Newspaper Page Text
Cafe st intelligence,
Albany, June 29, 1853.
The meeting was organized by calling B. K. Harri
son, of Stewart, to the Chair, and It. 11. D. Sorrel, Se
cretary. The call of counties being made, the follow
ing counties were represented :
Muscogee—Porter Ingram, Peter McLaren, A. B.
Stewart—John Fitzgerald, B. K. Harrison, B. May.
Marion—M. 11. Blountford, T. J. Colquitt.
Macon—John T. Brown, R. 11. D. Sorrel.
Sumter—T. M. Furlow, M. Mcßane, W. B. Guer
Dooly—I)r. W. F. Bynum.
Lee—B. G. Smith, J. 11. Gillmore, G. B. Mayo.
Randolph—G. L. Barry, M. G. Stamper, E. L. Dou
Baker--B. M. Cox, J. G. Slappey.
Early—W. C. Cook.
T. M. Furlow moved that a committee of five be ap
pointed by the Chair, to nominate permanent officers for
the Convention.
Committee—T. M. Furlow, of Sumter, Benj. May,<f
Stewart, J. H. Gillmore, of Lee, Dr. J. M. Slappey, of
Baker, E. L. Douglass, of Randolph.
The committee reported the following : Col. Porter
Ingram, President, Col. R. 11. D. Sorrel, Secretary.
Dr. Slappey moved that a committee of three be ap
pointed to conduct the President to his seat.
The following gen tlemen were appointed that com
mittee : A. B. Ragan, of Muscogee, M. Blountfield, of
Marion, and Col. B. M. Cox, of Baker.
The President, on taking his seat, made a very ap
propriate and stirring speech, which was received with
.marked approbation by the Convention.
B. K. Harrison, of Stewart, moved that each county be
entitled to one vote for each Senator and two for each
Representative. Adopted.
On motion of Mr. Harrison, the two-thirds rule was
adopted unanimously.
R. 11. D. Sorrel, of Macon, moved that the Conven
tion proceed to ballot without announcing the name of
any candidate, which being seconded, was unanimously
Mr. Harrison stated that Col. 11. L. Benning and J.
A. Tucker would not accept the nomination.
Colquitt 17 ; Clarke 1 ; Robinson 10 ; Williams 8.
R. 11. D. Sorrel stated that Mr. Clarke’s name was
not before the Convention.
Colquitt 16 5 Robinson 15 ; Williams 5.
Robinson 13 ; Colquitt 19 5 Williams 4.
Mr. Mcßane, of Sumter, then withdrew’ the name
of A. A. Robinson.
M. Blountford moved that the Convention adjourn
until 2 o’clock, which was decided in the negative.
Colquitt 19 ; Furlow 1 7.
Mr. Mcßane moved an adjournment until 2 o’clock,
which was carried,
The Convention met according to adjournment.
Fifth Ballot. —Colquitt 20—Furlow 16.
Mr. Mcßane withdrew the name of Mr. Furlow.
Mr. Harrison of Stewart moved that A. 11, Colquitt
be unanimously declared the candidate of this District.
This was received with marked approbation and was
unanimously carried.
R. 11. D. Sorrel moved that a committee of one
from each county be appointed by the Chair, to notify
the lion. A. 11. Colquitt of his nomination and ask his
acceptance thereof.
The following gentlemen were appointed that com
mittee :
A B Ragan, Muscogee ; B Iv Harrison, Stewart;
M H Blanford Marion ; J T. Brown, Macon ; M
Mcßane, Sumter ; W F Bynum, Dooly; B G Smith,
Lee ; E L Douglass, Randolph ; J G Slappey, Baker ;
W C Cook, Early.
The committee introduced Mr. Colquitt to the meet
ing, when he made some happy remarks—accepting
the nomination.
R II D Sorrel then moved that a committee of one
from each county be appointed to draft resolutions.—
The following gentlemen were appointed :—R II D
Sorrel, of Macon, P McLaren, of Muscogee. B May,
of Stewart ; T J Colquitt, of Marion; T M Furlow,
of Sumter, W F Bynum, of Dooly, J II Gillmore, of
Lee, M G Stamper, of Randolph 5 B M Cox, of Ba
ker ; W C Cook, of Early.
The committee retired and soon after reported the
following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That we adopt as the cardinal rule of
our political faith, the Resolutions of the Baltimore
Convention of 1852, and forgetting all past divisions
and differences of opinion upon questions already set
tled, we cordially invite all, By whatever name hereto
fore known, who now agree with us in principle, to join |
with us in carrying out in practical operation, the great
Constitutional, States Rights and Republican doctrines
embraced in those resolutions.
Resolved , That we have an unshaken confidence in
the patriotism, integrity and firmness of Franklin
Tierce, the President of the United States —that his |
republican simplicity, his stern adherence to the strict
letter of the Constitution in all his public life, and the j
noble and patriotic principles contained in his lnaugu- j
ral Address, commend him to the love and admiration .
of the great party that elevated him to power, and
that the Democracy of this Congressional District will ‘
come up with one united voice, and give to his admin
istration a hearty and cordial support,
Resolved , That the members of this Convention,
| speaking for themselves and those whom they represent, ;
I cordially and freely respond to, and ratify the proceed- j
ings of the late Democratic Convention at Milledgeville,
I and that we will use all honorable means to secure the
| election of the distinguished nominee of that Gonveu
f tion, the lion. 11. V. Johnson.
Resolved , That Alfred H. Colquitt, Esq., who has
been made the candidate of the Democracy of the 2nd
District by the unanimous voice of the Convention, is a
well qualified and worthy representative of our princi
ples, and we hope the electors of the District will ral
ly in thousands to his support.
Dr. Bynum moved that tho proceedings of this con
vention he published in the Patriot, Democrat, and
Times & Sentinel—carried.
B lv Harrison, of Stewart, moved that the thanks of
this convention be tendered to the President and Secre- j
On motion of B M Cox, the convention adjourned
sine die.
R. 11. D. Sorrel, Secretary.
Mexican Ports Declared Open. — A synopsis of Santa
Anna’s New Mexican tariff is published in the New Or
leans Picayune. The following ports are declared open
to foreign commerce :
On the Gulf of Mexico, Sisal, Campeaehe, San Juan,
Bautista de Tabasco, Vera Cruz, Tampico de Tamaulipas
and Matamoras.
On the Pacific Ocean, Acapulco, Manzanilla-, San Bias,
Mazatlan, and Gaimas in the Gulf of California.
On the Northern frontier, Matamoras, Presidio de]
Norte. On the Southern frontier, Comitan and Tuxtla
The wife of T. F. Meagher, according to late advices,
had arrived in London from Van Diemen’s land, and was
with her husband’s father, the member for Waterford.
Mrs. Meagher will visit Iceland before sailing for Ameri
ca, to rejoin her husband.
As you please—or how the English view it.
We cut the following from the London Morn
ing Chronicle, and commend it as possessing
sound sense, expressed in a kind though de
precating spirit, and worthy the practical con
sideration of the American people. P. M.
Philadelphia, June 30, 1853.
Mrs. Stowe in England.
“We can by no means commond the prece
dent which Professor Stowe has set to English
husbands by bringing his wife to be exhibited
on platforms as an object of public flattery.—
Long may it be before an English authoress is
induced to prefer so dangerous and equivocal a
gratification, to the approbation of her readers,
the love of her friends, and the applause of her
own heart. Long, long may it he before an Eng
lisli woman is persuaded to parade in foreign
lands the spectacle of her oum merits and her
country's shame. We are aware that the cus
toms and opinions of American society on these
points are very different from ours, and that an
ovation of this kind would not be a novelty in
that country. But it is a novelty in ours, and
we must say, most emphatically, that we wish
it may remain so.”— Pennsylvanian.
BAGGlNG—Kentcky 4? yarcLS © 16
ROPE V’ lb 9 © 16
BACON —Hams W lb 13© 14
Sides ijp lb 10 © II
Shoulders 4P lb 9 @ 16
PORK—NeII 4?'lb ©
BUTTER Vlb 25 © 36
CHEESE rib! @
CASTINGS 4?’ lb © 5
COFFEE—Rio r’lbl 11 © 12#
Java HPlb 12 © 16
CANDLES—Sperm rib! 56 ©
Wax r lb
Star rib; 36 @
Tallow rib 18 © 20
FEATHERS r lb! 40 © 45
FlSH—Mackerel No 1 4P bbl 14 00 © 16 00
Mackerel No. 2 rbbi !3 00 ©
Mackerel No. 3 4? bbl; 11 60 @ 0 00
Shad r bbl| 18 00 ©
Herring r box 160 @
FLOUR—Western 4P bbl 700 © 866
Canal r bbl! 7 50 © 9 00
City rbbl 600 © 750
FODDER r 100 lbs; 125 ©l4O
GRAIN —Corn r bushel 70 ©
Wheat r bushel 100 @ 125
Oats... r bushel 50 @ 60
GLASS r box! 225 @ 7 00
GUNPoW ER r keg I 500 @ CSO
HIDES r lbj 8 @ 9
IRON—Swedes lb I © 6
English 4? tt> 4# © 5
LARD sp 12#@ 14
LEAD ft 9 © 16
LIME l P bbl 356 © 400
MOLASSES <p gallon 33 © 40
NAILS Fib, 6© 7
OlL—Lamp ip gallon’ 1 50 @ 200
Linseed 4P gallon 100 @ 000
Train *p gallon 75 ©
PAINTS *P keg 200 @ 275
PEAS *P bushel 75 @ 80
RICE *P lb 5 © 6X
SYRUP—Lemon per gallon 125 ©
RasDberrv doz 600 @
SALT ’ sp sack © J 50
i PHOT 4? bag 000 @2 25
, BOAP 4? lb 5 © 7
STEEL—Cast 4? * 20 @ 22
German ib 15 @
American lb 10 @
SUGAR—St.Cro:x ©
New-Orleans 4* ?> tb 7 @ 10
Loaf, refined 4* lb 12 © 12#
Lump tp lb 8 © 10
•SPIRITS -Brandy,Cog Pgal 100 © 400
American gal 40 @ 1 00
Peach spgal 100 @ 102
Apple, sptfal 60 (g 75
RIJM Jamaica, <Pgal 200 @3 50
New England gal 45 @ 50
WHISKEY —Irish.. <Pgal 400 @
Monongahela 1 00 @ 2 Oft
Western sal 30 @ 4ft
GlN—Holland gal 150 @ 200
American ‘Peal 40 @ 50
TALLOW <F lb 10 @ 00
VINEGAR— stall 37# @ 50
WlNES—Madeira, 125 @ 4 00
Sherry gal 150 @ 300
Champagne Baskl 15 00 @ 20 00
Malaga.. gai —7O @ 1 00
Port : 250 @ 400
Claret | 300 @
Guano $3 per hundred lbs.
/e; j THE subscriber lots now on hand and for sale
at his Ware Room in Lumpkin, a large and well y-v
selected lot of Furniture, of various styles and
prices and is constantly Manufacturing and re * i ‘
ceiviug among others the following articles of the latest styles: i
Chairs, Sofas, Bureaus, Safes Bedsteads Sideboards,
Dining-Tables, Wardrobes, Work-Tables Wash
stands, Rocking-chairs. Looking Glass and
Picture Frames
and in fact all articles belonging to his line of business can be had
at the shortest notice and lowest terms.
Also, Window Glass, French and American manufacture ; Fire j
board Prints and Border. Window .Shades &C., &c. Glass cut |
to any shape or size. All work warranted.
Pianos aud Melodeous furnished to order.
1 All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to.
Feb. 15—Twly W. H. CRUSSMAN.
19 Barclay Street and 24 Park Place, New York,
i May 17—w3m
By Jno. Payne Collier, F. S. A.
1 “It is not for a moment to be doubted, we think, that in
; this volume a contribution has been made to the clearness
j and accuracy of Shakspeare’s text, by far the most impor
! tant ot any offered or attempted since Shakspeare lived and
j wrote.”— London Examiner.
“ This is without doubt, the most interesting, if not the
most important contribution to Shakspeatcan literature
j which has been made since the discovery of the unique
quarto Hamlet of 1603.”— Courier and Enquirer.
“Commends itself to the common sense ot every reader.”
[.Journal of Commerce.
Lately received and for sale by
June 22-tw ___ D. F. WILLCOX.
“We are glad to see anew edition of this very readable
book, by the author of “Life on the Isthmus.” It is writ
ten with spirit and in a semi-mirthful manner.”— Newark
“This is quite an entertaining volume, full of the humor
ous and ridiculous. It will afford pleusant reading for an
idle hour.”— Boston Post.
June 22—tw For sale by D. F. WILLCOX.
By Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D.
Anew supply of this popular book just received .and for sale
by [Jels twtf] J. W. PEASE.
THE Copartnership heretofore existing between the under
signed under the name of
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. May 2. 1853.
The undersigned continues the business heretofore conducted
by A. C. Flewellen & Cos., and persons indebted to the said firm
will please make payment to
Columbus, Ga„ April 30—twtf
1901 Songs.
fff'. Scott’s Commentary.
Clarke’s “
Comprehensive “
Encyclopaedia Ameiieana.
Troutine on Railroad curves.
Owen on Forgiveness.
Venn’s Duty of Man.
Schlegel’s miscellaneous works.
Horse Slice Robinson.
Allan’s Ritual of Masonry.
Lockhart’s Life of Scott.
The Recruit.
Motherwell’s Poems.
Blythedale Romance.
Twice told tales.
Characteristics of Women.
Maunders Treasury.
Macauly’s speeches.
Men of the times.
Gepius of Scotland.
Nick of the woods.
Swallow Barn.
Beranger’s Lyrics.
Everett’s Speeches.
Carlyle’s Miseellancv.
Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying.
Carlyles Latter Day Pamphlets.
Pastoral Theology.
Olin’s Sermons.
Louis 17th. The history of the Royal Dauphin.
Ticknor’s Spanish Literature.
Bulwer’s Athens.
Prescott’s Miscellanies.
Sparks’ American Biography.
Homes and Haunts of British Poets.
How to Observe.
Bulwer’s Schiller.
Crabbe’s Synonvmes.
Agnes Strickland’s Queens of Scotland.
Harper’s new miscellany.
Harper’s Family Library, 166 volumes.
Harper’s Magazine, bound in muslin.
Lossings Field Book of the Revolution.
Cecilia ; by Miss Burney.
Beckman’s History oflnventions.
Michelet’s French Revolution.
Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales.
Mfiler’s Philosophy of History.
Lamartine’s History of The Girondists,
Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d.
llabelai’s Works.
Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works.
Schleger’s Philosophy of Life.
Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life.
Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works,
Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religio
Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands.
Neander’s History of the planting of Christianity.
Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox.
Memories of the Great Metropolis.
Morell’s Philosophy of Religion.
Machiavelli’s History of Florence and other Works.
Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici.
Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature.
Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth.
Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz.
The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author of
Lewis Arundel.
The Rifle Rangers.
The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel.
Home Influence ; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense;
Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel.
Home Scenes and Heart Studies ; by Grace Aguilar.
Hayne and Webster’s Speeches.
Walde Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence,by
Emerson Bennett.
A Life of Vicissitudes ; by G. P. R. James.
The Flying Artillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by
Harry Hazel.
Rochester, or the merry days of England.
Gilderoy ; The Free Booter.
The Histoiy of Pendennis.
Vanity Fair.
Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray.
Katie Stewart; a true story from Blackwood’s Magazine-
David Copperfield.
The Swamp Steed, or The Days of Marion and his
Merry Men.
Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan
Quintin Matsys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp.
Columbus, May 21 —twly
To the Masonic Fraternity !
THE “Ahiman Rezon,” or Book of Constitutions of the
Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Caro-
I lina. Especially recommended to the Fraternity by the
; Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Georgia.
Just received bv
May 21— A. C. FLEWELLEN.
The Cherokee Springs.
M OPENS the 17th of June, under the management of
Col. MURRAY and LADY. The waters are
I have numerous certificates of their efficacy aud cures, in many
diseases. The Rev. Prot. Means, of Emory College, is now pre
paring an analysis. Th3 waters are limpid aud cool, the situation
romantic and beautitul.
They are only three-fourths of a mile from the platform (used
also for Catoosa) on the State Road, between the Tunnel and
Ringgold. Hacks in constant attendance.
Ringgold, Ga.,June I—twStlaw
Muscogee Sheriff Sales.
\ be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, at the market
1 > house, in the city of Columbus, between the usual hours of
sale, the following proper to-with :
Lot of land number one hundred and ninety four in the sixth
district of Muse gee county, levied on as the property of Nathan
iel Duffle to satisfy a li fa from A/usc >gee Superior court in favor
of Parker Fisher against said Duffle.
Also, fractional lot number two hundred red forty six in the
thirty second district of originally Lee, now c-nntv.
levied on as the property of Thomas W. Ballard to satisfy four’s
fas from a magistrate’s court in favor of Greer & Carson against
said Ballard : levy made and returned to me by a constable.
Also, the interest of J.G. Cobb in seventy acres of land, more
or less, whereon J. G. Cobb and Wiley Cobb now live, being in
the south east corner of lot number twelve in the thirty third dis
trict of originally Lee now Muscogee ; levy made and returned
to me by a constable.
Also, the west half of lot of land number one hundred and
eighty one in the thiyty second district of originally Lee now
M uscogee county, levied on as the property of Jesse Story to
satisfy several li fas against, said Story, a-d Seaborn W. Ellis as
security; one in favor of Gibson Tullis; one in favor of Thomas
Redman; one m favor of George Richardson; one in favor of
John Kelly, ami others against Jesse Story, principal, and Sea
born \V. Ellis, security; levy made and returned to me by a con
Also, fifteen acres of land, more or less, ir. the south west corner
of lot of land number seventy five in the thirty third district of
originally Lee, now Muscogee county, the creek being the line ;
levied on as the property ot 15. I'. Howell to satisly a fi fa from
the magistrate’s court in favor of J. and J. Ligon against said
Also, on one hundred and two and a half acres, more or less,
of lot of land number twenty three in the sixth district of Musco
gee, levied on as the property of Wm. Janes to satisfy several
id fas from a magistrate’s court in favor of Wm. H. Langford,
and other fl fas against said Janes; levy made and returned to
me by a constable.
June 1, 1853. A.S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff.
Randolph Sheriff Sales.
“\X7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July, next, before the
VV court house door in the town of Cnthbert Randolph coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
Lot of .and number one hundred and fifty eight in the sixth dis
trict of Randolph county ; levied on as the property of William
H. Brunerto satisfy two fi fas issued out of a justice’s court of
said county, in favor of Wm. Caraway vs William 11. Bruner,
principal, and Ezekiel 11}de. Levy made and returned tome
by a constable.
Also, one negro man by the name of Harry 23 years of age;
levied on as the property of William I). Beckwith to satisfy one
fi fa issued out of a justice’s courtof Randolph county, in favor
of Patrick 11. McCook for the use of Daniel A. McCook vs Wil
liam D. Beckwith. Levy madeand returned to me by a consta
Also, lot of land number one hundred and fifty seven in the
seventh district of said county; levied on as the property of
David Wiird and John B. Ward to satisfy sundry fi fas issued
out of a justice’s court of said county in favor of Delaware Mor
ris and others, vs David Ward and John B. Ward. Levy made
and returned to me by a constable.
Also, the following property, to wit: one improved Wire ma
chine, one large turning machine, one burning machine, one
small burning machine, one large burning machine, one swedg
ing machine, one groovirg machine, one stovepipe, all levied bn
as the property of .Matthew Sharp to satisfy one fi fa issued from
the superior court of Stewart county in favor of Cain & Wright,
vs Matthew Sjharp.
Also, three lots of land, numbers three hundred and two, two
hundred and seventy, two hundred and sixty-nine, in the lourth
district ot said county, levied on as the properly of Nathan G.
Christee to satisfy sur dry tt fas issued from the Superior corn t of
said county in favor of Hiram Roberts and others, vs Nathan G.
Also, one negro girl by the name of Amelia about 25 years of
age, levied on the property of Henry S. Hane to satisfy sundry
fi fas issued out of a justice’s court of said county in favor of
; Brooks &. Smith and others, vs Henry S. Hane. Levy made and
I returned to me by a constable.
Also, forty acres of lot of land number one hundred and thir
l teen in the sixth district of said county, it being in the north
i east corner of said lot, levied on as the property of John H.
: Jones to satisfy sundry fi fas issued out of a justice’s court of said
1 county in favor ol .Tames F. Newsom, vs John H. •'’ones and L.
B. Blackshire and D. Jordan, security. Levy made and returned
! tomebva constable.
| June 3—tds WASHINGTON JOYCE, Sheriff.
Early Sheriff’s Sale.
WILT, be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, in Blake
ley, Early county, before the court house door within the
, lawful huurs, the following property, to wit :
Lot of Land number (257) two hundred and fifty-seven, in the
13th district of said county, levied on as the property of William
A. Beck, surviving co-partner of A. H, Carrington &. Cos., to sat
isfy a Ufa in favor of Baker Johnson & Cos., property pointed out
by Plaintiff.
June 25—wtds JOHN WEST, Sheriff.
Early Sheriff Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, between the
lawful hours of sale, before the court house.door in Blake
i ly, Early county, Ga., the following property, to-wit:
Fifty acres off of lot of land number 100 in the twenty-eighth
district of said county ; levied on as the property of Elijah Bush
to satisfy afi fain favor of L. S. Waller; levy made and returned
to me by a constable.
May 31—tds JOHN SIRMONS, Pep. Sheriff.
GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary,
! Muscogee county, j April Term, 1853.
WHEREAS, Wm.N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on
the estate of John Liggin, deceased, having applied for
letters of dismission from said adm uistration: It is ordered that
all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said
administrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to
be held in and for said county on the first Monday iu November
A true transcript from theminutesof said court, April 4, 1853.
Col ambus, April 12—wGm JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary.
! .
GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary,
Tallbot county, j February Teim, 1853.
WHEREAS, William F. Robertson applios by petition for
letters of dismission as the administrator of Barney Wilson,
late of Talbot county, deceased.
Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at
the September lerin of this court next ensuing, then and there
to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be
I granted.
A true extract from the minutes of said court, 24th Feb., 1853.
j March I—9w6m MARION BETHUNE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, ) Court ok Orpin ary.
Muscogee county, ) April Term, 1853.
WHEREAS, Win. N. Nelson, administrator on the estate of
Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters of j
dismission from said administration : It is ordered that all per
sons concerned, shew cause, if any they have, why said admin- j
istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be
held in and for said county on the first Monday in November \
A true transcript from the minutes of said court, April 4,1853.
April 12—w6m J,NO. JOHNSON, Ordinary, j
GEORGIA, ) Court of ordinary, of said coun-
RauclolpL county, { ty, April Term, 1853.
JOHN T. McLENDON, Guardian of Simeon P. Turner, peti
tions this court for letters of dismission from his said guar-
I dianshiptOrdered that all persons having objections file them on !
! or beforethe July Term of this courtnextensuing,otnerwise said j
j letters will be then and there granted.
April 12—w3m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
Georgia, Randolph county—Whereas, Simon
Wooten applies to me for letters of Guardianship for the j
i person and property of Samuel Thompson, orphan and minor of j
j Samuel Thompson, late of said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
parties interested, to be and appear at the next July term of the
Court of Ordinary of said county, and make known their objec- !
j tions, if any they have, otherwise letters will then and there be !
| granted. Given under my hand at office, 25th day of May, 1853. ;
May 31 —w7t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
p eorgia , Randolph county,—Whereas, Cullen W
\JT Alexander applies to me for letters of administration on the j
estate of Hansell .Vorris, late of said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at my
office within tlie time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under
my hand at office the 25th day of May, 1853.
A/sy 31—wTt O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
| Stc wart county. $ April Term, 1853.
UPON the petition of William H. House, Executor of the last
Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters
! of dismission from his said executorship:
It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern
’ ed. shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why
j should not then be granted.
A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853.
April 10—wbra J.L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary.
Stewart county. i November Term, 1853.
TTPON the petition of William 11. House, Executor ot the laat
U Will aud Testament olThomas House, deceased, for letters
of dismission from his said executorship.
It is on motion, ordered by the court that all person* concern
ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said
court, why said letters should not then be granted.
A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853
I April 19—w6m J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, ) Court of ordinary of said covn-
R andolph county,] ty, April Term, 1853.
TAMES W. COLLINS, administrator of N. Collins, late of said
county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of
dismission from his said administration, and it appearing that
said estate has beeu fully administered : Ordered that alt persons
file their objections, if any they have, on or before the November
Term ofthis court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator
will be then and there dismissed.
April 12—w6in O. P. BEALL. Ordinary.
Randolph county, ] June Term, 1853.
rllll. IP CAUSEY, Administrator on the estate of David Haw
ell, late of said county, kleceased, having petitioned this
court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that all persons con
cerned, tbe their objections, (if any they have,) on or before the
January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Adrois
trator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand
at office the 16th day of June 1853.
June 21—w6:n. O. p. BEALL, Odinary.
C Georgia, Randolph county.— Wheieas, Samuel A.
T Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John It.
Weaver, late ot said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters
of dismission from said administration.
These are, therefore, to cite, admonish and require all persons
concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before
the September term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, to
be holden on tin-first Monday of September next, otherwise said
administrator will be then and there dismissed.
Given under tny hand at office this 22d day of February, 1853
March I—9w6m _ O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
(GEORGIA, Randolph county— Court of Or-
T dinary, — Whereas, by the petition of William Hayes, ad
ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and tbe
estate of Kinchen l-’airclotli, deceased, it appearing to this court
that be has fully administered both of said estates, and moves the
court to grant him let ters of dismission: All persons concerned in
either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known their
objections, if any they have, on or betore the October term of
this court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will then
and t here be dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 29th
march 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
A pril s—wfiin
rA eorgia, Randolph county.— Whereas, Jas. Ruth
-1 erforil, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sutley, applies
to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. All persons
interested arc, therefore, hereby required to file their objections,
if any they have, on or before the May term of this court next
ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and tnere dismis
sed. Given under ray hand at office the I7th March, 1853.
March 22—w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
t* eorgia, Randolph county.— Whereas, John Gil-
I” bert. Guardian of Headley E. Hill, minor and orphan of
William E. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission from
said Guardianship. All persons interested are therefore hereby
required to file their objections, ifany they have, on or before the
May Term ofthis Court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant
will be then and there dismissed.
Given under my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853.
March 22—wfiin O. P. BEALL, Ordinary.
Georgia, Early county— Whereas, Joseph Grimslcy,
administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate of
Sarah Grimslcy, late of said county deceased, makes application
to me for letters of dismission from the further administration of
said estate. All persons concerned are hereby notified to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and
shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be
granted said applicant.
Given under my hand at office, this February the 24th, 1853.
March l—9w6m S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary.
Georgia, Talbot county.— Office of Ordinary, 29th
March, 1853.—Whereas, J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan
iel Wommock’s orphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from
said guardianship:
Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at
the June Term oflhe Court of Ordinary of said county, next en
suing, then and there to shew cause, it any they have, why said
letters should not be granted.
A true extract from the minutes ofsaid court, April 15th, 1853
April 26—w6m MARION BETHUNE, Ordinary.
Joint A. J. “Weatbersby ) Stewart Superior Court
vs. > April Term, 1853.
Elizabeth Weathtrsby. ) Lihel for Divorce.
IT appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant is
not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or
dered by the Court flat service ofthis libel he pcrlected on the
said Elizabeth Weathersby, by publication of this order in the
Columbus Times and Sentinel once a month tor four months
next preceding the ensuing term of this Court.
A true extract from the .Viuutes of this Court.
June 15 —lain4m I. M. COX, Clerk.
Susan Grubbs 1 Stewart Superior Court,
vs. > April Term, 1853.
Josiab Grubbs. ) Libel for Divorce.
If appearing by the return o the Sheriff that the defendant is
not to be found in this county, it is therefore ordered by the
Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Josiah
Grubbs, by publication of this order in the Columbus Times and
Sentinel once a month lor four months next preceding the ensu
ing term of this Court.
A true extract from the Minutes of Stewart Superior Court for
April Term, 1853. June 15—laui4m I. M. COX, Clerk.
Caroline S. Catenliead ) Stkyvart .Superior Court,
vs. > April Term, 1853.
Thomas J. Catenliead. ) Libel for Divorce.
IT appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant is
not to be found in the county of .Stewart, it is therefore order
ed by the Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said
Thomas J. Catenhead by publication of this order in the Colum
bus Times and Sentinel, once a month for lour months next pre
ceding the ensuing Term of this Court.
A true extract lroin the Minutes of said Court.
June 15—lam4m I. M. COX, Clerk.
Administrator’s Sale. --Will be sold in Cuthbert,
Randolph county, on the first Tuesday in July next, lot of
land number one hundred and seventy nine in the fifth district
of said county, on which are an excellent dwelling house and
other buildings, all good and new, about forty acres of fresh
opened land. ~ Bold by order of the Court of Ordinary of said
Terms of Sale —One half payable first of January, 1854, and
the balance first January, 1855. Notes with approved security.
May 17—wtds JESSE SANDLIN. Adm’r.
TWO mouths after dale application will be made to
the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell
lot of land number one hundred and thirty seven in the seventh
district of said county ; said land belonging to the estate of David
Graham, late of said county, deceased.
June 28—w2m
TXVO months after date application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, forieaveto sell a city
lot with improvements, in the city of Columbus, in said county,
known as lot number five hundred and twelve, containing one
half of an acre, belonging to of James Baugh, late of
said county, deceased. YVM. C. GRAY’, Adm’r.
June 29—w2m
q’two months after date, 1 shall apply to the
• X Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the
lands belonging to Mary Knighton, deceased.
May3l—w2m JAS. LITTLE, Adm’r.
mWO months after date, application will be
X made to the Court of Ordinary of Harris county,for leave to
■ sell the real aud personal estate of William C. Dozier, deceased.
Afay 3 —w9m J. T. DOyjjEß. Adm’r.
rVVO months after date application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Early county, for leave to
sella part of the laud and negroes belonging to the estate of Rob
ert 7 hompsim, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs
i of the estate of said deceased. JOHN THOMPSON,
j May 3 w2m Adm’r. with will annexed.
THE undersigned claims to be the ownerof the south half of
section twenty-seven, township fifteen and range twenty sev
’ en, a Creek Indian Reservation ; the original contract for which
I has been lost or destroyed. All persons are hereby notified that I
! shall proceed on the third Monday in August next, at the office
i of Aired Iverson, Esq., Columbus, Ga-, to take testimony in or
i der to establish a copy contract and to obtain a patent for said
Columbus, May 31-w6t
Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia,
ALWAYS on hand, at Wholesale and Retail, all desirable
varieties of
which will be sold on low terms. .. .
i A liberal discount will be made t© those who buy to sell again.
A generous share of the patronage of the public is respectiuily
solicited. All Cigars warranted to be such as represented,
j Columbns, October 2—4 ow ly _
East side Bt oad St. near the Market House
HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones
Monuments, ‘Tombs and Tablets, of American,
[ Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carving done
| on stone in the best possible manner; ana all kinds ol Gran
iteWorkattheshorte* notice. john H MAm)EN
p. S.—Plaster ofParisand Cement, alwaysoohand fbr
sale, Columbus, March 7,1850. 10 ti