The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, July 01, 1853, Image 3
COLUMBUS GAS LIGHT COMPANY. ■ T'he subscribers to the above Company are hereby noti ■ nod, that the FOURTH instalment of twenty-five {er cent ■ will be called in on the Ist July. By order of the board. C. E. DEXTER, Scc'ry. Columbus, June ‘2l, 1853.-twtljuly GAS FIXTURES, I'HK subscriber* haringoiglfed compeuiot workmen, will be , prepared to fit lip Stores and ff ousts with pipes, burners, and all necessary apparatus for the use of Gas. Tliis work will be war ranted, and doue under the superintendence of the Engineer of | the L'uiumbut Gas Light coiopsny. WIIITTELSEY tk. CO. Accordingto the hv-laws of the company, the. houses and tores will he fitted up In the order of their application. A Register Hook is now ready at the store of Messrs. Wbittel -■y <fc Cos. O. E. DEXTER, Hec’rv. April 15—w&Jwtf Columbus Gas Eight Conr.iuud CITRATE OF MAGNESIA Tin- agreeable beverage and excellent summer laxative j I wwhe found freshly prepared, and well iced, at GESNER &, PEABODY’S Blue Drug Store,sign of the Negro and Mortar. Also, Soda and Congress Waters made cool and palat- I able. June 15 twtf ICE, ICE, ICE! The fee House is now open for the season. The price w ill be fcfoi all amounts less than fifty lbs., three cents per lb, Over fifty ■ and less than two hundred, two and a half cents; two hundred lib-, and over, two cents. Hours from 7# to 12# A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M., except Sun ■ days, oil which day ttie house will he open from 7# to 10, A. M. ; ■ only. Tickets can he had on application to Columbus, April 13—twtf W. J. CHAFFIN. Emory College, Oxford, Ga. Th* exercises of the Annual Commencement of this In ! mtution will be as follows: Commencement Sermon and Dedication of the new Chapel by Rev. Bishop Capers, on Sunday 17th July. Sophomore prize Declamation on Monday night. Junior j Exhibition on Tuesday at 9 A. M. An address by the President, Rev. G. F. Pierce, at 1 P. i | *Df the same day; and by Henry L. Harris, Esq., be fore the Alumni at night. VV eduesday will be Commencement Day. After the usual exercises the prizes will bo awarded, accompanied with an ; address. •Vi * P. M. the Literary Societies will lx: addressed by Hot,. CUE i is. Junta, v. v -6t G. J. ORR, Sec’ry. CLOTHING. WHUTi Pk N TANARUS&, A LARGE LOT OF ’ WHITE MILITARY PANTS,” .h it received at JOHN SMITH’S. Columbus, June ‘29—tw No. 125 Broad St. i Shirts ! Shirts ! ! \ LARGE invoice of SMUTS, Cn/./ . iHS. DRji ft HRs HOSIER Y, te.c. .lust received : >id for sale bv March 39—tw ,t. 11. MERRY. tGenin’s Hats. i i;v\ cases Gknin’s a no. onk Hats—Spring sTvlks* Just received and for sale by March 30— tw ,r. h. MERRY. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION! T.j M, HQGAJ* f WOULD respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he has had a variety of F IRE-WO R K S, Manufactured by the great manufacturers J. & G. Edge, of Jersey city,expressly for Exhibition in this city, on the Fourth, at night, to add to other attractions that will be in our city on that day. For further particulars see small bills. Col umbus, July I—t w*2l mmi mbrns ? MASTER JOSEPH DAWSON, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, / \AN till orders for TWENTY PAIR of each of the following VJ var.eties : CARRIERS, PORTERS, j I’ VN TAILS, TURLUTS, TRUMPETERS, DR AGOONS, lIORSEMEN, DRUM MERS, MAGPIES, SWALLOWS, NUNS, MOORE’S, QUAKERS, CAPUCHINS, JACOBINS, RUFFS A ORRES, TUMBLERS, ol every variety. Plumage perfect. Augusta, Ga., Jgne 28—tw5t R. J. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY, MOSFB A PKABODY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WILL practice in Muscogee county, Ga., and Russell ouuty, Ala., and in the Supreme Court of the State of <leorgia. Columbus, June 89-wtWtf Hands Wanted. IK-', suhserihcr wilt give twenty dollars a month. c;>sli,'for FIFTEEN YHLE HODIED NI'KRO MEN, io work for three months or more, upon the Girard liail Uoad. -ix miles below Columbus. AU'UED IVERSON. Columbus, tla.. June -it-twlllwi; NOTICE. D A. GARRETT is my duly authorised agent to transact am • business of mine, that may hereaftci be found in his hands. Columbus, July I—w&twt>m1 —w&twt>m J. B. HIL'KS. ‘PWO months after date application will be made to tho l Court tf Ordinary of Mi.aeogec county, tor leave to sell a city t- with improvements. In the city of Columbus, in said county, -known as lot number live hundred and twelve, containing otic Pc: f >f an acre, belonging to the estate of James Baugh, lute of • > and county, deceased. VVM. C. GRAY, Ailtn’r. Jut wCm Winter’s Palace Mills, 4 KF. again iu full operation. Bend in your Wheat and Corn. A Flour, .Veal, Brau and Shorts, always on hand. Columbus. June 39 wtwtf On Consignment. - -> 50 I!-Is. New Orleans Sugar. ’ ’ I• Ft,ls. * ks Sides. ** . -uHers. YU \e win bo sold low for Cash. Call and examine • hem. C, S, HARRISON fit CO. Colum is, ~ ; 1 B—twtf LOST. 1 iic . fts ;t lit'*'witv, this motuing, a CUFF FIX. i u. hulgr will • paid live dollars on leaving the Filial llo'uiHce.” May 21 —twtf $lO Reward! •*t)i i) W ATC fl STO I.K N . *T JLLN on the lith ins!., a Gold Watch. -No. 3&2i> VMa —J..n, Harrison, Liverpool. The above reward will bo g,. gn ijjj ‘jgiivgfv i.f tbs watch st this cfHcc:. Columbus, May 1? —tw CITY TA i ''IMIB Tax Book is now open lor .ae collection of Faxes for ’he A present vear. Tax pavers will save coat aud oblige me by Wkg promptly. ‘ J. L. HOWELL, CoUectoi. ColmnbuK, Jane 2c—twtf DRY GOODS. MOURNING DRESS GOODS Just received an assortment of ns* MOURNING DRESS GOODS, CONSISTIN'!; OF Black Grenadine SILKS; Lunin’s BERAGES : Plain and fig’d. French JACONET TS ; Freuch PRINTS; Canton GAUZES ; TISSUES, TAFFETA Lusture Crep de Paris, Satinldu Chine, India S Tinner SILKS; Challeys and Satin La Reine. UROKAW,CLEMONS & CO. Colutnbus, march 26-twtf BARGAINS l BARGAINS. \\ SE L L ING A T C(>N T. THE undersigned desirous >1 closing up tiie seasons business, will offer from this date, his entire STOCK of Summer Dress. Goods, at prime cost. It is useless to enumerate the pi ices in an ad vertisement ; all persons wishing bargains can call and examine lor themselves. J. M. RAUM, Columbus, June 10—wtw4t 64 Broad Street. PKIKTEDJSUSLINS SUMMER SILKS. BERAGES AND GRENADINES. Avery large assortment just received by BROKAW, CLEMONS & CO. Columbus, inarch 26-tw NEW GOODS. The subscriber has ia Store a large stock of STABLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered for sale tit prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Purchasers lor Cash will find it to their advantage to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus,April2— tw C. MYGATT. J UST Received, a lot of Fine FANS. Also, Embroidery Silk, ; by [April 22.] WIIITTELSEY & Go. musical” ANOTHER MUSIC STOIIkT WILLCOX & CARTER. NO. In, BROAD STREET,COLUMBUS, GA., j ARE now receiving, and will keep constantly on hand, i SHEET MUSIC, PIANO FORTES, GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS, BANJOS, TAMBORINEB, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, &C. Strings tor the VIO LI N AN I) GUIT AK . ALSO Instruction Books for the above instruments. Also, Exercises for the cultivation of the Voice. Orders are solicited from Teachers and others. 1). F. WILLCOX. WM. B. CARTER. N. B. Mr. Carter will attend to Tuning and Ilepaiiing Pianos j as heretofore. Columbus, April 15—w&twtf New Sheet Music. r IMI E subscribers have Ibis day received a iurge assorlineut ol JL .Slieel Music; among which tire many new and popwlai pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies iiipartt cul irarc invited to call and examine our stock. Till'A X A PEASE, Columbus, March 2—tw 106 Broad street. A GOOD PIJkNJ Oj ffißifl FOR RENT BY THE MONTH OR YEAR, AT THE MUSIC STORE OF WIIITTELSEY A CO. Columbus, June *24, 1853.—tw&wtt SELLING OFF SHEET MUSIC AT IIAU’ PRICE. rrMl.. undersigned desiring to reduce their extensive stock of JL Siikkt Mitsic, will sell at three cents per pane, (or half the usual privet a large share of tlieir present stock. Among whicii may he found many of (he new and popular pieces ot the day. This is an opportunity not to he neglected by Te achers and Schools, i> lay in a supply. In this lot will be found most of the desirable Mi sic every day ordered. Also, a large stock of Instruction Books for the PIANO FORTE, which will he sold at /ess than cost. Amongthe Sheet Music are the following pieces, arranged by (J. REPS, viz.: Dancing Feather Waltz ; Bombardment of Vera Cruz; Elbert Waltzes; Stone.Mnuntaiu,Q.S La Sultana Waltz; Columbus Guards, Q. S. Gibraltar Waltz: Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, Q. S. Gallopade Polka. also —A large variety of Songs, Wallies, Polkas, Marches and Quick steps, by celebrated authors. Sales of this lotto be strictly Cash. Just received,a large lot of NEW MUSIC, \vtiieli|will he sold at the usual price. Call and examine. Orders with money enclosed will be filled and forwarded to any part of the country by mail. WIIITTELSEY Ac CO. Columbus, Ga., March !•—twtf PiANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. ayßKr. THE undersigned have engaged the services o. vr. F. O. R A MM, Tuner and Piano Maker, lately from Erards’ Celebrated Establishment in Paris. J U y \J U Mr. K. is probably the best in his profession in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to all orders in the above line, and will be responsible tor all work done by our workmen. Orders addressed to Wiiittelsky At Cos., or Tup ax &. Pkack, will meet with prompt attention, WHITTELSKY & Cos. Columbus, April 22, 1853. TRUAX PEASE, twtf— Jel4 \\ it CLEAR. THE TRACK V 1 —: o: , THE subscribers have tid-? day put in s£v^=-operation two splendid FOUII HORSE COACHES. and sixteen of the liesl horses that the country can produce, to plv between the Forsyth Depot and the Indian Springs ; and having engaged Mr. C. M. Dickerson and Mr. Francis Gen no, cld and experienced reinsmen. pledge* themselves to convey the traveling public to and from the two points in a safer and better style, ami quicker time, than ever beiore done at this place. We also have family umuibu-es, always in readiness. Visitors, and families particularly, will tied it greatly to their comfort and interest to cull for our coaches. We meet both .lie dav and night trains of cars. A. J. & C. L. V \RNER. Indian Springs. June *.M—wfictwlvAug CORN ! CORN ! ! CtOKN wanted, for which the highest market price w ill bo paid ; al * PALACE MILLS. Columbus, June -I—wfictvvtt To Friends of the Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union. HAVING been urgently solicited by the agent of the above societv, to keep a collection of their publication for sale at this place. 1 have consented *o to do, and have- ,iu*t received a lot ot them which for the present, may be found at the store of IJfuk Island Factory. G. B- CURTIS. Columbus, June II —*Wf Flour. Meal, and Breadstuff. Ivh E subscriber, proprietor of the LI T I MILLS* beg leave to inform the public Dial he has now on hand and win com tinue to keep a good stock of prime HIIK.iT .4XI) LOK.W ani will be prepared at al! times to furnish customer* in any quantities with Floor Meal, fce., at tne shortest notice. New wheat is now* in- . , , , , .. . . The Lit’ .Vi l! is situated above the city a short distance and is now in good running order* My pricer at present are as follow s : ... Superfine Flour * • ! * f’r*' 3 \’. 3 Family Flour- .o o SS!.*'fc. v.v. . m far The uisb€3t ciaS prices I'M'l fer * ere ceJ ‘V City Mill, Juno 8, 1863—tw t traveling. MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD CO. cu .i At;/; o /•"n i // 1:/> i • On and after the 16th inst. the Pa-senger Train will leave and run by the following schedule daily unlit further notice: Leave Columbus ai BA. M.; Arrive at Macon 338 P.M. Leave Macon at 6 3u A. M.; Arrive at C'dniiibus 2 10 P. M. „ E. F. RICKER, Superintendent. ColumbiH. May 11, ]853. 11A B \ DEN S EXPRESS. ‘jtaaea- A fSf OFFicni on Randolph E respectfully Wg leave to inform the citizens ol Columbus V V and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements with (he (ventral Railroad Banking Coiniaviv, and are itow run* niiig incHsciigera daily ironi Macon to Savannah. 4ho, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and Scuith estern Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe, and Macon, thence to Milledgeville Savannah ami all intermediate places. Also, to Montgomery, Ala. We would als*> say, that our Ex presses bv the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable u* to forward every description *f merchandise and valuables. Notes, Drafts, and Bills collected in every town in the Northern and Eastern .Slates; also, to California and Eurofw . Okfu es and Agents—Randolph street, Coluinlms, opposite the ‘‘Corner Stone” printing ofliee ; C. A. Ells Macon ; -lr.Kendrick, Fort \alley; G.U.Clayton, Oglethorpe; 153 Bat street, Savannah; 74 Broadway, JVew York ; 43 and 45 Bomh lhird, Philadelphia ; 8 Court street, Boston; Exchange street, 1 rovideuce; Montgomery street. Ban Francisco. : LIVINGBTON, WINCHESTER &. CO. Columbus. A|rii 13—twActv UNITED STATES MAIL UAL. New York and Savannah Steamships, Vj V M MER ARRANGE ME X T.— I lays of leaving Sa- O vannah for New York: The Augusta, Capt. I,you, on Wednesday, June 8 “ Florida, “ Woodhull, on Saturday, “ II Alabama, ** Ludlow, on Saturday, “ 18 Augusta, “ I,you, on Saturday, “ 25 ; Florida, “ Wmalhull, on Saturday, Jnlj 2 i Augusta, “ liyoii, on Saturday, “ !* Florida, “ ‘Woodhull, <>n Saturday, “ 16 Alabama, “ Ludlow, on Wednesday, “ 20 Augusta, *• Lyon, on Saturda'., l * 23 : “ Florida, “ Woodhull, ~it Saturday, “ 30 ! l * Alabama, “ laid low, on Wednesday, Aug. 3 “ Augusta, “ Jjyou. on Saturday, 4 * 6 Florida, Woodliull, on Saturday, 13 Alabama, “ Ludlow. rtn Wednesday, “ 17 j Augusta, “ Lyon, on Saturday, “ 20 Florida, 44 Woodhull, on Saturday, 44 27 ■ Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 31 • Augusta, •* Lyon, on Saturday, Sept. 3 I Florida, 44 Woodhull, on Saturday, “ 10 j Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 14 [ Theseships are the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, i safely or comfort —making their passages in 50 to 00 hours, and i are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They I offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the com- ! pletion of ttie Atlanta in the autumn, this tine will lie semi- : weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin Passage ‘ PADELFOIID, FAY CD., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. M ITCH ILL, June J 5 .yept 7 13 Broadway, New York. NEW YORK AND SAVANNAH STEAM SHIP LISE, !* Weekly The new and splendid Steamships Capt. Lyon. am 1 Ala ban to, Cap/. Ludlow. Belonging to tlieNicw York akd.Swannah Stkam Navigation Company, A YTILT, leave Savannah and New York every Saturday. These VV ships are I,3<U tons register,and unsurpassed in safety.: r “-l and comlort. These steamers leaving Savannah at the same time ihat the Marion and Kciil Uenier leaves Charleston, arrive in New’ \orkas soon as, or before them. f? jfCabin passage 825—payable before going on board Agents: PADELFOIID, FAY & CO., Savannah, Ga. SAMUEL L. MITCHELL, April 30,1852—tf] 194 Front street,New Yora. FOR PHILADELPHIA. I SITED BTA TE 8 31 AI L LI NK . Philadelphia 65 Savannah Steam ‘Navigation Company . . ... THE new and splendid side-wlieel Steamship ! P T A T K O F O H O R O I A , twelve hundred tons register, Cajit. WALTER COLLIN. 4 ", will leave Savaunth as follows: Wednesday, June 1 Wednesday. June 15. .■ ‘ “ yy 44 July 13. 4 * July 27 44 August 10. This ship lias been built with the strictest regard to the safety sum comfort of the passengers, and her accommodations an-un surpassed bv any steamship on the coast. Anew steamship now building, in every respect equal to the State of Georgia, will take her place in the line during the month of June, and wi.l, with the StateofGeorgia, make a week ly line, leaving each port on Wednesday. ’ Cabin passage from Savai nah to Philadelphia 8-5 o “ 4 - 44 44 New York #25 Steerage to Philadelphia and New York # 9 C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent, in Savannah* HERON tc MARTIN, yi,. lV oj_ic Agents in Philadelphia United States Mail Line. THROUGH IN A DAV KACII WAY, From Columbus, Ga., to Chunncnuggec, Ala., (and you may go to Savannah the next day, from Columbus,) via Lamington, Sand Fort, Ucliee, Creek Stand, Hernando, Knon. and .Vewart's Milts. This line intersects at Ciutnnenuggee the one to Montgomery via Cotton Valley, Tuskegee and Cheliaw , also ilie one leading in the direction of Tallahassee, Fla., > i:t Five Points, Mount An drew, Clayton and Eu fan la, Ala. I w ill send forward passengers or freight from f'hunnenuggec to any of the following places; Union Springs, Aberfoil, Arbor vi'ie.'Perote, Missouri, Bug Hail, Kdgelicld,Troy, and Ridgely. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday alb A. M., arrive at Cliunnenuggee same days, at 1’ p. m. I.eave Chunnenuggee Monday*, Wednesday and Friday at l a. m.: arrive at Columbus same davs at 9 p. m. May 28—lvyly APPLETON If AYGOOJ). Contractor. VEIIXOY A ECTOR’S O M NIBUS LI NE . Fare —In Proportion to the Distance. f |t - - WE return our thanks to the traveling public -jhh the citizens generally, fort-heir liberal pat ronage. and would inform them that our splendid new OM.VT H U>> i:>. with FIXL TK.I.VS and cartful Dili I KRS. will continue toruti for the accommodation of the citizens and per sons stopping at the Public Houses. ( alls left at the Hotels or at our stable, -trietly attended to. Columbus, March lb —vvfiatwly 200 Barrels of Flour ! TWO ItOllKEi) BASREIitFRESH fiEOUSB FLOUR, FROM THF, j: tow ait n i lL s . For suic by i.KEEN WOOD & CO. i Columbus. June lo—ivvat Mail Ar r a ngeme nt s . FROM AND AFTER THIS DATE, r I'M IE Nortliem mail will close at 3 A. M. and arrive at 1 2 1\ M. Tito Western mail closes at 7 I*. M., and arrives at i\M. J. A. L. LEE, l*. M. Columbus. May IS —twtt W. F. LEE, D. 1). S. DENTAL SURGEON. Oltice on Kroatl street, oxer >lygntt*s Columbus. Oct 2t—tt Metallic Burial Cases. cases have l*een uuKersaMy approved where'er They are much superior to those ol wood, and combine within themselves all those qualities so desirable in a Southern Climate. They are com|osed ot several kind* ol .u> tal, but principally of Iron. ... . ftsey art thoroughly roamclJcd tnsideanu out, and thus made impervious to atr-aod^"indestructible, ai>d cun bo sold at about the rates of covered coffins. The public are inv'*d to cut! am cjtam'sc them f*r them telv t s'endat a they will seethe great advantage ot this r?i.-l**ovos anv othei ever offered to the public- Columhu*, Feh. rj-wfctwm FA MM Its & ROOM A , INSURANCE. AGENCY* OF THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF \'KW YORK. 11. 11. EPPING, Agent lor fiduinbut,(la. if H v HtfSlt /•'/./. v ///./. t. \ ( J, .1// *1 r*'nl y. mat in cr<*, Pamphlets containing laltks ! liali-auuil other information j may be obtained by application at the office of th* Agents. Columns. N*v |wttwl> SAVA N X A 11 MUTUAL, 1 XSI'KA NC K COMPANY. I'ireand Marino risks taken by Columbus. Fob -a —twl.\ H J MOSI.S MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT C&LUMBUS, UJ 1 LLreceive Deposits—aiul Cheeks for saloon Now York Macon and Savannah. April a-*— twtf RICH \KI) PATTEN. i SAVANNAH MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY ; rivHls* office returned ■'{(> percent. of premiums reeded last I X year to persons Imliliua oo.iciesol ilio Company ; and con- ! times to take Eire and Mamie risks on ihe most reasonable ‘•■'••ns. Sepl IS—twti (t J KIOSKS, SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY or A. It. NELSON President. JOHN H HITEIIKMi, Seeretarv, OIL undersigned i> authorized to take Uivoraud Marine risks for this well known i.unpanv, on tavorable terms. Columbus, Jan. ll—twtim JOHN MUNN. Ft RE AN D LIFE INSURANCE Protect’em Insurance < oinpany at Ifuitford, <'o:ine*tlcut. Springfield .Marine and lire Insurance Com pan v, at Spring field, Massachusetts. s \ North Carolina Mutual l.ifo In-urance Company, Raleigh. Kentucky Mu.ual Lite liisurance Company, Covburton. i Slaves insured at I wo-thirds their value. Columbus. Jan. I t—twtim JOHN MUNN, Agent. Do You Want to Insure ? rpiu: SAY WNAII .• Tl A!, INSUI{AMT.COMPANY will A take Marine and fire risk’ on reasonable terms. Apply to IT. J. MOSES, Agent. N. E.—This office returned to the holders of Policies :iy per cent, ot the premium’ paid during the year IKVJ. Columbus,Oct s3—wA-tw It - i FOR SALE AND TO RENT. PLANTATION AND LOT FORSALE, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS. A 1 will s> Umy valuable plantation one mile East ot Crawford, Ala., containing Eight Hundred acres; well I improved, good dwelling and out houses, gin house, - —new screw, tec., &c. There is good creek bottom and pine land interspersed with Oak and Hickory. A Iso. tl corner one acre lot opposite the hotel in Crawford, l or term u smd particulars apply to Messrs. C. 8. Harrison te Cos., Columbus, (ia. Jtfay SO—wAtwtf C. 1. CLOUD. Dwelling House for Sale ’ THE subscriber having determined to move west, offers liiibL. bis residence situated in the upper part of Broad streeet, L’Oll SALE ; tire house has eight large and comfortable rooms, with all necessary out buildings in a perfect state of repair. The furniture, if desired, w ill be sold with the house. Possession gi\ en any time after the Ist of .1 ul\. Columbus, June 18—twlm ‘ E. BARNARD. FOR SALE. A IIOUSK AND LOT; A LSO CARPETS, FURNITURE, vVo. APPLY TO C. 8. HARRISON & CO. Columbus, May ] I—tvvtf For Sale. A small farm about one anil a half miles from Colutn bus. It contains 150 or ItiO acres of land ; about a third of which is cleared, and in suitable condition for cultiva lion. The remaining portion is well timbered with pine. It is a desirable location for any person, wishing a small farm or summer residence in the vicinity of the city. Apply to lolumbus. March !*—twtf E. T. TAYLOR. HOTEL FOR SALE. THE nb.scrib*roffers tor sale his comtnodi mis und j ~ yft “i ll linishril Hold, situated “on the east side ot the |. •ja;:;I public square, in ilie tvwn <>l Buena Vista, Ga., am! >l=Ju=L I ‘ -‘” ii as lie- “G la Ml®ill TEL.” It is furnished with all nece.-s conveniences, and has pertaining to il, a goo,, kitchen, smoke house, stable, lot, &c., all in good repair. The luuisei.s coi* .niently situated,and i- favored with a liberalshare j of boarding transient cusloin. Hueiia Vista, though new, i a laruo and beautiful town. Its schools, and varied merchant tie and mechanic interests, insure itsperinancncy and ra|>il growth. ‘ No one need lettrdepreciation in properly lor many years. Persons wisltinglo purchase such property, would do well to call ami examine. Koasonable time wili beallowed for payment. For terms apply to the undersigned /, WILLIAMS, or to IVI LJ.I.-IMs 6l OLIVER , Marchs—9wlf Buena Y'ista. .1/arion co. Ga. VALUABLE IMPROVED LAND FOR SALE IN LOWNDES COUNTY. rpJIK l” .X IJKItSJC* NK I) lias not yet soht his place, four I miles front tlie Ft run-wick and Florida Railroad, which is i now building. In Ibis hotly of land there are- about l,f>oo acres tine hammock and pine land—2llo cleared. It is well watered, healthy and fertile. A great bargain can he had. Come and \ iew if. My address is Sharpe’s Store Post Office, I'Ja. \ Jane 21, 1853, wlOt D, B. OB AH AM, For Sale. .M V Plantation on the Glenn\ ille, t Aia.,) road, seven miles from Columbus, containing 340 acres,about Itilt of v, Inch is cleared and in a tine state of cultivation. Hie improvements are a frame dwelling with four rooms, kitchen, cribs and stables conveniently arranged. The place has an abundant supply of excellent spring water, is con- , venient to churches, schools and market, is very healthy and in an excellent neighborhood—persons wishing to purchase can 1 obtain any de-dred information by calling on Mr. Whitten, on the premises,or the subscriber in Columbus. B. F. COLEMAN. Columbus, June 21 wiitn. South Cowika Plantation For Sale. TIIF subscriber having detr yniued to remove West, 3wsjjs|a otter’ for sale his plantation, containing seven hundred and seventy-live acres,about one halfcleared and under good fences, situated twenty four miles west of Eufaiila, , nine miles from < ’laylon,and t wel\ c miles from the route of!he Girard and Mobile Railroad. For terms apply to 3lr. Thomas Robin.-on at llufaula, or to the subscriber >u the premises. HI’,\RV 11. FIELD. April 20—wtim CHALYBEATE SPRINGS. v A THE undersigned, thankful br the very liberal patronage extended to bint since the opening of the :||a :.Jj| alcove establishment, informs his friends and the ; l i l 3gS traveling public, that bis house will le re-opened on FRIDAY, aOth OF MAY. In addition to the many comforts and amusements afforded bis guests heretofore, the subscriber has IMPROVED AND ENLARGED HIS VCCOMMoI> A T l O .V S , in such a manner a- enables iiim to say that he can accommodate ail who may favor him “itli a visit, and render their stay agreea ble and satisfactory in every respect, it matters not whether the traveler is in search of health, amusement —either or both—the Chalybeate is the place at which his wants can be satisfied. 1 he Waters are line, “ “halvbeate and Sulphur,” ami “ ill cure a- many disease- as any one person ought to*have. TII H BAT II S are excellent ami arranged w ith a view to coiuiort. The quantity of water i- not quite a.- great in volume as that discharged by Niagara, but there is plenty and to spare tor the abiutions of any number of Fathers uoi engaged in ditching for Gas Work-, or operating m Coal Holes ; audas this is Dot the class ot visitors who have heretofore found tins Chalybeate, the proprietor trusts thai ids friends will find no scat city of that necessary element of navigation. While lie will have oceans of water for his temper ance"friends, lie will remember to keepa good supply of Winks for those who prefer a spirit level to a water course, lest too great a tendency to Hydropathy might cause them to be regarded as “soaker-.*"’ In a word, the proprietor has been crowded even season since he has had charge of the Springs; and as lie feels satisli*-d thai all who have called on him will give good report, their friends.and call again hen they pas- this wav, he is determined to leave nothing undone to keep his place “right side “ P ‘ TO INVA LI D 8 ■.rood fare and good cheer are as necessary as good water, and as none of thsse things are particularly disagreeable even tosuch, as from their healths llness, are traveling certificates of the salubrity of the laud they live in. the subscriber feels that he is safe in say ing tbe Chalybeate and its Proprietor are the elements “to drive dull cart- away.” From Geneva, on the Railroad twenty miles east of Columbus, Four Horne Coaches rut. daily to the Npringa ; from Baniesvillc tri weekly. At West Point, on the Montgomery Railroad, at LaGrauge, Pleasant Ilili and Greenville, comfortable Hacks can always be bad to bring visitors to the Springs. Facilities tor leaving to any point, can be bad c v ery day. The only difficulty to the traveler is to make up his mind t o o o : Call and sve the undetugned, and it Redoes net make you comfortable, it will be beciiu>~you arc harder to please than any one that he h&j eucoun turfed as vet, and that is saying a good deal. JAMES WOOTTEN. (.halybeate Fprlng*, Ga.. may 17—twfewtljuly. BUSINESS CARDS. THOMAS J. NUCKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Columbus, Georgia. ■v* over I. G. Smrm’s, near corner of Broad ain'Kaf dolpli streets. WILE practice in the counties of ibis and tne adjoining judicial circuit in Alalia mu. Marrh 15—wly W. C. MINER, A T T O R N B Y A T 1, A W , Tuski-cut, Macon co., At,a. VViil practice in the counties ol’ Macon, Montgomery l aliapoosa, Pike, Barbour ami Russel, lamia rv 22—4vvlv TUCKER vV BEALL, ATTORNEY S AT LAW , la MrKis, tin:wakt County, G*. Wl El. attend r gulariy the Superior fXmrtsof fstewart, Marion fiivopter and lbuidolph counties: and will give prompt att* u lion t<> all business entru'ied to their care. JOJLY A. ’l'rCh KH. K. JI. BEALL. Lumpkin, human 18. IKkt—Jw ly GEO. S. ROBINSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Jutiibert, Georgia. Kukrcm'k.v:—lions. M. J. Wellborn and Alfred 1 verso Uoiumbus. Uuthberl, Nov ~ —43wtf KING vY WIN NEMO RE, COM MISSION MERCH ANI S, MOBIL!., ALABAMA. Deo. 20,1642. [Mob. TribA 15 tl S. S. STAFFORD, A T T OKiNEY A T LA W . Blakely*, Early Cos., (in, a pN w h INGRAM A CRAWFORD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Columbus, Gko. Will practice in the i halt a hoocheo Circuit and the adjoining counties. * tfficc over the store of J. K. Redd te Cos, pi tin ER INGRAM, M. 4. CR AWFORD. Lolumbus, January 11 —2w6in DOUGLASS &c DOUGLASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cuthhert , Georgia. t \J ll.l, practice in the counties of the Southwestern tlr**o i VV and in Stewart county of the i ’hattahouchee circuit. * KUGKNIUSL. DOUGLASS, Nov 30—w |j MARCJSLLUS POUGLA6R. NICOLAS GACHET, A T TOR NE Y A T L A W, Tuskegee, Alabama. ni rio: over porter's brick stork. Wild, attend the courts of the Ninth Circuit, and Montgomery, Pike, and Barbour in the Eighth l ircitit. march i!9 —w i > T. J. COLQUITT, ATTO KX KY AT LA W BueilH Vista, Ga., vi’ |ee practice in t lie t Marls of > orion and HtewarttheChat >A tahoocliee Circuit-an Macon, Eee and Sumpter, ol the Southwestern Circuit. Rkfkrkm k —Hon. \Y. T. Colquitt Columbus, Ca. iul.v 15 —ts WILLIAMS & OLIVER, .4 TTOR NE YS A T L A W , JIUKNA VIKTA, M AKtON COUNTY, GEORGIA. \\T I EL practice in the counties of Marion, Macon,’ Houston Yv Stewart, Randolph and any adj Dili mg county where thaf services may he required. WM. K. WILLIAMS. TIIADDKUS OLIVER. Feb 27—tw Unite wtf. WILLIAMS, OLIVER AND BROWN, Attorneys at Law, BURN A VISTA, MARION GO. GA. Will practice in tlie counties of Marion, Macon, Houston Biowart, Randolph, .1/uscogee, Lee, Taylor, and any adjoiuiug counties where tiuir serv ices may be required. VVM. P. WILLIAMS, TIIaDUKI S OLIVBR, JACK. BROWN, laooa rv -JB—sw I > Bam. 8. HaMli/i'o.\. Columbus Cunningham. HAMILTON ,V CUNNINGHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, Pike County, At. a. April id, lb.'d—wfctwly. G. LOCKWOOD. J. DUBOIS. LOCKWOOD <A DLBOIJS, MERCHANT TAILORS, 558 Broadway, New York. Between St.. Nicholas and. Metropolitan Hotels. May 28—tw&Avlm 11. Y. GREENWOOD, JOSIAH MORRIS, J. I. RIDGWAV. GREENWOOD, MORRIS &, RIDGWAY, r ACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. I; Canmdelet Street, New Orleans. Oct 21>—w&twly F. T. CULLENS, ATTO It \ EY| A T li AVV , BLAKELY, EARLY COUNTY, GA. Oct 5, 1852. 40-wly J- S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster A Purple’s Jewelry Stn Broad Street. y, Columbus, Jan. s—lw& D. B. THOMPSON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART,) Below Hill, Dawson At Cos. rp IN, Copper, SEeet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner X of Gutters? Piping, Conductors and Roofing done to order, substantially and warranted. Nov. 2 48—ts C. S. HARRISON & CO. AUCTION AND COMMSSION MERCHANTS. Broad street, Columbus. Ga. aa r ILL attend promptly toall business consigned to ihem YV Feb 13— W. J). FORD DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pickles. Preserves, Frnits, Confectionaries. Sejtaw also. Fish, Oysters and Ice when in season. Wakpburg’s Building, JtrrKRSON street, Savannah, Qa l ’ebruitry ft. 1833. twCm RETURNED. C T. CUSHMAN, D. D. S. HAH returned from New York, 4lL_-’ “pI where he critically inspected, In - --E-- various Dental Laboratories. eom* j of tbe best woik that can be done, and availed himsell of addi tion; I means to execute the same stvles with dispatch. ) Alto, loupe rate oa the teeib, with his usual care and finish. Over Foster & Purple’s Jewelry Btore- No. 60 Broad Street. Columbus, January, 7—twtf Notice. i * LL persons who are indebted by note or account tothe/oi; Afirmof WHtTTKLSEr*. <requested to make *)* •*( *“-> >• lbe “ ! of a collecting attorney within a short j-qj^yTH, J. lit WHITTELHEY. Columbus. J tine ‘-l lwtj ’ Take Notice X abort time, has appointed r. H fiESSAU. L '’ CobjrnbTui. June 22—twlm Laths! Laths! • Laths •• • i T havc for sale 30,000 Laths, which I will deliver in any part c. j X ,he r\tv, 8t fy per thoutend. HOLLAND. April 26-weow 10t