The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, July 22, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME Ij Catcsi 3rcUiligtntt. Terrible Steamboat Disaster. The Steamer Empire on Fir*—Three or Four already dead and a dozen scalded. \ dispatch from Poughkeepaie, N. Y., dated 16th inst., tayn that about 2 o'clock on that morning, the steamer Empire, when live miles below that place, was run into by a sloop with such force as to knock one of her boilers and some parts of her machinery overboard. This caused the steamer almost immediately to take fire, spreading the utmost consternation among her I passenger*, who were roused from their slumbers by t!ie force of the sloop running into them. They wire, however, all rescued safely and brought to Poughkeepsie by a schooner this morning, except some ten or twelve, who were badly scalded, sud three or four killed. It is feared that some of the passengers leaped over board during the consternation, and were drowned. The fire on the boat was extinguished as speedily as i possible, but she is greatly injured. The boat is badly shattered, and her machinery muoh injured. It is stated that boom after the collision, one of the t steamer’s boilers exploded, which was the cause of the great loss of life. Cincinnati, July 15. German Indignation Meeting at Cincinnati. —The Germans of this city held a meeting last night in refer ence toa I)r. Junghaus, for some times resident here, and a supposed spy of the King of Wurtemberg. Much indignation was manifested, and Junghaus, who has fled the city, was burnt in effigy. The President’s Return. Nbw York, July 15. The President has determined to return to Wash ington to-night. As he had intended to remain in this city until to-morrow, this unexpected decision creates some speculation. London, July i*. A telegraphio dispatch announces that a Russian corps of 12,000 men had entered Jas say, the principal town of Moldavia. This may prove the signal for a general war. Later from Ilex too. New Orleans, July 13. Salazan, the Mexican Minister of State, maintains i the inooutestible right of Mexico to the Mecilla V'alley, j and threatens to resign in ease the least concession is j made to Gen. Lane. The Trait d'Union doubts wheth- ! er Mexico will entertain any proposition for the pur chase of the Valley. Tho fact that the Hloo drafts have been dishonored, excites deep distrust. The Isth mus of Tehuantepec has been declared a separate ter- i ritory, with Manititlan for its capital. Tobacco Factories Destroyed by Fire Richmond, Va., Juiy 11>. Three large tobacco factories belonging to W in. A. Robinson Ar Cos., Harwood df- Blackburn, and Mr. Riley in ibis city were totally destroyed by (ire i yesteiday. L >sh SnIOOOO. A large quairity of tobacco was burned. Must oi the property was j insured. A hogshead of tobacco was sold yesterday in \ Lynchburg at s?l 10 per 3 10 lbs. It is to be sent to j the World’s Fair in Now York. David J. Bailey’s Letter of Acceptance. Forsyth, June loth, 1^53. Dear Sir :— A Convention of the delegates of the Democratic party, composing the Third Congressional District of Georgia, met at For sytii this day to select a candidate to represent that district in the next Congress of the United States, and unanimously selected you as their candidate. We have been appointed to communicate to j you the intelligence and to ask your acceptance j of the same. With great pleasure we perform the duty, and respectfully ask an answer as soon as your convenience may authorize it. With respect we have the honor to be Your ob’d’nt Serv’ts, ALEXANDER M. SPEAR, ) ROB T Mi CI NE, ‘ Com. ALLEN COCHRAN. S J ackson, Butts Cos., July o, 1858. Gentlemen : —Your letter communicating the result of the Convention, recently held at For svth to nominate a democratic candidate for the Third Congressional District, would have been answered at an earlier day but for temporary absence. The honor of the nomination, you as a committee from the Convention are pleased to make known, was not anticipated bv me, ! but this renewed evidence of the confidence of political friends inspires me with profound grat itude. Relative to the nomination my wishes were not concealed that no right to a preference , was claimed by me over others, owing to the fact that l was the incumbent. It was well known to those who were acquainted with my wishes that i entertained an earnest and un disguised desire that a candidate might be selected without regard to the unhappy differ ences that recently disturbed our political fel lowship in Georgia. 1 have no reason to doubt tiie deliberations of vour convention were directed by an en lightened patriotism, that scorned the spirit of faction, whose chief aim was to aid in sustain ing the Ife and energy of our principles. The historv of our Federal Union teaches us the im pressive lesson that whatever of permanent po litical good has been derived from our institu tions and endorsed by popular sanction, has been the deed of merit of the Democratic prin ciples and policy’. And it occasionally tho ad ministrative policy of tne Government nus fal len into other hands, the detections irom politic al rectitude have uo sooner occurred than a na- “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” tion ot freemen, ever vigilant of their rights, were prompt to apply the corrective and re dress the wrong. And whilst our past experi j ence clearly and triumphantly vindicates the principles, maxims and policy of the great de mocratic party of this country, we should cher ? ish them with more than ordinary care as the source of that superior greatness and happi ness, enjoyed by the American people over all others. Distinguished by a peculiar providence as a chosen people in fulfilling the mission of use fulness, we will be cheered with the hopeful prospect, that enlightened nations, looking to our unparalleled success,prosperity and progress will no longer submit to despotic rule, but taught by our example self-government, in the fulness of lime, will achieve for themselves similar bles sings, and guided by the general impulses of Democratic equality, cannot be resisted by a t world in arms. Let us then not yield ho much individual and national prosperity as an unprofitable sacrifice ; nor is it wise to fret and chafe because ail things are not to our particular fancy in the direction of the government. We should be content that worthy agents who are known not by empty promises, but proven by their record and honor, j are our constitutional vigils over the public in terest and will observe with scrupulous integ rity a just discrimination between tho Btato and Federal authorities. Let us not prove untrue to ourselves by refu- j sing an earnest co-operation to strengthen with our support the patriotic efforts of those who . ; have in charge the administration of the gene- j rai government. We can,with truthful confidence ‘ rely upon our chief executive, who with true ; American feelings, in discharging his official du ties ‘‘will not be controlled by any timid fore bodings of evil” in enforcing the constitutional j obligations due from ono section to another. — i And who will be over ready to demonstrate to j other nations, whether bordering upon or distant j roin our shores. “That American citizenship is j fan inviolable panoply for the security of Ameri j can l ights.” Unaccustomed to decline the service of my fellow-citizens, however d'sproportioned the duties may to be my capacity, it would be in consistent thus to treat tho nomination conferred ; m oil me now, especially in a district where i our opponents claim an insuperable majority. I In accepting the nomination, it is proper for me ; ; to add, I shall endeavor to seo the people of the j j district, and shall conceal no political opinion from them that they may bo better enabled to j determine their duty, as well as their right, at the polls. You will, gentlemen, accept assurances of the highest respect of vour obedient servant. DAVID J. BAILEY, j M essrs. A. M. 8 pear, R. W. McCune, Allen | Cochran, committee. Gen. Wofford's Position —The Southern Ban ner, of the 14th, says .- VVe have just been shewn a letter from Gen Wofford, to a gentleman in this : place, in which he says - “1 shall take my posi tion in the Democratic ranks, and support Jugde Johns m.” We hope there wiil be no further misun derstanding as to his position. i V. 8. Marshal. —We are gratified to learn (tays the Savannah Georgian) that John R. Johnson has been appointed by the President United Stales Marshal, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the j resignation of Cap! Mills. Mr. Johnson is a thor ough-going Democrat, and will doubtless make an j efficient officer. 1 U-UIIUWIUWMitm——HW* WHMHIIHUII I il Will Mil'll Ml COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORKRCTKD TKhWEKKIY BY J. K• REDD iSD CO. BAGGlNG—Keutcky ¥ yartlA <& 16 j India H ® 1-* rope H>’ y & to BACON —Hams ¥ ’*3 ® 14 ! Hides iflb. 10 & 11 Shoulders * @ 10 PORK.—NoII © BUTTER V tt> -J @ 30 FIIEFSE •> IP 16 ® CASTINGS* Vtb „ ® * COFFEE—Rio fit) ® j Java i- © 16 j CANDLES—Sperm ¥R* 00 ® j i \Vax & lb Star if lb 30 @ | Tallow Vtb- 13 © ‘-*0 LEATHERS Vlb -lu © *•> FlSH—Mackerel Not ¥ bbl 14 00 ©l6 00 , MackerelNo.2 V bbl 13 00 @ daekercl No. 3 ¥ bbl 1100 <£ 0 00 Sh-ail ¥ bbl IE 00 © Herring y box 100 © FLOUR —Western f bbl 700 ® 8 **o Canal bbl 750 © 900 City 600 @ 750 j FODDER... 1 fMOOib? 125 © 110 j GRAIN—Corn s5 © Wheat ¥ bushel 100 © 325 \ Gate.. GLASS ¥ box 225 © 700 OI’NPuW ER ¥ keg aOO © 650 HIDES ¥ R>- 6 ® 9 | IRON —Swedes ¥ © 6 > English . V !t> © 5 LARD ¥ft l‘® 14 i LEAD ¥ it. 9 © 10 i LIME ¥ bbl 350 © 410 MOL ASSES ¥ --alion 33 ® 40 NAILS 6® i OlL—Lunii ¥gallon 150 © 200 ! I.iueeed ¥ gallon 100 © 060 | Tmin 75 © PAINTS ¥ keg’ 200 © 275 PEAS ep bushel- 75 © 80 RICE 5 @ 6\i SVRUP —la;raon pergafh'u i25 © Raspberrv doz 6Uv © SALT ¥ sack, © 1 50 SHOT 4* hair 0 o*l © 225 SOAP ¥ID 3 © 7 STEEL—Cast ¥&\ 20 ® 22 German Ifc 15 American Ik 10 © SUGAR —St.Crorx V!b © New-Orlean? 4P !b 7 © 10 l.o&r, refilled ifc 12 © t2j^ Lump tb S ® 10 SPIRITS Brandy. Cog gal 100 © 4 IK) American gal 40 © 1 00 Peach ¥ ga! 100 © 16*2 Apple, if gal 60 <a 75 RUM Jamaica, 200 ® 350 New England 45 is 50 IVHISKEV—Irish 4^gal 4 00 (31 Mouongahela.... 1 00 $ 200 Weetern ga! 30 40 GlN—liollaud ...Fgali 150 &. 200 American ifuali 40 <g> 50 TALI/MV ...If'lb 10 (SJ 00 VINEGAR— 37VJ ® 50 IVlNES—Madeira. 123 (£. 400 PSherry 1 ® 300 Champagne Bask 15 00 ® 20 00 Malaga gal! —7U -& 1 00 Port....’ ...j 2 ® 400 Dytitto #3 per hundred Ibe- COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1853. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. VALUABLE BOOK. The laws of lifk, with special refer ence to the physdal EDUCATION OF GIRLS.— By Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D. A uew supply of this popular book just received and for sale by [Je!5 twtl] J. vV. PEASE. Dissolution. THE Copartnership hereDifore belweeu the under- J- signed under the name of A. C. FLEW ELL BY A (()., is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. .1/av 2. 1653. A. C. FCEWELLEN, J. T. COLEMAN. The undersigned coniinuc :he busi.ii -m heretofore conducted by A. C. Flewellen A Co.,and persons indebted t> the said Arm • will please make payrueat to A. C, FLEWLLLEN. Columbus, Ga., April 30—twtf |~ BOOKS ,_B DDKS! JI’ST REOriVF.D BV A C. FLEWELLEN. a 1001 Songs. Scott’s Commentary. Comprehensive “ iedia Ameiieana. Troutine on Railroad curves. Owen on Forgiveness, i Venn’s Duty of Man. Pehlegel’s miscellaneous work-. Horse Shoe Robinson. Allan’s Ritual of .\lasonry. Lockhart’s Lite of Scott. The Recruit, j Motherwell’s Poems, j Blythedaie Romance. Twice told tales. Characteristics of Women. Maunders Treasury. Macauly's speeches. Men of the times. | Genius • f Scotland. | Nick of tho woods, i Swallow Barn, j Re-ranger’s Lyrics. Everett’s Speeches. j I Carlyle’s Miscellancv. i Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying. Carlyles Latter Day Pamphlets. Pastoral Theology. Olin’s Sermons. Louis 17th. The history of the Koyai Dauphin. ! Ticknor’s Spanish Literature, j Buhver’s Athens. ; Prescott’s Miscellanies, j Sparks’ American Biography. ! Homes and Haunts of British Poets. How to Observe. Raphael. Bulwer’s Schiller. I Crabbe’s Synonvmes. Agnes Strickland’s Queens oi Seotiand. Harper’s new miscellany. Harper’s Family Library, ICO vo’ imos. i Harper’s Magazine, bound in muslin. ■ Loseinga Field Book of the Revolution. Cecilia ; by Miss Burney, j Beckman’s History of Inventions. ; Michelet’s French Revolution. ; Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. ■ Miller's Philosophy ot History. Lamartine’s History ol The Girondists, Memoirs ofCount Grammont and Charles lid. ; Rabeiai’s Works Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. ; Bchleger’s Philosophy of Lite. i Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Lite. Robert Hall’s Miscellaneous Works, i Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religi* Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. Ncandor’s History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Great Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelh’s History of Florence and other Works. Roscoe’s Lite oi Lorenzo De Medici. Schlegel’s Dramatic Literature. Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Eginont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of tlie Colville Family; by the author oi 1 Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence ; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; j Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scones and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster’s Speeches. Walde Warren; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence,by Emerson Bennett. A Lite of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. ! The Flying Artillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by Harrv Hazel. I Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; The Free Hooter. | The History of Pendennis. Vanity Fair. Stubt>3’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart; a true story from Blackwood’s Magazine David Copperfield. ’Hie Swamp Steed, or The Dava of Marion and his ! Merry Men. Fair Rosamond, or The Queen’? Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintin Malays, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Coimnbus, May 21—twly To the IMasonie Fraternity ! THE “ Ahiman Rezon,” or Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Caro | iina. Especially recommended to the Fraternity by the Grand Lodges ot South Carolina and Georgia. Just received bv May 21— A. C. FLEWELLE V. 1853! 1853!’ 1853!!! COOPER’ 0 ;? WELL. THE undersigned Ic.s taktn the entire mauage 'll1 mcnt aß *l control of jjg| COOP Elt ’ S Vv’ ELL, and i- now prepared to acrommodatc the public. Anew dining room iias been erected, the Sleeping Rooms plastered and fitted with furniture and bedding, ad a complete en ovatiou effected. Ample accommodation* will be orovided i U *- FIVE II u>; RK D t, VEST S*, 1 and no more wilt be received than can be comfortably accoia- ; niodated. FOR IN V A Lli) S there can be no more ad vantageous roll eat. The v a.vr is highly recommended by the medical faculty, and liie wosoaafUL cures effected by its us>- almost scrpass eklikk. Ample details of j several astonishing cures may bo oPtaiued oa application at the > Weil. The terms will be model ate, and no exertion , ill be spared to make guests comfortable. The Vicksburg and Jackson and Raymond Railroad will cod vev passengers to Raymond, thence three miles to the Welt, in \\. H. Smith’s line of NEW FOUR HORSE STAGES. The time of trip is than three hour? Irom Vicksburg.— Through tickets from Vicksburg i< Cooper’s Well, can be obtain- ‘ ed at the Railroad depot, Vicksburg; price 82 20. May 10—w-.f JOHN THATCHER. GLOBE HOTEL, BUEV v \l>i A . y* ktllO Y CO., GA THEsubacribcr n. pectin!;} snoounces to is friends aid the public Z'.Berui, , that be has taken charge o. this well known 1 L, ESTABLISHMENT. The house is ctuninpdioua and weii dotshed; aud no paius will be spared to render thobe cwmfe.ubtc, who may favor him with their patronage. HycH—lf E. TITCOMB. For Sale. A Ph'losophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below B-yeton prices. For particulars apply at this office. - ‘Xflunihtia. Jsn.4—■ tl > THE TIMES & SENTINEL. rENNENT LOlL^^m^WELLlßlli EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRMVKEKLY TIMES <fc SENTINEL s published E V ERY tVED.VFSUA ) and FlilD.i } MOR.X ----: LYO and SATURDAY F.UF..YTXO. THE WEEKuY TIMES C SENTINEL is published every TUESDAY MOR.YIjYG. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. Ti’.H >is: TRI-WF.EKLY, Five Dot,laws per annum, in ad%ance. WEEKLY, Two Doli.ars per annum,in advance, j J3?” Advertisements conspicuously inserted at One Dollar oerquare, for the first insertion, and rir rv cents for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yeariv advertisements. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law to be held en the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the.county in which ; the property is situate. Notices of these sales must he given in ! a public gazette fori.j days previous to the day of sale. .Votices for the sale of Personal Property must be given at I least ten days previous to the day of sale. j Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be publish ! ed forty unys. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for ! two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months— lor Dismission from Guardianship forty days. ltules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four months— for establishing lost papers, for the full spare of three months— for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the j legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. LEGAL NOTICES Early Sheriff', Sale. TTTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in August next, in Blake > V ley. Early county, before the court house door within the lawful hjurs, the following property, to wit : Lot of Land number (257) two hundred and fifty-seven, in the 13th district of said county, loved on as the property of William i A. Beck,surviving co-partner of A. 11. C irringlon Ac, Cos., to sut | isfyafifain lavor of Baker Johnson & Cos., property pointed out by Plaintiff. June 25—wtds JOHN WEST, Sheriff. GEORGIA, ) Court or Ordinary, Muscogee county, i April Term, 1853. RULE XI SI. TTTHEREAS, VVm.N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on j VV the estate of John Liggin, deceased, having applied for j letters of dismission from said administration: It is ordered that all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed at the Court ofOrdinary to be held in and lor said county on the first Monday in N vember next. A true transcript from tnemiautesof said court, April 4, 1353. Columbus, April 12—worn JNv. JOHNSON, Ordinary. I GEORGIA, ) Court ok Ordinary, Talbot county, s February Te;m, 1353. RULE M SI. WHEREAS, William F. Robertson applies by petition lor letters of dismission as the administrator of Barney Wilson, late of Talbot county, deceased. i Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the September term of this court next ensuing, then and there’ : to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be ; granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, 24th Feb., 1853. .March I—9w6m M ARK >N HUT HUN E, Ordinary. GEORGIA, f Court of Ordinary, ‘ Muscogee county, ( April Term, 1653. RUI.E XI SI. WHEREAS, Win. N. Nelson,administrator on the estate of ■ Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters ot dismission from said administration : It is ordered that all per sons concerned, shew cause, if any they have, why said admin ! istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in November \ next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court. April 4,1H53. i April 12—w6m JM). JOHNSON, Ordinary. j GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDIN ARY, Stewart county. ( April Term, 1653. typ< >N the petition of William FI. House, Executor of the last J Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters i of dismission from his said executorship: It. is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern- J ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why i said letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court. April 12,1853. ! April 19— wlim J. L. VVIMBKRLY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORD NARY, Stewart county. 1 November Term, 1853. UPON the petition of William H. House, Executor ot the last Will and Testament ot Thomas House, deceased, lor letters ofdismissiou from his said executorship. it is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said court, why said letters should not then be granted. A trueextract from the minutes of said court. April 12,1653. April 19 —w6m J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. GEORGI A, ) COURT OF ORDIXARYt Randolph county. > June Term, 1853. I_>IHLIPC vUriLY, administrator on the estate ol David liar veil, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned this court for letters of dismission, It is ordered that all and singular the parties interested, show cause, if any they have, on or before the next January Term of j this court, why the petition of said administrator should not jc granted, otherwise he will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 25th June, 1853. July s—whin O. P. BE ALL, Ordinary. (T rorgttt, Randolph county.— Whereas, Peter X Stewart applies to me mr letters of administ-atiou on the estate of Daniel 15. Norton, late of *iid county, deceased, These are, therelore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my offioe. within the time prescribed by law, and she w cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given uudermy hand the 25th day of June. July 5-7: O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court ok ordinary ok said couk- Randolph county, ty, April Term, 1653. TAMES W. COLLINS, administrator of W .Collins, late of said county, deceased, petitions this court to grant trim letters of dismission from his said administration, aud it appearing that said estate has been fully administered : < >rdered that all persons file their objections, if any they have, ou or before the November Torn ofthi* court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. April 12—w6m O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. GEORGIA, i COURT OF ORDINARY, Randolph county, I June Term, 1653. U>HILIP CAUSEY, Adinini-traloron the estate of David Har- L veil, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned tnis j court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that ad persona con cerned, fi e their objections, (if anj th.-y have.) on or before the January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Admia trator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand | at office the 16th day of June 1853. June 21—■w6m. <~>. P. BEALL, Odfnary. Ci eorgia, Randolph co unty.—Wheieas, Samuel A. Ur Grier, administrator tie bonis non on the estate of John 11. Weaver, lute oi said county, deceased, has petition**! for letters i I of dismission from said administration. Tritsa are,;hereforo, to jite,admonish and require all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or belore I the September term of the Court of Ordinary •<’ said count v, to 1 be hoiden on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said ! administrator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office tnis 22d day of February, 1853 | pi EORGIA, Randolph county.— Court or Oa- LT binary. -Whereas, by the petition of William Hayes, ad ’ ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased,"and the estate of Kinchoa Faircloth, deceased, it appearing to this court hat be has fully administered both of said estates, and moves the iourt to grant him letters of dismission: Aii persons concerned in iitherof said estates, are. hereby notified to make known their .bjecuous, if any they have, on or belore the October term of hiscourt next ensuing, otherwise sa'a administrator will then ,nd there be dismissed. Given under mv hand at office the 29tu march 1853. o. p. BEALL, Ordfuary. ApfilS—w€ O erjgta, Itamlolvh county.—Whereas, Jas. Ruth* : VT ertord, Guardian ot Benjamin and Absalom Futley, applies . | to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. All persons j interested are, therefore, hereby required to file their objections, f any they have, on or before the May term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant will he then and in re h’snits sed. Given under my hand at office the ITth March, 1853. March 82—w6m t >. P. BE \ 1.1,. Ordinary. . ‘ eortjiu, li Hitdolpli comity.—Whereas, John Gil * T hert. Guardian of llendley K. Hill, minor and orphan of William E. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission from | said Guardianship. All j ersons interested are therefore hereby 1 required tofile their objections, if.any tin-v have, on or before the day Term of this Court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant J will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853. March 38 —wfim O, I’. i. Ordinary. / > eorgin. Hnmlolpli ccunty—Where: Allen •lames [ V T and Sarah B ills apply to me for letters of administration on ’ tho estate of Spyrns Buts, late of said county, deceased, ; Tb*.;. •, therefore, t > ci'e and admonish all and singular the i kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my i office, within the time prescribed by law,and show cause is any i ‘ they have, why said letters should not he grnt ted. Given under my hand at ofilce, the 3rd dnv of July. 1853. j Jnlv 8 wilt O. p REAM., Ordinary. / “t eorglu, Early county.—Whereas, Joseph Griinsley, ■ ll administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate of j Sarah Grimsley, late of said coitnty deceased. muk-.-s application i to me for letters of dismission from the further administration of said estate. All persons concerned arc hereby notified to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted said applicant. | Given under my hand at oilice, this February ihe 84th. 1853. , March I—Owfim 8. F. STAFFORD. Ordinary. f'tnsrdian’s Sale—Under an order of the Oidinary of 1 Mu-oogee county, will be sold on me first Tuesday in Sep tember next, at the market hoi se in Columbus, in said county,a j negro child named Rosa, the property of Henry M. Jernigan, j (idiot.) Terms cash. A. B. RAGAN, Guardian. Columbus. July 12—wtds (T eorgia, Talbot county.--Office of Ordinary, 29th T March, JBs3.—Whereas, J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan- I id Wommock’s orphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from : said guardianship: Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at : the June Term of the Court of Ordina'y of said county, next en : suing, then and there to shew cause, it any they have, why stud I letters should not be grained. A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 15lh, 1853 April 26—wfim MARION BETHITNE, Ordinary. \<lmiuistrutor’H Sale —Will be sold in Cuthbert, Randolph comity on the tirsl Tuesday in October next, Ihe ; settlement ot lands on which Erasmus Gay, Esq., resided at ihe time of his death, to wit: i<*ls numbers !4d, 141, 149, 14* and 180, ’ more or less of 147, all adjoining in the eighth disiricl ot said county, on which are tolerably good log building, an excellent gin house and screw. Three hundred acres of onen lands princi pally till fresh, well watered, and in hort a very desirable place | lor a farmer. Fold by order of the court of ordinary of said county. Terms, twelve months credit with small notes and se ! curity. Any person wishing to purchase such a place will do w r ell to ! examine t'.o above mentioned lands, as each lot will he put up ’ separately. LEWIS O AY, Adin r. July s—wtds John A. J. Weatliersby ) ntkwxbt Fi vkbiob Court vs. . April Term, 1853. Elizabeth Weathersby. S Libel for Divorce. If appearing by the return of the e'lieriff that (he defendant is not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or -1 dered by the Court ti at service of this libel be periected on the 1 said Elizabeth Weathersby, bv publication of this order in the ’ Columbus l ime- and Sentinel once a month tor four months next preceding the ensuing term vs this Court. A true extract from the J/inut sos this Court, June 15—1 1 m4m I. M. COX, Clerk. Susan Grubbs 1 Hikwakv 8i ronton Court, vs. • April Term, 1853. Josinb Grubbs. S Libel for Invoice. If appearing by ihe return •> the sneniV t lint the defendant is not to be found in this county, it is therefore ordered by the Court that service of this libei be perfected on the said Josiah : Grubbs, by publication of this order in the Columbus Times and | Sentinel once a mouth tor four months next preceding ihe ensu ! ing term of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes of .Stewart Superior Court for April Term, 1853. June 15 -lam4ra IM. COX, Clerk. Caroline F. Oaten bead l Stbw'akt .svvurior Court, vs. April Term. 1853. Thomas J. Catenliead. S Libel f< r Divorce. JT appearing by tiie return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be tound in iln* county of Me wart, it is therefore order | fed by the Court that service ol this libel lie perfected on the said Thomas J. Catenhead by publication <-f Ibis order in the Colum bus Times and Sentinel*, once a month (or four months next pre ceding the ensuing Term of this Court. A trip* extract Irom the Minutes of said Court. June 15—lam4m I. M. COX, Clerk. _ nplVO months afterdate application will be made to the I Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell a city lot w ith improvements, in the city of Columbus, in said county, j known as lot number five hundred and twelve, containing one I half of an acre, belonging to the estate of James Baugh, Into of said county, deceased. Wll. C. GRAY, Adm’r. June 29—w2m rpVVO months alter date application will be made to tho i 1 Court of Ordinary of Talbot County for leeve to sell all the Real Estate of Oliver H. P. Daniel iaie of said county de : ceased. JOiEPH BROWN, Adm’r. July 19, 18.i3—w2tn. rp\v<> months afier date application wiil be made to I the Court ot < irdinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell | Jot of land number one hundred and thirty seven in the seventh i district oi said county ; said land belonging to the estate ol David I Graham, late of said* countv. deceased. FERIKA L. GRAHAM, Adm’r. June 28—w2m rpWO months—after date, I will apply tothe ordinary of i Randolph County for leave to sell the lands of Archibald Peterson, deceased. JOHN PETERSON, Adin’r. July B—w2m TWO months—alt r date, I will apply to the ordinary of Randolph County for leave tosed the lands and negroes of Francis C. Powell, deceased. FENEY J. POWELL, Adm’x. July B—w2.n I'v'WO months after date I shall make application to the court oi ord wary of Early county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Joseph C. Gray, deceased. July s—w2m JAS. It. BROWN, AH mV. Two months after date, 1 shall apply tothe Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belonging to Mary Knighton, deceased. May 31—w2th J AH. LITTLE, Ad'm’r. rp\V O months after date, 1 willapply to the court of Or -1 dinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belong ing to trances Whipple, a minor, j uly s—w2m5 —w2m ROBERT L. MITCH ELL, Guardian CIRCULAR SAW MILLS. rpHE subscriber will atiena personally, to the putting up of G 1 PAGE & CO.’S CIUCFLAR SAW MIL! 8, in Western Georgia. Alabama.and 1 lorida. He will contract for the whole machinery orihe Haw .Willalone, or will put them up on special contract, the parties furnishing their own machinery. plans and drawings made for other machinery ou reasonable terms, where he does not put up the machinery. Columbus, May IB—w3® SAMUEL HEYS. Florence,Ga., April 11,1853. I havejust received from Fumuel Heys, one oi G. Page &. Co.’s Circular Haw Mills. It was jut up by .t/r. Heys himself and has been in operation or two weeks, it has taken the place ol two upright saws, and cuts more and better than both the others. I am well satisfied with its performance and have no doubt it can cut six thousand feet of mchj-uinber in twelve hours. A. W. HILL. Marianna, Fla., April 25, 1853. We have just received from Samuel Heys, Esq., one ot G. Page &• Co’s. Circular Saw -Wills, put up by Mr. Heys and has been in operation five days. We are well satisfied w ith its per formance and have no doubt it can cut six thousand feet ot men ! lumber in twelve hours. . „ . _ , May 10—w3in ROgLHAC & GAUTIER. STRAYED, OR STOLEN, t'sroM mv wa (, on, two miles southeast from Columbus, on D Wednesday night, the Bth of June, a bay mare mule, about five year-old very gentle, small, well compacted, mane neatly i roached and tail bobbed; no other particu ar marks recollected, j ‘ loera | reward will bo given for said mulo if delivered to me, ! |. ea r Lumpkin. Ga., or if loit at any stable in Columbus, s that ; i c-vn get her or any information of said mule will be thankfully | lecelvS ‘ l’- K- ARTHUR. July s—w4t5 —w4t FAIRBANK S PLATFORM SCALE3. —'to: — Long knot?n— Severely tested —Always right—The acknowledged Standard. Railroad, Hay, Dial, and Fa. mers ScAlss, set in any part ol the country, at short notice. . Agents, Furb vnk“ fc Cos., 89 Water Hreet, New -York, May 17 w3m [NUMBER 86.