The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, May 07, 1853, Image 4

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MEDICAL NOTICES. 1 MUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILsT I PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. DR. R. A. WARE, 1 q IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha > W wv *r lou i efure offered in this market. All wishing j S to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this; Hue, vvjf! do well to cull and examine. PURE BRANDY, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA ; WINE, lor Medical purposes, to be had at j R. A. WARE’S Drug Store, j PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS Luhinsand j {laxins assorted varieties, tor sale by R. A. WARE*. J LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE.—Ver? : |>c*t quality. For sale'by K. A. WARE. FINE BE-JARS AND CHOICE CHE WING TO - ; SACCO,can be bad of K. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just! received and for tale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from b by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2, 1853-w&twly Dr. Thomas Hoxey, t* HAii united ‘fUb him in the practic >f Medicine Hnd its #Hf collateral branches his eon, JJ DR. BRICE A. HOXEy, who has had charge of a Military Hospital in Mexico and the Marine Hospital at Acapulco on the Pacific tor two years; dur ing which time ho Ruccertfully performed some of the most diffi cult operations in yrF.ftßH?. They feel competent to attend to all cases In Medicin> Bur gery, fee., and rucpectf illy offer their services to the pubii Columbus, April I—tw3m Drs. WOODRUFF fc TRACY. Dr. M. WOODRUFF would respectfully give notice tt. OfU his patrons that he has associated with him in the practice IV of Medicine, I/r. I). TRACY, a gentlemen of large e.xpe- QI rience in his profession. DRS. WOODRUFF & TRACY, Will attend all calls in their profession punctually. Columbus, march 20—tw3m DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AT THK BLUE DRUG STORE , Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. /a JITST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of select Medicines, consisting of pure and eelecj Yjfif Powders and Extracts, for saleat the lowest market prices and warranted to give entire satifaction or vre shall count it no sale. Physicians’ country bills and plantation meiitcines pot upon the lowest terms; every attention will be paid to their quality, and they will be securely and speedily packed and forwarded. GESNER & PEABODY, Druggists, March 2—twfewly Sign J f e .Ytgro and. Mortar. Pure Medical Wines. DOZ PORT uud Brandy for Medical purposes, lor sale at the f life Drug Store , March £—twfewly GEENER fe PEABODY. Paints and Oils. PURE and Getaa l-fhd, Linseed, Lamp and Machinery Oils, for sale cheap at the Bine Drug Store, March 2—twfewly GLSNF.R fe PEABODY. INSURANCE OFFICES. Do Ton Want to Insure? rpHE SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY will I. u,Sc Marine and Fire risk* on reasonable term**. Apply to R. <l. MOSES, Agent. X. B.—This office returned td the holders of Policies’ 39 per cent, of the premiums paid during the year it?s2. Columbus, det 93—w^iwly MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, ITS J ILL receive Deposit**— and Checks for ealeon New York 1V Macon ami Savannah. April 24—twtf _ RICHARD PAI TEN. AAVA N N A H JSUTI U* ISfeUKANCH COMPANY. i ifuaud Marine r.aks taken by, Feb 2 ft J MOBES SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. THIS oSce returned-JB percent, of premiums received last year to persons holding j>> icieacf the Company ; and con tinue* to laße Eire ard Maui.o risks on the most reasonable Sept id—twtf R J MOBEB, Agent. SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY or “CrdDLti'LKSLe A. B. N KLBON, President. iOUS WHITEHEAD, Secretary, THE undersigned is authorized to take River and Marine riefcs j tor this well known Company, r.u favorable terms. Columbus, Jan. 14—tw6in * JOHN MUNN* - _ i FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE Protection lusurance Company at Haitlcrd,<;llcut. Sprirtgfleld Marine “and Fire insurance Company, at Spring- { Gold, Massachusetts. North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Raleigh. j Kentucky Mutual Life Insurance Company, t oviagtou. C IP Slaves insured at two thirds their value. Columbus. 4sn. 14—tw6m JOHN .MUNN, Agent. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. PROTECTION INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Rent nifey Mntnei Life Insnranvo Company Omtiime to take risks or* the most ia.vora.bl9 terms, rr slaves insured for two-thirda value. Applications for risks in town or country may be made to Columbus, Sept 3—twtim JOHN MUNN, Agent, j AGENCY OF THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE QOMPANY OF NEW YORK. fl. H. EPPING, Agent tor CblnnibKw, Ga. j DR* HOSIVELL fe BILLLYG, JHoJieai Kxs misers. Pamphkts containing tables of Rates and other information may be obtained by application at the office of the Agents. ibluroun, Nov v*H -twfcwlv For Sale. A small farm about one and a half miles from Colum- j hus. it contains 150 or ib-t acres o land : abou. a third i of which is cleared, and iu suitable condition for cultiva j tion. The remaining portion is well timbered with pine. ‘ j It is a desirable location for any p. rsnn, wishing n small farm i or summer residence in the vicinity of the city. Apply to ) Columbus, March 9—twtf F.. T. TAYLOR. ; FOR RENT. A small and comfortable dwelling on Broad street, ad- j joining Captain darrows ami B. Greenwood. * |b|l Apply to j LJL.I. J. L. Mt’STIAN. I Golumbns, Jan. 7—2 twtf ’ VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. I wiU eU taj Plantation, situated in Kuaae!) ! ,f“ n! h , A*j- Id miles west es Columbus, on Led*..- .rwk, containing twenty-two hundred {ajjpW i hundred r.le.-uv'd,wit w alltiecerija* Also, suv House and Lot, in WynLtbh, and o ar,<i c i ae 01 thamosldttsirable rei’dencets Atwil j y haproved placo* iu or near Columbus. ■ J; pril ” i JOHN VV. HURT. w k ltd , , r ° F Bal ®- /\ Apparatus, will bold below • JjT t office Moxicaa Mttata&g Ltcimeat. THIS ioveluabki preparation had been but o few months before the’ people of the South, jet many thousands of bottUa have been sold and U9ed in a ORRaT VAtttETt op diseases, and it has g<ven universal satisfact on. We liave heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We offer it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence in curing them, aa over four millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both o 1 men and ani:aai3,and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has ; healed Gineers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty, %5jF A child in Frederick ton, N. 8., a few days ago i burned its lege severely against a siovc. The mother im j mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a i tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the | child induced the mother to lemove the bandage, w hen it j was diai*overed that the eottoo wool had taken tire by spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the > size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she ; had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, i which she got immediately and applied to the burned ; limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon aa it wae applied, j the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its j mother’s arms, by tho soothing influence of th 8 valuable ■ preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican” Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stnbles of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for curing Galls, Chafea, Scratches, Sprains and BruL.u.and it has proved very effeciual. Many of their men have also used it <>n tltemselves and their families, and they all speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest terms. One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised on his knee—as usual, the Mue'.u.jg Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally oa man or beast. J. DUNN, Foreman of Adams 2$ Co.'s Express Stable, N. V. Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wife was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains ; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she *s now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends to use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed) Jamss L. Ouveh. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. - Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus. Ga., by GESNER & PEABODY* Fehrnarv 5. 1853 twArwl y FriOß th* Growth and Embellishment of tho Hair to Prevent ’ its F&lllnit off and turning Grey. Awarded the bit best prern iums bv the State? of Now York, Maryland and Michigan, at their Annual Fairs ol 1851. The Kathairon neutralizes the etfect of disease, climate, and old agej in preferring and restoring the HutAan H ir, even af ter a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Bcurt and Dandruff; will cure the Nervous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Dieoasee or tho Bkin, fee. and is tho os t derirablo TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s esc in the world. Its perfume equals Luoin’s Choice*; Extracts, and being free Horn all offensive oil, or coloring properties, it gives the Hair that golden, br.gbt, aoit, lively appearance, secured by no Other pret.n aiion. The use ot the Kathairon is adopted by too best physicians in Europe and America, and has a patronage and sale unprecedent ed in the history of the materia meiica. But words are euperffu oub, a trial only can. atieat its real virtue, ae ‘fniHii-na certify.-■ To be had throughout North and South America, Europe and the Island? of the Ocean, ih large bottles, for 25 cents. Sold in Columbus bv DR. R A. WARE, GESNER & PEABODY. ROBERT CARTER; E. Tbohas Lyon, 161 Broadway, N. Y. LYON’S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER. NOTHING need be said to command the attention of the pub lie to this article, when convinced that it is PURE and una* duileratul. vt edical men, or those seeking a harmless beverage t destroy the unwholesome ejects of brackish and turbid water can rely upon its genuine character, and it is also extensively used fer culinary purposes, in flavoring cakes, preserves, fee. To the afTcfed with Dyspepsia, Bummer Complaints, Cholera, Nervous Debility, Fever and Ague, Dizziness, gt neral Prostration, &c. nothing has ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured b>j E. Thoniaa Lyon, Chemist, 161 Broadway, New York. Inquire for I.yon’e Pure Ginger. Sold by reputable Drttggieia Lioughout the world. GESNER &. PEABODY, ROBERT CARTER, DR. R- A. WARE. March 16— tw6m Columbus, Gh. Mexican Mnsta&gf Liniment. AT Ne .v Yors prices. VV e have Juet received a large invoice ot the above excellent taedirine, to be sold at the manufac turer's prices. Call at the Bl UK DRUG STORE, March 2—twfewly Stgxi of the Negro and Jllerlar. COPPER AND SJL.ET IRoN AND mtsr fpHE subscriber, ever grateful for past patronage begs leave lo 1. inform his friends arid the public that he has one of the largest assortments of Tin Ware and Housekeeping articles ever offered in this market; consisting asollewa: Bath Tubs, Shower Bathe, with Brass Valves, Hip Baths do., Sponged ~ pyramid cahe and ornamental moulds; Jelly moulds; coffee Filterers; do. Biggins; do large and small Urns; Knife Trays; do. Washers, anew article: Brooms, Cocoa Dippers; Pie ana Dessert plates, ail sizes; Britan nia ware, of all kinds; Spice Boxes; Dressing Cases, CooLinj Stoves of various patterns, warrented to perform well. All manner ofTm or sheet Iron, or Copper or Zinc work, deni at short notice, cn the most favorable terms At i orders lor Tin put up at short notice, on terms to euit the times. Having in his employ the beet Job workman in this country all he a ks is to give hint a trial. Guttering or Roofing done at short notice, and warranted. Call and see me before engaging or purchasing elsewhere, ae am determined td sell and work as low as the c west. J. B. HICKP. East Bide Broad street, near the Market. Colnrahns, Ga.,May IS. 1852 _ wdf^ LUMPKIN FURNITURE WARE ROOM AND MANUFACTORY 1 . THE subscriber has now on hand and for sale at hia Ware Room in Lumpkin, a largeund well selected lot of Furniture, of various styles and |W prices, and is constantly Manufacturing and re * 1 ’ Ceiving among others, the following articles of the latest stylos; Chairs, e-ofas. Bureaus, Fates, Bedrteads, Bideboards, Dining-Tables, Wardrobes, Work-Tables, Wash stands, Rocking-chairs, Looking Glass and Picture Frames, and in fast all articles belonging to hislineofbuslueascan be had at the shortest notice and lowest terms. Also, Window Glass, French and American manufacture; Fire boerd Prints and Border, Window shades, &x., &.c. Glass cut to any shape or sise. Ail work warranted. Pianos and Mekxieons furnished to order. All orders thankfully received and proiapM attended to. Feb. 15—Twly VV. H. CROSSMAN. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS for 40, 80, too seres wanted, for which the highest each prices will be paid by Columbus, aug S-t —lWwtr J. ENNIS t CO. SSO Edward. and HAN A WAY from my residence, near Gleiialta, Ma tlon county, Georgia, las. Thursday morning, a black negro girl, with full lace and eyes, and projecting fore- Kjßk head, named ANN, about twenty two year- old ; weighs — near one hundred and fifty pounds. She speak? slowly and in a low tone ot voice. She is probably about Columbus, i Ga. I will give for her apprehension and delivery, or 850 for her and the white man, who probably aided in her escape. March B— lOwtf _ A. M. SHEPHERD. NOTICE. UANAWAV on the 6;h inst., u negro man by the i name of DICK, twenty yeaTs old, complexion is black, : aW tolerably quick spoken, about five feet nix or eight inches j high. Any intelligence from him will bo thankfully re- : ceh td at Cotton Valley P. 0., Macon county, Ala. rndmmmm Doubtles? he is on h.s way to Carolina, and Is trying t i find his way by iho Railroad. WM. H* GARNER. April -t>—wtf i BROUGHT TO JAIL, As arunaway slave, a negro man who says his name is T|rA SICK, and belongs to Wro. Garner, of Afacon county, 4u Alabama, Bsid boy is about 510 years old, dark complex • /jM ion, weighs 130 or 135 lbs. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro aflLH.perty,pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with aa the law direct*. JOSEPH BEMBERT, Jailer Jlwwofee cT***4y. M. CHERRYPECTORAL Far the rpid Cre T ((H tiils. CI,nS. HOARSENESS. BRONCHITIS. WHOOPING-COUGH, ! CROIP. ASTHMA, AMI CONSUMPTION. Many years of trisl.ihetead ofimpairing the public con- J fidenee in this medicine, srb won for it an appreeiat'ioa and ; notoriety by fur exceed Lag tho most sanguine expectation- j of its friends. Nothing but its intrin.-ic virtues and tUeuh- . sniatakabie benefit conlyrreci on thousands otsufferors could j originate and maintain the reputation it enjoys. While • fnattv inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends bv every • trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never for- ! get, and produced cures too numeroua and too remarkable > be forgo ten. While it is a fraud on the public to pretend that any one j medicine will infallibly cure—still there is abundant nroo* ; that the Cherry Pectoral does not only ss e. general thing} j but almost invariably cure the maladies for w hich it is ern, ploved. ‘. ; As time makes thet'e facts wider and better known, this i ! medicine has gradually become the best reliance of the at [ dieted, fro n the loj cabin of the Amcncan Peasant, to the | i palaces* of European Kings, Throughout this entire coup- ; ; try, in every State, city, and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, Cherry Pectoral is known as the best remedy ex tant for diseases of the Throat and Lun£3, and in many foreign countries, it is coming to be extensively usedby their most intelligent Physicians. In Great Britain, France and Germany, where the medical sciences have reached their j highest perfection, Cherry Pectoral ia introduced, and jn j constant use in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms Houses Public j | Institutions, and in domestic piactice, as the surest remedy j | their attending Physicians can employ for tlte more dan j gerous affections of the lungs. Also in milder cases, and ■ tor children it is sate, pleasant and effectual to cure. In | fact, some of tho roost flattering testimonials we. receive j I have been from parents who have found it efficacious in ; cases particularly incidental to childhood. j Tho Cherry Pectoral, is manufactured by a practical ! Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with in- j variable accuracy and care. sealed and < protected by j law from counterfeits, consequently car* bo relied on as gen* t uine without adulteration. • We have endeavored hero to furnish the community with j a medicine of such intrinsic superiority and worth as should j ; commend itself to their remedy at once safe, j | speedy and effectual, which this has by repeated and count- j i less trials proved itself to be: and trust by great care in pre- ; ! paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to | afford Physicians anew agent on which they can roly for ! ! the best results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do | ■ for them all that medicine can do. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, i Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. \ i Sold ir. Columbus, Ga., by ROBERT CARTER, j and DANFORTH & NAGEL i and by Druggist? generally. Jan. 22—w&.tw4m. DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR : 1 For the complete cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, j Asthma, Bronchitis. Spitting of Blood,and all other < Lung Complaints tending to CONSUMPTION; THE GREAT GOUGH REMEDY! ! Ksadgr ! have you a Cough, which you arcnegkvtiag, j ; under tho idea that it is only a common cold, and that it ; i will soon “wear itself hut ?” Li t a ’fiend tell you, in all ; i kindness, what will soon be the probable result. ; In a short time, if you continue to neglect yourself,; * you will begin to feel a sense of tightness and oppression across the chest, accompanied with frequent sh rp dart* ! i ing pains. Then a dry, hacking Cough will set in, and i when you raise anything it will be a thick and yellowish, j lor white frothy matter, streaked, perhaps, with blood, if ; i you stiff take no medicine, these unpleasant symptoms will ! increase, and you will soon have Hectic Fever, Cold ! Chills, Night Sweats, Copious Expectoraon, ® then Great j Prostration. If you still neglect yourself, a few weeks or : j months will see you consigned to the grave, leaving your \ I friends to mourn how rapidly Conskmttion did its work i and hurried you away. Friend ! have you no cause to be j ! alarmed ? In the above sketch you may see as in a glaes • ; how every case of Consumption progresses, with more or j : less rapidity, to a fatal termination. ‘Of all the Thousands ! : and Millions whom this great Destroyer has gathered to ; I the tomb, every ningie ease began with a Cold. If this j been attended to, all might have been well; but being neg -1 leeted, under the fatal delf.eion that it would “wear itself j I off.” it transferred its deadly action to. thcsuhstauco of the ■ Lungs, ex* iting there the fermatioH of tubercles. An other, an I another cold added fuel to the flame, until these ! tubercles began to soften and suppurate,leaving, by their ulceration, great cavities in the Lungs. At this crisis,'| the disease is very difficult of cure, and oftentimes sets at | defiance all human means. In the latter or Worst stage, this medicine xvill : often- j | times arrest the disease, or check its progress, and will • ; always make the patient more comfortable, and prolong his j ! life, apd ia therefore worthy of a trial ; —bat in its ineip- i i ent or forming periods Consumption is as curable as any i other dioease, and “Dr. Rogers-’ Syrup of I iverwort, Tar ■ and Canchalagua.” if taken at this time, will cure it at . 1 surely as it is taken .’ This is strong language, but we can refer you t< numberless living witnesses to prove that it is True! And therefore, we earnestly exhort every j man, woman and child, who has a Cough, or is subject to j Colds, to keep this medicine by you in the houee : and j whenever you take Cold, do not “let it alone” to work ■ mischief in your system, but eradicate it thoroughly, and i at once, by this powerfully healing compound, and leave j your Lungs uninjured, to efirrv you ia lull vigor to a good old age ! mothers! i Have you deli-T.-e, weakly children, who are airye i taking eold,aud subject to Croup ? Remember I There i never was a ease of Croup, which did not originate in a i Cold ! And when your ehilds go ato bed whet ring ana : ooiigning, you know not th3t, before morning. Croup may j riot set in, and ere you <an get a Physician, your dear * child may be beyond the reach of help. We beseech you, j therefore, so you value the lives of your children, keeps I this medicine by you in the house,and whenyour Httie one ! take cold and commence coughing, give it to thelriat l once,and rest not until the cough is entirely subdued. We ‘ conscientiously aver, after tho most extended experience, i that if this advice were followed, no ciiild need ever Die of Croup. For the cold would be cured, before it could arrive at this j aggravated and fatal stage. Let every Mother, especially, i heed well these remarks, that she may not hereafter, when j mourtnng over the early blight of some cherished b'lcsr+orr:, j have occasion bitterly to reproach herself for her criminal j neglect. It is an old adage, that “to be fore warned,J3to i be forearmed. Parents !so let it be in your case. He sure to ask for Dr. A. Rogers’Syrup of Liverwort, j iar and CancluUagua, ana let no other be palmed on j you. SCOVIL & MEAD, 111 Chartres Street. New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern I States, to whom ail orders and application# for agencies must be addressed. Alsos<>ld Hv DAN FORTH &■ NAGEL, Columbia. Ga. ROBERT CARTER, GESNER& PEA BODY, “ ‘* DAVID YOUNG. “ “ And by one Agent in every town in Georgia rnd [ Alabama. S< id at wholesale by the principal Drawgiate i in Augusta, Savannah und Charleston, $. C. February #*•<&■ Jv One Hundred Dollars Reward. s _ H4NAWAY frß the üb**cr ber nbout the last ol jak\ September, leov*. a negro by the twine of ALFRED, about twenty two year-sold, aboui six feet high, weighing ZI aoout cue hundred and eighty lbs.; it is thought said negt o was onticed away by some white man, and is now —*■ harbored near BtarJt-ville, Lee county, Ga.; the above -eward wiM be paid for the delivery of c nid negro to Robert J Flinn, in Fsrly couDty, or to mysalfiu Barbour county, Alabama, together v/ith proof sufficient to convict the harborer or fifty dollars for the delivery of the netrro or his lodgement in iny safe jail so that I get him again; or Bftv dollars for the above *|jjdrod ®ATTfi sprat 11 smn cloths. | t JOHN SMITH, No. 125 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF j SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING! i To which, be invites the attention of the public, Hoping they may favor him with Ia call and examine for themselves. i Every article usually kept in a ‘•CLOTHING STORE” will be, found at ! ‘ JOHN SMITHS i Columbus, April 20—w&twtf No. 125 West side Broad Street. : sprat i! Sill CLOTHING I C£>S3‘££a' , £S*- • *, f ft Clothier and Merchant Tailor, (NEXT DOOR TO HILL AND DAWSONS ,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. IS MOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GEXTLEMEM WITH THE LATEST I I SPRUNG AND SUMMER i Styles of Clothing, Furnishing: Goods. aHATBIs Cs> —ALSO— ’ ®B3-nf lisss, SAiKPiS? ©A©§, WAkfISIS & SSH©IBIM > AS,. Vj , CLOTHS, CASSLYIERES AND VEjSILNG^, ;| of the latest ’importations, of French nnd English ay lea manufactured to order and warranted, under the direction of j ns, an. wi. ’ who haaju9t returned from New York, and wi. I be plettsed to accommodate his tiiends and all others | that may call, with such garments ns cannot fail to please. | Columbus, Oct 9,1-362. Jw&wti ma J. D. WILLIFORD & CO., (At the old stand of 11. Middiebrook Cos .) Two doors above J. Fnnis & Cos , Broad street. Columbus, Ga., ARE NOW RECEIVING A VERY EXTENSIVE STOCK OF FIRST OI.ASHj heady Made Clothing, Cloths, Casaisneres. Vestings, kc. Gentlemen’s f urnishing floods of 4 * every variety. Every article In this establishment bss been purchased this Fall. Thegantients have been cut by tho most experienced and fashionable tailors. All sizes of men and boys can be easily fitted with Ready made Clothing. Gents’ readjmade Ui CLOTH 0 ! liG-It ia the different articles of Clothing for boys and children. LADIES’ CLOA K9—A new and eiegant article —Ladles’ Silk, Merino and Cotton Nests, Si c. and Capa—Of the best make and latest faahions.^^ CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We areorenared to inakeua Clothing at unusually tow rates—and ii. a style rot inferioj to any. Fvery- ament war *-■ nwd to eive satisfaction. Our assortment of Cloths, Oassimres, Vestings. Furnishing Goods, &c.. will te fonui complete e .- ‘ nartieubr * and a careful examination of all tur goods is respectfully solicited from those who msy read this notice. N.’ 13 .--A deduction of five per cent, will be made for Cash, on ah bills not less than ten dollars. Jas. D. Williford. Daniel Rowe. Oct 27—fcwtf ■!_■___ _uxi i hi nr m—n~i ——— mm |,„ waMtiM MER CHA NT T A ILO H. ONE DOOR BELOW GEsNFR & PEABODYV. DRUG STORE StoiD STOUT, aBQBSIIA* —HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF— . fmjl m© ©@©m 9 . to which ho solicits the attention of the public, ’is stock comprises some of the most beautiful styles of jA tQtPts, A $ tired, black aud fancy colored French and English Casslmeitsf black -Iml and fancy Silk Velvet Vestings of all shades and colors, hieh be ie prepared to make up in the NEATEST and most FASHIONABLE STYLES. A long experience in cutting, in some of the most fashionable cities of the Codon, makes him con fid en. tn&t Inset Torts to !"*&** alltbtwe who may favor him with aca l,wUluot be in vain. He is only desirous to have a tair and impartial trial before the public, ir,d this he esks, fooling sure that it w!l be accorded, and once accorded he fears not me *‘ esu ' t * , . . . ! a audition to the various cloths. Cashmeres, Casainaeres fc Driile enumerated above, he has on hand and ie rect. ring a wwock REJID Y-JI.IDI: CL O TIIIjXG, the latent styles, and of superior oualitv. In a word he hea everything euitacle to a gentleman’s toik ■. IjT Call and examine, as fce is determined to give cheap Gets—twtf met sunIBB itmcT. uk book mil mi n in 102, BROAD STREET. HAVE just received and offer for sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station | ery, Domestic and Foreign Writing Papers. Foreign Writing Pape* - **. Do la Roe’s, joynpon’p, j thf: celebrated Victoria Mill*-, and tneoesi French ma_utac- I turcd Packet, Letter, Cap,Bath and Mote. American Papers.— Blue and White, Laid ami Wove, | Foolscap, Packet Pon, Commercial Cost, Letter, Bath Post, Bill and Commercial Note Paper; —Manufactured by I Owen & Hurlburt, Planner die Smith; also, various kinds , >of our own manutewtu re, including Flat Cap-and Medii.nis. j Blue,Cream Laid,Wove,Damask, Mourning, Adhesive, ! White and Bluff Government and Plain Envelopes- of all j sizes. Pens of every description both Gold and Steel, also j Quill Pen Nibs, | Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated tspe, colored and j I plain glae3. j OCrOur arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buv’ers, and a libe- I ral discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. | April 27, 1853—w&tvvtf. * G. B. CURTIS, Agent. For Rout or Sale. M House and lot In SuremerviUe, Ala., ißia*e<Utitely ad* joiniag Dr. Lockhart’s residence. The koutww uaa offi ces ere of the best character...... For infonnatioo apply to mo, cr to O. W. DUlinghura, at Hall It Mosee’ Hardware Btores t>hm hue, March F. A. Blank Cards in packs, of the l ent qualities. Waterman's and American Drawing Paj-er ot all .sizes Waters and Sealing W a.x, >ed, biaek, aborted colors and fancy. Ladies’ Reticules aid Satchei:- ol iew sty lee, ro f t Fo lios, Poit Monuaiet, Quills, panel Weighs, Tissue Paper, Silk Paper, Lead Pencils ot Faker, Rhoades, si and other make, Backgammon and Bri^t*>l Boards, Writing Inks, Ban kept- taie-,An oldo’t genuine Copjii g Irk.gls® Jnk Star de, li dia Bul let aid Green’s 1 att r t lik Pocket Krdves ot W ottenhoimV, Rodgers at.d Crookes matjulacture. Blank Bi oks made and rqled to order ; also on hand aid constantly making, Printing and W rapping j aper* ot all the various kinds. LCOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! THE subscritH rs having* determined to elobe- the!r buahit*p, offer their large and well assorted stock, o GROtLRIE- •* Reduced Prices, For Cash. Tfeev would alao beg to say to those iudebted, that early pay • TBsctawould be quire accepted l *-