The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, May 06, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME IJ THE TIMES & SENTINEL. TENNENT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES A SENTINEL i published E VERY WEDXFSDA Y and FRIDA Y MORX IXG and SATURDAY EFEXLVG. THE WEEKuY TIMES ft SENTINEL, t# published every TJESIJA Y MORXIXG. Office on Randolph street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS: TRI-WEEKLY, I'irit L'ullvk. per annum, iu KUvacce. WEEKLY. Two Dollar per annum,hi advance. nr Advertisements conspicuously inserted at O.vv Dollar per square, for the lirst insertion, and nrrv cents for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction wHI I>o made for yearly advertisements. ORDIN ARY COURT—JAN. TERM. 1H53. ('I EORGIA, Randolph county. —It appearing to the Court by X the petition of Benjamin Dawson, that John G. Mainor 01 . Mtid county, deceased, did, in his lite time, execute to said tien jamin Daws* n, his bond, conditioned to execute titles in fee shn ple to said Benjamin Dawson, to west half oflot of land number ! one hundred and lortysix, in the leu th district of suit county, and it further appearing thataaid John G. Mainor departed thi- life ! w ithout executing titles to said lot of land, or In any way pr - vidiug for the same; and it appearing that said Benjamin Daw sou has paid the full amount of the purchase price of said ball lot; and said Benjamin Dawson having petitioned this Court to ; direct David T. Langley, Administrator upon the estare of John G. Mainor, deceased, to execute to him titles to said land in con- | forinity w ith said bond : It is, therefore, hereby ordered, That notice be given nt three or more public places in said county and in Columbus Times and Sentinel of such application, that all persons concerned may tile • •bjectiosis in Clerk's office, if any they have, why said David T. Langley, Administrator asaforeaid, should not’execute titles to said half lot of land iu coulormity with said bond. A true extract from the minutes of ■‘Rid court. Feb. 2sth. 1553. March B—lo\v3m O P BEALL, Ordinary. Hkabokn Jones, T v*. j Bill for Dis- I Geokoi: Ftclp, Ti.c Southern Like Ixsu-< covery, Relief, , ranch Axn Trust Company, The Phcenix f &c^in Muscogee Bank, William Dououkrtv,Gkorok llar- | Superior Court. craves, John Banks and PrnLxrT. Schley, j It appearing to titc Court that the defendants, George Field ; and the southern Life Insurance and Trust Company, are not 1 w ithin t ie jurisdiction of this Caurt —Field being a citizen j and resident of New York,and the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company being a body corporate established by the Terri tory of Florida. ft is, on motion of complainant, ordered that the said Field and the said Southern Life In. and Trust Cos. plead, answer or demur to said Hill, n *t demurring alone, on or before the first day of the next Term: And it is further ordered tha the above order be published by the Clerk of this Court, once a month for four months, before the next Term of this Court, in one of the public Gazettes of the city of Columbus, Georgia. A true extract flroiu the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court at Novembei Term, 1852, this UUh day of January, 1H.,3. JOHN 11. STURGIS, Clerk, Jan 11, If 53 1 mim HU, MtGI \. ) Court of Ordinary, rlu.cogec county, t April Term, 1833. RULE XI SI. \ X r UMRF! A* s , Wm.N. Nelson, administrator do bonis non on ’ * tee t— : .ite of John Liggin, deceased, having applied for lotiersot* demission from said administration : It is ordered that •:j p concerned sh-w c mse. if any they have, why said should not be dismissed atthet-'oiir: ofOrdinary to be held in and tor said county on the first Monday in November At u * ■ r i.—* ript from the minute* of court, April f, 1853. April 13—wfim JNO. JOIJXtiON. Ordinary. OfIORPIA A i Court of ordinary or said row ! lUndiilpli cnwtj', tv, April Term, 1833. T V'li! J W COI.LINB, administrator of N. Collins, late of said r P county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of dismissian from his said administration, and it appearing that said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that all persons file their objections, if any they have, on or before the November Term of this court nex ! ensuing, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. April 12—vvthn O. }*. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court ok Ordinary, Muscogee comity* ) April Term. 1853. RULE XI SI. WHEREAS, Wm. X. Nelson, administrator on the estate of Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said admiuiatration : It is ordered that all per sons concerned, show’ cause, if any they have, why said admin istrator should not he dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be hold in and for said county on the first Monday in November next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, April 4.1853. April 12—w(nn JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ordinary, cf said cock ltandolpti county, j ty, April Term, 1853. THUS T. McLENDON, Guardian of Simeon P. Turner, peti f/ tions this court for letters of dismission from his said guar dianship: Ordered that all persons having objections file them on or before the July Term of this court next ensuing, otuerwise said letters will be then and there granted. April 12—w3m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA* ) Court of Ordinary, Talbot county* j February Teiin, 1853. HULK NI SI. \\ T HERE AS, William F. Robertson applies by petition for v V letters of dismission as the administrator of Barney Wilson, late of Talbot county, deceased. Be it ordered, Thai all persons concerned, be and appear at the September term of this court next ensuing, then and there to shew cause, if auy they have, wi-y said letters should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, 24ih Fc-b., 1853. March I—9wtim MARION BETHUNE. Ordinary. GEORGIA* ) COURT OF ORDINARY, Ste ivart county. \ April Term, 1333. UPON the petition of William 11. House, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters of dismission from bis said executorship: U is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why said .letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12.1653. April 19—wtim J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. (Georgia, Randolph county— Whereas, Margaret X B. Snappard and Samuel C. Scott apply to me tor letters el administration on the estate of William B. Sbuppard, late ot said county, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite aud admonish all ;<nd singular the kindred and creditorsaid deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by taw, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 18th lay of April, 1833. April 2>>—wfit O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. (1 eorsjia. Randolph county.--Whereas. Mary Ana X Batter aud Thomas Goram apply to me for letters st admin istration on the estate of Harman Butler, iste of said county, de ceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular ihe ere liters and kindred of said deceased to appear ut_ my office within tne time prescribed bv law. and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand atoffice the IStli day ot April, April 2d—wT: O. P. BEAL I.* < ruinary. (N WRIA, Randolph county. —Jourt of Or T dinary. vVnereas, oy tne petition ot William Hayes, ad ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, ami the estate >f Kinched Fairclom, and ‘ce:Lsed, it appearing to this court that ue has administered both o. said estates, and moves the court to grau: him letters of dismission: All persons concerned in eit.ierot'said estates,are her-oy notified to make known their objections, ifauy they have, ou -or btvore the Oct>ter term o! tuirc-rart next en<u!ug, onierwiso said administrator willthcii itiid tiiere he dismissed. Given under my iiand at o<nee tue 29. b march 1853. O. P, BEALL, Ordinary. April 3 vvdm ! 1 eorijift, tlaaduipa en tuty.—vVheieas, Samuel A. V t tmia.s<raiof de Oouts uo. on estate e*l’ uoiin H. Weaver. . .e o’ said c unity, deceased, Has petitioned for letters ei’d;s idssi m from said administration. .re, iher.',nre, to •Ue.alfii ‘uish and require all persons c :■ •: ..-d u> die iheir obfecuons, if any they have, on or before - ta >er ter iff m the oar; of Ordinary o‘‘ said cuuiny, to . :. , > i udi> Monday ‘©. Sente nber ‘. ext, otherwise said n i—if <.—• w ::i o j tiea and there dismissed. * ■ ,j’ • ~ • it at office lots 22J day of February, 1833 V-'lvtt a •> P : \ Hi,n’rv. -n Karly county.—VYrn-re s Joseph tirimsley, C i 3 . a.;., the d'iii anuex< upon tue cbttc o ‘ * , a 4 |; .j county deeM- -l. makes uppbcntioi . lerLo; dis uissiniUroui the funner adiuinistmiou o ; ... ... t a person* concerned are hereby lußirted t© be auo . c n a- 0.i13-*, within tho tliao prescribed by law, am . -V t. o, ;1’ any tile} huve. Why Sitid ieUevs should not b\ ..i a tod ,mu up ii.oaat. .nil ...veu eider mv baud at office, this February the 2 It.l, ...uicu A-—awdm 3 8 STAFFORD, iwdinwy. “THE UNION OF THE STATES ANO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ (1 rargla. Rnndolpli county.—Whereas, Jas. Ruth- X eriord, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Hutley, applies to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. Ail persons i interested are, therefore, hereby required to file their objections, j if any they have, on or before the May term of this court next , ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then end taere dismis ! se<i. Given under my band at office the 17th March, 1853. March22—wtim ’ O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. (Neorgiai Ritiidolph county—Wherea , Allan L. JT Jentts applies to me tor letters of Guardianship for the per j son and prop* rs) of Frances Rigs >y, orphan of Enoch Rigsby, • late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to ciie and admonish all concerned, to 1 shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be j granted,other* io tbev wifi be granted at the next April term of ; this court. Given under roy hand at office March Ist, 1653. j March—lo ’ O. P. ItF.ALL, < rdinnry. • ‘eorgla, Randolph eounty.—Whereas, John Gil j vJT beri, Guardian of tieudley E. Hill, minor and orphan of ■ William V. Hill, deceased, applies to me f.*r dismieeion from , said Guardianship. All j trsous interested are therefore hereby j required to file- their objections, if auy they have, on or before the May Term of this Court next ensuing* otherwise said applicant wiil be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853. March 22—w8ra O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. ('Georgia. Early county.—Whereas, James B. Brown . I makes application to motor letters of Administration upon die estate of Joseph C. Gray, late of said county, deceased: These are to notify all persons concerted, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given undet my hand at office, this march 21st, 1853. March 29-13w7t rS. .S'. STAFFORD, Ordinary. (N eurgia, Early county.—Whereas,the estate of Jack- X son kt ; . Bartlett, late of saiu county, deceased, is unrepre sented at law: The-eare to notify all persons concerned in said estate, to shew cause, if any they have, why Thomas B. Andrews, the clerk of , the Superior Court of said county, should not be appointed r.U ministratorde bonis non upon the estate of said deceased. Given under mv hand at office this march 21, 1853, March 29—i3w7t S. S. STAFFORD,Ordinary. ( v eorgia, Early county.—Whereas, Jamcs.E. Brown X and Ann J. Weeks apply tome lor letters of udministra tio.. upon the e.-tate of Jahe Stevens, late of said county, deceased: Those are to notify and summons nil persona concerned, to bl and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to one or the other, or both of said applicants, at the June term next of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given undet my hand at office tills !?tn day of April, 185 C. April 26-wCt * S, 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary. Cl eorgia* Early county.—Whereas. Elizabeth Bart- j X lett applies to me for letters of administration upon the estate of Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased: These are to notify all persons concerned, to shew cause, if any thev have, why said*letters should not be granted said applicant, at the March term, next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under ray hand at office this April 17th. 1853. April 26—wfit * S, S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. / Georgia, Early county.•■ Whereas, it appears that I \1 the estate of Jt/ajor Hcnderaou, late of said county, is unrep- i resented at law : This is to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors o! j said deceased, to* tile their objections, if any they have (within the time prescribed by law,) or Thomas B. Andrews, the clerk ofthe : Superior Court of'said county, wiil be appointed administrator deoonisnon cum u-stanientu nnnexo. upon the estate of said deceased. Given under my hand at office, this April 22,1853. A/ay3—w7t S 8 STAFFORD, Ordinary. (t rorgla* Stewart county.—Whereas, Axel P. Rood X applies for letters of administration on the estate of Blanche G. Gibson, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerne !, to ; show cause on or before the next June term of the Court of Or dinary of said county, why said letters should not then be granted. Given under my hand in office, this 27th April, 1653. April29—w6t J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. (G eorgia* Talhot county.—Office of Ordinary, 29th .1 March, J 853. — Whereas. J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan iel VVommock’j orphans, petitions for let ters of Dismission from said guardianship: Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the June Term of the Court of Ordinal y of said county, next en suing, then and there to shew cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 15th, 1853 April 2G—w6m MARION BETHUNE, Ordinary. Georgia, Talbot county.—Whereas, Ezekiel It. Smith applies to me for letters <>f Administration on the eaiateofJohn W. G. Smith, iateoi Talbot county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ait and singular the kindred and creditor:of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, then and there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted, t.'hen under mv hand in office this 15th Ms eh, 1853. March?!*—l3w7t MARION BETHt-’NE, (irdinarv. A tlniinistraturs Sale—Agreeable to an order of the xrV Court of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold before the court house door in tne town of Blakely, on the fir t Tuesday in j June next, all the real estatejof F. Griffith, deceased, situated in the said town of Blakely. ! April Id—wtda __ FRANCIS GRIFFITH, AdmV. YJ'fttlcc to Debtors and Creditors—AH persons in i JJN debted to the estate of Robert Thompson, deceased, of Ear ly county, will come forward and make payment. And those ‘ having claims against said deceased, are hereby notified to pro- , sent them to John Thompson, <>r this notice will be plead iu bar, ■ by JOHN THOMPSON, J/ay 3—Gtw Adm’r. with will annexed. i : HjHVO mouths after date application will be L made to the Court of Ordinary of Early county, for leave to sella part of the land and negroes belonging to the estate ot Rob ert Thompson, deceased, for the benefit ol the creditors and heirs of the estate of said deceased. JOHN THOMPSON, J\l ay 3—w2m Adm’r. with wiil annexed. TWO months after date, application will be J. made to the Court of ordinary ot Harris county, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of William C. Dozier, deceased, ii/ay 3—w2m .1. T. DOZIER. Adm’r. Two months after date I will apply to the Ordiuarv of -tfuscogee county, for leave to sett a negro child ! (Rosa) the property of llenry M. Jeruigan, (Idiot.) April 19— w2ni A. B. RAGAN, Guardian. Two months after date application will be made to the honorable court of ordinary of Early county, j for leave to sell the lands belonging to Epsy Dyson, late of said county, deceased. ABNER DYSON, Adm’r. March 15—w-2m ‘I'VVO months after date. I shall apply to the * Court of Ordinary of andolph county, for leave to sell the land* helonifing to Stephen Weatherbv, iateot said county, dec’d Feb. 15—7w2m MARTIN POLLOCK, Adm'r. TWO months after date 1 shall apply to the -L Court of Ordinary of Randolph county, for leave to ■ ;! the and belonging to Henr\ Sandlin, and .vised. Feb. 8- 6w2m ‘ JESSE SAN DLIN, Adra’r, f Pwo months after date I shall apply to the JL court ot Ordinary of Early county tor leave to sen tne Degrees belonging to the estate oi John Jones, deceased, late of said coun ty, for the purpose of making a distribution among the heirs of said estate. liioß. ANDKEWd, Adiur. tnarcit 29—w2m ‘pWOiiiouths after date. I shall apply to the Jl Courted Orui.-iurv of county tor leave to sell the negroes celonging to htnotity Pitman, deceased, late ot saidcouu y. Auril 12—w2m A. A. PiTMAN, Adta'r. i v uaruiau s sale.—On the first Tuesday in June next, w ill VX be soid in Cuthoert, Randolph county, a negro man named Peter, about fifty years cf age. fndd as tiie property of the minors of 801. craves, deceased, by order of the court ot Ordina j rjot said county, B. GR A V ES, Guardian. ” April 12-wtds TK< )Y FACTOKY, HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA. IT urc on East yule Broad street , nourt Jour to i*. McLaren. H. G. JfiFFSRSON & CO. gj? PROPRIETORS of the above wc*rk respectfully inii.mi Cs3 the o'tblic, that they have now ou iiatid for sale, and are con stonily manufacturing all descriptions of Woody s Wars. such as Cos airs. Skttrks. Bedsteads, Bcckets.Ti br,&c-Ac-* oi tiio best material, and tinisued in excellent st\le under their i personal supervision. They particularly callattenUon to tne.r various styles and *iualt ties ofciutK;. w inch, lor u outness, cointbrt, durability and xfss cannot be surpassed in any countrt: varying in pricefrom SIU to s"2l jerdozen—specimens of which can be seen at their VYare RuoutviiO do<*r u*mvc i*. Moi.Aittts Broad street, ’ Columbus, which the putdicare iuvi;e*l t. examine, t Every description of chairs. Bucket*, Tut.-.&c. miuleto order after anv fashiotidesircd. They ar- also prepared K> furnish Wis- DdwS.oa and Blinds of all descriptions to order. Handsome premiums we re awarded to the Troy Factory at i heSoutheru.Yci’:cuitur.UFair at Macon, for the best specitw r oTChaUr aud Wooden Ware. ... tyOrdersloft at th&if U ar? Rooai—cast side Brc ad street, I Jirecied to R. G. Jeflerson 6i t 0.. Columbus, will meet w i promptVr.eution COLUMBUS GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1853. TRAVELING. I, ROAD to’ cJ [. tSO £ o F .5 (• IIE DVL E . Only 10 miles ot Stnaiuii between ColumbiiN and Macon. On end alter the 13th lost, the Passenger Train will leave f.mi rutt by the following schedule daily until fttrther notice: l*e&v e Coiumbus at SA. M.; Arrive at Butler 8>; A. M. Leave Butler at l>s P. M.; Arrive st C-Mumhus 5 P. M. E. F. RICKER, Superintendent. Columbus, March 5, 1853. HARXDEN’S EXPJU'SS! jWAgf-ilCXri iJEj? .ft -jZa OFFICE ON lUNUOLPH Street. dfiSKߧ9B \ 1 7 E re-peennlly beg leave to inform the citizens ol Columbus ; V* and io vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements ! with the Central Railroad Banking Company* and are now run- j ning messengers daily from Macon to Savannah. Viso, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and South- ! Wes;< rn Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe and .Macon, thence to Milledgeville Savannah ano all intermediate places. AUu, to Montgomery, Ala. VVe would aria say, that cur Ex- ! presses by the si earners to New York aud Philadelphia enable - to forward every description of merchandise &ml valuables, j Notes, Drafts, and Bill* collected in every town in the Northern ! and Eastern -States ; also, to California and Europe. O: kicks and Aguxts—Rando’pn street, Columbus, opposite j the “Corner .Stone” printing office : c. A. Ells A. Son, Macon ; j Mr.Kendrick, Fort Valley; G.R.Clayton, Oglethorpe: 153 Bay street, Savsumah ; 14 Broadway, A c*v York; 43 and 45 South- Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court street* Boston : Exchange street. Providence; Montgomery street, uuFrancisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER te CO. Columbus, April 13—tw&w NEW YORK. AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP j LINE, .8* FUveAr/y 7Ue new and splendid Steamships | a ?ttl ; Mabanic , ..... Ludlow. \ Belonaingto the New Y'ork andSavaknah Steak Navioaiior j Company, ATTlLl.leave Savannah ami New York every Saturday. These ; YY tfiiiparel,3fJionarcgUteriandttiufurpnssediuifety,t; and comfort. , , .... These steamers leaving Savannah at iLo some time that the i Marion tuid Foutherner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as i soon as, or before them. OF*Cabin passage^2s—payable U-fore going ou board Agents: PADELFORi*. FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. , SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April 30,1852—tf] 194 Front strec-E New Yot h. FOR PHILADELPHIA. -THE U. 8. Mall Steamship STATE OF GEO a n i 1 i.-i vo-i Savannah the following Wednesda) so j Pbiladelpl'iin : Dec 15 and 39th, January 12th nrui 2tth, February j nil, and 23d, March 9th and 23d. April *th and 2(Jtli, May 4th unit IBih, June J. Anew steamship now building, in every respect 1 eiptal to the State of Georgia, will take her place in the linedur , lug the month o June next, and with the Georgia make :i weekly j line. , i This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort, and her accommodations for passengers arc unsurpassed bv those of any other steamship on the cos'. Fare to Philadelphia s>2s*: through to Now York $25; Bteer a'es9, Dec 7—TJvctf HERRON & MARTIN, Philadelpb United States Mail Line. From Columbus, Ga., to Chunnenuggce, Union s,.i Ala., lia I ,nm inp IOH .Sami I’oil. I .lice, Creek S<aml,flHeinantlo, Lnoii, tuttl Mills. ‘-jyyi THE undersigned is now prepared to carry : pa*-.engr-rson this line: he therefore hopes to be iavored wnti a good share of the public patronage. This line intersects, at Chunuenuggee, the line to Montgomery, via Tus kegee. .via.; also, the one to Tallahassee, Florida, via. Ridgely Five Points, ME Andrew, Clayton. Eufauia, Ala. ReJatite distances from this route: tYarrior Stand is five miles from Hernando; Aberfoil is eight miles from f-hunne nuggee; and .Missouri, Pike county, is eighleetr miles’from Chun nenuggee. Carriages reserved and read}at any trip for the use of families. This line intersects at Columbus, Ga., with the Muscogee Rail road for Macon, Savannah (with but ten miles £ud ail intermediate points. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tueeday, Thursday and Saturday 7 A. M., | arrive st Uhunnenuggee tu xt nays, ai noon. Leave Chunuenuggee Tuesday and T hursday and .Sunday at i o’clock p. rn., and arrive at Columbus Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 p. m. APPLETON HAYGOOD, Contractor. XlT’ Stage Office at “Oglethorpe House.” Jan. 11,1853. 1 12m J . C. PRIDGEN, Agent. VEHNOY 0v EC roll s OMNIBUS LINE. Fare—ln Proportion to the Distance. WE return our thanks so the traveling public j an d the citizens generally, for their liberal pat- j ronage, and would inform them that our splendid new 7 OJIXI- i BUSSES, with E/XE TEAMS and careful DRIVERS, will continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens and per sons stop-ping at the Public Houses. Calls Se tt at the Hotels or at our stable, strictly attended to. Columbus, March 18—w&twly GEORGIA SULPHUR SPRINGS!; ; Thispopulr.r w atering place will be opened as early as the first of Jlny. Judge Bryan’s portion of the pro- : perty has been purchased by the subscriber and added JUJui, to the Hotel, ‘•o’ that sropie room has been pro* ided for : ; a larger company ihan we couid accon.nK-date last yeai. The high reputation of the <1 Hil l. SllLPli L h SPHIXGS I in tiie retiet of Dpspepsin, Kidney Disease*, Chronic Dinrrhaa, General Debility, Urinary Obstructions, In digestion, Loss of Apprtite, Cutaneous Diseases ot almost any fund. and particularly in the relief oi diseases peculiar to females, has j made it ior many year.- the favorite resort ot manj invalids ! And its beautiful s.nd pleasant location within eight ot’ tne Pine : .Mountain, will not fail to make it a pleasant retreat for ail who! ha'ea few days to sj.t-mi ;ji the country. The Red Sulphur Springs, j discovered at this place miring the pas* summer, bus added j much to the value ot the place, and j iup.dly acquiring as fine i i character, as a medical agent. It contains beside* Sulphur. ! .Magnesia, and Limes large portion of Iron, aud is esteemed ! oneof the best tonic* in tne world. The proorietor hopes to make the Sulphur Springs an agrees- i ole place/and shall spare neither pains taking nor expense to | give it a character that w id stand the test of time. The expenses of living at the Springs shall Be as moderate ue ; can be afforded. 11. T. MARKS, April 29—wot Proprietor. ‘ STAGE LINUS Front Georgia Sulphur Springs. ON and after the 15th Mav, a regular line of XIXE FASSEXQER COACH L.” w i ! run b twee-n the Muscogee, West >v ~ rr ~ - Point aud Newuau Raiiroau-v to the Bul phur Springs —.Jaily irom LuOra ke, daily trim West Point, and Tri-*Veekly from Columbus. J.eiving la. Grange and .Test point immediately after u.e arrival of the cars every day ; and leaving Columbus eve r y Tuesday, Thursday aud Faun day at * o’chn'k, A. M„ arrive at the Spring!- same afternoon. 1 hrough tickets may be had in Atlanta or Montgomery at the sa--e offices or car houses, and in Columbus at the Oglethorpe singe office. THE PROPRIETOR. April 26—w6t C. S. HARRISON CO. AUCTION AND COMMSSION MERC HAWS. Broad street, Columbus, Ga. ax promptly to all business consigned to theirs 1 YY Feb 13— BUSINESS CARDS. Sam. S. Hamilton, Columbus Cunningham HAMILTON iV Cl N NINO HAM, ATTO NEYB AT LAW. TROY, Pice County, Au. ! A prii 23, 185ft—vv&twly. j J-S. WGOD3RIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAG U ERR EOT YPI ST j COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster Ac Purple’s Jewelry SI e j Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—lw&. j , u. T. GREENWOOD, JOSIAII MORRIS, J. I. UIDGWAY- ] GREENWOOD, MORRIS &. RIDGWAV. FACTORS ft COMMISSION MEROHAST2. Xo. IT Cftrondelct Street, >'c\v nrleaiitv. Oct 29—wttwly WILLIAMS & OLIVER, A TTOR AE VS A T L A H*, Buena \ ista. Marion county, Georgia. \ X/"! Ll.practice in the counties >-t Marion* Macon, Houston ; YV Btewurt, Uaudolph uiai auy udj .ugcounty wheic- thev services may be required. VVM. K. WILLIAMS. THAHDIiI.H OL.V^R. I e> 27—tvv3nitfcw;-. ; iS tlO LAS GA CULT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TcsiTEGEE, Alabama. OFFICE OVER PORTER'S HRICK STORE. WILL attend the courts of the Ninth Circuit, and Montgomery, I Pike, and Barbour in the Eighth circuit, march 29—wiy i H. WHITFIELD, A T T O R A E Y A T L A VC, Hawkinsville, Pulaski county, Ga. January, 1853. w3m WILLIAMS* OLIVER AND BROWN, Attorneys at Law, BUENA VISTA, MARION CO. GA. Will practice in the counties of Martou, Macon, Houston Stewart, Randolph, .Muscogee, Lee. Taylor, and any adjoining ‘ counties where ttieir services may be required. WM. r. WILLIAMS, THAT)DECS OLIVER, JACK. BROWN. January 28—5wly . THOMAS J. NUCKOLLS, ATTOII NE Y A T LA W , Columbus, Georgia. Office over 1. G. Strcppur’s, near corner of Broad and Ran dolpl) streets. IVILL practice in the counties ol this and the adjoining judicial i circuit in Alabama. March 15 —wly S. S. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blakely, Early Co.* Ga. npS vva F. T. CULLENS, ATf OR \ I: Vj A T Jj A\\ , BLAKELY* EARLY COUNTY, GA. Oct 5, 1852. 4)-wiy W. C. MTV EH, A T T 0 R A T L A W , I'csKEOKr, Macon co., Ala. Will practice in tin* counties of Macon, Montgomery 1 ailapoosa. Pike, Barbour ami Russel. •Unitary 23—4 wiy TUCKER & BEALL, ATTORN EY S A T LA W, Lc.mpein, Stewart County, Ga. WILL attend regularly the Superior Court* of Stewart. Marion- • rMi -apter and Randolph counties: and will give prompt atten‘ > tion to all business entrusted to their care. JOHX A. TUCKER. 11. 11. BEALL. Lumpkin, January 18. lao3—3wly | INGRAM & CRAWFORD* ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Columbus, Geo. Will practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit and the adjoining j counties. Office over the store of J. K. Redd &■ Cos. PORTER INGRAM, M. J. CRAWFORD. f olumbus, January 11—2w6m DOUGLASS & DOUGLASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cutlbcrt, Georgia. \\7TLL practice in the counties of the Southwestern Circuit, j f and in Stewart county of the Chattahoochee circuit. EUGENI US L. DOUGLASS, i Nov 30—wiy MAR CEL I-US DOUGLASS. GEO. S. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cuthbert, Georgia. - Refer* xct£ : Hons. M. <t. Wellborn and Alfred I verso | Columbus. Cuthbert, Nov 2—43wtf i DOUGHERTY, Si'OKES & STEWART, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. J over Butt ft Banks Store. \\7 ILL practice in the courts oi the Chattahoochee Circuit, and : V Ruestdl and Macon counties, Ala, march 27—wiy KING & WINNEMORE, 00 M M iSSION M E RCH AN T H, . ALABAMA. Dec. HQ, 1543. [Mob. Trib.] 15 ts j D. B. ? HOMPSON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF TIIE HEART,) Below Hill, Dawson A C'o. r piN, Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner ! J. oi Gutters, Piping, Conductors and Roofing done to j order, substantially and warranted. Nov. 2 48—ts j JAMES ROUSSEAU l?’ EEP.S a fine assortment of Groceries on band, for suie on IV rnr onabie terms, consisting ot I‘s iibls. New Orleans Alola?ses; 100 Bbls. Flour; 20,000 lbs. Bacon Sides; 75 Sacks Rio C-oflee: 10 IJoasheads New Orleans Sugar; 100 Boxes Tobacco —Assorted Qualities; 25,000 Cigars—Assorted Brands ; 50 Bids. Whiskey; 20 lihls. Dexter Whiskey; 10 Bbls. New England Ruin; 10 Bbls. Common Gin ; 25 Jars Snuff; 100 Bustu! Cow Peas; 200 Bushel I'inder Pea?, Also, Bavspuif, Rope and Suit, and many other article* too numerous to mention. Those wihlng to purchase, will please i give him a call. fStore U K>t side Bfiiid birect, G doors above Rankin's Comer. Columbus, Jan. 11* 185 . i w jf Printing Presses For Sale np\YO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, 1 L with 29 by 44 bed-, wilt l>e sold low for cash, nr on time if ! preferred by the purchaser. t\ nrrauted as good as new. Apply ! tn LOMAX & EI.LIB. Columbus Ga. j Februar) 4—twftwtf I poetri). A MORNING HYMN. The Barou von Canitz lived in the latter half of lire wcit teenth century, and was engaged in the service of the Elec tors of Brandenburg, both of the great Elector and his suc cessor. He was the author of several hymns, or.o of which is ol remarkable beauty, as may be seen in the following translation, for the greatest part of which I am indebted to the kindness of a friend ; but the language ol the original, in several places, cancot be adequately translah-d into English.—Dr. Arnold. Come, my soul,thou must be waking ; Now is breaking O’er the earth another day: Como to fiitn who made this splendor ; See thou render All thy ieeble powers can pay. From the stars tiiy course he learning : Dimly burning, ’Neath the sun their light grows pale: So let all that sense delighted, While benighted From God’s presence, lade and fail. , Lo ! how aii of breath partaking. Gladly waking, Haii the eun’senlivening light! Plants, whoso life mure sap doth nourish, Rise and flourish, When he breaks the shades of night. Thou, too, haii tiie light returning: Ready burning Be the incense of thy powers; For the night is safely ended ; God hath tended, With his care, thy helpless hours. Pray that lie may prosper ever Each endeavor, When thine aim is good and true : But that he may ever thwart thee, And convert thee, When thou evil wouldst pursue. Think that He thy ways beholdetli ; He unfoldctli Every fault that lurks within ; Every stain of shame gloss’d over, * Can discover, And discern each deed of sin. Fetter'd to the fleeting hours, All our powers, Vain and brief, are borne away. Time, my soul, thy ship is sieeri itr, Onward veering, To the gulf of death a prey. Mayst thou, then, on liib’s last morrow, Free from sorrow, Pass away in slumber sweet; And, released from death’s dark sadne s, Riee in, That far brighter Sun to greet. Only God’s free gifts abuse not, His light refuse not, But still his Spirit’s voice obey ; Soon shall joy thy brow bo wreathing, Splendor breathing, Fairer than the fairest day. If aught of care this morn oppress thee. To Him address thee, Who, like the sun. is good to all; He gilds the mountain tops, tho while His gracious tmile Will on the humblest valley fall. Round thee gifts His bounty showers ; Walls and towers, Girt with flames, thy God shall rear : Angel legions to defend thee Shall attend thee— Hosts whom Satan's self shall fear. GRAVE OF REN* HOLT. BY SIDNEY DYUt. By the side of sweet Alice they have laid Ben Bolt, Where often he longed to repose, For there he would kneel with the early spring flower?, And plant o’er his darling the r<*?e. His heart was a? true as tiie star to his gaze. AVhen tossed on the billows alore, But now’ it is cold and forever at rest, For he calmly lies under the vtor.e. How often his eyes were seen brimming with tears, To mingle with others in grief; But joy would rekindle the light of his smile, When pouring the balm of relief! At last he has gone to the bright spirit land, And, free from all sorrow and pain, He tastes the full raptures of angels above, For he meets with sweet Alice again ! A\ e’ll gather the flowers Irom the green shady nook, And moss from the silent old mill, To strew’ o’er tire graves where obscurely repose The hearts that death only could chill : And oft, when th<i soul lias grow n weary and sad. Well corre by the twilight alone, To mnse o’er the sf>ot where together Ben Bolt And sweet Alice lie under the stone. Suicide, —An individual- u slrarger— whose name has since been ascertained lo he J.F. Arum, of Texas, walked into the Court House in M. nt- I'oinery (Ala ) on Monday evening . tid deliberately blew out his brains with a pistol tfterge. The re port was heard, and the body was soon discovered. It was a ghastly object, weltering in the blood which formed a pool beneath the body. The ver dict of ihe Corner wc did not hear. [NUMBER 53.