The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, July 15, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] Cos cjpl 3ntcl linencc. THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. AKin VA L o F T HP. ST EAM E R tk ATLA!f T i C . Baltimore, July 10, 1853. The American steamship Atlantic lias arrived at N. York, having left Livei pool on the 29th u!t. She brings three days later news than the America. Liverpool Cotton Market. The sales of cotton in the Liverpool market for the last three days, amount to 20,00 : bales. The quota tions are as follows : Fair Orleans 0 7*Bdj Middling Orleans 6 I-1 fid.; Fair Uplands 6 1-2d.; Middling Up lands 5 15-l Gd. The demand was active, and specu lators took 5.000 bales. The Manchester trade remained unchanged. Consols were quoted at 98 1-2. Bice was in good demand, and prices were slitter. England* The general belief is that the peace *f Europe will be maintained, though insurance risks to the Danube are advancing. France. Tiie proposed action of the French Government in regard to the Turkish question, is not officially known. It is rumored that Napoleon has demanded of Russia a declaration, whether the C/ar intends war or peace. France holds herself in readiness tor either. Spain. It is reported that the Spanish ports will be imme - diately opened for the free importation of wheat. Russia am! Turkey. Warlike preparations in Russia and Turkey are pro gressing briskly. An Austrian envoy had arrived at Constantinople with conciliatory proposals. Persia, A great earthquake had occurred on the first of May, at the city of Sheraz, by which 12,000 persons were killed during the night. A plague had arisen from the unburied corpses. Hamburg. 8. Loman fc Cos., and Reiser, Espeldt & Cos., of Hamburg, Germany, have failed. THE VERY LATEST. France. At the Paris Bourse on Friday, the funds opened with a rise,but the rumored Re- an invasion of the Danube provinces, eau v.l a sadden check, and toe funds closed at a decline. Greece. King Otho is preparing a navy tor defence of the Grecian jsbrtsjf A private letter from Moldavia, says an extraordin ary courier from the Emperor Nicholas, had passed through thatcity,t Constantinople, with another ultimatum, wdiieh if not accepted in eight days, ihe Russian army would im mediately cross the frontier, and commence hostilities. A Russian army 40,000 strong, was already within two leagues of the frontier. [From the New Orleans Delta.] Later from Havana. Havana, July 3, 1553. Political Prisoners. The political prisoners in Spain, from this island, complain of very hard treatment. AH their money was taken from them, and they are only allowed to com municate with strangers twice a week, in presence of the Governor. They are looked upon by the gaping inhabitants, as so many terrible wild boasts; and, in their journeys, had iron rings put round their necks for security, and their thumbs were fastened together in the same manner. “The cry is still they come.’’ Two or three more eargoes of negroes have come in. notwithstanding the apparent activity of the Governor to please the British. C. C. L. FIFTEEN DAYS LATE it NEWS FUOH CALIFOK NIA . ARRIVAL OF TUB PHILADELPHIA. The U. S. -*iaii Steamship Philadelphia, J. P. MoKiustry, E. S. Navy, commanding, arrived here last evening, troui Aspinvvail, with trie California mar's and passengers, vvt.ieh came Irom Fran cisco by the Paeiiie Mill Steamers, Columbus and Golden Gate, which latter ship left S u Francisco on the lbUi ult. ‘Guy of the Philadelphia's passengers cr s?ed toe Isthmus in a single day, a.ul will reach New Gre i Q s witn.n twenty tine-hays from C liifornia. a at* Coluiniius and Golden Gate reached Pan - ‘j’j* respectively o.i the27.h a id 29th u!t„ bringing jo ) p*ssengors. tt;e mails, and two and a halt inii ot gold dust on freight. The Phiia elphia Hdt A l -: pin wall on Sunday, Ju.y 3i. At noon on ihe 4th, she exchanged colors with an American ‘ at anchor under tue-lee of Old Providence Istar.d. ii.e isthmus was ueuithy, au i nut a sin-ie ease ot S.CKUCSS had occurred on board the Ph iadelphhi. A, 4 i. M. f on tne Bth, she spoke t> the steamer Falcon, and exchanged uewspipers wit , her. The news iron California, *avs iha the Pacer and Times, reaching our Atlantic bre.hren bv to diy’s iruil departure. rather more important thin UHuai. The Golden Gate earn >a good ae eoui.i oi our agricultural |n:poets tor thepreseni reason. The harvest has com nenced, mid f-oni every part of the Suite the report is that the grain pro ukt will vastly exceed Ihui of All sorts ui held crops are equilly good. Foul every see lien ol the PUcers we hear of m ist sitisfaeui v rc buio. lo.uced aiming has never been carried fnrward v.i u “ UJ, ‘ general success. Q ui.-tz mining his re cen ea a iresh impetus from the influx of capital, “THE UNION OF THE States AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’’ ami will so>n contribute largely to the gold pr >riuvt of (. aliform*. In polities, both parties are awaiting the nominations or the i'diivcto on soon to assemble. The democracy moke tiiuir Stair* nominations next week at Benicia. For G voruor John Eijier and A/njor Roman are the prominent cund dates, and the result ot the count} conventions is strongly in dicative of the re-nomination of Gov Bigler. Uo?n mercialiy, the intelligence is not so Favorable to in terests abroad. The market is overstocked with many ot the chief arricies of consumption. Some lateiy arrived cargoes have been sold at a discount of ten per rent 2r<.rm the cost. Consignees are in structed to hold on for higher prices, Shippers, however, fail to ordertkein to draw for the freight, and the expend Pure alone equals half a million per month, requiring tint amount of goods at least to be forced upon the trade. It was very hot weather yesterday in Son Fianriseo, decidedly the hottest day of the season. At Marysvdie, on the 14 h, the heat v as almost intolerable, ami Sacramento fired li'tle better. At all ‘ hes. points, however, and in deed throughout the State, general good health pre vails, for which it behooves aii people to be thankful. [ Correspondence ol the Delta. I Duel between Gwin atul McCorkle. San Francisco, June S, 1853. Editor.-. Delta.—A duel was fou-jlu h the Hop. YVm. H. Gwm and the Hon. J W McCorkle, on the Ist instant, upon the boundary line between San Francisco and Santa Clara counties. The weapons used were rifles—the distance thirty paces. A number of spectators were on the ground. Af ter three shots, both parties be ng uui jured, the matter was satisfactorily adjusted by a mu uai ex planation, showing that t e affair grew out of a mi - understanding. The seconds drew up and signed a statement to that effect. The Lighthouse C infra if. —The parties contrac ting to put up the Lighthouse upon the Fan a Mones have been unable to commence their labors, on account if the opim-ition of squatters. The Aeic Collect! r —Lula M n s—M s. Sinclair —T u* New collector of this port aili not assume h’9 office until the ensuing month. Lda .Montes finishes, to-night, a very successful engagement.— Mrs. Sinclair is still playing to large audiences at Sacramento. Abundant Crops. Throughout the nterior the farmers speak in glowing terms of the pr* spect of an abundant harvest. The Wheat crops especially promise largely. Mining Prospects. —The miners, also, arc more tha usually prosperous ; several new and rcli dig gings have been discovered, and old >nes are being worked to advantage. Indian Murd'rs -—M >jor Walter H- Harvey and Mr. Young were found murdered in Tulare county. It is supposed the deed was commit!’ and by the Indi ans belonging to the ranehe of Major Savage, who was kilted by Harvey several motuhs ago. The In dian- were much attached to S-ivege, and had sworn to avenue him. H irvey was universally es teemed in California, and his loss is a subject of general regret. Advance in Exchange. —The lead ng bankers of lilts city nave advutced the rate of Exchange to 4 per cent.—being compelled, as alleged, by an ad vance ot 4 per cent, of freight on treasure. Oregon — Gen. Lane —Eh don for Delegate — In Oregon nothing is talked of but the approaching election for Delegates to Washington. Gen. Fane : has resigned the Governorship, and is stumping the | Territory. He will undoubtedly be elected. Judge ’ A. A. Skinner is the opposing candidate. SEN EX. Mr. Maurice O’Conneil, M. R., eldest son ; of the late Daaiel O’Connell, died suddenly m Lon i dun on the 17th ult. His F.xcellency M. de Bille, the Danish minister at the Court of St. James, also died unexpectedly in London on the ißth uH. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTKO TKl* WEEKLY BY J. K. RKT>D AND id. BAGGING —Kentcky ¥ yard $ © It* India II (Si 15 ROPE ibj i (s, 10 BACON—Hauis ¥'U- 13© 14 Sides fib! 10 @ 11 Shoulders lfc*j 9 © 10 PORK—Nett ¥"> © BUTTER Vlb 25 @ 30 CHEESE ‘P ibi ® CASTINGS ¥ lb ® CO FFEE—R io lb. It © 12^ Java ¥ lb’ 12 @ 16 CANDLES—Sperm *f*lb : 50 © Wax ¥ lb Star ¥ lb: 30 @ Tallow ib IS © 20 FE ATHERS V* lb 40 © 45 FlSH—Mackerel No 1 v*® bbi M 00 © 16 00 Mackerel No. 2 bbl 13 00 © dackerc) No. 3 bbi 1100 © 0 00 Shad ¥ hbl IS 00 @ Herring A’ HP box: 100 © FLOUR—Western HP bbi ; 700 © 800 Canal s’ l>bl 750 ® 900 Citv HPbbl- 600 © 7 50 FODDER....’ HP 100 lbs 125 © 140 GRAIN—Corn 85 <© Wheat V busbar 1 00 1 25 Oats ¥ bushel; 50 ® 60 GLASS ¥ box 225 © 700 | GUNPOVV ER ¥ keg 500 @ 650 HIDES R* & S © 9 IKON —Swedes ¥ to © 6 English 4% ® LARD..... ¥ 16 LEAD ¥ik 9 © 10 I IMF. ¥ bbi 350 ® 4 10 MoL ASSES HP gallon 33 © 40 N AILS ft> 6® OlL—Larm ¥ gallon 150 © 200 Linseed <jP gallon 100 © 000 Train ¥ vallon 75 © PAINTS ¥ key 200 © 275 PEAS ¥ bushel 75 © 80 RICE ¥fr 5 © 6v£ --VKUP —Lemon persallon 1 125 @ Raspberry R?' dor 6 bo © -ALT ¥ sack © 1 50 SHOT ¥ t*aK 000 225 si sA P Tlt 5 © 7 STEEL—Oas; ft 20 © 22 German ¥ >'■ 15 © American ¥l* 10 © SUGAR—s:.oro:x © JSevr-i irleans ¥ ft* 7 @ 10 Loaf, reslued ¥ if 12 ® ‘~}4 Lump ¥ It’ 8 © 10 SPIRITS Brand wo* W'A&h 1 0 ® 400 American ¥ 40 @ 100 Peach tp-gali 1 W @ 162 Apple, tp* kTalj J (a ,5 RUM Jamaica T?ai 200 © 360 New England ¥ gall 45 (& 50 WHISKEY—Irish. 400 @ Mouongahela l CMJ © 200 Western ¥ vai 30 @ 40 GlN—Holland 150 © 200 American *Pgal, 40 ® 50 TALLOW T SI 10 © 00 VINEGAR— 37# (& 50 WlNES—Madeira, Vgalj 125 © 400 B-Sherrr ¥ Vat; 150 © 300 f ’ nfTiW'ue Ba?k- 15 00 ® 20 00 Vtdaga V > gai;—7o © 100 p orl 250 © 400 Claret..,. •••’ 300 © Guano f 3 per hundred ibs. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1850. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DICKENS’ HOUSEHOLD WORDS. IN six volume-, handsomely bound in green (doth. Historical Sketch of the Electric Telegraph—lnclud ing its rise and progress in the Unit'd States. Price $1,25. Liter aiurefund L-terary men of Great Britain and Ireland. —By A. Mills. 2 vols. Hand Book of the Useful Arts.—-Being* vol. of Put nan's Home Cyclopedia. Half Hours with the best Authors —With short biogra phical and critical not *s, by Charles Knight. Chambers’ Cyclopedia of English Literature —■ Gol dsmith's Animated Nature — Humboldt's Aspects oj Na ture—Haz lilt’s Life of Napoleon.—The Koran irith notes, by G Sa e. Baldwin's Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer —Ninth edition with su;>p ement. Macaulay's Sneeche in 2 vols. Millie right's Guide, nv Oliver Evans. Lorenzo Dow’s Complete Works, with portraits of him self ana wife. Dictionary of Greek and Homan Antiquities ; by Chas. Anthon, L. L l). B wen’s U. S. Post Offlc. Guide. —Containing a histo ry ot the P. O. system throughout the world. A review of the P. O. Department oi the U. S. Rates ot Inland and Foreign postage. A list of all the post offices and mail routes in the U. S. with statistics, items, <!fee.. Sue. July 9—tw. For sale by D. F WILLCOX. VALUABLE BOOK. npHK LAWS OF 1.1 FK, WITH SPECIAL T'F.FER- I EV€E to THE tMYsu AL EDUCATION OF GIULS.- Bj Elizabeth Black well, M. l>. Anew supply of this popular book just received and for sale by [Jels twtij J. V. PEASE. Dissolution. r |’illE Copartnership heretofore existing between the unricr -1 signed under the name of A. C. FLEW ELLEN <fc CM)., is tlii3 day dissolved by mutual consent. May 1.V.3. A. C. FLEW ELLEN, J. T. CULLMAN. The undersigned continnes ti.e business heretofore conducted by A. C. Elevvellen & Go., and persons indebted to the said firm w ill please make payment to A C. FLEWELLEN. Columbus, Ga., April 30 —twtf BOOKS,pJBSOKS! JUST RECEIVED BY A 0. FLEWELLEN. 1001 Songs. P'-'sf- l& Scott’s Commentary. Clarke’s Comprehensive “ Encyclopaedia A me: i:ina. Troutine on Railroad curves. Owen on Forgiveness. Venn’s Duty of Man. Sen lege I’s miscellaneous works. Horse S’v'e Robinson. Allan's Ritual of Masonry. I .oekhari’s Life of Scott. The Re: t ;it. .* I other \vel I's Poem?. PiytiiediAe Romance. Twice told tales. Characteristics of Women. Maunders Tieasury. Macauiy’s speeches. Men of the times. Genius fScotland. Nick ol the woods. Swallow Barn. Beranger’s Lyrics. Everett’s Speeches. Carlyle’s Misceltai cv. Taylors lloly Living and Dying. ( urlvle-Latter Day Pamphlets. Pastoral Theology. Olin’s Sermons. Louis 17th. The history the Royai Dauphin. Ticknor’s Spanish Literature. Bulweris Athens. Prescott’s M iscel 1 a nies. Sparks’ American Biography. Homes and Haunts of British Poets. How to Observe. Raphael. Bulwer’s Schiller. Crabbe’s Synonvmes. Agnes Strickland’s Queens of Scotland; Harper’s new miscellany. Harper’s Family Library. 166 volumes. Harper’s Magazine, bound in ntuslin. Lossiugs Field Book of the Revolution. Cecilia ; by Miss Burney. Beckman’s History of Inventions. Michelet’s Fiench Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Miller’s Philosophy ot History. Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Gramtnont and Charles 2d Rabelai’s vVorks Bacou’s Essays and Historical Works. Schleger’s Philosophy of Lite. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Ueligia Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands. .Meander’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Great Metropolis. Morel I’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelli's History of Fbmnceand other Works. Roseoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici. Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the authored Lewis Arundel. The RiHe Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence; Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heait Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster’s Speeches. Waide Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence,by Emerson Bennett. A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a laleot Mexican Treachery, by Harrv Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gil demy ; The Free Hooter. The History of Pendennis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots : by Thackeray. Katie Stewart: a true story from Blackwood’s .Magazine David Coppertield. ‘l he Swamp Steed, or Twe Days oi Marion and his Merry Men. Fair Rosamond, or Ti e Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintal Matsys, or The Blacksmith ol Antwerp. Columbus, May 21—twly To the Masonic Fraternity ! r jMIE “A1 l oan Rezou,” or Book of Constitutions of the 1 Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Mason- ol South Caro lina. Especially lecommeuded to the Fraternity by the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Georgia. J list received bv May 21— A. C. FLEWELLE a——* n , HTwrTr- r- ;tp--iinipi■wm MARBLE WORKS. * East side Broad Si. near the diarket lluus? COLIi.UBi N, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kind- of (Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American Italian and Irish Marfle. Engraving and carving done on stone in the best possi; manner; ana aii kinds ot Gran ite Work at the shortest notice. JOHN H. MADDEN P. S.—Plaster oi Paris and Cement.a! ways on tiand foi aala. Columbus, March 7, 1860. to tt LAND WARRANTS WANTED. Bounty land warrants for *o, so, io acrw wanted, for wiibh ibea giustcash price* will be paid by CouusbUb, aug 2t—b*wtt LEGAL NOTICES. Early SheiiiTg Sale. XT/ - ILL t*c un the first Tuesday -a August next, in Biak<*- ‘V ley. Early county, before the court house door within the lawful h ,ttrs, the following property, to wit: I ot 01 Laud nuinner (257) tw.► hundred ami fifty-seven, in Hi I3th district of said county, levied on as the property of William A. Beck, surviving co-partner ot A. tl. C trrington a. C<> , io sat is'y a fi la in favor of Baker Johnson & Cos., property pointed out bv Plaintiff. June 25—wtds JOHN VVEBT, Sheriff. 6E3RGI A, ) Court 01 Ordinary, Mnscogrc county, j April Term, 1853. RULE XI SI. VffTTIEREAS, IVni.N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on W the estate of John Lignin, deceased, having applied fm letters of dismission from said administration : It is ordered tha all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why saic administrator should not be dismissed at the four. ofOrdinarv i< be iteld in and lor said county on the first Monday in N veiubei next. A true transcript from tbg minute.-of said court, April 4, 1853. Columbus, April 12—wfhn JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA. ) Court nr Ordinary. Talbot county, i February Teim, 1853. RULE NI SI. \\THEREAS, William l\ Uoiieitson appitss by petition foi VV letters of dismission asthe administrator ol Barney Wilson, .ate of Talbot county, deceased. Bt it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the September term of this court next ensuing, then and ther. to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not b. granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court. 24th Feb.. 1853 March l-wfim M AIMON BETHUNK, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court or Orpinarv, Musrogfe county. \ April Term, lt>s3. RULE XI SI. \\J i.i.REAS, Win. N. Nelson, administrator on the estate 0 V'V .'.ugustus Peabody, deceased, having applied tor letters <> lisn. -.-<**ll from said adininist ation :It is ordered that all per sons c-iice-rned, shew cause, if any they have, why said adnt'n istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to b held i:i an t for said county on the first Monday in Novembei next. \ true transcript from the minutes of said court. April 4, 1853. ■ pi 112—wGtn JMI. JOHNBf>N, Ordmarv. (4 1C Olt6 IA , ) COURT OF ORDIN ARY, Stewart county, \ April Term, IB’<3. UP’ N thcpeiition of William H. House, Executor <>f the last Will and Testament of fhoinas House, deceased, for letters of dismission from his said executorship: It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of sad court, why said letters should not ihen be granted. A true extract ir.un the minutes of said court. .April 12,1853. April 19— w un J. L. VVIMBkRLY. OrUinary. a K O U G 1 A , ) COURT OF ORD NARY, Stexvnrl county, t November Term, 1853. tT i’ON the petition of William H. House, Executor ot the last J Wid and T stament ol Thomas House, deceased, lor letters ofdism’ssion from his said executorship. It is on motion, ordered by the c mrithat all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said court, whv said lei H-rs should not ihen be granted A true extract from the minutes of said court, April !2, 1853 Anr : l 19 -whin J. L. VVi'bk'R l Y, Or inn-t GKOIiGIA, CO UR T <>F OR l> I.WJ l< ) , Rauiiolpli county. ) Jtme Term, 1853. ,) t. 1,1 <* a; USi*.Y, adii.iuistrator on tlte estate <t l>av : d Ht j veil, bile of said county, deceased, having petitioned thi> c >urt tor lett* rs of dismission, ii is ordure t that all > lid singular the parties in'erested, show cans.*, ii any they have, on or before the next. Jai.uaty lermol tliis court, why the petition of said administrator should not >e ranted, otherwise he will be then and there dismissed. Cneu under my hand at office the 25th June, 1853. July s—'wfirn O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. (t eorg Ia , Randolph county.— Whereas, Peter I ‘-tewart applies to me tor letters of adininist'ation on the estate of Daniel B. Norton, late of said county, deceased, These are, theretore, to cite and admonish all and sit gular tire kindred and creditors of said deceased lobe and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by Jaw, and shew cause, if any they have, why said ietters should not be granted. Liven under my hand the 25th day of June. July 5-7 t O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA) ) Court of ordinary of said covn- Itandotph county, < ty, April Term, 1853. ’f AMES W. COLLINS, administrator of N. Collins, late of said ff county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of dismission from his said administration, and it appearing that said estate ba* been fully administer I: ‘ irdered that all persons file their objections, if any they have, on or before the November Term ofthi- court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator wiil he then and there dismissed. April 12—w6m O. P. BEAM.. Ordinary. GEORGIA, } COURT OF ORDINARY, Raiidolpli county, $ June Tern, 1853. 13HIL P CAUSEY, Admini-tratoron the estate ot David flaw el), late o ‘ said county, deceased, having petitioned tliis court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that ad persons con cerned, fi e their objections, (if any they have,) on or before the January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Admis trator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 10th day of June 1853. •I ne2l —wOin. o. p. BEAM,, Odinary. corgla, Kanciolpli conitty.— Wheieas, Samuel A. 1 Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John H. Weaver, late ot said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters of dismission from said administration. These are, therefore, to .ute,admonish and require all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the September term ot the Cour: of (Ordinary c f said county, to be holden on the first Monday of September i!ext,otherwise*said administrator wiil be then and there dismissed. Given under my tiand at office tnis 22d day of February, 1853 March I—9w6m O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. ("A KORGIA) Randolph county.— Covet ok Or- JT din a ry. Whereas, by the petition of William (layes, ad ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the estate of Kinclien Faircloth. deceased, it appearing to this court that he has fully administered both of said estates, and moves the court to grain him ietters oi dismission: All persons concerned in either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known their objections, if any they have, on or besore the October term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator willthen and there be dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 2Uth march 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. A prii s—wfim (t curgia, U andolph county . U herea;, .Jas. Ruth -1 erioid. Guardian 01 Benjamin and Absalom Butley, applies to me for dismission from lbs said <Guardianship. All persons interested are, therefore, hereby required Mo fiie their objections, it any they have, on or before the May ierm of this court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and t tert Dismis sed. Given under my hand at office tl.e ITth March, 1853. Marcti.22—wCm O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. . > corgia, Knndoipli county.— W hereas. John (Jil V.T beri. titiardiauof Headley j’.. Hitt, minor and orphan ot William E. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission Iront said Guardianship. All | ersons interested are therefore her.-hy required torile their objections, if any they have, on or before the May Term ot this Court next ensuing, o herwise said applicant wiil b** then and there dismissed. Given tinder my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853. Mn!i 22—wfim O. P. Bt-ALL Ordinary. / ‘f.i gria. Kandolpii ccunty—W’hertas, Alien James \ ,l Sa ali B itts apply to nte lor letters o: on ti t , o Btiy rus buts. late oi said comity, < eceas. (!, r l i es are, therefore, t > i e and admonish all and singular the kb dre “and c; ditors of s-tid dece—ed. to b'* and appear at my office, wi'hi* t; et me priscrit.e>< by law,and snow cause is any t; ey v , why -aid tetters si 0..1d not lie gra !e<'. ( veil tt.-iter my hand at office, the 3rd day of July. 1853. 41'> 8 wit to. P. BEAM!,Ordinary. j 1 toigia, Early conuty... Whereas Joseph ‘-mnsley, v.l adtninislr.-dor with the Will annexe . upon the esiate ol Bitrait fj r i a Siev, late of said county deceased, makes application to me f<*r letters of dismission Irom the turther adtninist ration o> said estate. All persons concerned are hereby notified to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, atm shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this February the 24th. 1853. March I— 9wfim S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. {< eorgia, Talbot conuty. —office ot < >rdiuar>, a'.hh jl March, i-53. — Whereas, J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan iel Worn mock’s orphans, petitions lor letters of Dismission from -aid guardianship: Be it ordered, That ail persons concerned, be and appear a* the June Term ot the Court ol ordina-y of said county, next ei stiiiia. then aid the>*e to shew cause, i! any they have, why said letter* should not be grained. A true extract Irom the minutes ofsa : d court, April 15th, i*s .Aprbgti—ufjm M ARION RKTItUNE. Ordinsiry. > diuittisliator’s >ale— ..iil t> e soot in tiuihbcr’. Randolph eounty on the tirsi Tuesdi y iu October next, th -et i men! ol lauds on wh eh Erasmus Gay, Esq., residtd at h< time ot his death, to wit: lots numbers ! 40* 141. 149, |4 am in. i-e <*r less of 147, alt adjoining in the eighth tlis:r ct ot su> c *'mty,on which are tcloabl} good log building, an excelleic urn house and screw. Three hundred acr s-dooei, lands priuci prdy all fresh, well watered, and in hurt a v.,r. desirable plan .01 a.uniter. Botd by order ot the court of 6-diuary of ai i county. Terras, twelve months credit wtthsmaii notes and se curity. Any person wishing to purchase such a place will do well ti examine t.e above ctcutLiied lands, a* each lot will be put u separately. LEWIS &AY. AdrnV. 1 Jmy s—wtds John A. J. Wenthersby ) mewaet 8t fkimor * ovrt v<-. ■ April Term. 1853. Flizflbrtli Wrather*byH Lib. I f*r Divorce. • T l’ appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the • >s L not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or i d.-red tij the Court tl at service **t this libel he persectrd on tiie ! said Eliza U-th Weatherslry. by publication of this order in the i ‘'dumbus Times and Sentinel oi;c< a month tor four months j next preceding the ensuing term of tliis Court. A true extract from the .Minutes of lhi Court. June 15—Intn4m I. ‘• ff*X, <’terk. s>iian Grubbs ) Stkwakt 8t i*krior 1 ot rt, vs. - April Term, 1853. Jo-tali Grubbs. N Libel for D tore*-. I', appearing ly the return o the Sneritf Utat the defendant is not to be found in this county, it is therefore >rlere*l t>v the ! Court that me vice of this libel’ be perfected on the said Josiati Grubbs, by publication ot this order in the Columtuis Times and -entinel once a month lor tour months next preceding itie ensii it>g term of this Court. A true extract ftomthe Minutes of stewnri Superior Court for \pril Term. 1.-.'3. June 15 lnin4m t 1 ievk. Cnrolluc *■. Catenhead ) ?TEWn m ski ior Court, vk. v April Term. 1853. Thomas J. t’trnltrad. S Libel f< r T'ivoroe. IT itpoeariiig by tiie return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to lit- loif and in the county of Mew art, it is thereh reorder ed by the Court that service ol this libel he perfected on the said i Thomas ■!. Catenhead by publication of ilti- ori't r in the < olum | bus Times in and nt t<f, tre a month to.- tour months t.ext j re- I ceding the ensuing Term of this ('ourt. A true extract irom the M mutes of said Court. June 15—Iam4m I. M. COX, Clerk. (A nurdian's Sale.--Under an order of the Ordinary of T Mu cogee county, win be sold oil me first Tuesday in Mp (etnber next,at the market ho> se in Coiumb “s, in sain cout ty,a negro child named Rosa, the property of I enry ft'. Jernigau, (loiotA Tetins cash. A. B. RAGAN, Guardian. Odumbu*. July 18—wti*i | VVt) mniitlis afierdate npp'icalion wll t e made to the Ii ourt oft trdinary of M’ sevgee county, tor leaveto sell a ei>y i ot with in proven elds, in thec;t> o’ t oiumbus. in said corn ty, i sicwn as ‘ot number five hundred and twelve, coniainnu.’ one a't of an acre, belot git g tr> tl.e esiate ol Jt.n s Faugh, lair’ of said coi i ty d< ceased. W M. C. GRAY, Arltn’r. J tine 29 - w-’m ‘5 WO niontba after dn*e application will be made to ! ‘ ti e( i urt oi • r< maty ol 5 \ sc< ice c< nt.ty, lor 1< a\* to st-11 ! to’ ot la id m tuber one t undred and tidily sever ii lie si > , d'slrict o! said cour..y : -aid i::n<! t e‘ot viirj tothe esiate ol Iktv.d • ri.ham. late ot saui counlv. deripsrd. rl. Rl BA L. GRAHAM, Adm’r. J tine 2-* - r’m S'W Oin out Its—;ilti r i aie. I w ill a| ply In tiie ordinary of i Randolpti Couiiy tor 1> live to sell tie .aids of Am Ribald ] Peterson, deceased. Jtil N Pi ILL-ON, A( n.’r. i July B—wvm | months—a t r date. I will : pplv to the oiinry 1 ot Randolph Count for leave ‘osell ‘ln- lands and t egr . of Francis U. Powed, dece ed. 81 NI-.V J. POVVLLL, Arim’x. July B—w2m IMV O months n ler d-i!c 1 shall make application to the court o Old nury <>l Early county (Vir le: ve to sell the Ini de j bid ngit g to the esiate ol Joseph C. Gray, dec : sed. July s—W.'m .1 i . Ii 11 < ‘W N, Adn.'". ‘Uwo moathK after datr, 1 skull npply to tbe ’ ! Court ol t rditiary of Randolpb e> tti.ty for lease to suit it.e lands helot.', ing to 5 arv Kniahtor, d< ce:-I’d. May 31 -2'” ‘ jy< •’TTI F. Adm’*. | ‘J’ WO m o>. |lt s after date. I will npply ’>• *•(• < our • < r - Id ttary . Randolph cointy or leave to s-1. i’ kinds tieiong . ing to ru cea Whip|d<, ain ner. j July s—w.-in Utrtxl-.i<TL. V*lT*;’ *. ! I , (.'uardinn The Soil of ihe South For A MONTHLY JOURNAL, Devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and the General PUntinp Interests oi the South. I JAMES M. CHAMBERS Agricultural Editor. ! CHARLES A. PEABODY Hoiticuiioml Editor. Published at Columbus, Georgia, on the First of the I Month at the low rate ot One Dollar a year, in advance T E R M S; One Copy, one year, 81 00 Six Copies, one year, f> <0 Twenty-Five copies, one year, 2 00 One hundred conies, one year, 00 All subscriptions must commence with the volume. CH AR ACT ER iSTICS. Both the Editors oi this Jouruai are engaged in the cul tivation oi the soil ol the South. In the Agricultural Department, our list of contributors embraces many of the rno -t successful agriculturists of the South ; and each number,for 1853, will contain a contribu tion front one of the most distinguished scientific agricultu rists in the United States. In the Horticultural Department, Mr. Charles A. Pea body, who has attained unrivalled excellence, ha- secuied the co-operation of Iverson L. Harris,.!. Van Buren, and Dr. Camak, distinguished horticulturists of Georgia, who have pledged themselves to contribute regularly to our : columns. With a rapidly increasing subscription list, the Publish ers hope to be able to have the next volume beautifully il lustrated. Every Southern man who cultivates a plantation, works a larrn or garden, or grows a tree or flower, will find the Soil of the South an invaluable companion. N. B.—The cash system will be rigidly adheted to, and in no cose will the paper be sent unless ti e money accom panies the order. We return our thanks to our subscriber for 1852,and hope each one of them will send us his dol lar before tbe close of this year. The first number for the new volume will be published by the Ist of January. LOMAX & ELLIS, Dee. 1, 1852, Columbus, Ga. - DR.STRONG 8 ; . As a.* ~ .. - t COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS. These Pills ac entirely V**R-fi*ble, ami are a most superior Medicine m the cum* ol all Bihou. . < I. rmplnitOChats a<t Frrer , /Costive rtrs*, Liver Comp'a vt, Jaundice, Sick Hmdiche, *ciufu.'a , Suit Rheum, Fevers oj ii l kinds, Loss ot Jlppetite, Obstruct ed and pa nful M- nstru it'on. and all Hugerine diseases. Asa Female Metlicin ■ they act like a charm, and when taken accordh-g to tt*e and reckons, they never fa Ito cure the worsi c-ise- of Piles, a ter all other remedies fail. They purify ‘he blood, equalize the cir culation, > eat ore the Liver, Kidneys, amt other Secretory Organs to a healthy ‘one and union; and us an Anti Bilious family Medicine they have n>< equal. Price 25 coins per b,x. Also, P DR. STRONG’S IPECTOML STOMACH PILLS.j A remedy for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronr.ltit'fi, Croup, IVhoop’Ug Cough, Astkm :, Const/ opt on. A". rvoos /Jis eises, iJyrp-fn.a, ( osti rentes, F.rysipelas, lit sense of t’ie Heart, I JL mm titm and Pa.n in the Chest. Bark and Sid-,and nildi'-ease* arising from ad-mnged state of the Stomarb, nod to rel •<*>* th and stress and b and feeling from eating ‘on bra- ty f ■ id, in ic-ak and dyspeptic habits. WARRANTED TO BE PURELY VEGETABLE. Tnese Pi l act a* an Ex eetor. til, T- nic- and Aperient. Out* 25 cem box po s> uses t'Ttse times more ito-ver toeure diabase* than a one dollar b ttte of any of the Sirups, B ilsains, o Sa->api illas that was ever in .de, and a sim ple t a of only one box w 11 oiove this ‘inport mi truth. They p>o'm*e Expectoration Loosen the Phlegm, and Clear the Ltiu,.s anil o tier Secretory Organs of ail morntd matter, and there is not another lomedy to the whole Maieiia Meilica capable of imp.iivng such h< aling properties to the Loin's ad Vital • rira s as these They Cure Costiveness, pro-luce a good, regular Appetite, anil Streuglhen the System. P ice 25 cents per box. containing 25 doses of Medicine. Call O'i the Age its who -el the P.ii* e and get the Planter's Almanac okatis, g ving full part culars and cer tificates of cures. B.nh kmils of the above named Pule are for sale in Co'.umbus, G;t., bv i)A N t*’oh •H A .\GLL . GGSNfc;R‘&, I'tiAGODY. . In Girard, Aia., by r And <-n inquiry can be hadin eve y town in Georgia and Alabama. RCLR, i April 23-w&tweo2w 12 Arm stieet, N. Y. [NUMBER 83.