The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, September 09, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] THE TIMES & SENTINEL^ TENNENT LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES SENTINEL U published EVERY tVF.f)M"f'S DA Y and FRIDAY MOR.V- I.YG and SATURDAY F.VEXUYG. THE WEEKuY TIMES do SENTINEL is published every TJF.SDA Y JHORM'IJfG. Office on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TEHMS: TRf-IVEEKLY, Five Dollars per annum, in advance. IVKBKLY, Two Dollars per annum,in advance. \<i vertiseinents conspicuously inserted at Ojk Dollar j pe'~<juar ‘. the first insertion, and nr tt cents for every sub sequent insTrlion. Liberal deduction wiil be made for yearly advertisements. , Sales of Land and Negroes, by Administrators, Executors, o j Guardians, are required by law to be held on tiie first Tuesday ! in ‘he month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the aIU-rtioon, at the Court House in the county in which the property is siiuaii. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. wYotices for the sate of Personal Property must be given at least ten days previous to the day of sale* Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be publish ed forty days. Nonce that application will he made to the Court of Ordinary ; f< r L ave to sell Land or Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration must be published thirty days f<>r Dismission Iroin Administration, monthly six months lor Dismissit n irom Guardianship forty days. Rules lor Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four vionths for establishing lost papers, fur the full space of Hirer months —for com ‘dling titles trom Executors or Admin- Istra'ors, where a bond lias been given by the deceased, ike full spore of three months. Pu'dicai ions will always be continued acceding to these, the legal requirements, unit ss otherwise ordered. LKGAL NOTICE^ (’ KOItGIA, Muscogee County.—Will be sold on < the first Tuesday ,in October next, at the Market House in the City t fColumbus, ihe toliowing property, viz: ‘lacnrina a woman about iwe ty-nii e years old, and her two children, Caroline a girl about twelve years ol age and Mar gaiet a girl about six years old ; also, Mary Ami a woman about iw i my five years old and her child .Siepheu a boy six yearsold, levied on us ilie property 01 Augustus C. Johnson to satis'} sev er A ti fas in my hands, one uoin the Inferior court of Muscogee in ‘ M. Reed against said Johnson; and other fi fas in my hands against B'rid Johnson. Also forty acres of land in ihe south-west corner of lot of land, number not known, in the ninth disirict of Muscogee ; bounded | eas hy ihe land of Ginn, and the north westbv Fontain ; levied on as the property of Win. S. Thompson. Levy ruade and re turned to me hy the C nstable. Also, the folh'vvi.igarticles —six glass decanter?,flv tumblers, one drain. O'escreen, one bagatell fa le, Jcc., three dozt n bo - ties, four glas-j ,rs, our picture frames, foi r tin measmes, lev ied on a-ihe property of Charnac Newberry to satisfy a fi fa from Muscogee In erior court in favor of Michael Woodruff, agaii st said N wherry. Also the Brick Ya*don the not*h side of the Lumpkin road, near or >n the line of the last Commons of the cily of Columbia, coiiiaitiing six acres, more or Uss, levied on as ihe property of ; Y\ in. It. Robinson so satisfy a fi fa Irom MuscogeeSuperi >r ! Court, in favor of Vaiencourt H. Cady against YVm, 8.. Bird F. j ad Nathaniel Me Robinson and Seaborn Jones owners of the ! steamer Oceola. Properly pointed out b% Seaborn Jones. Columbus, sept 3—ids A. S. RUTHERFORD, Sheriff i Also, at the same place, on the first Tuesday tu Novem- j her next, the following property to-wit : .Moses a mulatto man about twenty-five years of age, Eliza- | bet h a worn in eighteen yearsold, Hemietta a child about two years otu. i.ucinda a woman twenty-five years old ; levied on as i the pro ertyof Thomas K ng to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from ; Muscogee Inferior cour; in favor of Win. A. Cl.ilom, and other j fi fas in mv hand against said King. Sep'3 -t s A. *. RUTHERFORD. Sheriff. I Early Sheiiff Sales. -\TILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October next, be- < >V tween the lawful hours of sale, before the court house ! door isi Blakely, Early county, Ga., ihe following property, to wit Two acres ol land, more or le-s, whereon Mrs. Williams now L ves. aujoi'dng H. Jemagan and others on the Hartford road, Ivmg near ihe town of Fort Gaines ; levied on as the property of < reen Raley to satis yafi fa from a justice court; O. 11. Da- ; vis. vs said Raley. Also lot number three hundred and twenty-nine in the twenty t district of Early county, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less, levied on as the property of Obediah P. Cheatham, by a rt la tom Stewart Superior court: Elbert D. Sm th, vs said Cheatham. Also lot of land number 2>7, in Ihe 13ih district of Early j eoun ! y, evi. don as the proj erty of Harvy small to satisfy ati i fa in i vor >t J. & I. Mcßryue, vs said Harvy Small. August 30—wtiis JOHN WEr-T, Sheriff. , GEORGIA, ) CO UR TOF ORD LVAR Y, Muscogee county. ] July Term, 1853. R UI.E JV7 SI. A F.REAS, Hugh R. Rodgers, administrator on the estate of Frauds M. Vickery, tieceas and late of Muscogee county, | having applied lor letters of dismission from said administration. : it is ordered by the c mrt, that all persons concerned show j cause, (if any they have.) why said admins trator should not be; dismissed at the > onrt of Ordinary to be held iu and for said coun- ! tj on the first Jl/onday in March next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, Augusta, 1853. A. giisi9—wfim. JOHN JOHNSON Ordinaly. GEORGIA, ) Court of Ordinary, Muscosrec county,! April Term, 1853. RUI.F. .VI SI. ■\TTHEREAS, Wm.N. Nelson, administrator de bonis non on ’ t the estate of John Liggin, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration: It is ordered tliai ali persons concerned shew cause, if any they have, why said administrator should not be dismissed attheCouri of Ordinary to be held in and ior said county on the first Monday iu N vember next. \ true transcript from the minutes of said court. April 4, 1853. rotumhtis. April 12—wfim JSP. JOUNmiN, Ordinary, GEORGIA, l Court of Ordinary. Muscojrce county, t April Term, 1853. RUFF. XI SI. WHEREAS, YVm. N. Nelson,administrator on the estate of Augustus Peabody, deceased, having applied for letters of dismission from said adinintst’ation : It is ordered that all per sons concerned, shew cause, if any they have, why said admin istrator should not be dismissed at the Court ot Ordinary to be j held iu and for said county on the first Monday in November \ true transcript from the minutes of said court, April 4,1853. Aprii 12-wfim JO. JnHNSQN. <'rdm-rv. ('N corgta, Itandolph county.—YVhereas, Jas. Kuth- I ertoid, t.uardian of Benjamin and Absalom Sutley, applies to me for dismission irom ins said Guardianship. Ail persons interested are. therefore, hereby required to file their objections, i’ any they have, on or before the May term of this court next otherwise said applicant will be then and t.iere dtsmts seu. Given under my hand at office the 17th March. 1853. March 22—wfim * O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. GKOR GI A , l COURT OF ORDIN ARY, Stewart conuty. ‘ April Term, 1853. UPON the petition of YY'illiam H. House, Executor of the last YY'il! and Testament of Thomas House, deceased, for letters ot dismission from his said executorship: It i- on motto", ordered by the court that all persons concern ed, shew cause, on or before the next term of said court, why sai.l letters should not then be granted. A true extract Irom the minutes of said court, April 12,1853. An it lt> won J. L. WIMBERLY, Ordinary. Joliu A. J. AVea* Uersby l Stewart Siperior < ourt vs. X April Term, 1853. Elizabeth YY'eathersby. j Libel for Divorce. II appearing by the return of the sheriff that the defendant is not to be found in the County of Stewart, it is therefore or dere 1 b> the Court tt at service ol this libel be periected on the suid Elizabeth YY'eathersby, by publication of this order in the Columbus Times and Seiitinel once a month ior lour months It > i preceding the ensuing term if this Court. A true extract from the A/inut sos this Court. Dr e 15- <aiii4m I. M. COX. Cierk. ’ 1,(1,011t-rubbs i bikwakt .-ifekior court, vs. v April Teim, 1853. josluh Grubbs. S Libel for D.vorce. If appearing oy the return o the Sheriff that the defendant is not o be found in this county, it is therefore ordered by the Court that se* vice of this libel be perfected on the said Josiah tin bbs, b\ publicationel this order in the Columbus 1 iroee and Sentinel once a an mh lor lour months next preceding the ensu ing term ot this Court. . A true extract nom the Minutes of Stewart Superior Court ior April term, 1853. June 15—Jam4m IM. < <>X. <Terk. Caroline - *', Cfittenhead j m*wat •>< fekiok colht, L April Term. 1853. Thonins J. Catenliead. S Libel tor Divorce. It a,* earing bv tne return of the Sheriff that the defendant ic not to ue tound in ihe county of x tew art, it is therefore oroer fcl by tlie < ourt that siTvite of this !ibe! be perfected on the said Thomas J. Cutenhead by publication <>f this order in the Colum bus l imes and Senline., mre a mouth to r tour mocUisnext pre ceding the ensuing Term of this Court. A true extract irom ttie Minutes of said Court. w June 15—lam4m I. M. COX, Clerk. w “THE UNION OF THE STATES AND THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.’ 1 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 9, 18.53. GEORGIA, } COURT OF ORD.NARY, Stewart county. $ November Term, 1853. TT PON the petition of William 11. House, Executor ot the last l Will and Testament ol Thomas House, deceased, lor letters ot dismission from his said executorship. It is on motion, ordered by the court that all persons concern ; ed, shew cause, on or before the next November term of said court, why said letters should not then be granted. A trueextract from the minutes of said court, April 12, It 53. April ID —wfim J. 1.. WIMBERLY, Ordi-my. GKOitGIA, { COURT ol- llli/jiJVAR i . Randolph county, j June Term, 1853. PH ILIP CaUSEY, administrator on the estate’ of David littr vell, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned 11 is I court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that all und smguiar the parties interested, show cause, if any they have, on or before the next January Term of this court, why the petition of said administrator should not je granted, otherwise he will be then and there dismissed. Given under my haud at office the 25th June, 1853. July s—wfim O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. GEORGIA, • Court of ordinary of said coun- R audolpli county, Sj ty, April Term, 1853. JAMES YY’.COLLINri, administrator of YV .Collins, late of said county, deceased, petitions this court to grant him letters of dismission from his said administration, and it appearing that said estate has been fully administered : Ordered that ail persons file their objections if any they have,on or before the November Term ofthis court next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will be then and there dismissed. April 12—wfim O. 1. BEALL. Ordinary. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, Randolph county, j June Term, 1853. PIIL-P CAUSEY, Administrator on the estate of David IJar vell. late of said county, deceased, having petitioned this court tor letters of dismission. It is ordered that ail persons con cerned, fl e their objections, (if any they have,) on or before the January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise said Admia trator wiil be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 16th day of June 1853. J’ ne 21—wfim, O. P. BEALL, Odinary. Gseorgla. Talliot county— Office of Ordinary, 20th T March, 1853.—YVherea J. J. Jamison, Guardian of Nathan iel Worn mock’s orphans, petitions for letters of Dismission from said guardianship: Be it ordered, That all persons concerned, be and appear at the June Term of the Court o! Ordinal} of said county, next en suing, then and there to shew cause, il any they have, why said letters should not be granted. A true extract trom the minutes of said court, April 15th. 1853 April “fi— wfim MARION BKTHUNE. Ordinary. , tui giai tiaudotpli count y—Y\ hereas, Jolin (7ii v I bert, Guardian of 11 end ley K. Hill, minor and orphan ot YY’illiam E. Mill, deceased, applies to me for dismission irom said Guardianship. All j ersons interested are therefore hereby required to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the May Term ol this Court next ensuing, otherwise said applicant will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office, the 17ih March, 1853. March 22—wfim O. P. BEALL. Ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIAt Early county.—By virtue of an order from the honoiable court ot Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first 1 uesday in November next, between ihe lawtul hours of sale, lots o: land numbers oi e hundred amt seventy two, one hundred and forty-eight, and one hundred and torty-.iine, all in the filth district o said county, containii g each two hundred and fifty acres, well improved aid in good repair. 8i Idas the property ot J. B.S. Ho mes, deceased, lor the bene fit of tte heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale will be made on ilieuav of sale. August 9—tds, THOMAS BPEIGHT, Adm’r. (GEORGIA, Randolph county.—YVhereas, Zacha- T riah Niching applies to me for letters of administi ation on the estate of Josiah J. Nichols deceased, laie if said county. These are, theiefi re, to cite and admonish aU and singular the kindred and creditors ot said dec ased, to be and appear at my office, on or before ihe first Monday in October next, and make known their objections, if any they have, otherwise, said letters wili then and there be granted to said applicant. Given under ir>y hand at office, the 9th day of August, 1552. August 16—w?t. o. P. BEALL, Ordinary. / ttorgia, Randolph county.—YV 7 here"S, Jeremiah vT J. Cutverhouse applies to me tor letters of admin'stration [ on the estate < t Mary YV tiler, Lie of raid county, deceased, These are, therelore, to cite aud admonish ail and singu ar the kindred and creditors of saio deceased, to he and appear at ray j “ftice on or befure the first .Monday in October next, and file ob- j jection. if any Wey hav>, otherwise letters ot adm nistration will ! be to said applicant. Given under my band at office this2l th Aug. 1853. Aug 30—w6t O P. BEALL, Ordinary'. Georgia, Randolph county.—Court of Or dinary.— YY'hereas, by the petition ot William Hayes, ad- j ministrator on the estate of Enoch Rigsby, deceased, and the ! estate of Kinchen Faircloth, deceased, it appearing to this court that be has fully administered both of said estates, and moves the j court to gram him letters of dismission: All persons concerned in 1 either of said estates, are hereby notified to make known their \ objections, if any they have, on or belore the October term of i thiscourt next ensuing, otherwise said administrator will then and there be dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 29th march 1853. O. F. BEALL, Ordinary. April 5 —wfim COURT OF ORDINARY 1 T „ 1Q „ for Early county. j July Term, 1853. S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary, Presiding: IT appearing to the Court by the Petiiiou of Berrien Chsmbers, i that Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, did in his life time execute to said Berrien Chambers, his bond conditioned to execute titles in fee simple to lot of land number two hundred and ninety-sev on, in the twenty-sixth district of Early county, to said Berrien Chambers ; and the said Nathaniel Bartlett having departed this life withou .executing titlesto said lot of land, or providing in any way for the same. And it further appearing that the saidßer- ; rien Chambers has pa ; d the full amount of the purchase ] lice ot j said lot of land; and the said Berrien having petitioned this : < ourt to direct and order Thomas B. Andrews, administrator of | •he estate of Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, to execute to h.m ti- j lies to said lot of land in conformity wish said bond and the law : It is, therefore, ordered by the court here, that notice be given i at three public placesin said county, and in theColumbusTime? : and Sentinel, ot such applies l !’ ‘ ee months, that all persons concerned may file their objei w. ... the Clerk’s office, it any | they have, why Thomas B Andrews, administrator as aforesaid, ■ should not execute titles to sad tot oi land to said Berrien ! Chambers, in conlormity to said Bond and the Statute in such : case made and provided. A true exti act from the minutes of said court. July 10th, 1353. S. 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary E. C. Julv 2fi—w3rn William J Scott, Adm’r, A Scire Facias to make Parties, i of Archiba.d H, Scott, dec’d. Muscogee In prior Court, ps / August Term, 1853. Michael H. Goss. J It appearing to toe Court that the Defendant in she above case, Michael 11. Goss is not to be found in this State. It it therefore ordered by the Court, that seivice be perfected on the said A/ichael H. Goss by the publication of this rule in some public gazette of this Mate oute a month lor lour months before the next termot this Court. A true extract front the minutes of Muscogee Inferior Court, August Term 1853, this ‘-sth day of August, 1853. Columbus, sept 6. lt-53—w4m A P JONES, clerk. 4 dintnist rat or 8 Sale.-Under leave granted by the A Ordinary of Cass county, will be sold at the Market House in Columbus on the first Tuesday in November next, the house and lot in Columbus belonging to tbe estate of John 8. Randle, deceased, situated on the north west corner of Troup and Frank lin streets, and now occu ied bv porter Ingram, Esq. Terms Cash. A. H. CHAPPELL, September 6, 1853. Administrator. 4 dminist rator’s Sale.— Agreeably to an order of the rV. Court ot Ordinary of £arly County, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Canton, County, on the first Tuesday in November next, lot of land No. 592 In the 15th DiSt. 2d section o’ Cnerokee County. Sold as the proper ty of J'll!n Jones, late of Eaily county decent td. Terms cash. Sept. 6 1853.—wtds. THUS. B. ANDREWS, Adm’r. Vd ministrator’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Early county, wi j be so.d beiore tl e Court of Ordinary in the town of Oallis, Paulding county, on the first Tu sday in November next, lot of land No. 172, in the 19th Dist.. 3d section Paulding county. Sold as the pioperty ot John Jones hue of Early county decased. Terms cash. Sept, ti Ips3—wtds. * THOS. B. ANDREWS, Adm’r. 4 dministrator’s Sale.—Land and Negroes. A Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinary for Larh county, will be sold before tbecouit house door in Blakely, on the first Tuesday in October next, fireen hundred and fifty acres of fine cotton lands in two bodies, viz.: Lots numbers two hun dred and seventy-eight, three hundred and nine, thr e hundred and nineteen in the lourth district of EarL, and numbers om hundred and seventy, one hundred and seventy-one, one hun dred and fifty and fifty acres ot another lot in the fifth district ot Early, near Fort Gaines. Tneseure valuable lands—persors wishing to see them Oetore sale, will please call on the undersigned at ► ort Gaines. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, the fol lowing likely yEGKOES, viz : Bill, a boj about ni .eteen years of age. Willis, a boy “ four “ “ Jennett, a girl u six “ ** Seaborn, a noy “ thirteen ** “ Kinion, a man “ flity M “ .Wary, a woman “ fifty w “ All sold tor* the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of Robert Thompson, deceased. Titles good.—Terms easy, and mads known on the day oi | gala b y JOHN THOMPSON, Adm’r. With will annexed of Robert Thompson. August 2—wtds ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. AGREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Musco gee county, will beso and at the market house in the city o | Columbus, on the first Tuesday in October next, the lands be ; longing to the estate of Henry Surles, deceased, being all of lo ; number 131,(except one acre in the nor.h-west corner,) also, a strip of ten acres on the south side oflot number 170 Also, the ! w <-‘st half of the balance of said lot number 170, all situated in the ; seventh disirict of said county, being the lands on wtiis-h said de ceased resided at the time of his death, containing about 220 lucres. These lands lie about 12 miles below Columbus, on the Jamestown and Lumpkin road, are in good repair, and as to quality, can scarcely be equalled in this section of country. A liberal credit, will be given. ; August 9—wtds JETHRO OATES, Adro’r. Sale.—By virtue of an order ot the 'miliary of the county of Early, will be sold in the town of Blakely, before the Court house door, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the lawful hours of sale, the following | ro perty to wit: Lots number 5, fi, 41, 48, and part of 46, 25, 20, 27, 28, in the town of Fort Gaines, most ot said lots having buildings and improvements thereon. Also 10 acres lying on Colomokee, being part of lot No. 331,5 th district Early, also, one hundred and nineteen acres on the north side o! 362 in the sih district of Ear ly, the last mentioned lot or parcel of land, will be laid out in smail lots of from 5 so 20 acres each, and sold separately to suit purchasers, a plan of which will be exhibited on the day of sale. 4!s two acres being part of lot number 320 in the oth district >f Early county, known as the snap eye place. Also the west half o lot of land number 2fc9in the 4*lh district of 1 arly county. The above de-cribed property will be sold lor the bi ntfit o the heirs and creditors o ( John Yv . Suttun, late of said county de ceased, as suid deceased’s properly. Terms made known on ihe day of sale. JAMES M. NADING, Adm’r. August 16—tds. Administrator’s Sale.— On the first Tuesday in Octo ber next, will be so and in Cuthbert, Randolph county, four negroes, viz: Maria, a woman sixty-five, Abram, a ruan forty three, Dave, a man thirty-five, and Bob, a man twenty-four years of age. Said negroes are the property of Timothy Pittman, de ceased , and sold by order ot the Court of Ordinary of sain county, for the purpose of distribution amongst the heirs of said deceas ed. Terms on the day. A. A. PITTMAN, Adm’r. August Ifi—ids. Administrators’ Sale.—Will be sold in Cuthbert, Randolph county, on the first Tuesday in October next, the settlement of lands on which Sterling G. Rodgers resided at the time of his death. The settlement embraces lots Nos. 2,4 and 30, in the 6th district of said county, on which there are some 225 acres open and improved lands. Baid iands ere situated some seven or eight miles west of Cuthbert, Ga. Terms on the day. August 16 tds. C. (\ r V. A. WILI.IP, Aam’rs. A dminlstrator’s Sale.—^Will be sold in Cuthb ert i 2\ Randolph county on the first Tuesday in October next, the setilement ot lands on which Erasmus G ay, Esq., resided at the time of his death, to wit: lots numbers 140, i 11. 149, i4B and 180, more or less of 147, all adjoining in the eighth disyfict ot said county, on which are tolerably good log building, an excellent gin house and screw’. Three hundred acres of open lands princi pally all fresh, well watered, and in -hort & very desirable place for a farmer. Bold by order of the court of edinary of said county. Terms, twelve months credit with smail notes aud se curity. Any person w ishing to purchase such a place wili do well to : examine t*-.e above mentioned lands, as each lot will be put up separately. LEWIS GAY, Adm’r. July s—wtds \ dmlnislrator’s Sale.—Agreeably to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary of tarty county, will be sold before the court house door in Blakely, on theyßirst Tuesday in October next, i lot oflami number two hundred and forty in the fourth distiict oi j Early county, known as Mrs. Epsey Dyson’s place. Sold for the ] benefit ofthe heirs of said Epsey Dyson, deceased. Terms on the day of sale, ABN Ed DYsON, Adm’r. ; Aug 2—wids. Ad miti Ist rat or’a Sale.—Will be *old on the first Tues- i day in ictober next, before the Court house door in Cuth- ! bert, Randolph county, tw o hundred and fifty acres land, more or less, comprising a part of lots Nos. 200 anti 217 in ti-1 9ih dis trict of said county, the same being the interest of Maiy Knigh ton, deceased, in and to said lots of land, and sold as a portion of tier estate for purpose of division among the 1 eirs. August 16—tds. JAMES LITTLE, Adm’r. \ PPLICATIOK will be made to the Ordinary o?M ..sco- Ji. gee county on the first Monday iu September next, for letters of ad mini sir tion, with the Wid annexed, on the estate ot Ran dall Jones, deceased, late of said county. YYILLIAM N. JONES. Columbus, Aug. 2—w7t ’ “ ‘'” “ j liAxecutor’s Sale.—YVili be sold on the first Tuesday in Lt November next in the town of Lumpkin Stewart touniy, Ga., tweive hundred and titty acres of land, lying 7 miles east of Lumpkin, o i the stage road leading to Oglethorpe, belong ii g to the estate oi Covington Brooks, dec’d., late of Randolph j county. The above place is well improved in a high state of j cultivation; about half open land, and half in woods. Terms! made known on the day of sale. C. C. BROOKS, Ex’r. Sept. C 1853—wtds’ N. B. The above land can be had at private sale, by apply- j inr to D. R. Stone on ihe premises, or R. C. Black, at Ogle th-rpp. or myself. 11 mi es east of Columbus. C. C. B. , wo inonthsait<r date, 1 will apply to the ordinary JL ot'Randolph County for leave to sell the lands and negroes of i Francis C. Powell, deceased. SFNEY J. POWELL, Adm’x. July B—w 2m I>\\ O months alter date 1 shall make application to the court oi Ord.nary of Early county for leave to sell the lands ; belonging to the estate of Joseph C. Gray, deceased. July s—w2m JAS.’ B. BROYY’N, Adm’r. j r'lA'WO months after date, 1 will apply to the court of Or-j JL dinary of Ramlolph county for leave to sell the lauds belong- ; ing to l-rances YYmpple. a minor. July s—w2m ROBERTL. MITCHELL, Guardian r U\VO months after date application wiil be madt to the j JL Court of Ordinary of Talbot County for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Oliver H. P. Daniel late of said county de- i ceased. JOSEPH BROWN, Adm’r. July 19, 1853—w2tn. j rsVW O months—after date, I wiil apply 7 to the ordinary of : JL Randolph County for leave to sell the lands of Archibald j Peterson, deceased. JOHN PETERSON, Adm’r. July B—w2m 1-YVO months after date application will toe to the court ot ordinary of Muscogee county for leave to soil the in groes belonging to the estate of Joanna Christian, late of said county,deceased. SILAS M McGRADY, f ~ 1 Sept 6- w2m IVEY A/ORR'S. y rSI Two mouths after date application w T iil he made to tie Gourt of Ordinary of Randolph County, for 1 leave to se l the Negroes belonaing to the Estate of Geo. YV. I Moye, late of said county deceased. WILLIAM A. MOYE, Adm’r. September 6, 1853- w2m. Notice—Lost Notes. f OST on the 18th of this month, in Stewart county, Georgia, on Ij the road leading from Florence to Columbus, between Fior ence and the Muscogee line, a small b'ar.k book \\ ith one pocke m it, used for a pocket book, which contain'd several paj ersof value : among them was a bill of sale made by Mary D. Leith to YVm. Davis, of Russel coumv, Ala., tor a negro man named Tom ; and three notes of hand, one on Thomas S. Saunders, due the 25th of December next, for 867 and some cents: one on John Dawson for 827 and some centc, and one on Thomas t-attee, near Flo ence, Stewart county, Ga , for 9120, ihis nnte was given for the hire of a negro man by the name of Tom, w hich Saitee now has in possession, made payable to Mary D. Leith, due the 25th o December next. All persons are forewarned from trading for said'notes, and the makers are hereby notified not to pay them to any person but myself. Any information in relation to said pocket book and papers will be thankfully received Sa'etn. Ala , Aug. 30—w4t . VY’M. DAVIS. Notice. A LL persons are hereby warned not to trade with mv wife JOANNA GLOVER ; she having left my house without my consent or knowledge, and against my wish. I therefore wilt not >e responsible for any contract she may make upon the faith of my credit. ELBERT A. GLOVER, s'li.wiit i'o.. A*'g"’ 26. IRs3—t\vDw2t NOTICE. 1 LL persons are hereby notified that I claim to be the own ry. er of the YVest-half of Section 17, Township 11. and Range 28. in Barbour county, Ala., the same same being a Creek Indi an Reservation, the contract for which has been lost, and that I shall pr >ceed on the 3 i Monday in November next, at the Office of the Hon. Alfred Iverson, iu the city of Columbus, Ga., to take evidence of the existence and loss of said original contract in order to establish a copy thereof agreeably to the rules of the General Land Office, and to applv for a Ts'ent to the same. JAMES L. PUGH. Columbus, August 23d, 1853—wfif* Notice. o TOLEN or strayed from the subscriber near Cuthbert, Ran- O dolph county, Ga., on the night of the 13th inst.. a sorrel mare MULE 01 ordinary size, about four years old ; ir.a e neat tv roacbed.her tail was shaved and swabbed last spring and ha? grown three orfou inches. Ba:d mule has a grey < r roi n spot three inches wide and about four inches long between her eye and nose. Any lnformttion concerning said mule will be thank fully received, or if stolen, I will pay twenty-five dollars for the mule with sufficient evidence to convict the thief. Address. JAMES A. RUCKER, August 23—wtf Cuth hi- rt. G*. NOTICE. DA. GARRETT is my duly authorised agent to transact an> • business of mine, that may hereafter be found in his bauds j Columbus, July I—w&twbm J. B. HICKS. TRAVELING. MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD CO. I CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. On and after the 10th inst. the Passenger Train will leave and run by the following schedule daily until further notice: Leave Columbus at 9A. M.; Arrive at Macon 325 P.M. Leave Macon at fi 30 A. M.; Arrive at Columbus I 5 P. M. E. F. RICKER, Superintendent. Columbus, May 14, 1853 UiMTED STATES MAIL lTne7~ New York and Savannah Steamships. QVMMER ARRASGEHENT.—Days of leaving Sa- O varinah lor New York: The Augusta, Capi, J.yon, on Wednesday, June 8 “ Florida, u YY'oodhull, on Saturday, “ 11 “ Alabama, “ Ludlow 7 , on Saturday, u 18 “ Augusta, “ I.yon, on Saturday, “ 25 “ Florida, “ YY’oodhull, on Saturday, July 2 “ Augusta, 41 Lyon, on Saturday, “ 9 “ Flor.da, “ YY'oodhull, on Saturday, “ Ifi “ Alabama, “ Ludlow, on Wednesday 7 , “ 20 Augusta, “ Lyon, on Saturday, * “ 23 “ Florida, 46 YY’oodhull, on Sa urday, 44 30 44 Alabama, 47 Ludlow, on Wednesday, Aug. 3 “ Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Satu day, * 44 6 44 Florida, 44 Wood hull, on Saturday, 44 13 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on YY'tdnesaay, 44 17 14 Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Saturday, ’ 44 20 44 Florida, 44 YY'oodhull, on Saturday, 44 27 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 31 44 Augusta, 44 Lyon, on Saturday, ’ Sept. 3 44 Florida, 44 YY'oodhull, on Saturday, “ 10 44 Alabama, 44 Ludlow, on Wednesday, 44 14 These ships are the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort —making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and are commanded by skillful, careful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. On the com pletion of the Atlanta in the autumn, this line will be semi weekly—sailing each YA'ednesday and Saturday. Cabin Passage I fa>?4s PADELFoRD, FAY & CO., Agents in Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCH 11.1 , June 5 Sept 7 13 Broadway, New York. hamden’s Express. DOLPR Street. WE respectfully beg leave to imorm the citizens ot Columbus and its vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central Railroad Banking Company, and are now run ning messengers daily from Macon to Savannah. Ylso, forwarding goods daily over Ihe Muscogee and South- Western Raihoad to Fort Valiey, Oglethorpe at.d Macon, thence to Miiiedgeville Savai nah ane all intermediate places. Also, to Mon’goraery, Ala. We would also say, that our Ex presses by the steamers to New Y’ork aid Philadelphia enable us to forward every description of merchandise and valuables. Notes, Drafts, and Bills collected in every town in the Northern and Eastern B'atea ; also, to (alifornia and Europe. Offices and Agents—Rando’ph street, Columbus, opposite the “Corner Btone” printing office ; C. A. EEs tx Fou, Macon; Mr.Kendrick, Fort Y’aliey; G.R.Clayton, Oglethorpe; 153 Bay street, Savannah ; 74 Broadway, A'ew York ; 43 and 45 South- Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court street, Boston; Exchange street, Providence; Montgomery street, Nan Francisco. LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER & CO. Columbus, April 13—tw&w FAKE REDUCED. FOR PHILADELPHIA. UNITED BTA TE S MA IL LI NE . Philadelphia Savannah Steam Navigation Company. THE new and splendid side-wheel Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, twelve hundred tons register, Capt. WALTER COLLINS, will leave Savanntli as follows: Wednesday, July 27 Wednesday, Aug 10, 44 *Aug 24 44 Sept 7. 44 Sept 19 44 Oct 5. This ship has been built with the strictest regard to the safety and comfort of the passengers, and her accommodations are un surpassed by any steamship on the coast. Anew steamship now building, in evety respect equal to the State of Georgia, will takt her place in the line during the month of June, and wi.l, with the StateofGeorgia, make a week lyline, leaving each port on Y\ ednesdny. Cabin passage trom Bavai nah to Philadelphia $lO Steerage 44 44 44 Philadelphia........ 8 C. A. L. LAMAR, Agent in Savannah. HERON & MARTIN, May 21—ts Agents in Philadelphia ~NEW” Ell!E I’liOOE LIVERY’ STABLE. ■■ - - ■ ” 1111 f fi|vHE undersigned return their sincere thanks to their nuiner- JL ous natrons and friends for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to them, and would respectfully announce to the pub lic that they Dave removert to large and recently finished FIRE PROOF BRICK STABLE, WEST SIDE OGLETHORPE STREET, Adjoining Temperance Hall , and opposite 11. C. Me - i Kee’s Carriage Repository , where they are prepared to offer facilities and accommodations unsurpassed in the southern country. Their stables are fitted up with over ONE HUNDRED COMMODIOUS STALLS! Their lots are extensive and secure. Out Saddle Horses, Bug giea, Cairiages and Rockaways, are of the very first order. Our Drivers, Hostlers and Attendants are sober, careful and courte ous. Everything connected with our establishment is under the immediate personal attention of the Proprietors. We have spared no expense, and predetermined to spare no pains which may be necessary, to render pertect satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. YY’e hope, therefore, by diligent and unremitting att.ntion to our business, to merit a lib.ral share of public patronage. FINE HORSES ALWAYS ON HAND FOR SALE. N. B. Conrected with our Liven business, we have two splendid Omnibuses, with fine teams and careful drivers, which will always he in readiness on the arrival arid departure of the Cars and Steamboats. Orders left at the H te s, and at our Sta ble, promptly attended to. VFRNoY e& ECTOR. Columbus, Ga., July 19, 1853—wly. United States Mail Line. THROUGH IN A DAY EACH WAY, From Columbus, Ga., to Chunnenuggee, Ala., (and you may go to Savannah the i ext day, from Columbus,) via Lamington, Sand r'ort,Uehee, Cieek Stand,Hernando, Euon, and S'ewart’s Mills. This line intersects at Chunnenuggee the one to Montgomery via Cotton Valley, Tuskegee and Chehaw, also the one leading in the direction ot Tallahassee, Fia., via Five Points, Mount An drew, Clayton and Lutkula, Ala. I will send forward passengers or freight from Chunnenuggee to any of the following places; Union Springs, Abertoil, Arbor vi'ae, Peroie, Missouri, Bug Hall, Edgefield, Troy, and Itidgely. SCHEDULE: Leave Columbus Tuesday, rhutsday aud Saturday at6A. M., irrive at Chunnenuggee same days, at 9 p. m. Leave Chunnenuggee Monday, YA'ednesday and Friday at 4 a. m.; arrive at Columbus same days at 9 p. m. May 28—lwly APPLETON HAYGOOD, Contractor. --Ta r WmrTilll 171 -It I- Tim 111 ■ I 111 IIMBB For Sale. Steam Engine, Engine Lathes, &c. TO close consignments, e subscribers offer at greatiy reduced prices. One superior extra finish :>ew Steam Engine 35 horse power witn steam pipes and governor complete, ‘2 inch cylinder 40 inch stroke. Two nine feet slide Engine Turning Lathes. One Turning La'he, for YVood. Apply at Columbus Cotton Gin Factory. 30-w2m E T. TAYLOR fc CO. For bale, A Ph’losophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below Boston pricee. For particulars, apply at this office Columbus, Jan .4—wif ’ SASII, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS! MANUFACTURED BY j E. T. TAYLOR & 00., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THE subscribers having recently erected extensive additions to their Steam YY’orks for the purpose of manufacturing the above articles, and tarnished them>elves with the latest and I most approved machinery adapted to tliai business, are prepar ed to lurni.-h. at short notice, all work in the above line, of a quality :uid finish equal to the best made in any establishment. PPICEP. OP SASH. j Bhy 10 Ur,glazed, 7 cts.; l’rinied ard Glazed, 13 cts. 10 by 12 44 9 44 “ “ “ is “ ; 12 by 14 44 10 “ 44 “ “ 25 ,f 12 by 16 “ 11 “ “ “ “ 27 “ 12 by IS “ 12 “ 44 44 44 3o “ 12 by 20 44 14 “ 44 44 44 & r > •< 12 by 22 “ 16 44 44 4 4 44 4 0 44 J 2 by 24 “ 18 44 “ * 4 4 4 4 5 44 All Sash Primed in the best manner; and when Glazed will be taithtully Tinnud : superior French Glass will invariably be used : Lip gash furnished when ordered at a reasonable ad i ditional cost. Bolling’ U indoYV Bliads. Price —Sixty cents per foot per pair measuring the length. Example: a pair Blinds five feet in length $3 60 Panel Doors—Moulding’ one Side. H Inch 2 Panel $3 00 ; 4 Panel S3 50; 6 Panel $3 75; H 44 4 4 4 4 325 ;“ 44 375; 44 44 4 00; 2 41 44 44 350; 44 44 400; 44 44 4 ‘*s Fifty cents additional where both skies are Moulded. Patrons in sending their orders shou.d be particu'ar in spe* tying sizo and number of lights, &c., tor Sash, and the th cknei size nd number ot Panels, extent of Moulding, &c., lorDooi and the length and width ot Blinds. Doors Painted plain orGrained in the highest style of the a\ if desired, at prices to be agreed upon. TERM.- 0 - —For hilts less than ;SIOO DO cash, on delivery at RaL roi and, Steamboat or on Way on. For bills over $l6O fl: 1 , reasonable time will be given for bankab e paj er < r satisfactory city acceptance, bearing interest Large contracts specially agreed upon. All work when delivered to Railroad, Steamboat or Wagon will be considered in possession of purchasers and at Mu ir risk E, T. TAYLOR & CO. ; Columbus, Ga.. Aug. 30, 1853.—w4m TlvOY FACTORY. HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA. Ware Room on West side Broad street, next door to P. McLaren. JEFFERSON, NANCE & CO. R. G. JEFFERSON, SUCCESSORS (H. W. NANCE, J. E. JEFFERSON, \ TO ( YV. K. HARRIS. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. JEFFERSON, NANCE & CO., PROPRIETt >RB of the above works, respectfully inform the public tnat they now have on haud for sate, and are Hh co,,sta,,t ly manufacturing all descriptions of YVoopkn 1 1 4 Ware, such as Chairs, Settees, Bedsteads, Buckets Tubs, &c, ire., of the best materia), and finished iu excellent siyl<‘ under their personal supervision. ’I hey particularly cal! . Mention to their various styles & quali ties of Chairs, which tor neatness, comfort, durability and cheapness, cannot he surpassed in any country ; varying in price trom SiO to $24 per dozen —specimens of which can fie seen at their WARE KOO.W one door above P. McLaren’b, Broad Street, Columbus, vbich tiie public are invited to ex amine. Eveiy description of Chairs, Buckets, Tubs, he., made to or der a Her any fashion <h sired. They are also prepared so fur nish VYTv, ow Sasu ami Bunds ot all description to order. 23 p> Handsome premiums were awarded to the Troy Factory at theHouthein Agricultural Fair at Macon, for the best speci men of Chair and Wooden YVare. .83 f ” ,) rders lelt at iiieir VY’are Room—west side Broad Street, directed to Jefferson, Nance & Cos., Columbus will meet with prompt atteniion. Columbus, June Ist—wly. LUMPKIN FURNITURE WARE ROOM AND MANUFACTORY. j THE sub criher has now on hand and for sale a to4W A < “ at his YAare Room in Lumpkin, a large and wehlSL selected 10l of Furniture, ol various styles and prices, and is constantly Manufacturing and re M 4 ceiving among others, the following articles ofthe latest styles: Chairs, tiotas, Bureaus, Safes, Bedsteads, Sideboards, Dining-Tables, Wardrobes, Work-Tables, YV ash stands, Rocking-chairs, Looking Glass and Picture Frames, nd in fact all articles belonging to his line of business can be had at the shortest notice and lowest terms. Also, YVindow (Mass, French and American manufacture; Fire board Prints and Border, YVindow .Shades, &c., &c. Glass cut to any shape or size. All work warranted. Pianos and Melodeons furnished to order. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Feb. 15 — 7w 1 y YV. 11. CROSBMAM. ARRIVALS FOR FALL TRADE, 1853. NEW AND HEAVY WOOLENS, The Greatest Bargains Ever Offered IN NEW YORK. WNI. 11, KNOEPFKL, Nos. i)9 ami 101 William Street, New York, HAB now for sale an extensive stock of FALL GOODS suit able tor CLOTHIERS ANi> MERCHANT TAILORS— mostly of ms own importation. Short time and Cash buyers are particularly invited to call andexamiue my stock before purchasing elsewhere. New York. January 22—4wly AUBURN WATER-CURB. THlSEstablishment is now open for the reception of patients The location is pleasant and healthy, beiug on the great southern Mail Route in Eastern Alabama, and is about a hundred yards from the depot, immediately adjoining the Railroad. The efficacy of the YA’ater Treatment in all acute diseases, a Fevers, Scarlatina, Measles, Small Pox, is so complete and rapid as to seem almost miraculous; while in chronic diseases, i. e. all diseases oilong standing, as Gout, Rheumatism. Dyspep sia, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Consumption, &c., it is the only effec tual modeof arresting the progress oi'the disease and eradicating it from the system. in the pecu iar diseases of Women, the Water Cure is a sover eign remedy, where all other remedies have failed, and iu child birth it procures immunity from untold suffering. Patients should bring one quilt, a comfort, two pair blankets, two sheets and several yards of linen diaper for bandages. Terms according to treatment and attention required, pavable weekly, invariably. Consultation fee. $5. DR. YV. G. REED, ji MRS. M. A. TURRET, ( p “>'Bicians. Auburn, March 16—wiy men 3htw6w MARBLE WORKS, East side Broad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly °n hand all kinds of Grate Stones Monuments, Tombs and Tablets, of American, Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carving done onstoneintne best possible manner; and allkinds ol Gran ite W ork at the shortest notice. JOHN H. MADDEN. P• S-—Plaster ot’Paris and Cement.always on hand for sale. Columbus. March 7, 1850. Iff ti VA RIETY WORKS. WART ROOM Broad st.. COLUMBUS, Ga NEXT DOOR. SOUTH OF TIMES OFFICE. TIIE proprietors es this establishment are endeavoring to rest the evil of baying at the North, by manufacturing evei description ol buildingrequiremen•—suihas PAJYFJ.DO<>R.% WtXDOW RJ.IXDS, SASH oi al! sizes, dressed FFOORIXG PLAjVK , and other ‘sin.t ot LUMBER ; WOODF..V H ARE, of every description ; BF.DSTFA 1j S irom 84 50 to $25 each.— , And more remarkable than al), the finest CO IT AGE CHAIR in the world at £l each. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, for we are al ways in a trading humor at low prices for cash. LATHS at §1 50 per thousand. WM, BROCKS tx CO. Cofnmhns July—27wtf j ‘I'HE first Volume of Putnam’s Magazine being completed. pei ! •*- sons can have ihem bound In any sty le, “by leaving them j with DAVID ROBS, i June 24—• Book Binder. No, 72Broad sv [NUMBER 107.