The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, May 18, 1853, Image 4

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MEDICAL NOTICES. DWJGSfiEWciNESrPAINTSroTLSr! PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. DR. R. A. WARE, j _/> IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha , ever been 1 etore offered in this market. All wishing ; to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this j line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRAND Y, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, lor Medical purposes, to be had at K. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS.— Lubins and Bazins assorted varieties, for sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE — Very j best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEGARS AND CHOICE CHEWING TO - ! BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and for sale by R. A. WA RE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2,1853-w&twly DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AT THE BLUE DRUG STORE, Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. n JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of select Medicines, consisting of pure and select Powders and Extracts, for sale at the lowest market prices £3* and warranted to give entire satifaction or we shall count U no sale. Physicians’country bills and plantation medicines put upon the lowest terms; every attention will be paid to their quality, and they will be securely and speedily packed and forwarded. GESNER A PEABODY, Druggists, March 2—tw&wly •Sip n of the Negro and. Mortar. Pure Medical Wines. DOZ PORT and Brandy for Medical purposes for sale at the nine Drug Store , March 2—tw&wly GESNER &. PEABODY. Dr. Thomas Hoxey, si HAS united with him in the practic of Medicineand its collateral branches his son, Hi DR. BRICE A. HOXfci, who has had charge of a Military Hospital in Mexico and the Marine Hospital at Acapulcoon the Pacific for two years ; dur ing which time he successfully performed some of the most diffi cult operations in Surgery. They feel competent to attend to all cases in Medicin< Sur gery, &c., and respeetf illy offer their services to the publi* Columbus, April I—tw3m Drs. WOODRUFF & TRACT. Dr. M. WOODRUFF would respeetfully give notice to his patrons that he has associated with him in the practice of Medicine, Dr. D. TRACY, a gentlemen of large expe rience in his profession. DRS. WOODRUFF & TRACY, Will attend all calls in their profession punctually. Columbus, march 26—tw3m Paints and Oils. PURE and Getna Lead, Linseed, Lamp and Machinery Oils, for sale cheap at the Blue Drug Store , March 2—twitwly GESNER & PEABODY. Mexican Mustang Liniment. THIS invaluable preparation has been but a few months before the people of the South, yet many thousands of bottles have been sold and used in a great variety of jmseases, and it has given universal satisfaction. We have heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We oiler it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence in curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both of men and animals, and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty. A child in Frederickton, N. 8., a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the child induced the mother to remove the bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton wool had taken fire by spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, whieh she got immediately and applied to the burned limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its mother’s arms, by the soothing influence of th.s valuable preparation. , This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for curing Galis, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have also used it on themselves and their families, and they all ! speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest terms. One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised on his knee—as usual, the Mustang Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on man or beast. J. DUNN, Foreman of Adams if Co.'s Express Stable , N. Y. Rheumatism.—This is to certify that my wife was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains ; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she is now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends to use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed) James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG <fc CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESNER & PEABODY* February 5, 1853 tw&wly Metallic Burial Cases. rT*HKdh cases have been universally approved wherever r-TvmKi. *-.v. are mu ch superior to those of wood, and SouthernT'limatc ° mSe,VeS aU those ( l u:ilili ‘ ;8 80 desirable iu a of!Joa. arfe com ! >osed of severai kinds ° f Metal, but principally e ? fc ? e,led indideaud out, and thus made j *■*< them for Iheni *—i —33—Wfctw6ro SAM MIR fc ROONEY i DOUGLASS k DOUGLASS* attorneys at law, Cuthbirt , Georgia. ***•• of the Southwestern Circuit, la SU)Wun county oi the Chattahoochee circuit. Nov 30—wlv EUGENIUSL. DOUGLASS, MARCELLUS DOUGLASS. Williams & Oliver, ATTOR NE YS AT LA W , YHTiLi rirurti I6r :\: Marion county, Georgia. Stewart, Randolph*^ 1 "i*? d‘ M * rion ’ Macon, Houston *vlcea may be required. ° county when- tbev TiUDDEU* OLIVER. MEDICINES. SiAsiSS RADWAYS READY RELIEF. RAD WAYS RENOVATING RESOLVENT. RAD WAY’S READY REGULATORS. The use ol which will in all cases Instantly stop pain, quickly cure disease, and always prevent sickness. kadway’s ready relief. internal and external. The moment it is applied it will relieve the sufferer iroin tne most torturing pain.) ITS TWO ACTIONS—- Its Primary action is to allay pain—to neutralize the effects oi a diseased action —for it there was no cause there would be no effects, no diseased deposits or unhealthy irritations, there would be no pain. . Its secondary action is to remove the cause itself and t i relieve the system from all foreign matters, and entirely cure all com plaints herein enumerated. external pain?. The moment it is applied externally, it stops all pains. it'CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, TicDoloreux, Gout, Sprains and Strains, Distorted Limbs, Paralysis, Sick Headache, Painful Swellings, IN A FEW HOURS. Internal Pains. Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera, Chills and Fever, Pains in the Bowels, Cramps and Spasms. Heart Burn—Sour Stomach. A few drops of Rad way’s Ready Relief will instantly allay the most violent irritations, cleanse the stomach from acid, check the most dis ressing discharges, enliven and invigorate with warmth, strengthen and vigor the cold cramped and shrivelled extremities, and protect the system irom ail mimastic and epi demic poisons. SICK HE-AD ACHE. —R. R. Relief Will stop the most dis tressing sick headache in a few minutes. NE. URjH.OIJI. —R. It. Relief will instantly relieve the suf ferer from the most excruciating paroxvsms of Neuralgia. The quick action of R. R. R. Remedies. Is one of tin most important discoveries in Medical science;no sooner are they applied to the painful part, or taken into thesys tern afliicted with disease, than they telegraph their pain reliev ing and health restoring influences to ail parts of the diseased body. Tin y are prepared from the active properties of Medxcinals. Nothing inert or useless enters their composition. Radwuy’s Ready Regulators. Are prepared from the active principle of Medicinal Gurus, Roots, Herbs, Plants and Balsams. So that R. R. Regulator is equal in point of power to lour or five of common cathartic or vegetable pills. They are mild and pleasant in their operation, regulating the action of the bowels, liver, skin, and all other oigans. Ladies will fine Radwsy’s Ready Regulators a friendly regulator of the female system. * CHRONIC COSTIVENESS. —A popular gentleman in this city well known to Druggists throughout the U. States, had not enjoyed the luxury of a natural discharge from the bowels for twenty-five years without the aid of drastic purgatives, which had almost borne him down to the grave, until he commenced the use of Railway’s Regulators. He first took four per day for a week, then one every day until the whole organization became regulated. He has now his regular evacuations, and has not tak en a particle of medicine for six months. RAHWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT. Purifies, Renovates and Resolves. THE BLOOD IT PURIFIES. THE SYSTEM IT RENOVATES. IT RESOLVES AWAY FROM THE BODY ALL DISEASED DEPOSITS. ITS QUICK ACTION. —The moment this powerful Reno vator of the blood, and Resolver of Disease is taken into the body, itcommences its work of cleansing and purification. Bones that are rotten with poisonous and diseased deposits, are made sound and whole by its action. BAD RJ.VOD. —Blood that has become impregnated with corrupt humors and poisonous admixtures, is quickly cleansed and purified, and made clean and healthy. DISEASED ORGANS. —Organs that have been deranged and prostrated, and rendered incapable of performing their na tural functions, are suddenly invigorated and strengthened, and enabled to perform their natural duties. It regenerates e very organ and member of the body; it makes souiiq, healthy and strong all weak, diseased and unsound parts. Wkaknkss in Male or Female ia quickly cured, and the de bilitated and emaciated made strong, vigorous and healthy. Impotence and Nocturnal Emissions in man, or diseases of either one or moie of the generative organs, ia quickly removed, and the body restored to a healthy aud sound condition. Low’ Spirits—Nervousnkss.—hi women, the numerous com plaints and ailments which cast such gloom over their spirits, a few dosesot the Renovating Resolvent will quickly remove and the most nervous, gloomy aud depressed, feel healthy, strong and happy. SALT RHEUM. —The most obstinate cases of Salt Rheum will yield to :he Renovating Resolvent. One gentleman who supposed that this complaint was hereditary in his family, and had been afflicted with Salt Rheum since his birth, was cured by the use of atew 7 bottles of the Renovating Resolvent, and the poisonous Rlieurn entirely eradicated from his system. Radway’s Renovating Resolvent, is sold by Druggist sgenerallv. R. R: R. OFFICE, 162 FULTON ST., N. YORK. ’ N. B. —Look for the signature of RADWAY & CO., on each bottle. R. R. R. is sold by Druggists everywhere. For sale by R. CARTER, Columbus, Ga. and J. F. WOODBURY, April 12 —wly Hamilton. Ga. CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Cure of (OHiIIS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND •CONSUMPTION. Many years of trial,instead of impairing the public con fidence in this medicine, has won for it an appreciation and notoriety by tar exceeding the most sanguine expectation of its friends. Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and the un mistakable benefit conferred on thousands of sufferers could originate and maintain the reputation it enjoys. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never for get, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. While it is a fraud on the public to pretend that any one medicine will infallibly cure—still there is abundant proo* that the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing! but almost invariably cure the maladies for wliieh it is era, ployed. As time makes these facts wider and better known, this medicine has gradually become the best reliance of the af flicted, fro n the log-cabin of the American Peasant, to the palaces ot European Kings, Throughout this entire coun try, in every State, city, and indeed almost every hamlet it contains, Cherry Pectoral is known as the best remedy ex tant tor diseases of the Throat and Lungs, and in many foreign countries, it is coming to be extensively used by their most intelligent Physicians. In Great Britain, France and Germany, where the medical sciences have reached their highest perfection, Cherry Pectoral is introduced, and in constant use in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms Houses. Public Institutions, and in domestic piactice, as the surest remedy their attending Physicians can employ for the more dan gerous affections of the lungs. Also in milder eases, and tor children it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. In fact,some of the most flattering testimonials we receive have been from parents who have found it efficacious in cases particularly incidental to childhood. The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a practical Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own eye, with in variable accuracy and care. It is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on as gen uine without adulteration. We have endeavored here to furnish the community with a medicine of such intrinsic superiority and worth as should commend itself to their confidence—a remedy at. once safe, speedy and effectual, which this has by repeated and count less trials proved itself to be: and trust by great care in pre paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to afford Physicians a r.ew agent on which they can rely for the best results, and the afflicted with a remedy that will do for them all that medicine can do. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Columbus, Ga. f by ROBERT CARTER J v . and PANFORTH & NAGEL and by Druggists generally. Jan. s3—w&tw4m. TRAVELING. HAReM’FEXPKESr DOLPH Street. TTTE respectfully beg leave to inform the citizens ol Columbus VV and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central Railroad Banking Company, and are now run ning messengers daily fl’otn Macon to Savannah. Hso, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and South- Western Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe and Macon, thence to Milledgeville Savannah ami all intermediate places. Also, to Montgomery, Ala. We would also say, that our Ex presses by the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable us to forward every description c>f merchandise and valuables. Notes, Drafts, and Bills collected in every town in the Northern and Eastern .States ; also, to California and Europe. Os picks ANb Agents—Randolph street, Columbus, opposite the “Corner Stone” printing office ; C. A. Ella 6c Son, Macon ; Mr. Kendrick, Fort Valley; G. R. Clayton, Oglethorpe; 153 Bay street, Savannah ; 74 Broadway, Wew York; 43 and 45 South- Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court street, Boston; Exchange street, Providence; Montgomery street, ban Francisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER 6c CO. Columbus, April 13—twfcw NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LINE, a, Weekly The new and splendid Steamships Florida , ... . Cap!. Lyon, and Alabama , Ludlow. Belonging to the New York anlSavannah Sticam Navigation Company, WILL leave Savannah and New York every Saturday. These ships are 1,300 tousregister,and unsurpassed in safety and comlort. „ .... ...... These steamers leaving Savannah ftt the same time that the Marion and Southerner leaves Charleston, arrive in New York as soon HS,orbeforethein. . . FlS*"Cabin passages2s payable oefore going on board \ob\ts- PADELFORD, FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April 30,1852—tf] 194 Front street,New Yora. FOR PHILADELPHIA. THE U. S. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEOR ola leaves Savannah the following Wednesday so Philadelphia: Dec 15 and 39th, January 12th aud 26th, February 9th and 23d, March 9th and 23d, April 6th and 20th, May 4ih and 18th, June 1. Anew steamship now building, in every respect equal to the State of Georgia, will take her place in the line dur ingthe mouth o June next, and with the Georgia make a weekly line. . .... INT This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort, and her accommodations for passengers are unsurpassed by those of any other steamship on the cost. Fare to Philadelphia $25; through to New York $25; Steer age $9, PADELFORD & FAY, Agents, Savannah. Dec 7—49wtf HERRON 6c MARTIN, Pbiladelph United States Mail Line. From Columbus, Ga., to Chunnenuggec, Union Springs, Ala., Via LamingtonJSand Fort,Uchee, Creek Stand, Hernando, Enon, and Stewart’s Mills. gt "f\ THE undersigned is now prepared t© carry passengers on this line: he therefore hopes to be favored, with a good share of the public patronage. This line intersects, at Ohunnenuggee, the line to Montgomery, via Tus kegee, Ala.; also, the one to Tallahassee, Florida, via. Ridgely FiTe Points, Alt. Andrew, Clayton, Eul'aula, Ala. Relative distances from this route: Warrior Stand is five miles from Hernando; Aberfoil is eight miles from chunne* nuegee; and Missouri, Pike county, is eighteen mileslfrom Chun nenuggee. Carriages reserved and readyat any trip for the use ot families. Th: line intersects at Columbus,Ga., with the Muscogee Rail road tor Macon, Savannah (with but ten miles .staging) and all intermediate points. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7 A. M., arrive at Chunnenuggec next days, at noon. Leave Chunnenuggec Tuesday and Thursday and Sunday at 1 o’clock p. m., and arrive at Columbus Monday, Wednesday and Friday ai 8 p. m. APPLETON HAYGOOD, Contractor. Stage Office at “Oglethorpe House.” Jan. 11,1853. 1 12m T. C. PRIDGEN, Agent. VERNOY & EGTOR’S OMNIBUS LINE. Fare—ln Proportion to the Distance. WE return our thanks to the traveling public and the citizens generally, for their liberal pat ronage, and would inform them that our splendid new’ OMNI * BUSSES, with FINE TEAMS aud careful DRIVERS, will continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens and per sons stopping at the Public Houses. Calls lett at the Hotels or at our stable, strictly attended to. Columbus, March 18 —w&twly _ _ RUNAWAYS.__ One Hundred Dollars Reward. f RAN A WAY from the subscriber about the last of September, 1852, a negro by the name of ALFRED, about twenty two years old, about six feet high, weighing aoout one hundred and eighty lbs.; it ia thought said negro was enticed aw ay by some white man, and is now harbored near Starksville, Lee county, Oa.; the above reward will be paid lor the delivery of said negro to Robert J FI inn, in Early county, Georgia, or to myself in Barbour county, Alabama,’ ogether with proof sufficient to convict the harborer ; or fitly dollars for the delivery of the negro or his lodgement in any safe jail so that I get him again; or fifty dollars lor the above required proof. HENRY BATTS. March 29—w3rn Runaway, . FROM the slibscriber, a negro boy, twenty-five years firm old, five feel six inches high, deep copper color, a little inclined to be bow legged. JjJ A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of said boy, lodged in tome jail where I can get him, or de —A__l livered tome at my plantation, five miles west of Chat tahoochee, Florida. April lit—w3m* RICHARD RANKIN. NOTICE. f RAN A WAY on the 6th inst., a negro man by the name of DICK, twenty years old, complexion is black, tolerably quick spoken, about five feet six or eight inches high. Any intelligence from him will be thankfully re ceived at Cotton Valley P. 0., Macon county, Ala. Doubtless he is on his way to Carolina, and is trying t find his way by the Railroad. WM. If, GARNER. April 26—wtf BROUGHT TO JAIL, Asa runaway slave, a negro man who says his name is T2rm DICK, and belongs to Win. Garner, of M aeon county, Alabama, Said boy is about 20 years old, dark complex- AM ion, weighs 130 or 135 lbs. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro- JLc perty, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. JOSEPH REMBERT, Columbus, April 26—wtf Jailor Muscogee county. SSO Reward. RANAWAY from my residence, near Glenaita, Ms lion county, Georgia, last Thursday morning, a black negro girl, with full face and eyes, and projecting fore head, named ANN, about twenty two years old ; weighs _ .aßfcjjj near one hundred and fifty pounds. She speaks slowly and in a low tone of voice. She is probably about Columbus, Ga. I will give $25 for her apprehension and delivery, or SSO for her and the white man, who probably aided in her escape. March B—lOwtf A. M. SHEPHERD. Rich & Co.’s Salamander Safes, At Manufacturer's Prices; Freight only added. IN no instance have these safes failed in preserving their con tents, in the fiercest fires. The price of a safe, from fifty dol lars upwards, is but a small premium of insurance on valuable Books and Papers, against Fire and other accidents, for a series of years. For sale by HALL & MOSErf, .Wareh 22—w3m Columbus, Georgia, valuety works. WARE ROOM Broad st.. COLUMBUS, Ga NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF TIMES OFFICE. THE proprietors es this establishment are endeavoring to rest the evil of buying at the North, by manufacturing eve! description of buildingrequirements —such as PANELDOi>RS, WINDOW BLINDS. i.UiWdfall sizes, dressed FJ.OORING PLANK, and other kinds of LUMBER ; WOODEN WARE , of every description ; BEDSTEADS Irom f4 50 tw $25 each.— And more remarkable than all, the fittest CO FT AGE CHAIR in the world at $1 each. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, for we are al ways in a trading humor at low prices for cash. LA TH.s at $1 50 per thousand. WM. BROOKS k. CO. Columbus July—27wlf MARBLE WORKS, East side Broad JSt. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American, Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and c&rvino done on stonein the best possible manner; and allkinds oi^Gran ite Work at the shortest notice. _ e JOHN H. MADDEN. P• S.—Plaster ofParis and Cement,alwaysonhand for sal©- Columbus, March 7, 1850. lo ts For Sale. A Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold h?um Boston prices. For particulars, apply at this oflt<-. Columbus, -Jap, 4—wtt SPUSC 111 SIMM CLOTHS. JOHN SMITH, Ho- 125 Broad Street Columbus, Ga, HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SIMMER CLOTHING! To which he invites the attention of the public, Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine for themselves. Every article usually kept in a ‘ CLOTHING STORE 7 ’ will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, April 20—w&twtf No. 125 West side Broad Street. i SPUING AM SMIIB SOTM CE>S2raa 3D&3 , £la , £2*. 9% Hk Clothier and Merchant Tailor. (NEXT DOOR TO HILL AND DAWSONS ,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. J, J S mw PREPARED to supply gentlemen with the latest 1 SPRING AND SUMMER Styles of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, —ALSO— •assa&TOEIiKS, tAaMW WaiLOSIS & ®S2SISSILObiaS v . CLOTHS, CASSIMERKS AND VESTINGS, of the latest importations, of French and English styles manufactured to order and warranted, under ihe direction of wm* M. MSM* who will be pleased to accommodate his friends and all others lhat may call, with such garments a cannot fail to please. . ~ Columbus, Oct 9,1852. tw&wtl MER SaR T AILO K. ONE DOOR BELOW GESNER & PEABODY’S DRUG STORE -—HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF— / FALL MM) WlOTlilg ©@@®4 to which he solicits the attention of the public. His Btock comprises some of the most beautiful styles of TA a **, figured, black and fancy colored French and English Cassimeres) bind* \f(r and fancy Silk Velvet Vestings of all shades and colors, which he U to iunk6 up in th@ NEATEfeT unit most £ ABBIOJ* ABLE Si V LE-b. , . ~ . .-v t t W A*o.waiSriSHwlifcatt", hi some of the most fashionable cities of the Gmion, makes him confident that h.a efforts to pleae alUhase who may favor him with aca l, will not be in vain. He is only desirous to have a lair and impartial trial betore niihlic md ’his he ask*. feeling sure that if wMI be accorded, and once accorded he fears not the result. In addition to the various cloths, Cashmeres, Cassimeres St Drills enumerated anove, ho has on hand and is recemng a- r READY-MADE CLOTHIJYG, ho latest attics, and of superior quality. In a woid he ha3 everything suitable to a gentleman’s toilet J.y* Call and examine, as he is determined to give cheap bargains..^,f Columbus Oct B—twtf iMiii J. D. WILLIFORD & CO., (At the old stavd of H. Middlebrook <f* Cos.) Two doors above f; Ennis & Cos., Broad street, Columbus, Ca., and -ARE now receiving a very extensive stock of first class Beady Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, fcc. Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods n * every variety. Every article in this establishment has been purchased this Fall. Thegarments have been cut by the and fashionable tailors. All sizes of men and boya can be easily fitted with Read) made Clothing. Gents reao> garments of every conceivable variety and style. riAihimr fnr imvs nnd children IJOY’ CLOTHING —It is impossible toenumerate the different articles of Clothing for boys ana cnucren. LADIES’ CLOAKS—A new and elegant article—Ladies* Silk, Merino and Cotton \et s, c. and Capa—Of the best make and latest fashions.^B^ CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. ... ~ . i,„nna'lT low rates—and in u style not inferioi to any. Everv trannent war \\ e are prepared to’ “P r assortment of Cloths, Cassimres, Vestings, Furnishing Goods, &.c.\ will be foui and complete ITeJJwSSSS? a careful examination of all cur goods is respectfully solicited from those who may read this notice. S. B -IA deduction of five per cent, will be made for Cash, on ah billsnot less than ten dollars. Jas. D. Williford. Daniel Rowe. Oct 27—twtf _ ___ iock u Ms Atm. BLAB MI AND MWU WABI H 102, BROAD STREET. * l HAVE just received and oiler for sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station ery, Domestic and Foreign Writing Papers. Foreign Writing Papers. De la Rue’s, Joynson’s,; the celebrated Victoria Mills, and the best French manuiac* ! tured l’acket. Letter, Cap, Bath and Note. American Papers —Blue and White, Laid and Wove, i Foolscap, Packet Post , Commercial Cost, Letter, Bath | Post, Bill and Commercial Note Papers—Manufactured by | Owen & Hurl hurt, Planner &. Smith; also, various kinds j of our own manufacture, including Flat Cap and Mediums. | Blue,Cream Laid, Wove, Damask, Mourning, Adhesive, White and Bluff Government and Plain Envelopes of all sizes. Pens of every description both Gold and Steel, also Quilt Pen Nibs. Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated taps, colored and plain glass. j OCT'Our arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, Hll ral discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. April 27, 1853—w&twtf. <*• B. CURTIS, NOTICE. ALL persona are notice 1 that I claim to own 8. >3 Sec. 21, T 15, K. 28, a Creek Indian A'eserve certified and approved to me—that the original contract therefor has been lost, and that I shall proceed on the 2d .Monday in June next, at the oiHce of Al fred Iverson, Esq.,in Columbus,Georgia, to t?*ke evidence ot'the existence and lose of said contract, and to establish a copy thereof, In order that a patent may issue to me for the same. CoH>9bn, Afy JAS, KJVJ4N. Blank Cards in packs, of the best qualities. V ; and American Drawing Paper of all sizes. y Va '/ ; Sealing Wax, red, black, assorted colors and nun > • ! Ladies’ Reticules and Satchels of new styles, | lios, Port Monrmes, Quilla, fane.v panel “ eight?, -_ ; ; Paper, Silk Paper, Lead Pencils of labor, [ other make, Backgammon and Bristol Board?. • ’ inks, Banker’s Case?, Arnoldo’sgenuine Copying r r!i .v.r. Ink Stands, India Rubber and Green’s Patent y 1 ] iC '; Pocket Knives of Wostenholm’s, Rodgers and manufacture. , . hand Blank Books made and ruled to order ; ■.- ‘ and constantly making, Printing and \Yrappi J' 1 all the various kinds. T. j. COLQUITT. ATTORNEY AT LAW Buena Vista, da., _ . YYTir.L practice In the Courts of J of the W -so dacou, i*ee kuu a v Southwestern Circuit. C UTT cdWPbtt* Gfc. P.KFIERBSC*—Hi-fi, W. *