The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, August 17, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME Ij £aUsi Ottt. AildiHonal ?*y ihe Africa. BALTIMORE, Aug. 12. Id* U. S. Mail steamship Hermann, arrived si South ampton on the 29th ult. It was rumored at Constantinople that the French members had assured the I’orto that Franco would, single-handed, assist Turkey if England should evince any signs of hesitation in the matter. Advices from Odessa state that additional Russian troops are pouring into Bessarabia and the Crimea.—- Forty thousand men, with one hundred and forty-tour pieces of artillery, are also paid to be advancing towards the Danube. In the South of Germany there are fitrong indications of revolutionary movements. It is r ported that the Chineeo rebels have taken Amoy, and that Canloa and Shanghai are threatened. The tShip John Cnmming, from New Orleans, at Tyliee Roads, with Yellow’ Fever on board. Captain, of the U. S. cutter Hamilton, ar. rived yesterday from a cruise, reports that he assisted to bring into Tybee the American ship John Cam ming, Capt. Haven, from New Orleans, bound to Bordeaux. The ship has yellow fever on board, and Capt. Kaveu had died from that disease, and was buried on Saturday on Tybee Island. During the passage, the only passenger on board had also died from the same disease, and was buried at tea. Three of the crew also died, and two more are sick with yel low fever. The ship ia anchored iu Cockspur Roads, and leaks badly. The John Cumming sailed lrom New Orleans on the 21st of July, with a cargo of 50 bales of ootton, and 119,000 staves. Tho vessel is 721 tons burthen.— Scv. Neioa. Progress of the Yellow Fever at New Orleans. New Orleans, Aug. 13. There wero about 200 deaths from Yellow Fever in New Orleans on Friday. New Orleans Market. New Ob lean's, Aug. 13. Tiventy-fivo hundred bales of cotton were sold du ring tho week in New Orleans. Middling was quoted at 10 3 4 cents. The stock on hand, as ascertained by actual count, was 16,000 bales. The Africa’s advices were received gh Saturday af ternoon. Aid for tli© New Orleans Sufferers. Baltimore, August 14. The contributions at New Yoik for the relief of the distressed at New Orleans, has already reached $20,- 000. At Philadelphia, $9,000, and at Baltimore, $6,- 000 for the same object. The Date Elections. North Carolina. —The following compos© the list of members elect to the next Congress from North Caro lina : Whigs—John Kerr, Zion H. Rogers, S. C. Puryear. Democrats —H. M. Shaw, Thomas Rufiln, W. S. Ashe, B. S. Ctaige. Thomas Ciingrnan, Independent. Puryear loads Boyd 386 vates : Craige leads Os borne, W. t 318 ; Ciingrnan, Ind., leads Gaither, W., 1,000; Shaw leads Outlaw 54; Rogers leads Venable 70. These were all the districts that were contested. Tennessee.—Hon. A. Johnson, Democrat Governor, majority 2,000. Legislature, Whig on joint ballot by acme majority. Congress— Whigs elected, Charles Ready, Gen. Zollicoffer. Democrats, W. M, Church well, G. W. Jones. Alabama. —Winston, Democrat, elected Governor. Congress—Philips, Harris, Houston, Cobb, Smith, and Dowdell, Democrats, and Abercrombie, Ind., are elec ted. Legislature largely Democratic, bat divided bo tween Union and States Rights parties. Two United StatC3 Senators to be chosen. Another Railroad Accident. Charleston, August 12. A most shocking accident occurred to-dsy on the Boston and Providence Railroad, by s collision between tho regular train from Boston, and aa excursion train from Worcester, near Valley Fal’s. Tho shock was terrific —nine dead bodies thus far having been taken from the wreck. The third passenger car was thrown entirely over the second, killing three passengers, who were endeavoring to make their escape through the windows. Those killed were horribly mangled. The number killed ia estimated at thirty, wounding some forty others. The Cfardiner Case. Washington, August 12. The Grand Jury of Washington have found an in dictment against John C. Gardiner for perjury sn the last trial, and held to bail in the cum of $4- ,000. The motion ior a continuance of the former ease was re newed, bat counsel on the part of Government object ed, as the Commisjjiouors are expected to return soon. A continuance of the case was deferred until next week. Arrival Os Steamship Fultoc. Portsmouth, N. 11., August 12. The steamship Fulton, Corn. Paulding, has arrived, bringing important dispatches from the fishing grounds. An American schooner had been captured bv the Brit ish war steamer Devastation, with a view of taking her to Cliariestown, but was subsequently released. Much feeling existed against the British authorities. Philadelphia, August 12. Tho merchants of this city have subscribed the sum of $2,700, which has been presented to the Howard Relief Association at New Orleans. Gottsobalk, the celebrated Pianist, has also liberally tendered hie eer vices to the same object. , Charleston Market. Charleston, August 12. Th sales of Cotter to-day amounted to oniy 300 ** es, Hi prtvw. racing *t from P 1-9 to 11 lfi .nsnt. “THE UNION OF THE STSTESTaNO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EM VING, AUGUST 17, 185a. Latjr from Mexico. i By tne arrivi.l of the steamship Texan, Capi. Place, from Vera Cruz, which place she left on the ! Bih inst, we are in receipt of news from ihe city of ; Mexico to the 3d mst., and from Vera Cruz to the ! 7th inst. j By an order from the President, the remains of the celebrated “guerilla’’ chieftain, Padre Jarauta, are to be exhumed and taken to Guanajuato, to be • there re-interred, and lo have military honors paid ! them, and a monument io be erected over ihem ; i to honor the memory m one who knew now to sa ; crifice himself in defence of his country. They have founded in the seminary*of Morelia, I an academy of Belles letters. The Diario Official notices the appearance in the I capital of Guerrero of anew epidemic, of a very singular nmuie, similar to the yellow fever, which is veiy destructive. It makes its appearance in a varieiy of forms; some of the patients terminate their existence by vomitin'; blood. Many of the ! most respectable inhabitants of Guerrero have died I lrom it. The cholera has entirely ceased in Vera Cruz. | The announcement of the fact is made officially. We have a specimen of sumiaar) justice admin istered in Mexico, v\ hieh would do honor to our own “frontier tribunals.” The murderers of ihe Swiss traveller, at Rio Frio, we e tried by a battalion of soldiers on the 23d, ai Texcoeo. The 24th was a feast day ; the 25th they were sentences, and placed en capilia, (in chapel,) and on the 26th they were executed. Mrs. President Santa Anna ha? arrived at Taeu baya, and joined her husband. On the Ist inst., she received the felicitations of the various corpora ; tions. military corps, etc., etc,, upon her hanpy re turn to her native country. She enjoys the title of “La Exmn. Sonora Pre^identa.” The Northern Stages, Durango, Zacatecas, Chi huutm i, Nuevo Leon, etc., do not enjoy a moment's quiet from the depredat.ons of the Indians. Fearful Calamity. Seldom have we been more painfully excited than by hearing the and tidings lece-ved yesterday morn ing, that the family of Mr. William Hall had been thrown into irremediable sorrow by the loss of mother and daughter, iu a single moment, and in the midst of seeming enjoyment. During this summer, tne family o; Mr. Had have resided in the house of Col. Minge, at Point Clear; to winch they retired three ov lour weeks ago, in tho vain hope of restoring <\ sick child. After mis loss, the family .still continued at the Point, where they enjoyed the finest health, from constant bathing and wholesome exercise. Lito ou the evening of Thursday Mrs. Wra. Hail was bathing,—-as was the constant custom—with her sister-in-law, and iier own daughter, Caroline, an interesting girl about ten years old. This sweet iittie crea ure, in the i fiesh enjoyment of the water and \outhful spirits ventured a little too far. Irian instant, maternal affection in its selt-sacriiicing spiriq drove the alarmed parent to the rescue of the poor child ; but being equalty unable to resist tho deep wa ter, parent and chdd per,shed together. Who can picture such a moment as this i The onlv witness of the catastrophe was Mr?. Jos ph Hall, who, equally impute! t to save, could only call loudly for help!” Alas !at such an hour and place, aid was too far, too slow for succor.— Mother and daughter had found a watery grave, and in each other’s arms. The sad mg’ t was past in vain efforts to find the bodies; and when found life was too thoioughly extinct for restoration/—Mo bile Register. A Great Light added io the Catholic Church—-Who is be? —The Freeman’s Journal (Catholic) says that “a distinguished American Senator has just be come s convert to the /Jotnac Catholic iaiih, and “was received in the Catholic church on the feast of Visitation, July 2, by hia eminence. Cardi nal Fransoni, Prefect of the Propaganda..'’ This statement has the requisite points about it, of date, place and names, to begin with, excepting the name of the ‘-distinguished American Senator, i Rumor has it here that Judge Douglas, orthe“L t j tie Giant” ot Illinois cm! the champion of Young ; America and “manifest destiuy. is tho man. • os sibly it may be so, though we rather suspect that the organ of our venerable Oirct.bishop Hagnes ttat been a little too fast in proclaiming the good tidings. ! It will be remembered that Judge Douglas went out ’ jn the same ship with tne H<>o. Joseph R. dler a distinguished member of the H >use of Rep resentatives, and a good Catholic, who made it a sine ana non to receive the parting blessings of Archbishop Hughes before his departure, it will also bo recollected that Hon. George Briggs, an ex- M.C., from this city, accompanied Mr. Chandler and Judge Douglas; and it may be that Mr. Chandler is ihe man who was received m Hie Catholic enurvii, j in the city oi Rome, on the Feast o! the Visitation ; 1 or, per adventure it may have been G urge Briggs, j tt ho was bup'ized by his Eminence, Cardinal rran | eoni, Prefect of the’ Propaganda. Who knows ! A Woman Kissing Case—lt appears that a yonntr lady o? Wakefield, England, rejoicing in the hame“of Lucy Serie, was recently brought before a magistrate, charged with an assault, tnoagn not o: an avgraxated nature. Miss Lucy, in open day jjahtTand in ti e open street, atterai ted to kiss • suny inn keeper of Wakefield. Her lawyer, m justifica tion of Ihe offence, quotes Burns’s couplet : << jf a body meet a body coming through the rye, If a body kiss a body, need a body cry . Human Candle.r- The Chinese Repository tei;s a very singular story of punishment -Hicteo on a Chinese criminal. His otience, it seems, was un p irdonabie, and it was determined to ma*e an exam j pie of him. C nsequentiy, he was wound round; with cot'on, saturattd with tallow, nnu j • lipped till he presented the appearance oi agigat.- ric candle, was s-uck up on his father grave, an 1 ohted. Os course, the poor fellow peria.ieu .n | slow torture. Was ever device heard et, so com pletely diabolical ? telegraphic dispatch in the N< w York Tribune , Aued at Washington,and fcicned “Qu.s,” says: Ph.lbJ Punch, Editor of the Savannah Georgian haf h been tendered •Oh. rgeship somewhere iu *£*■ ! America, but declines going on account ct sie*n* m -• i family. Fubbs, while tecent'y engaged spiittr g S w JSd, struck a false blow, causing the sties to fly up It struck him on .fc J jaw zud knocsed out front tooth. ‘-Ah."said Bill, (meeting mm scon at ” ) lav. bad a dental opera** periorn ed , -y e s,” replied the sufferer, **acct-det-tal. And by auch * pur ho revenged npan ! LEGAL NOTICES {GEORGIA, Museoyec County.— Will t>. -old on ! J the lirst Tuesday iu September next, hi the Market il ‘uso j in the Cic of Columbus, the following property, viz: City lot N'o. 34a, fronting ou Troup street, formerly occupied j by VV'nt. L. Kotoiiiifon as r. residence, levied on aa the proper!j ; ‘! -aid Robinson, to satisfy a ii. fa. iron: A/uscogee Superior! i Court, in favor of Valencoart H. Cady ajiaia-. Win. 8., Bird F. [ and Nathaniel Me. Robinson and Seaborn Jo” is, owner# of the ! ! utesmer Osceote. One acre of land, more or less, in the north*en corn* r of lot i No. 184, in the Sixth District of Muscogee, 1. .-•,*? on im properly of John D. Landon, to satisfy a it. fa. rom the .Mag s- : trat-’s Court, in favor of t willy fit Davis. Levy made iiud re 's turned to mo by the con. able. • Also, tfca west, half of lot of land No. P 2, in the Se venth IMs- I trie! of Muscogee, containing 101 v. ac.-ea, more or ie s, levied on . as iht* property of William and ,\agutins Mors, to eatiaiv two j • 3. fa.’& from .he Maaristr&te’a Court, !n favor of George S. Faison, ! j straiaet on id IV-ilium and Augustus Moss. Levy made anu re- ; : turned in me by the constable. j ! •■•*>, city lot No. id 5, in tho city of Columbus, containing a>j ) i acre, more or less, levied on ns tho property <>■ Joan Var.znnt, i ! to satirt -• a fi. (A. f.-om tho Magistrate a Conr;. ia favor of .fames Lloyd, caaiust John Vanruni &. a-fftsea Garrett, partners, and ■Lion Vanzant individually. Levy made and r< turn- dtomo by | the constable. : VS.3/CS _ A. S. RIITHKRFOitD, s.ieritf. Randolph Sheriff’s Sale. VA'ALL be sold ou the bra: Tuesday in September next, before V ? the Court House dcor, in toe town of Cuihoert, Randolph county,within the usual hours cf gale, the following property, ; to-wit: Lot of laud N'o. 148 in the Sixth District of i*> id county, te vied j ov. as she property of Arthur A/auning, to tati.-K two and. la*. is- i eued from fitewart zounty, one ic favor of Jsnell'iig k. G ary, and • one in favor of Reni tniiu D. Dikes, aguiaat Arthur .Manning, is sned front the Inferior and Superior Court. Two negroes, to-wit, Msr jlda. a mulat o . !rl abo ii 20 years of ; ‘ at-v, and Jack, u boy uoout 0 of age, levied o?s as the prop- j je: of Lemmon Dunn, to sat! ly three 11. las. issued Irotn the s*u- i peri ..-r Court of said Caumy, ona Sn favor of Archibald Bonnell, ouq James & humillou, Bright, survivor &c. Taiinon v-. Dumi sau sundry otbern, issued out of a Justice’s Court of said county, James Suggs vs. L. Dunn, levied oy a bailiff on tho uune and returned. Lo: us ihitd No. 3, in the Fourth District of said cc • nty. levied ou a* the properly of William Matlock, to satisfy two if. t. i. i.-- oat of a Justice’s Court, in favor ot H. B.:sk i v Wiiliaa • Mat-vck- Levy made and returned to me by a t nsiu Mo. lot of land .Vo. 5532, i the Fourth Distric c f eeunty, j levied on as the properly of Daniel M. rtugg*, to eatisi: undry a. j fas. biuied o Tof & ’Justice’s Court of said county, in favor cf ■ VY'rs. R. Beal vs. D. Jit. Suggs. Levy made r.v 1 returned to me i by a eonsts'ole. L t of land No. 222, in the Fifth DrctrSe- of s;county, levied ; or: as the property of Louis Ssaderiin, to satisiy tw fi. las. ts | sued out of s i ustice’a Cvurt of said county, in lav <>i of Nathan G. christee vs. Lewis .Samleriln. Levy made and r eturned to me by a constable. The following lots of land: No. 49. and north Lv ‘oftot No. 43, in the Eleventh District, and No. 36, and the hall of No. j 33, in the Tenth District, s.ll of ta’.d cou ty, levisd-on ilie prop | erty of William Matlock, to satisiy sundry fi. fas. issued from rta j perior anc Inferior Court of said county. In favor of Alexander ! P: ce vs. Wre. Matlock and John T. McLendon and others, and sundry othen: from a Justice’s Court. Ona negro woman by the name of Kiesey, aboul 38 years of age, levied on as the property of Samuel Rigsby, to satisfy fi. las. issued outof a Justice’s Court of said county, in favor oi Hendrick A- 51 ungerford and others vs. dstnucl Rigsby. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. W XSHINGTON JO I CL, .Sheriff, Aug. 3. tdv by RICH’D DAVIS, Dep’y Sheriff. Early Sheriff Sales, W ILL be sold on the flrat Tuesday in September next, be tween the lawful hours of sale', before the court hoaae door in Blakely, Early county, Ga., the following property, to wit: Lot of land No. (400) four hundred, in the 56:ti District ol said county, to satisty a mortgage a fa. issued outof tho Superior Court of Ecriv County, in favor of Reuben Simmons vs. John C. Silver. [Aug. 3, tds] JOHN BIRA/O.SB, Dep’v riberiff. GEORGIA, ) CO UR TOFOR D LWi Fi Y, Muscogee county, S Julv Terra, 1833. RULE A’/ SI. XVTHEREAS, Hugh R. Rodgeri*, administrator on the estate of v f Francia M. Vickery, deceaa and. late of Muscogee county, hav::-g appli>l for leiters'ofdiEimasio’t from said adiaini&tratioH. It is ordered by the c >urt, that cii perao \e concerned show cause, (if any they have.) why said adminstrator should not be diamifsod at the ; onrt of Ordinary to be held iu hnd for said coun ty on the first Jt/onday in March next. A true traiiacript from the minutes of said court. August 5,1853. August9—wfra. JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinaly. GE9RGIA) } Court o? Ordisarv, Muscogee county, $ April Term, FSS3. HULK AT SI. WHEREAS, Wm.N. Nelson, administrator de bonia non on the estate of John Liggin, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration: it is ordered that all peraons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said ’ administrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary io be held in and tor eaid county on the first Monday in N vetnber next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, Apris4, 1853. Columbus, April 12—wGra JNO. JOHNSON, Uniinarv. GEORGIA, 1 Court or Or.n:a.a*- ; Talbot county, $ February T®m r 5853. RULE Si SI. \T7HEREAS, Wiliiam F. Robertson applies by petition for V V letters of dismission as the administrator of Barney Wilson, into of Talbot county, deceased. Be it ordered, That xl! persona CvX-cerued, be and appear at the September term of this court next ensuing, then ar.<i there to shew cause, if ony they have, why said letters should no? bo granted. . A true extract from the minutes ofsaid curf, 24th r ao., i053. i March l—9w6m MARION ItETIIUNE, tTdir.ary, GEORGIA? I Court of Ordinary, Mwscoaec county, April Term, 1A53. RULE ,VJ SI. WHEREAS, Wns. N. Nciaon, administrator on the *.-;a!a af ! Augustus Peabody, deceacevi, bsvißg applied for leifera cf ; dismission from said administration : It is ordered that a'i per sona concerned, shev; caacc,if uuy they have, why eaid mini in- i | istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary io be j held in and for said county cn the Sre-t Monday in November j : oext. A true transcript from the minutes of &?d court, April 4,1853. ; j April 12—w6m JixO. JOHNSON, (Irdinarv. | GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDIN ARY, j Ste wart county. \ April Term, 1853. LJPON the petition of William li. House, Executor of Ovo lest ) Will and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters j of dismission from his said execut orship; It is on motion, ordered by the court that ail person * concern ed, ehevr cause, on or before the next term of said court, why said letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the mianfotof said court, April 12, i r 63. i April IG—wrtm J. L. WIMB•>;RI.¥. Ordinary. GEORGIA, } COURT OF OED NARY, Stewart county, i Nov ember Terra, 1853. TTFONttio petition of William H. Hceae, Executor ot toe las! L; Will and Testament ol Thomas House, deceased, J:r letters cf dismission from bis said executorship. It ia on motion, orderei by the ciurt that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the r.e>. November term of said court, why said letters should not then be granted. A trueextr&c’ loir the minutes of said court, April I .-03. April 19—wfun J. *•- WIMBERLY, Ordinanr GEORGIA, $ COURT Oi ‘JR!> .VARY, Randolph county, • Juno Term, 1.-J53. PHILIP CaUSuV, atb.inilrator on the estate c-t David liar veil, Sate of said county, deceased, having petitioned tbi court lor letters of dismission, It i= ordered that ail and einvuiar the parties interested, show cau e” if any they have, on <sr beiore the next January ‘lernio: this court, vhy the petition of said adainietr&tor should net >• granted, otherwise he will be thee.andthere dismtsead. Given under roy hand at olSce tss iioth June, !r. J.jh s—Trfiin n - *’■ HR\U ■ ‘ >ro...*r,- GGOtlt-lA. (tUlSTufiiKUl.'iKS us niu I ‘JC.V Randolph county, $ tv, April Term, 1553. TAMES W. COi.UNsd administrator et W .Collin*, u.?e of said county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him Setters <; from his said administration, and it appearing tha ! _ ilat e ha* been fully administered:’ trdered that nil person file their objections if any they have, on or before th>; Novorabei : Term oft hi> court next ensuing, ethers.'l e said auLaniatrato. fv’ilbe ibe’.i and there dismissed, j April i l i—v>6m <>. P- BEAU, ordinary. i G LORO IA , l COI RT Of’ (IKUINAKY, Randolph county, $ Judo Term, Im3. I )HIL P(. AO’f V, AamiEi>trE.toron rfce c-tate ■‘v o war f ve i; late of raid county, deceased, having petitioned u i co-'* for ic-”cr of dismission. It is ordered that ad persona cc ceri ed, £ c their objections, (if my they have.) on or before th Iminiarv term of this court next ensuing, other wise atd Aatr.:- trasor will b*then *uwi ihere dianiisHxi. Given naacr my t x zm r.fficA the l€*ih dav of June I£d3. at r >. P, KCAU, n KORGIA. Randolph rouuly—o rt or o V T isarv. — Whereas, by the petition ot Wilham Ha;es. a< r-.iniitraior oa the Enoch Rigsby. deceased, and tl: ealatoof K.inci*en F uircloth, deceased, it appearing to tr.,r coin thv hehaa full’-administered bath of said estates, and moves tl toeraa:him Idtora of disausoion: All personsc-yocernt ii r” herofea’d berby so.'.did to make It no,, a the !d^yona,iitu .• have, ca or betere tbu October *m • : s-'f c-i.t-itv, otherwise udd i ta *f:r."H i . he dlsiuireoc. Gi*, en underlay tend at o*ce thcSdi “ O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. .Vfrtl t--aSm * t ’ corgia, IlMudwlph eonuty.—Whcrea?, Jus. Ru'.h- J ! \ I erlord, Guar.iia’i of Benjamin and Absalom rtuiley, applies ‘ ! u !•.* for dismission Iron Ms said Guardianship. All person# j interested are, thor-fore, hereby require*! to tile their objocllons, i ii any they have, on or before the *i:,” term of this court next 1 eiisuniy, oibtrwisv id applicant will be then and t tere uisriif sed. Given under toy butt ?at c 3tc? the !7ih March, I V>3. March22—w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary-. tforgls, Rnudoliih conn ty.— Whereas, John G!1 IT Hert. Gunniiauof Hetidlev K. Kill, minor and orphan ol VVilii;un E. Hill, dccenvdd, applied to tne fur dismission lrom said Guardianship. Ail j ersuns interested are therefore hereby re-iuired their object;. :: j , ifi,a> they have, on or before the May Terr.’, ol this C.nxrt next eiiouiug, o aerwiso sa:d Kppuctuii will be then nndthere dismissed. Givou under my hand tt o®t o, the 17th March, 1353. March 22—w Sui u. P. BEALL, Ordinary. f t rorgia 3 Randolph co itnty.— Whweas, Satrut i A. [ VJI Grier, adminwirator de bonie non on lbs ostate of John U. Weaver, late oi said county, deevued, has petitioned tor letter# oi disßiiesion trotn said admiuis;ration. v Th: ce are, therefore, to cile.&tlmoii'.sh end require all iktsous c-ujvrorced to tllo their objections, ,f any they have, on or Pel ore Court of U*rd • dd count;, to j be h'.ddou cn t'.’elir? Monday oi Septemiter ext,ciherwiM! rusid i adminiijLrstor • ; !l be then anti -.her** dismissed. Given under my hand at o. ■ a this C-Jd day of February, 1P53 ! M&rch t—2wf>m O. P. BEAI.i, ordinary. | COl It i OF ORDINARY fur Early county. i ‘ lt ‘ ‘—, u . S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary, Prcv-iding : r’ Lj>pof.ri;2g to the Court by the fVtirfou of Berrien • hritibv r#, that Nathaniel, deceased, did in hi.'li e time execute l” raid BorritiiChumb iis, ills bond conditioned to execute titles in lee simple to lot of laud number two Hundred and ti;:e?y-eev en, in the twentv-r ,: v,li ditj'.nc? >! Early county, to ?.dd llerrie.i (.-hambers : ur.d the said Ne'sen'el t'-tl.-•.t having departed this | life with*:.ut executing titles to aatd lo* ■: bind, or providing in ! any way .a- the tame. And i'. further appearing that the raid tier- I nc.i i numbers haspaM il*-; lull amount ol the put chase jri e c ( said lot of land; and the said Berr- n having petitioned iu:s : • ourt to direct and order Tlmmrs I*. Andrew#, tulmini.irator of ; the esirUv of Nathaniel Garth ,■ <ieve.-,.- and, to exacUte to h m ti j lies io said lot of landiu coniortnity v*iih >u : .d bo2id and the .aw ; , It is, then fore, ordered by the cour Uery, that notice be mvm : ai three public places in raid county, and in’ the ColumbusTi tries j and Beit!ni<d, oi euch app'iicatiou iLrue months, that all personi co’icerned may file their objec’ions in the l Jerk’s < £lct , H sn they have, why Thomas 11 Andrews, admin slraior as aioresattf, shouhl not •>•cut** tiilet to wd .o! ot land to said Berrien Ghana hern, in coni u-taiiy to said Bond and the Statute in • .ten ease made and provided. A truo ext.act from the minutesof #id court. July t;u,lBio. r. r. riIAEFOKI). < frdinury L. C. ; July CtJ— w3m i / ‘ coi gSa, Early eonuty.—tVh -roaa. Joseph Gri.-.-k-y, | vJ administrator with the Will annexe , the ectate oi - j Sarah Grimstey. bin of said county deceased, mxk.-s aj plication j to me for letters ol dismission from* the further administration of said estate. All person* concerned are hereby noUHed to be and appear at my office, within Hie time prescribed by law, and j shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be ’ granted said applicant/ Given under my hand at office, this February the 4tb. 1353. March I—9v/6in S. S, STAFFORD. Ordinary. I unrcltftu’a Sale.—Under an order of the Ordinary o; j VJT Mu cogee county, win be sold on Use first Tuesday in .Sep tember next, at ibe market ho se in U’olurnb in said county, a negro child named kuna, the property of • enry M. Jernigan, (idiot.) Terms cash. ‘ A. B. RAGAN, Guardisn. Columbus, July 12 —wt<!s Gi orgia, Talbot county-—Office of Ordinary, 29th f sNarcli, J 853. J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan iel Worn mock’s orphans, petitions lor letters o’ Diemiseion from said guardianship: Be it ordered, That all persona concerned, be and appear at the June Term ofthe Court ol < >rdiua>y ot said county, next en suing, then and there lo shew enure, i! any they have, why said tetters should not be .granted. A true extract from ihe minutes of said court, April 15th, 1853 April SW—w6m MARION PEI HI NE, Ordinary. Adminlstratur’s Sale.—Land anti liegtoes. agreeably to an order ci the Court, of Ordinary tor Early county, will be sold before the court house door in Blakely, on the first Tuesday in October next, dl'een hundred and fifty acres of line cotton lauds iu two bodies, viz.; !.ota numbers two hun dred and sevexuy-eij/h?,three hundred and nine, time hundred and nineteen iu the lourth tliutnci of Earl . ssnd numbers one hundred and seventy, one hundred ands -venty-one, one bun- . dred and fitly and fifty acres ol another lot in the fifth district of ! Early, near Fort Gaines. j These are valuable lands— persona v shin.; to see them before sale, will please call on the under#Rued at r ort Games. ’ i | Also, at the came time and place, iciii be sold, the fol lowing likely NEGROES, zix : BUI, & boy about nineteen years of age. V\ Hlfs, a boy “ tour * 4 Jem.ett, a girl “ B*x 41 44 Seaborn, a !>oy 44 thirteen 44 44 Kinion, a man” “ fifty 44 44 .►/ary, a woman 44 fifty 44 44 | Aileohl tor tbs benefit of the heirs and creditors of Robott I Thompson, deceased. ! Titles good.—Terms easv, and rcadw known on the day cf | sale, by ’ JOliM THOMPSON, Adm’r. With will annexed of Robert Thompson. August 2—wtds Administrator’s Sle.—Will be sold in Cuthbert, j Randolph county on the first Tuesday in October next, the j settlement of lands on which Erasmus Ga y, Esq., resided at the j time of hiadi-sth, to wit: lot*numbers I4!>, I4t. iiS, 14* and IHt . : more or less of 147, all adjoining in the eighth district ol said i i county, on which arc tolerably good log budding, an excellent i j gin house and screw. Three hundred acr- a <>! open lands i pally all fresh, we!! watered, and in horl a very desirable p ace | I for a fanner. Boid by order of the court of ordinary of said j I county. Term*, twelve months credit with small notes and so- < ! curity. . j Any person wishing to purchase such a place win do well to j examine the above mentioned lands, aa each tot will be put up : separately. LEWIS G AY, Adiu’r. July siwtds j A dminiatrator’s Sale.—• Agreeably to an order of the i J\ court oftjrdinur.t ofE&riy countv, will be sold before the j court house door in Biakely, on the Hr>l Tuesday in October next, lot <f lan number two undrt and and .or jin the fourth disit'et os t ally county, known as Mrs iip-ey liyson’s place, told lor the benefit of the heirs of raid tp,;ey Dy*on, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ARNE.. BYeON, Adm’r. Aug 2—wide. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. EORGI A, Early county.—By virtue of an -rder \Jt from tne honorable ourt >! irdin&ry of said county, wi 1 ■ bo stud on the tirst luoday in November next, between the j tew ml hours of sole, lots oi laud numbers one hundred and seventy two, one uuudre .a id forty-eigh l , and one hu.idred and forty*.line, ab in the fifth district o said county, containing each iwo hundred and fifty acres, weii improved and in g<md repair. Sold es the p: >perty oi J. B.S. Ho ices, de:oa*ed, for the beiie i lit of *nc heir., and credit-ra of said deceased. Terms oi sale will be made on the nay cf gale. August 9-tds. THOM AS SPEIGHT, A Itu’r. j ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an-order of tite Goan of* >rdi ary of Muse y j\. gve cou.i'y, wii* be 5o dat t ie market house in the city of olumbus, on the firi; Tuesday in Octu <er nex*. the la ide be* •onging to the estate of ftorySuri *, deceased, bci c all of io •mmoer tb 1, (except one acre in the i:< r.h-xest cr-riser.) aiao. a; -’rip of ten cere* on tlie south nido.cfh: number 170 Also, ifee .♦eat half of the balance/*! said lot number ?.,£- Eituatoo in the -v<nth district oi said e-.uuty, being the tents* ou v .!-h said dts- resided at the time of fits death, lOt.Umun. 1 stoui 22*> j icre-f t ht: e land* lie about 12 unles beh>w Columbus, on the i Jamestown aud Lumpkin road, are in q.od n-.| atr. and as to ipi.iiity, can fsarceiy be.tqmJlid in this taction ol country. A iio-.-ral credi> xvi.l Oe give’). August j —wide JETHRO OATLe, Adrn’r. I j Vdmlnistrfttor’g £ale. — Rv virtue fan (.•rdr**o! the r-isnary oi the county . < Lar;y, wii be m> and in the town , >t Blake!*, before the vuri hou* ou *r, on the firit Tuesday ,n j ctober next. wiibiu the lawful hours ol sa:e, the following , r<>- ; • rty to wit: Lois number •>, 41. 4*. and par ot *6, go, 2*i. v 7, >. in the town of F<>r! Usiot ?, most of &;iid .o % having build a ad imp) -veiaer.ts th.-reon. d-o 10 acre- iytng j ►eing part of ot No. 331,5ib district Kany, :Lo,oic hundredand j iine:'-c!: acre 4on the norm side o Sfig m :t: ,th district o Ear* v the last mentioned lot or pare- t ot land, wilt be odd out in , nvtil lots of from sto 20 acr-N each, ard sold separate y to suit j urcha*er<f, a oicn of which will be exhibit) doa ire d<;. of sale, i i so two acres being p::t* or 10l numb- r 3J in the S.h dufiict | >f Earcv county, known a. the snap eye- place. Al?o ihe w<at ! ■dfo V;l of land uurr-ber 2-3 in the 4t: d-:!rict of arty county, tie above and eribed pmp'-rty will be v.ld lor the bt nefit o ttic eirsand creditor* Os John u . butts-. late of *.tid couu y (le ased, assaiddeeracedN j roperry. Terms made known on the •y of sale. JAMES JL NALUNG, Adm’r. August 16—tds. VdidiltiHrator’s 44 ale.—On the first Tuesday in ireto- ; u-r next will be so and in).u!hbe t, Kanuo ph county, four j eerc-e * vis: Marii. u woman sixiy-five, Abrnm, a man forty- . roe, Dave, a nrutu thirty-five, and Hot), a mu;, twenty four ytara ! age. Stiu nwrrces uru the property of l Icioiliy Psttmao, de-| ■fe*ed,and'sold cy order of the Court >f Ordinary of sai- count>, •r .he purpose <4 c st.ibutton rroenget the beds of K.U elect b*- i i.. Terms oo iue city. A. A. PiTTMAN', Adm’r. |*—ids. i A duitnitrat-om’ Sale.—Will b* *\dd in Cuthbe>r% : * V dantlolph county, ou the firm I ttesdsy in t >et*>b*r i.ikt, the i settlement of binds n.. which Sterling Kodgvra resddeu at sin? time ol his death. The *ett emeii! embraces lot# Nos. 2, 4 n,**d .>O, in ihe 6th dktriei ol said county, on which thtri* are some CMo acre* od#ii uinl improved lands. Paid lands are s'Uta't-d some seven or * ight tr. )<?s f. st ol Ctithbert, Ua. Term? on tt e day. August 16 rds. C. t. V l'. A. WILLIS, Aam’rs. Vdm In Utrutoi * • ale.- Will be *oH on th iirstTu*#- iimj )n • c:o vr next, before the Court bouse door in i utfc* : ben, Ramio’j.h county, twohui.died and illt) acre# lain , n ore <r le?, c- a.prixini :i j art ot to’.* J'a £o(* am il7 in it, 9 1 dis trict <TEnidc<<uuty, tb*& a* beii x the interest ol Mmy lot*, deceased, in and to sid lots o r,i and, and so.d m a po.tion her estate lor |urp.*e of division Mtiosig the • eir*. August 10 id#, JA>i E3 LtTH.K, Adm'r / ’ i£OHGH, Kandol|ih comity.-h* reus, Zac hi■- V I rian Nicii ds appih ato me i r Jeueisot auttmde'.iation on ;he ee’ate if Josinh J. N c. oe i ecvasel, me * f raid county. T ese arc, the e.< tc, to rite and a. monish al 1 i*i and sii gu ar i) e kindred and credit*” s o ;,v(idn aef, to be and appear at ny oihe*, ©!• ar i ef->re >he Sira! > c-nday in October i.-xt, sod m>.k Un.-w u their ot.j. cti->ns, i: any they have, otherwise, said .k-'.Wr l * I will then and ;hto l.< i:runt*-d te aid | p leant* to Her :> y hand at oft.c, the 9th day of August, ’dM. Augtfll .ti — >*■ * t. o. P. ItKALI , Ordinary. >Toh A. J. Wcathtrsby * srjwiHT Kirrsma * ocst v. } April Tei.n, 1853. Kiitahrth Wchlhereby. > Ulm 1 f.*r Divorce. 1! appearing by the n-tum ol the .'Pend’ that the I'efendau; *e not to be found in the Cottnij of Mewart. U is therefore oo> : *lcr:.t *>u the Court tl at service ol this libel be perfected on the • **;*.’ Elisabt wh We&;, fcy irm of litis order in th : Columbus fistsvtt e;k! remind once a month • *-r l'>'u neiHhf : next preceding the ensuing term >f tuts Court. ! A true extract from tie 1 .ffin;;'. aof this Court, i June 15- lani4m J. M. COX. Clert. buoAfi ttnibbn i Siewaht Mrstuoa t cviit, •'. . April Tetm, 1853. •JoHiish Urnbbx.t Joel f<r D vow*. 1. sippearisig bj the return o ;a Aneriff that the defendant it not .o be ieu:id in this couuty. it ie Cure lore ordered by th-3 ! Court that e vice of thin libel be pern cied on the said Josieb l.rnbbe,b) publication ol tb: order in the Colutnl.u# lintee and Sentinel once a month lor lour month# next procetiicj the ensu i itiv term ol ihia C*ur'. A true extract nj in* M.nuted of s;e ..vt busierior C-ou.d for ‘^P form, 1K53. .iuue 15—Jacuto i St. COX, l ierit. Caroline '.Catenhed iPsiiiVAiit Sraemoß Ccbrt, J April Term. 18S3. Thuma# J. l nirnited. y l.ifeel fi • Dfvorce. It up, ca’!i.‘: by toe relurii u tnj bhi-nS that Ihe delendanlie oo: to be toUi*d:n the counly of x-ewart, it i tlu roforeorHor* ; tl by thet ourt Inal service ot this libel be perfected on toe sakt Thornac .1. Calenhead by publication .l thii oidtr in tl.e Colum bus Times and bcntir ei, os-ce a mouth lor lour ai i.he iiexl ptv eediug the ensuiu? Term of thSc Court. A I rue extract .rv.o. the Minute# of Raid Court. June 15—lam Ids I. M. COX, Clera. \ PPLICATIOX v.iii be nuidot-o tiieOrdit ary r.f hlusoo* J \ gee county ou c e first Monday in September ne.', lot le'torn : oi Edininifctr ttou, with the HI ] annexed, o;t the eetate ol Kan j dslJ Jones, dtceaxeU, inteol said county. WILLIAM N. JONES. Cohimbits, Aug. 2 w7t : f 'l WO aft -'•date aj plication v.’.U he made to the 1 Court >!')rdi nai yof M sc-ogett county, lor leave to ne’l s city j lot with improvements, in the city oi t omnibus, in £td county, ! ktsov/n &s lot nunibtrdve huiKlred and twelve, coiitmoinK one ; hall of an acre, beJoiign gto the ea'ate ol Jan.*.s Baugh, Isie of ; said cot.nty d< ceni-td. V> M. C. CRAY, Adm'r. j June 29—wJm np'WO r date, I will apply to the ordinary ■ L ot Ramioiph Cotc-ity for leave tosei! the lands and aefcro6 of i Francis C. Powell, N>.Y J. POt\ XL!., Adni'x. ! July c—wAm J'WO montliM aherdato i shall re ahe application io t!:o ■ . court o. Ord nary ol Early c-iunty far lea -o to sell the Ituide ! belt nyii.g to the estate el C. tJa*), dec* h.i* v l. | _Ju!y s—-w'hn _ __ JAS. U. BROWN, AdmV. ! r pWO months rslrr acu, i apply s;> the court ofOr l diaary of Rondolph re :nr (or leave t ‘Veil the lands boiong* ! ing to i ranees Hhrpok, am iV>;*, | July 3—w2m ‘ ROBEJ-iTL. MITCHELL, Guardisc TTWO inonthii af.**>- in'.o application will be made to 1 tne Court oi’ Tuiaary of ,V.i..;u gee county, ‘or li-nv® to vll lor of land numher one i undo J n.-at thirty ve; i:i the seventh district oj rsldcoun'y ; land belouainy to the e*:tnte oi Ifnvid late ot said* county, decuiiad. EERIBA L. GRAHAM, Adm’r. June 2^—r/Tnt r|"iWO months—ailer dale, I wiii apply ioli-r ordinary of a Randolph County tor h ave to sell the ‘and* of Architiald Peterson, deceased. JOHN PfTERtON, Adm’r. July B—w2in vi 4 WO months date applicat-un v>lli be ncadt to the 1 Court of Ordinary cf Talbot County ver leave to sell ail the Ke&! Estate of Oliver H. P. Daniel, late cf *.ii<! county do ceased. JO EPH SHOWN, Adm’r. July i2, wm —r/2j. “yrgr”’.’ ..-I'. “ I L".. 1 -'■“J” ■. 11 I -J.! !IW!L'1” BUSINESS CAKDS. £. LOCXETT, V.'K. K. RC.V3, , T £>HK H DAVIS. Likirr, lime £ "w* COMMISSIO N MERCHA NT S AND SHIPPING AGENTS, HAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL attend to the felling ot ali kindeof Produce, trtinkst attention given to receiving and forwarding goods, and filling ordew from the country. July 9—w&twly GEO. COOK ALFORD, Attorney and Oounssllor at Law WILL practice in the counties of the Ninth Judicial Cii cuit — and the Supreme Ct.urt ot the State Crawford, Rus el co , Ala., Aug. 2. ISbT—wly* THOMAS J. NUOKOLLS, ATTORNEY AT LA VV , Coll mi*cs, Georgia. O-ticeover I, G. STarerßß's, near corner of Broad andß&<* Btrewts. WILL practice !u thecounliua ol this and the judicial circuit in Alabama. Vaivh 15—v ly w. C. M’IVER, ATTORNEY AT LA W , TCiKEEi.,_M ACON OC., A LA. kVi-i practice in the counties of Macon, Montgotr.ry, i aliapoosa. Pike, Barbour ac-i Run-ucl. January 22—4wly E. J. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY, MOSES & PEABODY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBU-, GEORGIA. WILL practice in ‘fcbcogee county, and county. Ala., and in tho Supreme Court cf ttw Stale of Georgia. Cniunth- p. June 2 r y-%* :*•ti Sam. S. Hamilton, Colvmbvi Cukkiaumax. HAMILTON CUNNINGHAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, T.’Un County, Ala. Anri! 23. 1853—>i.u. iy. DAVID ROSS, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No, 72 Broad Street. Colui Ga„ June 21—urtf DOUGLASS fc DOUGLASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cvthbv t, G^yrgia. ■ i\rill practiceiuuM# ceualie* oi ti;,’ nouthwealera Circuit, l V? sed inStew’ccuaiyvf theGh; t ciPCttlt. EUGEEIL** L. DOt.brt.. I .V MARCJ?LI.T- (NUMBKR 1)7.