The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, August 10, 1853, Image 3

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dry goods, embroideries. J US ] a * fs *K e ssßortment of Svtis?, Jarotwt , .*A ‘ lu ‘ 1 Flouncings, Muslin Banda,Swiss and Jaco ™ c *- *•* Co lßm bo.,j a i vii , Bß6KAW - CLEMONS 4 t S; | MUSLIN'S. . lull and nainsook, do. Brilliante Cambrics : a large * ock just received. ; July 2 twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS £ CO. HOSIERY. JEST received a lull stock of Ladies’Sanaal Lisle Hos*‘. j Mieses’ Fancy do.. Gents Plain and Fancv Lisle a: : f Eng. half Hose. Also, a superior article of Ladies’ Silk j Gloves and Mitts. July 2—r.vtf BROKAW,CLEMONS cc CO. -NEW GOODS. Toe subscriber has iu Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which arc offered tor sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAFEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT 1 5T Purchasers for Cash will find it to their ad .aiitatp’ to examine my stock and ‘.rice o , before purchasing Columbus, April 2-tw C. MYG \TT. —■ - ; JLST Ueceired. a lot of fine FANS. Alan, Ftnbr.udc-i-v Siik hy [April 29.3 WHITTELSKY &V>. MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE. VT the bookstore formerly < eupied by A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO. All businese entrusted to me will be promptiv at* tended to. f Anr. 3. ts y J. 1,. HOW ELI,. W. 1)7 FORD DEALER IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Pirkles, Pmerves, Frnits, Confectionaries. Segars. also. Pish, Oysters and Ice when in season. WaLDBUKO’S BIILBIXO, JKF*SROOS STitEikT, SaViVIjU, t.A February 0. 1H53 tw6m On Consignment. ’ 50 ILL. New Orleans sbtjr.r. kallk iWCs-k* Side-*. •1 ■* Fh vjlc -i *. Ail of which will bo -ukl low for Cash. Call and examine thern * t. S. HARRISON & CO. Columbus. April r— twtf ‘ PRICES REDUCED AT WINTER'S PALACE MILLS. \\Ti are -tiling CORN MEAL at NINETY CENT.* I per y> bush.-!. LIVINGSTON, Agent. Columbus. July 30—twtf Notice. this cate, all persons -ending ntt -..eH by Telegraph will be required to pro pay them iv-;rr thev can bes. u* Columbus, July 3u—lintw OP UATOK. $lO Reward! GOLD WATCH STOLEN. STOLEN on the lUu in- a Gold Watch. ••No. 33a5 —J RO * 3 rrison, Liverpool. The a*.ve reward will be tiri. CM given on delivery of the watch at thi- office. Coiambus, May 16—iw LOST. Iu the street, iu thi.-iity, ti.. inoruiuo,.-. CUFF PIN. The finder will be pu.d five uoaars on leaving the Pin at this office. \!:ty 21 —Uvtf Genius Hats. V FEW cases Gemn’s a no. uni: Hats—Sr&i.\o kv Jus’ received and for sale bv ■March 3U—tw J. H. MET:RY. Shirts ! Shirts! ! \ LARGE invoice of SHIRT.S. COLLARS. DRjUVERS J\. HOSIER F, &r. Just received :<nd for *:de bv March 39—tw J._H. MEKRY. CITY TAX. THE Tax Book is now open for the collection of Taxes for th* present year. Tax payers will s: 1 . ve cost turn oblige mo by paying promptly. J. L. HOWELL, Collector. Columbus, June 2-—twtf C. T. CUSHMAN, I). D. S. asset* DENTIST. Over Foster A* Purple**; .1 eweliy sTor.r, No. 62 Broai Street. Coiumbua, Ga., Jan. TANARUS, 1553. iv-u w. F. LEE, D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON. Oflice on Broad street, over Mygatt‘& store. Oolmubua. Oct -~J —ts NOTICE. D\. GARRETT {- my duly authorised agent i> transact any • business of mine, tnat may hvrvaftet be found in n. hands. Columbus. July I—wSuwrtro1 —wSuwrtro J. B. HiCtvS. Winter's Palace Mills. * RE ia full operation. Hood in your Wheat mid t orn. J\ Flour, .tfeal, Bran and Shorts, always oa Land. Columbus. Juno 29 wlwtf _ .. ! Flour, Meal, am! Breadstufts. rpliE subscriber, proprietor of the CITY All I. LS, beg leave i to inform the puoik that he Las nos on hand and will con- Unuc to keep ag< od 6i*ek of prime H'HE.IT.J.VD COR.\. au l will be pr-pared at a! s 'lines to furnish customer* in any qiuntitk’- with Flour Meal, Ec., at tlic sbortcu notice. Ne wheat *5 now in. The City .mil i- situated above the city a snort a,stance eau i how in good runnins rdcr* ‘,(v prices at p'esent are as follows : Hirpcrllne Flour. -s' l pwrbbl. Family Flour 6.5 *• *• Extra do 2® * . .} Corn .Weal *, 7- I *’ u ' i < ' ! r The hipest cash price- paid for Cora aim ‘F'wYNN* City Mill, June ?, I^-3—tw u~ * sqm iirst Volume of Putnaiu*- being completed, pes'- I .!!, br er-tlsfin bound in uny <ylo. by leaving them with ‘ DA\ID BO June 24 w Book Binder. No. .2 Br- au - MEDICAL COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF S O l T H c A ROLI N V The Annual C urst* of Lectures In thi- Institation will coup meuce on the ;ir-i Monday in November next nutoruy —-Fr-'. J. 11. IJoi.ijr.ooK, D. Sur , ry—Prof. J. E. Gkdpivos. .1/, I>. ln-ti'ute# and Practice—Prof. J. Henry bsrsxiw M. l>. Pbv-iok r :V —Prof. J c<us .tfoi i-tkir. M. D- Meteris iuc-ilca-Prof. Hex** R. Frost, M. D. Ob*lesrict—Prof. Thomas Q. PnioiE-vr, M. D. Che:ni-try—Prof. C. T. 3nKPA?.n, M. D. Comparative Anatomy —’Prof. ! . .'cas-iz. M. Dcmomuratorof Anatomy— Fraxc:. T. .Mills, .J. J. Prcusecutor to the Pro‘c-*c.r of Surgery —J. F. M. utowssj. CLINICAL INSTRUCTION. Dr. J. Cais, M. D., Physician to toe .tlsrine Hospl'-d and v m.- leal Instructor, leciores twice a w eek on the P:er-:- 0 * ot jjtt In stitution. i J. Fop.p Pcioiur, M. D„ Physician to the Hospital ot the Alms House, at w hich lectures arc delivered twice t. we;k on • ed, and the student irdoctri* paled in their Sivetnient. , j Deal nstrstite .n-tmetion ’:i Medicine am? y, L* bid College 11 ospitai. : y the Protest *r# of the Medical Coi.ege. *AI a s r *-< si mo iug o the Tn:-;c-.*s and if-cu.ty of tto Mod* ical College of the >:ate ot Cxrolir . heid oa the 3d ot Jaiiuar;-. 1~52. l*r L- Agaiz was ..nar iivosiy cicrtt-d Pr’ -v ----sor of Comparative Ana'.may, with the distinct understanding that the coil-ogiate expenses of the sr'idet*: are not to tie increa bv this add ia on to the course. July HENRY R. Fitv-*T. ru-a:.. GLOBE HOTEL, BUENA VISTj* MAKIONCO..GA THEsubscriber r-. p--atfully sonosaces to is trUa-.s ard the public oivoraii), tbxt he fcastak, n charge 1= =- I .X IhU V?il KdOVB Ilftsj °* ’ ’ t A V. LiSH M£ N T. - tv ~,A ,e>*l Jir.-d ‘ii t*H &t* sliinl > ftH-Ji tc , -uill’ Jb ill / him wilh their pt- ‘n£g.-. f TITCOWR. Dec 2—l j BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JORDAN L. HOWELL, Bookseller and Stationer. WOULD respectfully inf-, n b . friecri. 3r .,j q.-, M w-lly* ttet he ha, purchased the exter*s“e “Srk nf looks. Stationery, &c. &c.. \. *. LEIN LLLj.X & (< ik! w il] endeavor to keen r- - • s antly on hand a complete nssor ment of * SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, LAW, MEDICAL AND JiI>CLLLANEOI S BOOKS AND STATIONE £ Y I r JTri!r il 14 con " ,,Usta r of thv Pnage heretofore extended o I -“* *• *•>• • Mr* CALI. AND SEE. ■ rtl. Mysmtk fiorner, rignof.the F.lue nod White * sB s jO- •*• Broad >’iveu Colomou? 4 . (ir. Pookbindery up *tair*. Aac. 3—ts BOOK S7_B OOKsT JCiT RECEIVED 3V JORDAN L. HOWELL. /J&FsSi Dne splendid Il!nminated lkmiljr or pulpit iii u *ie, containing lGOOengravi irt*. Abbott* Juvinile HUtoriei*,comp'e setts; Ir vings work: ; Scenes in the lire of the Saviour I the Poele and Painter;* ; Reynolds works ; Cooper- Novels, X! voi Library edition ; Maria Edgworths Tale=, do do ; 10 Vol’s. Abbott’s Youns Christian Series ; Sher woods works complete : Classical Library complete; Vi ncis Pastoral Pneology ; Olias Travels in the Ea-t; ban id M’eb-tnrs work mpi- te. S- oj:'s Commentary : Clarke’s do; Comprehensive do. Encyc 1 ojwedia Aimn icana. Tiontine un Railroad carves. Owen on Forgiveness. V nn’s Duty of Man. SchlcgeS’s miscellaneous works. Horse Slme Robinson. Allan’s Ritual of Masonry. Lockhart’s Lite of Scot*. The Recruit. Bivtiied. v .ie Romance. Twice told tales. of Women. Maunders Tto-.cury. Macauly’- speeches. Men ol th- tinted. (leni r= ol Scotland. Swallow Bam. Berangcr’s Dynes. INriTTi’a Si'^echc^. (' ar!yic’s Taylor’s lloiv Living and Dying. ■ nrlvl -Lattct Day Pamphlets. Louis 17th, •J'ne history ot the Royal Dauphin. Ticknor’s Spanish Literature. Buhver’- Athens. Prescott’s Miscoilani-'S. Si-arks’ American Biography How to Observe. Raphael. Bulwer’s Schiller. Crabbe’s Synony mea. Age.:-Strickland ‘- Queens ot Scotland. Harper’s new ntiscellany. IlarpePs Family Library, 166 volumes. Harper’s Magazine, bo-; r.d ir muslin. L osings Field Book ot the Revolution. Beckman’s History of Inventions. Michelet’s French Revolt, inn. Count Hamilton’s Fairv i'aies. .Miilor- Philos.> hy of fi-s-ory. Lamartine’s History o; I’ho Gironc..-... Memoirs of Count Grammont and Charles 2d. Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. Sehlo2er‘? Philowphv of Liie. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hall’? Miscellaneous Works. Greg.-ry’a Evidences of the Chnstisn lieligit*. Schiller’s Revolt of the Netherlands. Nzander’s History of the planting of Christ u-oity. Memories of the Great Metropoii?. Machiavelii’s History of Florence and other Works. Roacoe’s Life oi Lorenzo Do Medici. Rose >c’- Life of Loo the Xth. Goethe’s Faust, i :isso,lphige;..r-., Egmont, ;:nu Gooiz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family: by the author ol Lewis Arundci. The Ride Ranges. The Marrying Man; by t:io author of Lewis Arundel. Homo Inlluence: Days of Bruce: Mothers Rocnmpense; , Vale of Cedars : Women of Israel. Home, iscenes and Heart Stuak-s; by Grace Aguilar. ALSO. View more of Dr. S. S Fitch's ceh-.brateJ ABDfAII NAD SUPPORTERS and SHOULDER BRA CES. Columbus, May 21—twly JUST RECEIVED. niF. Xlltii VOLUME OF GEORGIA REPORTS, by JORDAN L. HOWELL. 1,000 ERRORS In the Text of Shakespeare Corrected NTOTES AND EMENDATIONS t<> the Text of Shaksjjeare’e plays,from the early maimferip* < om c tion- in a copy ot tno. Folio ol lb-2. ‘•|r is not to Ik* doubted tnat m ?r;5 voiciiio a contribution hae been made to the clearness anu aecuir.i y of Shakspere’® text, bv fur the most important of any ofikre-i or attempted -iuce Shakepearq lived and wrote.” —London Examiner. •v’den **aVe acquired reputation by a single emendation of Shukspeare ; learned editors have plumed them selves exceedingly upon ;> iew febucetsdn! hits ; butherr we have a book that at one fell swoop knocks out a thousand ‘ errors, for the m> st part so palpable when onee pointed out that no one can deny tlieir existence, and substitutes emen dations so clear that we cannot iivsHate to accept them.’ London Literary Gazette. •‘Thi- Book commends itsvit to toe common sot everv u nder.” —Journal of Commerce. - For sale by D. F. WILLCOX. August 3—tw ; VALUABLE B3OK. rpHi: LAWS of LIFE, WITH S:’f • Ai. -i.l'rlK- S L‘-CE to THE PHVsir lE EDUC ATION OF GiKLr).— iv Elizabeth Blackwell, 51.1). . Anew supplv of this cupular book just rtwved and for sale by [JelstwU] J. vV. PEASE, j CLOTHING for thi: FA LI OF l•> . PURCHASERS cf CLOTHING arc nfonned that wc are manufacturing tiro LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING •lat wholesale or.:>*) eUita •••■ lor tive Country irado.tobe . found in the- States. : do busiae-je on the ONE i* Ti IC It SY sf *. M . Orders promptly filled. An exammation of our -toe*. L solicited* HAN FORD X BROTHER 23 Park Row, i opposite tee A r A. N. B. We are the largest mar.iuaeluror- oi Oizz • C t-OTH ixo iu the country. R CtoxEiN-J at tiic g)aee. ket rates. New 1 ork, June -* —v. 3m T. J. COLQUITT. ATT (I R NKY AT 1. A W UufUA VIIA| ia, \\*ILL : mcilf. ntbeC-. rt‘ * .r. fr. ; : ■-• * **t Vi ‘-,dj-csieeCircuit an * a;>- . -iiaptt-r, o, ...e tk>uui\t#Lerii Circuit. , . RxruxNC* —Hub. W. 7. CetqciTV *<• iuiyia—ts S. S. STAFFORD, ATTUK \E Y AT LA W. Blakely. Kariy Cos.. Ga. a ps w a WILLIAMS, OLIVER \\D BROWN, Attorneys at Law. BUENA VISTA. MARION CO. GA. jj practice iu the count??* of .Mar. m, Macon, ‘ s*-.*-wart! RaudoSpb. -eec, i.r-e, Tayk-r, ?iJ *r=j . ij< ‘.ntnc oMmticswhere t .< irservief-* :.:a% c-* requ;'> i. s*e. r. wittiiM-. THißUsrs mivi*. j.*.. . ak>>v>v. isauary —WvG FAIRBANK S PLATFORM SCALES —to: — Long k'-iOK **— Se<*r*ijf tested—Alucay* right — -f acknou:UcLged Standard. \ il&J.* >al, aa<i Fa: triers ?c*uc3. -?! a -Jfj poll ibe eouulry* “1 tKrt uolice. Ihuk* c:Ea h CN.., ?9 Wsi*e v.rov.. N. .v \ May*? ** 3rr ‘ - -- rtr: rr: z MUSICAL. | PIAXO-FOlim ANP MUSIC WILLCOX & CARTER. *° f *-* BROAD STREET. COLUMBUS, G V., ARF. now receiving, end will keep c.-i.<awlv r -n >twa.i. sm:r,T music, mm pomes, firms,, mih ACCORDEONS. BANJOS, T.U FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FTV - . String* f tor the VIOLIN AN D (.1 ITA K . ALSO>u licrok* ;k>r ~n ab rc ti.-;r ra. n‘.-. A,--, i . For thecai ‘rt;ion oftlie V’oice. Order*'.’-- rtiit-imdfrom feScb--* and D. F. WILLCOX. \YM. B. < ARTf ‘t. N. B. Mr. Uartce wills:tend lo TuDlrr -i Retabii ■.* a— j as heretofore. ‘ Uolumhus. April 1J- &twti A GOOD PIANO FORTE FOK RENT BV THE MONTH OR VI AR. AT THE MUSIC STOKE OF WHITTELSEY i CO. Cu’umb, June 2-1, 1853 —tw<kvrU SELLINB OFF SHEET MUSIS VT HALF FRICK. ‘pß*’ ;i >lcr->'K 1 dyririrz to reduce tfuer ex•>. n-.w -k .i * “Gita rMi -u, v::i -e-i a: three cents yrr per.. icr haif the . prir -1 ,h lar./e ha*e oi tin ir preaent *:•<!;. Aiudag which r>. r f, ad many oft’-- vew and popriAr. t - ot tr..jtisy. ’■ =Gsn r_ pn***rf.;nity nr-: to he i -elrcfied by Teachers and s- HofiL.M. o i-.y in a suppiy. la this !u - . v. 11l iw found m-H-t of the desirable Music every day ordered. .Itiio, a iara*e stock oi Isstrui *.o - Kook- r the PIANO r i ‘RTF., which v-iil be at lets tec ? ra*-/. Among the Sheet yu-i'.e&rt the fbUoaring pie-cc*, urruiged by f . REPS,” viz.: i ■ acinj Ft r Wui:i: IktUihardme:.*. Vera f'ma ; Libert VV:.l;*,;c; Btone Mounts ,Q.. C La sultana Wal:z ; Colurabn- Guard*. Q. S. * Gibraltar vVe's/: Hyccintu Gallop; A!p t o Hum. v. a. Gallopatk-Polka. aLsc. —A lent* T-~r'tftu ot Walttet, Polkas, Marchri) amt llnlck* si tps, by c -i- orst. I authore. Sales of thi-lot to bestrictlv a-:i. - :.** rce iv-d.r. larse lot of NEW Ml’3lo, which will be avid at the usual price. • -di and ecsmiae. >rder; wi:n money e-nclo* -f u ill be tlllerl > .t iorwanh-d to any part nfthe country by n. .. WHITTP.L-i.V & CO, i oiumbii-, <;a., March !>-: u New Sheet Music. r p!U’ jk*-- -- t.:.r 0: - ay rec*'-iv J a rge a-sortiUiSi 1 shro*. Mc-ve; among which :.r< nniiiy new and poph. : r = - r.ewr k-eh re oSerrd :n this mark*-:, f'e Indie* fn invb.d to callnntl examine our sa.rk. THU A A- PrAPF, March 2—ivr 106 U-oad st.-t-et. PiAWOS TUNEjO AND REPAIRED. . j.r. . - THE tinder-’.gord bavo engaeed the -* rvice-L - Mr. F. f). RA MM. Tuner and F ‘lnk.-r,ls-o ‘y Sf ITtW Irorn Lrard*’ Celebrated I>::v il- >ia*> .. j;; I'ari-. J J x‘J Mr. R. is probably the be-* ia Ll*; r. ■--- :t lathe Font hem Country. We am prepared to r.tten-1 b all >rit-r-in h- above lire, and wiil he rs -pon-ible ier a.* v . ;.1 *n.- by <• ir w.-rkmt-n. Orders addressed u Wuittke-ev a ov Tccax k Pease, will men with prompt attention. W FIFTi EL-SLY U Cos. C-’lunibuA, April 22, ISS3. TRU AX t PEASE, t'.vtf—Jel 1 wtf i-- - MARISiL AND FIRE INSURANCE BA SK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, j a MLL receive D?ff —and Check* for sale a .N-.-v York >1 Maconf.iid S:n-sanah. tpri!24—. RICHARD PATTEN. NOTICE. - A NKW I.IVFRY STABLE IN GIRARD. ALA.. By J. B. HICKS. ‘I'M! undersigned h:> the* Livery Stable in Girard, AIa n I horetolore occupied by V.'C. Kirkland, tor the purpose of esrrviiH? <.n a srenontl LIVERY STABLE BUSINI.SS.% Or*- 1 ndr-r me sup-iititer.ilence oi ipw - tjFEZSL ! -•- \. GARRETT, a ~ :hc propria- rof tue - .i;y Hotel, Colunsbu.-, Georgia. Thi- -table will i-e inferior to none in thi- country in point of I a. tionto >tock rnsiiagemen:. I ’ - - io hire lIOR'ES rd BFGGIES c&n ■ isid a.- i/oodiu this *tsbl*can be round any where. Osdl and yive tae a trial. X. B. The citizen* of Columbus will pleas, bear in mind that whenever they have to hire ; Uor-e or a horse and ouggy for *he tnuis:. :uun of business in Alabama, that they can icalte aaavin;.* of from to T.j cent* on . v u trip by hiring on the other ide •<( ■ the river. Girard, Ai;;., Ju. : > 2—tw6m TROY FAC lOK v 7 HARRIS COUNTY. GEORGIA. , Ware Loom on (Vest * ie Frond street, next door to P. McLaren. •J UFKRSuX, NANCE * CO. H. G. JEFFKK'ON, t SUCCESSORS \ H. W. NANCE. J. K. JEFFERSON, ( TO ) \K. K. HARRIS. R. O. JEFFERSON & CO JEFFERSON, NANCE A Cm., A PROPRIETORS of the ab*>vc respectiuUy iafifrus ta the public tits? they now have on band for ’e. and are JW con-isnlly manufacturing all description. : \Voon*x * l • Wart.such ssChair-. Settees. Bed-tsabs, Bucekt* Tubs, &c, if-o J ‘the best material, and tinished In excerieat styU under the r peraonal supervi-ton. The- pnrdculany call fention to tbe : r various -tyi. -rc quail tie, oi’ Hi:?:, which for neatness, cornier*, dvri biiity and ca**rsm. anno’ be .-•.-n£s-ed in any country: tarylr.g in price :rom SIO -> “-4 per u .zen—spcs-lsic-ns of vl-htch can be ws Ft their WARE-ROO-V one dr above P. Rro:--u Street. Coiumbus, wnirh .be p-übisc ar*- : nvi* and to ex i mine. F.vr-iy description of Chrdr*. Rucket*. Tub*. Ac., made to or t-er stter any lashk-n d< sired. They arc aiso prep: rod to fur ! nlsh VYim w Si-n and Busds ot'all de-rripil *.■?• or !er. Har.-i-or > premium- i'.ot awarded t, th.-Troy Fr.c'ury at the Southern Ayrfcuhurrd Fair at Macon, ter the best sp-.-ci n.en of rbr-ir r,nd \ o*- : er U src. | f~~. >'dc-rs lei* a. their Ware Room—n o*: ride F.n-td Street. . * dirvc-ed to Nance & Cos., toi rnbtt* will iiret with pnimpt attention. Columbus, Jan.- l-t.—wiy. AUBURN WATER-CURE ’ 1 11 {A f. ■> tab li-hme nl>- t. w op*-n f,.,- he rec-pti.::. i patient- I In- .. on i plea- • ’ healthy, bed s c:; tne ve::’ jk - ttVail Rout fin Es- rrn A l".i.nisa. an-1 i < ab- .tiihatulred vard* !>.••:. t: e depot, ‘mui-* Tatel. tufjoinir.gth? Halt road. The pfiicswy of! he Water Treatment ia aii scute divt*i -. a Fevers q crla*.l:’.2, Mea s! e s . ?rr-M Pox, i- so complete an J rs r -oii.rfma;: ‘ .iou; *. Y.> In UrcE : ’ d>-?a*€ . i. e.s'l* of long y.~ Jir.i.3% G< :t, Rueunttt: -ut, Dpit-p - ... NT-..s.ik’is. Scr. ‘.ilr.Con-v.aiption. -or etfec tnai Ttv-deof arre-..r g the progre— of the div-sse :.nd .-raJicsting it from the system. Li be pec - mil-.: W os. e, i.,-- \Y„u * • a -' v er e: i creed •. wf;r re &U c’.Lcrremedk- have folied. . idiaeblkJ bwth it procure.* ImmusiUy from or.told taCr-rlc*. Psthn*- -.ho tidbrit /g -~z r. . mfort, . s'r ’ri.nk-.-. two sheets snd ss.reralyr.rds ..fUnen diaper f-r Term* nceordlrc *. brer truer, t as- ! r.f r -t, psysb: • weekly, k-rffr*i - C-'-r-sulta* fee. -T. DR. W.G.RRCD. . mrs. m. i.Tonnr.T. c Auburn. Mar-*-; Ift—wlr inch 3fitw6w MARBLE WORKS. Ha-i -.tip near the Mnrke-i liou-e- COLU MB US, GA. HAVE v nnariily oa hand all irir.c- vi Grate . Monuments, Tombs ami Tablet#, : \:<:.K,c\s, liALiio and ißtii M.vrsle. Engrf s v;agan-i ...rt : • ... C2*toneins-enpoiblemanner; sn-I arikiadcotvirai:- Works: th-’ > shortest not JOHN H. MADDEN I’. —l'------ * oiTiirisuud Ccme-at.aiwav- on hand i r -a.e. Colugibus, March 7, 1850. ‘ 10 if NOTICE. vi f. ItAX-vW A\ on the *';h a r-e *.n l y Jw- T&i S:. tie - f'b'K, twon;y y ’1 Is overt. . wters T> k-kfc spoken, n' r >E; dye fe. ;-ix .‘relehiSaehcs Jjt L ea. Vry InteJiijeace from him wi*i be thankfully re c- ves: ial C.vtten \alley P.O n Slacoa Cv-unty, Ai®. Douotk he ‘sonhi* way toCar'.l.aa.snci* trr’r. firi ti§ w.y by he R&Ur-ssd. WM H. < : AprU wti for sale _\nt> to pent. VALEABLE LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. THE I SiUF.RMGXED wfeLeto !! b.ii zm'JrtC'M. The principal P an: ion 1, ;-* Ulirke Ooun-v, Alabama. immediately ,n :ht* Bisby ui\cr, rrd ba* • lnixtit l:r->wt; ■j : . ~ ’* nis river bottom isrd: nr ir 4->0 rre - : c’ ;rvd. and vndtr faltivstioß, Also, sbnnt 5*50 acrru of uj;ind in the ‘.oe WBKjr. ‘tying cn T.iat slid a Crook, about ?:.. ‘ - 1,-ch arerlcariri rr.d undvr rnltiv *.•■'•■ • • ‘ ■ • . 2.*of the number workins hand-. I wnld al-so sell ?*•/entire -took. Tern:* will Iv* made GberaL \pr.iv tO tht* i:d- r -Y'.,-l -i, : pi-, 4, ... ft. VALOR \N. or AUtißb\ A: '< >.. Y M.-uilv. who \tii; - .■•• ail the pstrlirnlar* wished for. IV. 1 . FF KFLWV. , .Mob;!,- July ti, 1*53. July Isl, wf.wln. PLANTATION \ND LOT FOR SALE, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS 1 will -.-;i r> ,y valuable plantation •■■■• i> mi . f V: . r -n. ’..rv; < eht It • -.* acr. ; well 9%/Ki impr*v* \ ■ •••! dwelling a.. 1 out t: . - -• mh- *..•*% -i— • .& - he. It’ i* C- < ia pne land !nterr**r?. and w ithOak an i liirh -ry. Ai*o.a oaniT on* pi ~t h •• in* r.e For ‘mis nd T.;.’-:>;Yrs appL *•*•. C. r-. H,srr>*o* 4 Oh Golarahii". ta. .Way SB—witwtf *. . A. A i-t *t [*. A FINE PLANTATION FOR SALE r pHF sindtfrdi/ned s r ?:Y-, >•!, .Martin's 1 Greek. two as and nail no’s* ■ - • >*- Ksion :-•••! four mites i from the Girard Ksilwsd, entubf “•_* I'GO m*:,-, s*) . ?*0 of which is ire.-ii isjid : t/etwv-n 350 and hM acr* *ofhn inuork land, level, the osYnce rich u*>iaJKt aid will produce fr m i't'h to 1500 lbs of eo ‘ n p’ r acre. Th improvements are exeeih.-nt: FrameJ L*.- Ifoiiv-. • i- . ■‘l rooHis. bri-'k cbiim. .-•* : l:.*\,v* ranted i,i>.•!,**.*>: i vr <V i.'i -screw, and ■ new Nesro < a‘*i.vs : uood w ~ •. end we!L healthy, end in sb excel!, rv t-oigfiborSu'.od. VViihax •5. r. ii man,. .i h- piaee. will ‘how the t hintaro i. ; For terms addres* me at Column'!-, <;. KfcVFRLY A. THORNTON*. Columbns, Autu?’ 3, lesT—tw Jt:i. FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT; AI SO CARPETS. FI.-RNTTI RE, dec. APPLY TO C. A. HARRISON & CO. For Sale. A =uaall farm about on< end half miles from C . • hns. It’* 1.50 or IGti acres oi land : ; a tnird of which cleared, r.nd It; ‘ititi.i le contiitimi f *r cu! ‘vr.- pi- n. The romninintr portion i- well timbered v. >h pine. It i-:: d> ’ rr.b'.o ioca ion b-an;, p- wishing a eiual! iV.rni nr summer residence in she vicinity of the city. \pp!y to ‘.'"lumbus. March —twtf F. T. T\V l,< tit. For Sale MV plantation lyinyr on rhu ( haualmochcc river in Russel county. Alt.! twenty n,;le- ieiew! Ti containing abo two thousand jive hundred acr- *in •• _ rjm ■ . I eitfii! hundred acre*, which will !>e t*oi(i with the main lCHiy or *eparate. The planutlon is well -of .it and it. ■ hy, ,t u {>roduct!ve and fertile an any on the i Ivor, and tree irota !resilet-. Persons wishin? to examittethe pkmt&tion will apply to Mes srs. T. R. Si C. Crowell, or G. \V. Kc-itii. dho overseer) a 1 • s wichct. Mo., or Jos B. lib ..u Coiumbus Ga., who wiil furnish all if-c.-.sarv information in mv absence. •iOflN C VKTF.V. Avietiat 2—wtf Camden, r*. ( . For Sale. fga M Y Fiißtr.ti n :he Mlennviile, i.Ma-) r a,i. -v. n • ■ from* dambus conu.inir.7 3O’ acres,about ic.u ,f “"jidi 1’ cle.'.rc-d and fk . tit.- -...'.e c-'r ■ . . The tiuprovt! - Ase u trame due.; -a \. • . . - rooms k : .ichM. cribs and -f al> - c*utven;. n,.;. irn r-ed. The plac- has an abundant supply of excell nt spt-lna Wi.:*-r. Is c-m* venier.t t > churches. ..t <i mark ?. i-ver\ healthy and in ar< execaent ncdtthborhr^d —per-oia- wishing to purchase t.buutt any desired information by caliittx on Mr. Whitten, on tho premises, or the .subscriber in’< dura a j<*. If. F. COLEMAN. f cdurnbus, June 21 v.hnt. South Cowika Plantation For Salt*. THE subtcrllier h<vinc determined t : ren “. i West, l&gfgn offers fc-r sale hi’ plaEtßtlon. con;.-..a. r,y --.-reii I. tneired &jjm^ and seventy-five acre=,about .... cl.; .vd eud u r . gOOf fcßCf-s. situated tw • niy : : ’ - •-t : I'.-. u . j; in- M• foTst Clayton, and tv-el .-mi from the :v : Girard and .Mobile Railroa-’.. For formsfpply to Mr. Thoac.* Robinsoi ;d r.ufc . . ort-- the subscriber on the pre-mi-e*. lIEXitl H. FILI.I). April 26—wGm LIND FOR .SALE. Wi LI. l-- c -id at pvh'd . • ■ first .’ u* sd: •in Oeto ■ xi, t. .tfvveen tt-ual ‘.••••r? . sale, at Vue court hotife <•. < ashbert. Rr-d-.. • c unty. Gr... ‘he ■ plantation It* •'•> own'd ■ \ - ni. nr-?, -.-d. lyln? on she road from Ktifatija. Ms. to Cuthbcr:. toiler, from tlio font.erplacesnd rerer.feen from the layer, ea ! plan tation r- ?It'ia!.-x! near the Pc;tlr. and c-.d-t . ao i contains u!hu. one tboosa<rd acre dve humdivd o i.icJi i- ;* t with ood improvciuf tit*. ‘.V’i ‘• - .--.ld b • -.;• h. *!y: *::'• half the purchase money to be paid ry !s\ !••.*> Land ih* balaitce January Ist, 1355. The tides are indisputuLN . P'-rsoas wishing to purchase arr- Invited f. • cad .m* > xp.tnin< ..i’ ind for thefasclves. JA.MIib F. NEWSOM. J \'r Juiv s—ids LAViM A NEWSOM. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. i offer tuy residence for -Ytc, one .im i> •.. ,?g J* the buine*- part of the city, an.l one half mile -j; frrcii th. priiif Ass!- an-.! Foiaai-.- schcwds, A with i rty acres of land, of which thirty stre it; the woods r.i.d wed timbered, ton in Jo--., ir a. eiati* * enhiva;’- r*. Ti e improvements are all g.-c-d iartre twe r. ‘'rick dvr.-B-j. with t*it_i.i r->o;r.s, five cb - .r. pantry, portico ai, j back p’a,.zn. and out buildinga.all an-.’- .. J. a >vtil of exccilt-nt water in the yare. and a ee. de< ii la i'.: <• pfn*l iuar ti e house. This is one ot the h slitst ..n i h. ai-hie?--’ locations u,i. the city, and ir. one of the vert best i- i-hborhoous on this sii<- 1 f lhr river. Ihose w -bincto'fcuy jrr-pe?iy about*ids will only have *o see m; place to be pleased, rbere are also a i rtnt variety of fru ; tsid -uruhhery nad shade trees ot every kind wn* : .- tblaciimnte. A i-argain can be had by cal ..y - ■ n ?.nd seeing tue, or >u my abct!ce < ‘ol. A. K. Ayer or Mr.H. H. Cpp.n? will show t.nd sell tor me, oec. S. T. AUSTIN. C olumbt.-, July jr’ ~w t! HOTEL FOR BALE. THE • üb--:riber >iTrrs or sale hi- c.-uttu -d. -.u ----i own asth -t.< *J'iE H* •TFi Ititl mis wit f.H Bfffv / convenience-?, and hs pcrtainic}: to it, a kitch- •. -,-i'kc house. -tPc 10, !•■•:, Ate,, ail i: r.;j a:.% 1..- hou-ei- C'- - -ri-.-ntly -itHated.find i ? fr.v •. - -*d wed a lib--:.? -bare of board! Re ui ‘mmient custom. Buena Viva. Uu-v.i.':-. I a larse ar.d <- >•"•:.• >,r. I. -•’hv-d-.a'.d . rh-i ute-rcijaiitik* . ar.d mechanicint*W*. In- if-’ Ittf-erntßof-r.'-y r.nd mjdd cro-v;h. No one ne—i feardeprec’- .>n in property for Lua.-r- years. Per~''D= wishineto pi:-*’ ba=c i;irn p-r r - rty, tvo-.du d f v-eH -• call and mtaitte. Reasonab! time will nealiowoel i >r payment. Fort.*rmapplvtohe Z WILLIAMS, or to triLI.MMS i March s—ts Buena Y -ta. .tfarion to. Ga. PLANTATION* FOR SALE, IN THE VALLEY OF TALBOT COUNTY. GA THE subscriber ha- .- -irt-n.i 1 to r nv.*.- \> otfe-r* ,us -ale .... ph.- atio !. ‘-: tainiue n- hcr.drtd =--< s.n: oa had r.r—.tv-d and uttdci _- >od tencr.* . One i.urdrcd acres bottr-m land, tolerably dweii i. -au ioat houses, i.e.i gin amt •crew. Pcr*orii*wishing t-- purchase r. trood farm vd: £.-,. i; ; r interest to call and f-sartins the premises, ferns, f *.ri and er mined to ‘ li. T*'-rms e£?r. j \ME- M. STAMPER. Quito, Twite-; eo t.a, J uiy 5 - w 6: VALI VRLE IMPROVED I.WD FOR SALE IN LOWNDES COUNTY ri'HK rXDEESIGXED h ■: not ye* a-.Jd hi- jdare. iwur 1 i.vle* Cr.-m the Brunsw k raid Fd-'i . Raiir---'-:. is now hni dint:. In this body of land tt.-ee r ■- - ■ acre# ane bu&fs.v'k ar.-l tns land —S3O ci i •- --ii w < red. bealtbj ar.4 fer-ile A .r-va; b -:s n cr.i, be* bad. Come rod view it. My adure?* •- ?barn - Po-* ! -e. <,s. June 2'. Ird3. wlOt I). B. GRAHAM. FOR SALE OR REN T. it- : -.;-u recapSeu by : i,v .r. -• ‘f t. Ij ’ • r y. , .. .. :I ,v -“j or. v i ed. - n :d t :h& on. -.a .I d - * ; . .i; . i ColumLi -,Juri 15,1-53 —Tfatiwu:. P. M'!. V.HEN. Now is the tim*- io vour Old Rags* i 4 SD . 11 ur v *- . ■ : r a ■ :> < it w m. when -V br_ ri ‘ i.iijasa. ol j! •* fc . . ir.pounds or m re. *>. V' or i. ’r.d- u Factorir-- Rope anti Ba? Sig! w*. ‘s frdr vrices v.U e?iven.ri- • - } ersd at • itaerßock -m: i I’aciory m- the st s S\ Y. .v tfce o *d - * ; C i-. 14—i t- G. b. f Vfi'X i • \-. > * KING a- WIN NEMO RE, j < J MISS IO N \| ERCIIA XT S, ViiAILE. AL VB Vi A. j Urc. ,0,1-**. Tril : G tt THAYrwT.TLT^. Ml O. | Uff.4.VG£ OF SCHEDULE. I Orjani*nr Use IBtb In*:. tbePasv ntfw Train wid : run byTheK-h wlmr *cL*-dit!e dzlh until furtherr-otsce: L ais U'i* •? ‘•* A. ‘Ft “\ r; very Vi- 3 i6> P. V. I -u\ \ ast e :-■< A. M : Virlv a* C luikUm 2IdP. M. E. F. RICKER. Superintend u;t. b uiUtliuie, M3 f 11, lA.!.* HAiADKYs eximiess. •■■■■ — ’ - “ r *n rtsss t , *_* OFFH K OV It 4 NDOI.PH Street. S&^^Sli I\ r ßiW|* ;; .:)v l-r g 1-src •• .}> ifcr* ediz, ji-ci I'oltimbtt* > • and iisvt- .uy, that we have • vi'icvi oi.r withtbe (Yr.tral Railroad Bankln,- c- •i.ruuy.audnrvm'w rtm nine nesw nc< ■%* *::!* from Macon to ravsnnah. \'se. (vrwuniintr it-H'd, ov, - tb M:w. ‘•* and f**ulb- W Cern Ka ; i**n ito Fort \aA-y, I u’-atbci i.• and Mnom, theoe.- to Militdvovilk’ >*ev£! r.ah nn<* t :-:H>rj;.-*iS*e phsce<. Als. *o Mon'jciam, A.hi. We won id al<*-> a;. that onr ta presses by the .-.u tsmers to New \ rh t i Phiiad. Iphic ua to fonv**d every Cr-rr:! e..;i f merchand-se r.nd v.siuabiea. N’ *4 It -is a l. * ct>ll.*e ed i every tow n.• r N -rthern and La-tern 5 vn - ; ai?o,to< xiifornU) and I.itrope. fcnck- - os V'tNTt-Ban-lo'i-ii s-oet . • • inrabas ~pp.*itr tin ;m - r*. ...” \•; : , . • ;*.A. id • i : V*\ Kendrh a. l-r’ V-il-y; G.L.t ay.oo, -,rj; 153 hay A.reet. Havanas'’ : Tl Br,=. i- a},.Vevv York; 4.*. and G A*uUi* ft..-d. r.-d'miviph:;-.; • r; etr>.•••:, Boston ; Exchange street. Providence t ,i- irsr., s ;,u K raD, c.:. LIVINt.STuN, \\ 1V Hi .*•! flt V ( O. fkdunibiia, April 13—rwAw INITEJ) STATES .MAIL LINE. New York and avann&h Steainsiiipft. T \ c yCMMER AiSlt AXIifcMENT.-l'ao of leaving fa ---■ ’ xsniiirh :orN<v ‘l'-'k: rhe tucti- a. ; .l ie:. on Wednesday, June 3 “ Florida, •* Moodhull, on Saturday. *• 11 “ liabaTna, ** LudF-w . on “ id ‘• \ug:: . ** Lyon, on Saturday, *’ 25 “ F ! -ri<!s, ** WtH !:• P. cui Sa!ar,iay, July 2 l * ~ii, ‘* Lyon, on Saturday, *’ 9 “ , .or . ■’ n ‘.it i, vu aM' ! aj, “ 1* ! v * Alahama. ** Ludlow, on Wednesday, “ 20 Augtuta, *• Lyon, ou Saturday, “ 23 •* Uh'rida. “ Wood ho U, on un:a>. “ 30 *• Alabama, “ Ludlow, oil Wedr.eatlay, Auk. 3 ** Augusta, ** on Haiti day, ** 6 ** Florida, - W oodhuil, rn Faturday. - 13 Alabama, I udlow. t-n WedneMiny, ** IT u Xugi'.-tH. “ Lyon. ><u Halurday, ** ‘Jii “ FJorids. ** U oodiunl, on riaturdnj, “ 57 l * Alabama, “ Ludlow. f*n Wedue-day, ** 31 ‘* Augusta. “ l.yor. on Saturday, Hept. 3 *• Florida, “ Woodhnll. -'U Saturday, ** HI *• Alabama, l * Ludlow, < u Wednesday, “ 14 Tiu ‘id’/s are tii,’ lac-. •>< <•>: bu- u-.-urj • in -fitd, safety.or comfort—making their pass*— n to ire commended j- Hit tbcera. They offer :• ut-'-t desirsbl-i c nrcyance to Ne w York. n the c>* plotion < •*.it!: n?r. in tin aidtunn. this lln* “ ill be aeic • v,vkly—.’ g cue t \Y*sl)i--.: r -> :iid Bsturilhjr. l o ,n P \DELFMRD, F \Y A • Agon;* it, Hniaimah. r-AVTL L. Mill HILL, June 15 0,-pt 7 13 Rmsd.ay. New T urk. FA RE REDUCED. FOR PHILADELPHIA. UNIT E u s i Vr KS HAIL LI XK . Pbiiati iphiri $ i < Steavt fiengattou C*nut*any TUG .sew r, ii and Epic ii,.id side-wheel Pteanirblp Y-...-L* 1r ; ” STATE OP OEOROIA, tv. c-fve hundred I'm - register, t’apt. WALTER OUI.UNT, will J.-vi* Savannih a- follows! Wcdne-dai. Jnlv- Wednesday, \ug ID. Aug 24 “ Hept 7. s p 19.. “ uct 5. - ;• -.].-• .—n *. iti jth the !ricu.-*i ri-safii to the safety ms ara me* eurp. y ij--; ..... j i.t c. ti v, . r.-,?{•,•-: * ,;ua! lothe - . • . the line dtuiaf tb month ofJir ,t od wi.**. ..iti- :t.- -■* • >’L ••rgia. a week lyline, lcavlitfrea -ii pov: •*. WYiirt-Uay. tYiiiii tut— ‘ *■:,-• • .-h ; I*l.. ~dt-lpou •S'Cs-'r&h., - *■ - Iphlu b ... b. i.AMAB, in Savannah, tii/.* • < ex MARTIN. May Sl—tf Ac*-!’H in Philadelphia H GLEAR THE TRASK ! THE - Y- r- bare \.., < put in . p.-r ‘••ou ,i'i “and KOI. R s* >R>K O* and HKb. cad sixteen ol tin* hr - i-*-*'M > thj;= Si.;* e untry cv i produce, to ‘rings ; and prengaged ‘ ‘ da GeWio, <id and experienced •ir Lion, p l * .c- :h. * iooonvev the traveling public to and from IM. „ points iu a safer and letter style,fend quicker time, li •v> r eelore and •: at this , ih ce. W<* rd-o have fanv omnibuses, -in readiness. Visitn .. 1 sparttculnriy, wit) dad it gn : -■■■c-r c'mfort and •••.• r—‘ ’■ Yr. ir conches. We meet both .ho da m. • aight trains oi cars. A. J. & C. L. \ VKNP.R. Indias Springs, Ju • 24—wartwiSAag United States Mafl Line. THROUGH IN A DAY EACH WAY. From Columbus. Ga., to Ala., i ! veil may goto .-suvannai, the next i.ay, fmiu t'-u’iuinbas,,; >jy . ;::ninirt<n.Fsi;d tc-ri. l ci:tc, ( r*- k r'tatid,Hi-rnand-'. Luon. and A’ewart's MIL*. Th < line i:n: ri-rcts at Cb r.-- • .*•:.• e the one to Moniromery via Co't'iti Va’iey. 1 ■ Y;e :•*. end enmaw, also the one leading in the directionc: raiu.t. .- *-, l ie., v;.i Five Points, .‘iuunt Ac drew. Ulaytou and Fab. • a, Aia. I will ae< ■ - or freight from f ‘hunnenostgee : - . ■ • : Springs, Abei • vi le. IVrot'-. M; .uri. Bug Hail, Edgefield. Troy, and FtidgeJj. SCHEDULE: Irfsave • oiumo - Tuesday, fuui-iey and A. arrive at < hunnenugstee t-ame *la; s, at 9 p. in. Leave Chuni:>i,u_-.< e Monday, Wednesday fend Friday a; 4 s. rr..: arrive at Columbus —ni.e days at 9 p. ns. May *:>— lwlv APPGETUN HA iGQOp. Conirheo.r. V Ell NOT A F.uroils ONI Mill's LI NE. Fare—ln Proportion lu the Distance. V7L r- •;•*• our v.tro to *;c traveling public and the cU*.3t-?i*s generally, for tb& r v bend p*H r r rod wfM'.id :nf r:n thon : fiat •• ir -p-rDii.U tu* ‘■'J!.,/* •Bl UFJ.yr TE.iX and c. r ful l /■ JFERS, will co'itinu* to ron f- r lb*'>n of the i ;llztns and per i-.G- stopping si th -P”i*Hr Houfr s. C. ii- ;*~U at the Hotel* r.r g* our - -oie, -iriviiy n iended to. ■ CrMtnnhus, March \ v — wfct". iy Tams kuusseaT i r L- .ps a One runs/at, , Gr*'-v- . <. >*n Lend, for o .IV r-. -oa ;e terms cons!••.: ?: *r— -100 Br.i*. Flour; 73 Sack? Rio Coffee; * 100 no:-.-:-. IV *.-/• -.-o—A- n'-'d Qualities; Cinars —Aborted Brr.ncts; 10 }r!. New England Rum; 10 Br>K. toinmo-i oiu ; *35 Sr.ui;; o 1 C&ixs Uaeoa. ■I” Ho .-,N. O. io itarro.U WhL=l:?y. i if>j Cos .* K'.atuc :y Rnt c*. Cj Bale® India 150* Sacks Sal*.. Ai- i,fine Brandies and VViuee oi difiereot cnatities. A is* i. many other irtri-v, u*<"-Einrer--;s : .■■■*•’ Yn. Th**wJ wishing a, j ‘ckfe-t.-. --111 plvx-e sive b'tc a- -1. We ■ Br.. 2 - r—’. t> •’ **■•• > nsr..* * : C-oraar. Colninhua,Jan. ii. 18a . * NOTICE TO MILLINERS & DRESS-MAKERS !, SELLING OUT Ai COST!! It 3. LO A L, owia. ‘o US b .-lb In lief p<l i tcmUy, ir.i,. avingri.. place, andiß dl - \ 1 out her stock of which the ■’ ‘*U *- . *r and .. - -• • • ‘ . | He-.* ‘■’•tre :s in Y<- be*,t ktcaCty > ’ city ;ur bu-iin- i ; har,d ----1 cTiM’,v Ced up with -helves .*i! sfcow e-‘-v4. To i < -ompetent h#ni .Wr-.h .? ij he-Pa.if*** , a --} “Z ‘ a ; a rr-r- chance. Being ,-*oe; ♦.* year- and. and r m*‘r t MTl!:ner in the place Wi U ;c lucres ng sn,i enterpriaiDtt pnpu — • j rpnile ••*.: mip --ary. Apply to L , >v^ Ja,HJu-w5 Rruai Btrcet, U-m, Ca f # 1 |f