The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, August 12, 1853, Image 3

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Gjod Medicines! ! A celebrated Physician of Balti more says it gives lam “great pleasure to add his testimony t) that of others, in favor of the extraordinai y effica>y’ ot Stabler's Diarrhaa Cordial, and the tame eminent Phy feician writes with regaid to their Anodyne Cherry Expec torant, that he “has no hesitation in recommending it to the confidence and patronage of the public, as a most valu able medicine See adveitisement in another column. August 12— * rn. £3?* Read the Advertisement of Ayer's Cherry Pecto ral. 1 here ate statements of no ordinary interest to all to unfortunate as to bo afflicted with the difficulties it cures. Augu.-t 12— lm. SPECIAL NOTICES. tW WE are authorised to announce DAVII) J. BAR KER as a cai didate for Clark o! the Superior Court of Muscogee County, at the election in January next. June 25,1853—w&twte. ATTENTiOX COM lA NY. An Election will beheld on SATURDAY, 20th inst, for Ist Lieutenant and Ensign to fill vacancy's in 773d dis trict, G. M. pr order of the Captain. August 10—twtd. GAS FIXTURES, THE e> i OWa having engaged competent workmen, w iii be prepared to fit up Stores and Houses with pipes, burners, and ail necessary apparatusfc'r the use of oas. This work willbewar uuted, and done under the superintendence of the Engineer of the Columbus Gas Light company. WIUTTELSEY u. CO. Acconiingto the by-laws of the company, the house* and stores will befitted up in the order of their application. A Kegister Book is now ready at the store of Messrs. VVbitiel sey & On. C. E. DKXTER, Sec'ry. Aprii 15—w&.twtf Columbus Gas Light Company. DRY GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. JUST received, a large assortment of Swi=, Jaconet and Mull Financings, Muslin Bands, Swiss and Jaco- j net Edgings and Insertions, French Winked Collars, and i Undersleeves, Thread Lace, &c. BROKAW, CLEMONS &, Cos. I Columbus, July 2. twtf. MUSLINS. PL \IN and Stripe Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, India | Mull and Nainsook, do. Briliiante Cambrics ; a large j stock just received. July 2—twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS & CO. HOSIERY. JUST reeeivod a full stock of Ladies’ S&naal Lisle Hose, \ Misses’ Fancy do., Gents Plain and Faucy Lisle and Eng. half Hose. Also, a superior aiticle of Ladies’ Silk j Gloves and Mitts. July 2—twtf BROKAW,CLEMONS & CO. NEW GOODS. The subscriber has in Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered lor sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. FOR CASH oR 4 APPROVED CREDIT. Purchasers for Cask will find it to their advantage , to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2—:w C. MYGATT. JUST Received, a lot of Fine FANS. Also. Embroidery B<’k by [April 22.1 WHITTELSKY & Cos. j ■ ■!—-!?- • i MAGISTRATE'S OFFICE. AT the bookstore formerly occupied by A. < . FLE WELLES’ i & CO. All business entrusted to me will be promptly at tended to [ Mie. 3. *f j ,L 1.. Hi >V\ ELL. W. D. FORI) DEALER IX CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! ; Pickles, Preser\es, Fruits, Confectionaries, Segars. also. Fish, Oysters and Ice when in season. WaLDBC .q’S BITILDISO, JierrSKSOS STREET, SAVANNAH, Ga j February 9. 1853 twfim , On Consignment. 50 Hd*. New Orleans Sugar. fcqpUfc} 50 Bbls. “ “ Yaiafci./ 30 Casks Side*. 5 “ Sh .utdera. All of which will be sold low tor Cash. Call atui examine them. C. S. HARRISON fc CO. Columbus, April B—twtf PRICES REDUCED AT WINTER’S PALACE MILLS.! “ITTE are selling CORN MEAL at NINETY 1 CENTo per 1 > busht 1. LIViNGsiON, Agent. Col ambus, J uly 30—twtf i Notice. I"YROM this date, all persons sending messages by Telegraph ! will be inquired to pre pay them beiere they can be sent. Columbus, July 3d—luttw op bAIL R. $lO Reward! GOLD WATCH STOLEN. ..•o STOLEN on ihe 14th inst., a Gold Watch, “No. 3325 j no , Hrrrison. Liverpool. The sb-ve reward will be , given on delivery of the watch at this office. Columbus, May le—iw _ LOST. In the street, in this city, this morning, a CUFF PIN- The finder will be paid five dollars ou leaving the Fiu at , this offi-e. May 21—- twtf Genm’s Hat3. \ FEW cases Gbnis’s a no. o.nk Hats—Sprinb sttlk** i\ Just received and for sale by MFRKY March 30—tw Shirts! Shirts!! a LARGE Invoice of SMUTS, C0L1..1 US.IJU.J h F.kf> HOSIKH Y. 6lc. Just received and tor sale b > (ERRy> March 39 —tw ll— id. —l—- CITY TAX. V fax Book is now open for tie collection of Taxes for the rJSSr Tux pavers will save i anu obhge me by . prtseiiiyear. i- . HuW CLL, Collector. paying promptly- 1 Columbus, June -2 twu tft . ;r£L W. F. LEE, D. D. S. dental surgeon. Office on llroad street, over Mygatfs store. Columbus. Oct 29 —ts NOTICE. DA. GARRETT is rev duly authorised agent to transact uy • business of mine, that may hereafter be found hi nts ”! us ’ Odumbus. July l—v.&twiim J. B. HK.N-. Flour. Meal, and Breads! lifts. THE subscriber, proprietor of tl: - tJTY.VIJ.Lf>, beg leave to inform the public that he has now on hand and wiil con tinue to keep a goo-1 stuck of prime tYH K.t T .I.YV CUK.\, r t will ae prepared at all lime* to furnish customers xu any quantities with Flour Meal. &c., at tne shortest notice. New W TheCitv C ]tfili''is situated above the city a short distance and is now getHl running order My prices are so lows bbl Family Flcttf......*• 7 s(’ •* • Extra dc.. p, bushel Zt cafJi p-fees paid fur Guru and Wheat. t Ihe eigu set I- £>. A yv YN N. City Mill, June 8, CORN AND WHEAT. pOEK.nd will be paid at Jsiy a*—wktwu BOOKS AND STATIONERY. J ORI)A\ L. lIl>H ULL, Bookseller and Stationer, \¥rnULEi ri-pecttudy inform hi, friends, and the oublie gen ▼ tT<tjl ; . he ho.a purchaeed tht? stock of looks, Stationery, &c. &c., ol A. G. FLEW ELLEN k CO., and will endeavor ‘ .. keep c<n slantly on hand a complete a?sorime!it of 1 SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, LAW. MEDIC AI \M* MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. I solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore exxertded to mv rnd hat of us man,, new customers a? will favor CALL AND SEE. Two doorebeiow Mygalt's Corner, sign of the Biue aad White I lair. No. ri Broad ree', Colt tnuus. Ga. ’ ‘ ry Book bindery tip gi:nn. USf 3 BOOKS j BOQ KS! JUST RECriVEP BV JORDAN L. ROWELL. ° ne splendid Illuminated family or pulpit Bible, containing 3600 engravinas. Abboite Juviniie Ilistorie?,comp*e sea*; Ir* fesiAdt fcjNs? vings works ; Seines in the life ot the Saviour bv the Poets and Painters ; Reynolds works : Coopers Novels, 33 vol Library edition ; Maria Edgworths Tales, do do ; 10 Vol’s. Abbott’s Christian Serie-; Sher woods works complete ; Classical Library complete ; Vi nets Pastoral Pheology ; Oiins Travels in the East;. Dan iel Websters work eortinlete. Scott’s Commentary ; Clarke’s do; Comprehensive do. Encyclopaedia Americana. Tromine on Railroad cams. Owen on Forgiveness. Venn’s Duty of Man. Schiegei’s miscellaneous works. HoreeSh<-e Robinson. Allan’s Ritual of Masonry. Lockhart’s Lite of Scott. The Recruit. Biythedaie Romance. Twice told tales. Characteristics of Women. Maunders Tieasury. Macauly’s speeches. Men of the times. Genius <-f Scotland. Swallow Bam. BerangePs Lyrics. Everett’s Speeches. Carlyle’s Miseellarcv. Taylor’s Holy Livine and Dying. < art vies Lattei Day Pamphlets. Louis 17th The history o‘ the Royal Dauphin. Tieknor’s Spanish Literature. Bulwer’s Athens. Prescott’s Miscellanies. Sparks’ American Biography. How to Observe. Raphael. Bulwer’9 Schiller. Crabbe’s Svnonvmes. Agnes Strickland’s Queens of Scotland. Harper's new miscellany. HarpeFa Family Library. 166 volumes. Harpers Magazine, bound in musiin. Lossings Field Book of the Fievolution. Beckman’s Histoty of Inventions. ‘ Michelet’s French Revolution. I Count Hamilton’s Fairv Tales. Miller's Philosophy ot History. Lamartine’s History of The Girondists, Memoirs of Count Gramrnont and Charles. 2d. Bacon’s Essays and Historical Works. Schlegers Philosophy ot Lite. Sheridan’s Dramatic Works and Life. Robert Hall s Miscellaneous Works, Gregory’s Evidence? of the Christian Rehgia Schiller's Revolt of the Netherlands. NeandePs History of the planting of Christianity. Memories of the Great Metropolis. Machiavellrs History of Flop-nee and other Works. Rose no’s Life of Lorenzo De Medici. Roseoe's Life of Leo the Xtt. Goethe’s Faust, Tasso, lphigenia, Egmout, and Goetz. The Fortunes of the Colville Family; by the author oi Lewis Arundel. The Rifie Ranger?. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence; Days of Bruce; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heait Studies: by Grace Aguilar. ALSO, VFew more c*i Dr. S. S Fitch’s celebrated ABDOMI NAL SUPPORTERS and SHOULDER BRA CES. Coltimbu?, May 21—twly JUST RECEIVED. THE Xllth VOLUME OF GEORGIA REPORTS, by JORDAN L. HOWELL. LOOO ERRORS In the Text of Shakespeare Corrected. ■VTOTES AND EMENDATIONS to the Text oi Shakspeare’s play?, from the early manuscript correc tions in a copv oi the Folio of 1632. “It is not to he doubted that in thi= volume a contribution has been made to the clearneesand accuracy of Shakspere’s text, by far tiie most important of any offered or attempted since Shakspearc lived and wrote.”— London Examiner. “Men have acquired reputation by a single emendation of Shakspeare ; learned editors have piumed them selves exceiGingly upon a few successful hits ; but here we have a book that'at one feil sv, oop knocks out a thousand errors, for the most purl so palpable when once pointed out that no one can deny their existence, and substitutes emen dations so clear that we cannot hesitate to accept them."— London Literary Gazette. “This Book commends irseh to the common sense 0: every reader.”— Journal of Commerce. For sale by D. I. M iLLCOX. August 3—tw VALUABLE BOOK, TtSte LAWS OF LIFE. WITH SPKCIAL RF.FHR -I'VOE TO THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF GIRLS.— By Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D. . . .. , \ new supoiv ofthis popular book ju=t received andtor sale bv [Jels twtt] J. W. PEASE. CLOTHING FOK TIIE PA, L L 0 F 18 53! PURCHASERS of CLOTHING are informed that we are manufacturing the LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING •at wholesale only; suitable for the Country Trade,to be found in the States. do business on tho ONE FRIGE SYSTEM. Orders promptly filled. An examination of our stock is Bolicked - HANFORD A BROTHER, 29 Park Row, (opposite the Astor House, N. \ . N B We are the largest manufacturers of Oiled C i oth inu in the country. Rubber Ci.cthdw at the lowest mar ket rate-\ _ Now \ork,June 21— w3m Winter’s Palace Mills, i RE xu full operation. Send in your \\ be;-, ana t 0.-2. /\ Flour, .Veal, Bran and aborts, always ou hand. Gnftnnbns. June 2d wtwtf ‘“cTt. CUSHMAN, I). J>. s. m-s BIKfltT, Over Foster & Purple's Jewelry STORE, No. 69 Broad Street. Columbus. Ga., Jan. 7,1353. ‘ V N*_ T. J. COLQUITT, ATTORNEY A T LAW Buena Vistu ua., iri!.L nr&ctice ii- the Courts of zrR-n and Stew arttheCJ*t \\ iahodcheel ireuit-aa .ta<y-a. Lev eumpur. ol ” R=rzaKSCE-Han: W-T. Col.utt C ‘.utnb,., ti & . ,n 1v! B—D WILLIAMS. OLIVER AND FROWN, Atto rne vs at Law . BUENA VISTA. MARION CO. GA. nr ,- tlCc in the counties of Marion. Macon, Kou.-.n -P .Buscopev, Lee, Taylor, and any adjoining 1 ou- .’ hero their services may x>o r e, ‘ wx! ?. WH-L-UMS, TOAfCSrS OV*S, J*CI. iOW. > January ! MUSICAL. i PI A NO-FffKTKSANI) MUSIC. WILL-COX & CARTER. >D. 02, BROAD STREET,COLUMBUS, GA., VttE now receiving, and will keep c< 0.-vaiitly on hand, SHEET 11SIC, mso FORTES, BIITIRS. VIOLINS, ACCOR LEONS. BANJOS, TAMP ‘. FLUTES, FLAGEOLETS, FI IT-. .1 Strings for the VIOLI N AND iJT AK - ALSO Instruction Books for the ab ve InstrumenVe. .Yie- >. c.. for ihe cultivation of the Ymice. Ordersare sc.lici.od from Teachers and ot here. D. F. WILLCOX. Y. M. ft. t ARTLR. N. B. Mr. Caster illtend to Tuning and Ri; G:ing Piano* ae heretofore. Oolnmbup, April 15— A GOOD PfjA- N 0 EOR T I FOR RENT BY THL MONTH OR \i VK, AT THE MUSIC STORE OF WHITTELSEY A. CO Cot uni uiip, June 24, 1853 -1 wA. v.; f SELLING OFF SBEBf MUSIC \r HALT PRICE. r piO: undersigned difcirimr to reduce tiieir extrusive stock ot I ft}'.> 1 Music, wiil *tl! at three awn per or half the •ur ; price a large share of their present et>ck.; which hi- found many ot the > and fopuljlr pieces ot the day. t hti. ib an opportunity not to lie nesr-eeted by Teapherh and ttooLs, to !;.y in a supply. In tills lot will be found mo?t of ti e desirable Mi sic every day ordered. ,i iso, a stock of Instruction Book- tor the PIANO FORTF., which v ill be sold at less then cost. Among the Sheet Mu.dcare the following pieces, arranged by C. REPS, viz.: Dancing Feather Vfaiiz : Bombardment of Vera t. ruz; Elbert Waltzes: Stone Mountain, c*. S La Sultana Waltz; Columbus Guards, Q. 3. Gibraltar vValtz; . Hyacinth Gallop; Alpine Horn, Q. 8. Guilopade Polka. ‘ also —A large variety ot Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, Marches ami Quick steps, by celebrated authors. Saie-* ofthis lot to be strictly Ca-h. Just received, a large lot of NEW MCSH, which will be sold at the usual price. Call and examine. Order- with money wil- be filled arid forwarded to any part of the country b> mail. WHITTELSEY A CO. Columbus, Ga., March —twif 3>Jev,? Sheet Music. r pHE subscribers have this day received v. forge assortment 01 A .Sheet Music; among which are many new and populai pieces never beiore oflered in this market. The ladies in pafil cultrare invited to call and examine our stock. Tltl A A ’ PF.A3E, Oolmnbus. Xiarch 2—lw 106 P-road street. PiANOS TUNEjD AMD REPAIRED. THE undersigned have engaged the serviceso Mr. F. O. RAMM, luuerand Piano Maker,lntel} from Erards’Celebrated Estabiisiiincnt in Pari-, u - St sj u Mr. R. is probably the ‘ est in his profesrhoi in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to ni orders in the above line, and will be responsible for all work done by our workmen. < bders addressed {0 Weittkisly \ Cos., or Tkuax & Peask, will meet with proiapt attention, • WEITTELbLY 0. Cos. Ck/lumbtis, April tS, 1853. TRUAX 6c PE ASE, twif—Jel4 wtf MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, rvHLL receive Denosite —and Checks for sale on New York VV Macon and Savannah. April24— RICHARD PATTEN. NOTICE A NEW LIVERY STABLE IN GIRARD. ALA.. By J . B. HICKS. npHB undersigned has taking the l.iveiy triable in Girard, Ala., 1 lieretofore occupied by \. C. Kirktatld, .or the purpose oi c: rviug on a genera! livery stable business, ‘ Under the Hupe.intendenee of jSfBtBL I). A. GARRETT, the proprietor of the City Hotel, Columbus, Georgia. This stable will be inferior to none in this country in p.-.lm of attention to Dock ana {rood management. Persons wishing to hire HORSED arid BUGGIES can find as good in thi* s able as can be lonnd any where. Cull and give me a trial. N . 15. The citizens of Columbus will please bear in mind that whenever they have to hire a horse or a horge and ouggy for ‘he transaction of business in .Alabama, that they can make a saving of from 25 to 75 cents on the trip by hiring on the other side of the river. Girard, Ala., July 2—twfim TROY FACTORY. HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA. Ware Room on IVest side Broad street, next door to P. McLaren. JEFFERSON, NANCE & CO. R. G. JF.FFKR-OX, ( SUCCESSORS \ 11. VV. NAM E. J. F. JEFFEUSOX, \ TO f VV. K. HARRIS. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO JEFFERSON, NANCE & CO., PROPRIETURP of the above works, respectfully inform 04 the public tost they now have oil hand for sale, and are constantly manufacturing ail descriptions of Wooukn 1 H ’ \\ ask, such as Chairs, Bkdsteads, BccKaTs Tubs, &c ,&c., of the best material, and finished iu excellent style under their personal supervision. They particularly call Kent ion to their various styles *c quail ties of Chairs, which for neatness, comfort, durability and cHZArNRss. caniio! be surpassed in any country: varying in price tr >ni 816 to §=24 per dozen—specimens of which can be seen a*, their WARE ROO.-W one door above P. McLakkn’b, Broad Street, Columbus, which the publ-c are :ns ; ted to ex amine. Ever, description of Chairs, Buckets, Tabs, ice., made to or der alter any fashion a- sired. They are also prepared to fu.- nieb IVisi avv and SttNUs ol all deseriptloxi :<> order. fy : at the Southern Agricultural Fair at Macon, for the bet speci men of < hair and V\ ('ouen *’ are. inters left at their Ware Room—west -id- Broad Street, ’ directed to Jeffersou, Nance 1c Cos., Commbu? wiil axc-rt with prompt attention. Columbus, June Ist —wiy. AUBURN WAT.BR-CURE. nPHtSDriublisbaien: is trow open for the reception of patients 1 The l ocation is pleasant and healthy, being • the great SouiL’TU .Mali Routeiu Kasteni Alabama, and is -boutahundred yard; from. l!.e depot, immediately adjoining the Railroad. The efficacy of the Water Treatment in ail acute disease*, a Fever-. Scarlatina, Measles, t’lrah Pox, slc„ is so complete and rapid ask* reem aimost m.raiuious; wiu’ein chronic diseases, i. e. ail diseases of long standing. as Com, Dyspep* sia. .Neuralgia, Scrofula, Consumption, ate., it is the only effec pmi modeof arre&iius th;. 1 progress of the disease and eradicating it from the system. In tfcc pecu is.?diseases of V\ omen, .he VVe.c-r Cart. -aso - er- Ci gn reus edv. where all other remedies have failed, and in child birth it procures immunity from un. id suffering. Patients should brine one quilt, a comfort, two pair blank?.;. two sheet-and severaly&p*s of lnieti diaper for bandages. Terms according to treatment ana attention required, payable weekly, incariab*. Cot;-.-.tiiat’ a tee. 3t>. Dtl. W. G. HEED. S P . . . ~a MRS. ‘•!. A. T iRBET, x Auburn. March IG—wly inch 3i)tw6w MARBLE WORKS. East side Broad St. Dear the Market li*use COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on liand all kinds of (rreve Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of Av.ekx~an, Italian and Irisu Marble. Engraving and carving done on stone in the beet posable manner; and allkiads .‘Gran ite Work at the shortest notice. JOHN H. MABBKN p. c*. — Planter ot Pari*and Cement .always on hand lor Columbus. March T. 1850. ‘ 10 ts NOTICE. 1f RAN AW A>* ,--n ihe Gth icst, t near c mac by the name of Die K, vveuiy yoart oid, complexam. k-ai-fr, tclerahty qn:-: kspoken, about 3v feet si •< orttgic. taebo* i*;gh. 4 . .-RUfidgeyosi from him w.U te thant; rally re ceived at c Valiev P. 0.. Macon county, Ala. Doubtless be isoeb.* way vs Carolina, sed is trrtn* t > tied his wby the Ralk.&d Wy R. GARS fcH April ts FOR SALE AND TO RENT. VALUABLE LAND AND NEGROES FOR SALE. I'HE 1 SDER.'IGXI D wishes to sell b ; ? Plantations Neg roe*. The principal P anlaiion i* in Clirke C<>anty, Alaoams, immediately on the H pby iliver, and ha* a known uStave landing. It contains about 1,5s u acreo. I,otio of which i* river bottom land; near IUO acre- art* cKnred. and iider cultivation. Also, about 500 acre? of up! id in the eamo county, lying on Tuntiiidu a reek, about 250 .f which are clear* and end under cultivation. There are 50 negroes, consisting of men, women and chddren. •25 of the number working h: nd*. I would also sel! my entire stock. Terms will be ruade liberal. Apple to the undersigned on th* pren: >r :e it. VAUGHAN, or \UBiU.Y tCO..c; Mobile, v.-ho will i-v* ;dl the particular* v isfed for, \V. J . i : E< KI'A.V. Mobile Ju y 2, 1853. July 13, w&twlm PLANTATION LOT FOR SALE, ON ACCOMMODATING IEHMB I will * -il my valuable plantation one im’e Fsr of Grawtord, Via., conti.lsmig i Uht Hundred acres; well wK improved, good dwelling and out i? t •-*. utn hu*?. new screw. &••., &e. Tin * - coed ere. k but:, -m and pi.ue land interspersed withOak ami Hickory. \is-v.a errner one acre lot opposite the hotel in ‘"raw ford. For terms and particulars apply to Messrs. C. 8. llarri- m k Cos., Columbus, Ga. JO—w Itwtt C. A. CLOU] A FINE ” PLANTATIONFOR SALE. ‘T'HE undersigned offers*his plan* at ion f>r *a!e, on Mar.hi* l J Creek, two aid a half min be n?. Kr.on and four miles from tiie Girard Railroad, containing 10-10 acre*. 500 open, too of which is ireh land : between 350 and 400 acres of hammock land, level, the balance rich upland as and v. ill produce from lend to 1500 His of co ion per acre. The improvement- >:■ excellent: Framed Dwelling House, four .'ood room?, tinck chimney? : large framed Giri-hou-e; m-w Cotton .screw. ; nd n re new Nesro i thins : good water, spring and well, healthy, and in an excellent neighborhood. WilEcm J. Coh man, < n ihe place, will .-how the plantation to purchasers. For terms address me at Columbus, G; . IdA fcIRLV A. THORNTON. Columbus, Autos: 3. 1853—twim. FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT; ALSO CARPETS, FURMTI RE, Ac. APPLY TO C. 3. HARR ISOM CO. Columbus, May li —twtf For Sale. A small farm about one and ;t half mile* from Cohim* bus. It contain* 150 or I6u acres ot land : about a third of v. hic’i is cleared, and in suitable condition for cul’.ivr. .-i tion. The remaining portion is well timbered with pine. It is a desirable location for any pers •... v idling a small farm or summer residence in the vicinity of the city. Apply to EJohimhits. March ft—twtf F. T. TAYI.OU. For Sale. .jp. .MV plantation lying on the chattahoochee river in Russel cottnly, Ala., twenty miles below Col a minis. ua., t'mrU containing about two thousand live hundred e.r< * in a . body. Also, two drtactud pirn c-'. o.niainbg about eight hundred acres, whtc-h will be sold with the main body or separate. The plantation is well seft’ed and healthy, and :m productive and fertile as any oh the river, and fre*? from freshets. Persons wishiug to examine M e plantation will apply to M* srs. T. B. &. < rowel!, or G. W. Koith. (the overseer) at <s wichee, Ala., or Jos 15. Mil’,in Columbus, Ga.. ho will furnish all necessary information in my absence. JOHN C YNTEY, August 2—wtf Camden, H. C. For Sale. ■J'-ifr .MV Plantation on the Glennville, (Ala.,) road, s ten miles trout Columbus, containing 3in acres„about ltd of which U cleared and in a fine state of cultivation. 3he improvements area frame dwelling with four rooms, kitchen, cribs and stable? comenientiy arranged. The place has an abundant supply ol excellent sprintr water, Is con venient to churches, schools and market, is very healthy and in an excellent neighborhood—persons wishing tv. purchase can obtain any desired information by calling on Mr. Whitten, on tin? premiss, or the subscriber ir Cnhttnbu* C. F. COLEM AN . Columbus, June 21—wiitn. South Cowika Plantation For Sale. ,T§jpk THE subscriber Imvinsr determined to remove. West, offers for sale bis plantation, coutainm i seven hundred and seventy-five acres.about one imlfcleared and under .. >*— good fences, situated twenty four mile? west of Eufaula, nine miles from Oiaytoij. and twelve miles from the route of the Girard and Mobile Railroad. For terms apply to Mr. Thomas Robinson at Eutauia, or to j the subscriber on the premises. HENRY” H. FIELD. j April 26-—worn 1 LAND FOR SALE. 4/m W ILL bes >ld at public out cry, .m ti.e iirs; To, sday in October next, between the u-tiai hours ot sale, at the c urt home o. futhbert, Randolph coui ty, Ga.. the , -4, plantation lat *'v owned by Bat's Newsoinu deceased, lyin-j on the reab from I'u‘aula, Ala. to Cuthbert, eight miles from the torn or place and seveotv n from the laUtr. Baiti p an- , tali on is situated near the P*?tai:!a and rludchodkee <*re ks and contains about one tbousam! acres, live hundred . 5 v. hich is open with good improvements. Will oe sold in ore body: one half the purchase money to be paid January l. 1851,and the balance Jpnnsry Ist. 1555. The titles are indisputable. i’ersons wishinc to purchase are invited to call ,ud examine ‘ the land for themselves. JAMES F. NF.W?f)M. ]'x*r July s—tos I.AVINI A NEWSOM. RESIDENCE FOR SALS. 1 offer my residence for sale, one n.lie from i the business part of the city, and on<* half mile 2s± from the principal 4/ale and Femai j schools, with f?rty acres of land, of widcli thirty are in the woods and well timbered, ten in lots, in a high state *.’ cuitivali>n. The improvements are all good— a large ‘.\v< story brics dweilhur. with eight rooms, five closets, a pantry, fro;.*.’pm tiro and hack piazza, and out buildit gs. uli iu-.v anil ir- u.d, - well of excellent water in the jam and a good cool spring and a fish pond near the house. This is one of the highest and healthiest locations uc -r the city, and in one of ;he very best neighborhoods on lids side ot the ri.ver. I hose wisiiingto buy proneny a.i.-out this place will only have o see ray place to be pleuaed. There are also a great variety oftrirts aid shrubbery .uid shade trees of every j kind grown’iu ihi- climate. A bargain can be had by calling soon and seeing me, or in my absence* 01. A. K. Ayer or Mr. :1, H. F.pping wiii show and sel'iornte, sc. id. T. AiJ.-TTN, Columbus, Ga.. July id—wtf HOTEL FOR SALE. t j THE subscriber offers or sale h cotnmodi oa and weil finished Hotel, situated on the ea*. side ol vii ■ public square, in the town ot Buena Vista, Ga., and t' ’ own as the “G L‘.)BE HOTEL.” It is furnished with nil nectrss c nvenience?, and has pertaining to it, a kitchen, house.stable, lot, &c., al! in good repair. The house is eat* ■ tttly situated, and is favored with a liberal share a large and jeauUful town. Its scho<>ls,and varied merchantile | and mechanic Interests, insure ite-perinsnoncy and rapid growth, i No one need feardepreciation in property for many years. Persons wishing to purchase such property, would do well u> cull and examine. Seasonable titae /ill be allowed for payment. For trams apply to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS. or to H I/:I. JAMS & OJ.IVER , March s—hwtf Buena Vista. Jt/an.ui co. Ga. PL AN T A TIO N FO R SALE, IN THE VALLEY OF TALBOT COUNTY, GA THE subscriber having determined to remove wesi, offers for sale his plantation, containing five hundred §fjjjsifb% acres, a *oai one half cleared and uadet good lence.- . One -an.lrcd acre* bottom land, tolerably good dwell* It-i aad out houses, new gin and screw. Persons wishing to purchase a good f stria v. iil find it to their inierevt to C iil t- J examine the ..semises. Come. I am deter* mined u> eui. Terms easy. JAMLs M. STAMPER. Q lito, T&ibnt co., Ga., July 3 — w6: \ALF\BLE IMPROVED LAND FOR SALE ITT LOWNDE3 COUNTY. Til K UNDERSIGNED net •ij his place, fear ntdts from ‘he Brunswick and Railroad. -deb is now buiiiliiig. in ibis body of end u.ere ere about acre* doe lisimmork and jt'ue land —230 cleared, it is well watered, and tertil.. A great b rga>n can be bad. Come and view it. My address is Snaro r .store Post < ffiice, <ia. Jane 2J, 131>3. wlOt D. B. GRAHAM. FOR SALE OR RENT. * . The house and lot v>hrd an i --coupled by hst t n- ‘ ‘Hgnd o i Jack? ‘i stre-ei. in nils city, t’.-nla y nig Sr.gsj on ° &cr i well improve*!, with all the nece- ary hrjiid ii-.gj, &c. T-rms rtavn.-.b'e. Columbia-, 4 a!y 15, !-53—w a. wG‘. P. MtLARJA’. Now i> the time to bm-s in your Old Hags ! \N D gt-. fmr cents *er powi fir o - >t < :_s vn , n , w’' /i rs ,\ brought in (quantities of one huudnd pounds <* r n |bJ e Air *. Bagging, wanted, *or >’ - C prices w.l 0 e giv*n. deliv ered at either Rock Island E acton or the Rajt ,v ere aM . ieol( . uat<L corner -f Randolph -4 . >-,eU*orr>e e * “* e 0 (1 ( h.j-.. June 14-wtf =.B ■ , VRTIS, Acer.;. ‘ KING A WINNEMORE COM MSSS IO N M £ RCH AN TS, W9ILE. ALABAMA. D*c, 20,1549 [iSlvbl+ib , 1 & tl TR ATFT.TTTO. MUSCOGEE “RAIL ROAdUo. CIIA yG E OF SCHEDULE. On and utter the tCth hist, the Pnssentfer Train will leave ana run by schedule daily until further no'ice: Leave f‘>ltimbua atß \. M.; Arri ve at Macon 330 P. M. 1 erave Macon a: 6 30 A. M.; Arrive at GHumtius St to i. M. E. F. RICKER. Sofierintendent. Columbus. May 14. 1853 HARNfiHN’S RXPHESS. OFFICIi. ON RANDOLPH Street. \4 r F r spectfuiiy beg !<-nve t * in.orm the citizens ol Golumbu* v v and its vicinity. Uiat we ha\cunciuded our nrnmgensei.t-* wi h the Ventral Haiirond Ranking C'<..ap:.-:y, and are now run ning mers*ngersdsiiy front Macon to Savannah. forward ng g.-oils daily over the Musc-.veee and South- Western Kaih<- i :•* I'ort Valle.-, s and V <v.n. thence to Millcsigeviile Savai nah an all intermediate places. Also, to Mun'gotnery, Ala. W;■ v. a>id *.y, that our Tx pre—es by the steamers Jo New York i Philadelphia eru’hle us to forward every description ,-f uterchaii>iis< and vnT.iableo. Vote*. Drafts, sr.d Rills o every tow u r the Northern and F.asiern N‘a r *-s : also, to f adfomia and F.urope. Oiric; < A.n \• *sts — Itando i h *ireet, * •>!umbu?, opposiU the u C-erri. r ftoue” printingotFice : A. Kl's At Son. Mac-m ; Mr. Komirick, Fort V !i. ; it. .m, ‘glethorpe: 153 Bay stroC, Savanna'); 71 Broadway, .N'-vv York; M and 47 Fouth- Thirrl. Pbilavlelpii-a ; scmrt i-'r.-et, Post n ; Evcbange street, Providence; M >nu men street, >anFrancisco. I.!YINt.’ST’ VN. WIN* TIEST-'U U CO Columbus. April 13—tw&w UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. New York aud lavannah Steamships. I’MMKR A Hit AIK 3IKI JiT.-Unys of leading fra* k 1 vaunoli tor New Voik: liieAuku- a, t apt. Lyot*, on Wednesday, June 8 *• hjorid)., *• Wood hull, cm Saiurtlß}. “ II li Alabama, ** Ludlow, on “amrelay, “ l H “ Augusta, “ l.von. on Saturday, “ 25 “ I iorida, “ Wooilhull, ri Saturday. July 2 “ Augusta, ■* l.yvti, on Raturduy, “ 8 *• Fior.dc, “ Wr.fH.ihuU, on .TAur.laV. “ 16 Alabama, “ Ludlow, on \\ed:u-day, “ 2H “ Augusta, “ Lynn, on Saturday, “ 23 ** Florida, “ AY oodhull. on Sa urray, ** 30 Alabama, “ l.n.bow, on Wednesday, Aug. 3 “ Augusta, “ Lyon, on Fatu day, ** 6 *• Florida, 1,1 YVoodhull, on Ran t day, u 13 *• Alabama, ** J ttdlow, on Wtdnesaay, 17 •* .Augusta. l.von. on Saturday, “ 20 •• Florida, • t VV'oodhuli, uii Saturday. “ 27 ** Mabnrna, *• l.udlow, on Wednesday, “ 31 “ Augusta, •• Lyon, on Saturday, t?ept. 3 “ Florida. “ Y\'oodhull. on Saturday, ” lb u Alabama, “ Ludlow, on Wetlnesday, ** 14 These sit ip* are the largest on the coa*:. ur.Mirpi; .•?■<• hi speed, safety or comfort —inaking their pansi.ces in 50 to tilt hours, t*d are cominnnded •>’ *?:illfi:l, careful rnd poliie ortieer*. They rfer a most desirable conveyance :•> New York. Onthoconi pietion *i> the .v,lanta in ’.i.e autumn, this line will be sseaii- Wevkij—sailing each Wediv and Fnturdny. U.ibin Passage 125 V \DKLFuRD. FAY t*. GO.. Agents iu Savannah. SAM’L L. MITU'HII.I , June £ >• i*t 7 Broadway, New Vortt. FA R E REDU 0E D. FOR PHILADELPHIA. UNi TED S'IA TE S MA I L LINE. Philadelphia vN Savannah Steam Navigation Company - •, THE new and splendid sidt-v.heel Fttam-bip STATE OF GEORGIA, twelve hundred tens register, Gapt. WALTER COLLINS, will leave Navanns h as tbllows: Wednesday, July 27 W Aujt 10. “ ‘ Aug2l ” Sept 7. ” Sept l f J ** Oct 5. This shin iv.-< te-t-ii buiit with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort the and her accommodations are un surpassed by ai-y *>n the coa tt. Anew sto tn:*hip n- • b“ ‘din*, in respect -.qual to the Siate of Georg'::, will *her pine- -<• the tine during the month ofJonei and wi i, with th* State-.nGeoivet, make a week ly line, leaving otwh por- on Cabin pa*ace from Sava'nah to Phibulelphia #5.1) Steerage “ “ ** Phi'*, deinhiu H V. \. LAMAR. \gent in Savannah* HERON K .MAPIIN. May 21—if ‘ rents in Philadelphia M CLEAR THE TRACK l” . THE subscribers have this day put in operation two splendid . f 4 FOI i, lICIIES, and aixt< en <i the b. *t horse- ha: the country can produce, to ply between the I'orsyih Depot and “n Indian Sprints : aud having engaged Mr. C. M. Di ker- .n • ::d Mr Francis Geimo, <ld and experienced r. insmeti, pionge? thems iv s t*> convey the traveling pubife to and from it.- two points in a safer and better style, and quicker time, than ever ‘ r ore a- r.e at th.a place. We aJo have family omnibu-es, slway. In readiness. Visitors, and tomSlies particularly, wid find it greatly to their comfort and interest to call for our couches. We meet both .he day and nigh* trains o. cars. V. .1. * C. L. VARNER. Indian Spring?. June 24—w&twl > \ug United Htales Mail Line, THROUGH IN A DAY EACH WAY, From Columbus, Ga.. to Chunnenuggee, Ala., sand you may go to Savannah the next day, fr* ni Columbus,; via I.Hmiugton, Port, Tehee, Creek .■stand, IJeri.arnio, Kwm, and s'ewart’s Mllu. This Hue intersects at Ohnnnftnutrgee the one to Montgomery via Cotrou Valley. Tusfcegeo and Chchaw, also the one leading in Use direction ol ruliuhsosee, Fia., via Five Points, .Mount An* drew. Ci;iyto!i and I ufaula, Ma. I will s“ -J forward -pa ’-•••uger.* or freight from f hunnenuegee to nnv of ths following places; Union Pprinus, Abe noil, •Arbur* vi sc/Peroie, Miss mri, Bug Hall, Ldrefi. Id,Troy, and Kidgely. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, fiiuisday and Saturday at A A. M, arrive at Chunnenuggee same days, at 0 p.m. Leave Chunnenuggee Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 a. in.; arrive at Columbus same (lavs at 0 p. m. MyW*-I*tr APPI.KTOS HAYf.nh. Contractor. VERNOY & ECTOR’S OMNJBUS LINE. Fare —In Proportion to the Distance. Hj_PiWE return our Inanks to the traveling public 4J4U. ,ai, i'i the citizens generally, for their liberal j.:--- ronaee, and wouid inform thitn itisit uiir splendid nc-w OA/.v I BCSSKS, with FI.YE TK.JMS and carelul CJ IVERS, will continue to run for the accommodation of the citizens and per son* stopping at the Public Ih use-:. Calls lei: at the Hoteis or at our stable, strictly attended to. Columbus, Marcli !■!—w&twly JAMES KOUSSEAU” I *'CEPS a line asr>rtment of Groceries on hand, for &k? <>n iV n terms, consisting ol 100 Bb!e. Flour: 75 Seek? Rio Cos tree ; 100 Boxes Tobacco—Assorted Qualities; 25, f JOO Cigars—Assorted Brands ; 10 Bids. New Eugiand Rum ; 10 Bbls. Common Gin ; 25 Jars SouC; 75 Casks Bacon, 10 Hgds. N. O. Sugar. 100 Barrels Whiskey. 250 < ‘oils Kentucky Rope. 50 Buies India Bagging. 1500 Sacks Salt. Also,tine Brandies and Wines of different qualities. Atto, many oth- r articles Uni utimen-u* to mention. Tho?- ! wishing to purchase, wii* please give ban a call. i Star : W :-*t - ide Br >ad P're- , : c- r- above Rank’ * ) Ckirner. < vU'iTr.hns. .Inn. 11. Ir. . I NOTICE iO !MILLINERS 4Q BESS-MAILERS I SELLING- OUT AT COST!! MR a. LOVE, owing to ill hetihh in !>.r family, intends having this piace, and will sell t mu: her s;*ck of gtn.-.!*, which compriics all the 1 attic ei r.-sualiy kept if nn evuiblishroeat of that k: and. in good crier and of ibe latest styl.. wahg • ,and will hu‘.ae; j Her tw,r U :;t the beet locality the city for busings ; hand* ; scmely nted up with shelves at: 1 ehnw cacs. T<> a competent hand ,V. l..has n htsitM'on m it: a chance. Being asmu two year? ai dl■* * ;hcr •Jbbner in the plact- with i.’urfgrit.g and ia*b>. Pos-e*i<v t given in>rz&.?.y ,-!y * rent moderate. Early tpj>:ict:!>E! Julyws; Broad Street, K-sue, G.