The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, May 07, 1853, Image 3

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- _ r ----- T-r ■ - The Cleveland Herald tells the following:— Two loafers met upon the wharf yesterday, and passed the “compliments of the season/’ “Jim,” said one, “have you seen Hall ? he’s looking for you!” “Hall! what Hall?” was Jim's answer. “Why, Aleo-holl, you fool.” “Pshaw,” responded Jim, “that’s a poor sell, and you wouldn’t have caught me if I hadn’t been hurt last night when John tripped mo up.’’ “John who ?” said Jim. “Demijohn, you num skull” The New Albany Tribune is responsible for the following: There is a rumor in town of this gort—One of our principal business men was, with his wife and several gentlemen and invited out to tea a few evenings since. When all were gathered around the table, the lady of the house, having in some way got the imprea m sion that our hero was a religious man, polite- I ly invited him to say grace. Ho was taken all ; but not knowing how to excuse himself, m ire went ahead after tho following fashion : “O, Lord, have mercy on this table, world without end. Yours, respectfully, Amen !” I CQMMERCJAL INTELLIGEyCE. J COTTON STATEMENTS. jlf ps IS 3 S’ H ’ *■ i. • ©’2. •r- 1 2 1 I I hand lag s*!§.;§ ! : II ii g. & §- | this 1* | : \< it? : day. May 8, i 1852. 860 24912560 43669 93JM0137 413682301 May 7, 1853. {229 1 16355382 55775; 602:52005.526073164 Columbus, May 7. Since our I ant the steamer has arrived, and reports 1-lCth decline ; however there is no change in prices, | New Orleans, May 4. j The receipts at this port since Ist September, (excln- * sive of the arrivals from Mobile, Florida and Texas,) , are i ,534, 59 bales, against 1,287,008 bales to same ; Aate last year ; and tho increase m tho receipts at all Oie ports, up to the latest dates, os compared with last year, is 271,140 bales. In the exports from the United States to foreign countries, as compared with the same ! dates last year, there is an increase of 115,767 bales to I Great Britain, and 122,035 to other foreign ports, while j to France there is a decrease of 7924 bales. We quote Middling 9 3-4 a 10 1-4, Good Middling i 11 3 11 1-4, Middling Fair 11 I*2 a 12. Bacon—No material alteration has taken place in the ! Bacon market since our last, price being pretty well sus tained at about 7 5-8 a 7 3-4 cents for good ribbed j sides, and 5 1-2 a 6 cents per lb. for ordinary to choice j shoulders. Clear sides may be quoted at 8 1-2 a 8 3*4 cents per lb. Hams arc in limited request at 8 1-2 a j 11 cents per lb. the outside rate for favorite brands of fancy sugar eured. ( olC.m jus prices current. COKtCvi TKD TKI-VVKKKLY BY J. K. REDD ANO CO. <i t . .INw —<vculcky yysiril -S <sei iS lml:a —• 14 & 16 i iopc ib y (iii 10 ON—Hams !b 13® 11 Sides trn>l 10 © 11 Shoulders &lb 0 & 10 •'> >UK—Neil lb! —~ ilLl'iEß ‘ %*lb| 25 ® 30 liKESE ‘P lb © asilsgs C ~.w lb! @ a COFFEE—Rio 11 1 j Java T. V lb! 12 © 15 j CANDLES—Sperm 00 @ Wax V lb: CO ; Star *Mb 30 ® | Tallow V lbi 18 © 20 | FEATHERS lb 10 © 45 FlSH—Mackerel No 1 •P’bbl 14 00 ©l6 00 ! Mackerel No. 2 V bbli.l3 00 ® # dackerel No. 3 UPbbfllOO ® UOO | Shad.. % bbi 18 00 | Herrin* >K box, 100 ® ‘ FLOUR —Western bbl 700 800 Ciuial V bbl! 750 <£>) 9© | City V bbl’ 600 ® 7 l j FODDER 4* 100 lb* 125 © 140 j GRAIN—Cera V bushel 70 © Wheat bushel; 1(W © 1 ~5 Oats V bushel; 50 ® 60 GLASS V box! 225 © 7 o*o GIJNPOW Eli Vke?| 000 © 650 HIDES V6 1 8 <ft- 0 IRON—Swedes Cf: 6 English ’IP ft.; 4% & 5 LARD..... Vsv LEAD f Itj 9 © 10 } LIMF, bbl; JSO © 4 00 .MOLASSES ST gallon 33 @ 40 NAILS Vfc; 6© 7 { OlL—Lamp gallon 150 © 200 i Linseed V* gallon! 1 00 @ 000 Train 4F gallon 75 j PAINTS V kegi 200 @ 275 i PEAS V bushel) 75 ® 80 it ICE V&: i SYKUP—Lemon pergallon 120 % Raspberrv V dnz: 6Ou © SALT <Psark © 1 50 PHOT V’bac 000 © 225 PUAP ..V’Ujl 5 © 7 STEEL—Cast VR*; 20 & 22 German 4? fc; 15 fc. Ataeruan 1* ft 10 ® SUGAR—St. Cro:x © 1 New-Orlean? V* tbi 7 ® 30 , Loaf, reflued If lb! 18 ®- Lump Vfc 8 © 10 SPIRITS -Brandy,Cog <P gal 100 © 400 American *lf gal 40 @ 1 00 Peach gal 100 @ 162 Apple, If gal 60 (and 75 RUM Jamaica, Wgal 200 © 350 New England ‘tfgal; 45 ® 30 WHISKEY—Irish gal 4M @ Mononenhela 100 v© 200 Western gal; 30 © 10 j GlN—Holland |fgal; 150 © 200 • American 4fgalj 40 ® 50 TALLOW V 6. 10.© 00 j VINEGAR— IfSiil 1 37b< © 50 ) WlNES—Madeira, V &i[ 123 <$ 4HO l Sherry .... V ga’l 150 © 300 < Champagne Bask! 15 00 (3J 20 o*3 i Malaga. —7O @ 1W j Port 250 © 400 Claret • 3on ®. Ouano $3 per hundred lbs. MARRIED. la Randolph county, Ga.,on the 6th of March last, by Esquire Pierce, Mr. R. G. Morris to Miss A. M. DozrEß, all of the above place. SPECIAL NOTICES. j Public Notice. There will be a meeting of the citizens of Muscogee j county held at Bald Hill, on Friday, the 3rd of June next, for the purpose of consulting together upon the subject of the foimotion of anew county. The citizen* of Stewart and Marion counties are res- ■ p •etftiily invited to attend. May :- td LABORERS WANTED. ONE DULL A • PER DAY, \v*iil be paid for gjod White or stout negro I'eHowe, at the W Uer VV or Us in this city. * otumlm*, April K>—lni ICi-;, ICE, ICK! The Ice House is now open forth.* season, ihe price will b* for all ttiaouuts kiss than fifty lbs., three cents per To. O *er fifty nod less than two hundred, two and a ball cculs; two hundred lbs. and over, two cents. Hoars from ~H to A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M„ except Bun days, on which day the house will be opeu from V/i to 10, A. M. only. Ticket* can be had on application to Wsluißbu*, 4*rll W- J CHAFFIN. OAS FIXTURES, TH E *ubriberß baying engaged cr*rnpotent workmen, will bv prepared to fit up Stores aud Houma with pipes, burner*, and all necessary apparatus for the us* of Gas. This work will be war ranted, aud done under the superintendence of the Engineer of the Colnmbaa Gas Light company. WIIITTELSEY &. CO. According to the by-laws of the company, the houses aud stores will be fitted up in the order of their application. A Register Book is now ready at the store of Messrs. Wbittel ey At Cos. C. E. DEXTER, Bec'ry. April 13—wAvtwtf Columbus Gas Light Company. GUANO. I STILL HAVE ON HAND SOME FORTY OR FIFTY TONS OF GUANO, AT OREENWOGD’s WAREHOUSE. j The. Benton ufant advancing when it should be applied, j Those wishing profitable investment*, would do well to j avail themselves of this opportunity of obtaining it. Ex- i perience haa proven that it adds about one half to the pro duct. After the corn is up, many think it as good a time to apply it as before. See the Soil of the South. March 25-w&twtf J. R. JONES. THE SOIL OF THE SOUTH, FOR 1852, j Containing Rkabody’s method of cultivating his cele i brated Strawberry , beautifully illustrated, and much ; otber valuable A.gricultural and Horticultural infor j motion ; for aale at the office of the Times Sc Sentinel. ■ Columbus, Georgia. Unbound Volume $1 00 Bound Volume 1 50 Columbus, March 2, 1853.—w&twtf From South America.— The following letter will show that Earthquakes and Civil Wars arc not all the calamities they have to provide against in that quarter of the world. Disexses incident to our own climate, also find their way there, ns will be seen by the .cmedy they seek for protection. Valparaiso, Chili, S. A., July 20, 1843. To Dr. J. C. Ayer, dec., Dear Sir: We have the pleasure to report on your ship ment of Cherry Pectoral to our house, the whole quantity sold, and a pressing demand for more, which must await the arrival of further supplies. Its success in curing diseases of the lungs, and its consequent notoriety, has excelled any medicine ever U9ed in this country. Most of our remedies here are imported from England, and some of them are rich and valuable; but no product of medical skill front that or any other quarter has ever won so fully the confidence of our population as this beautiful preparation of yours. The article has attracted particular attention among our most distinguished citizens, from the fact that General Bul nes, President of the Republic, and the highest officer in the State, was cured of a severe and dangerous affection of the lur,g3, by its use. He allows us to send his name, and wishes to add the acknowledgments of gratitude for his relief. We have the honor to be, air, Very respectfully, v*ur ob't wrv’s., CARLOS ALVAREZ & CO. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL PAINS. Radicay's Ready Relief will instantly Stop and quickly Remove the Cause. R. R. It.—Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus.—Radway.' a Ready Relief will check the moat painful discharges, and stop the most distressing pains in a lew minutes. It allays the most painful irritations. By bathing the head, neck, or lace, it refreshes tho tenses,and imparts renewed life,strength, nnd vigor to the weak and weary. The very moment R R. R. is taken or applied,its magic-like effects are experi enced. It instantly allays the most painful paroxysms of Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Cramps, Spasms, Toothache, Soreness in tho bones or joints, Pain and Weakness in the Side, Lumbago, Gout, aud Paralysis. Taken internally, it cleanses the stomach from acid, cures Heart-P.uru, and im parts sweet fragrance to the breath. Persons troubled with Sick-Headachc, will receive instant relief from the use o R. R. 11. May 5-lm iZT” To any inquiring what they shall do for a cough and cold, we would say .read the following certificate, winch has been signed by one hundred of the first Houses of Drug gists in this country, to lay before the public their estimate of a good medicine. They are all men of the first class and of the highest character, whos-a experience and business leads them to know, and this is their opinion : “We the undersigned, Wholesale Druggists, having been for a loug time acquainted with Ayer’s Cherry Peotoral, hereby certify our belief that it is the best and most effectual remedy for Pulmonary Complaints ever offered to tho American People. Ar.d we would from our knowledge of its composition, and extensive usefulness,cordially com menaic to the afflicted as worthy their best confidence, and with tho firm conviction thr.t it will do for their relief all that medieino can do.” May s—lm A Bad Leg of a very dangerous na/rc cured by Hoi lowa/8 Ointment and Pills. —Mrs. Poole, of No. 2, Mer maid-court, Borough, had suffered fora very long period with a dreadful sore leg, which baffled the skill of the most eminent surgeons in private practice, as well as in tho Hos pitals and Dispensaries, under whose treatment she had been, none oi whom, after repeated trials, could effect the least good. The use of Holloway’s Pills ai.d Ointment alone has been tho means of curing thi3 extraordinary bad | leg, to the wonder and astonishment of all who have seen ; it, as Mrs. Poolo is a person far advanced in years. Randolph Sheriff Sales, POSTPONED. WILL be aoki oo Um flret Tuesday in June next, betore the court house door ia the town of Outhbert. Randolph county, within the usual hours of ue, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land number forty nine and north half of Jot lß r d num ber forty eight in the eleventh di-triet, and number thirty five and the north hs’fof lot of land number thirty three in the tenth district, ail of Randolph county ; levied on as the property of William Matlock to satisfy sundry fi fas from the Superior court of said county in favor ot Alexander Pace aid others, vs William Matlock and John T. McLeudon, one in favor of Delaware Mor ris, T 9 William .Matlock. RICHARD DAVIS. D. Sheriff. •May €—ids WASHINGTON JOYCE, Sheriff. Laths! Laths !! Laths! !! I have for sale 30.000 Laths, which I will deliver in any part ot the city, at Si per thousand. April 26-weowlot O. S. HOLLAND. Self-Heating Smoothing Irons. \GOOP supply ot the above ufc.ul articles on hand, and for Hale bv H ALL & MOSES. Columbus April 23—tw2® Metallic Burial Cases. npHESE esses have been universally approved wherever X uoed. They are much superior to those of wood, and* combine w itbiu themaclves ail thoee qualities so desirable in a Southern Climate. fht-y yv composed of several kiuda of Metal, but principally ! of Iron. They ore thoroughly euamelled inside and out, and thus made impervious to .draud iudestructible, and can be told at about the rates of covered eotfluc. The public arc to call and examine them for them solve*. audata gkaoe they will oe the great advantage of this article over any other ever offered to the public, f olumbus, t\b. ‘JJ-w Ittwto JUMMIS t ROONEY. DRY GOODS. SPRWGAW)'SUMMER DRY GOODS. i J. k J. KYLE, \ RE now prepared to exhibit to the public, the largest, most | x\. varied, and best SELECTED STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, ! ever opened in Celurabua; embracing every style of new and fashionable goods iu their line. Also, anew and direct importation of IRISH LINENS, SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, to., to. Also, a complete stock of HATS AND SHOES, ! including 5000 pair Negro SHo**, of a superior quality. Co.umbuft, April 13—2tnw&twlm MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Just received an assortment of ns* MOURNING DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF I Black Grenadine SILKS; Lupin’a BERAGES: Plain and fig’d. French JACONETTS ; French PRINTS; Canton GAUZES ; TISSUES. TAFFETA Lusturo Crep de Paris, Satingdu Chine, India S mmer SILKS; Challeya and Satin La Reine. BROKAW,CLEMONS Sc CO. Columbus, march 26-twtf NEW GOODS. The subscriber haa in Slop} a large Btock of j STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered for sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. IJSIF* Purchasers for Cash will find it to their ad /antagft to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2—tw C. MYGATT. PRINTEDMDSLINS. SUMMER SILKS. BERAGES AND GRENADINES. Avery large assortment just received by BROKAW, CLEMONS Sc CO. Columbus, march 26-tw JUST Received, a lot of Fine FANS. Also, Embroidery Silk, by [April 22.] WHITTELBEY’ Sc Cos. | __^LOTHING. | SUMMER CLOTHING ! —:o: A largo and well selected stock of SUMMER CLOTHING. I I [Which will bo &oid at reduced prices,) can be found at JOHN SMITH,’S * May 7-wdfetwtf No. 125 street. COATS! COATS!! COATS!! I A BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE OF j CASHMARET, LINEN, PONGEE SILK, GRASS LINEN. AND SeAKSUCKKR CoATS, Just received at JOHN SMITH’S, j May 7-w&twtf No. 125 street. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! ! SHIRTS!!! —:o: ! A large assortment from the best manufactories in New York. Just received at JOHN SMITH’S | May 7-w&twtf No. 125 Broad street. Shirts! Shirts!! A LARGE invoice of SHIRTS, COLLARS. DRAWERS, HOSIER Y, &.c. Just received and for sale by March 39—tw J. H. MERRY. Genin’s Hats. A FEW Guxin’b a so. oss Hath —Bprino styles. J\ Just received and for &ale by March 30—tw J. 11. MERRY. MUSICAL. SELLING OFF SHEET MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. THE undersigned desiring to reduce their extensive stock of Sheet Music, vriil sell at three cents per page, (or half tho usual price) a large share of their present stock. Aiaotig which may be found many of the nsw and popular pieces ot the day. This is an opportunity not to be neglected by Teachers and Schools, lo lav in a supply. In this lot will bo found most of the desirable Music every day ordered. Also, a lurae stock of Instruction Books for the PIANO FORTE, which will be aold at lean coat. Among the Sheet | Music are the foliowing pieces, arranged by C. REPS, viz.: Dancing Feather Waltz ; ‘ Bombardment of Vera Crus; Elbert Waltzes; Stone.Mouutain,Q.S ! La Sultana Waltz; ; Columbus Guards, Q. 8. Gibraltar Waltz; Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, Q. 9. ; Gallepade PoSke. also —A large variety of Songs, Waltzes. Polkas, .Marches and quick ; steps, by celebrated authors, i Sales of this lot to be strictly Cash . Just received,a large lot of NEW MUSIC, wuich£will be sold at the usual price. Call and examine. Order* with money enclosed will be filled and forwarded to any part of the country bj mail. W HITT ELSE Y & CO. Columbus, Ga., March 9—twtf ANOTHER MUSIC STORE. WILLCOX & CARTER, NO. 02, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., ARE now receiving, and will keep constantly on hand, SHEET MUSIC, PIANO FORTES, GUITARS. VIOLINS, ACCOBDEONS, BANJOS, TAMBORINES, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, &C. Strings for the VIOLIN AND GUITAR. ALSO Instruction Hooks for the ab we instruments. AIo, Exercises for the cultivation of the Voice. Orders are solicited from teacher* aad others. D. F. WILLCOX. WM. E. CARTER. X. B. Mr. CxKTtiP. will attend to Turing and Repairing Pianos as heretofore. Columbus. April 15—wfctwtf New Sheet Music. TIIII subscribers have this day received a largo aworlnaent oi .'sheet Music; among which are many new and populai pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies Li parti culsrare invited to call and examine our stock. TRU4X t PEASE, Columbus. March 2—tw IOC Broad street. * PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. —■ THU undersigned have ergnged the service*of jHHStaitfaiZU Mr. F. O. RAMM, Tuner and P;ano Maker, lately W from Erard* 1 Celebrated Establishment in Paris. J J If j J Mr. R. is probably the best in his profession in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to ail orders in the above line, and will be responsible lor all work done by our workmen. • >ider? addressed to Whittklskt & Cos., or Tnrai A. Pcase, will meet with prompt attention, WHITTELSEY &. Cos. Columbus. April 22, 13. TRUAX fe PEASE. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. THE undersigned respectfully informs Lia former friends and pupils, and the public generally, that he baa returned to this city where he proposes to establish himself in his profession as a Teeher of Mur’.c. Hein now prepared to taken limited uumbci of pupils on the Piano Forte and in Vocal Music, to w hom his regular tuid undivided attention w ill be given. at the Music store of Wbi..e!eey &. Cos. will re ceive prompt attention. ■rfprtl 23, ISsl—w&twtf RUSSEL E.HARRIS Ladies’ Silver Plated Sewing iirds. AN indispensable and beautiful article, without which, no lady should sew. For sal© by D. F. WILLCOX, Columbus, AprU i>—if GROCERIES. nimROUSSEIF^^’ KEEPS a doe assortment of Groceries on band, for sale on reasonable terms, consisting of— -175 Bbls. New Orleans Molasses: 100 Bbh. Flour: 20,000 lbs. Bacon Sidee; 75 Sacks Rio Coffee; 10 Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar; 100 Boxes Tobacco—Assorted Qualities; 25,000 Cigara—Assorted Brands ; 10 Bbid. Whiskey; 10 Bbls. New England Rum ; 10 Bbls. Common Gin ; 25 Jars Snuff; 75 Casks Bacon, *lO Hgds, N. O. Sugar. 100 Barrels Whiskey. 250 Coils Kentucky Rope. 50 Bales India Bagging. 1500 Sacks Salt. Also, tine Brandies and Wines of different qualities. Also, many other articles too numerous to mention. Those wishing to purchase, will please give him a call. or Store West side Bru&d Street, G doors above Rankin’.* ! Corner. Columbus, Jan. 11,1*5 . 1 wtf ~W. D. FORD DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES: Pickles, Prfwrves, Fruits, Confectionaries, Scffars also, Fish, Oysters and Ice when in season. Walubuho’s Building, JscrFKßs.iN strect, Savannah, Ca February 9, 1853. twGm On Consignment. 50 Hd?. New Orleans Sugar. 50 Bbl3. “ “ “ 30 Casks Sides. 5 “ Sh ‘Ulders. Ail of which will be sold low for Cash. Call and examine them. C. S. HARRISON tc CO. Columbus. April B—twtf FLOUR! FLOUrT AT WINTER’S PALACE MILLS! WE will receive this day, and continue to keep oh band, for our customers, a supply ofFLOUR from the celebrated Montgomery Mills, until we are ablo to resume operations. Columbus, Dec 15—twtf C. T. INSLEE, Agon List of Letters, REMAINING in the Post Office, at Columbus, Ga., on the Ist May, 1853: A1 len, Jeremiah Lapham, Robt Apple, James R 3 Lyon, C C Adams, Win H Land, James F Beer.-, E VV Lawton, Mrs L H Beeks Wm A 2 Leonard, II R Battle, James E Morris, Henry Burton, J C Martin, Wrn R Buahannan, Dr J *Mangham, Henry Brux.Doublin Masculing, L) Joso Garcia 2 Bostick, A S Moore, James Bussey, Sami F Ma tin, John F 4 Bragg, W M Mershon J Biown, Guo W Maguirt, John O Burton, Miss Alary F Morman, W C 2 Brooks, J M Moye, G Bertram, GL Massey, Geo Berthune. Mary Monghan,AG Bengers, Mr Myers, J C Baker, Wm Meandy, James Barber, E F Monger, EJ Bartlett, Burrell Mitchell, Elizabeth Mrs Barry, P L, i Barnett, Capt Wm Mehaffv, J B W i Bedsoier, Mr McGhee, James M \ Brodnax, He ry McCrary, Wm W B ‘Wars, John D 2 McCoy, J C ! Bryant, Miss E A 3 MeDuflee, Susan C Brener, John S McDaniel, Mrs Sarah Brooks, Mrs Nancy A McCall, L S Bostic, A B Norman, Miss Christiana Brooks, Miss Anna Norman, Patsy Blair, Wm C A i’ ewberry, John A Church, Sami A 7 Newberry, Ira Cash, J oho Owsky, Mrs Sarah Carleton, John L Ogletree, G G Cawd e, Mr Osborne, Mr Clabome, John F Owen, Ooediah Clark, Goo Qhalloron, J 3 Carvin, James 2 Proprietor of Race Course, Courtney, John Price, Rev Geo W 3 Condon, W D Peabody, Anna Crailey, Mrs Margarett Palmer, Joseph Cooper, Miss Eliza F Palmer, Joseph Cofield, David Palmer, A Cotield, Aeleon 3 Parks, Chas Cogmet, Louis Parke, A C Coleman, Wm P Parker, A Courison.Saml W Palmer, M A Cook, A1 ha Philips, Elisha Cunningham, W W 2 Patrick, J M Cobb, H C Perry, Sarah L Collier, Miss Ann Pool, Martha E Davis, Mrs Elizabeth Piggott, Harriet Davis, John W Potent, A T Drewry, John VV Patten, John R Dawson, James A Painiilee, J VV - j Davis, Daniel Reese, Henry Dawson, Henry R Rob Lon, Wm B Desms, S Regers, T M Elder,L B Reeve, Robt Evans, Charles Reese, Hugh Evans, John Q Robinson, Mrs Nancy Foster, James F Ruff, Chas Fogg, Chas E Rumhearth, G Foster, James M Raleigh, John A Gerard, AW Richardson, II E Gerrarad, Capt James Randall, Mrs Wm Goulden, Miss F Stubberfieid, Thomas Gordv, Noah Slaughter, W G Gere& Abbott, Miss Story, Wm E 3 Gerdy, Lafayette 2 Stage & Friable, Messrs Gaia Sc Bro, Messrs Si evens, Mrs Mary li F Garrett, Eli -ha F SaHoed.Win 3 Gardner, Wm Smith, Edward Guice, Nicholas Sanboue, Benjamin Glenn, Miss M J Smith, Jasti Graham, John A 3 Segura, Me-sr*. John Sc Cos Gesrgce, Mark A Sackett, H T B Gallops, Mira Charlotte S Smith, Bdmund Grissett, Wm ShoLer, Wm A Gibson, Mies Ann B Sims, Geo H Howard, Thomas B Simapon, Robt N Harris, A B Stephens, Miss L Hopkin.scn, Geo Slaughter, John F Hali.Bunkiey Sullivan, Wm Howard, Seth _ Stubblefield, Mary A Holland,G R Sternberg.F Hannack, Eliza H Simp-on, S E Hooker, Mrs Nancy Simpler, Matilda Hammock, Jas Spirling, Aaron 2 Hausker, W W Simpson, Messrs. A Sc Cos Hearn, Calvin A Swanson, Misa Mary’ Hinton, J M ‘J'rett, A C Heilbroner & Bro. Measr3 Thorton, Miss Julia E Hewett, Mrs Caroline Thomas, Mrs Elizabeth Huff, Mies S Toe!, Burrell R Herreot, E L Thomas, Theophitus Holly, Edward Young, Geo G Hawsllen Sc Cos., Messrs Weeks, Mary Ingram, John B Windsor, Jno I rev, Miss Mary WiLon, Chas 2 Jeuhe?, Mrs Nancy 2 Williams, Miss Elvira Johnson, Miss A M Willis, L R Johnson, J union II Wamack, Sandford Johnson, John T Wilkerson.G L Johnston, Mark Waddell, R B Johnson, Mias Martha Wvnu, Miss Jane Johnson, Joseph Williams, .Mias Elizabeth 2 Jackson, Miss A Walls, Bradford Jackson, Louts Williams, Miss Diccy Jones, Mrs M Wiinbeily, Perry Jones, Thomas Williams, Jno W Jones, Francis G Wiilia, Jessee Kriagor, Charles Wilson, VV T Ktrvin, Sam! Willis, Miss Mary King, Robert Wingate, B F Lewis, L B Wyatt, Felix Lawrence, Mrs Sarah Wynn, Wm T 2 j Lockhart, Miss Louisa Whitton, Geo Lowe, A L Woodward, II C Lester, Miss M A IjjF* Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please say they are advertised. „ J. A. L. LEE, P. M. Mav 1, 1853. CT” , ——— Itr *i o m AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. T' H £ undesigned would respectfully inform his friends and x the publ.c tcu he has opeued u btore oo Broad street, nearly opposite Mr. Jamss Kivun’b Sans bouci, for the purpose or carrying on the above business, and would be happy tor them to give bun a cad. He proposes doing the es UCTJOX .1X1) CO.VJJ/SSJO.V BUSINESS in the uelll way,£d will aiao aUead to the setting and hiring of Negroes for thowho may entrust bun with their patronage. JOHN QUIN. N v£C, Co Merchandla* carehUly attended to. October 22, iS3Sf~wfcrtvly, BOOKS AND STATIONERY. The Recruit A compilation of Exercises and Movement* of Infantry, J\. Light Infantry and Rifllemen according to the latest : improvements, by Capt. Jno. T. Caims ; 4th Edition. ! For sale by D. F. WILLCOX. May 7-tw Christian Titles! Areries of practical meditations by Stephen H. Tyng, D. D , Rector of St. George’s Church, New May 7-tw For sale by D. F. WILLCOX J The Lion’s Skin and the Lover’s Hunt. BY Charles de Bernhard. Just received by D. F. WILLCOX. May 7-tw Dissolution. ‘TMIE Copartnership heretofore existing between the under- JL signed under the name of A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO., is this dry dissolved by mutual concent. .Vsy 2, 1853. A C. FLEW ELLEN, J. T. COLEMAN. The undersigned continues the bnsin ss heretofore conducted by A. C. Flewellen At Cos., and persons Indebted to the said 9rm will please make payment to P A. C. FLEWELLEN. Colmnbns, Ca„ April 30—twtf TQ0ISj_B00IS! JUST RECEIVED BY A C. FLEWELLEN. CALHOUN’S works; MaundeFs Bio* graphical Dictionary ; lngersoll’s History of the late war; Smith’s Wealth of Nations. bMEK Second part—My Novel; by Bulwer. Cecilia ; l>y Miss Burney. Beckman’s Histoiy of Inventions. Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying. Michelet’s Flench Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Miller’s Philosophy of History. Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Rabelai’s vVorka Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. SchlegeFs Philosophy of Life. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religion. Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. Neander’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Great Metropolis. MorelPh Philosophy of Religion. Machiaveih’s Hi-tory of Flop nee and other Works. Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Mi'dici. Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roseoe’B Life of Ijeo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author ol Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewie Arundel. Home Influence; Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense; Vale off’edars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster's Speeches.. Walde Warron; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by Emerson Bennett. A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a taleot Mexican Treachery, by Harry Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy; The Free 800 ter. The History of Pendennis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boota ; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart; a true story from Blackwood's Magazine David Copperfieid. The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and in* Merry Men. „ , _ Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintin Matsys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Hester Somerset, a novel by N ****** M***** The adventures of Captain Blake : by Maxwell. Craigallan Castle, or The Stolen Will; by Mrs. Gore. Lord Saxondale.or Life among the London Aristocracy, Captain Kyd, or The Wizard of the Sea.. Heads and Hearts, or My Brother, the Colonel. Stanfield Hall. Yankee Jack, or the Perils of a Privateersman. Minnie Gray, or The Ancestral Cur-'e. Amy Lawrence, or The Freemason’s Daughter. Stories of Waterloo ; by W. H. Maxwell. The Bivouac, or The Rival Suitors; by Maxwell. Harry Burnham, the Young Continental. Columbus, March 9—tv/Iy BOOKS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY A. C. FLEWELLEN. Castle Avon, by the author of “Ravcnselifle.” “The Two oid Men’s Tales.” Villette,by Currer Bell; author of “Jane The Spaewife, or the Queen’s Secret. A story of the reign of Elizabeth, by Paul Peppergrass, Esq., author of •‘Shandy McGuire.” Beatrice,by Catharine Sincl ir.authcr of'Jane Bouverie.’ The Three Pirates, by Harry Haze), author of “Yankee Jack.” My Scrapes and Escapes, or The Adventures of a Stu dent ; by one of the Faculty. The Two Merchants, by T. S. Arthur. The Emigraut Squire, by P. Hamilton Myers, author ol Bell Brandon. Columbus, March 30. The American Missionary Memorial. BRING an account of the origin of American Foreign Missions; the ordination of the first Amer* xfraPSlSljjE, ican Missionaries, and Biographical Sketches of Pioneer Missionaries, by Clergymen of vat i oua denominations in the country, with 33 flno wood-cut Portraits and other Illustrations, and C 5 sac similes trora the letters of Missionaries in various parts or the word. The whole comprising a Book of exceeding in'erest and value as a manual of missionary information. Price; $ J W>. For sa e by D. F. WILLCOX. April 27—twtr The VI Vol. of Harper’s Magazine, BEING completed, persons can have them bound in any style, by leaving them with DAVID ROS^, Book-Binder, No. 72 Broad street. Columbus, May -4 —wittwtl A CARD! —O— Mft. ROSB, thankful for ths lioeral patronage ext-mded him, would iufoim his customers and friends that he is about to leave this city some time in the mouth of June next, for the pur pose of purchasing aev; and improved machinery for his t rade ; and would request all who may desire Lis services to send in their work at the earliest opportunity. Columbus. -Wav 4—w&/wif RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. B. S. H returned from New York, where he critically inspected, in vatiousDentalLaboratories,some of the best wni k that can be done, and availed himself of addi tional means to execute the same etvles with disnatch. Also, to operate on the teeth, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Store. No. 69 Broad Street. Columbus. January, 7—twtf gm W. F. LEE, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON. Office on Broad street, over Mygatt‘s store. Columbus. Oct 29—ts AUBURN WATER-CURE. THIS Establishment is now open for the reception of patients Tho location is pleasant and healthy, being on the great Southern Mail Route in Eastern Alabama, and is about a hundred yanis from the depot, immediately adjoining the Railroad. The efficacy of the Water l reatroei-t in all acute diseases, a Fevers, Scarlatina, Measles, Small Fox, &<•., is so complete and rapid ato seem almost miracuioua; while in chronic diseases, 1. e.ftildixzaa of long standing, a# Gout, Rheumatism. Dyspep sia, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Consumption, Ate., It is the only effec tual modeof arresting the progress of tho disease and eradicating It from tho system. In the peculiar diseases of VV onion, the VV a ter Cure is a sover eign remedy, where all other remedies have failed, and in child birth it procures immunity from untold suffering. Patients ihouldbnug one quilt, a Comfort, two pair blankets, two aivtcte and several yards of linen diaper for bandages. Terms according to treatment and attention required, payable weekly, invartstiy. Consultation fee. &h DR. VV. 6. REED, t Phv>de u>, MRS. M. A. ToRBET* { rbfamaM, Auburn, s£ar± 16—ur iy inch 30tw0w