen the Phlegm, nntl Clear tho Luntit and other Secretory Organs of all morbid matter, and there is not another totnedy in the whole Maleila Meuira capable of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vitul t'rga sas the.'i* lMls. They Cure Costiveness, produce n good, regular Appetite, and Strengthen the .System. P ice ‘25 cents per box. containing ‘25 doses of Medicine. Cull on tbe Agents who cell tho Pills, a* and got tho Planter's Almanac oratis, g.ving full purtictilars and cer tificates of cures. Both L.nds of tbe above named Pills are for sale in Columbus?. Ga., bv DAN FORTH &. NAGEL. GESNER & FEABODY. In Girard, Ala., by And on inquiry can be had in every town in Georgia and Alabama. HULL & SPr.NCER, April 23-w&tweo2w 12 Ann ,-treet, N. Y. PiANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. —1 THE undersigned have engaged the services of Mr. F. O. RA.M.M, tuner and P ano Maker, lately from Erards’Celebrated Establishment in Paris. \/ H “ Mr. B. is p obably the 1 est in his profession in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to all o dors In the above line, and will be responsible tor all \ orkdone bv our workmen. < ndera addressed to VViiittklsev &. Cos., or Truax & Pkasu, will meet with prompt attention, WHITTELBEY & Cos. Columbus. April 22, 1853. TIUJ \X Ac PEASE. Good Bargains . CHEAP Ua Us, AND , I''llE subscriber having entered into the hotel business, which 1 proi ises to pay better th..n MATA’ and SHOE*', and wflich will require pretty much ah ol his time, he therefore proposes to wind up the HAT AND SHOE BUSINESS, in short order. Those in need 01 -uch artic es will dv well to call soon, il they d<> not wish to lose all 01 the good bargains. 1). A. GARRETT. X. B.—Xo goods delivered until she money is paid. Cos mnbus. Ga. march 23 -iwtf RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. D. S. cy ,—HAS returned from Xew York, where he critie d'y inspected, in u various Dental Laboratories,some ot thebesl woik that can be done, and availed himselt ol addi tional means to execute the same stvles with dis Dutch. Also, lo operate o , the teeth, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry store. No. 69 Brood Street. Columbus. January, 7‘ w 1 1 pTTt w * F * LEE ’ DENTAL SURGEON. Os! ce t>n ISroad street, over Mygatt*B store. Columbus. Get 23—It ■’ DENI AL NO'I ICE. DR. O. P. LAIRD HAS returned* and resumed bis profeessioal duties. Ofllcc next door lo Mullord’s. up stair-.’ Columlms, Xov 13—iw in. WILLIAMS & OLIVER, A T T-0 It NE YS AT LAW , Buena Vista, Maiuon county, Georgia. “TTTll.Lpractice in the counties of Marion, Macon, Houston V v Stewart, Randolph and any adjoining county where they services may be equired. WM. F. WILLIAMS. THADPEU* OLIVER. Feo 27— C. S. HARRISON & CO. AUCTION AND COMMSSIOIf MERCHANTS . Broad street, Columbus. Ga. WILL attend promptly to all business consigned to them Feb 13- Printing Presses For Sale. TWO iarge and very superior Washington Printing Presses, with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or on time it preferred by the purchaser. Warranted a? good as new. Apply to LUiIAX & ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. February 4—tw&wtf , HYDRAULICS. lIYDRJUUC RIMS, FOUNTAINS, AND AQUEDUCTS, ON IMPROVED VLANS, FITTED VP WITH DISPATCH. | AND DURABILITY WARRANTED. BY A. McQUEEN, March 16—twGw* Oglethorpe House, Col mms. Genin’s Hats. A FEW cases Cssin’s a no. one Hats— Spring styles. Just received and for sale by j March lie—tw J. H. MERRY. KEW BACON. j WE have purchased 150 ilhds. of good C'in j CfbfciS cinnati cured Bacon Sides, a pm of which hasg^gyjg* ; SiiaiLkT arrived, and sot sale at a low price. We will sell, to be Delivered on the river, if encaged be ore H i arrives. GREEXWUOD c L*. Columbus, Feb. 25—2mwfctw - On Consignment. 50 H,la. Xew Orleans Sugar, j HHbl-] 50 Itbis. ” “ “ iiaiCafe.'vi 30 Laks Sides. 5 “ Sh ulders. AH of which will be sold low for Call and examine th, m. C. S. HARRISON & CO. Columbus, April B—twtf