The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, August 03, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUMK I] Cftitsi Jnielligmcf. LATER FROM EUROPE, AIiRJ VA L O F 1M t: SI ' R A MB B ASi A . New VoaK, .July Si&, 185 u. * The steamship Asia arrived last night, with Liver pool dates to the Jslh. Her news of the cotton market is cheering, indicat ing a slight improvement in the hotter grades. The ! sales of the week at Liverpool .'mounted to tf>,ooo bait s, <<t which speculators took 4,000, and exporters 10,000 ! bales. < air Orleans are quoted at 7-8 a7d ; Middling Or- ! leans, 0 1-Sd; bar Tpl inds. 0 5-8d; Middling Up. lauds, R*!. ! ne demand was i'air anti holders tirm, with mode- Mtc sales to the trade. Fair and good fair qualities Jiad improved most. Tho trade at Manchester was un changed. Rice had improved in value and demand. | Scales of Carolina reported at 25 shillings. The Havre market was more active. Sales of week, 15,000 bales. Paris dates to the 11th, P. M., report ! that stocks and money at the Bourse had been firm i until near the close of the day, when a panic arose in ‘ regard to a rumor that the Austrian squadron had been ordered to the Baltic. The news from Russia and Turkey does not differ from that received by tho last arrival. Negotiations are I A-hll progressing, and the Russian officers are sending \ for their wives to spend tho winter with them in the • Principalities. Advices from Vienna eoem to regard i the whole question as bottled. Commodore Stringham, at Smyrna, had placed the : Austrian brig of war under the guns of the St. Louts, for tho purpose of preventing her from carrying off Costa, the Hungarian refugee, to Trieste. An interview had taken place between Mr- Marsh, American Charge, and the Austrian authorities, and j tho whole matter was deferred until advices were re ceived from \ lemma and Washington. Two Austrian ships had been sent to Smyrna to watch tho St. Louis, j Montchashel Stephenson and Jackson, members of Parliament, arrived in the Asia. The announcement at Halifax, that the American fishermen had arrived, caused great excitement, and meetings were held at St. John’s declaring that unset- j tered commercial intercourse with the United States, is necessary to the prosperity of tho British Provinces. Latest by the Asia. A New York, dispatch says : The latest advices by the steamer Asia are decidedly pacific, and lead to the hope of a speedy settlement of affairs bet tv ecu Russia and j Turkey, intelligence direct from the most reliable sour- i cos, states that tlie English, French, Austrian and Prus- ‘ si/m Ambassadors at Constantinople, had drawn up an amicable conciliatory note, which the Sultan approved and accepted. It was forthwith sent to the Emperor of Russia for lus acceptance, and the genera! impression pro. ■ vailed that he would readily accede to the propositions. ■ The nature and terms of the note are not made known. The Yellow Fever—C>reat. Mortality. New Orleans, -July 31. The deaths in this city for tho past 24 hours amount to 154, including 126 by Yellow Fever. Vow Orleans Cotton Market. Nrw Orleans, July ill. The sales of Cotton for the week are barely 2,800 bales. On Friday the sales were 1100 bales. The receipts for the week are 900 bales, and the stock on J hand 25,000 bales. Middling is quoted at 10 1-4 cents. ] The produce market is unsettled by the rising of tho j upper rivers. The bark Saranac, aud tne ship William P. Hill, : have arrived. More Trouble with the Beaver Island Mormons — Six Men Wounded. St. James, Beaver Island, July 14. j Tho Detroit Free Press has the following : A most bloody and murderous assault w is made ■ upon Joshua *L. Miller, Sheriff of this (Eininet) County, at Pino River, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Miller went to Pine River yesterday morning, to summon three Jurors, res ding there, who had been drawn for the July Cir-uit at this place. As many threats had been sent out from Piue River against the serving any process there, he went with two bpats, and seven men in each, all unarmed, thinking the presence of that number of witnesses would prevent any sudden outbreak until his business was understood, when, tie thought there could be no op posi i u. He .vis onshore but twenty-five minutes, finish- ; ed his business, and got into the boats to return, when a bo ly of forty men, who had hastily gathered 1 on the bluffs, commenced a most murderous lire j upon them. More than one hundred guns were tired before the boats got od the shore, and all with- ; in the distance of five rods. Six men were wound- i ed, but, surprising as it maybe, none mortally. The tiring continued until the boats were beyond gun-shot range, when they filled three boats, aud : pursued. At a distance of teu miles out, the first boat in pursuit, with thirty-five men in her, commen ced tiring again, and continued the lire lor live miles, when the Sheriff and his party made the bark Morgan. Captain Stone,and were taken aboard. I hey arrived homo la-t n ght, and bv this fmc their wounds are dressed. 1 heir escape, under the circumstances, seems im possible. .More than two huudted soots were fired ail m short range, at men well exposed to view, ; without the slightest menus ol res stance, and whose only means of escape was to sit in plain view unu low the boats, with a v.istlv stronger torce in pur suit. The intention was both apparent and avowed, to leave none to return here aiivc ; and no pretence was made for the deod uut the determination to hate uo laic there. No a rry-t na t been made or attempted, and, what o\er wicked men may please sy, there can be no pretence t iut any imoroper act was intended on the part of the Sheriff or his party ; for the transaction bt he most public position, at 3 o’clock in the “T H E U NlO N OF THE ST4TES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 185:!. afternoon, and tin Pme River men wefa live to one to the Sheriff’s party. By giving publicity to this transaction. I think you will only do what the public eXoect of you as a journalist. lam truly arid sincerely, J AS. J. STRANG ‘‘The Russians have entered Jassy,’’ Say the last advices from Europe. Well, where and what is Jassy f J he New \ ork Express says :—Take up the map f d Europe, and snugly ensconsed among a range of mountains, a iitile to the west .vnrd of the river Pruth, : *n tho northernmost province of Turkey, the city in ! question may be found. Jnssy i- the capita] of “the Turkish Province of Moldavia, k contiins from 20,000 to 40.0C0 iu habitant, but is not a place of j much trade. The inhabitants oi this city were never vurv in i tiniately connected with the Turkish Empire,’and ; owing to the Sultan a merely nominal subjection, ii . is probable they would be little disposed to oppose j the Russians. Indeed, as the Czar has made the ; protection of the Greek Church the ostensible cause of the dominions ts the Porte, the inhabitants of Moldavia and Walachia, nil disciples of that particu j far faith, may be ready to join rather than oppose him. These two provinces, Moldavia and Walachia, ’ are all that remain to Turkey of its conquests north jof tbs Danube. Bessarabia, between the Pruih : and the Black Kca, north of the Danube, was ce ded ts) Russia some time ago. Moldavia lies be tvvceu Transylvania and the Pruth, and is bounded south by Walachia, and touches the Danube on iv between the mouths of the Sereth and Pruth. ft contains about half a toil lion of inhabitants on ! | about 15.000 square miles. Walachia lies south I • of Moldavia and south cast of Transylvania, in the : great i end of the Danube. It contains 28,000 j j square miles and nearly* a million of inhabitants.- Moldavia is situated on the southern upper verge of ; this extended plain. Both these provinces raise .m : immense amount of wheat. The inhabitants give no attention to manufar ures, but receive their nec essary articles in exchange ibr their wheat, which ; is carried down the Black Sea, aud thence scattered | ; over the west of Europe. To England the trade of these provinces is very valuable. The eio Lee of Manchester, the hardware of Birmingham and the cutlery of Sheffield, are found in all the cottages of Moldavia and Walachia, while more of their wheat reaches England than comes from America. Horrors Perpetrated at Nankin —A letter from Canton, China, speaking of tiie capture of Nankin j |by *lie rebel,says: “Os the Tartar garrison, more than 2uojo, inelu 1 ding the families of the soldiers, women and chi! dreu, were either put to the sword or committed . suicide, it being a point of honor with that singu- j lar people to perish rather than to yield. Every one i of the priests, whether of the Bmihist or Taouist religion, and who were very numerous there, were I I massacred. Their numbers could not have been less than 1,530 or 2 000 ; while those killed in the ’ assault, the mining of the wails and the entry of the rebels, are said to amount to over 20,000 men. Very many families were completely annihilated by suicide. The streets wers so block- i ed up with dead bodies, that in passing from point to point, the conquerors burs? open tho doors of houses, private as well as public, nnd threw them | inside,as the Chinese expressed it, as if they had been logs of wood.” Thomas Meagher, Esq., member of Parliament from Waterford, Ireland, accompanied by the lady ofliis son, Thomas Francis Meagher Esq., arrived at X. Y. by the Arctic, to meet her hus band, who had been anxiously waiting their ar rival. They are occupying apartments at the Metropolitan Hotel. The number of exhibitors who display their wares in the New York Crystal Palace, is six thousand. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. i ORUECTED TKI-VVKKKLY BY J. K- REDD AM* CO. j BAGGlNG—Kentcky V yard % ® 16 India ROPE fH), © 1“ BACON—Hams !b 13© 11 Sides 4?* 11- ID © 11 Shoulders lb 9 <ii’- 10 PORK—NeII © RUTTER ‘-P* Ih Vo © 30 CHEESE PU> © i CASTINGS s>*lb © COFFEE—Hio Wlb l i © 1 -otf Java ih IV <5 In CANDLES—Haems 50 © Wax lb Star 53 1 lb 1 30 (£• Tallow W!b IS © *JD FEATHERS in 10 © T FISH —.Mackerel Not it 00 © 16 00 Mackerel No. 2 V'bbl EIOO ® •f ackcrel No. 3 P bbl il (MI ® 0 00 Shad v bbl IS t) © Herring box 100 @ ■ t'l.olTt—Western Canal & bbi 750 © 900 city W bbi 000 ‘S, 750 FODDER...” Ep*ll'oibs i 25 <gi l 10 GRAIN—Corn bushel S3 © Wheat & bush'd 100 © 125 Oats.. buhei 50 <§) 60 GLASS! box; V 25 © 7 00 j GUNPUIV EF. HP keg : 560 © 630 •HIDES S © 9 [RON—Swede* x 3 ” Eli:rli?; 4** ib ® •> LARD % T * i [jEAD <p SN 9 @ 10 TIME bbl 350 @ 4Ou I MOLASSES sp* srallou 33 @ JO ; N VIT.S s?* ib 6 © 1 OlL—Lamp 4*’ca!lon 150 (; V **o gallon 100 © 0 ini Trait) 75 & PAINTS kv2 -2 00 & 2 L> i pr. AS bushel 75 & SO RICE frft 5 & 6;.i SYRUP—Lemon Raspberry w doz 6Uv SALT tpsaefe. ® 150 SH>T -V bajr 000 ts 2V5 SOAP 4” ib 5 ® 7 STEEL —Cast 4* ih V 0 <§, 22 j German 4? ib 15 @ Ameriotu 4? fc 10 ® —* ! SUGAR—St.Crone %?it New-Orleans lb 7 ti 10 Loaf, refined sp ib IV eo Lump Sb a & 10 SPIRITS -Brandy,Cog f r3l 1 o*l <3} 400 American I''. & 100 Peach F al i 1 00 1 6V Apple, •FWal 60 (? 75 HI M Jamaica, 4a! VOO <3> 350 New England tcai 15 cl 5U WHISKEY—Irish f**irsl 100 <£ Monongabela 1 ou ei. ‘2 i ll ’ VVciierii F -at 30 p. R 1 ’ GlN—Holland 130 •; 2 J American Pdl pt .> 50 r\Li.uu 4? ib 10 pj, () VINEGAR— finl 37 v; .0 WlNES—Madeira. Vital 135 • 100 fSherr.v 1 . * .1 imj riiarapague Bask 15 t*o -j) <>< >b!aga 4? sra.l Port -.... 250 (S>, -4 00 Claret. ...i 3PO r? Gtiano *’ 4 per b>ii)<]i -d lb.. TRAVELING. MUSCOGEE’RAIL HOAD CO. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Hian.iafl. r the I6th Inst, the Train will leave tu.d run by the following schedule daily until further notice: Leave Columbus aid A. M. ; Arrive at Macon 330 P.M. Leave Macon at 6 30 A. M.; \rrivo at O-Oumbus -V 10 P. M. „ , , L. F. HICKI'U, Supcrintondeot. Columbus, .May H, 1853. iIAitN'HKN'S I'.M’KESS. i oppicit on Randolph street, \\/ F rtqi.oclntlly beg leave to intorin tht ci'.i/., ns us Columbus ! -•i .®* , us vlcln.ty, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central Railroad Banking Comr>anv, and are now nin u:i>;z messengore daily from Maeoo to Savannah. ... v, ‘ • forwarding g.nds daily over the Mu-rco-.c and South- : tvi-r' iiatiroad to Fort Vahey. ettd Macon, thence ! to Mitledip ) ille Bavafcnali anu all inter:.:! dLitc* Also, to’ Montgomery, Ain. Wo would also se’v, that our Ex ; prvge- by the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable 11s 1 10 torwaru every description* of merchandise end valuables. Draft-, and Bills collected in every town tit the Northern j aue Eastern Stales ; also, to California and Europe. U: rices and Agents— Randolph -street, Columbus, opposite j : tuo ••Corner Ptoue” printing offleo; C. A. Ells bz Sou, Macon; 1 Mr. Kendrick, Fort \ alley; G. R. Clayton, Oglethorpe; 153 Ray ’ street, Savannah; 74 Broadway,.Ve-w York; 43 and 45 South ! 1 bird. Philadelphia : 8 Court etreet, Boston: Exchange street, f Pro\ alenev; Montgomery stro-d. Nan Francisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER &. CO. j Coiambus, April 13—tw&w | UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York and Savamiah Steamships. CUATMEIt AHIiAN6EMENT.—Days of leaving Ba | >!a vunnah lor New York: j The Augusta, Cfipt. Lyon, on Wednesday, June 8 | “ Florida, “ AYoodlmll, on Saturday, * “ H ” Alabamu, Ludlow, on Saturday, “ 18 Augusta, 41 Lyon, on Saturday, “ 25 ‘* Florida. \Voodhull, ou Saturday, July i! I -Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Saturday, ■* 9 t 4 Florida, “ Woodh.ull, <>n tfatunluy, 44 16 j *‘ Alabama, 44 Ludlow, <>ii Wednesday, 44 20 “ Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Saturday, 44 23 ‘‘ * lorida, 44 Woodliu)!, on Saturday, 44 30 > ‘‘ Alabama, 44 Inidlow, on Wednesday, Aug. 3 44 Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Satu day, 44 G 44 Florida, Woodhull, on Saturday, 44 13 “ Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 17 “ Auguste, 44 Lyon. ou Saturday, 44 20 “ Florida, 44 Woodhull, on Saturday, 44 27 44 Alabama, “ Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 31 44 Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Saturday, * Sept. 3 44 Florida, 44 Woodhull, ou Saturday, 44 10 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, ou Wednesday, 44 14 There ships arc tlie largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, sidc-ty or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 60 boars, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite, officers. They offer v most desirable conveyance to New York. On the com pletion-of the Atlanta in the autumn, this line will he semi weekly—sailing each Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin Passage “. ! 5 P YDELFORD, FAY is CO., Agents in Savannah. HAM’L L. MITCIIILL, j June J 5 Sept 7 13 Broadway, New York. FA HE 11 ED U C ED. FOR PHILADELPHIA. I \'l TE 1) S T ATE S MA 4 L 1, IN K . Philadelphia if Savannah Steam JSarigailun Company THF, new and splendid side-wheel Steamship , V t BTA T K O F GF.OR OI A , twelve hnndrial tons register, Cupt. WALTER COLLIN'S, will leave .Savannth ns follows: Wialnearlay, July 27 Wednesday, Aug 10. 44 Aug 24 44 Sept 7. Sept 13 41 Oct 5. This snip has been built with the ■ iriou-st regard to the safety and comfort of the passenger!?, and her accommodations are un surpassed by any steamship on the coast. \ now steamship now building, in every respect equal to the share of Georgia, will take her place in the lint- during tlie : month of June, and wi.l, with the State of Georgia, make a. week ly lino, leaving each port 011 Wednesday. Cabin pusae from Savas nah to Philadelphia §2O Bt-eenure 41 44 14 Philadelphia 8 C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah* HERON & MARTIN, May 21—ts Agents in Philadelphia M clear tii mm. ? w •• ‘V THE subscriber? have this day put in, fey-Coperation two splendid ‘ FOUR HORSE COACHES, end sixteen of the best horses that the country can produce, to plv between the Forsyth Depot and the Indian Springs.; and having engaged Mr* 1. M. Dickerson and Mr* I rancis (*enno cld and experienced reinsmeu, pledges themselves to convey the traveling public to and from the r>vo poods in a safer and better style, and quicker time, than ever before done at this ■ place. We also have family omnibuses, always in readiness. Visitors, aud families particularly, will fnd it greatly to their ] comfort and interest to call for our coaches. We meet both .be day ami night trains ot cars. A. J. tsz C. L. VARNER. Indian .Springs, June 84—w&twlAAug _ _ United States Mail Line. I THROUGH IN A DAY EACH WAY, From Columbus, Ga„ to Ciiunnenuggee, Ala., (and you may go to Savannah the next day, from Columbus,) ! >. Lamington, Sand Fort, Ucheo, Creek Stand, Hernando, Elion, tuid 6'ewart's Mill.*. T his line intersects at Chunnenuggee the one to Montgomery j via Cotton Valley, Tuskegec ami Cueiiaw, also tho one leading • in the directiono! Tallahassee, Fla., via Five Points, Mount An drew, Clayton and Lufaula. Ala. I will ‘-( nd lorwanl passengers or freight from Chunnenuggee to any of the following places; Union Mprings, Aberfol), Arbor ■i*m. Perote, Missouri, Hug Hail, Edgedeid,Troy, and Ridgely. 1 SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, rnu’cday and Haturday at 6 A. M., ! arrive at Chuunenuggee same days, at 9 p.m. Leave Chuunenuggee Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 • a. in.; arrive at Columbus same days at 9 . m. May 28—Iwly APPLETON HAYGOOD, Contractor. VERNOY & ECTOR'S O 31 N IB U S LI NE . Fare —In Proportion to the Distance. 1 to*! 1 Vijjr'V 1 ’ it WL return oar tuauks to tiie ‘.ruvdiiu’ public u. u o the citizens peuerally, for their liberal put- : rename, and would inform theta that our spleudid new 0.V.V7- BUSSES, with Ff.\‘E J'E.i.VS and careful DhIVERs, will • continue toruu for the accommodation us the citizens and per ! sous stopping at the Public House?. Culls iett at the Hotels or at our stable, strictly attended to. j Columbus. March Is—w&lwly BLANKETS AND CARPETS. U r E V E R Y DE S C R / p T 1 O V GREEK BROTHER &, CO., Id liurelay fctreetandtii Park Place, New York May 1 7—\v3ni _ VARIEtY STOVE_wIRE-HOrSlt. IE iRILh I T I>ER I, Jr., MAKUi'AcIUBtIv AM* PLALEIi IN THE MOST ATI I 'ROVED ! Farmers’ Boilers, Ship Cabooses. Gas Oveus, • Charcoal Hard Coal fumaejs, Oveu Tiouts. Iron Castings generally. ‘iiy> Water S>n_\>r|<, ’ o, -woni LEGAL NOTICES Early Sheriff's Sale. \\. r ILL he sold ou the first Tuesday in August next, in Uluko i t loy. Early county, before ihe court house d<x>r w itJiiuthe lawful Ilnurs, the folio Wing projx rly, io \ui : l.ot of Land number .257 ■ two lmndrt*l cad flru-seven, in the 13th dis.rict of ? e->uii y, lc£ i'-d on as the property of William \. Bock, surviving co-par norof A. ii. Cirriligton it Cos., to sat- { isfyuHfa in favor i-f tinkerJohnsou A Cos., property pointed out by Plaintiff. June 25— wids JOHN WEST, Sheriff. UEDRUtA) ) Court oi Ormxarv, Muscogee county, > April Term, 1853. RULE ,Y 7 SI. TTTIILUk’.Atf, Wm.N.Nei- n.admiia-- ratordc bonis non ou 1 \y the csstato of .John I.iggin, u*<coascd, hating applied for j letters of uisiuioiiou said i dministration : It is ordered tfcut i all pers.-c* concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said adniiivstrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to -be held lu and lor said county ou the hfsi Moudav iu N veaii>er ! A true transcript trotu the minutes of said court, April 4, 1853. ('■>’ jinbus, April 12—whin JNO. JOHNssON, Ordinary. GEORGIA. ) C-ornr or Ordinary, Talbot r.ouuty, > February Tetiu, 1853. RULE SI SI. ’ WHERE AB, William F. Robertson applies by pcaitiou lor ! letters of dismission as the administrator of Baruev Wilson, .ate of Talbot county, deceased. Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear st the September term of this court uext ensuing, then and there to she a’ cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. A true extract from the minutes ofsald court, 24th Feb., 1853. March I—QwPm MARION HKTHUNE, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) CofRT or Ordinary, Museogee county, i April Term, 1853. RULE Xt St, YI7HEREAB, Wm. N. Nelson,administrator on the estate of V v Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration : It is ordered that all per sons concerned, show cause, if any they have, why said admin istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be bold in ami for said county on the lirst Monday in November next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, April 4,1853. April 12—w6m JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinarv. Ci EOIIGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, Ste wart county. \ April Term, 1853. T TPON thenelltion of Williaui 11. House, Executor of the last j J Will anti Teelamont of Thomas House, deceased, for letters : of dismission from his said executorship: It i.* on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern- j ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why said letters should not then be granted, j A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. . April 19—wlim J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. G BORGIA, t COURT OF ORD.NARY, Stewart county. < November Term, 1853. TTPON the petiiion ofWiiihtm 11. House, Executor ot tim last j J Will and Testament oi Thomas House, deceased, for letters j ! of dismission from his said executorship. It is oa m >tion, ordered by the court that all persons concern- I , ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said i court, why said letters should not then bo granted. A true extract from tho minutes of said court. April 12,1853. I j April 19—wlim _ J. L. WIMHFHLY, Ordinary, i GEORGIA, t COURT OF Oil DEW! It Y, Kaudolph county. | June Terra, 1853. I.)HILIP C.aUSLY, administrator ou the estate of David Ear- i vdl, late of said county, deceased, having petltiooed lids ; i court for letters of dismission, It is ordered that ali and singular the panics interested, show i j cause, if any they have, on or before the next January Term of | this court, why the petition of said administrator should, not ne ! \ granted, otherwise no will bo then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 25ih June, 1853. July s—wlim O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. CJ eorgia, Randolph county .•■Whereas, Peter \ T Stewart applies to me for letters of udiniuistiatiou on the : ■ estate of ’> miel B. Norton, late of said county, deceased, ‘! nose are, theretore, to cite and admonish all anil singular the 1 j kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my i office, within the time prescribed by law, and stvw cause, if any 1 they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand tho 25th day of June. ! July 57t O. P. BEALI., Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Cour.T or ordinary of said cock- ! ! I4andolpl& county,) tv, April Term, 1853. JAMES W.COLLINsS, administrator ot W.Collins, late of said county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of j j dismission from his said administration, and it appearing that ; said estate has been billy administered : Ordered that ail persons | the thoir objections. If any they have, on or before the November j Term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator ; ’ will be then and there dismissed. April 12—w(*m O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, Rnndolplt county, j June Tern, 1353. I>KILIP <■ \USFV% Administrator on the estate of David Htir vell, late of -xtid county, deceased, having petitioDed this court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that all persons con .■ corned, (He their objections, (if any they have,) on or before the January terra of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Admis- j . tratorwiil be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 16th day of June 1853. June 21—w0m.‘ O. P. BEALL, Odinary. Gi eorgia, Rauflolpli county.— Wheieas, Bamucl.A. 4 Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John 11. I Weaver, late ol said county, deceased, lias petitioned for letters ! of dismission from said administration. Those are, therefore, to rite, admonish and require all persons concerned to tile their objections, if any the) have, on or before ■ the September term of the Court of Ordinary #f said county, to j be holden on the first Monday o! September next, otherwise said \ administrator will be tben and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office tnis 23<l day of February, 1853 j March I—9wH,n _ O. P. I)FALL, Ordinary. (1 EORGIA, RandolpU county. -•Uofnr ov On- I T mxAßi.—Whereas, by the petition of William Hayes, ad- I raiuistrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the ; estate of Kincheu haircloth, deceased, it appearing to this court j ! that he has fully administered both of said estates, and moves tbo i i court to grant him letters ot dismisshon: All pert-ons concenjed iu j I ettherot said estates,are hereby notified to make known their ! | objections, if any they have, on or betore the October terra of; i this court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator willthen ! and there be dismissed. Given under my hand at ottice the 29tb march 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. 1 Aprils—w6m / t eorgia, Kaudolph county— WbercHS, Jas. Ruth- j \_T erford, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sutley, applies) to me for dismission from his said Guardianship. Ai"l persons ! interested are, therefore, hereby required to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the May terra of this court next j ensuing, otherwise -aid applicant will be then and taere aismis ] set!. Given under my hand at office the 17th March, 1853. March22—w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. . ‘eorgia, Randolph county .—Whereas, John Gil j U berty Guardian of Hcndley E. Hill, minor and orphan ol William L\ 1 Hit, deceased, applioa to me for diamiesion from j sai*l Guardianship. All j ersous interested are therefore hereby required to tlie their objections, i! any they have, on or before the May Term ol this Court next ensuing, Otherwise said applicant ’ will be then and there dismissed. | Given under my hand at oflke, tho 17th March, 1853. March 22—w6m O. I*. ISEALI,, Ordinary. COl’llT OF ORDINARY / T . for Early county. j JI X Y Tlrh, l^o.i. S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary, Presiding : IT appearing to the Court by the Petition of Berrien Chambers, 1 that Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, did in his life time execute to said Berrien Chambers, his bond conditioned to execute titles in lee simple to lot of land number two hundred and ninet\-sev en, in the twenty-sixth district 01’ Early county, to said Berrien Chambers ; and the said Nathaniel Bartlett having departed this i life without executing titles to said lot of land, or providing in j any way for the ttunv. And it further appearing that the said Eer riou Chambers haspa ; d tbo full amount of the purchase price off raid lute! land; and the said Berrien having petitioned this t ourt to direct and order Thomas B. Andrews, administrator of ‘he estate of Nathaniei Bartlett, deceased, to execute tjh.mti- | ile- to said lot of land in conformity with said bond and the law : i It is, therefore, ordered by the court here, that notice he given a; three public places in said county , and in the Columbus Times ; and Sentinel, oJ such application three months, that all persons j concerned may file thetr objections iu the Clerk's office, if any they have, why Thomas B Andrews, administrator as aforesaid, should not execute titles to i.d sot of land to said Berrien Chambers, in conformity to so id Bond and the Statute in such case made aud provided. A true extract Croat the minute* oi said court. July ltn.h, ice3. S. S. {STAFFORD, Ordinary il. t . July 26 w3n Georgia. Early county— Whereas. Joseph Grimeley, administrator with the Will annexeu, upon the estate of • Sarah Unuioley, iateofsatd county deceased, makes application to me for letters cf dismi.-sioo from the further administration of said estate. All persons cone* rued are hereby notified ta bp and i appear ui my offic\ witbiu the time prescribed by Jaw, and sb.'v cause, if any they buve, why said letters should not be granted tuid applicant. Given under my band atofßc<x ‘bis February the ddtb. Ici3. March I—9w6m F. t?. STAFFORD. Ordinary. T'WO mouths alter date application will be made to tbe X Court of Ordinary of Talbot Count v f.. r kato to cell all <bo Red Estate of Oliver If. F. Daniel late of said county de ceased. - JOSEPH BROWN. \doi>. July it*. 1833 - wSm. I Gi Randolph ecHiaty—Whereu?, Allen Jaiue? I” and Sarah Rjiu apply tome for letters of administration ou the estate ofSpyuts Butts, late of said county. deceased, Thw* ■, are, therefore, t-> cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor? of said deceased, to be and appear at iuv office*, within the time prescribed by law.and show 'ause is any they have, why said letters should not be granted* Given under my bund at office, the 3rd dav of July. 1K53. July 9 vt>t O. P. HR ALL, Ordinary. / > usi'dlttn's Sale.••Uuder an order of the Ordinary ot \T Muscogee county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep tember next, at the market boose iu C\*hiuib*r, in said county, a negro child named Rosa, the property of Henn* M. Jemlgan, • Idiot.) Terms cash. A. 11. HAGAN, Guardian. Columbus. July lit—w uls (' eoratH, Talbot coanty.—Ofilce of Ordinary, ffPth T Ibarcii, 1853. Whereas, J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan j id Wutii.nock’s orphans, petitions for letter? of Dismission IVoju said guardianship: Bo it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the June Term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, next en suing, then and there to shew cause, it any they have, why said letters should no’ be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 15th, 1853 April do—wdm MA It ION l ETHUN E, Onlinury. \dmiiilKtrntor*H Sale—Will be sold in Cuthlw>rt Randolph county tm the flrt Tuesday iu October next, the ; settlement ot land* oil which Erasmus Gay, Esq., resided ut ihe tim* of his death, to wit: lots number* 140, 141, 140, 148 and I*4l. : more or less of 147, all adjoining in the eighth district of said county, on which are tolerably good log building, an excellent gin house and screw. Throe huudred acres of oy>en lands princi pally all fresh, well watered, and in -bort a very desirable place for a farmer, Bcld by order of the court of ordinary of said county. Terms, twelve month? credit with small note? and se curity. Any j verson wishing to purchase such u place will do well to examine fike above mentioned lauds, a* each lot will be put up separately. LEWIS GAY, Adin'r. July s —wtds ! A dmlntstrator’s Sale. Laud and Negroes. j J\ Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary for Early j county, will be sold before the court house door in Blakely, on | the first Tuesday in October next, flPeen hundred and fifty acres j of tine cotton lands In two bodies \iz.t Lot? numbers two hun dred and seventy-eight,three huudred and nine, three hundred I ami nineteen in the fourth district of Earl'*, and numbers one hundred and seventy, oue hundred and seventy-one, one hun dred and fifty and fitly acres of another lot in the fifth district of Early, near Fort Gaiues. These are valuable lands—persons wishing to see them before sale, will please cali on the undersigned at Fort Came?. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, the fol lowing likelu XEGROES, viz : Bill, a boy about nineteen years of ago. Willis, a boy “ four ** “ Jennctt, a girl “ six “ “ Seaborn, a boy “ thirteen “ “ Kinion, a inuu “ fifty “ li .Wary, a woman “ fifty “ “ All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol Kobe it j Thompson, deceased. Titles good.—Terms easv, ami made known on the day of ! sale, by ’ JOHN THOMPSON, Adm’r. With will annexed of Robert Thompson. August a—wtds Vilmlnistr mtor’n Sale—Agreeably to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary of Early county, will be sold before the i court house door in Blakely, ou the first Tuesday in October next, i lot of land number two hundred and forty in the fourth district of Early county, know nas Mrs. Epsey Dyson’s place. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs of said Epsey Dyson, deceased, i Terms ou the day of sale. ABNER DYSON, Adm’r. Aug ~ —wtds. I John A. J. Weathersby ) Stkwaht Svpxrioji Court . vs. , April Term, 1853. Kllrabc t! Weathersby. S Libel for Divorce. 13’ appearing by the return of she Sheriff'that the defendant u not to be f'ouad iu the County of Stewart, it is therefore or | der<*d by the Court- fl at t-er vice of this libel lie jK-riecte 1 on the . said Elizabeth Weathersby, by publication of this order in the ■ Columbus Times and Sentinel once a month tor four months ; next preceding the ensuing term if this Court. A true extract from the .-l/inot sos this Court. I June 15—1am4rn 1. M. COX. Clerk. Susan Grubbs i s-tewaut Superior Court, vs. April Term, 1853. | Josiah Grubbs. ) Libel for Divorce. If appearing by the return o” the Sneriff that the defendant is not to be found in this countv. it is therefore ordered by the ’ Court that service of this libef be perfected on ;he said Josiali I Grubb?, by publication ot lids order in the Columbus Time? and Sentinel once a month for four months next preceding the ensu i ing term of this Court. | A true extract from the Minutes of Stewart Superior Court for , April Term, 1853. June 15—lam4m I.M.COX. Clerk. j Caroline S. Ctttenhead 1 Stewart Superior Court, vs. ‘■ April Term. 1853. Thomas J. Cafenliead. > Libel for Divorce. IT appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant i? not to be touiid in the county of Stewart, it is thereforeorder | wl by the Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Thomas J. Catenhead by publication of this order in the Colum j bus Times and Sentinel, once a month for four month? next pre- I coding the ensuing Term of this Court. A true extract from the Minute? of said Court. June 15—lnm4m I. M. COX, Clerk. . APPLICATION will be made to theOrdinnry of Musco gee county on the first Monday in September next, for letter? of administration, with the Will annexed, on the estate of Ran dall Jones, deceased, late of said county. WILLIAM N. JONES. Columbus, Aug. ‘J—w7t r-|x\VO months after date application will be made to the 1 Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell a city i iat with improvements, in the city of Columbus, in said county, known as lot number five hundred and twelve, containing one I half of au acre, belonging to the estate of James Baugh, late of said county, deceased. WM. C. GRAY, Adm’r. t June 20—w2m TWO montha after date application will be made to the Court ofOrdiuary of Muscogee couuty, for leave to sell lot of land number one hundred and thirty seven in the seventh district ol said county ; said land belonging to the. estate of Dai Id Graham, late of said countv, deceased. FERIBA L. GRAHAM, Adin'r. June -28—w2m months— ator date, I will apply to the ordinary 1 oi Randolph County for leave to sell the land? and negroes of Francis C. Powell, deceased. SLNEY J. POWELL, Adin’x. July B—wiin rXV O months after date I shall make application to the court ot Ordinary of Early couuty for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Joseph C. Gray, deceased. July s—w2tn JAfcL B. BROWN, Adm’r. Two muntht after date, 1 shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belonging to Mary Knighton, deceased. May3l—w2m JAB. LITTLE. Adm’r. TWO mouth* after date, I will apply to the court ofO dinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belong ins'to 1 ranee? Whipple, a minor. J uly s—w2m ROBERT L. M ITCH EL L, Guardian TWO moutha—after date, I will applv totfe ordinary of Kaudolph County for leave to sell the lands of Archibald Peterson, deceased. JOHN PETERSON, Adm'r. July B—wim MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OT SOITH CAROLINA. The Annual Course of Lectures in this Institution will com -1 nivtice on the first Monday iu Noveinl>er next- Anatomy—Prof. J. E. IJolbuook, M. D. Surgery —Prof. J. E. Geppisgk, .4, D. Institutes and Practice—Prof. J. Henry Dicasu.., M. D. Physiology — Prof. James .Moultrie, M. D. Meturia Mcdica-Prof. Hunky R. Frost, M. I), obstetrics—Prof. Thomas O. Piiioleac, M.D. Chemistry—Prof. C. U. Suepakd, M. D. Comparative Anatomy—*Prof. L. Agassiz, M. I). Demonstrator of Anatomy— Francis T. Miles, M. D. Prosecutor to the Professor of Buru*<- r\ —J. F. M. Grm>iN*>“. M.D. CLIXIC : i L f.\S 111UCT1QN. Dr. J. Cain, M. D., Physician to the -Marine Hospital and Cliii i ical Instructor, lectures twice a week on the Diseases of that In ! slitution. J. Foru Priolvau, M. D.. Physician to the Hospital of the Aims House, at which lectures arc delivered twice a wtes on diseases, the Diagnosis discriminaud, and tbe siudi-nt irdoctri nated in their treatment. ! Demonstrative instruction tn Medicine and Surgery, :-t the College Hospital, by the Professors of the Medical College. “At a special uioeting of the Trustees aud iscu-ty ot the Med -1 ical College ofthe State ot South Carolina, held on the 3d o! Jauuary, Jss2, Dr- L- Agassis was uoanimoualy elected Profes sor of Comparative Anatomy, with the distinct understanding that the collegiate expenses of the student are not to be increa sed by this addition to the course. July 10—wGt HENRY K. I HOST, Dean. Laths! Laths !! Laths!'! for t-ale 30,000 Laths, which I ill k-li’ er in any V- T> - the citv,at 9- per thou rend, i Apttl iy-- fW!Ol n, f, ItoFF I* • [NUMBER 01.