The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, September 14, 1853, Image 3

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MUSICAL. _ _ __ PIANO-FORTES AKI) MUSIC. WILL COX & CARTER, NO, 92, BROAD STREET,COLUMBUS, GA., ARE now receiving and will keep constantly on fiand, SHEET MUSIC, PIANO FORTES, GUITARS, VIOLINS, ACCOIiDEONS, BAN JOS, TAM BORINES, FLUTES, flageolets, fifes, &c. Strings for the VIOLI IN AN D GUI T A It. A T.KO liistrm lion Hooks for the ab>ve Instruments. Also, Exercises for the cultivation of the Voice. Orders are solicited from I'eachcrs and others. )). [•'. VVILLCOX. WM. B. CARTER. N. B. Mr. Gautier will attend to Tuning and Repairing Pianos as heretofore. < ‘ohimhus, April 15—w&twtf • New Sheet Music. rfAHE subscribers have this day recotvej a large assortment ol JL Sheet Music; among which are many new and popnlai pieces never before o fieri si in this market. The belies in parti culirare invited to calland examine our slock. Tit UA A’ & PEASE, Columbus, March# —tw 106 Broad street. A NEW BOOK! THE TEACHER AND THE PARENT. A Treatise upon common school education, containing prae . tical suggestions to Teachers and Parents. For sale by J. W. PEASE. Cohimbufl, Aug. OB- wif _____ PiANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. ,-jsr. —• THE undersigned have engaged the services of Mr. F. <>. R AM M, Tuner and Piano Maker,lately H'fftl ‘\]u Boni Erards’ Celebrated Establishment in Paris. •/ y * U “ Mr. R. is probably the best in bis, profession in the Southern Cos untry. We.are prepared to attend to all orders in the above line, and will be responsible tor all v.ork done by our workmen. ‘ trders addressed to Whittklsky &. Cos., or Truax &. Pease, will meet with prompt attention, VVHJTTELSEY & Cos. Columbus, April 22, 1833. TRUAX &. PEASE. twtf —Jcl4 wtf AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SAM'L C. WILSON, Lessee and Proprietor. Situated North Side of Broad'street, three Doors West of Washington-strect. f-__ n THE subscriber having taken a lease of this First Class Hotel, will give his undivided attention iifti to the accommodation of his fri nds and patrons, liis oest. efforts will be directed In promote the coinfort of all those who may favor him with anoppoitunity to servethein, with pennaiient or transient boarding, as w ell as such through travellers, as may patronize his daily ordinaries. The constant aim of the undersigned will be to preserve the character of the House, and to add to itsreputation daily. SAMUEL C. WILSON. _Angnsta, Sept. i i— twhnwl INov BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JORDAN 5,. ILOWKIiL, Bookseller and Stationer, WOULD respectfully inform bis friends, and the uublic gen- V t erally, that he lias purchased the extensive stock of Books, Stationery, &c. &c., ol A. C. FLEW ELLEN &. CO., atid will endeavor to keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment of SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISCEI A . ANEO US H< >OKS AND STATIONERY. 1 solicit :i continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to my predecessors, v ml that of as many now customers as will favor me with a cull. I w ; *l use eve - y exertion to please, both in prices and articles purchased. KT* CALL AND SEE. Two doors below My gait's Corner, sign of theltluejand White Flag, No. 72 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. %’cF’ Bookbindery up stairs. Aug. 3—ts BOOKS, BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED BY JORDAN L. HOWELL. One splendid Illuminated family or pulpit N Bible, containing IGOO engravings. Abl)Otts Juvinile Histories,comple setts; Ir vings works ; Scenes in the life of the Saviour by the Poets and Painters ; Reynolds works; Coopers Novels, 33 vol Library edition ; Maria Edgworths Tales, do do ; 10 Vol’s. Abbott’s Young Christian Series ; Sher woods works complete ; Classical Library complete; Vi nets Pastoral Pheology ; Olins Travels in the East; Dan iel Websters work complete. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence ; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. ALSO, A Few more of Dr. S. S. Pitch’s celebrated ABDOMI NAL SUPPORTERS. Columbus, May 21 —twly Valuable Books! McCulloch’s Universal Gazetteer, a Dictionary, Geo graphical, Statistical and Historical, of the various coun tries, places and principal natural objects in the world. Il lustrated with seven large maps The works of Dr. Stephen Olin, comprising his sermons and lectures. The Lile and Letters of Dr. Olin. Memoirs of the life and ministry of the Rev. John Sum meriieid, with an introductory letter, by James Mont gomery. Men of the Time; or, Sketches of living Notables, by Redfield. Private life of Daniel Webster, with two beautiful en gravings of his residence and birth place—also a protile ot Mr. Webster—by Lanman. Ytisef, or the Journey of the Frangi—a Crusade in the East, hv J. Ross Browne. Theory and Practice of Hydropathy—with notes on the cure ot Cholera by Cold Water, by H. Franeke. Water Cure lor children ; a short guide tor the rational treatment of children in health and disease, by Schieler deckcr. Pilgrim’s Progress, with Scott’s notes, and liie of the au thor ; neatly bound. Price 50. Letters tf> Young Ladies; sixteenth edition, revised and enlarged,by Mrs. Sigourney. “A few more ‘Fern Leaves’ left of the same sort.” Also —For sale low, two large size Letter Presses, at JORDAN L HOWELL’S Columbus, Aug. 31, 1853. Book Store. JUST RECEIVED. THE Xllth VOLUME OF GEORGIA REPORTS,” by JORDAN L. HOWELL. To all whom it may Concern. ALL persons are cautioned against purchasing a note given by me to Rock Island Factory, for the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, bearing date of about the first of November. 1850, as I shall not pay the same, never having received an equivalent for it. G 15. CURTIS. Columbus, Sept 7, 1853 —tw2w BUILDING LOTS NEAR THE CITY FOR SALE. V BEAUTIFUL building lot coat lining ten acre?, well timber ed, one mile from the city, in a pleasant neighborhood. Also, one lot of seven acres. (.)*•, if preferred—a most desirable lot handsome y unproved, with a large and new six room house, a well of excellent water, and all necessary out buildings, &c. &-C. Apply to HUM bit V. HOW ARD, or \ 8. R1 t TIIKRF<)RI), or PETERSt>N TH WEATT. Sept. 6, 1853. River Plantation for Sale. riMl ” subscriber offers for sale bis plantation on the Chattahoo- L chec river opposite Florence, containing twenty three hun dred acres, on w Inch a valuable Ferry, a first rate w ater _in, mid oiher buildings,such as are generally upon such plantations. Perms will be made to suit purchasers. September 13-w3t MATHEW AVKRETT. Strayed. i’R( )M the subscriber, early in the ‘’MS S W I Yoke of Work Oxen _,, L rflV one O’ th -in tins a very full head of horns, standing h mi imin the hea-.f, tall, with his body speck-ed with red, white and black, very small specks. The other is tow and chunky, rather heavy bui'a. with full head of horns, but drooping lrom the head col ored white and rest, but mostly white on iho body. Ihe above oxen are some seven or eight years old. and were raised in Stewart county. . . ~.. Any inform item respecting them, wdl be tbaiikiul.y receive! and liberally rewarded. _ Columbus, sept 13—w4l D. R* RIDENbOI R. FALL GOODS! BO"©© 0-SI M J. M. RAUM, NEXT DOOR TO THE MARINE BARK, 04 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, ga., .. * 5 IS now receiving and opening his FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS. Among which can be found the richest and largest as sortment of SILKS and fine DRESS GOODS, ever ofier jcd to the Ladies oi Columbus. We would particularly ! call their attention to several styles of extraordinary non i city and beauty, manufactured in France for the Crystal | Palace Exhibition, which can only be seen at Our House. LADIES’ FANCY DRESS GOODS, For Richness and Elegance unsurpassed in the country. EVENING DRESSES FOR SOIREES. PINK, BLUE, BUFF and WHITE GLACA SILKS. TARLATANS of all colors. White Brocade SILKS and SATINS. Magnificent RIBBONS Embroidered with gold and sil ver for Sashes. Fancy HAIR PINS and HEAD DRESSES. SATIN DAMASKS, Moiree Antiques, Hompadore SILKS. MUSLIN DeLANE, solid colors of all shades. Fine FRENCH DeLANES, superb patterns. 150 pieces MUSLIN DeLANE at 12’- cents per yard, English, French and German MERINOES. Black and colored ALPACAS from 25 cents up. MOURNING GOODS of all kinds. Second Mourning SILKS and DeLANES, EMBROI DERIES. JACONET FLOUNCINGS, SWISS FLOUNC -INGS. CIIEMISETTS, UNDERSLEEVES, COLLARS and CUFFS. 200 dozen LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS at fii cents. MANTILLAS, TALMAS and VISITES of the late Paris Pattenm Rich Canton CRAPE SIIAWLS. Rail Road CORSETS, anew article. Alexander’s and Jouvin’s best KID GLOVES. Ladies’ and Misses’HOSlEß Y of all kinds. PLANTATION GOODS. PRINTS, Plaid LINSEYS, KERSEYS. Striped OSNABURGS, TICKINGS, DENIMS. Bleached SHIRTING and SHEETING. Fine IRISH LINEN from 25 cents up. FLANN ELS and Canton FLANN ELS. Besides ten thousand other articles too numerous to mention. The Ladies ol Columbus and surrounding country are invited to call and satisfy their curiosity by examining oar stock before purchasing. What we profess, we will do, and that is to sell at asjow prices as they can be bought in the United Slates. The real Paris and London Fashion plates receiv ed up to the latest moment. J. M. RAUM, 64 Broad Street, • ‘clumbus, Sept J, 1853—tw6t&w3ms EMBROIDERIES. J UST received, a large assortment of Swiss, Jaconet and Mull Financings, Muslin Bands, Swiss arid Jaco net Edgings and Insertions, French Worked Collars, and Undersleeves, Thread Lace, &c. BROKAW, CLEMONS A Cos. Columbus, July 2. twtf. MUSLINS. I>LAIN and Stripe Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, India Mull and Nainsook, do. Brilliante Cambrics; a large stock just received. July 2—twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS X, CO. HOSIERY. JUST received a lull stock of Ladies’Sanaal Lisle Hose, Misses’ Fancy do., Gents Plain and Fancy Lisle and Eng. half Hose. Also, a superior article of Ladies’ Silk Gloves and Mitts. _ Jl 1 BROKAW, CLE HONS &, CO. NEW GOODS. The subscriber has in Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered lor sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAFEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Purchasers lor Cash will find it to their advantage to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2~tw C. MYGATT. Genin’s Eats. VFEW cases Genin’s a no. one Hats —Si*iun styles. Just received and for sale by March 30— tw J. H. MERRY. Shirts ! Shirts! ! \ LARGE invoice Os SMUTS, COLLARS. DRAWERS IV HOSIER Y, &c. Just received and for sale by March 39 tw J. 11. MEREY. Male School. .IAS. J. SLAIHC’S w~ School will open Monday, 2Gth Sopt. 1853. Tuition (scholastic year forty weeks) §4O 00 Payable quarterly. Columbus, ■Sept 13, 1853—lw&w8t EDUCATION. MRS. ABBOTT will resume her School on the first Monday in September, Columbus, Aue. 24, 1853.—UvCt Female Seminary. Mrs. W. S. MARBLE, nAVING procured large and commodious rooms, will re open her school on Forsyth street, Monday Sept. 2Gth. Tuition per Scholastic year: Elementary Class 00 Preparatory “ J*’ Junior and Senior Class each 40 00 Latin, French and Spanish languages, each 20 00 Music r i° 00 Oil Painting 50 00 Painting with water colors, Drawing and Embroidery, each - 20 00 JpsP’ Tuition hi advance. M rs. Marble has had many years’experience in teaching, and wiil pay every attention to moral as well as intellectual im provement. She has been kindly permitted to use the names oi tne fol lowing gentlemen for rcferen:e: Dr. Bozeman, I B. A. Thornton, Esq., x Columbus. M. Torrance, Esq. \ Rev. D. Burkhalter, / Buena Vista. Rev. Y. F. Tignor, 1 “ “ Capt. T. M. Newell, U. 8. N., Savannah. Columbus, Sept 3—twlt&w4l* DIL MiISLER’S School wiil commence again on Monday, 12th September, at his schooljoom, corner of Franklin and Forsyth streets. Sept 7—tw3t lIAUNDEN’S EXPRESS. ifiy OFFICE ON RANDOLPH Street. Tin; respectfully beg leave to inform tlie citizens of Columbus \V and iis vicinity, that we have concluded our arrangements with the Central, South-Western and .Vuscogee Railroads, and are now running messengers daily from Columbus to Macon, thence to Savannah. M; o, forwarding goods daily over the Muscogee and South western Railroad to Fort Valley, Oglethorpe and Macon, thence to Milledgeviile Favaunali aim all intermediate places. Also, to^'Montgomery, A>a. We would also say, that our I’x nresses by the steamers to New York and Philadelphia enable us forward every description of merchandise and valuables. Notes. Drafts, atld Bills collected in every town m the Northern and Eastern States ; also, to California and Europe. OFFICES AND AGENTS. F.. R. Colliding,Kando’ph street,Columbus: C. A. Ells &.8011. Macon** Mr. Kendrick, Fort Valley; G. R. Clayton. Oglethorpe: 153 Bav street, Savannah; 74 Broadway, .Yew York ; 43 and 45 South-Third. Philadelphia ; 8 Court street. Boston: Exchang* street Providence; Montgomery street, Xan Francisco. r ;icles to be forwarded, called for at any part of th* free of expense, bv leaving orders on the slate at the office, citv ire. 1 LIVINGSTON, WINCHESTER & CO. Columbus, April 13—tw&w SURGICAL INFIRMARY. BBS. WILMAN & GAMHL HAVE opened, in Savannah, an Infirmary for the treatment of Surgical and Chronic Diseases. The building? are spacious, with ample grounds attached, and expense has not been spared to provide the latest and most ap proved appliances of the SURGICAL ART, for the bencDt of those who may resort to this Institution for relief. The terms for Board, Nursing, &c., are $1 per day -sin being required in advance. The fees for Surgical <>pei.-<li<>ii* to be agreed upon, before the operation is performed; • \<<*| ! incase of indigence, when $1 per day will cover all expenses. Slaves provided for, in separate building, on the above icvins. N. B. No case of Surgical or Chronic disease will be received into this establishment, unless it is believed, after examination, that the ca>e is curable, oradraits of relief; but will be in variably charged for Examination and opinion, it the case is rejected. IBsT” Tha undersigned would receive into their private offices, on liberal terms, a number of young men, who ari“ desirous el availing themselves of a thorough coirse of preliminary instruc tion, clinical opportunities and anatomical investigations. P. H. WILDMAN, M. D. Cor. South-Broad and Ahercorn sts. CIIAS. GAN AIIL, M. D. South-Broad, 3 doors east of Barnard st. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 10, 1853—w&twtf Muscogee Railroad Company. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT ON rMT T*W, ON and alter the Ist of September, COTTON will be carried from Columbus to Savannnah, at FiETY CENTS per hun dred pounds, including Insurance over Railroad. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. MERCHANDISE arriving from the East and, not to be forwarded by Railroad will be retained in the Depot at Co lumbus three days, free of charge, and if not then removed will be sent to one of the city Warehouses for Storage at the ex pense of the owner. EDYV’D F. RICKER, Superintendent. September 7,1853. Laths! laths !! Laths! ! ! I have for sale 30,000 Laths, which 1 will deliver in any part of the city, at $- per thousand. April 26-wcowlOt O. S. HOLLAND. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. HEAVY ARRIVALS OF NEW WHEAT ! I?ROM GEORGIA. TENNESSEE AND BALT!MORE, ena- U Dies us to furnish the whole country, and Columbus besides, with fresh ground FLOUR from New Wheat, at suih prices as to allow all classes to buy. CORN MEAL at 70 cents per bushel. S HOiITS for feed at 80 cents per hundred. Bit AN do. at GO cents per hundred. CUSTOM GRINDING (lone at the shorlest notice, better, quicker, and :i better yield, than at any Mill in Georgia. CASH paid for COHN and WHEAT, the highest mar ket price. L. LIViNGcToN, Agent. Sept. !*, 1853. tw ts. Dissolution. r I'MIK copartnership heretofore existing between Washington * Tilley and David Myers, in the Exchange Hotel, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted io the Ex change Hotel will pleasjcall and settle with Mr. Tilley, as he alone is authorized to settle tiie business of the •ate firm. Ail I accounts against the Hotel, which a-e recognized by Mr. Tilley, I will be paid by Ihe same. WASHiNGTON TiLLE Y, j Montgomery, Aug. 20, 1853. 1). F. MYERS. EXCHANGE HOTEL, MONT GO M FRY, ALAB AM A . p. a THE undersigned begs leave to return his sincere ‘ /jECIWA. thanks to tiie public for past, favors, and respectfully IgJiiH, solicits a continuance ot the patronage so liberally Jji S!issir be-towed upon him the past year. There are now a complete set, ofeclored servants employed in the house, who have been trained expressly for Ibis I Hotel. The table is at ail times furnished with every luxury which j the Northern and .Southern .Markets afford. The bouse has been ! newly furnished, and thoroughly renovated and whitewashed ! the past season, and is now fitted up in the most convenient and ! approved style, and is truly classed among the first Hotels in the i South. WASHINGTON TILLEY. ! Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 27—twlm Sole Proprietor i _f jJ J IJ J COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING • 1 H AVING resumed Manufacturing, are now in successful operation. Having added sev ral pieces of New and Im-j proved Machinery to their Factory, they now offer to Purchasers | Hkavy and Eight COTTON GOODS, COTTON YARNS, assorted, unsurpassed in quality. Woolen Goods, Plain and Colored; Woolen Jeans, Colored. I FOOL Curded for Cash or Toll. They will give the highest price for WOOL; and make up j /fool into Cloth, on shares or for fifteen cents per yard. June 14—wtf _ SIiWABT, SHAY ft GO,. SUCCESSORS TO H. S. SMITH & CO. I'sVYY'tX THE undersigned having purchased the e- ifSfgSA tire interest of 11. S. SMITH in the j : • .< House heretofore occupied by If. 8. Smith &. UNs&ak* Cos., have associated themselves together under the name and style as above, for the transaction of a general WARE HOUSE, COMMISSION AND— GROCER Y BUSINESS. They have had the Ware House re-covcred and thoroughly re paired. The grocery business will be conducted in the new building opposite the store formerly occupied by E. Barnard & Cos., and adjacent to the Ware House, where wifi be kept a large supply of ■ Bagging, Hope, Salt, Iron, Sugar, Coffee, &c., j wliic-h they are prepared to furnish their customers and patrons on as liberal terms as they can be had in the market, The usual , advances will be made on cotton. Messrs. STEWART & GRAY, having been connected with the business of IE S. Smith & Cos. 1 as partners for several years, believe .hat their experience in I business, combined with the personal exertions of themselves and their associates, will enable them to give entire saiislaction to their patrons. JNO. D. STEWART, P. J. SEMMES, W. A. BEDELL, W. C. GRAY. Columbus, June2l—wtljar.. mi fmm waißji hguii, J. C, RUSE, R. PATTEN, W. C. HODGES. JWVVA WE continue the W ARE II O US E FaTYW AND COMMISSION business fVijiwbiWj . at our well known FIRE-PROOF building, andgffl again tender our services l<> our planting friends lor the storage or sale of cotton, or any business entrusted tons. We have no connection with any Grocery House, but will be pleased to receive the orders of our friends for BAGGING, ROPE, or any other articles, which we will purchase at the lowest cash prices. Liberal advances made on shipments to our friends in Savan nah, New York or Liverpool. RUSE PATTEN &, CO. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24, 1853.—w&twGm On Consignment. 50 lids. New Orleans Sugar. X&sLrXl. 30 Casks Sides. 5 “ Shoulders. All of which will he sold low for Cash. Call and examine them. C. S. HARRISON & CO. Columbus, April B—twtf C. T. CUSIIMAN, I). D. S. Cp 01 M T£S TANARUS, Over Foster A Fitrple*s Jewelry STORK, No. 69 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga., Ja twtf W - F - f EE, and. and. s. DENTAL SURGEON. Office on llroad street, over Slygatt-s store. Colu nhus, Oct 29 —ts BROOKS & CHAPMAN, (SUCCESSORS TO GESNER A PEABODY,) WHOLES AL E AND II ET A1 L DEALERS IN Dnfgs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, DYE STUFFS*, SURGICAL and DENTAL :e tw m&s rscr **. slj m* sc mt rmr mas 9 PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, sc. &ic. BLUE STORE, SIGN OF THE NEGRO AND MORTAR. Ao. West side Broad street, Columbus, Ga- THE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends of Columbus, and to the public genet ally, that having purchased the entire interest ol Messrs. Gksnhr &. Peabody in the store well known as the BLUE DRUG S l ORE, will continue the business under the name and style as above. This intimate connection with and close application to the business for several years, which has given them much practical experience—united with a determination to be close and vigilant as “'ell as prompt and active in their attention to its duties and requirements—will, they hope, he a sufficient guarantee to the public of their efficiency in the business, and that it will be properly conducted. Determined to deal in none but WARRANTABLE ARTICLES, they hope by such means to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Physicians and Merchant dealers doing business in the country, will find it greatly to their in terest to call and examine their ample stock before purchasing elsewhere; for,in addition to fresh and well selected articles, they offer inducements in prices, which they are confident will prove perfectly satisfactory. In their extensive arrangements for the proper advancement of the business, they have not been unmindful of what would be to the interest and convenience of the City Physicians, but, in view of their accommodation and for their especial benefit, have fitted up and neatly arranged* a room— with all necessary apparatus attached—to be devoted exclusively to Chemical and Pharmaceutical operations. In this effort of theirs to relieve them of the trouble and vexation to which they have been so long subjected, in preparing their own prescriptions, or in having them properly attended to, they think they ought and believe they will sustain them. Both or either of them will be present at all times (except from 10 o’clock A. M. until 2 o’clock P. M. on Sundays) to attend carefully and promptly to this department of the business and in no instance will any but known extra Medicines be used in the preparation ol prescriptions. JNO. W. BROOKS. FOSTER S. CHAPMAN. Columbus, Sept. 14, 1853—lvv&w6m FOR SALE AND TO KENT. To Rent. a SIX Rooms over brick stores Nos. 151 and 153 Broad street. The above have a good yard, kitchen, and well. The apartments are admirably adapted for a hoarding house. For terms &.c., apply to JNO. QUIN, Auctioneer, Columbus, Aug 21—twlt&wtf 153 Broad Street. PLANTATION FOR SALE. SIXTEEN miles Eastof Columbus, one hour’s ride by Railroad, miles from tiie depot, containing 620 ppi acres,about 400 cleared, 300 acres bottom land, the balance pine land, lying well. Gin house with a press attached, seven or eight negro cabins, overseers house and other necessary buildings. The situation of this place near the Rail road gives the advantages of a near market without its annoy ances. Possession given Ist January or sooner, and terms made easy. August 30—wtf A. G. REDD. RESIDENCE FOR SALE. s__js 1 offer my residence for sale, one mile ban |silsj the business part of the city, and one half mile AjjAi- from the principal J/alo and Female schools, with forty acres oflancl, of which thirty are in the woods and well timbered, ten in lots, in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are all good—a large two story brick dwelling, with eight rooms, five closets, a pantry, front portico and hack piazza, and out buildings, all new and good, a well of excellent water in the yard and a good cool spring and a fish pond near the house. This is one of the highest and healthiest locations near the city, and in one of the very host neighborhoods on this side of the river. Those wishing to buy property about this place will only have *o see my place to be pleased. There are also a great variety of fruits and shrubbery and shade trees'of every kind grown in this climate. A bargain can be had by calling soon and seeing me, or in my absence Gol. A. K. Ayer or Mr. 11. 11. Epping will show and sell lor me, &c. ‘ 8. T. AUteTiN. Columbus, Ga.. July 2f —wtf A Valuable Plantation for Sale. ONE and a half miles from Salem, Russell Coun ty, Alabama, fifteen miles from Columbus., Georgia, and near the Opelika and Girard Rail HafljL The settlement contains 480 acres of first rate oak and hickory land, 300 acres are cleared and in cultivation. Tiie improvements are new and good, a fra med dwelling with six rooms furnished complete. Good Gin House, screw and all necessary out-buildings. The place has on it first rate spring and well water, and is also well watered with constant running streams. For health, convenient and comfortable improvements, fertil ity of soil, and convenience to maikets, few places combine more advantages. For terms and particulars apply to Col. A. B. Ragan or Isaac T. Robinson, in Columbus, Geo., to John Adair, in Salem, Ala., or to tiie subscriber on the premises. AMANDA C. KEY. Sept. 6 1853 —wtlNov. For Sale. / -JL ABOUT one thousand acres of good farming land, JiiML the north side of the IJannnbatchee Creek, in Stewart county. There is a comfortal le dwelling and other improve ments; 308 acres cleared, mostly fresh. As it is the last of iny lands in Stewart for sale, a bargain will lie given. The settle ment can be divided if desired. JAMES CLARKE. Lumpkin, Ga., August 23—wtf HOTEL FOR SALE. r THE subscriber offers tor sale his eommodi ous and well finished Hotel, situated on the east side of the SLoT:: publiesquare, in the town of Buena Vista, (Ja., and YFIL. If’ own as the “GLOBE HOTEL.” It is furnished with alluecess / conveniences, and has pertaining to it, a goo,, kitchen, s..ioke house,stable, lot, &c., all in good repair. The ho use is cor -liiently situated,and is favored with a liberal share of hoarding <nid transient custom. Buena Vista, though new, is a large and beautiful town. Its schools, and varied merchantile and mechanic interests, insure its permanency and rapid growth. No one need fear depreciation in property for many years. Persons wishing to purchase such property, would do weii to call and examine. Reasonable time will be allowed for payment. For terms apply to the undersigned Z WILLIAMS, or to WILLIAMS St. OLIVER, March s—9wtf5 —9wtf Buena Vista, Afarion co. Ga. FOR SALE. j . THAT valuable Gin Factory and Mill at Palmyra, Lee ffififrV county, located in one best regions of country in ! S2I Iho world for that kind of bu>iness ; the machinery is j Jt—iN. nearly all new, and propelled by a never failing sub- • terranean stream of water. The factory building is forty by sixty Let, two stories high, with mill house attuched. Also, a large to story dwelling house with six rooms, four fire places, four acres of land, ana well improved otherwise, the most desirable residence in town. Also a lot ol land, ail in the woods, adjoining town, containing . about one hundred acres. I will sell all the above together, or either separate, or one half interest in the factory'. J. 11. WATSON. August lfi—wfit. i For Sale. A small farm about oue and a half miles from Colum- ; bus. It contains 150 or 100 acres <>l land ; about a third of which is cleared, and in suitable conditionffor cultiva- i tion. The remaining portion is well timbered with . pine. it is a desirable location for any person, wishing a small farm 1 or summer residence in the vicinity of the city. Apply to Columbus. March 9—twtf E. T. i AYL(>R. South Cowika Plantation For Sale. THE subscriber havitur determined to remove West, CjSfc offers for sale hi? plantation, containing seven hundreil and seventy-five acres,about one halfcleared arid under good fences, situated twenty four miles west of Eufaula, nine miles from < ’layton. :;nd twelve miles from route of the Girard and Mobile Railroad. For terms apply to Mr. Thomas Robinson at Eufaula, or to the subscriber on the premises. lIKNRY 11. FIELD. April 26—wCm LAND FOB SALE~ 1 WILL be- .:*! at public out cry, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours of sale, at'the c uirt house n, ( uihbert, Randolph county, Ga the pl.'intatioii hiti-iy owned by Bat's Newsom, deceased, lying on the road from I u aula, Ala. to Cuthbert, eight miles from the former place and -.-venteen Horn the latter. Said plan tation is situated near the IV:aula and Hodchodkee creeks, and contains about one thousand acres, five hundred of which is open with good improvements. ill be sold in one body; one half the purchase money to be paid January Ist, 1854, and the balance January Ist, 1S 5. ‘lhe lilies are indisputable. Persons wishing to purchase are invited to call und examine the land for themselves. JAMES F. NEWSOM, Ex r July s—tds LAVINIA NEWSOM. For Sale. M YPlantation on tho Gleunville, (Ala.,) road, seven # miles from Columbus, containing 340 acres, about Hit) of which is cleared and in a tine state of cultivation. The improvements are a frame dwelling with four rooms, kitchen, cribs and stables conveniently arranged. The place has an abundant supply of excellent spring water, is con venient to churches, schools and market, is very healthy and in an excellent neighborhood—persons wishing !<■> purchase can obtain any desired information by calling on Mr. Whitten, on the premises,or the subscriber in Columbus. B. F. COLEMAN. Columbus, June 21—w Om. For Sale. <nsL„ MY plantation lying on the Chattahoochee liver in Russel county, Ala., t wenty miles below Columbus, Ga., containing about two thousand five hundred acres in a body. Also, two detached place", containing about eightliundrcd acres, which will be sold with the main body or separate. 1 lie plantation is weli settled and healthy, and as productive and fertile as any on the river, and free lrom freshets. Persons wishing to examine the plantation will apply to Mes srs. J. B. &C. Crowell, orO. W. Keith, (the overseer) at Os wichee, Ala., or Jos B. Hill,in Columbus, Ga., who will furnish all necessary information in my absence. JOHN OANTEY, August 2—wtf Camden, S. C. plantation \nd lot for sale, ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS. I will soli my valuable plantation one mile East of *§ Crawford, Ala., containing light. Hundred acres; well improved, good dwelling and out houses, gin house, new screw, &c., &c. There is good creek bottom and pine land interspersed withOak and Hickory. A Iso, a corner one acre lot opposite the hotel in i ruwford. i 1 or terms and particulars apply to Messrs. C. ri. Harrison &. Cos., Columbus, Ga. A/ay2o—w&Lvtf A.CLOUD. Valuable Plantation tor Sale, In Baker County, Georgia. THE subscriber desirous of removing from the Stale ol Georgia, offers for sale bis plantation lying on the waters of tiie Coolawahee Creek, live miles west of Al bany, adjoining lands of Paul Tarver, Dr. Nickols and others, containing three thousand one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less. There are about 800 acres of open cultivat ed land. The land is so situated that it can be easily divided. And if two purchasers appear the subscriber will divide so asto suit both. Anyone desirous of purchasing would do well to address MOORE & EDWARDS, or myself at tills place; my agent living on the place will show the lands to any person call ing for that. purpose. JOHN J. RAWLS, September 3—tw3t&wtf Macon, Georgia. VALUABLE IMPROVED LAND FOR SALE IN LOWNDES COUNTY. JL miles from The Brunswick and Florida Railroad, which is now ouilding. In this body of land there are about 1,500 acres fine hammock and pine land—23(l cleared. It is well watered, healthy and fertile. A great b rguin can he had. Come and view it. My address is Sharp* sXtore Post Office, Ga. June 2J, J 853. wlOt D. B. GRAHAM CHATTAHOOCHEE PLANTATION AND CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE I OFFER FOR SALE, ami upon reasonable and ac conunodating terms, the valuable plantation on the river six miles below the city, containing acres—soo acresof which is first quality river land, the balance oak and hickory, and pine land, heavily timbered. The place is well improved in every particular, and has upon it a very handsome dwelling house, cn tirely new, with new out houses, stables, burnes, &c. The premises will be shown by Alaj.M. VV. Perry, who at pres ent resides upon them, or by myself. Wishing to reside in the country, but near the city, 1 also offer for sale my present residence—one of the most convenient and pleasant locations in the city. Columbus, sept 10—twlt&wlf HINES HOLT. Enquirer and Corner Stone copy. NOTICE TO FARMERS. VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. npHREE tracts lying in Hale co. Ala. one containing 230 acres 1 one 320, and the other containing 500 acres, whereon the subscriber resides, 9 miles above Daleville on the road leading to Troy. The above lands are productive, healthy, pleasant to cultivate, and well w atered. Also one other tract in Pike coun- miles from Joyner’s bridge on Pea River, containing 2*o acres of very tine land unimproved. The subscriber has resided in this county fora number of years and consequently had advantages in making locations of lands, and would simply say, that the above lands need ho recommen dation from him, and those who wish to buy such lands would do well to cull on him soon, i erms made easy to the purchaser, for particulars about the Pike tract, inquire ot Isaac llvrd, near the premises. BIRTIS BYRD. Dale county, Ala.. Sept 13—w it GLOBE HOTEL, BURN A VISTA, MARIO* CO., <;A u —-e FHEsubscriber re -pectfully announces touis friends rd the public generally, that he hastaken charge SEifli3l o.this well known K JS T A B LIS II M K N T. ! The house is commodious and well finished; and nopainswill | be spared to render those comfortable, who may favor him with their patronage. Dec 3—ts E. TITCOMB. LUMPKIN HOTEL. LUMPKIN, STEWART a’.pjj COUNTY, GEORGIA. Uy JOIIX M. SCOTT. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that Ins house is now opened lor the accommo dation ot the traveling public and the citizens of the county. This Hotel is commodious and well arranged for comfort, and the proprietor hopes, by good attention, good fare and moderate charges, to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage : and as 1 think the best puffs for a Hotel are made at the place, I would say to all, try me, and judge for youiselves. Lumpkin, Stewart co., Ga., aug. 2. IK>3—vvtf Attention, Journeymen Harness Makers! THE subscriber wishes to employ two Harness Makers. None but good workmen and steady iqui nee i apply. Columbus, Sept 2—vv3s FREDERICK MILLER.