The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, August 12, 1853, Image 4

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INSURANCE. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. THIS Company has returned i;i stork Pixty per cent. ol premiums in the last two yearn. The BUOMiriber has the scrip Twonty-hYe percent. ior the last twelve morn ha and a dividend ot 6 percent cash on the stock issmdinr l-’O*. in surers iu this office will bring the rrtock M'fip ot iß.r-anJ receu *. their dividends—Urey cau at liie same time receive their scrip lor IK>3. , . ssgMWtgft al, “ ’■"rny .^t. CALIFORNIA Hi! $ B R: A N C I BY THE KENTUCKY MUTIAL ml*w INStR AN CE COM PA NY. Apply to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga BOSWELL &, BILLING, July &—v/&twly Aledtca! Examiners. AGENCY OP THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF A EW YORK H. H. EPPING, Agent for Colurabu„, Ga. DR* aOSWELI.IL BlLLlNG'Medical Examiner*. PutnphSete containing tables of Kates and ether information may be obtained by application at thy office of the Agents. Culumus, Nov ‘23—tw&wly MEDICAL NOTICES. DRUGS,"MEDICINES/ PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, DR. R. A. W ARE, n IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha GSf ever been i et'ore olFered in this market. Ail wishing y% to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRANDY, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, lor Medical purposes, to be had at R. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS— Lubins and Bazins assorted varieties, for sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE.—Very best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEJARS AND CHOICE CHEVYING TO BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and for sale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 6 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2. 1853-w&twly DR S. B. LAW, H Allocated himself in Columbus, Ga.,intending to pur* 4GX4sue the practice oi bis profession. LH Hia office ison Jackson street, opposite and directly East GBk of the JPethodiat Church, the one formerly occupied by Dr Holt, where he may bciotind at all turn s, unless absent proles sionaily. Columbu.-, June 1, 1853—twtf MEDICAL CARD. DR. N. H, WIGGINS, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Co lumbus and vicinity. JUrK"Office at Dr. Young’s Drug Store. Columbus, Julv2—w&twt’ DR. F. C. ELLISON, ,i HAVING recently completed his Medical Education In sj£#Die Parisian Hospitals, where he devoted especial attention LB to SURGERY* nw offers his professional services 4Jfctothecitiz.-i.3oi i o umbus and vicinity. uuice East aide Broad street, over the Hock Island Factory Agency. Columbus. June I—v.&.iw3m Mexican Mustang Liniment. THIS invaluable preparation Las been bat- a few months before the people of the South, jet many thousands of bottles have been sold and used in 3 great variety of :>ifefcAsns, and it has given universal satisl'act on. We u vo heard of none that were dissatisfied with it. We oiler it as a remedy in the various diseases aiid com plaints tor which it is recommended, with full confidence in curing them, as over lour millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both o! men and animals, and it has always given satisfaction, be cause it hits performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty. ESP A chiid in Frederiekton, N. rh, a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. Tic’ mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the child induced the mother to lemovethe bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton wool had taken fire by spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the abe of the burn. The mother happened to think that she had part of a bottie of Mustang Liniment in her house, which she got immediately and appiied to the burned limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, the chitd ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its mother’s arms, by the soothing influence of t = s valuable preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has beeu used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for curing Galls, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and it has proved very!. Many ot their men have also used it <u themselves and then tatnilies, and they all speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest terms. One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised on his Knee—..s usual, the Musiutig Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness w;is soon re moved, and it wss perfectly well in three or four days.— W e have no hesitation iu recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used external!v on man or beast. _ ‘ J DUNN, Foreman of Adams its Co.’s Express Stable, iV. Y. Rheumatism.— i'lns is to certify mat my woe was a<- tiicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she liad suffered for months with the most excruciating pains ; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None ot them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fitly cem bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured tier entirely; she is now perfectly weli, and recommends ail of her mends to use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed? James L. Oliver. fcavanuah, Georgia, January Ist, 1N53. Fnnjipal Oifiees, 304 Broad wav, New* York, and Si. Louis, Missouri. a , , A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors. ,n Golumhus, Ga., be GESN ER &PK \ BODY February 5. 1833-- tw&w 1 y AC* * £ H AND COMMISSION BUSINES S. street, nearly opposite .Mr. Jambs Kivlis* 3 i?n f*r tin purpose of carrying on the above business, and weirirti be h ipp> Kr them to give hies a call. He prcuosej doior the WC •ON AJCU COMMISSION B US/NI.SS iu the usual wav xEb a <1 £|<kv attend to the s- iling ano hiring ct Negroes lor may entrust him with their patronage. JOHn"q*?ls Consignments of Merchandize carefully aitended t* Oef<vber -h>. I<S w *twlv J 'enal l*. M LUMPKIN HOTEL, LUMPKIN, Ga., , THt “COLUMBIAN HALL,” opfOorT. ■gZ.tfXXSZ?"’' 1 ™ “• eopiSf c-nJ* o*"* 0 *"* <> prem'ses will b< bo opefied for .*£„ nejtu * h€D - h * Hotel w: - SSS£i r tb ß%t k I THE ROAD TO HEALTH. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD digestion. . Copy ota letter from Mr R. vv . iviikus, cnewiu-t, i Fresco, rtieet, Liverpool, dated 6iii June, lbbi. To Professor Holloway : ...... *q r —Your piJisancl uin men: have stood Uie highest on our listol Proprietary feedicii.e; tor tome years. A customer, to whom I can lor anj enquiries, uesires u.e to Jet you Know lire particulaisoi her case, she nad been tioubhd ior )eais wiih a disorderi and liver anu bad digestion. On the last occasion, however, o! the at'.acK was so ala, aid the seiin so severely, that doubts were ei te.taii.ed of her iiot Deiiiu übiu to bcurup under it fortunately she was in- Uuced to try your Pills,and she inlorms me that after the firsi, and each succeeding dose, had great relict. She continued to take them, and although she used only three boxes she is now in the enjoyment of perteci health. 1 could have sent you many more cases, but the ah- ve, from the severity of the attack, and the .sneedy cure, 1 tnink speaks much in favor ot your astonish ing Pills. Signed VV. R. KIKKUS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC ! FEVER IN VAN DIEM AN’S LAND. Copy ofletter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, of the i 1 t March, 1851. by Major l- Walch. j M; rgaret MeCouuigan, nineteen years of age, residing at New ; Town, bad been suffering trom a violent rheun atic fever for up wards oi two months, which had entirely deprived her of the use ot her limbs: during this period site was under ti e care of tiie in st eminent xntdic'd men in Hoi art Town, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A frienc prevailed ...j on her to try Holloway’s celebrateu Ptiis, wh ch she consulted to do, and in an incredible short space ol time they effected a perfect cure. Cure of a pain and tightness in the Chest and Stomach ot a person Si years of age. From Messrs. Thaw &,Son, Propiietors of the Lynn Ad vertiser, who can vouch for lh following statement. Aiigtnt2d, 1851. To Professor Holloway: Fir : 1 desire to bear testimony to the good effect of Holloway’s Pi,ls. i-or some years I have suffered severely irom a pain and tightness in the stomach, which was also accompanied by a short ness ot breat:., that prevented me Irotn walking about. lam 84 ysaisof age, and notwithstanding my advanced stale o lile, these Pills have so relieved me, that lam desirous that others should he made acquainted with their virtues, i am now ren dered, by tiieir men s. comparatively active, and can take exer cis. without inconvenience oi pain, which I could not do belore. (signed) HENRY COE, North-street Lyuti, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints : Ague, asthma. Bilious complaints, i lotcheson the Skin, Bow el complaints,’ olics, ( onslipation oi the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female 1 1 regularities, Fevers ot :i!i k nds, 1 its, Gout v Headache,indigestion, inflaninra lion, jaundice, liver complaints, lumbago, piles, rheumatism, retention o! urine, scrofuld. or king’s evii. sore throats, stone and gravel, secondary symptoms, tic douloureux, ulcers, venera! af fections. worms of a.l kinds, weakness from whatever cause, &<: Sold at the Establishment of Prolessor Holloway, ”14 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London) and by all respec able druggists and dealers in medicines throughout the British 1 mpire, a dol those of the United Ftates, in boxes at 37>sc. 87, and Si 50 each.— Wholesale by the principal drug nouse in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. &. D. Funds, New York. There is considerab e saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B. —Directions for the guidance o! parents in eveiy disorder are affixed lo each box. For e&le in Columbus, by GESNKR & PEABODY, WM. VV. LINCOLN, May 17-tw 11&.w 1 teowy Savannah, Ga* CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. The Great Purifier of the Blood! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. VN infallible remedy ior Feroluia, King’s Evil. Rheumatism Obstii ale t utaiieous Emotions. Fin pies or Pustu e? on the Face, B.otches, Boils, Chronic sore ties. Ring Y\ orm or ’Setter, Scald Head, Enlarged eat and Pain ol the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulci rs, Syphilitic Disoultrs, Lumbago. Spinal Com plaints, and all diseases arising front in it judicious use ot Mer cury, Imprudence in Lite, or Impurity ol the Bn od. This valuable medicine, wi.icti 1 as bee me celebrated ior the number ol extraordinary cures effected its agency, has i induced the proprietor?, at she urgent rtquest of their iriends, to j offer it to the public, which th* y do with the utnn st confidence in its virtues and wond r:ul curative propel ties. The following ceitiflcaies, selected hem a large number, are, howeve r. sir nger testimony than the me:e word ol th proprielers; at and are all Irotn gentlemen w ell known in their localitiis, and ol the highest respectability, mat.) ot them tow K3!dii.g in the city ot Rich mow , Virginia. F. Bovdsn, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel. Richrt find, known every where, says he has seen the mcdicii.ecalled Carter’s Fpsn toil Mixture adiniiiiattrtd in over a hundred casts, in nearly all the diseases ior which it is recommended, with the most aston- ; ishingly good results. He says it ns the most extraordinary med- 1 icine he has ever seen. AauE am* Fkveu—Great Curb — l hereby cert fv, that for three y ears l had Ague and Fever ol the most violent description. 1 had several i hygiciuns, took large quantities ot Quinit e, Mer cury, and 1 believe all the Tonics advertised, but ail without any permanent relief. At i.-st i tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two botties o* which effectua ly cur*d me. and lam happy to say i have had neither chilis tor levers I cctisioer it the best j Tonic in the world, and the only medicine ih.ut ever reached my ! case. Beaver Dam, near Richmond. Va. John i ongden. ( B. Li ck, Esq., now in the city o! Richmond, and tor many j in the P>>Bi Office: hug such confidence in the astonishing j efficacy of Carter’s -putnah Mixture, that he baa bought upwards j of 50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. i Luck says be has never known it to tail when taken according ; to directions. Dr. Minge, a practising physician, and formerly of the City j //otel in the city ot Richmond, says be has wins ssed in a num- i ber of instances the effects ol Carle.' 5 s Spanish Mixture whicti * were most tru y sir prising. He says in a case of consumption I dependent on tne ii\ er. the good 1 3< els wi re wonder'ul indeed. | Famous. M. 1 rinkkr, of the firm ot Drinker & Morris, Rich mood, was cured ot Liv< r complaint ol 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles <t Caret’s Spanish Mixture. Great curb of Hcrofit a.—The editors ol the Richmond Re publican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Fcrofula, combined with Rh umaiism, which entirely di aided him from work. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mix ture made a periect cure *f him,and the editors, in a public no tice say they ‘ cheerfully recommend .1 to alt who arc afflicted with any disease ot the blood.” F-m.L another citre of FcßorrLA. —i had a very valuable hoy cured ol Fcroiuia by Carter’s Fj aidsh Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. James M. Taylor, conductor on the K. F. <A P. R. R. Cos., Richmond, Va. Fact Mcch of -o years standing Ccrep—Mr John homp -80i: res ding in the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Car er’s Spanish Mixture, of -alt Rheum, which he bad nearly -JO years, and w bich all the physicians of the city couid n<t cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in thecityol Richmond, ! and his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, o; Richmond. Va , had a servant ( ured ol Syphinis in the worst form, by Garter’s t pali sh Mi ture. lie say bo cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Ku H'K” F,. West, of Richmond, was cured of Ferofula. and wt at physicians called confirmed consumption, by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. F.d win Burton, Com mi-sioner of Revenue, says he ha seen the srn and effects ofCarter’s Spani-h Mixture in a number ol Fy phi i ic ca-es, and says it is a perfect cure forthathor ible disease. Wm.lj. H aßwhop, of Richmond, Va., cured ol Old Foresand Ulcers wHch disabbu him Iron, walking Took a few bottles oi Car er’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk w ithout a crutch, in a short time permanently curui. Princi. al Depots at M. V\ ard,Close &. Cos.. No. 83 Maiden Lent New York. T. YV. Dyott ct Sons, No. 132, North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bennett &. Beers, No 125 Maine street, Richmond, Va. And lor sale bv THOS. M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga GESNER & PEABODY, i DAN FORTH & NAGEL. Columbus, Ga 1 by and country marohanta every vt itere. Piiee Si ; dx bottles for S5. ’23—w&twlv Mexican Mustang Liniment. a tVe v \ prices. We have just received a large invoice \ ,- n , , w iv.> exceileni ruedisine,-to be sr.hi et the meuufao- Oetl at the Bi UE DU VC STORE. March )i - * 9 ** n V ’ CA * JV, V ro ,1 ,\ */ U AJ ’# !of| I- . I *s+*ssß* * N >|lY. v tu-OV.I; \ O.J-W 1% j \i£ z-A V/k&Sk C HERRY PECTOR AL For file rnjifid Cn re of tortus, coi.ns. hoarseness. 8110M ’ IIITIS. W UOOPIN fi-COUCII, CROUP. ASTHMA, AM) CONSUMPTION. of all the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them val uable) for the cure oi pulmonary complaints, nothing has ever been found which could compare in its effects with thiuprepara lion. Others cure sotnetinn e, but at all times and in all diseases ot the iuiigs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will doit. It is pleasant t<> take, and perfectly sale in accordance with the directions. We do not advertise for the information of those who have tried it but those who have not. Families thathuve know n i's vs: ue will not be without it, aid by its time ly use, thy are secure Irom ihe dangerous consequences oi Coughs and Colds which neglected, rpen into fa'al consumption. The Diploma of the MafsaehU3etia Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in -Septet! bt-r !fA7 ; also, the” medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this coun try; also the Diploma of the Ojii> Institute at Cincinnati, has been given to the Cherry Pectoral, by their Covert meat in con sideration ol its extraordinary excellence and usefulness in cur ing affections ot the lungs and throat. Read the following opinion founded on the long experience of the eminent Physician of the port and city of St. Johns, May 8, 1351. Dr. J.C. Ayer: Five year’s trial of your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, has oroven w hat 1 toresaw tr* m its composition, mis’ be true, that it (radicates and cures the colds and c ugnsto which we, in this section, are peculiarly iiabie. 1 think its equal haa not yt-t been discovered, nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for the distempers of the throat and lungs. J. J. Burton, M. D., F. R. F. See what ii has done on a wasted constitution, not only in the following, but a thousand more: Sudbury, J.n. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer : in the month of July last I was attacked by a violent diarrhoea i the of California. 1 returned to >an Francis co in hope of recei v iny benefit i- om a change of climate and My diarrhoea ceased, but was followed by a severe cough—and much soreness. I finally started lor home, but received no bene fit Irom the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, a 1 and when I arrivid in ? ew Y’ork, 1 was at once marked by my ac quaintances as a victim o consumption. I must confess that I saw no sufficient reason so doubt what my friends all believed. Atthistime I commenced taking your trufy invaluable medicine with little expectation of deriving any benefit Irom ita use You would not receive these lines did 1 not regard it my duty to state lo the afflicted, through you, that my health, in the space ot eight months, i* fudy restored ) attr.bute it to the use of your Cher ry Pectoral. Yours truly, William W, Smith. Washington. Pa., April 12,1348. Dear sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a premature grave, through your instrumentality by the providence of God, 1 will take the liberty to express t* you my gra itude. A cough and ihe alarming sympt ms of consumption had re duced me too low to leav*- me anythii g like hope, when mj physician brought me a beltle of your “Pectoral.” It seemed to afford immediate relief, and now “in a few weeks time has restor ed me to sound health. if it will do for ot hers what it has done lorme, sou e e certainly one. of the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, l am, very respectfully yours. John .1. Clarke. Rector of Ft. Peter’s church. With such assurance and rorn such men, no uronger prod can be adduced unh ss it be from its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Columbus, Ga., by ROBFIRT CARTER , and DANFORTII & NAGEL and by aenerally. June 11—w&tw4m. Prof. Alex. (\ Barry’s Trieopherous, OH MEDICATED COMPOUND, For Bcautifyi >g, Carlins, Preserving . Restoring and Strengthening the Ha'r. Believing Diseases of the Hkin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Healing External Wounds. 1) minded by no geographical lilies, the reputation of Barry’s 3 Tricophvrous pervades the Union. The sales of the ar l i cie of late years have inc eased in a ratio that almost exceeds belief. Pro essor Harry, alter a careful examination of bis sales’ book, finds that the number of bottles delivered io order, in quantities of from a half gross upward, during theyiar 83.’. was within a trifle ol 933,11)0. !t is unnecessary to prt sent at length the evidence of the won derful properties ot the Tricophcrous, when the public have lur n'shed such an endorsement as tin's. The cheaj ness ot it e article and the exp .’.nations given ot its chemica action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of snp rficial irritation, sis rect m roended it to the atUntion o> the people. This was all t! at the inventor desired. Every bottle advertised itsel . The effects ot the fluid exceeded expectation. It ao’cd like a charm. ‘Jhe ladies would not be without it. Country deaiears in every sec tion of the United Mans found th y must have it ; and thus was built up a wholesale trade o! an extent hitherto unheard of as regards artic es ol this kind. The highest point lias not yet 1 been read ed. and it is believed the sales this year will- be a million and a half c.l bottles. Depot and Jl/anutacH ry. No. 137 Broadway, New Yoik. Re tail price, L 2h cents a large bottle. Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity Fold by all the principal mer. hants and druggists throughout the Uniter! States and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, (treat Britain, France, &c. and by R, CARTER, Columbus, Ga. August 3, 1853—w.fct vfim. ]7iOR the Growth and Embellishment of the Hair to Prevent ’ its Falling off and turning Gray. Awarded the highest prem iunaa by the States ot New York, Maryland atid Michigan, at their Annual Fairs 01 1851. The Kathairon n< utralizes the effect ©t disease, climate, and old age, ill ‘preserving avd restoring the Human H ir, even at ter a baldness ol twenty years; cleanses the scalp from and Dandruff; will cure the Nervous Headache, Etead. Erysipelas. Diseases ol the rffin,&c.and ;a the ostdesirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s use in the world. Its perfumeequal* Lubtst’s choicest Extracts, and being free bom all offensive oil. or coining properties, it givt s the Hair that golden, br.ght, soli, lively appearance, secured by no other prepnation. The use ol the Kathairon is adopted bj ihe beat physicians iii Europe and America, and has a patronage and Rale unprecedent ed m the history oftt.e materia me.d.ica . But words are su.ertLi ous. a irial only can attest tis real virtue, as rnilii. n.s certify.- To be had throughout North and Fouih America, Europe ami the lslandsof the Ocean, ia lartre bottles, lor 25 cents. i?oki in Columbus by- DR. R. A. WARE, GESNER <L PEABODY. ROBERT CARTER; E. Thomas Lyon, 161 Broadway, N. Y. LYON’S F.XTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER . NOTHING need be said to command the attention cfthe pub lie to this article, when convinced that it is PURE and una alliterated. edical men, or thus seeking a harmless heverag. to destioy the unwholesome e fectsot brackish and turbid watci cat. rely upon its genuine character, and it ts also extensively used trrculinary purposes, in flavoring cakes, preserves, &e Totheafflct.d with Dyspepsia, Srurnmer Complaints, Cholera. Nervous Debi!it\. Fever and Ague. Dizziness, gt neral Pro3t**atiosi. dc. nothing has ever been prescribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. Thomas Lyon, Chemist, 161 Broadway, New York. Inquire for Lyon’s Pure Ginirtr. Sold by repine bi Druggist hioughout the world. GESNER & PEABODY, ROBERT CARTER, DR. R- A. WARE. March 16—tw6m Columbus, G 1 Metallic Burial Cases. THESE cases have been uni versa'iy approved whereve used. They are much superior to ihoe<- oi wood, atn combine within themselves all those qualities so desr*ie tn ■southern Climate. They are composed of several kinds of Metal “ pri&cipau >f Iron. They are thoroughly caameited iuaidc- raid on', ax- • r >UB roau rapervioue toairaiid indestructible, and ca:i be sold at ai>on he rates of covered coffins. The public are to call and examine them for then, selves, and at a gt&L ‘ they will seethe great advantage of lh> rticle over any other ever offered to the public, fv,l.imhne PVh iW ci-m Sm si \ \*'ll’ *■ Pftnvp For Sale. V Philosophical wd Chemical Apparatus, wtd be sold be tot* Boston prices. For rorticcJjWs, apply at this office. yolumbvts, sms as sum emus. i\o. 125 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, HAg NOW ON HAND A FULL AND WKLL SSLt.CTED STOCK OF SHIM A\l) MNHIR CL6Tlili\(i! To which he invites the attention of the public Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine for themselves. Every article usually kept in a ‘’CLOTHING STOKE’ 7 will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, April 20—w&twtf No. 125 West side Broad Street, smg in stun asms GDSST&Si 9 ! U Clothier and Merchant Tailor, {ISEXT DOOR TO HILL AND DAWSONS ,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. J S vow PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST 1 SPUING A Nil SUMMER Styles of Clothing., Furnishing Goods, rg mxj9L.rMrmm 9 Szc: 3. fig* gggyffi ALSO— SiSBiriBIISS3 # SAiEIPIf ©A©S Wi\lL3Bi§B & SPffillsMllLtLAgoA CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the latest importations, of French and English s-yies manufactured to order and warranted, under the direction of pbr. -at. urn whewi'lbe p>e spd t 0 accommodate hia friends ana all others that may call, with such garments a. cannot fail to please. „ Columbus, Oct 9. 1*52. tw&wtT MEB SA AT TA I 1.0 It. ONE DOOR. BELOW Gb>NER & PEAEOUYV* DRUG fcIORK ©&©&© MOJLEE&tLg* —HAS JUST RECEIVED A COM! LETS STOCK OF— ratLL i&KJ® MOKjTI® (£:®©®©s, to Which he solicits the attention of the public. is stock comprises some of the most beautiful sly lea of Clctlaa, ft-srel, blaeU anJ fancy Proitch amtd € j Uk Iff J an ,i fancy SI lit Velvet Vestings of oil aSiades and colors, w ... ,u Ti who may favor him with aca I, will not be in vain. Me ia only desirous to have a ta.r and impartial trial bti - • ESa-Ua.. R EJi D Y-JU. HD E € LO'l 111 AG , 1e , ateßt styles, and of superior quality, in a wot dhe has everythin- suitable to a gentleman’* toilet relates, t.yiea. gjr Call and examine, as he ia determined to give cheaj bargams.^j Oblumhua Oct 8 —twtf ... liOui nut m smh i( m mm tm am 102, BKOAD STIIEET. HAVE just received and offer ibr sale, a good variety oi Stable and Fu.i} Hanoi ery, Domestic and Foreign \\ ritmg Pa] ir. Foreign Writi! ? Phlpis, De la I-wr’t, Joyriton f, • Blark Cards in pi eVa, oi the 1 t?t qvaliti?B. V i-t ■ th<celebrated Victoria Mill?, anu ‘fie t es-t Preach .. amdac* ar£ j e-iicr I iswii o | j,j *i oi all t.ita \t- o tured Packet, Letter, Cap, Bath and Note. . £ ea ]ii g Y\ ax, ltd, i lat k, as-M rh and < oicit m and lai; >. AmericHii Parers -Blue at d\\ hite, Laid ard Wove, i Ladits’ luiuul.* aid tthltk oi i.* hj kt, lonl •* Packet Pc*K Con nwrcial t o?!, 1 Con.meiciai Note Fauen-Mai.ulaituud ty | Pater. Si k lajer, lend 1 1: cilf of 1a! er, 1 Iti-rH, res Owen & Huribuit, Planner & Smith ; also, vanons*Jt ds ; otj ei n fcke, iat v-.t-nn on aid I nt< 1 I < eur-. g of our own manufacture, includir g -Hat Cap and Medan*. , oldotui uh C !>n g h .£* Blue,Cream Laid, Wove,Damask,Mou! mug, Adheeive, li.* fctai cB, 1i da. J ilin nd i n. * IwM ]’ White and Ooverriment at and Plain Li.velopt? ol all j locket Rnnefe ol V t-rterhoim t, Ittdfceie aid (. uaAc * Pens ol every description both Oold at. d fcttel, alto ;n at ulactnre. , \ a Quill Pen Nibs. i Flat kßf ok? made and ruled to Older ; asfo on tun ,• Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated taps, colored and ! at and constantly n J.kii.g, 1 rintii.g a:.d W taj pit g } apeg plain glass. | all the various kinds. arrangements are such enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, anu a hne ral discount made to cash purchasers, initials stamped on Papet or Envelopes. April 27, 1853— w&tvvtf. B. CUETIS, Agent. RUNAWAYS. Fifty Dollars Reward i.EFT my plantation on- Sunday morning, the i?th o’ mv negro man JF.P. J believe Jep has been de co ed off by some white tnau, or is killed and secret, and ~/jH jj, fj, ls iifiuhborhond, ae there v/aa no cause whatever ioi l*im to runaway at the time t eictt. -XL * I w jjj p a y tne above reward .o have the negro and white man or iu n pul in any sale jail in the Stale to I can gi-tt era with prool sufficient to convict the latter ; or i will nay the above reward ior proof sufficient to convict tho-e who mty have killed the ueurn, provided that he is illed, or ten do:- iars lor the negro alone, riel vered sound auu alive to iue, *. r pul in n y --Ee jail so I can get him. Descrip-ion.* Jep ts about twenty-two years o’d, live feel en ore-even inches hi.h, black c >ttiplexi >u, ral her si m and spare made, will weigh front one hundred and tidy cone hun dred ai.dsixty-five pounds, and hasa sleepy look , utol h s eyes. JAMK-* M. R KNFKUL. HaPoca, Muscogee co.. Ga.. Ai'g 2, B’>3 —w4t $25 Reward. f RAN AWAY from ray plantation, in Raker county,oi. tleffih of .Suite lasi, my ueart* rnau WI l.r ON, l>iri* I'.vu or thirty ttiree ye. rs o. age, v !A u-et high, weiahg l-K) lies., dark coinp-exi<>u, and has a very imeil.g hi Counte iHiice. aid negro was raised in i aibol county, where he lived until abou the Ist ol June lasi, and b tow |>robably in that vicinity. I will irive the above reward tor lis delivery ai atr, .latl where I can get him. •\1 - any, -'uiy wt* tv M. W. CHrFVER. SSO Reward. • RAN AWAY from ray residence, near Glenaita, fla CT. lion county, Gecijria, lasi I'nursday uioruing, a blac? uevro Kir, with full tace and eyssand projecting b>r head, named Ah N, about twenty two year- old ; weight uear one hundred and 11 ty pounds. E*he. speaks slowiy tndia a low tone o* voice. She is probably about t ohimbus. a. I will give lor her apprehension and delivery, or §|st or hex and tbs white vm w|v probably aided in evetipe, Mexcb iOvf A, M. 3HCjpj4£^£> r COPPER AND SHEET IKON, AND r |'*HE subscriber, ever grateful fur past patronage pegs lea’ < :■ 1 inform hia friends and tlie public that he has one ol Die lnr,j ?! tseorimenlß ol Tin Ware and Housekeeping articles ever offi r I m thi2 market; consisting as ollowa: hath Tubs, srhower Faihs, with Brass Valves, Hip Baths do., Sponged Pyramid cake aid •rnamental moulds; Jelly moulds:cctlee Filterers; do.Biggii ?:d’ arge and small Urns; KnifeTravs; do. Washers, anew ar'lr Brooms, Uocoa Dippers; Pie and Dessert plates, all sixer: HW.'.u.'- uia ware, of all kinds; tspiee Boxes; Dreasing (taws, tookia? Stoves of various patterns, v. arreniwl to peril rm n ell. Ail manner ol'Tin or sheet Iron, or Copper or Zinu work, t i at short uotieo*, on the most favorable terras All orders ior Tin put up at short notice, on terras to suit th> times. Having in his employ the best Job workman in this couiuf.’ ail he a?ke is to givehiln a trial. Guttering or Roo3ng done >t short notice, and warranted. Call and see me before engaging or purchasing elsewhere, i arn deiermined to sell and work as low as the west. J. B. HD K>. East gide Broad street, near tin Oolnmhiis, Ga.. May tw. in.Vi wtl VARIETY WORKS. WARE ROOM Broad sfc,. COLUMBCTS, Ga NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF TIMES OFi i< E. T!!E proprietors es this establishment are endeavnrii f ,f> rest the evil of buying at tbs North, by ntatialact:iring_ - •:[ deucription ol building requirements—sm las /“.?A IJj( ! ■ 2 WINDOW KLINDS. sjisH otail eiaes, dressed r'J.fstZ-N PLANK, and other kinds ot L VAtiti A ; H Old FA H of every description; 3 Klj STLAJ’S iron* 64 obto Sib err--’ And more retuarkabie than all, the dtu-sl CO FT.iGL <■ in the world at $1 each. ,(. Please give as a call before purchasing elsewhere, iV-r we wa*'s in a trading hutuor at low prices for cah. l.Jil!-* v $1 c 4) per thousand. , ~ M M. &(S,QOJk s^tv ’ Cbfu.C3.baa Jaij—