The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, May 14, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME! I] THE TfME^ENTINEL TENNENT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL Is published EVERY IVEDXESDA V and Fill DA Y MOJIJX- J /NO and SATURDAY EVENING. THE WEEKLY TIMES &, SENTINEL Is published every TUESDAY MORJYDXO. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. Tk£|{ MS: TRI-WEEKLY, Fitk Dollars per annum, In advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollar s per annum, in advance. tTW“ Advertisements conspicuously inserted at Onk Dollar per square, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. LEGAL NOTICES. Muscogee Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, at the market house, in the city of Columbus, between the usual hours of sale, the following property to-wit: City lot number forty two, except one hundred and ten leet by one hundred and thirty feet in the southwest comer. Also, lot number forty-four except fifty-seven feet fronting on Broad street and running back one hundred feet. Also the north corner of lot number forty-five, fronting on Broad street, beginning at the northeast corner of said lot, running thence twenty-nine feet on Broad street, thence back toward H. S. Smith’s Warehouse eighty feet, thence due north twenty-nine feet, thence due east to the beginning corner upon which lots and parts ol lots is situated the A/ansion House now occupied by Captain Jacob Barrow as a Hotel. Also the following negroes: Harry a bov about twelve years old, Courtney a girl about ten and E ister a woman about forty years old ; all levied on as the property of Jacob Barrow to satisfy two H fas, one trom the Superior court of A/uscogee co. in favor of John U. Winter, vs. Jacob Barrow ; the other from the Inferior court of .Muscogee county in favor of Sterling T. Austin against Jacob Barrow, principal, Thomas F. Wooldridge, security. Also, the life estate of Richard Fox in and to the following ne groes, viz: Ouffeea man about fifty-five years old, and Clari.-a a woman about fifty years old ; also the absolute title in and to a woman about twenty five years old and Lodiskaagirl about twelve years old, levied on as the property of Richard Fox to satisfy sundry fi fas from the Superior court of Muscogee coun ty In favor of John Banks against said Fox, and other fi fas imny hands against said Fox. Also, a small lot of dry goods, consisting of calicoes, domestics, fee., levied on as the property of William McAndrew to satisfy afl fa from Muscogee Inferior court in favor of Joseph Wyle against William AlcAndrew, principal, and John B. Weils, se curity. May 5, 1853. A.S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff. Randolph Sheriff Sales, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next, before the court house door in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Imt of land number one hundred and forty In the sixth district, hiul one hundred and seventy five acres of lot of land number two hundred and thirty seven in the tenth district, it being the east part ol said lot, all ot said county ; levied on as the property of Arthur A1 .lining to satisfy one fi fa issued front the Inferior court of tstewart, county, in lavorof Snelling & Lerry, vs Arthur Alan- Ring. Pointed out by John A. Tucker. Also, the undivided half of lot of land number twenty nine in the seventh district ot said county ; levied on as the property of Archibald Lewis to satisfy one li la issued out of a justice court of Early couu.y in favor of Gabriel Jones, vs Archibald Lewis. Levy made and retained to me by a constable Also, the north,halfoflotof land number tw r o hundred A. six. & south half of lot number two hundred and five in the sixth dis trict ot said county ; levied on as the property of E. Wardtosat isfy one tax fl fa issued from said county for the year 1851 ; lev made and returned tome by a constable. May s—tds RICHARD DAVIS, Rep. Sheriff. POSTPONED. Lot of land number forty nine and north half of lot land num ber forty’ eight in the eleventh distriot, and number thirty live and the north haifof lot of land number thirty three in the tenth district, all ot Randolph county’ ; levied on as the property of \\ illiam Matlock to satisfy sundry fi fas trom the Superior court of said county in favor of Alexander Pace and others, vs William Matlock and John T. McLendon, one in favor of Delaware Mor ris, vs William A/atlock. RICH ARD DAVIS, D Sheriff. -May G—tds WASHINGTON JOYCE, Sheriff. Early Sheriff Sale3. “YXT’ILL sold on the first Tuesday in June next, between the \ V lawful hours of sale, before the court house door In Blake ley, Early county, Ga. the following property, to-wit : Lot ofland number two hundred and eighty -two in the fourth district of Early county, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, levied on as the property of William lleeleto satis ly atl la issued from the Inferior court of Elbert county in favor of Baker, Johnson &. C ts. said Beele. Mayo—wtda JOHN WEST, Sheriff. ORDINARY COURT—JAN. TERM, 1853. GEORGIA, Randolph county.—lt appearing to the Court by the petition of Benjamin Dawson, that John G. Mainor of said county, deceased, did, in his lile time, execute to said Ben jamin Dawson, his bond, conditioned to execute titles in fee sim ple to said Benjamin Dawson, to west half o: lot of land number one hundred and forty six, in the tenth district of said county, and it further appearing that said John G. Mainor departed this life without executing titles to said lot of land, or in any way pro viding for the same; and it appearing that said Benjamin Daw sou has paid the full amount of the purchase price of said half lot; and said Benjamin Dawson having petitioned this Court to direct David T. Langley, Administrator upon the estate of John G. Mainor, deceased, to execute to him titles to said land in con formity with said bond : It is, therefore, hereby ordered, That notice be given at three or more public places in said county and in Columbus Times and Sentinel of such application, that all persons concerned may file objections in Clerk’s office, if any they have, why said David T. Langley, Administrator as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said half lot ofland in conformity with said bond. A true extract from the minutes of said court, Feb. 28th, 1853. March B—low3in OJ> BEALL. Ordinary. Skaborn Jones, -> vs. 1 Rill for Pis- Gkorok Field, The Southern Life Insu- • covery, Relief, rance and Trust Company, Thk Piicenix [fee.,in Muscogee Bank, William Dougherty,George Har- | Superior Court. graves, John Banks and Philip T. Schley. J It appearing to the Court that the defendants, George Field and the Southern Life Insurance and Trust Company, are not within the jurisdiction of this Court —Field being a citizen stud resident of New York, and the Southern Life Insurance anil Trust Company being a body corporate established by the Terri tory of Florida. It is, on motion of complainant, ordered that the said Field and the said Southern Life In. and Trust Cos. plead, answer or demur tosaid Bill, not demurring alone, ou or before the first day of the next Term: And it is further ordered than the above order be published by the Clerk of this Court, once a month for four months, before the next Term of this Court, in one of the public Gazettes of the city of Columbus, Georgia. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court at November Terra, 1852, this LOth dav of January, 1853. JOHN R. STURGIS, Clerk, •I an • 11, 1853 1 m4m (iE JltGlA, { Court of Ordinary, Muscogee county, J April Term, 1853. RULE m SI. AS, Wm.N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on .: * tbe estate of John Luggtn, deceased, having applied for letters ot dismission from said administration: It is ordered that ad persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to uext° m uudlor said county on thelirst Monday in November * V t , r ; l f,i t . rins f sl>t , the minutes of said court, April 4, 1853. _CuUmbug I _AprU li-wtim JXO. JOHNSON, j GEORGIA, , rm .„ ~ Talbot couuty, 5 February Toim, 1853. , RULE XI SI W’l 1 u RE AS ’i” dham F. Uobertsou applies bv petition for law of lilS. “'•“'"'.‘■'“'Ji-orßaniej Wilson, \ Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and nnnear at the September term of this court next ensuin'., then end there cause, and any they have, why said letters should not be A true extract from the minutes ofsaid court Fob IRVI March 1 Owtirn MARION liitrmjxff Orddiarv GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary Muscogee couuty, j April Term, 1853. Whole j\rr so HEREAS, Win. N. Nelson, administrator on the estate of i Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters m i from saidadmiuisiratioA :It bordered tha ta P V I sons concerned, shew cause, if any ihey have, why said ad ms. - ! hefd'in sh< s? d ot be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be 1 next f ° r SHid cou oa ,he * Monday in November i Anri| e i9 r *^ riptfroai tlie lninuU ‘ s ofsaid court, April 4, 1853. j April 12—vrGm J.VJ. JOHNSON, Ordinary. | “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ GEORGIA, ) Court of ordinary or Said cocn i Randolph county, j ty, April Term, 1&53. TAMES W. COLLINS, administrator of N. Collins, late of said couiity, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of | dismission from his said administration, and it appearing that I said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that all persons I file their objections, if any they have, on or before the November I Term of this C'>urt next ensuing, otherwise said administrator j will be then and there dismissed. I April 12—wtim O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, I Ste wart county, ( April Term, 1853. UP> i.\ the petition of William 11. House, Executor of the lost Will ami Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters ! of dismission from his said executorship: I It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why said Jettcrs should not then be granted. A true extract tr->m the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. April 19—worn J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court of ordinary, of said coun- RaiKlolpli county, jj ty, April Term, 1853. JOHN T. McLENDON, Guardian of Simeon P. Turner, peti tions this court for letters of dismission from his said guar dianship: Ordered that all personshaving objections file them on or before the July Term of this court next ensuing, otnerwise said letters will be then and there granted. April 12—w3m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. Cieorgia, Randolph county.- H'hereas, Margaret X E. Shappard and Samuel C. Scott apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of William B. Shappard, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 18th day of April, 1853. April 2(s—w6t O. P. BEALL, O-dinary. (N KORGIA, Randolph, county.—Cow or Or- X din ary,— Whereas, by the petition of William Hayes, ad ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the j estate of Kiuchen Faircloth, deceased, it appearing to this court that he has fully administered both of said estates, and moves the court to grant him letters of dismission: All persons concerned in either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known their objections, if any they have, on or before the October term of tliiscourt next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will then 1 and there be dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 29th j march 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. April 5 wfim (1 eorgia, Randolph co imty.— Wheieas, Samuel A. T Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John Tl. Weaver, late ot said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters | of dismission from said administ ration. These are, therefore, to cite, admonish and require all persons | concerned to lile their objections, if any they have, on or before I the September term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to i be hidden on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said j administrator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office this 22d day of February, 1853 i March I—9w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. j Georgia, Early county.— Whereas, Joseph Grimsley, administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate of Sarah Grimsley, late of said county deceased, makes application to me for letters of dismission from the further administration of said estate. Ail persons concerned are hereby notified to be anil appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand at ofiice, this February the 24th, 1853. March l—9w6in 8. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. (4 eorgia, Randolph county— Whereas, Jas. Rutli -1 erford, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sutley, applies to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. All persons interested are, therefore, hereby required to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the May term of this court next i ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and taere disnus- j sed. Given under my hand at office the 17th March, 1853. March 22—wfim O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. ! G 1 eorgia, Randolph, county. --Whereas, Mary Aim ; Y Butler and Thomas Coram apply to me for letters of admin- j istration on the estate of Harman Butler, inle of said county, de- j ceased: These are, therefore, to cite am’ admonish all and singular the | creditors and kindred of said deceased to appear at my office ! i within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause,if any they ! j have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the iStli day of April, 1853. April 26—w7t O. P. B EALL, Ordinary. eorgia, Randolph county.— Whereas, Allen L. Y Jenks applies to me lor letters of Guardianship lor the per ! son and property of Frances Rigs )y, orphan of Enoch Rigsby, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted,otherwise they will be granted at the next April term of j this court. Given under my hand at office March Ist, 1853. March. —HI J). P. BEALL, ( rdiiiarv. (A eorgia, Randolph county.— Whereas, John Gil- X ben, Guardian of Head ley E. Hill, minor and orphan of ’ William E. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said Guardianship. AH | ersons interested are therefore hereby required to tile their objections, if any they have, on or before the May Terra of this Court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853. March 22—wfim 0. P. BEALL., Ordinary. CY eorgia, Early county.— Whereas, Janies B. Brown T makes application to me lor tetters of Administration upon the estate of Joseph C. Gray, late of said county, deceased: These are to notify all persons concern'd, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this inarch 21st, 1853. March 29-13w7t S. 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary. /■'i eorgia, Early comity.— Whereas,the estate of Jack vX son vv\ Bartlett, late of said county, deceased, is unrepre sented at law: These are to notify all persons concerned in said estate, to shew j cause, if any they have, why Thomas B. Andrews, the clerk of • the Superior Court of said county, should not he appointed ad j j ministrator de bonis non upon the estate of said deceased. Given under my hand at office this march 21, 1853, March 29—13w7t S. 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary. Georgia, Early county.— Whereas, Brown and Ann J. Weeks apply tome for letters of administra tio.i upon the estate of Jane Stevens, late of said county, deceased: These are to notify and summons all persons concerned, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to one or the other, or both of said applicants, at the June term next of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given undei my hand at office this 17tn day of April, 1853. April 2C—w6t 8, S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. (Georgia, Early county.— Whereas, Elizabeth Bart- X lett applies to me for letters of administration tipon the estate of Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased : These are to notify all persons concerned, to shew cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant, at the March term, next, of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under mv hand at office this April 17th. 1853. April 26—wfit S, S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. Gcoi'gia, Early couuty. --Whereas, it appears that the estate of JUajor Henderson, late ofsaid county, is unrep- j resented at law: This is to notify all and singular the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, h> file their objections, if any they have (within the time presetibed by law.) or Thomas 11. Andrews, the clerk ofthe Superior Court of said county, will be appointed administrator ! de bonis non cum testsraento annexe, upon the estate ofsaid ‘ deceased. Given under my hand at office, this April 22, 1853. ,1/ay3—w7t ’ S S STAFFORD, Ordinary. (Georgia, Stewart county— Whereas, AselP. Rood X applies for letters of administration on the estate of Blanche : G. Gibson, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerncl,to shew cause on or before the next June term of the Court of Or- j dinary of said county, why said letters should not then be granted, j Given under my hand in office, this 27th April, 1853. April 29—w6t ‘ J. I- WIMBERLY, Ordinary. j (-1 eorgia, Talkot couuty.— Office of Ordinary, 29th JT March, 1853.—Whereas, J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan iel Worn mock's orphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from said guardianship: Belt ordered. That all persons concerned, be and appear at the June Term ofthe Court of Ordinal y of said county, next en suing, then and there to shew cause, it any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes of su'd court, April loth, 1803 April 26—• 6m MARION BETH INK. Ordinary. Georgia, Talbot county.— Whereas, Ezekiel B. Smith applies to me for letters of Administration on the ; estate of John W. G. Smith, late ot Talbot county, deceased: | These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the i kindred and creditors f said deceased, to be and appear at my j office, within the time prescribed by law, then and there to shew cause, if any thevhave, why said letters should not be granted. Given under liiv hand in office this 15th Ma-ch, 1853. March 29—13w’7t MARION BETH UN E, Ordinary. 4 clmluistrators Sale.— Agreeable to an order of the A Corn ; of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold beiore the court house door in the town of Blakely, on the imt Tuesday m June next, ail the real estate of F. Griffith, deceased, situated m !S^wNl S li ' akel> FItAXCIS GRIFFITH. Art mV. nPvro months after date I shall apply to the I < ouri of < trdinarv of Early county for leave to sell the negroes belongin’ to the estate of John Jones, deceased, late ot said coun t>. forth, pun—, or JS£ w said estate. 1,1 * J i ‘ ’ * march 29—w2m COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 14, 185:1. VTctlcc to Debtors and Creditors— All persons in i.X debted to the estate of Robert Thompson, deceased, of Ear ly county, will c mie forward and make payment. _ And those j having claims against said deceased, are hereby notified to pre sent them to John Thompson, or this notice will be plead in bur, by JOHN THOMPSON, A/av 3—fi‘w Adin'r. with will annexed. rpWO months after date application ■will t>e X made to tiie Court of Ordinary of Early county, for leave to sella part of the land and negroes belonging to the estate o! Rob ert t hoinp on, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of t!ie estate of said deceased* JOHN THOMPSON, May 3—w2m Adin’r. with will annexed. rpw'O months after date I •will apply to the X Oruinaryof A/uscogee county, for leave to sell u negro child i (Rosa) the property ol ilenry M. Jernigan, (Idiot.) April 19—w2m ‘ ’ A. B. RAGAN, Guardian. r |bvo months after date application will he X made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Early county, I for leave to sell the lands belonging to Epsy Dyson, late of said j county,deceased. ABNER DYSON, Adin’r. March 15—w2m ; fplVO months after date, l shall apply to I he X Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the negroes telongiug to timothy Pitman, deceased, late ofsaidcotin y. Anril 12—w2in A. A. PITMAN, Adm’r. J 1 W O months after date, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, for leat e to soil the real and personal estate of William C. Dozier, deceased. /Way 3—w2m .1. T. DOZIER, Ailm’r. CA uarilinn - * sale.—On the first Tuesday in June next, will i X be sold in Cuibbert, Randolph county, a negro man named Peter, about fifty years of age. Sold as the property of the j minors of Sol. Graves, deceased, by order of the court of Ordina ry of said county. B. GRAVES, Guardian. April 12-wlds ■as' R'wn nil i MMIII i Minßl i TRAVELING. HAMDEFTEXPEm ! OFFICJU o.\ RANDOLPH Stretl.^S^SJ VX/'E respectfully beg leave to inform the citizens of Columbus j n and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements ‘ with the Central Railroad Banking Company, and are now run- , ning messengers daily from Macon to Savannah. Also, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and South- Western Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe anil Macon, thence to Milledgeville Savannah and all intermediate places. Also, to Montgomery, Ala. We would also say, that our Ex presses by the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable us j to forward every description of merchandise and valuables, j Notes, Drafts, and Bills collected in every town in the Northern and Eastern States ; also, to California and Europe. Offices and Agents— Randolph street, Columbus, opposite j the “Corner Stone” printing office ; C. A. El's & Son, Macon ; ‘ Mr. Kendrick, Fort Valley; G. It. Clayton, Oglethorpe; 153 Bay street. Savannah ; 74 Broadway, Wew York ; 43 and 45 South- Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court street, Boston ; Exchange street, | Providence; Montgomery street, Nan Francisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER & CO. Columbus, April 13—tw&w NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINK, Meekly The new and splendid Steamships Florida ... . Capi. Lyon. and i Alabama , Ca-pt. Ludlow. j I Belongingto theNsw York and Savannah Steam Navioation Company. WILL leave Savannah anil New York every Saturday. These ! ships are 1,3<0 tons register, and unsurpassed in safety,;,. - -\ , | and cam tort. j I These steamers leaving Savannah at the same time that the ■ I Marion and Southerner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as 1 soon as, or before them. ErgfCabin passage s2s—-payable before going on board Agents: PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, Apri1.30,1852—tf] 104 Front street,New Yorx. FOR PHILADELPHIA. p. r'ppp THE U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEOh OIA let.ves Savannah the following Wednesday so ! Philadelphia: Dec 15 and 39th, January 12th and 2fith, February 9th and 23d, March 9th and 23d, April 6th and 20th, May 4th and j 18th, June!. Anew steamship now building, in every respect equal to the State of Georgia, will take her place in the line dur ingthe month o: June next, and with the Georgia make a weekly line. This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the j safety and comfort,arid her accommodations for passengers are unsurpassed by those of any other steamship on the cost. Fare to Philadelphia $25; through to New York $25; Steer age $9, P.4DELFORD & FAY, Agents, Savannah. Dec 7—49wtf HERRON & MARTIN, Philadelph United States Mail Line. From Columbus, Ga., to Chunnenuggee, Union I Springs, Ala., Via Fort,Uchee, Creek Stand, Hernando, Enon, and Stewart’s , Mills. THE undersigned is now prepared to carry j • passengers on this line: he therefore hopes to be favored with a good share of the public patronage. This line I intersects, at Ohunnenuggee, the line to Montgomery, via Tus kegee, Ala.; also, the one to Tallahassee, Florida, via. Ridgely i Five Points, Mt. Andrew, Clayton, Eufaula, Ala. , Relative distances from this route: VVarrior Stand is five 1 miles from Hernando: Aberfoil is eight miles from f-hunne j nuggee; and Ylissouri, Pike county, is eighteen milesTrom Chun I nenuggee. Carriages reserved and ready at any trip for the use of families. This line intersects at Columbus, Ga., with the Muscogee Rail road lor Macon, Savannah (with but ten miles staging) and all intermediate points. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 A. M., arrive at Chunnenuggee next days, at noon. Leave Chunnenuggee Tuesday and Thursday and Sunday i at 1 o’clock p. m., and arrive at Columbus Monday, Wednesday and Friday ai 8 p. m. APPLETON HAYGOOD, Contractor. j i IT3f = ’ Stage Ofiice at “Oglethorpe House.” Jan. 11, (8.53. 1 12in T. C. PRIDGEN, Agent. ; VERNOY & ECTOR’S OMNIBUS LINE. Fare—ln Proportion to the Distance. WE return our thanks to the traveling public ana the citizens generally, for their liberal pat- j ronage, and would inform them that <*ur splendid new OJI/A7- B USSES) with FIJVE TEAMS and cart ful DEICERS, will ! continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens and per sons stopping at the Public Houses. Calls left at ihe Hotels or at our stable, strictly attended to. Columbus, March 18—w&twly j LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ! THE subscribers having determined to close their business, offer their large and well assorted stock ot GROCERIES at Reduced Prices, For Cash. Thev would also beg to say to those indebted, that early pay ments would be quite acceptable. Coiuinbus, Jnn. s—twtf K. BARNARD & CO, Printing Presses For Sale npWO large and very superior Washington Printing Presses, X with 29 by 44 beds, will be sold low for cash, or on time if preferred by the purchaser. Warranted as good as new. Apply to LOMAX &. ELLIB. Columbus, Ga. February 4—tw&wtf _ s. S. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blakely, Early Cos., Ga. apSwa ’ V. S. HARRISON & CO. AUCTION AND COMMSSION MERCHANTS. Broad street, Columbus, Ga. WlLLatteud promptly to all business consigned to them Feb 13— l GEO. S. ROBINSON, A TTORNEY A T LA W , Cuihbert, Georgia. Rkfkp.sncks :—Hons. M. J. Wellborn and Alfred Iverso Columbus. Cuthbert, Nov 2—43wtf ROOKS AND STATIONERY. Dissolution. THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the under signed under the name of A. C. FLEWELI.KN A CO., is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. .Wav 2. 1853. A. C. FLEW ELLEN, J. T. COLEMAN. The undersigned continues the business heretofore conducted by A. (’. Flewellen & Cos., and persons indebted to the said firm will please make payment to A. C. FLEWELLEN. Columbus, Ga„ April 30 —twtf BOOKS, BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED BY A C. FLEWELLEN. CALHOUN’S works; M a under’s Bio- X jp graphical Dictionary ; lngensoll’s History ot the late war; Smith’s Wealth of Nations. Safe/s&ygyii Second part —My Novel; by Bulwer. Cecilia; by Miss Burney. I Beckman’s History of Inventions. Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying. Michelet’s French Revolution. I Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Miller’s Philosophy ot History. j Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Rabelai’s Works. Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. Selileger’s Philosophy of Lite. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Lite. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religi* Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. Neander’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Great Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelh’s History of Florence and other Works. Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici. Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author ot Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence ; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster’s Speeches. j Waldo Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence,by j Emerson Bennett. A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a tale ol Mexican Treachery, by ; Ilarrv Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; The Free Booter. The History of Penclennis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray. I Katie Stewart; a true story from Blackwood’s Magazine ’ David Copperfield. | The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and his j Merry Men. Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan i Quintin Matsys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Hester Somerset, a novel bv M ****** M***** The adventures of Captain Blake ; by Maxwell. Craigallan Castle, or The Stolen Will; by Mrs. Gore, j Lord Saxondale.or Life among the London Aristoeracv. ; Captain Kyd, or The Wizard of the Sea. 1 Heads and Hearts, or My Brother, the Colonel. Stanfield Hall. Yankee Jack, or the Perils of a Privateersman. Minnie Gray, or The Ancestral Curse, i Amy Lawrence, or The Freemason’s Daughter. Stories of Waterloo ; bv W. 11. Maxwell. | The Bivouac, or The Rival Suitors ;by Maxwell. Harry Burnham, the Young Continental. | Columbus, March 9—twly BOOKS JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY A. C'. FLEWELLEN. Castle Avon, by the author of “Ravensclifle.’ ‘ “The Two old Men’s Tales.” Villette, by Currer Bell; author of “Jane Egree.” The Spaewife, or the Queen’s Secret. A story of the : reign of Elizabeth, by Paul Peppergrass, Esq., author of “Shandy McGuire.” Beatrice,by Catharine Sinclir. author of‘Jane Bouverie.’ j The Three Pirates,by Harry Hazel, author of “Yankee i j Jack.” My Scrapes and Escapes, or The Adventures ofaStu- ; ; dent ; by one of the Faculty. The Two Merchants, by T. S. Arthur. The Emigrant Squire, by P. Hamilton Myers, author oil 1 Bell Brandon. Columbus, March 30. The VI Vol. of Harper’s Magazine, BEING completed, persons can have them bound in any style, by leaving them with DAVID ROSS, Book-Binder, No. 72 Broad street. Columbus, May 4—w&twtf The American Missionary Memorial. BEING an account of the origin of American i Foreign Missions; the ordination of the first Amer- ; ‘can Missionaries, and Biographical Sketches of many Pioneer Missionaries, by Clergymen ofvari denominations in the country, with 33 fine wood-cut Portraits and other Illustrations, and 23 sac similes i from the letters of Missionaries in various parts ot the world. I The whole comprising a Book of exceeding interest and value : as a manual of missionary information. Price, $2 00. For sa* by D. F. WILLCOX. j -April —twtt j Metallic Burial Cases. j THESE cases have been universally approved wherever used. They are much superior to those of wood, and j 1 combine within themselves all those qualities so desirable in a Southern Climate. j They are composed of several kinds of Metal, but principally ! of Iron. i ‘They are thoroughly enamelled Inside and out, and thus made j impervious to airand indestructible, and can be sold at about i the rates of covered coffins. The public are invited to call and examine them for them- i selves, and at a they will see the great advantage of this article over any other ever offered to the public. Columbus, Feb. 23—w&tw6m BAM MIS & ROONEY AUCTION AISD COMMISSION BUSINESS . THE undesigned would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a store on Broad j street, nearly opposite Mr. James Kivli.vs Sans Souci, for the I purpose of carrying on the above business, and would be happy ior them to give him a call. He proposes doing the AUCTION : | ANU COMMISSION BUSINESS in the usual way, and will , also attend to the selling and hiring of Negroes for those who j may entrust him with their patronage. JOHN QUIN. I N. B.—Consignments oi Merchandize carefully attended to. October 22, 1852—wXtw Iy. DOUGHERTY, STOKES & STEWART, attorneys at law, Columbus, Georgia. I over Butt Banka Store, i %TTILL practice in the courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, and YY Russell and Macon counties, Ala, march 27—wly WILLIAMS & OLIVER, A T TORNE YS AT LAW , Buena Vista, Marion county, Georgia. T\7 ILL practice in the counties of Marion, Macon, Houston V\ Stewart, Randolph and any adj<iniig county where thev services may be required. WM. F. WILLIAMS. THADDEUS OLIVER. Feb 27—twHm&wtf, ! iVlLsccllamTms. Father Mahony and Fcantns O’Conner. Jesuit Maliony was fond of a grim joke anil 1 occasionally indulged in “philanthropic” sug gestions which were demoniac parodies on all the blankets-uud-bibles for-the-dittle-niggors-ns sociations of that day, In the course of some reformatory essays of his, touching on the sub ject of public cleanliness, lie advised the au thorities to commence by shaving tiie heads of all the female paupers in the Cork work house —a savage joke which Boyle, of the Freehold er, chose to regard as a matter of earnest, and assailed in a copy of verses, the most scorch ing and libellous that ever were directed against the reputation of a public man. Malmny, for getting his sacerdotal character, immediately dispatched a challenge to the editor, politely hinting at the necessity of satisfaction and the propriety of pistols. He waited patiently through the day for Boyle’s reply, hut in vain. Next morning, while the Holy Father was quietly digesting Ids breakfast, claret and a copy !of Anacreontic verses, the door of his room was sudenly opened, and a brawny giant, with a darning “foxy” head, deliberately entered. “Well, sir,” said Maliony, in answer to his , military stilulo ; “what the devil do you i want “Only a word with you, ’’ answered the visit or, with an oily placidity of manner which was irresistible. “I believe you sent a challenge to Mr. Boyle of the Freeholder V* “I did. Do you bring his reply C “No, sir; but I bring myself. You must know that my name is Feargus O’Connor, and that l have lately bought a share in the Free holder, and am interested in its reputation.” “ Merchle ! sir ; what is that to me ?” “V ery little, perhaps, but you may he inter ested in an editorial arrangement which has late ly taken place. Mr. Boyle continues to super intend the literary and political portion of the journal, and my duties are equally defined and explicit.” “Ah ! what are they ‘ ’ “To do up the lighting department with ac curacy and dispatch—at your service !” “ Voile retro Sal lumas /” cried the Priest, as lie made it hasty exit, having had his martial as pirations completely cooled for that day, at all events—though, to do the good man justice, we may remark, en passant, that he fought, bravely since on tho barricades of Milan, in 1818, in the cause of Italian nationality ! A Man with Eight Wives. William YVardle was indicted at the Oxford assizes for intermarrying with Sarah Martin, his former wife, Ellen Wormsßy, being still alive. This was one of the most extraordinary cases, perhaps, that ever came before a court of jus tice. The prisoner was a most determined Benedict, having married no less than eight wives in different parts of the country. At the time of his committal six of these had been dis covered—namely, Ellen Worinsley, whom he married at Manchester ; Sarah Martin, married at Walsall; Elizabeth Perkins, also married at Walsall; Matilda Graft, married at Birming ham ; Mary King, married in tho Isle of Man, and Hannah King, whom he married at Dymock, in Gloucestershire. Besides these, two others have been discovered since his committal—one of whom has herself taken another husband.— All the eight wives (except the last) were brought to Gloucester for the purpose of confronting their faithless Don Juan, and the trial was ex pected with tho deepest interest. The women were placed in a room by themselves, and formed quite a harem of every complexion, front the fair blonde to the dusky brunette; and so great was the curiqsit}’ of the public to see them, that the officer might have added something considerable to his emolument b3 r exhibiting them for money. However, the gossipping public were doomed to disappointment; on the prisoner being arraigned late Tuesday night he pleaded guilty. His Lordship deferred passing sentence for the present. — English Paper. London Chit Chat.—Feargus O’Connor, the ex-leader of tho Chartists, has been former ly pronounced “non compos mentis,” by a lu nacy commission. No hopes of his recovery are held out. Ho never has a lucid interval, but is quiet, easily managed, and plays cricket and whist very well. At one time his weekly journal, The Northern Star, had a circulation of 100,000. Hon. N. P. Tallniadge, formerly U. 8. Senator from New’ York, writes to the National Intelli gencer a letter expressing his firm belief in the ; spiritual rappings and other similar demonstra tions. He says he has had frequent communica tions from John C, Calhoun, Daniel Webster and Henry Clay, and that these communications are 1 all characteristic of the individuals, some of those from Mr. Calhoun being, “both in style and senti | ment, worthy of him in his palmiest days in the United States Senate.*’ Dr. Baker, the U. S. Consul at Genoa, during a recent visit to Egypt, procured the donation i of a valuable block of Egyptian granite, for the monument to Washington. It is taken troiu ; the ruins of an ancient Temple ot Alexandria, supposed to have been the Alexandrian Libra ; ry, and was brought over to Geuoeby the French line of steamers gratuitously, in honor to the memory of Washington. Anew harbor on the Pacific, south of Port Oxford and Rouge River, in Oregon, has been found to be feasible, and is called Paragon Bay, and a city is springing up there called Crescent City. [NUMBER 57.