The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, July 27, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] Cutest JittfUigmce. LATER PROW EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF TIIE HTEAME* EUROPA. i lie Loyal Mail steamship Europa, has arrived at Hali tax, with three days later intelligence from Europe, than ‘ tliat brought by the Franklin. Liverpool dates to the 9th j inst., received. Commercial Intelligence. Cotton Market—Liverpool, .July 9.— The salen of Cotton during the past week, foot up 56,(>tK) bales. The demand ban been active, without any change in prices. The quotations are as follows:—Fair Orleans, 6J; Mid dling, 6&; Upland lair, 6* 5 Middling, G. The sales to speculators reach 7000 fialas, and for eim port the sali>s were 12,000 bales. The advices received from the United State**, per stea mer Arctic, had no effect upon the cotton Market. Prices closed stiffer, especially for middling qualitioe. with a large export demand. The sales yesterday, f Friday,) reached 6450 bales. The market is firm. 1 London Money Market, July 10.—Thu trans-aetiona i in State and United States stocks have been email, and ! American securities have slightly declined. U. S. ft’s, ! Ronds, 1860, rate at 107£. Havre Markets, July 6.—The sales of Cotton lor • the week ending with yesterday, foot up 8,000 bales.— j The stock, exclusive of shipboard, is 130,000 bales. The I sales to-day, (Gth) amount to 3,000 bales. Prime are unchanged. England. Lord Clanriearde’s motion for information concerning the Turkish question, postponed, as premature in the present state of negotiations. It was rumored that Lord Aberdeen was about retiring from thy Cabinet, in consequence of violent divisions ot opinion on the Turkish question. Subsequently rumor ed that the disagreement had been patched up. Mrs. Beecher Stowe has gone to Geneva, where she purposes remaining for some time. A Dublin paper says that in March last, Smith O’Brien was residing at New Noriolk ; John Mitchel at Richmond and Doherty at Hobart Town—ail well. Position ot Eastern Affair*. London, July U. —The latest telegraphic intelligence in regard to the Eastern question, holds out stronger hopes ot peace, through the mediation of France, England and Austria. The demand of Russia may be admitted in tenor, but not in form. Intelligence from Athens to the id instant, states that the American Envoy insists menacingly, on the immedie ate revocation of the sentence against Mr. King. Frants. The French government has drawn up a reply to Nes selrode’s Russian note. It is a firm, but temperate docu ment. It asserts the equal claims of France to a protecto rate over the Greek Church. The Russian Manifesto. The following extraordinary and highly important Russ gian manifesto, reached London, on the sth. ‘•By the Grace of God, we Nicholas I. Emperor and Autocrat ot all the Russias, Czar of P*land, &c., &e., inform all people. “Be it known to our beloved faithful subjects the de feneo of our faith has always been a sacied duty of our blessed ancestors from the day i? pleased the Almighty i Fathers. The maintenance of our holy obligations w ith which it is inseparably connected has been the object of our constant care and attention. There acting on the ground work of the famous treaty of Kainadjii, which sub sequent solemn treaties with the Ottoman Porte fully con finned, have ever been directed towards upholding the j right of our Church. | “But to our extreme grief in latter times, notwithstand- ; ing all our efforts to defeat the inviolability of the rights j and privileges of our orthodox church, the numerous and j wilful acts of the Ottoman Porte, have infringed upon j these rights, and threaten finally the entire overthrow ot all that ancient discipline, so precious to the orthodoxy. “ All onr efforts to restrain the Porte from such acts have proved vain, and even the word of the Sultan, sol- > emnlv given us by himself, is soon faithlessly broken.— Having exhausted all the means of conviction—having in vain tried till the means by which just claims can be peace ably adjusted, we have deemed it indispensable to move our armit into the provinces n the Danube, in order that the Porte may see to what his stubbornness leads.— But even now we have no intention of commencing war. In occupying those provinces, we will hold a sufficient pledge-and guarantee for ourselves for the re-establish ment of our rights under any circumstances whatever. “Conquests we do not seek, for Russia does not require them. We seek to vindicate those rights which have been wo openly violated. We are even yet ready to stop the movements of our armies if the Ottoman Porte wi’rl bind itself solemnly to respect the inviolability of the Ortho dox church, but if obstinacy and blindness will it other.- wise, then calling God to our aid we leave it to Him to decide the quarrel, and in the lull confidence in the right hand of the Almighty we shall move forward iu behalf of the Or'hodox faith. “Given at Pt-terholft, twenty-sixth day of June, in the ! year of the birth of Christ, 1 553, and our reign the twenty- j eighth. Sealed at Senate, St. Petersburg, the twent\- j sixth of June. 1633. Signed, Kiioui.’’ j A letter front St. Petersburg, dated June 23, nays— j “To judge by the aspect of society hero, thero can be but j little iutention of involving the suite in war at the pres- ; ent moment. It i* true, it is far enough from here to ! Danubian principalities for our troops to have parsed the j frontier, and we to bo living here in blissful ignorance ot ! the fact. A number cf high officials have received leave j of absence, in pursuit of health and pleasure, and every j thing at court betokens profound peace. There is nt least ; an absence of war and war’s alarums.” The dmics of Governor of Ohio devolve upon Lieut. Gov. Meriill, in consequence of the resignation of Gov. Wood. Gov. Medill entered \ on his duties on the 13th inst. -- j (£7- Judge Hutttell, of Wisconsin, has been j unanimously acquitted of tbs charge* that were ■ brought him. * py Valuable coal deposits ha\e recently been discovered in .Minnesota “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 27, 1851. STILL LATER FROM EUROPE I ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER ARCTIC. Nkw Yosk, July 24. The steamship Arctic, Capt. Luce, arrived at New York on Saturday. She left Liverpool on the 13th July, and brings four days later dates than the Europa. Liverpool Cotton Mtrket. Milligan’s Cotton Circular quote* the sales for the last four days at 26,000 bales. The demand was ac tive, and Fair Orleans quoted at G 7-Bd.; Middling Orleans at 6 l-Bd.; Fair Uplands at G 5-Bd.; and Mid dling Uplands at 6d. Speculators took 2,000 and Ex porters 6,000 bales. Political. Count Nesselrode has issued a circular more menac ing than the one previously received, saying Russia oc cupies the Danubian Principalities because the French and English Fleets aro in tho Dardanelles, and inti mates that Russia will refuse all conciliation until the Fleets are withdrawn ; expressing a willingness, how ever, to evacuate the Principalities, when her demands are fully complied with. This has opened the eyea of all Western Europe, and publie opinion demands a decisive settlement of the question. A belief prevails, to a very great extent, that Russia is only attempting to gain timo, in order to reader her position more impregnable. Former dispatches, announcing a pacific tendency of affaire generally, aro regarded as simply ridiculous.— The latest report says that a moderate note had been sent to St. Petersburg, from France and England, to which a reply way expected about the 20th July. The Paris Bourse keeps firm. The late plot against the life of Napoleon, at the Opera, proved to be quite serious—indeed the con spiracy was unrivalled. Many persons have boen ar rested and placed on trial. TELEGRAPHIC. Mobii.k, July 24th, 1653. The one million of dollars subscription by the city of Mobile to the Girard Railroad,has been confirmed by a voto of the property holders of the city, by a vote of four hundred and fifty-eight iu favor of the subscription to thirty-three against it. H. O. BREWER. The unanimity and promptness of our sister city, is worthy of praise and emulation on our pari. Tni* subscription is disencumbered of all restrictions and limitations, except that assurances roast be given that the road will be finished in three years, and a few provisions in respect to the iocation of the depot, Jfce. What has the eouneii of Columbus dono to respond to this liberality ? We call for prompt and decided action now. Bautimour, July 21. CAoJara.—There seems to be no doubt of tho fact that the cholera is raging in the western part of Mary land, with considerable fatality. There have already been fifty-five deaths in the little town of Williamsport, and it is now spreading in the country around. It has also broken out at Emmitttsburg, where there were six deaths on Friday and Saturday last; and there have also been some deaths at Mechanicaburg, in Frederick county. Frightful Accident at Niagara Falla. Bowalo, July 111. Two men ventured out early this morning in a boat, on Niagara river, a short distance above the Falls.— The boat was swept towards the Falls, and during the exertions of the men to arrest its progress was upset. One man was swept down the rapids and finally went over th Falls. The other clung to a pieco of rook in the midst of the rapids, and remained there for several hours, in full view of the persons on shore, who tried to save him. A raft was finally pushed out towards him, and he succeeded in getting upon it. He was, however, swept from it by waves. He then attempted to swim to a small island, but alter a most desperate stiugglc, he was finally overpowered, and about six o’clock went over the Falls and perished. Kirtland the Preacher. Louisville, July 18. Mr. Kirtland, the Cincinnati Preacher against the Roman Catholic Church, is holding forth here. Bishop Spaulding publishes a request that his people will keep away from the meeting, and the Mayor has forbidden Kirtland to preach. The China Jlissiou. W ASHIXSTON, July 18. The action of Mr. Marshal 1 in Ckiueee affairs, dis pleases and embarrasses the Adminietratiou much more seriously than is generally understood. Mr. Walker, the newly appointed L\ S. Commissioner to China, was to leave on tho 20th of September, but the Prince ton steamship has turned out an utter failure, and tho Government,at tho present moment, has but one ves sel at command for tho purpose of conveying Mr. Malk er to China, the Saranac, and it is said that she cannot be got ready much before December. Arrival of the Cherokee. Ntw York, July Ith The ateumer Cherokee has arrived with Havana dates of the 14th inst. The United States ship Albany ar rived at Havana on the K tn, ail on board well. The reported alliance between Mexico and Spain was fully credited at Havana. There was no nows of impor tance —weather fine. Mobile News. —Blanton McAlpin, for many years identified with the interests of Mobile, of which city he was a well known and popular resident, left on Tuesday the 19th for his adopted homo in Cal ifornia. James M. Tarleton, of Mobile, Consul to Australia, is to leave New Y* ; rk on the 13th f August io the new eteana&hip Golden Age, for Melbourne. i James F- Otis, for many years on© of the editors cf the N. Y. Express, has become an assist ant editor of the Pitvyun?. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. VALUABLE BOOK. THK LAWS of LIFB. WITH SPECIAL REFER ENCK TO THE PHYSD AL EDUCATION OF GIRLS.— By Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D. Anew supply of this popular book iu.-t received and for salt b 7 [Jels twtf ) J. vV. PEASE. Dissolution. THE 0.-partntsr.-ihip heretofore existing between the under signed under the name of A. C. FLEW ELLEN At CO.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. .Vay 2. ltso. A. C. FLEWELLEN, J. T. COLEMAN. The undersigned continues the business heretofore conducted hy A. C. Flewellen At Cos., ami persons indebted to the said firm wiil plea-o make payment to A. C. FLEWELLEN. Columbus, Ga„ April 30—twtf BOOKS ,__B DOES! JUST RECEIVED BY A- C. FLEWELLEN. 1001 Songs. Scott’s Commentary. rakteuO&aef Comprehensive “ Encyclopaedia Americana. Trontino on Railroad cnrwv*. Owen on Forgiveness. Venn's Duty of Man. Schlegel’a miscellaneous work*. Horee Sh<~e Robinson. Allan’s Ritual of Masonry. Lockhart’s Life of Scott. The Recruit. Motherwell’s Poems. Blythodale Romance. Twice told tales. Characteristics of Women. Maunders Treasury. Macauiy’s speeches. Men of the times. Genius f Scotland. Nick of the wood?. - Swaliow Barn. BerangcPa Lyrics. Everett’s Speeches. Carlyle’s Miscellanev. Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying. ( arlvlosLattei Day Pamphlets. Pastoral Theology. Olin’s Sermons. ? Louis 17th. The history’ the Royal Daupiiiu. Tieknor’s Spanish Literature. Bulwer’s Athens. Prescott’9 Miscellanies*. Sparks’ American Biography. Homos and Haunts of British Poets. How to Observe. Raphael. Bulweris Schiller. Crabbe’s Synonvmee. Agnee Strickland’s Queens of Scotland: Harpers new miscellany. Harper’s Family Library. 166 volumes. Harper’s Magazine, bound in muslin. Loadings Field Book of the Revolution. Cecilia ; by Miss Burney. Beckman’s History of Inventions. Michelet’s French Revolution. Count Hamilton’s Fairy Tales. Miller's Philosophy ot History. Lamartine’s History of Tho Girondists, Memoirs oi Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Rahelai’s Works Bacon’s Essay? and Historical Works. Schieger’s Philosophy of Life. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hali’s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidences of the Christian Religi* Schiller’s Revolt of tho Netherlands. NeandePs History of the planting of Christianity. Buckeye Abroad ; by Cox. Memories of the Groat Metropolis. Morell’s Philosophy of Religion. Machiavelli’s History of Florence ami other Works. Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici. Sehlegel’e Dramatic Literature. Roscoe’s Life of Leo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, Iphigenia, Egmont, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author ol Lewis Arundel. The Rifle Rangers. The Marrying Man; hy the author of Lewis Arundel. __ Home Influence ; Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; hy Grace Aguilar. Hayne and Webster’s Speeches. Walde Warre-n ; a tale of Circumstantial Evidence, by Emerson Bennett. A Life of Vicissitudes; by G. P. R. James. The Flying Artillerist; a tale of Mexican Treachery, by Harrv Hazel. Rochester, or the merry days of England. Gilderoy ; The Free Booter. The Histoiy of Pendeunis. Vanity Fair. Stubbs’ Calendar, or the Fatal Boots ; by Thackeray. Katie Stewart a true story from Blackwood’s Magazine- David Copperfield. The Swamp Steed, or Tho Days of Marion and his Merry Men. Fair Rosamund, or The Queen’s Victim; by Pierce Egan Quintin Matsys, or The Blacksmith of Antwerp. Columbus, May 21—twly “FERN LEAVES,” I'ROM “FANNY’S PORTFOLIO.” For sale by A. C. FLEWELLEN. Columbus, July 22,1553 —tw To the Masonic Fraternity ! THE “Ahiman Rezon,” or Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of South Caro lina. Especially recommended to the Fraternity by the Grand Lodges of South Carolina and Georgia. Just received by May 21— A. C. FLEWELLEN. ilif AND COMMISSION BUSINESS . Tii it undesigned would reipeclfullf inform his friends hx>-l the public generally, that he haa opened a store ea Broad street, nearly opposite Mr. James Ktvux’e Sans t*ouel, for the purpose of carrying on the aoc-ve busicts?, and wo aid- bo happy ;or them to (five him a call. Ho pro|osos doing tie -1? I'CTIO.V •?.V£> CO.VMJSBJO.V B in the usutii way, and will aiao attend to the selling and hiring of Negroes for ihcae who may entrust trim with their patronage. JOHN QUIN. N'. B, —Consignments of Merchandise carefuily attended t. October 22, IKs2—w&twiy. DAVID ROSS, GENERAL BOOKBINDER. AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No. 72 Broad Street. Coiambus, Ga., June 21—wtf GLOBE HOTEL, BITES 4 VIST*. MARIOS CO., GA MTHEabscriL*er ri poctfuity snuounse# to Ie fiieadi &rd ihs cablvc ■* aeeally,'that he hastefcen charge’s veil known ESTABLISHMENT. Thah?aßlooini=edicni#aßdu'eilflEished; and nu pains will be spared to render thoeecoafbrtebJe, who tpsyfer.xr- bits with thetr patrons^, t. TTTCOMB, j LEGAL NOTICES Early Sheriff's Sale. WILL be sold on tlic tirti Tuesday iu August iicvt, in Blake Icy, Early county, before the court house door withiu th * awful h jurs, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land number (257 * two hundred and fifty-seven, In th j 3th district ot said county, levied on as the property of William V. Reck. *un iving co-partner of A. H. Cirrington L Uo. to sat j >sfy a fl fa in favor of Raker Johnson fc Cos., properly pointed out ty Plaintiff. ... June 25—wtd* JOHN WENT, Sheriff. GKORUIA, ) Court of Ordinary, Mugcogte county, \ April Term, 1853. RULE XI SI. IT T HEREAB, Wm.X. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on ! v the estate of John Llggin, deceased, having applied foi j ettersof dismission from said administration : It is ordered tba j til persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why saic ! idmtnistrator should r.ot be dismissed af the Court of Ordinary i> oe held in and tor said county on the first Monday In N vein be 1 text. A true transcript from the minutes of said court. April 4, 1853. Co)ambus, April 12—whm JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, Talbot county, S February Teirn. 1653. RULE NI 81. WHEREAS, William F. Robertson applies by petition fo* letters of dismission as tho administrator of Barney Wilson ate of Talbot county, deceased. Be Lt ordered, That all persons concerned, bo and appear a’ the September term of this court next ensuing, then and then to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not b* granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, 24th Feb., 1853. March I—Owfim MARION BKTHUNE, Ordinary. GEORGIA, } Court of Ordinary, Hnieegee county, \ April Term, 1853. RULE XI SI. WHEREAS, Wm. N. Nelson,administrator on the estate of Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters ol iismission from said administration : Ft is ordered that all per sons concerned, shew cause, if any they have, why said admin istrator should not be dismissed ai the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in November next. A true transcript lrooi the minutes of said court, April 4. 1853 April 12—worn JNO. JOHNSON. Ordinary. GEORGIA, [ COURT OF ORDINARY, Hlcwsrt cimuty. * April Term, 1853. UPON the petition of William H. House, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, tor letter of dismission from his said executorship: It is on motion, ordered by the court that ail persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, whj said letters should not then be grunted. ; A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. April 19—wfiin _ J. 1,. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. OKOR. O I A , > C6U RT OF ORD.N AR Y, Stewart county. ( No\ember Term, 1853. UPON the petition of William H. House, Executor ol the last Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letter* of dismission from his said executorship. It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said oourt, why said letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. April 19—wdm J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary GEORGI A, > COURT OF ORfnXARY, Randolph conuty. ( June Term, lA3. pm LIP CAUSEY, administrator on the estaie of David Har- I veil, late of said county, decerned, having petitioned tbn court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that l! and singular the parties interested, show cause, if any they have, on or before the next January Termo this court, why the petition of said administrator should not ;.* vranted, otherwise he will be then and there dismissed. Given under tny band at office the 25th June, 1853. July s—wfivn O. p. BEALL, Ordinary. C'i •orgla, Randolph county.— Whereas, Peter T Biewart applies to me for tetters of administiation on tht estate of Daniel B. Norton, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at m\ office-, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause,if um they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand the 25th day of June. Juiy 5-71 O. P. BEALL Ordinary. GEORGIA, I Court of ordinary or said cot n Randolph county, i ty, April Term, I*>3. TAMEB W COLLINH, administrator of W.Coltins, late of sai< county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters o’ dismission from his said administration, and it appearing tha said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that all persoiu Hie ibeir objections, if any they have, on or before the Novembei Term ofthU court next ensuing, otherwise said administratoi will be then and there dismissed. April 12—wfirn O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. O iu O R O I A , ) COURT OF ORDINARY', Randolph county, j June Tern, 1853. PHILIP CAUSEY’. Administrator on the estate of David Har rell, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned this oourt for let ters of dismission. It is ordered that all persons con cerned, file their objections, (If any they have.) on or before the January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Admis trator v/ill be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand ut office the 16th clay of June 1853. .Tone 21—worn. f>. p. BE ALL, Odinary. (1 eorgla, Randolph county.— Wheieas, Samuel A. T Grier, administrator do bonis non on the estate of John H. Weaver, late of said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters of dismission from said administration. These are, therefore, to rite, admonish and require all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the September term of the Oourt of Ordinary •*’ said county, to be hoiden on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office tnis 22<1 <lay of February, 1853 March I—Rwfitn O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA. Randolph county.-• Court of Or dinary.—Whereas, by the petition of William Hayes, ad ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the estate of Kinchon Pairclotb, deceased, it appearing to this court that be has fully administered both of said estates, and moves the court to grant him letter* of dismission: AIJ persons concerned in either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known their objections, if any they have, on or before the October term of Uiisoourt next ensuing, otherwise said administrator wiilther and there he dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 2Dth march 1853. O. P. BEALL Ordinary. April 5 wfim f i eorgla, Randolph county.— Wherea?, Jas. Ruth- j T erford, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sutley, applies : to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. AM persons j interested are, therefore, hereby required to file their objections, ; if any they have, on or before the May term of this court next j ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and fiere dismis- j sed. Given under tny hand at office the I7th March, 1853. March —wfmi O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. (■ trorgU, Randolph county. —Whereas, John Gil T bert, Guardian of Heudlcy E. Hill, minor and orphan 01 William E. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said Guardianship. AM j ersons interested are therefore hereby required to tile their objections, ifany they have, on or before the j M> Temiofthie Court next ensuiug, otherwise said applicant ! will be then and there dismissed. Given nnder my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853. March IhJ—w6in O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. Georgia, Early county.— Whereas, Joseph Grim?ley, \ administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate >f Sarah Grimsley, late of said county deceased, makes application to me for let torso* dismission from the further administration oi said estate. AU persons concerned are hereby notilied to be and i appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under mv hand at office, this February the ‘J4th. 1853. March I—9w6m S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. COURT OF ORDINARY ) , T lor „ for Early county. s Jllt Term > 18j3 ‘ S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary, Presiding : IT appearing to the Court by the Petition of Berrien Chambers, j that Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, did in bis life time execute to said Berrien Chambers, his bond conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to lot of land number two hundred and ninety-rev en, in the twenty-sixth district of Early county, to said Berriei Chambers ; and the said Nathaniel Bartlett having departed the life without executing titles to said lot of land, <r providing in any way for the sarco. And it further appearing that the said Ber rien Chambers haspa : d the full amount of the purchase pis e o said lot of land: and tin said Berrien having petitioned thir Court to direct and order Thomas B. Andrew?, administrator©’ •he estate of Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, to execute to ti ties to said lot of land in conformity wish said bond and the law : It is, therefore, ordered by the court here, that notice be gives at three public places in said county, tud its the Columbus Timer and Sentinel, of ;.uch application three months, that all person concerned may file their objec’ions in the Clerk's office, ifanv they have, why Thomas B Andrews, adminietrator as aforesaid, should not execute title* to tatd lot cf land to taid Berrien I Chambers, in conformity to eaid Bond acd the Statute is ,uch e*e made en<l provided. A true extract from tie miouteaof aald court. Jnl? Rhb 1053. S. 6. STAFFORD, Ordinary K.C. July —w3m - J TIVO month a— ailer date, I will apply to the ordinary o Randolph Ccuniy *?r Have to sell the lands of A retinal Peterson, deottessi JOHN PETERbON, Adm'r. July wffa n eorgla. Randolph ccnnty—Whereas. Allen Jame* T and Garah H ltu apply to me for 1,-itrrs of administration on j ‘>e estate of Spvrus Butts, late of said county, deceased. Thes- are, ther fore, t > ui*e and admonish all and singular tiie j •ndret’and creditor* of said deceased, to be ami appear at my | lice, w ithin the time prescribedlaw,and show cause is anj ; ->ey have, why said letters sbi.nld not be granted. Given under my hand at office, the 3rd day of July. 1853. July 8 wtii O. P. HE At.I s Ordinary. i usrdian's Sle.--Under an order of the Ordinary of T Muscogee county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep | ember next, at the market house in Cofcmh"*, in said county, a ! egro child natne<l Rosa, tlic property of Henrv M. Jemigan, • Idiot. - ) Terms cash. A. B. BAG AN, Guardian. fV.luiHbus, July lt>—wide j f 1 rorgia, Talbot con 11 ty.--Office of Ordinary, 2*th I T A.arch, 1853.—AYhereas. J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan el Wommock’sorphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from aid guardianship: * Be it ordered. That all persons concerned, be ami appear at he June Term of the I'owrt of Ordinary of said county, next en uing, lhen and there io shew cause, it any they have, why said otters should not be granted. A true extract from the minutes ofsaid court, April 15th, 1853 April go—w tin-. M ARION HETI'UN E. Ordinnrv. \<lmlntitratr's Sale—Will be s<")Ul in rutbbert, Randolph county on the first Tuesday in October next, tin settlement of lands on which Erasmus Gay. Esq., resided nt the >me of his death. !<> wit: lots numbers 140. 141. 14D, and 1811, more or less of 147. all adjoining in the eighth district of said vuinty, on which are tolerably good log building, an excellent ■in house and screw. Three hundred acres of ooen lands princi pally all Ireeh, well watered, and in -hort a very desirable place “hr a farmer. Fold by order of the court of ordinary of said county. Terms, twelve months credit with small notes ami se curity. Anv person wishing to purchase such a place will do well to examine t’ie above mentioned lands, as each lot will be put up separately. LEWIS GAY, AdinV. Jiilvs—wtds .John A. J. WfaJhrrsby > Stewaft Pi pf.rior f'ocrt vb. - April Term, 1853. V Ilzahetla Weathersby. S Liliel for Divorce. T'T appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant Is not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or dered hy the Court tl at service of this libel he perfected on the said Elizabeth Weathershv, by publication of this order In the r 'olumhu9 Times and Pentinel once a month tor lour months next preceding the ensuing term >f this Cr>urt. A .rue extract from the ,4/inut sos this Court. June 15—1am4m I. M. COX, Clerk. Hunan Grnbhs l Ftryvart Pi fkrior Court, th. r . April Term. 1853. •loHlah (Irnblw. S Libel for D : vorev. TANARUS” 1’ appearinghy the return o ‘ the Sheriff that the detendatit ta not to be lbnnd in this county, it is therefore ordered bv the Court that service of this libei be perfected on the said Josiah Grubbs, by puhiicatUmof this orderin the Columbus Times amt • s eniinei once a month for tour months next preceding the ensu ing term of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes of .Stewart Superior Court for April Term, 1853. June 15—lam4ni l. M. COX, Clerk. Caroline V. CateiihHd \ Stew art .sreiißioa Court, vh. v- April Term. 1 a .53. TtAoiitHH J. Catenhead. S Libel for Divorce. rT appearing by the return of the Pheriff that the defendant is not to he tout’d >n the county of A'U-wart, It is thereforeorder -d by the Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Thomas J. Catenhead by publication of this order in the Colum bus Times and Sentinel, once a month for four inonthsnext pro viding the ensuing Term of thj/ Court. A trueextrac* from tho Minutes of said Court. •Tune 15—tani4.n I, M. COX, Clerk. TWO monilia alter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell a city lot w ith improvements, in the city of Columbus, in said county, known as lot number five hundred and twelve, containing ono half of an acre, belonging to the estate of James Baugh, late of -aid county, deceased. WM. O. GRAY, Adm’r. June 39—w 2m TWO months after date application will be madt to the Court of Ordinary of Talbot County for lent- to sell all the K. id Estate of Oliver H. P. Darnel late of said county de ceased. JO SEPH BROWN, Adm’r. July 19, 1853—w2in. 18 WO months alter date application will !>o made k> the Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, for leave to >s-il lot of land number one hundred and thirty seven in the seventh district of said county ; said land belonging io the estate of David Graham, late of said countv. deceased. FERIH.A 1.. GRAHAM, Adm’r. June 28—w2m TWO nionths— aft r date, I w ill apply t ) the onllnnry of Randolph County for leave to sell the lands and negr<KM of Francis C. Powell, deceased. SENEY J. POWELL, Adm’x. July B—w2m TWO mootlxa after date I stmll make application to llte court of Ordinary of Early county for leave to sell the land* belonging to the estate of Joseph C. Gray, deceased. July s—w2m JAB. B. BROWN, AdmV. Two montbg after date, 1 shall apply tothe Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belonging to Marv Knighton, deceased. May 31—w2m ’ JAM. LITTLE, Adm’r. TWO months after date, I will apply to the court nfO dinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lauds belong ing to Frances Whipple, a minor. July s—w2in ROBERT L. MITCHELL, Guardian MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF S O l T H C A ROLI S A . The Annual Course of Lecture* in this Institution will com mence on the first .Monday in November next- Anatomy—Prof. J. E. Holbhook, M. D. Surgery —Prof. J. E. Geddixas, Jtf, li. Institutes and Practice—Prof. J. Henry Die Book, M. D. Physiology—Prof. James A/ovltrie, M. I). Meteria Med ica-Prof. Henry R. Frost, M. I), obstetrics — Prof. Thomas G. Priolext, M. D. Chemistry—Prof. O. U. SnEpxßr., M. D. Comparative Anatomy—*Prof. L. Aoxssix, M. I*. Demonstrator of Anatomy— Francis T., M. I>. Prosecutor to the Professor of Surgery—J. F. M. Giddinos, CLINICAL INSTRUCTION. Dr. J. Caiv, M. D., Physician to the A/arine Hospital and Ciln ical Instructor, lectures twice a week on Ihe Diseases of that In stitution. 4. Ford Prioi.eau, M. D., Physician to.the Hospital of the Alms House, at which lectures are delivered twice a week on diseases, the Diagnosis discriminated, and the student irdoctri nated in their treatment. llernonstrative instruction in Medicine and Purgery, at the College Hospital, by the Professors of the Medical College. •At a special meeting of the Trustees and i'acu-ty of the Mod ieal College of thq Slate or Houth Carolina, held on the 3d of January, 1*52, Dr. I.- Agawir was unanimously elected Profes sor of Comparative Anatomy, with the distinct understanding that the collegiate expenses of the student ere not to be Increa sed by this addition to the course. Juty 19—wot HENRY R. FROST. Dean. 1853! 1853!! 1853!!! * COOPER’S - WELL. THE undersigned has taken the entire manage* ■■■ rct ' nl 3n d control of COOPER'S WELL, ■** % ’* i *~ and is now prepared to accommodate the public. Anew dining room has been erected, the Sleeping Rooms plastered and fitted withfurniture and bedding, ad a complete ovation effected. Ample accommodation* will be provided for. I IVE HUNDRED GUESTS; and no more will be received than can be comfortably accom modated. FOR INVALIDS there can be no mere advantageous relieat. The water is highly recommended by the medical facility, and the wondckfcl currs effected by it* ui- almost schpasb bklikp. Ample details of several astonishing cures mav be obtained en application at the Well. , , The terms will be model ale, and no exertion will bo spared to make guests comfortable. The Vicksburg and Jackson and Raymond Railroad *tt con vey passengers to Raymond, thence three miles to the to ell, .n IV. H. Smith’s line of NEW FOUR HORSE STAGES. The time of trip is less than three hours from \ icissburg.- Through tickets from Vicksburg to Cooper s\\ell,canbeob.alii “^DyTo^vilf dePOt ’ VlC!lßt> “ rg ; PrI JOHN~TK ATCHER. BLANKETS AND CARPETS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ros. SAi.t vrr GREEN WAY. BROTHER &. CO., Id Barclay Street and 24 Park Place, New York. May 17—vc3m I’HE ffrst Voimne of Putnam’s Magazine being completed. | er* l ecus can havs theta bound in any style, by leaving tbens aUth • - DAVID RGBs*, V~rva Binder, No. 73 Bread f [NUMBER 8