The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, September 09, 1853, Image 4

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INSURANCE. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. npiil* Company lias returned in stock Sixty pkr cknt. of: 1 premiums in the last two years. The subscriber has the j S?lock scrip I’wentj-hve percent. ior thetasi twelve months and a dividend ot 6 percent cash on the stock issued tor 1852. In surer’ iii this office win br 111-4 their stock scrip of 1852 an<l receive tneir dividenus—they can at the same time receive their scrip lor 1853. Mar ne and Fire risks iaken at the usual rates, by Columbus, July **— w&twiy R. J. MOSES, Agent, CALIFORNIA umsußi k m e i BY TliE KENTUCKY MUTUAL JL,® JBBVJEJ INSI KAAtE CU.Vii'ANY. Apply to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga. BOSWELL & BILLING, Julv 9 w&twly Medical Examiners. AGE\ Y OF THE MANHATTAN LITE INSUHANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. 11. 11. EPPING, Agent for Colmubu..,Ga. DR* BOS B / EJ.J. BIIjI^UNO, Medical e xaminers. Pam j.ddets containing tables ot Rates and other information may be obtained by application at the office ol the Agents, (‘oliiinus, my -2:T-*w.*i.w 1 v MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE it INK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, T r lLf.receive Deposits—and Checks tor sale on New York vt Va-otiitud Savannah. Apri.24—twtf UICI1AR1) PA I TEN. MEDICAL NOTICES. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PaTnTS^OILS, PERFUMERIES, Ac. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, DR. R. A. SVARE, IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha xW ever been 1 etore offered in this market. All wishing to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRANDY, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, lor Medical purposes, to be bad at R. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS.— Luhins and Bazins assorted varieties, tor sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE.— Very best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEsARS AND CHOICE CUEWING TO BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and tor sale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by ‘ R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2 185T-w&twly DR S. B. LAW, H \s located himself in Columbus, Ga., intending to put* -ue the practice m hispro ession. His office is on Jackson street, opposite and directly Hast -C3& of tin* .'’eUiouist Church, the one formerly occupied by Dr Holt, where he may be ound at all times, unless absent prwfes stonaly. Cnlumbu-, June 1, 1853—twtf MEDICAL CARD. DR. N. K. WIGGINS, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Co lumbus and vicinity. ZEgpOffiee at Dr. Young’s Drug Store. C olumhus. Julv 2—w&twU DR. F. C. ELLISON, o H AVING recently completed his Medical Education in Parisian Hospitals, where he devoted especial attention IM 10 SURGERY, 11 >w offers ids professional services i-33 to the citizens 01 t o limbus and vicinity. *ittce East side broad street, over the Rock Island Factor} Agency. Columbus. June l—w&tw3m THE ROAD TO HEALTH. to Ls gXI C Jj’.-V?” v*S> &jPw&5 *§ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy ofa letter from Mr R. YV . ivirkus, Chemist,7 Prescot street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Sir—Your pilis and uin ment have stood the highest on our list of Proprietary lor some years. A customer, to whom I can reier lor any enquiries, tiesires me tolet you know the partieuiaisoi tier case, t-he had been troubled for years wi.h it disorder! and liver and bad digestion. On tin- last occasion, however, the virulence ot the attack was so ala muig, aid the ii.flimuiatn n Selin so s< verely, that doubts were ei te tained oi her not .eing able to bear up under it ; fui Innately she was in diici-d to try your Pil's.i and she inloims me that after the firs;, and e tch succeeding ai.,-c, bad great relief. She continued to ta„> them, and nil hough she used only tiiree boxes she is now in the enjoyment of period health. I could have sent you many more cases, but the ab- ve. from the severity of the attack, anil the speedy cure, 1 t.iink speaks much in favor of your astonish ins Pills. * Signed YV. It. KIItKUS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER IN VAN DIEM AN’S LAND. Copy of letter insetted in the Hobart Town Jourier, of the I t March. 1851, by Major 1- YValch. M rguret MoGouingan. nineteen years of age, residing at New Town, bad been suffering from a violei t rheumatic fever for up wards *>i two months, which had entirely deprived her ofiht use oi her limbs: during ibis period she was under tiie care o them st emueiu medical men in Hoi art Town, and by then liei- c: s- was cons dered hopeless. A friend prevailed .qon he: to try Holloway’s celebrated Pins, wh ch she cons* nted lo do. a -'| ;n auincredibie short space of time they effected a perfec cure. Cure of a pain and tightness in the Chest and Stomach o ’ a person 84 years of age. From Messrs. 1 haw &Son, Proprietor? of the Lynn Ad vertisei, who can vouch lor the following statement Augu-t 2d, 1851. & To Professor Holloway: I l ls. For sonic years I have suffered severelx Irom a pain aiu tightness in the stomach, which was also accompanied b\ a short ness oi breat ~ that prevented me from walking about. * 1 am 8- yeats of age, and n<t withstand ng my advanced stat oi im these Piils have so relieved me, that lam desirous that other: should be made acquainted with their virtues. I atn now ren dered, by their men s. comparatively active, and can take ext r cis without incouveuieuce oi pain, which i could not do before (signed) HENRY COE, North street l.ynn, Norfolk. I hese celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints: Ague, Ysihina, Bilious complaints, itloichesou the Fkin, Bow- II *£" n * >ia ’ ut! S olics, i onsiipalioii o: the Bowels, Consumption, bddy, Hro.>sy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Ftemaie Irregularities Fevers oi aiik lids, t its,,out, Headache,indigestion, inflainin: II NH jaundice, over complaints, lumbago, piles, rheumatism retention ol urine, scrofula. or kilie's evil, sore throats, stone am gnive,, sy mptoms, tic douloureux, ulcers, venerai a iect ons, worms U I Kinds, weakness from whatever cause, &c a: ‘..!•■ i-.s .ttilishmeni ot Proiessor Holhiwav, 244 Strand ttieur l einple I ar, Condon) and by all respec able druggistsam .* M . hivi! id ties throughout the British I mpire.a'dof thos* ot.hel tided Mates, in boxes at liTjtfc. 87, and $1 50 each.- K S ” 8b u y ! h n ,, r. ,C l P *l dru,! “"use hi the Union, and bv mess-*. A. it. &. I). Sands, New York There is ronaiderat. e saving by taking the larger sires. *’*"“*• 01 i *“™ uts •* For sale in Coiumbue, by GEISNER &. PEABODY. , . WM. W. LINCOLN, Way 1.-twlt&.wluowy Savannah,Ga, CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. ’ Blood ! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN infallible remedy tor tscrotula, King’s Evil. Rheumatism Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustu es on the Face, B.otches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes. Ring W orm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain ol the Bones and Joints. Stubborn Uici rs, Syphilitic Disoiders, Lumbago. Spinal Com plaints. and all diseases arising Irotn in injudicious use ol Mer cury, Imprudence in Lite, or Impurity ot the Binod. This valuable medicine, which has become celebrated for the number ot extraordinary cures effected thiough its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their triends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wondi rtul curative properties. The following certificates, selected Iron) a large number, are, however, stronger testimony than the me.e word of the proprietors; and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and ot the highest respectability, many ot them now residing in the city of Rich -111 one, Virginia. F. Hoyden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known every where, says he has seen t lie medicinecalied Carter’s Span ish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most aston ishingly good results, lie says it is the most extraordinary med icine tie has ever seen. Auric and Fkvkr — Great Cure —1 hereby certify, that for threeyears 1 had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mer cury, and ibeiieveall the Tonics advertised, but all withoutany permanent relief. At last 1 tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles o* wliich effectually cured me. and 1 am happy to say I have had neither chills nor fevers since. I consider it the best Tonic in the world, and the only medicine that ever readied my case. Beaver Dam, near Richmond. Va. John Longdkn. <'. B. Li ck, Fsq., now in the city ol Richmond, and lor many years in the Post Office: has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that lie has bought upward’ of 50 bottles, which he has given away tq the afflicted. Mr. Lucksayshe has never known it to tail when taken according to directions. Dr. Minge, a practising physician, and formerly of the City /Votel. in tlie city ol Richmond, says he has witnessed in a num ber of instances the effects of Cartel’s Spanish Mixture which were most!ru y surprising. He says in a case of consumption dependent on tlie liver, the good effi cts were wonderful indeed. Samukl M. Drinker, of the firm ot Drinker & Morris, Rich mond. was cured of Livi r con.plaint ol 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles ot Caret’s Spanish Mixture. 1 *reat <ire of Scrofui a.— lhe editor'ot the Richmond Re publican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely di abled him from work. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mix mre made a perfect cure “f him. and the editors, in a public no tice say they ‘-cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any disease ol tlie blood.” Still another cure of Scrofula. — l had a very valuable boy cured ol Scroiula by ‘ arter’s ispan'sh Mixture. ’ 1 consider it a truly valuable medicine. James M. Taylor, conductor on the U. F. &. P. K. R. Cos., Richmond, Va. Salt /veum of 20 years standing Cured —Mr John hornp son residing in the city of Richmond, w-as cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of r-alt Rheum, which tie had near>y 20 years, and which all the physicians of the city couid not cute. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city ol Richmond, and liis cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, ot Richmond. Va , had a servant < ured ot Syphibis in the worst form, by Carter’s Spanish Mi ture. He say he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Rich vro E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and wi at physicians called confirmed consumption, by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of Revenue, says he lias seen the goi and effects of Carter’s Spanish Mixture in a number of Sy philitic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that hori ible disease. Wm. g. Harwood, of Richmond, Va., cured of Old Sores and Dicers vv l ich disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Car er’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled towalk without a crutch, in a short time permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close 6t Cos.. No. 83 -Maiden Lane New York. T. W. Dyott it Sons, No. 132, North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bennett & Beers, No. 125 Maine street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by THOS. M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga GESNER & PEABODY, DAN FORTH & NAGEL. Columbus, Ga And by druggists and country merchants every where. Price $1 ; six bottles for $5. M ay 25—w & tw 1 v DR. GUYSOTT’S IMPROVED EXTRACT OF Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla IS now put up in th_ largest sized bottles, and is acknowledged to be in best Sarsapar Ha mud., as is certified by the wonder ful cures it has performed, the original copiesoi which are in the possession f the propiietor. Remember, this is the only true an 1 original article. T ie medicine, when used according to directions, will cute without fail, scrofula or King’s Evil,Cancers. Tumors, Eruptions o tne Skin, Erysipelas, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetters, Scald Head. Rheumatism, Pains in the Bones or Joints, old Sores and Ulcers, Swelling of the Glands, Sy pli lis, Dy spepsia, Salt Rheum, diseases of Kidneys, 10-s of Appetite, disease arising from ihe use of .Mercury, Pain in the Side and Shoulders, General Debility, Dropsy, Lumbago, Jaundice, and Costiveness. The Bess Female Medicine Known. The peculiar tuu adies to which temaies are subject,commonly produce great bodily exhaustion, accompanied by a depressed and often gloomy state ol mind. As Hie system declines in ‘trength, there is a loss of nervous power, and this very naturally impairs the energy oi the miml and disturbs the equanimity of the temper. Every candid woman who has suffered irom leniale complaints will admit this tube the mournful truth. Now, lo <• is only necessary to stop the tendency to deple tion and debility. ‘This is done by renewing that fountain of nealth and strength, the Blood, and no medicine accomplishes thisdesirabie result so speedily and comp ete as “Dr. Guysott’s Improved Extract ol Yellow’ Dock and sarsaparilla.” Ladies ol pale comp exion and consumptive habits, and such as are debilitated by those obstructions which females are liable to, are restored, by Ihe use of a boUle or two, to bloom and to vigor. scrofula and Cancer u red by Dr. Guysott’s Extract of Yellow Dock and (Sarsaparilla. Rutludue, Granger county, Tenn., ) April 2?,* 1852. ( J. D. Park,Esq., Cincinnatti, O.—Dear Sir: Itgives me great -atislaciion to add my testimony in lavor oi “Dr. Guysott’s Ex ract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,” lo that of the numerous and highly persons who have been benefited by the medicine. My wife has been suffering for the space of nearly five years with Scrofula and Cancer, whicl ,1 think, found its origin in the derangements oi the system peculiar to her sex, while in the mean lime she was under Ihe care of the must eminent Physi cians in this section oi country, without deriving any material aid min their pre?criptions. Upon the recommendation of Dr. Cockes, one of our physi cians, who had seen the medicine used w ith happy>b lained ol your Agents in re. “A.esars. Rice fit McFarland,” ont dottle nf * l ’l)r Guysott's Extract ot Yellow D.-ck and Sarsapa rilla,” and as my wile touud retie’ from that b ttle, I bought some six dottles, which she has taken with the most astonishing bene .ii,for 1 am pleased to say it has entirely cured her, lor sue ha? entirely recovered from her illness, and ’the Scrofula and Gance: are cured sound and well. Accept my gratitude. Respectfully, Michael Goldman. Extract ofa letter from an extensive merchant in Plainfield, Livingston county, .Michigan. I lainfielp, Michiran, April 8, 1852. Mr. John D. Park—Dear :-ir: Dr. Guysott’s Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla is penorming some astonisuing cures in this place. Y Mr. 8. Strickland husjusi iniorined me that one of his ciiil ;ren has been entirely cured oi a very severe case oi Scrofula dy he use of only one boitle. He had tried almost every thing tha; he Doctors had prescribed, but all of no avail, as the child con mued getting worse. The sores are n>w ah healed up and th. •Jiild apparently well, which i.-jusily ascribed to the use of the Fellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, [signed - ! Yours, truly, K. A. BEAL. FEMALES, READ THE FOLLOWING : Newark. N. J., Jan. 15. Mr.Bennett: We take pleasure in stating that your \el ow Dock -Sarsaparilla gives great atislaction in every case. Avery respectable gentleman informed me that his daughtei vas troubled with difficult menstruation and other diseases pedl ar to her sex. ~he had not had her regular menstrual discharge “r a long time : but by the use of Dr. Guysott’s Yellow D- ci md -'ar?apaiilla was ladically cured. Mie used Townsend iod others without receivi g the slightest benefit, lie had out ;augh er die from the same cause. J. B. Tripp fit *-o. Price oue dollar per bottle. Sold by „ . SCOViL & MEAD, 111 Chartres Street, New Orieans, General Wholesale Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must beaddre&sed. Also sold bv DAN FORTH & NAGEL, Columbus, Ga ROBERT CARTER, ‘‘ “ GESNER& PEABODY, “ “ DAVID YOUNG. “ “ And by one Agent in every town in Georgia an* Alabama. Sold at wholesale by the principal Druggist: •n Augusta, Savannah and Charleston, S. C- May 31-6weomly fe H f * -V 1 \ ■■■ ■'. ; ■ s -v; ~ - v . V . mM? m : L, \ f . . .. *• % ‘M 183^ UdLiJ iti ull &iv a v 5 For the rnpiit Cure of (’ftlT. 158. fOIiBS. BOJRSFXERS. j BROWRITIS* WIi4U>PISG-€oti<ill, i CROUP/ 4STIIHA, AND CONSUMPTION. i4,Of all the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them val liable) for the cure of pulmonary complaiiits, nothing has ever been found which could compare in its effects with this prepara tion. Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in all diseases of the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will doit. It is pleasant t<* take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the directions. We do not advertise for the information of those \v!y> have tried it but those who have not. Families that have known its vaiue will not he without it, and by its time ly use, they are secure from the dangerous consequences ot Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into fa'al consumption. The Diploma ol the Massachusetts Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board of Judges in September li-47 ; also, the medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this coun liy; also the Diploma of the Onio Institute at Cincinnati, lias been given to the Cherry Pectoral, by their Covers ment in con sideration ol its extraordinary excellence and usefulness in cur ing affections oi the lungs and throat. Read the following opinion founded on the long experience of the eminent Physician oi the port and city of St. Johns, May 8, 1851. Dr. J.C. Ayer: Five year’s trial of your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, has proven what 1 foresaw tr m its composition, mils’ be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and c. ugns to which we, in this section, are peculiarly Habse. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, nor do 1 know how a better remedy can be made for the distempers of the throat and lungs. J. J. Burton, M. D., F. R. S. Seewhatif has doneon a wasted constitution, not only in the following cases, but a thousand more: Sudbury, Jvn. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer : In the month of July last 1 vvasattacked hv a violent diarrhoeai the of California. ! returned to .*>an Francis co in hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My diarrhoea ceased, but was followed by a severe cough—and much soretiess. 1 finally started for home, hut received no bene fit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, a> and when I arrivid in ? ew York, I was at once marked by my ac quaintances as a victim 01 consumption. 1 must confess that 1 saw no sufficient reason to doubt what my friends alt believed. At this time 1 commenced takingyour truly invaluable medicine with little expectation ol deriving any benefit from its use You would not receive these lines did £ not regard it my duty tostate 10 the afflicted, through y ou, that my health, in the space ot eight months, is fuiy restored. 1 attribute it to the use of your Cher ry Pectoral. Yours truly, William W. Smith. Washington, Pa., April 12,1848. Dear sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a premat tire grave, through your instrumentality by the providence of God, 1 will take the liberty to express t. you my gra itude. A cough and the alarming sympt ms of consumption had re duced me too low to leave me anything like hope, when my physician Brought me a bettleof your “Pectoral.” It seemed to afford immediate relief and now in a few weeks time has restor ed me to sound health. If it will do for others what it has done for me, vou a e certainly one of the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, 1 am, very respectfully yours. John J. Clarke. Rector of St. Peter’s church. With such assurance and tom such men, no wronger prooi c.u be adduced unless it be from its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Columbus, Ga., by ROBERT CARTER, and DANFORTIi & NAGEL nnrl Kv Druorfritsti'oronornHv. June 11—w&tvv4ni. GOOD MEDICINES ! ! Slalili’t's :ii.limin’ i.-riy i.xfi-HoraM Is confidently recommended to Invalids, as un?urpassed by any know n preparation, for the cure of Coughs. Hoarseness, and oth er forms of common Colds; Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Con sumption in an early stage, and for the relief of the patient even in advanced stases of that fatal disease. It combines, iii a scientific manner, remedies of long esteemed value, with otherso! more recent discovery, and besides its sooth ing and tonic qualities, acts through the skin gently, and with great efficacy, for the cure of this clas: of diseases. STABLER’S DIARRHCEA CORDIAL s a pleasant mixture,compounded in agreement with the rules of Pnartnaay, of therapeutic agents, long known ami celebrated for their peculiat efficacy in curing Diarrhoea, and similar afi*-c ----tions of'the system. In its action, it always oausea and produces a healthy condition of the Liver, thus always removing tin cause at the same lime that it cures the disease. The valuable medicines above named have recently been in troduce! , with the approval ot a number of the medical proles sion in the city of Baltimore and elsewhere, and in practice have succeeded most admirably in curing the and senses lor which they are prescribed. They are offered to the country Practitioner, a medicines which he can in all respectsdepend upon, as prepared in agreement with the experience of some of the most learned and judicious physicians, and -trietly in c niormity with thi rules of Pharmacy, and as especially serving his con veil ience, who readily as tha city physician have his own prescriptions compounded by a practical Pharmaceutist. See the descriptive pamphlets, to be had gratis ot all who have the"medicines for sale, containing recommendations from Doc tois Martin, Baltzeil, Addision, Payne, Handy, Love. &c. Docl. S. B. ./Martin,says “l do not hesitate to recommend yout Diarrhoea Cordiaiand Anodyne Cl erry Expectorant,” &c. Doct. John Addision, says “Itgives me much p-. ensure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor of Ihe extraordinary effl cacy of your Dial rhoea Cordial,” &c.; and of the Expectorant. •‘I tiave no hesitation iu recommending it as a most valuabh medicine,” &c. Doct. R. A. Payne, says he has used the Diarrhoea Cordiatin hb practice “with the hippiest effect, and thinks it one ol the most convenient and efficimt combinations ever offered toourprofes sion ” . v . Doct. L. D. Handy,writes, “I have administered your Ynodyne Expectorant, in several cases ol Bronchial affection, with tin . most happy results, and from a knowhdge ot lisadmnttoie e.- j sects. 1 can with the greatest confidence recommend 11, ur- Doct. YV. S. Love, writes to us that he has adinsms-med tin Expecto ant to his wife, w ho has had the Bronchitis lor tour.eei years, and that she is fast recovering from her long standing mala ; ily. It has in a few weeks done her tno'e good Hiaui .ihl:he t remedies she has heretofore used under able medical evume.. Sixteen ofthe best Apothecaries and Pharmaceutists inthe city of Baltimore, write “We are satisfied tne preparations k mw n ... Stabler’* Anodyne Cherry Expectorant and stabn r ? D-airtime | Cordial are medicines of great vame .md c ■ - ~. j ndiefniirf of the di-eases for which they are lecommenaea , , thfbear the evidence of skill and care in iheir preparation_and j plulng up, and we take pleasure m recommend,n, ’ seven of the most respectable nmbanU > re identjot used these coiifldei(lJj . recon!meil (i ence and that ot mir c . j’ av( . ~e v er known any remedies them Pro Bono , ‘ w hi c h they are prescribed, to be so effi j used lor the diseases for whion mey • i ~ cient and to give such eiitiri, |i iroin niern | )ers of tlu >lS e Pharmaceutists of hiub standing, and merchant? Y IC should be sufficient to saiisly all, that ot the first -e - pect ■. > 1 ()l u .j ;l | p v the afflicted, and that they •ire o rent stamp and class from the “Quackery” and “cure j iU ForsaTY'by'drme riets,'apothecaries and country store keepers : F0r . 8 ,, aJy og ’ E. H. STABLER & CO. generally. Who!esa ] e Druggists 120 Pratt street, Baltimore. May 17 —wly j Mexican Mustang Liniment. 4 TNe v Y--k prices. YVe have just received a targe invoice \ rn the above excellent medi line, to be sold at the manutac :ureCsprices. Call atthe HI UE DRUG STORE March 2—twfe wlv S! " n “* ,} “\ vn7 "l Meet. Now is the time to bring in your Old Kags! 4 N D get four cents per pound for good clean oil j. 4, when Al brought in quantities ol one huiidn and pounds or n ■ re. Also. YVa-te o: ali kinds ‘from Factories; Hope and Bagging, wanted, lor which fair prices will be given, deliv ered at either Rock Island Factory or ti e Rag Store, at the old stand, corner of Randolph and <iglethorpi streets. ( oluinhn- June 14—wt* <•'. It f UffTl\. Ai rnt, MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE. A T the book store formerly occupied by A. C. FLEWELf.EN * CO. All business entrusted to me vril. be promptly at tended to. f Ausr. 3. tf]_ J. L. HOWELL. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. Bounty land warrants for 40, so, leo aci* wanted, for which the highest cash prices will be paid by cv.nirr’hus. aue 24 34wf t J. ENN IF &C< >. ’ WUiteFs Palace Mills, ARE again in ful!operation. Send in your Wheat and Corn Flour, .Veal, Bran and Shorts, alway s on hand. Coluwhus. J'iu* 28 wtwtf MEM CHA NT T AILO M. ONE DOOR BELOW GESNER & PEABODY’S DRUG STORE iBIE©i\!S StHElllTj ©GtILEiE&IESD ©lflfeiSfliL —HAS JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE STOCK OF— -IF/&LL k to which he solicits the attention of the public. ’ is stock comprises some ot the most beautiful styles of Cloths, tlgureJ, black and fancy colored French and English Cassimexes; lilack -JfjL and faaicy Stilt Velvet Vestings of all slxadcs and colors, which he is prepared to make up in the NEATEST ami most FASHIONABLE STYLES. A long experience in cutting, in some of the most fashionable cities of the C/nion, makes hmi confident that hise.torts to ph :-e who may favor him with aca I, will not he in vain. He is only desirous to have a fair and impartial trial boiore lie nuMic, md this he asks, feelimr sure that it wHI be accorded, and once accorded he fears not the resuU. in audition to the various cloths, Cashmeres* Cassimeres U. Drills enumerated above, he has on hand and is rocei\ a o RfRID Y--MAB E CL O THIJ\ G, •e latest styles, and of superior quality. In a wold he has everything suitable to a gentleman s toilet Call and examine, as be is determined to give cheap bargains. Columbus Oct.8 —twtf _ _ mw iijip PPfHfff Clothier and Merchant Tailor, (NEXT DOOR TO lIILL AND DAWSONS ,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH Trip. LATEST Styles oi’ Clothing, Furnishing Goods, r* iHEBum-’TBrsss® ja.-'jsss.* ALSO— CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the latest importations, of French and English styles manufactured to order and warranted. under the direction of ISB* M. IBls | who will be pleased to accommodate his fiiends and all otners that may call, with such garments as j ctinnotfail to please. ■ Columbus, Oct 9. 185*2. ; w&vtf mmw 111 flillll PlfiTHilf JOHN SMITH, No. I2S Broad Street, Columbus, 6a-, HAS XOW r OK HAX T B A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK Or | SPRING AND SUBIBER CL6TIIIIY6! To which he invites the attention of the public Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine for themselves. Every article usually kept in a ‘ CLOTHING STORE” will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, April 20—w&twtf N °1 126 West side Broad Street ‘ •poiiF ifi i ith mu if itmw | 1111,1 iiMilli iiubk liiijMji. eiM EOIIK MB STATIOMEI WARE ECU, 102, BROAD STREET. j ° HAVE just received and offer tor sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station | erv, Domestic and Foreign Writing Pape i’orrign tie la Rues, Joynson s, . Blank Cards in pacts, ofthe best qualities. Waterman's ; the celebrated Victoria I'm! F, and ,ne ne?i rrench .. Uiiutac- 1 an( j American Drawing Fajerol all sizes Mato? and fined Packet, Letter, Cap, bath and Note. ; gealit g Wax, red, biaik, assorted colors arid fancy. American Papers—Blue and White, Laid and Wove, j Ladies’ Reticules aid Satchels ot new styles, 1 oi? 1 > Foolscap, Packet Post, Commercial Cost, Letter, Bath Jios, Port Mommies, Quills, fancy paj ei Y eights, r J i- -ie Post Bil! and Commercial Note Paper? —Manuiattured by Paper, Silk Paper, Lead Pencils of Faker, Rhoades, aid Owen & Hurlburt, Planner & Smitn ; also, various kinds other make, Backgammon and Bristol Boards, V\ riting and our ow n manufacture,including Hat Cap and Mediums. Inks, Banker’s Cases, A moldo’sgenuine Copying Ii k, glass Blue. Cream Laid, Wove, Damask, Mourning, Adhesive, Ink Stai ds, li dia Bul lerai and < iteen’s Pate 1 1 is k Ft; -er, white and Bluff Government and Plain tri\e!opes of all Pocket Knives of V\ ostenholm’s, Rodgeis” and CrookeC Pens of every description both Goid and Steel, also i manufacture. Quil! Pen Nibs. Blank Books made and ruled to order ; also on hand Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated taps, colored and arid constantly making, Printing and W rapping papers or plain glass. j ali the various kinds. rO”Our arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, and a libe ral discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. April 27, 1853 —w&twtf. &. B. CURTIS, Agent. RUNAWAYS. Fifty Dollars Keward. f LEFT my plantation on Sunday morning, the 17th of July, my negro man JEP. t beiu-ve Jep has been de co ed ( if by some white man, or is killed and secreted in this neighborhood, as there was no cause whatever lor him to runaway at ihe time Ie It It. I will pay the above reward to have the negro and white man or m n put in any safe jail in the State so I can gvtt em with proof sufficient to convict the taller; or I v.iil pay the above reward lor proof sufficient to convict tho-e who m iy have killed ihe negro, provided that he is - ilied, or ten dol lars lor the negro alone, delivered sound and alive to me, ( r pul in my sale jail so I can get him. Dkscrip t >n.- Jep is about twenty-two years old, five feel er. or eleven inches high, black complexion, rather si m and sparemade, will weigh from one hundred :ind Any'o one hun dred and sixty-five pounds, and has a sleepv iook i ut of his eyes. JAMB? 8 M. RENFROE. Halloca, Muscogee co., Ga., Aug 2, 1653—w 4t $25 Reward. r RANAWAY from my plantation, in Baker county, on alLjj the 9th of June lasi, my negro man YV! Ls-’ON, tfirtv two <gA'’ or thirty three ye: rs oi age, six feel high, weighs about 190 tbs., dark complexion, and ha? a very intellig ut countenance, -aid negro was raised in Talbot county, where he lived until abou 1 the Ist of June last, and is now probably in that vicinity. I will give the above reward tor his delivery at any Jail where I can get him. Hluany, July 2G—wtf VY M. YV. CHF.EVER. NOTICE. £ RAN AW AY on the bth inst., a negro man by the name of DICK, twenty years old, complexion is black, tolerably quick spoken, about five feet six or eight inches high. Any intelligence from him will be thankfully re ceived at Cotton Valley P. 0., Macon county, Ala. Doubtless he is or. his way to Carolina, and is trying to find his way by the Railroad. WM. 11. GARNER. April 86—wtf $lO REWARD. fTHE subscriber will pay ten dollars reward for his ne gro man B.LL, lodged in Jail or at his house The said negro is supposed to he in the neighbor! o: Columbus, Ga, Heis about twenty -ore or tv enty-'v years of age, dark complexion, weighing one Inn dml and sixty pounds. JE6SE C ARTER, August 23 -\y3t Tato. it caun j Metallic Burial Cases. THESE cases haye been universally approved wherever used. They are much superior to those of wood, ami combine within themselves all those qualities so desirvhL m Southern Climate. They are composed of several kinds of Metal ‘-at principal!; of iron. They are thoroughly enamelled inside and out, a::- 4 ,h| !? made impervious to airaud indestructible, aud can be soid at about Ihe rates of covered coffins. The public are inv ;t ed to call and examine them for them selves, and at a glaL-<• they will seethe great advantage tins article over any other ever offered to the public. Columbus. tVh 23 w4rtw<*m ?! AM vl I- 1 TtOi'N'tY CITY TAX. THE Tax Book is now open for the collection of Taxes for F'S present year. Tax payers will save cost auu obli a-me by paying promptly. J- L. HOVYM.LI , Collector. Wirmhus. June 22—rwif G U A N O. MY EXPERIENCE WITH GUA NTO this season, added to the experience of others, has induced me to <;' lU r a larger quantity for this place than my last shipment, wiiuo . hope will reach here in time for the next crop. 1 still h: ve hand, at Greenwood & Co.’s Warehouse, en< ugh for the demand in the fall for sowing small *rain and turnips, J2I wtf 3, R, JONi.O