The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, June 24, 1853, Image 4

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MEDICAL NOTICES. mugsTm^^ PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, DR. R. A. WARE, IS new receiving a much larger supply than ha 1 ever been I efore offered in this market. All wishing 1 to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRAND Y, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WIRE, tor Medical purposes, to be had at R. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS— Lubins and ‘ Bazins assorted varieties,, tor sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE—Very ■ best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEJARS AND CHOICE CHEWING TO BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and for sale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by 11. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2,1853-w&twly DR S. B. LAW, Allocated himself in Columbus, Ga., intending to pur* sue the practice of his profession. His office is on Jackson street, opposite and directly East ot the J'ethodist Church, the one formerly occupied by D Holt, where he may be found at all tine s, unless absent profes sionally. Colnmbu-, June 1, 1853—twtf Dr. Thomas Hoxey, fj HAS united with him in the practic of Medicine and its collateral branches his son, HL DR. BRICE A. HOXEY, wh has had charge of a Military Hospital in Mexico and the Marine Hospital at Acapulco on the Pacific for two years; din ing which t me he successfully perlormed some of the mostdiffl cult operations in Surgery. I hey feel competent to attend to all cases In Mediclm Pur gery, &c., and respects lly offer their services to the publh Colum in*. April I—tw3rn Drs. WOODKIFF & ‘lKAtrt, PHYSICIANS AND ACCOUCHEURS, No. 65, Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. DR. M. WOODRUFF would respectfully give not ce to his pa.rons that he has associated with him, in the practice o .Wediciue, Ur. L>. Tract, a gentleman of experience and sk-.1l Dr. Tracy studied medicine with Dr. W. 15 years ago, and has been engaged in the Practice regularly since that time. Drs. Woodruff A Tracy will attend punctually to all calls, in their . Profession, by dav or night. tir Dr Woodruff, on account of impaired heallh, will be ah- i sent fora while, afterthe flrsi ot June ; but in his absence Dr Tracy will attend promptly toall cads. His office will be kept by attentive clerks, and he hopes therefore that his friends wtii i continue their patronage, whether he is present or absent, as they j rest assured that they will be promptly attended to. tliiu * .May 2<—twin. —— ■*-. ELLISON, DR. P. L/KsgrtadAv Medical Education in n HAVING recently compleu. .. -oeciul attention •34 the Parisian Hospitals, where he devoted eo, . “1 services YjS toSU RGERY, W offers ids profession:.. 4L3k to the citizens oi Cos umbus and vicinity. “ *'n office Hast side Broad street, over the Rock Island FactooQp Agency. Columbus. June I —w&tw3m DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AT THE BLUE DRUG STORE, Broad Street , Columbus, Georgia. n JUST received from Now York and Philadelphia, alarge <l4 supply of select Medicines, consisting of pure and select Va Powders and Extracts, for sale at the lowest market prices iA and warranted to give entire satifactiou or we shall count it no sale. Physicians’ country bills and plantation medicines put upon the lowest terms; every attention will be paid to their quality, and they will be securely a .id spccdilv packed aud forwarded. GESNER 4 PEABODY, Druggists, March 2—tw&wly Sign of the Negro and. Mortar j Pure Medical Wines. DOZ PORT and Brandy for Medical purposes, for sale at the j n/ne Drug Store , March 2—tw&wly GESNER & PEABODY. Paints and Oils. P CEE and Gelna Lead, Linseed, Lump and Machinery Oils, for sale cheap at the Blue Drug Store . March 2—tw&wly GESNER &• PEABODY. Mexican Mustang Liniment. THIS invaluable preparation has been but a few months before the people of the South, yet many thousands of bottles have been sold and used in a great variety of diseases, and it has given universal satisfaction. We have heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We , ofter it as a remedy in the various diseases and com- : plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence iu curing them, as over tour millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both oi men and animals, and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it htis performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical I'acuity. or A child in Frederick ton, N. 8., a few days ago : burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the child induced the mother to remove the bandage, when ii was discovered that the cotton wool had taken tire by spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the ‘ size of the burn. The mother happened to think that site had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, which she got immediately and applied to the burned limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its mother’s turns, by the soothing intlueuce of tn s valuable preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for j curing Galls, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have j also used it on themselves and their families, and they all j speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest j terms. One of on r hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised on his knee—;<s usual, the Musraug Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re- ; moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— < We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable I preparation, to be used externally on man or beast. J. DUNN, Foreman of Adams 65 Co.'s Express Stable, N. Y. Rheumatism.—Tins is to certify that my wile was af- j dieted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered tor mout is with the most excruciating pains : she hud tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None ol them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she is now perfectly well, aud recommends all of her friends to use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed) James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. i Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG A CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus. Ga., by GESNLR <sc PEABODY* February 5, 1853—twJtwly 4961168 AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. r JAHE undesigned would respectfully inform his friends sad X the public generally, that lie has opened a store on Broad street, nearly opposite Mr. James Ki win'd Sans bouci. for the purpose of carrying on the above business, and would l*e happy tor them to give him a call. He proioses doiug the . lUCTJON AND COMMISSION B UsINESs in the usual way, and w ill also attend to the selling and hiring of Negroes lor those who may entrust bim with their patronage. JOHN QUIN. N. B.—Consignments of Merchandize carefully attended to. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. Bounty land warrants for 40, so, io acres warned, for which thebighest cash prices will be paid by UoiabH, if Jlwtf J, ENNIS 4k. CO. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. A MOST MIRACULOUS CURE OF BAD LEGS. AFTER 43 YEARS’ SUFFERING. Extract of a letter from Mr. William ~ Galpin, of <0 St. Mary's street, Weymouth, dated \bth May, 1851. To Professor Holloway . Sir: Attheagt of eighteen mv wife (who Is now sixty one; caught a violent cold, which settled in her logs, and ever since that 1 time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed. ! Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she was depri\ed entirely of rest and sleep. Every remedy that medical men advised was tried, but without effect; her health suffered severely, and the state ol her legs was terrible. I had often read your advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Oint- 1 incut; and,as a last resource, after every other remedy had prov ed useless, she consented to do so. She commenced six veeks ago, and strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undis turbed. Could vou have witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the last forty three years, and contrast them with her nre . sent enjoyment ot health, you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alleviating the sufferings of a fellow creature. (iigned) M h. Galpin. _ 1 A PERSON 70 YEARS OF AGE CURED OF A BAD LEG, OF THIRTY YEARS STANDING. Copy of a letter from Mr. William Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Huddersfield, dated May 31sf, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Sir : I suffered lor a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or three different accidents at Gas Works ; accom panied by scorbutic systems. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and waseventold that tlte leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition to that opinion, your Pil s aud Ointment have effected a complete cure in so short a time, that lew who had not witnessed it would credit the fact. ; (Signed) William Abbs. The truth of this statement can be verified by .Ur \V. t*. Eng aud, Chemist, ihir.ecu .Uuiket street, Huddersfield. A DREADFUL BAD BREAST CURED IN ONE MONTH. Extract of a letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Pen• hurst, Kent, dated December 13 th, 1850. To Professor Holloway : uea- Sir: My wi e had suffered from Bad Breasts formorethan six months, and during t .e whole period had the best medica attendance, but ah to no use. Having betore healed an awful wound in nty own leg by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Pills and ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in her case, and tortunate it w s 1 did so, lor in less than a mouth a perfect cure was eflected, and ibe benefit that various oth.-r branches of my family hsveder.ved from the r use is really astonishing. 1 now strongly recommend th mto till tny friends. (Signed) Frkdkrick Turner. The Pills should be used conjoin ly with the Ointment In most of the following cast s: dad Legs Chilblains Fistulas Fore Throats Bad Breasts Chapped hand 9 Gout Skin Diseases Burns Corns (soft) Glandular Scurvy Bunions Cancers Swellings Sore Heads Bite of Mosqui- Contrac’ed and Lumbago Tumors toes aud Sand stiff joints Piles Ulcers Flies Elephantiasis Scalds Yaws Chiego foot Sore Nipples. Sold at the Establishment ol Professor Holloway, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bur, London,) and by all respectable druggists amt dealers in medicines throughout the Britbh Empire, and those of the United States, in Pots at 37p<c , 87, and $1 50 each. Wholesale by the principal drug houses in the Union, and by i.*f**Ksrs A B & D S Sands, New York. ..A Vr'o wU ‘-.Hble saving by taking the larger sizes. ! There is a consiWHy**’- 6l patients in every disorder N B—Directions for theguidaiidU V are affixed to each pot. A For sale iu Columbus, by *w, PEABODY. gesner Lincoln, WM. W Ga. May 3-18wIt&twlteowly fc,. Axpe.. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE* The Great Purifier of the Blood! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN infallible remedy for Scrofula, King’s Evil, Rheumatism • Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustu es on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints. ; Stubborn Uic* rs, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Com-! plaints, and all diseases arising from in injudicious use of3ler cury. Imprudence in Lite, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable medicine, which has become celebrated tor the ] number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has ! induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to | offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence , in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, are, however, stronger testimony than the mete word of the proprietors; and are all from gentlemen w ell known iu their localities, and ot the highest respectability, many ot them now residing in the city of Rich- 1 mom ! , Virginia. F. Boydkn, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, know n every where, say ahe has seen the medicine called Carter’s Span j ish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly aP ■ the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most aston- ! ishmgly good results. He says it is themost extraordinary med icine he has ever seen. Aoie and Fryer—Great Cure —I hereby certify, that for three years 1 had Ague and Fever of the most violent description, i had several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mer- | curv, and 1 beiieve all the Tonics advertised, but all without any ; permanent relief. At last l tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two j bottles o which effectually cured me. and 1 am happy to say 1 I have had neither chills nor fevers since. I consider it the best Tonic in the w orld, and the only medicine that ever reached my case. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Vn. John I.ongden. f. B. Luck, Lsq., now in the city of Richmond, and lor many years in the Post Office: has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s :-panish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he bas given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never knowu it to fail when taken according to directions. Dr. Mixge. a practising physician, and formerly of the City Hotel in the city ol Richmond, says he has witnessed in a num ber of instances the effects of Cartel’s t-panish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says iu a case of consumption dependent on {tie liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. tsAMVLL M. Drinker, of Ibe firm ot Drinker & Morris, Rich mond. was cured ot l.iv* r complaint ot 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles ot Caret’s Spanish Mixture. Grea-i cure or Scßorrt a. —The editors ot the Richmond Re publican had a servant employed in thtir press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined w ith Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles ol Carter’s Spanish Mix ture made a per ect cure “f him, and the editors, in a public no tice, say they “checriully recommend it to all who arc afflicted with atly disease ot the blood.” Still another cure or Scrofula. —I had a very valuable boy cured ot Scroiula by ‘ arter’s Spanish Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. James M. Taylor, conductoror the R. F. & P. R. R. C’o., Richmond, Va. Salt Rhuum of 20 years standing Cured —Mr John homp son, residing in the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which he had nearl, 20 years, and which all the physicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in thecitvol Richmond, aud hi-cure is most remarkable. . VVm. A. M atthews, of Richmond. Va , bad a servant cured o. Syphilis, in the worst form, by Carter’s Spanish . 1 tore. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable m Rich art, E. We.-t, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and w hat physicians called confirmed consumption, by tnree oouies ol Carter’s Spaulsh Mixture. _ . Edwin Burton, Commissioner of Revenue, say _ hi Lao set n the good effects ofCarter’s Spanish Mixture m a nu f?, c philiiic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that hor ' l Be ‘‘“ f Wm.G. 11 ah wood, of Richmond. Va., cured of Old >oreoaud Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a tew bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk witnout . crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & C0..N0.83 -Ifaiden Lane, Ne T W U° r n‘vott Ac. Sous, No. 132, North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bennett'& Beers, No. 125 Maiue street, Richmond, \a. Aud tor sale bv „ r*r\ THOS. M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, . _ GESNER A PEABODY, DAN FORTH NAGEL. Columbus, Ga. And by druggists and country merchants every where. Price 31 : six bottles for $5. Mav 25—wAtwlv For the rapid Cure of coicns, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. Os all the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them val uable) for the cure of pulmonary complaints, nothing has ever been found which could compare in its effects with this prepara j tion. Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in ail diseases of the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will do it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the directions. We do not advertise for the information of these who have tried it but those who have not. Families i that have knowu ils value will not be without it, and by its time- I ly use, they are secure from the dangerous_ consequences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into fatal consumption. The Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in September 1847 ; also, the medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this coun : try; also the Diploma of the Ouio Institute at Cincinnati, has ! been given to the Cherry Pectoral, by their Goveri mentin con ’ sidemtion of its extraordinary excellence and usefulness in cur -1 ing affections of the lungs and throat. 1 Read the following opinion founded on the long experience of ! the eminent Physician of the port and city of St. Johns, May 8, 1851. Dr. J.C. A y*r: Five vear’s trial of your Cherry Pectoral in my praciice, has proven what 1 foresaw fr in its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the olds and coughs to which we, in this section, are peculiarly liable. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, nor do 1 know how a better remedy can be made for the distempers ol the throat and lungs. J* L Burton, M. D., F. R. 8. See what ii has done on a wasted constitution, not only in the following cases, but a thousand more: Sudbury, Jan. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer: lnthe month of July last Iwasattacked by a violent j diarrhoea i > the mines of California. I returned to Nan Francis I■co in hope of receiving benefit fiom a change of climate and Mv diarrhoea but was followed by a severe cough—-hikl much soreness. I finally started for home, but received no bene fit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, a> and when I arrived in h ew York, I was at once marked by my ac quaintances as a victim 01 consumption. I must coidcss that 1 saw no sufficient reason to doubt what iny triends all believed. At thistime I commenced takingyour truly invaluable medicine . with little expectation of deriving any benefit from its use. vou would not receive these lines did I not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted, through you, that my health, in the space ol eight months, is fiuiy restored. 1 attr.bute it to the use oi your Cher -1 ! rv Pectoral. Yours truly, , William W. Smith. AVashinoton, Pa., April 12,1848. Dear sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a premature grave, through your instrumentality by the providence of God, 1 .viII take the liberty to express to you my gratitude. A cough and .he alarming sympt ms of consumption had re duced the too low to leave me anything like hope, when my 1 phy?ician brought me a bettle of your “Pectoral.” It seemed to 1 afford immediate re.ief and now in a few weeks time has restor ed me to sound health. If it will do for others what it ha&done forme, vou a e certainly one of the benefactors of mankind. | Sincerely wishing you every blessing, I am, very respoctfully yours, John J. Clarke, Rector of St. Peter’s ehurcb. ! With such assurance and :rom such men, no stronger proof 1 ; can be adduced unless it be from its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, I Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. 1 Sold in Columbus, Ga., by ROBERT CARTER, and DANFORTII & NAGEL and by Druggists generally. June ll—\v&tw4m. GOOD MEDICINES! ! p . I we nr Sfabler’s Anodyne Cherry Expectorant Is confidently recommended to Invalids, as unsurpassed by any known preparation, tor the cure of Coughs, Hoarseness, and oth er lorms of common Colds; Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Con sumption in an early stage, and for the relief of the patient even in advanced staecs of that fatal disease. It combines, in a scientific manner, remedies ot long esteemed value, with others ot more recent discovery, and besides its sooth ing aud tonic qualities, acts through the skin gently, and wiih great efficacy, for the cure of this clusi of diseases. STABLER’S DIARRHCEA CORDIAL s a pleasant mixture, compounded in agreement with the rules of Pliarmaay, of therapeutic agents, long known anil celebrated for their peculiai efficacy in curing Diarrhoea, and similar atlrc tions of the system. In its action, it alwaysTiausea and produces a healthy condition of the Liver, thus alwavr removing the cause at the same lime that it cures the disease. The valuable medicines above named have recently been in troduce , with the approval of a number of the medical proles sion in the city of Baltimore and elsewhere, and in practice have succeeded most admirably in curing the and seases for which they are prescribed. They are offered to the country Practitioner, as medicines which he can in all respects depend upon, as prepared in agreement with the experience of some of the most learned and judicious physicians, and strictly in ci morality with the rules of Pharmacy, and as especially serving his conven ience, who cannot so readily as the city physician have his own prescriptions compounded by a practical Pharmaceutist. See the descriptive pamphlets, to be had gratis ol all who have the medicines for sale, containing recommendations Irom Doc tors Martin, Baltzeil, Addision, Payne, Handy, Love. &c. Doct. B. B. .Martin,says “I do not hesitate to recommend your Diarrhoea Cordiaiand Anodyne Cl erry Expectorant.” &c. Doct. John Addision, says “It gives me much pleasure to add my testimony to that of others, in tavor ot the extraordinary effi cacy of \our Diairhcea Cordial,” &.C.; anil of the Expectorant, “I have no hesitation in recommending it as a most valuable medicine,” &c. Doct. R. A. P ayne, says lie has used the Diarrhoea Cordial In ins practice “with the hippiest effeci, and thinks it one of the most convenient aud efficient combinations ever offered to ourprofee j sion ” . Doct. L. D. Handy, writes, “1 have administered your Anodyne Expectorant, in several cases ot Bronchial affection, with the most happy results, and from a knowledge of ns adiahable ef fects, 1 can with the greatest confidence recommend it,’ &c. Doct. W. S. Love, writes to us that he has administered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the Bronchitis for fourteen years, and that she is fast recovering from her lontr standing maia i dv. It lias in a few weeks done her mote goon than all tne | remedies she has heretofore used under able medical counsel. Sixteen of the bestApothecaiiesand Pharmaceutists in ihecity of Baltimore, write “We are satisfied the preparations knownras . Stabler’* Anodyne Cherry Expectorant and fctabh r;s Diarrhoea Cordial are medicines of great value and very ‘ reliefand cure ofthedbeases ror which they are recommended, thev bear the evidence of skill and care m iheir preparation and style of putting up, and we take pleasure in 0 seven of the most respec eble merchants, of V.ryfa” 5, Vir M. . rt Norlh farolina, Jt.o haveseld end .to m* ore demand to give such entire satis.action to aB. ofthe ot e the first re-pectabilUy. should be bufflcient nh, that ; are of a°different*stain class troche -Quackery” and “cur. : ‘L e,i ‘-‘ rali > - Wholesale Druggists 120 Pratt street, Baltimore. May 17—wlv —— Mexican Mustang Liniment. . TV p p York prices. We have Just recei veil a large invoice Am Si above’excellent UAje. ‘“‘’l^VoeT turer's prices. Cali at the B 1 UE DRUG STORE, March 2-IV/& wlv Sign of th, Mortar AUBURN WATER-CURE. I mmSE-tablishinent is now open for the reception of patients I The location is pleasant and healthy, being on the great Southern Mail Routein Eastern Alabama, and is about a hundred yards from the depot, immediately adjoining the Rai.roau. * The efficacy of the VVater Treatment * u a *! acu, ° diseases, a Fevers, Scarlatina, Measles, Bmall Pox, &c.. is so complete and ; raoidasto seem almost miraculous; while in chronic diseases, i .-.all diseases of long standing, as Gout, Rheumatism, Ilyspep aia. Neuralgia, Scrofula, Consumption. Ace., it is the on.y t-uec tua’l modeof arresting the progress of the disease and eradicatint it from the system. . In the pecu iar diseases of Women, the W ater Cure is a eover eign remedy, where ail other remedies have tailed, amiiochild b;rth it procures immunity from untold suffering. Patients should bring one quilt, a comtnrt, two blankets, two sheets and several yards of linen diaper for bandages. Terms according to treatment and attention required, pay able week'', iHcartally. Consultation fee. 150. DR. W. G. REED, ) MRB. M. A. TORBET, A J Auburn, March lt>— wlv mrh 30twfiw STRING ii SIMM CLOTHING JOHK SMITH, No- 125 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, has now ON HAND A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING m SUMMER CLOTHING! To which he invites the attention of the public-. Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine for themselves. Every article usually kept in a ‘‘CLOTHING STORE 1 ’ will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, April 20—w&twtf No. 125 West side Broad Street. SFSISt ii SUMMER Clfilffl CEhsszm cam Ik Clothier and Merchant Tailor, (NEXT DOOR TO IIILL AND DAWSONS ,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia.- JS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST 1 SPRING ANR SUMMER Styles of Clothing, Furnishing: Goods, ** ALSO— STihUIEOTiSSj, S&MfW TOihaSIS & CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AiND V r ESIL\GS, of the latest importations, of French and English styles manufactured to order and warranted, under the direction of mm, m. who will be pleased to accommodate his friends and all otiiers that may call, with such garments as cannot fail to please. Columbus, Oct 9,1852. twfewtf H. W*7 DALEY, MEItC HA N T TAIL OU . ONE DOOR BELOW GESNER & PEABODY’S DRUG STORE ©!E©i\® Smillfi, ©©ILM&tSS* ®l©E©aA* —HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF - .. Mm . MUMgia to which he solicits th© attention of the public. His stock comprises some of the most beautiful style bof Cloths, figured, biactc and fancy colored French and Engllsli Cassimcres; black if ’ * and fancy Silk Velvet Vestings of all shades and colors, which be isDrenaredto makeup in the NEATEST aud most FASHIONABLE STYLE.?. A lone experience in cutting, iu some of the most fashionable cities of the Union, makes him confident that his efforts to please allthose who mav favor him with aca I, will not be in vain. He is only desirous to have a lair and impartial trial before Urn nublic, ind this lie asks, feeling sure that it wHI be accorded, and once accorded he fears not the result. In audition to the various cloths, Cashmeres, Cassiraeres & Drills enumerated above, he ha3on hand and is receiviuß a stock o REJID Y-MJIDE CLOTHING , ho latest styles, and of superior quality. In a wold he has everything suitable to a gentleman’s toilet ’ 23T Call and examine, as he is determined to give cheap bargains.,^! Columbus Oct8 —twtf ROCK ISLAM ILLS AGENCY. ELAM BOOK AND STATIONLRY WARE OUSE, 102, BROAD STREET. HAVE just received and offer for sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station i ery, Domestic and Foreign \\ ritmg Paper Foreign Writing Papers. De la Rue s, joynson s, , Blank Cards in packs, of the best Qualities. Waterman’s the celebrated Victoria Mills, and the best freneu > auulac- I arit j An er j car Drav irp Pajer ot all sizes V alers and 1 tured Backet, Letter, Cap, Bath and iNote. , jii. cr \\ nx , red, black, assorted colots and fancy. A mprirnn Papers— Blue and White, Laid and Wove, Ladies’ Reticules aid Satchels of new styles, foit Fo- Foolctd Packet Post, Comnicrcia] Cost, Letter, Path | Jios, Port Monnaics, Quills, larcy pmei V pel ls, I issue Post, Bifl’and Commercial Note Paners--3Vlarr.facti.ied Ky Pat er Si k Paper 1 .ad Pencils ol 1 aher, Rhoades, at and n u .’ s Hnrlhuit Plattner & Smith; also, various kinds other make, Batksamn on and Bnsul boards, V* nt.-rig ofnur oivn moroila'Wrp.iiiclLiiii’P 1 lal Cap ? nd M.-di. ms. |l. kM C 1 .A...0W0V,. U i Kk. Pine Cream Laid Wove, Damask, Mon: mt.p, Adhesive, Ink Hai dv, Ind.a Rtiiui and ( men s ratirt ii h £ laser, White and Blufi Government and Plain Ln\tlopes of all ; Pocket Knives ot Wostenhoim’s, Rodgeis’ar.d Crooke’s sizes Pens of every description both Gold and Steel, also manufacture ’ , . . Ouill Pen Plank Books made and ruled to order ; also on hand W lnk Stands of bronze and silver plated taps, colored and : ar and constantly n eking, Printing and W rapping papers of plain glass. I al! the variou& kinds * OCr’Our arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, and a libe ral discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. 4 April 27, 1853 —w&twtf. G. 3. CURTIS, Agent. variety works. WARE ROOM Eroad st P . COLUMBUS, Ga NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF TIXES OFFICE. THE proprietors el this establishment arc endeavoring to rest the evil of buying at the North, by manufacturing cvet description of building requirements—such as DOORS, WINDOW BUNDS. *ASJlo tall sizes, dressed EI,CORING P p •ij\'K , and other kinds ot 1. L.VBE R ; H OO DEN li A HE., of even description ; BEDSTEADS irom 84 50 to 525 each.- Aiid more remarkable than all, the finest CO IT AGE CHAIR in the world at $1 each. ..... , Please give us a call before purchasing el-. wh re, for we are al ways in a trailing humor at low prices for cash. LATHS al •Si 50 per thousand. v WM. BROOKS eg CO. Columbus July—27wtf LUMPKIN FURNITURE WARE ROOM AND MANUFACTORY. j THE sub criber has now on hand and for sale at his Ware Room in Lumpkin, alargeund wcliU4 selected lot of Furniture, of various styles and Djpt . JSMPs prices, and is constantly Manufacturing and re ** 1 ceiving among others, the following articles of the latest sty lea: Chairs, tsofas. Bureaus. Safest Bedsteads, tsideboards, Dining-Tables, Wardrobes, Work-Tables, Wash stands, Rocking-chairs, Looking Glass and Picture Frames, and in fact all articles belonging to liisliueof business can be had at the shortest notice and lowest terms. Also, Window Glass, French and American manufacture; Fire b< ard Prints and Border, Window .Shades, £cc., &c. Glass cut n> any shape or size. All work warranted. Pianos and Melodeons furnished to order. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Feb. 15 7wly VV. 11. CROSSMAX. D. B. •] HOMFSON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART,) Below Hill, Datvsou & Cos. TIN, Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner of Gutters Piping, Conductors and Roofing done to order, Substantially and warranted. Nov. i 43—ft Metallic Burial Cases. THESE cn?es have been universally approved wherever used. They are much superior to those of wood, and I combine within themselves all those qualities so desirable in a ! Southern Climate. They are composed of several kinds of Metal, but principally | of Iron. They are thoroughly enamelled inside and out*, and thus made | impervious to airand indestructible, and can be sold at about the rates of covered coffins. The public are to call and examine them for them selves, and at a glai •-*> they will seethe great advantage of this article over any other ever offered to the public. Colnrnbus. Feb. 23—w&twfim SAM MIS & ROONEY “HOME INDUSTRY.” JOEL T. SCOTT, igar manufacturer, (A EEIV DOORS NORTH OF HALE. & MOSES.) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, A LWAYSon haud, at Wholesale and Retail, all desirable -Tjl varieties of HAVANA AND AMERICAN CIGARS, which will be sold on low terms. A liberal discount will be made to those who buy to sell again. A generous share of the patronage of the public is respectfully eolicited. All Cigars warranted to be such as represented. Columbus, October 2—4 owly C. S. HARRISON & CO. AUCTION AND COMMSSION MERCHANTS. Broad btreet, Columbus, Ga. promptly toall business consigned to them