The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, July 27, 1853, Image 3

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Wm. H. Thumkrt, a highly respectable citizen of B ! iinore, euy* that Stabler'a Anodyne Cherry Expectoran | entirely cured him of a threatened Consumption of aiy I months, standing. He haa since recommended it to man; I others, and it has in every instance done all that eould b* I expected from medicine. It is used by many of the mo* experienced Physicians. If you have a Cough, try it i See advertisement in another column. Julv B—l in Holloway's Pills are an Infallible Remedy for th cure of Coughs, Colds , and Asthmas. —There are dai! bo many undeniable proofs of the efficacy of Holloway’ pills in the cures of diseases of tlte Chest, arising eilht > from old coughs, recent colds, wbeezings or shortness < breath, that all persons, whether young or eld, sufferin from such complaints, should have immediate reoours to these invaluable Pills, as a fair trial will show their ex traordinary powers. Many jmrsons who were scared .able to draw their breath, ana apparently almost at death’ aoor, have been completely cured by this remedy, to tli astonishment of these who have witnessed their suffei - Inga. Julv B—lm RAHWAY’S REGULA TORS Do not gripe, pain, weaken, or sicken the patient. Small doses regulate, large doses purge. One Regulator will gently evacuate the bowels and regulate every organ in th system. The}’ act upon the liver, the stomach, kidneys and bladder. They cure costiveness, liver complaint, dys pepsia, kidney complaints, biliousness, fevers of all kinds. No disease or pain can afflict the system while under the influence of R. R. R. Remedies. Priced R. R- R. Relief, 25 ets., 50 cts. and sl. ! “ “ “ “ Resolvent, SI. “ “ * “ Regulators, 25 eta. per box. R. R. R. Office, 162 Fulton street, N. Y. July 7-lm Neuralgia —This formidable disease, which seems t baffle the skili of physician*, yields like magic to Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Mr. F. Boxden, formerly of the Astor House, New xYork, and late proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, Rich mond, Va., is one of the hundreds who have been cured i of severe Neuralgia by Carter's Spanish Mixture. Since his cure, he has recommended it to numbers ol others who were suffering with nearly every form of dis- th the most wonderful success. Ho saya it is the most extraordinary medicine he Inn ever seen used, and the best blood purifier known. *** See advertisement in another column. July B—lm SPECIAL NOTICES, ! WE are authorised to announce DAVID J. BAR BER as acardidate for Clerk of the Superior Court oi Muscogee County, at the election in January near. Juno 25, 1853—w&Awte. Take Notice! ALL persons indebted to the Southern Bek tin el ior j JOB WOKK AND ADVERTISING, during the years 1850 and 1831, are requested to make im- j mediate payment to me, or their accounts will be placed it* j the hands of an Attorney for collection. j Remittances may be made to Frank 31. Jetce, Coium- | bus, Ga. WILLIAM 11. CHAMBERS. \ Columbus, July 26, 1853.—\v6 1 GAS FIXTURES, THE subscribers having engaged eoropeteut workmen, wii! bv prepared to tit up Stores and Houses with pipes burners and sJ Decenary apparatus for the use of On?. This work will be war ranted, and done under the superintendence of the EngiueiT o the Cohunbua tins Light company. WHITTELSEY Sc CO. Accordingto the by-laws of Uw company, th.- houeee and Ptores w ill be fitted up iu the order of their application. \ Register Book is now ready at the store of Messrs. Whktel- i soy & C\>. C. E. DEATH R, Sec’ry. i April 15—w&twM’ Ooiutnbua Gas Light Company. | ICE, ICE, ICE! j The Ice House is now open for the season. The price will be j for all amounts less than fifty lbs., three cents per ib Over fifty j .and less than two hundred, two and a half cents; two hundred - t over, two cents. Hours from 7Ja to l'2)j A.M., and 2 to tl P. M., except Sun i days, on which day tbo house will be open from 7to 10, A. M. i only. Tickets can'be had on application to Columbus, April 13—twtf “ • CHAI FIN. J CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. Thi a agreeable beverage arid excellent summer laxative j can be found freshly prepared, and vvell iced, at GESNER <fc PEABODY’S Blue Drug Store, sign of the Negro and Mortar. Also, Soda and Congress Waters made cool and palat- j able. June 15 twtf j DISSOLUTION. THE co-partuershlp heretofore existing under the name and j style of GESNER Sc PEABODY in this city, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 15th inst. j Either ol the former partners will attend to all business apper- ; mining to the old firm,at the establishment ot ft. Webs & Cos, * GESNER & PEABODY. j July 27—tw3t—wit PARTNER: WftMTIQ, j WITH A CAPITAL FROM OSE TO THREE THOUSAND | DOLLARS. THE object being to increase a business already established in j the flourishing city of Savannah, it being ve*y profitable, j and without any chance of risk. To a youßg man ol energy it ■ is a ra r e chance. Apply at this office. July 22 tw2tfcwlt __ j TO THE PUBLIC. MY WIFE, Francis Ford, having left my bed and board without any cause whatever, 1 hereby caution all persons not to take her in, nor credit her on my account, as I am deter mined to nav no debt or debts of her contracting unless , pelled by law. , LLIAb tORD. Columbus, July 23, 1853 —-twtwlt j MRS. MARY, FORTUNE FELLER, Now in this city, and residing at No. 163—opposite the Market House —will tell FOR I UNES for all who may apply to her. jra*” Price, 50 cents each. Colored persons, 23 cents. Columbus, July 20, 1653.—tw3t* . NEW LIST OF VALUABLE BOOKS! LECTURES ON THE APOCALYPSE.—CriticaI, Expository and practical, by Chas. Wordsworth Canore, of Westminster. Smith's Lectures on Modern History, with natations and a list ot books on American History, Sec., by Jared loreU's Historv of Modern Philosophy —An historical and critical view of the speculative philosophy of Europe iu the PJth century, by J. D. Morel!, A. M. Jones’ Ckurck Historv—A history of tne Christian church from tho birth of Christ to the 16th century, includ ing the very interesting account of the Waldenses aud Al bi r cnses, ay Wm Jones. . . c Kitto'e Illustrated History of Palestine, wuhiutrodue torv c-.aptcrs on the Geograph and Natural Historv of the country and on the customs and vnemutiooe of the lio browe, with upwards ot 200 iliustratiOßb. _ The Lands of the Moslem.—A narrative of Oneot*l Travel, by El Mukattem. . Seme* JJoal and during tbo Mexcaa war. hy Lmit. Raphael. Scmmet, U. 6 N- aid-de-camp cf Major Gsnarai Worth, in tho battles of the vjiiey For sale by D, F WILLUAV Ctktnbue, July 20. 1353 DRY GOODS.. EMBROIDER lEs! ~~ rUST received, a large assortment of Swiss, Jacooe and Mull Flouncings, .Muslin Band?, Swit* and Jaco et Edgings and Insertions, French Worked Collars, am ‘nderslaeves, Thread Lace, &c. BROKAW, CLEMONS & Cos Columbus, July_2. twtf. MUSLINS. PLAIN and Stripe Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, India Mull and Nainsook, do. Brilliante Cambric? ; a larg. tock just received. July 2—twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS &. CO. HOSIERY. JUST received a full stock of Ladies’Sanaal Lisle Hose Misses’ Fancy do., Gents Plain and Fancy Lisle and ing. half Hose. Also, a superior article of Ladies’ Silk Hovee and Mitts. July 2— twtf BROKAW’,CLEMONS &, CO. NEW GOODS. The subscriber has in Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered for sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT fcJF’ Purchasers for Cash will find it to their advantag-’ •o examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2—tw C. MYGATT. rl’dT Received, a lot of Fine FANS. Albo. Embroidery Hj!k by [April 22.; WHITTELSEY t Cos. MUSICAL. ANOTHER MUSIC STORE. WILLCOX & CARTER, NO. 92, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., ARE now receiving, and will ccuistanity on baud, HEET MUSIC, PIANO FORTES, GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCORD EONS, BAN JOB, TAM BO RINKS, FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, &C. Strings for the VIOLIN AND GUITAR. ALSO ustructk>Q Hooke for tbo ab ve iaefrumente. Aleo, Kxerciaee •>r the cultivation of the Voice. Orders are solicited from fefichers and other?. I>. F. VVILLCXJX. WM. B. CARTER. N. B. Mr. Cxkter will attend to Tuning and Repairing Pianor * heretofore. Columbus, April 15—w&iwtf A GOOD 9ljk N 0 FBIRTE FOR RENT BY THE MONTH OR YEAR. AT THE MUSIC STORE OF WHITTELSEY do CO. Columbus, June 24, 1833.—tw&wtf SELLING OFF SHEET MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. rHK undersigned desiring to reduce their extensive stock ot BhiiKT Musjo, will sell at Ikrec cent* }nr page, tor half the isuai price) a large share of their present stock. Among which nay be found many of the new and popular pieces ot the day. rhis is au opportunity not to be neglected by Tuachskb and Schools, to lay in a supply, iu this tot will be fouud most o; e desirable Music every day ordered., a lareo stock of Instruction Boors for the I’iANI ’ORTE, which will be sold &t less than cost. Among the Bbeet tusicare the following pieces, arranged by C. REPS, vi;:.: lancing Feather Waite ; J BombardmentefVera Cruz; CPuer; Waltzes; 4 ’ Stone Mountain, Q.B La Sultana Waltz; \ Columbus Guurds, Q. 8. Gibraltar Waltz; Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, tj. 8. ; Galiopade Polka. also—A large variety of souks. Waltzes, Polkas, Starches and ffuick* dtps, by celebrated authors. Sales of this lot to be strictly Cash. Just received, a large lot of NEW MFBIC, w hich will be l t the usual price. Call ami examine. Otters money enclosed will he filled md forwarded to any part of the country b\ mail. WHITTELSEY & CO. Columbus, Ga M March @—twtf New Sheet Music. rHE subscribers have this day received a large a=sortme?jt o .Sheet Music; among which are many new and popula ■ieces never before oflered in this market. The ladies in pa it i uUrare invited to rail and exumine our stock. TKUA.Y & PEASE, Columbus. March 3—tw 108 Broad street. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. .■HP THE undersigned bavo engaged the serviceso Mr. F. O. RAMM, Tuner and Piano Maker, lately fnl from Erard’ Celebrated Establishnitut in Paris. I “ 11/ Mr. R. is probably the his profession in the Southern Country. We arc prepared to attend to all otters iu ‘he above line, and will be re-ponsible ler till work done by oui workmen. * )rdrw addressed to Whittslsev & or Truax g. Pkabb, will ntoet with prompt attention, WHITTLLBEY & Cos. Columbus, April 22, 1853. TRUAX & PEASE, twtf—Jel4 wtf INSURANCE. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. ‘THUS Conipanv has returned in stock Sixty per chnt. ot L oremiumsin the last two years. Tho subscriber hi>s the Stock scrip Twenty-five percent, for the last twelve months aud a dividend offi percent, cash on the stock issued for 18j*. In surers in this office will bring their stocii scrip ot 185. an J receive their dividends—they can at the same time receive their scrip tor 1853. , , v Marine and Fire risks taken at tho usual rates, bv oluinbus, July B—v&twlv K. J CALIFORNIA BV THE KENTUCKY MUTUAL ■ . U ■<” INSURANCE COMPANY. Apply to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga. BOSWELL & BILLING, July 9—wdctwly Medical Examiner?. MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BiNK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, vtill receive Deposits —and Checks for sale on New York W Macouand Savannah. p , Tr . v April24—twtf RICHARD PATTr..N. AGEN< Y OF THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. H. 11. EPPING, Agent for DK- 1 * EOS WELL ft BII.LJXO, Meticd Examine re. Pa in phi eta containing tables of Rates and other information may beobtainfd by application at tbe office of the Agents. Columus. Nov 23—twtwly $lO Reward! gold WATCH STOLEN. _ STOLEN on the 11th iust-, a Gold Watch, “No. 3525 __x ua> Hsrrievu, in vcrpool. The above reward ill be given on delivery th the v, atcb at this office. Cotumbus,MnyJe—tw LOST- Iu tee inject, ic tiiif city, tbfe inot'mag. a CUFF PIN The riudtT will be paid do!!a;’8 oa lesMCg the Pta a. this office- Sl—mtf NOTICE, __ , a arsltT te ev duly authorised to tay D. burial of axlWi that htr**K belburd ia July S—'V&trua J * KJCtfc. TRAVELING, vi u SCOGEE RaTi. ROADCO CHAN G E O F SCH BDIJLE. On and after the 16th iast. the Pasw*n,7-r Tra.a will lea we an •un by the toilowiog solnaiule dully until furtbor nonce: Lsavo Oolumbus atß A. M.; Arriveut Macon 330 P.M. Leave Macon at 6 3C- A. M.; Arrive at Olumhue 2 10 P. IS _ , E. F. RICKER, feruperlutendont. Columbus,May 14, 1863 HA UN HEN S KX PRESS. <>ffick on Randolph street. \\ E respcct/itUy beg leave to inmrm the citizens ot i/oiumbvi ’ f an 418 vicinity, that v. e ha\ e concluded our arrangemeiin with the Oectral Rauroad Banking Company, and are now rui ung messengers daily from Macon to Barannah. vise, forwardintr g.xxis daily over the Muscogee aud Bout! \ Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe and Macon, them MtlledgeviUe Bavai nah ani ail intermediate places. Also, to Montgomery, A!a. We would aleo say, that our E> treses by the uteamers to New York and Philadelphia enable u o forwar*! every description of merchandise and valuable- Drafts, and Bills collected in every town in the Norther mo Eastern -Slates ; also, to California find Europe. OrrtcEs akd Aoknts—Randolph street, Columboe. opp-:>sit ne Corner rHone*’printing office ; C. A. Ella &. Boa, Macon •ir. Kendrick, Port Valley; G. R. Clayton, Oglethorpe; lio Bn •treet. Savannah; 74 Brxiadway, .Yew York; 43 and 45 Bout) nurd, rniladelphia ; H Court street, Boston ; Exchange etree rro\ ideiice; Montgomery street, >an Francisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER & CO. Columbus, April 13—twtw UKITED STATES MAIL LINE. Sew York and Savannah Steamships. XHER ARRANGEMENT.—Days of leaving 3a- O vannah ior New York: The Augusta, Cupt. Lyon. on \\ edr.esday, June ) Florida, •• Woodhull, on Saturday, ’ “ 1 “ Alabama, Ludlow, on Saturday, “ It u Augusta, “ Lyon, on Baturday, u 2.’ “ Florida, “ Woodhull, on Saturday, Jtdy i “ Augusta, 4> Lyon, on Saturday, “ 1 ’ Florida. AVoodhul), on Saturday, - It Alabama, “ Ludlow, on Wednesday, “ *” Augusta, 44 I.yon, on Saturday, “ 2t -4 Florida, 44 VVoodhuU, on 8a unlay, ** 3t) 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, Aug. 3 44 Augusta, 41 Lyon, on Satu day, * 44 fi “ Florida, 44 Woodhull, on Saturday, 44 IS “ Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, “ 1? 44 Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Saturday, 44 2< 4 Florida, “ Woodhull, on Saturday, 44 27 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 31 44 Augusta, “ Lyon, on Baturdny, Hept. 3 *• Florida, 44 Woodhull, on Saturday, 44 It 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, ♦* 14 These ships are the largest cn the coast, unsurpassed in speed, -afety or comfort —making their passages in 50 to t'.O hours, ano -re commanded by skillful, careful aud polite officers. They Cer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the con-” iletion ol the Atlanta in the autumn, this line will be semi weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin Passage I PADELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Bavannab. BAM'L L. MITCH ILL, •Juno J 5 .Sept 7 13 Broadway, Now York. FARE REDUCED. FOR PHILADELPHIA. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. Philadelphia 4$ Savannah Steam Navigation Company THE new and splendid side-wheel Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, twelve hundretltons register, Capt. WALTER COLLINS, will eave Aavatmjh ar. follows: Wednesday, July 27 Wednesday, Aug 10. 44 Aug 24 “ Sept 7. 44 Bept 19 44 Oct 5. Tnie ship lias been built with the strictest regai-d to Uie safety and comfort of the passengers, and her accommodations are un surpassed by any stesmhip on the coast. Anew eteamsuip now building, in every respect equal to the Stele of Georgia, will take her place In tho line during thi month of June, and wi.l, with the Slate of Goorgia, make a week ty line, leaving each port on Wednesday. Cabin passage from Savai nah to Philadelphia S2O Steerage 14 “ “ Philadelphia 8 C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent ia Savannah* HE&ON t MARTIN, May 21—ts Agents in Philadelphia ** mm til imm v j,j THK subscribers have this day put in epf-ration two splendid FOUR HORSE COACHES, md sixteen ot the btst horses that the country can produce, to ply between the Forsyth Depot and the Indian Springs; and laving engaged Mr. C. M. Dickerson and Mr. Francis Genno, Id and experienced reinsraen, pledges themselves to convey ihe traveling public to and from the two points in a safer and oetter style, and quicker time, than ever netore dune at this place. We also have family omniba e os, always in readiness. Visitors, and families particularly, will find it greatly to their comfort and interest to call for our coaches. Wc meet both .he dev and night trains oi cars. A. J. zt C. L. VARNER. Indian Springy June 34—wktwllAag United States Mail Line, THROUGH IN A DAY EACH WAY, From Columbus, Ga., to Chunnenuggee, Ala., i and you may go to Savannah tlie next day, from Columbus,) via Lamir.glon, Sand Fort, Uchee, Creek Stand, Hernando, Euon, and .S’ewart's Nlllts. This line intersects at Chunnenuggee the one to Montgoiuery via Cotton Valley, Tuskegee ami Chehaw, also the one leading in the direction of Tallahassee, Fla., via Five Points, Mount An drew, Clayton and Eufi.ula, Ala. I will send forward passengers or freight from Chunnenuggee to any of the following places; Union Springs, Aberroii, Arbor vi'se, Perote, Missouri, Bug Hall, EdgeflL-ld,Troy, and Ridgvly. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 8 A. arrive at Chunnenuggee same days, at 9p. in. Leave Chunnenuggee Monday, Wednesday and ’Friday at 4 a. m.; arrive at Columbus same days at 9 p. m. May 28—lwly APPLETON HAYGOOD, Contractor. VERNOY & KLTORs O MNIBUS LI N E . Fare —In Proportion to the Distance. WE return our thanks to the traveling public an a the citizens generally, for their liberal pat ronage. find would inform them that our splendid new QMXI - USSES, with FIXE TEAMS and careful IifiIVERS, will continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens ana per sous stopping at the Public Houses. Calls tell at the Hotels or at our stable, strieily attended to. Oolutnfcue, March 18—w&twly NOTICE. A NEW LIVERY STABLE IN GIRARD, ALA., By J. B. HICKS. THE undersigned hjg taking the Livery Stable in Girard, Ala.. heretofore occupied by V. C. Kirkiaud, or the purpose of carrying on a general LIVERY STABLE BUSIN ESS.ffii Under the superintendence of TBGst&k D. A. GARRE IT, ” the proprietor of the City Hotel, Columbus, Georgia. This stable will be inferior to nouo in this country in point of attention to stock and good management. Persons wishing to hire HORSES and BUGGIES can find as good in this as can be found any where. Call and give me a trial. X. B. The citizens of Columbus will plca.-c bear in mind that whenever they have to hire a horse or a horse and energy for ‘he transaction of business in Alabama, that they can make a saving of from ’do to To cents ou the trip by hiring on the other side oi the river. Girard. Ala., July 2—twdm Shirts! Shirts!! A LA KG B invoice of SHIRTS, COLLARS. DRAWERS A HOSIER Y, Itc. Just received and for sale by March 39—tw J. H, MERRY. city tax. The lax Book is uow opeu for the collection ofTaxed for the present year. Tax payers will save cost unu oblige me by paviug promptly. J. L. HUIVLLL, Collector. “ Columbus, June -d—twi:’ C. T. CUSUMAN~IX D. S. BZsm, ilKflff. i Over Foster Ac Forpls's Jewelry STORE, No. SO Broad Street Ga* J*2 N 1853 twtf FOR SALE AND TO RENT. VALUABLE LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. rHK rSDERfIGNED wild** to **ll hU Plantation* I ar.J Negroe*. The principal P snutkiu i* In CUrkc Count), tiabaroa, immediately on the Bigby River, and bs:fundir nown as Stave Landing. It contains about I,5H> acre*. t,W •I v. hich i* river bottom land; near 400 acres are cleared, aiu mder cultivation. Also, about 500 acre* of upland in the saui ouiuy. lying an Tantilida Creek, übout 250 of which are dear, i nd under cultivation. There are 50 negroes conrintint, of men, women and chMdrei . sos the number working band*. I w ould aiao sell uy entiri took. Terras will be made liberal. \npiy to the undersigned on tho premises, or to B. /ACGHAN, or AUBREY & CO., of Mobile, who will give a! tie particular wished for. W. 1 . HF.I KPA.V. Mobile July 2, 1853. July 13, w&iwim PLANTATION \ND LOT FOR SALE, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS. tl will sell my valuable plantation otic mile Fast <v Crew ford, Ala., containing Fight Hundred acres; wel improved, good dwelling and out houses, gin house uew screw. A.C.. &c. There is good creek bottom am .iMid interspersed wilhOak and Hickory. A!o, a one acre lot opposite the bote! in 1 rawford. Fcr terms and particulars apply to Messrs. C. S. Harrison A 0., Columbus, Ga. A/av 20—wAtwtf C. A. CLOUD. FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT; ALSO CARPETS, FURNITURE, &c. APPLY TO C. S. IIARKISON & CO. Columbus, May 14 —twtf For Sale. tA small farm about one and a half miles from Colum bus. It contains 150 or 100 acres oi land : about a third of which is cleared, and in suitable condition lor cultiva lion. The remaining portion is well timbered will line. It is a desirable location for any person, w ishing a small farm >r summer residence in the vicinity of the city. Apply to Columbus. March 9—twtf T. T. TA YLOR. LAND FOR SALE. .jfjft WILL bes !d at public out cry, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale, at the r >urt houre o. Cuthbert, Randolph county, Ga., the plantation lately owne<l by But's Newsom, deceased, ylng on the road from F.ulnuln, Ala. to Cuthbert, eight miles rom the former place and seventeen from t lie latter. Said plan* ation is situated near the Petunia and i lodehodkee < reeks, and contains about one thousand acres, five hundred of which isonen with good improvements. Will be sold in one body; one null he purchase money to be paid January lt, 1854, and the balance • anuary Ist, 1855. The titles are indisputable. Persons wishing to purchase are invited to call .nd examine tie land for themselves. JAMES F. NEWSOM. F.x’r July s—tds LAVINIA NEWSOM. NOTICE. Valuable Plantation for Sale. [ , 'HK subscriber oders for sale bis plantation four miles south of Cuthbert containing 1012 acres land with about 200 acres >f open lai.d, w ith two settlements on the place, supplied w ith good water and not surpassed by any place in the county for health. There is a saw mill on the ylace newly repaired on a good stream of water and in fine operation, and a demand for til lumber that can be sawed at §1 bO cash or 1 i2J£ credit to re sponsible customers, also the interest or privilege of the timber on upwards ol tw'o hundred acres land more. This place is near enough to patronise the schools in Cuthbert as the subscriber has been doing without much incom e ience. Cuthbert, July 19, JBs3—w4t WILLI AM TUCKER. FOR SALE OR RENT. M The house and lot owned and occupied by the un dersigned on Jackson street, in this city, containing one acre, weil improved, with all the necessary build ings, &c. Terms reasonab'e. Columbus, July 15, 1853—w&twfit. P. McLAREN. For Sale. ,a® MY Plantation on the Glennville, (Aia.,) road, fv-ven miles from Columbus, containing 340 acres,about IGO of which is cleared and in a tine state of cultivation. ~iL_ The improvements are a frame dwelling writh four rooms, kitchon, cribs and stables conveniently arranged. The piace has an abundant supply of excellent spring water, is con venient to churches, schools and market, is very healthy and in in excellent neighborhood—persona wishing to purchase can •btaln any desired information by calling on .Mr. Whitten, on the premises, or life subscriber in Columbus. F>. F. COLEMAN. Columbus, June 21—w6m. HOTEL FOR SALE. Pis THE subscriber offers or sale his commodi ou? and well finished Hotel, situated on the east side ot tin public square, in the town ol Buena Vista, Ga., a in* fr own as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It Isfurnished with all ngeess / conveniences, and has pertaining to it, a goo. kitchen, s^iokehouse,stable, lot, &.C., all in good repair. The house is cor -niently situated,and is favored with a liberal share of boarding-md.transient custom. Buena Vista, though new, ir i large and beautiful town. Its schools,and varied merchantih and mechanic interests, insure itspermanency and rapid growth So one need fear depreciation In property for many years. Persons wishingto purchase uch property, would do well to call and examine. Reasonable time will be allowed for payment. For terms apply to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS, or to WILLIAMS & OLIVER , March s—9wtf Buena Vista. A/arion co. Ga. PLANTATION FOR SALE, IN THE VALLEY OF TALBOT COUNTY, GA THE subscriber having determined to remove west, ***J®s offers for sale bis plantation, containing five hundred acres, anout one half cleared and undet good lence.- One hundred acres bottom land, tolerably good dwell ing and out houses, new gin and screw'. Persons wishing to purchase a good farm will find it to their interest to call and examine the premises. Come, I am deter mined to sell. Terms easy. JAMES M. STAMPF.R. Quito, Talbot co., Ga., Juiy s—wGf VALUABLE IMPROVED LAND FOR SALE IN LOWNDES COUNTY. Thk undersigned has not yet sold his place, four miles from the Brunswick and Florida Railroad, which is now building, in ihis body of :and there are about 1.600 acres line hummock and pine land —230 cleared, it is well watered, healthy and fertile. A great bargain can be had. Come and view it. My address is Sharpe's Store Post Office, Ga. June 21, 1863. wiOt D. B. GRAHAM. South Cowika Plantation For Sale. THE subscriber having determined to remove West, ] offers tor his plantation, containing seven hundred ‘ nd seventy-five acres,about one half cleared and under good fence?, situated twenty four miles west of Eufaula, nine iniies from Clavton, and twelve miles from the route of the ; Girard and Mobile itaiiroad. For terms apply to Mr. Thomas Robinson at Eufauiß, or to the subscriber on the premises. HENRY H. FIEf>D. April 28—wfim H-'J-I . Winter’s Palace Mills, ! VRE again in full operation. Send in your Wheat and Gore. Flour, Afeal, Bran and Shorts, always on hand. Columbus. June 29 wtwtf CORN AND WiThLytT CtORN and Wheat wanted, for which the highest market price ! willbopaid at PALACE MILLS. Columbus, July 23—wttwtf Flour, Meal, and Breadstuffs. subscriber, proprietor ofthe CJTY.MILLS, beg leaTe 1 to inform the public that he has now on hand and will con tinueAo Jjeep a good stock of prime WHEAT AND COt t.V, an 1 will be prepared at all times to furnish customers in any quantities with Flour Meal, &c., at the shortest notice. New wheat is now in. The City A/ill is situated above the city a short distance and is now in good running order- My prices at present are as follows ; Superfine Flour £6 25 perbbl. Family Flour G 75 ** “ Extra do 750 “ “ Corn .’leal <*U bushel The highest cash prices paid for Corn and Wheat. D. A. WYNN. City Mill. -June 8, 1853 tw t£_ W. 1). FORD DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pickles. Preserves, I rnits, Confectionaries, Segars. also, Fish, Oysters and Ice when in sc-isor.. Waldbl o’s, Jicf-srsok streut, Savannah, Ga February 9. 1853 twGrn On Consignment. 50 He-. New Grlcan.- Sugar. Sd 50 Bbla. 30 Cask* Sides. 5 “ Sh tulderc. AUof which will be sr>id low for Call and examine them. C. S. HARRISON k. CO. Cos! urn hue, April b— . a ts VV, F. LEE, D. D. S~ | DENTAL SURGEON. Olfite cu Droad street, over Mygatt‘2 sterc- Cohusbua, Oct ® BUSINESS CARDS. *. L-OCXETT, WI. R. LOKO, JOHN H. D AVT*. iceiiTT, WKi £m7 COMMISBIO N MERCHANTS AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL attend to the felling of all kinds of Produce. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods, and filling orders from thecouutry. July 3—w Act tv ly _ THOMAS J. NUCKOLLS, A TTORNEY A T L A W, Columbus, Georgia. Ofticeover I. G. Btri tp**’#, near corner of Broad andKas doiph streets. ‘"ILL practice in the counties of thi* and the adjoining Judicial irenUia Alabama. March 15—wly W. C. MiVER, A TTORNEY A T L A W , TuSKkdEE, AIaCON CO., A LA. •Vill practice in the counties of Macon, Montgomery, allapooea, Pike, Barbour and Ru=sel. • anuary 22—4\vly K. J. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY. MOSES 6z PEABODY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLI MBU>. GEORGIA. WILL practice in Muscogee county, (Ja., ;.:id Rusaeli county. Ala., and in the Supreme. Court of the State of Georgia. t'o 1 unite•, June 29-wtwtf 3am. S. Hamilton, Columbus Cunningham. HAMILTON & CUNNINGHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, Pikk County, Ala. April 23. 1853—w&twly. KING A WINNEMORE, COM MIS SI O N MERC 11 ANT S, MOBILE, ALABAMA. Pec. 20,1849. [Mob. IWt.] 15 ts DOUGLASS & DOUGLASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cuthbert , Georgia. \NTILL practice in the counties of the Southwestern Circuit, V V and in Stewart county of the Chattahoochee circuit. KFGKMFSL. DOUGLASS, Nov 30—wly MAKCELLUB DOUGLABB. nigolas GACHET, ATTORNEY A T LAW, I’uskeoee, Alabama. OFFICE OVER PORTER’S BRICK STORE. WILL attend the courts of the Ninth Circuit, and Montgomery, Pike, and Barbour in the Eighth Circuit, march 9—wly 11. r. GREEN WOOD, JOSIAH MORRIS, J. I. RIDGWAY. GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGVVAY, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTZ. No. IT t’arondelet Street, New * rleans. Oct 29—wictwly TUCKER & BEALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lumpkin. Ftb'vart County, Ga. WILL attend regularly the Superior Courts of Stewail, Marlon ousipter and Randolph counties; and will give prompt atten tion to all bu**ines>s entrusted to their care. JOJLV .4. TUCKER. E. H. BEALL. Lumpkin, January 18. 1953 —3v/!; GEO. S. ROBINSON, ATTO RN K Y AT LAW, Cuthbert, Georgia. Rkpkiiknckei Hon?. M. J. Wellborn and Alfred Ivcrso Cos I urn bug. Cuthbert. Nov 2—43wtf T. J. COLQUITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Buena Vista, da., ITTILL practice in the Courts of vrion and StewarttheChat V V tahoochee Circuit—an Macon, Lee and Sumpter, of the Southwestern Circuit. Ukkekknck —Hon. W T . T. Colquitt Columbus, Ga. ill v 15—11 WILLIAMS & OLIVER, ATTOR NE YS A T LA W , Buena Vista, Marion county, Georgia. T-jyj EL practice in the counties of Marion, Macon, Houston W Stewart, Randolph and any adj..,...ngcounty wbeie they .ervices may be required. WM. F. WILLIAMS. THAt* , ’BUN OLIVER. Feb 27— fwtbnx-wtf. . D. R r HOMPSON & CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HE ART J Below llill, Dawson Ar Cos. Copper, Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, all manner of Gutters, Piping, Conductors and Roofing done to order, substantially and warranted. Nov. 2 4-S—ts J. S. WOODBRIDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster A Purple’s Jewelry Store. Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. 5 w C. S. HARRISON & CO. AUCTION AND COMMS6ION MERCHANTS. Broad street, Columbus. Ga. i TTjLLatUnd promptly to ail business consigned to them Y\ Feb 13— s. S. STAFFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Blakely, Early Cos., Ga. apßwa fTt. CULLENS, A T TORN E Y AT LAW, BLAKELY, EARLY COUNTY, UA. Oct 5, 1852. 40-wly WILLIAMS, OLIVER AND EROWN, Attorneys at Law, BUENA VISTA, MARION CO. GA. Will practice iu the counties of .Marion, Macon, Houston •nowart; Randolph, JMuscogee, Lee, Taylor, and .any adjoining counties where their services may be required. W.U. F. WILLIAMS, THADDECS OLIVER, JACK. BROWK. January 28—5wly Genin’s Hats. 1 FEW oases Gknin’s a vo. o>k Hats?—Bpriro siyles. j\ Just received and for sale by .March 30—tw H - MERRY. VARIETY STOVE WARE-HOUSE. BARTLETT BENT, Jr., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN THE MOST APPROVED Farmers’ Boilers, Ship Cabooses, Gas Ovens, Charcoal and Hard Coal Furnaces, Oven Fronts, Ac. Iron Castings generally. 238 Water Street, New-York. May 3,1853 -w3m. _ Printing Presses For Sale ! V?2?Ji5 ‘per -vr Washington Printing Pre^ee. 1 r A wliVbe ofd low for cash, or on time if vv "ranted *<**! as new. Apply | preferred b, U.e purenasw & ELLIS. Columbus, Ga. February 4—twfcwtf GUANO. irv EXPERIENCE WITH guano this sea*on, in eowieg amaJi uraln snd turnips. ? D JO>:E¥