The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, August 24, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] CaUst Ivddltymct. THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. FURTHER BY THE HUMBOLDT. PASSAGE OF THE DARDANELLES ! ‘ NEGOTIATIONS AT ST. PETERSBURG. CO-OPERATIONS OF TIIE UNITED STATES. New York, Aug. 15. The steamer Humboldt arrived this evening from Southampton and Havre, bringing 186 passengers and Liverpool dates of the Hd inst. The America arrived at Liverpool on the 31st ult., and the Glasgow at Gree- , nock on the 30th ult. Among the Humboldt’s passengers is S. G. Good- ! rich, late Consul at Paris. Russia and Turkey.-*— The Eastern question wears a less favorable aspect. It was feared that the Empe ror of Russia would decline to withdraw his forces ; from the Principalities, as stipulated in the propositions j of the three Powers. The English and French fleets would in that ease be ordered to pass the Dardanelles, and a peaceful settlement of the dispute be greatly jeoparded. A telegraphic dispatch, dated Constantinople, July 20th, states that the Porte and representatives of the : great Powers, had accepted the proposition of the Aus trian Minister, which arranged that the English and j French fleets should withdraw from Besica Bay, whilst ; the Russians evacuated the Principalities. Turkey j would then send an Ambassador to open negotiations at St. Petersburg. Conferences were also to be opeued at Vienna by the consent of Russia. Great uneasiness had also been created by a decree of the Czar ordering a fresh levy of recruits through out the Empire. This was interpreted as looking to i war. The statement is re-asserted that the United States had offered to assist the Porte with money and active : forces. The intelligence from the Principalities was important. Moldavia had declared itself independent of the Porte j and refused to pay for the tribute ; a similar movement ; is expected in Wallachia. It is asserted that the Porte intends addressing an i ultimatum to Russia, in which, after paying due regard to the rights of the Sultan’s Christian subjects, that sov ereign declares that if in spite of these repeated assu- j ranees the Czar should persist in offering war, the Porte is resolved to accept it, but that the responsibility must Sic with Russia. It is also asserted that this document has been communicated to the Ambassadors of France i and England. Orders have been sent to the Hospodars of Molda- J via and Wallachia, ordering them to quit the Princi- j paiities and retire to the right bank of the Danube. The Egyptian fleet arrived at Constantinople, on the j 19th, with 12,000 men. Admiral Dundas. of the En- j glish fleet, with all his captains, had been on a reeon- 1 noissanee of the fortresses. Another Ministerial crisis was feared at Constantino* i pie. There was a rumor in Vienna of a secret treaty be- ; tween the United States and the Porte and the proba- j ble cession of Marmarriza. Three American frigates ■ were said to be in the Bosphorus. Russia had demanded of Persia the cession of the Province of Tauris, Jn lieu of 80,000,000 roubles due her. England. A Frenchman, named Edouard Reynaud, has been arrested at Southampton, on the charge of having con spired with others to murder the French Emperor. He was taken to London for examination. [From the Daily Morning News.] Accident on the State Road—Three Persona Killed- Several “ ounded. Mr. Editor : —How strange that accidents having their origin in either “fire, or flood or field’’ are said never to come singly ! The journals of the day teem with railroad casualties and the “end is not yet.” On yesterday, nine miles above this place, at a water station, the Engine of the last down freight train for the day ! blew up, killing the Conductor, Greeson, and two Ten nesseeans, (passengers) names unknown, and seriously wounding others. Mr. Carlton, a fireman, suffered am putation of one of his arms last night at this place, on \ account of injury by the disaster. Another fireman was badly injured but was left, Mr. Carlton having beg ged to be brought to Mr. Iligsmith’s house, where lie is doing well. The down passage train was delayed by the accident until a late hour in the atternoon, and it was night before it left Marietta. This wi.i there fore be the first news we could send you ot the accident by mail, as the connection was broken at Atlanta. It may reach you by telegraph or by passengers of the day trains before the receipt ot this letter. Ihe bodies of the three unfortunate men who were killed, were taken to Atlanta yesterday evening, and were some of them horribly mangled. Accidents from the cause in this case seldom occur, but seem always fatal to a greater or less extent. 11. Mobile, Aug. IS. Seven cases of yellow fever have been reported to the Board of Health as having occurred during twenty-four hours ending 6 o’clock, p. m., this day. By order of the Board. Geo. A. Ketchlm, Sec’y. The Yellow Fever. New Orleans, Aug. 18. f The interments for the past twenty four hours have been 219. of which 188 were deaths front yellow fever. New Orleans Markets. The receipts of cotton to-day amount t 092 bales and the salts to 200 —leaving a stock on hand of 11,060 bales. • , From the Daily Savannah Momina Newj.j Mission to Frante-Gov. Cobh-Government Stock. Washington, Aog. 21. It is reported in this city that Governor Cobb, of Geor gia, has received the Mission to France. “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1853. The Government during the last three weeks have re deemed over a million of United States Stocks, at 21 per cen. premium. The Ingurrection at Tortola. New Yo£k, Aug. 21. Advices from St. r l homas confirm the report oi the re cent insurrection at Tortola. The inhabitants had mostly fled to St. Thomas. The troops sent, it is believed, would soon quell the insurrection. Yellow Fever at New Orleans. New’ Orleans, Aug. 18. Total interments for this day reached 234, of whom 219 died of Yellow Fever. Yellow Fever. New Orleans, Aug. 19. j The interments yesterday amounted lo 219, of which > 197 were from yellow fever. There were four bun-I dred cannons discharged, and large quantities sos tar j burned to-night, in hopes of purifying the atmosphere. ! New Orleans, Aug. 19. ! Cotton. —The sales of the week reach only 700 bales. ■ Prices nominal. The receipts of the week reach 800 bales, j Stock only 10,000 bales. But ten bales of new- cotton have been received up to the ! present time, against 300 bales last year. j |L*t the Tariff be Lowered. The National Intelligencer , a few days since, contain ed the follow ing paragraph : The Overflow of the Treasury. —There is now a surplus of within a fraction of $22,000,000 in the Treasu ry, notwithstanding the Secretary is redeeming U. S. Stocks and otherwise paying the public debt as far as the law will allow him. Thus it appears that the Govern merit’s revenues are increasing so rapidly as that the pub- 1 lie debt is being fast extinguished without- materially de creasing the amount of cash on hand. What will Con grese do with this surplus ? Will it not be a very bane to the real interests of the States ? The fear is that it will be regarded merely as so much plunder, to be squabbled for by a horde of sharp men, each of whom will keep a free doggery here next winter to aid their operations on the members. Upon which the New York Evening Post thus speaks : As surely as breaking the neck brings death, so surely will an excess of revenue in the treasury beget corruption. YY e are glad that the Intelligencer sees the evil in such j extent as it has stated it, and perceiving it, we hope that journal will join with us in demanding the antidote. The only one which the case admits, is to diminish the reve nue annually collected, to staunch the sources of this overflow’, which the Intelligencer finds so pernicious.— The ieviriue laws must be taken tea new draught; the burdens borne by the people must be lightened; we must take oft* the duties from ail articles which there is any convenience in admitting free, and riduee them on all the remainder. That is the true remedy for tho evil ; who is prepared to apply it with a firm and un shrinking hand ? There is a considerable party here ready for this reform; there is a large party at the w T est; there is—at least, there was, and we hope there is now— a strong party at the South. We believe that we can very confidently say that, wero the question now opened, there would very soon be found at the South a stronger party iu favor of a reduction of the Tariff of 1846, than existed among us seven years since in favor of the reduction of that of 1842. Among Southern Democrats we imagine that there would be heard scarcely a dissenting voice. Not but that they ful ly appreciate the great reform brought about by Mr Polk’s administration. The ad valorem principle embo died in that bill will make the Tariff of ’46 one of the most memorable acts ever placed upon our statute books. But the good work was only commenced b, Messrs. ■ Polk and VY T alker. They did what was proper to be j done seven years since. Were they now in the position ! which they then held, none, we believe, would be more j anxious than they to take another step in the direction • of/re trade. We have spoken of Southern Democrats. But we shall not be surprised to find the great body of the Whigs of the South the advocates of a lower tariff, whenever the question tomes up for discussion. Not a few of them were formerly Nullifiers, and of course free trade men. They have no affection for the Tariff of ’46, because it was a Democratic measure ; consequently feel no dispo* sition to defend and maintain it. They will, probably enough, fall back upon their own principles, and aid any movement which promises to carry them out. Let not, then, the next Congress adjourn without an effort to stay the flood of corruption which threat ens destruction to the morals of the country, by lessening the revenues of the government. Diminish the supplies by lowering the people’s taxes. It is their money with which the treasury is overflowing. It is due to them that as less is needed, less should be collected, than they now pay. Months since we took our position in favor of a reduction of the Tariff. The voters ot the country, whose interests are at stake, should demand it of ; their representatives. — Mobile Register. C- S. HARRISON, AUCTION, COMMISSION, RUGEIVINa AND FORWARDING Merchant. NOS. 59 and 61 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. —:o: A. K, AYER, AUCTIONEER AND SALESMAN. £3?° Liberal advances made on Negroes and Merchandise. Columbus, Aug. 20, 1853—w&,twly Flour, Meal, and Breadstuffs. i THE subscriber, proprietor of the CITY MILLS, beg leave to iuform the public that he ha? uow on haml and will con tinue to keep a good stock of prime WHEAT AND COkN, an 1 will be prepared at all times to furnish customers in any quantities with Flour Meal, &e., at the shortest notice. New wheat is now in. The City -Mill is situated above the city a short distance and isjiow in good running order- My prices at present are as follows : Superfine Flour $6 25 perbbl. Family Flour 675 “ “ Extra do 750 “ *• Corn .Weal 90 cts bushel The highest cash prices paid for Corn and Wheat. a D. A. WYNN. City Mill. June 8, 11*53—tw ts _____ CITY TAX. THE Tax Rook is now open for the collection for the present year. Tax payers will save cost ana oblige me by paying promptly. J. L. HOWELL., Collector. Columbus, June 22—twtf Now is the time to bring in your Old Rags! And get four cents per pound for ood clean oujs, when brought in quantities of one hundred pounds or more. Ylso, Waste o: all kinds (from Factories; l&ope and Bagging* wanted, for which fair prices will be given, deliv eredat either Rock Island Factory or the Rag More, at the old stand, corner of Randolph and Oglethorpe streets. Columbus, June 14 —wtf C. B. CURTIS, Agent. THE TIME^^ENTINEI, rENNENT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES A SENTINEL. is published EVERY WEDNFSDA Fand FRIDA Y MORN ING and SATURDAY EVENING. THE WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL. is published every TOF.SDA Y MORNING. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS: TRI-WEEKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. Advertisements conspicuously inserted at One Dollar per square, for the first insertion, and fifty cents for every sub ‘cquent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, o Guardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday it. the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. .Votices for the sale of Personal Property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be publish ed forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary : for leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for ! two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published j thirty days —for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months—tor Dismission from Guardianship forty days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly ■ for four months— for establishing lost papers, for the full spare j of three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators, where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. Publications will always be continued according to these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise ordered. ~ LEGAL Ct EORGIA, Muscogee County.—Will be sold on T the first Tuesday in September next, at the Market House j in the City of Columbus, the following property, viz: City lot No. 345, fronting on Troup street, formerly occupied j by YVm. B. Robinson as a residence, levied on as the property j of said Robinson, to satisfy a fl. fa. Irom .Muscogee Superior! Court, in favor of Y’alencourt li. Cady against Wm. 8., Bird F. j and Nathaniel Me. Robinson and Seaborn Jones, owners of the i steamer Osceola. One acre of land, more or iess, iu the northwest corner of lot j No. 184, in the Sixth District of Muscogee, levied on as the j property of John D. Lundou, to satisfy a fl. fa. from the Magis- | trate’s Court, in favor of Twilly & Davis. Levy tnnde and re- j turned to me by the constable. Aho, the west half of lot of land No. 92, in the Seventh Dis- ! trict of Muscogee, containing acres, more or loss, levied on as the property of William and Augustus Moss, to satisfy two j ti. fa.’a from the Magistrate’s Court, iu favor of George S. Faison, j against said William and Augustus Moss. Levy made and re- ; turned to me by the constable. Also, city lot No. 483, In the city of Columbus, containing a | acre, more or less, levied on as the property of John Vanzant, j to satisfy a fl. fa. from the Magistrate’s Court, in favor of James j Lloyd, against John Vanzant fee .Hoses Garrett, partners, and John Vanzant individually. Levy made fend returned to me by the constable. Aug. 3, tds A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff. Randolph Sheriff’s Sale. ’XT7ILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu September next, before VY the Court House door, in the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 148 in the Sixth District of said county, levied on as the property of Arthur .Manning, to satisfy two fl. fas. is sued from Stewart jounty, one iu favor of Suelling &. Leary, and one in favor of Benjamin B. Dikes, against Arthur Manning, is sued from the Inferior and Superior Court. Two negroes, to-wit, Matilda, a mulatto sirl abo it 20 years of age, and Jack, a boy about 20 years of age, levied on as the prop erty of Lemmon Dunn, to satisfy three fl. las. issued from the Su perior Court of said Couniy, one iu favor of Archibald Bonnell, one James At Hamilton, Bright, survivor &c. Talmon vs. Dunn and sundry others, issued out of a J ustice’s Court of said county, Janies Suggs vs. L. Dunn, levied by a bailiff on the same and returned. Lot of land No. 3, in the Fourth District of said county, levied on as the property of William Matlock, to satisfy two ti. las. is sued out es a Justice’s Court, In favor of H. B.ake vs. William Matlock. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lot of land No. 232, i-> the Fourth District of said county, levied oft as the property of Daniel M. Suggs, to satisfy sundry fl. fas. issued out of a Justice’s Court of said county, in favor of Wm. R. Beal vs. D. M. Suggs. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. “Lot of land No. 222, in the Fifth District of said county, levied on as the property of Louis Sanderlin, to satisfy two ti. fas. is sued out of a Justice’s CuUrtof said county, in lavoi of Nathan G. Christee vs. Lewis Sanderlin. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. The following lots of land: No. 49, and north half of lot No. 48, in the Eleventh District, and No. 35, and the north halt of No. 33, in the Tenth District, all of said county, levied on as the prop erty of William Matlock, to satisly sundry fi. fas. issued from Su perior and Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Alexander Pace vs. YVm. Matlock and JohnT. McLendon and others, and sundry others from a Justice’s Court. One negro woman by the name of Kissey, about 38 years of age, levied on as the property of Samuel Rigsby, to satisfy fl. fas. issued out of a Justice** Court of said county, in favor of Hendrick & Hungerford and others vs. Samuel Rigsby. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. WASHINGTON JOYCE, Sheriff, Aug. 3, tds by RICH’D DAVIS, Dep’y Sheriff. Early Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday In September next, be- 1 tween the lawful hours of sale, before the court house j door In Blakely, Early county, Ga., the following property, to wit: j Lot of land No. (400) four hundred, in the 26th District of j said county, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa. issued out of the Superior | Court of Earlv County, in favor of Reuben Simmons vs. John C. ; Rilvey. [Aug. 3, tds] JOHN SIRA/ONS, Dep’y Sheriff. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF OR DINAH Y, Muscogee county, j Julv Term, 1853. RULE NI SI. ■TTTHEREAS, Hugh 11. Rodgers, administrator on the estate of Yv Francis M. Vickery, late of Muscogee county, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration. It is ordered by the crurt, that all persons concerned show cause, (if any they have.) why said adminstrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be held iu and for said coun ty on the first .Woodsy in March next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, Augusts, 1853. August 9—w6m. JOHN JOHNSON, Ordinaiy. GEORGIA, ) Court or Ordinary, Muscogee county, ( April Term, 1853. RULE NI SI. XTJ'HEREAS, YVm.N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on VV the estate of John Liggin, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration: It is ordered that all persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary lo be held iu and tor said county on the first Monday iu N member next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, April 4, 1853. Columbus, April 12—w6m JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) Court or Ordinary, Talbot county, ( February Teim, 1853. RULE NI SI. WHEREAS, YVJlliam F. Robertson applies by petition lor letters of dismission as the administrator ol Barney YY’ilson, late of Talbot county, deceased. Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the September term of this court next ensuing, then ana there to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot be granted. A true extract lroin the minutes of said court, 21th Feb., 1853. March I—9w6m MARION BETUUNE, Ordinary. GEORGIA, t Court ok Ordinary, Muscogee county, ( April Term, 1803. RULE NI SI. “ITT HERE As, Wm. N. Nelson, administrator on the estate of VY Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission froiu said administration : It is ordered that ail ]>er sons concerned, shew cause,if auy ihey have, why said admin istrator should not be dismissed at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in November next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, April 4, 1853. April 12—w6m DO. ,?oHNB<*X. rrdi,rv. pe*rgi*. Rnndolpli county... Whereas, Jas. Ruth ! \JT erford, Guardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sutlev, app.ies 1 to me for dismission trom his said Guardianship. All persons l interested are, therefore, hereby required to tile their objections, I if any they have, on or before the May term of this court 1 exi ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and t iere dismis sed. Given under my hand at office the 17th March, 1853. _March 22—w6m O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. (Nnardian’s Sale.— uder an order of the Ordinary of T Mu-cogee county, will sold on tne first Tuesday in Sep tember next, at the market nouse in Columbus, in said county, a negro child named Rosa, tie property of Henry M. Jemigau, [ldiot.) Terms cash. A. B. RAGAN, Guardian. I Columbus, July 12—wtds Igraftu ~, GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, ; Steivart county, s April Term, 1853. UP* >N the petition of William 11. House, Executor of the la6t Will ana Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters i of dismission from his said executorship: It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why j said letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. April 19— wfim J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. GEORGIA, ( COURT OF ORD.NARY, i Stewart county. j November Term, 1853. UPON the petition of William H. House, Executor ot the last Will and Testament ol Thomas House, deceased, lor letters of dismission from his said executorship, j It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern- I ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said ; court, why said letters should not then be granted. A true extract from the minutes of said court. April 12, it 53. April 19—wfim J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinaiy. GEORGIA, ( COURT OF ORDINAIt , j Randolph county. ( June Term, 1853. PHILtPOAUSKY, administrator on the estute of David Har vell, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned tl is i court for letters of dismission, It is ordered that all uiul singular the parties interested, show I cause, if any they have, 011 or before the next January Term of j this court, why the petition of said administrator should not lie I granted, otherwise he will be then and there dismissed. 1 Given under my hand at office the 25th June, 1853. July s—wfim O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, > Court or ordinary of said coun- Ilandolph county, ( ty, April Term, 1853. JAMES W.COLLINS, administrator of W.Collins, late of said county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of dismission from hi# said administration, and it appearing that said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that all persons tile their objections, if ally they have, on or before the November Term ofthi* court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. April 12—wfim O. P. BEALL Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, Randolph county, (i June Term, 1853. FIILIP CAUSEY", Administrator on the estate of David Har vell, late of scicl county, deceased, having petitioned this court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that all persons con cerned, the their objections, (if any they have,) on or before the January term of this court next ensiling, otherwise said Admis trator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 16th day of June 1853. June 21 —wfim. O. P. BEALL, Odinary. GEORGIA, Randolph county.—Court of Or niNARY.— Whereas, by the petition of William liayes, ad ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the estate of Kinchen Fatrcloth, deceased, it” appearing to this court , that he lias fully administered both of said estates, and moves the court to grant him letters of dismission: All persons concerned iu either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known their objections, if any they have, on or before the October term of thiscourt next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will then and there be dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 29th march 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. i April 5 —wfim i jf v eorgia, Randolph comity—Whereas, John Gil ; vT bert, Guardian of Headley E. Hill, minor and orphan ot William E. Hill, deceased, applies to me for dismission from said Guardianship. Ail persons interested are therefore hereby required to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the May Term of this Court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office, the 17th March, 1853. Mnrch 22—wfim O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. j peorgia, Randolph county.— Wheieas, Samuel.A. i \JT Grier, administrator de bonis non on the estate of John H. ! \\ r eaver, late ol said county, deceased, has petitioned for letters } of dismission from said administration. These are, therefore, to ffte, admonish and require all persons j concerned to Hie their objections, if any they have, on or before 1 the September term ot the Court of Ordinary said county, to ; be holden on the first Monday of September next, otherwise said ; administrator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my band at office this 22d day of February, 1853 1 March!—9w6m O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. COURT OF ORDINARY ) Tm v t... for Early county. ( JILY Tkrw > 18 ° 3 ’ S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary, Presiding : IT appearing to the Court by the Petition of Berrien C hambers, that Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, did in his life time execute to said Berrien Chambers, his bond conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to lot of land number two hundred and ninety-sev en, in the twenty-sixth district of Early county, to said Berrien Chambers ; and the said Nathaniel Bartlett having departed this life withou Executing titles to said lot of land, or providing in any way for the same. And it further appeering that the said Ber rien Chambers has pa ; d the full amount of the purchase price of | said lot of land; and the said Berrien having petitioned this Court to direct aud order Thomas B. Andrews, administrator of the eslate of Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, to execute to him li lies to said lot of land in conformity wiih said bond and the law : It is, therefore, ordered by the court here, that notice be given at three public places iu said county, aud in the Columbus Times and Sentinel, of such application three months, that all persons concerned may file their objections in the Clerk’s office, if any they have, why Thomas B Andrews, administrator as aforesaid, should not execute titles to said lot of land to said Berrien Chambers, in conformity to said Bond and the Statute in such case made and provided. A true extract from the minutes of said court. July l()th, 1853. S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary E. C. July 26—w3m Cteorgla, Early county.— Whereas. Joseph Grimsley, J administrator with the Will annexed, upon the estate of Sarah Grimsley, late of said county deceased, makes application to me for letters of dismission from the further administration of said estate. All persons concerned are hereby notified to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under ray hand at office, this February the 24th, 1853. March I—9wfim S. S. STAFFORD. Ordinary. Georgia, Talbot county.— Office of Ordinary, 29th s. arch, 1853.—Whereas. J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan iel Wommock’s orphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from said guardianship: Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the June Term of the Court of Ordinaiy of said county, next en suing, then and there to shew cause, i! any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true extract irom ihe minutes of said court. April 15th, 1853 April 26—w6m MARION BETHUNE. Ordinary. A dmlntstrator’s Sale—Land and Negroes. . Y Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary for Early county, will be sold before the court house door in Blakely, on the first Tuesday in October next, fifteen hundred and fifty acres ot line cotton lands in two bodies, viz.: Lots numbers two hun dred and seventy-eight, three hundred and jiine, three hundred and nineteen iu the lourth district of and numbers one hundred aud seventy, oue hundred and *sevant y-oue. one hun dred and fifty andfiftj acres of another lot raiife fifth district of Early, near Fort Gaines. These are valuable lands—persons wishing to see them betore sale, wiil please call on the undersigned at Fort Gaines. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, the fol lowing likely NEGROES, viz : Bill, a boy about nineteen years of age. Willis, a boy “ four “ “ “ Jennett, a girl “ six “ “ Seaborn, a boy “ thirteen “ “ Kinion, a man” “ fifty “ “ Mary, a woman “ fifty “ “ All sold for the beueflt of the heirs and creditors of Robert Thompson, deceased. Titles good.—Terms easy, and made known on the day of sale, by JOHN THOMPSON, Adm’r. YV’ith will annexed of Robert Thompson. August 2—wtds A dminlstrator’g Sale—Will be sold in Cuthbert, Ex Randolph county on the first Tuesday in October next, Ihe settlement of lauds on which Erasmus G’ay, Esq., resided at the time of his death, to wit: lots numbers 140,141, 149, 148 and 180, more or less 0f147, all adjoining iu the eighth district of said county, on which are tolerably good log building, an excellent gin house and screw. Three hundred acres of open lands princi pally all fresh, well watered, aDd in short a very desirable place for a farmer. Fold by order of the court of ordinary of said county. Terms, twelve months credit with small notes aud se curity. Any person wishing to purchase such a place will do well to examine tte above mentioned lauds, as each lot will be put up 1 separately. LEWIS GAY, Adurr. ; July s—wtds Administrator’s Sale— Agreeably to an order of the i A Court ofOrdinary of Eariy county, will be sold before the j court hou'c door in Blakely, on the first Tuesday in October next, . lot of laud number two hundred and forty in the fourth district ot Eariy county, known as Mrs. Epsey Dyson’s place. Sold for the benefit of ihe heirs of said Epsey Dyson, deceased. Terms on the day of sale. ‘ ABNER DY’s-ON, Adm’r. Aug 2—wtds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA, Early county —By virtue of an order trom the honorable Court of Ordinary of said county wiil be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, between ihe lawful hours of sale, lots of iand numbers one hundred and seventy two, one Inindre i and f.,.-ly-ei<hi, and one hundred aud forty-aine. all in the fifth district 01 said county, containing each :wo hundred and fifty aeres, Weil improved and in rood repair the property of J. B.S. Holmes, deceased, for the fit of the heirs and creditors ot said deceased. Terms of sate will be made oil the day of sale. August y—tds. THOMAS SPEIGHT, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordirary of Musco gee coun'.y, will be sold at tne market house in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in October next, the lands be longingto the estate of Henry Surles, deceased, being all of lo number 181, (except one acre in the north-west corner,) also, a strip of ten acres on the south side oflot number 170. Also, the west half of the balance of said lot number 170, all situated in the seventh'district of said county, beinglhe lands on wtiwh said de ceased resided at the time of his death, containing about 220 acres. These lands lie about 12 miles below Columbus, on the Jamestown and Lumpkin road, tire in good repair, and as to quality, can scarcely be equalled iu this section of country. A liberal credit will be given. August 9—wtds JETHRO OATES. Adm’r. \dinlnlßtrator’s Sale.—By virtue of an order ot the Ordinary of the county of Early, will be sold in the town of Blakely, before the Court house do*>r, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the lawful hours of sale, the following j ro nerty to wit: Lots number 5, fi, 41, 48, and part of 46, 25, 26, 27, 28, in the town of Fort Gaines, most of said lots having buildings and improvements thereon. Also 10 acres lying on Colomokee, being part oflot No. 331, sth district Early, also, one hundred and nineteen acres on the north side ol 362 in the sth district of Ear ly, the last mentioned lot or parcel ol land, will be laid out in small lots of From 5 to 20 acres each, and sold separately to suit purchasers, a plan of which will be exhibited on the day of sale. Also two acres being part of lot number 320 in the sth district of Early county, known as the snap eye place. Also the west half of lot of land number 289 in the 4th district of Early county. The above described property will be sold for the benefit o* the heirs and creditors oi John \V. Suttun, late of said coun y de ceased, as said deceased’s property. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES M. NADING, Adm’r. August ifi—tds. Administrator’s Sale.—On the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, will be sold in Cuthbert, Randolph ‘county, four negroes, viz: Maris, a woman sixty-five, Abram, a man forty three, Dave, a man thirty-five, and Bob, a man twenty-four years of age. Said negroes are the property of Timothy Pittman, de ceased , and sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, for the purpose of distribution amongst the heirs of said deceas ed. Terms on the day. A. A. PITTMAN, Adm’r. August 16—tds. A dmlnlatrators’ Sale. —Will be sold in Cuthbert, Ex Ran dolpb county, on the first Tuesday in October next, the settlement of lands on which Sterling G. Rodgers resided at the time of his death. The settlement embraces lots Nos. 2,4 and 30, in the 6th district of said county, on which tHere are some 225 acres open and improved lands. Said lands are situated some seven or eight miles west of Cuthbert, fin. Terms on the day. August 16—tds. C. C. <V C. A. WILLIS, Aom’rs. Artmlnhtrutoi-’s Sale.—W ill be sold on the first Tues day in October next, before the Court house door in Cuth berl, Randolph county, two hundred and filly acres land, more or less, comprising a part of lots Nos. 200 and 217 in Ike 9th dis trict of said county, the same being the interest of Mary Knigh ton, deceased, in and to said lots ot land, and sold as a portion of her estate for purpose of division among the heirs. August 16—tds, JAMES LITTLE, Adm’r. (GEORGIA, Randolph county*—Whereas, Zacha- T riah Nichols applies to me for letters ofndministiation on the estate of Josiah J. Nichols deceased, late , f said county. Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish and singular the kindred and creditors ol said dec ased, to be and appear at my office, on or before ihe first Monday in October next, and make known their objections, if any they have, otherwise, said letters will then and there be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand at office, the 9th day of August, 1853. August 16—w7t. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. John A. J. YVeatheraby ) Stbwabi’ Svfkrior Court VB. Y April Term, 1853. Elizabeth Weathertby. ) Libel for Divorce. IT appearing by the return of the (Sheriff that the defendant Is not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or dered by the Court tl at service of this libel be periected on the said Elizabeth YVeathersby, by publication of this order in the Columbus Times and Sentinel once a month lor four months next preceding term of this Court. A true extract from the A/iirat sos this Court. June 15— Inm4ni I. M. COX. Clerk. APPLICATION willbemadeto the Ordinary of Musco gee county on the first Monday in September next, for letters of administr tion, with the YY’LI annexed, on the estate ot Ran dall Jones, deceased, late of said county. WILLIAM N. JONES. Columbus. Aug. 2—wTt Susan Grubbs ) Stewart Fupkrior Court, vs. Y April Term, 1853. Josiah Grubbs. ) Libel for Divorce. IT appearing by the return o the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in tins county, it is therefore ordered by the Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Josiah Grubbs, by publication of this order in the Columbus Times and Sentinel once a month for four months next preceding the ensu ing term of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes of Stewart Superior Court for April Term, 1853. June 15—latn4m t. M. COX, Clerk. Caroline SL Catenhead Y Stewart Su-krior Court, vs. v April Term. 1853. Thomas J. Catenhead. ) Libel for Divorce. IT appearing by the return of the Sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in the county of Stewart, it is therefore order ed by the Court that service of this libel be perfected on the said Thomas J. Catenhead by publication of this order in the Colum bus Times and Sentinel, once a month for four months next pre ceding the ensuing Term of this Court. A true extract Irom the Minutes of said Court. June 15—lam4m _ I. M. COX, Clerk. TWO months afterdate application will be made to the Court ofOrdinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell a city lot with improvements, in the city of Columbus, in said county, known as lot number five hundred and twelve, containing one half of an acre, belonging to the estate of James Baugh, late of said county, deceased. YY'M. C. GRAY, Adm’r. June 29—w2m TWO months—after date, I will apply to the ordinary of Randolph County for leave toseU the lands and negroes of Francis C, Powell, deceased. SENEY J. POWELL, Adm’x. July B—w2m TWO months after date I shall make application to the court of Ordinary of Early county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Joseph C. Gray, deceased. July s—w2m JAS. B. BROWN, Adm’r. TWO months after date, I will apply to thecourt nfOr dinary of Randolph county for leave to sell the lands belong ing to Frances Whipple, a minor. July s—w2m ROBERT L. MITCHELL, Guardian TWO months after date application will be made to the Court ofOrdinary of Muscogee county, for leave to sell lot of land number one hundred and thirty seven in the seventh district of said county ; said land belonging to the estate of David Graham, late of said county, deceased. FERIBA L. GRAHAM, Adm’r. June 28—w2m __ TWO months afler date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Talbot County for to sell all the Real Estate of Oliver 11. P. Dauiel late of said county de ceased. JOSEPH BROWN, Adm’r. July 19, 1853—w2m. TWO months—after date, I will apply to the ordinaiy of Randolph County for leave to sell the lands of Archibald Peterson, deceased. JOHN PETERSON, Adm’r. July B—w2m MARBLE WORKS, East side IJroad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAYfE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American, Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carving done on stone in the best possible manner; and all kinds oi Gran ite YVork at the shortest notice. _ _ JOHN H. MADDEN. f • S.—Flasterofrarisand Cement,alwaysonhand for sale. Columbus. March 7, 1850, 10 ts VARIETY WORKS. WARE ROOM Broad at.. COLUMBUS, Ga NEXT DOOR SOUTH OF TIMES OFFICE. THE proprietors es this establishment are endeavoring to rest the evil ot buying at the North, by manufacturing evei ! description of building requirements—such as FANEI.DOi'RS, j h INDOIV BLINDS , SASH otall sizes, dresaogl FI.CORING ] PLANK, and other kinds of J. UMBER ; W OODEN WARE, | of every description ; BEDSTEADS from $4 50 to $55 each.— j And more remarkable than ail, the finest CO IT AGE CHAIR ! in the world at $1 each. Please give us a van before purchasing elsewhere, for we are a 1* i in a trading humor at low prices for cash. LATHS at $] 50 per thousand. v ~ o- WM. BROOKS k. CO. Coinmhns July—g?w t f MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE. \ T t the bookstore formerly occupied by A. C. FLEU ELLEN teiT<i<SS’ A “ ‘l’Ej.tsf- to ~ TiWSg; Winter’s Palace Mills, A Rf; attain in full operation. Send in your Wheat and eorn. T ur ’ *Yfeal, Bran and Shorty always on hand. Columbus, June 29 wtwtf [NUMBER 100.