The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, October 01, 1853, Image 3

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A New Military Post.— The Washington Evening Star learns that the War Department have ordered four companies of the Bth Infantry, now at Camp Chadburn on the Upper Colorado, and Camp McKavett on the San Saba, to pro* ceed with all possible dispatch to El Paso, to es tablish a post there on the American side of the river. O* “A young man, a member of an evan gelical church,” advertises in a New York paper for hoard ‘‘in a pious family where his Christian example would be considered a com pensation.” rr Ashland, the home of Henry Clay, which was xold at public sal© last weak, was purchased by Jas. B. Clay, his son, at $l4O per acre. The tract contains 337 *aeres. —-*—— Massachusetts Nominations. —The Massachusetts Whig Convention have nominated Emory Washburn for Governor. Commeraai. COLUMBUS CCyrTON ‘~STATEMENT. Old stock on hand, Oct. 1, 1853 43 New cotton received to date 3,653 a Shipped 1,899 Stock on hand 1,797 Columbus, Oct. 1, 1853. Cotton is selling freely at Middling 9 cts., Good Mid dling 91, Middling Fair 91, and Fair 10 cents. Savannah, Sept. 30. Cotton —The sales to-day amount to 162 bales at the following prioes: 3at 9 1-8 ; 13 at 10 ; 17 at 10 1-8 ; 18 at 10 1-4 ; 109 at 10 7 16, aod two bales at 10 1-2 ents. SPECIAL NOTICES. WE are authoriied to announce F. G. WILKINS a candidate for Sheriff of Muscogee County, at the ensu ing election in January next. Sept. 22—tw&wte 83° WE are authorised to announce ANDREW P. JONES, Esq. as a candidate for re-election for Clerk of the Inferior Court ot Muscogee county, on the first Mon day in January next. Sept. 3—tw&wte ff3° We are authorised to announce Mr. JOHN S. TANPELT as a candidate for the office of City Mar- j ahal, at the election in January next, and will be suppor ted by THE PEOPLE. Aug. 2-1, 1853—w&twte. |3°We are authorized to announce R. C. PATTER SON, of Halloca, as a suitable candidate for th 6 office of Justice of the Inferior Court of Muscogee County, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Lock Weems, Esq. Sept. 16 tw&wtf 13° WE are authorised to announce JAMES M . HUGHES as a candidate for SherifF of Muscogee coun ty. Election first Monday in January next. Columbus, Aug. 20, 1853.—w&twtd 83° WE are authorised to announce Mr. JOHN D. ARNOLD as a candidate for the office of City Marshal, at the election in January next. August 17, 1853. tde. WE are authorised to announce DAVID J. BAR BER as a candidate for Clerk of the Superi6r Court of; Muscogee County, at the election in January next. Juno 25,1853 —w&twte. JgT GEORGE GULLEN is a candidate for Marshal J at the ensuing January election, and will be supported by ; Aug. 16, w&twte MANY VOTERS. AGUE AND FEVER of three years’ standing CURED, j \lr. John Longden, now living at Beaver Dam, Hanover County, Va., near Richmond, had Ague and Fever for three years; most of the time he had chills twice a day, and rarely less than once ; he was parched with fevers as soon, ; as the chill left him ; and after trying physicians, quinine most of the Tonics advertised, and every thing recommen ded to him, was about to give up in despair, when Carter’s Spanish Mixture was spoken of: he got two bottles, but be fore he had used more than a single one, he was perfectly cured, and has not had a chill or a fever since. Mr. Longden is only one out of thousands who have been benefited by this great tonic, alterative and blood pu- j rifiar. V See advertisement with his certificate. * , i A Clergyman. An old and valuable subscriber has sent us a certificate from one of hia Parishioners, which he wishes published for the benefit of his neighbors, and the community at large. It states on authority that needs no confirmation, the particulars ot a remarkable cure by Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, an article we have already taken occasion to notice, and which we have reason to believe is worth notice. This sufferer had been reduced very low irom the effects of a Cold and Cough, caused by over exertion at a | fire, nearly three years since, and from which it wasevident | to his friends that he was fast hastening to a premature grave. Many o f the remedies of the !ay and the advice of eminent Physicians had all failed to afford him relief when he was induced to try the Cherry Pectoral, which soon cured him. The crowded state .f our columns will not admit the full particulars, but we earnestly mvite the attention of our readers to the advertisement in another part of our paper.— Christian Chronicle . Twenty-seven of the most respectable Merchants, residents in Maryland, Virginia and NorthCarohna say STABLERS ANODYNECHERRY EXPECTORAN T ,„d oi STABLER-S DIARRHCEA CORDIAL. “ t hat from our own experience and that of our customers, confidently recommeod them Fr.. Bono PMco. Web... never known any remedies used for th. dtaeaas for which ’ „ bribed to be so efficient, audio give such en titvfsatia&ction to all.” See advertisement in another col nmn. thma - after Tw ** i] A 7 A, of Holloway' e PilU.-The Whole- S 's' rtng ’ ** e Mle of Holloway’s Pills in New South sale Agent lor Holloway, to sever- Wales, alludes, m a ‘ e T “ thma , effected in that Colony, al extraordinary cures an d to one case in par by the - ofthese MMi- ficular-that of. lady read 6 >fflictt<l wilh back, who. after harms for <we J ? C ooeequence g rea. difficulty o, breuthto*. “ <f to bear the rlighteet oi.rl.ou, ! ■ u 10p IIW, to use her own expreJO, bl of that high hill- R. R. R. REMEDIES. Radway’s Ready Relief.— For the Removal and Cure of all acute Pain? ; Rheumatism, Sick Headache, Neural gia, Cholera, Cramps, Spasms, Toothache, Diarrhoea, &c. R. R. R.—Bad, Offensive Breath—Stomach out of or der—Take ten drops of R. R. R. every morning in a little water, and rinse out the mouth ; also, swallow some of the Relief—it will neutralize the acid on the stomach, make it sweet and clean, and remove from the mouth and teeth all tartar or bad taste. Persons troubled with sick headache will find immediate relief by using R. R. R. If there are any suffering with Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism, or Chills and Fever, we guarantee that Rad way’s Ready Re lief Will stop the worst pains in a few minutes. Price 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. R. R. R. No. 2.—Radway’s Renovating Resolvent cures all complaints caused by Bad Blood and Poisonous De posits. It makes tho blood pure,rich, and healthy. Ulcers, Sores,Tumors, Cancers, &0., are the offspring of certain poisonous deposits, lurkiHg in the system ; Radway’s Renovating Resolvent renovates the Blood, cleanses, puri fies, and enriches it, it resolves away all diseased deposits, and dUres Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Humors, Tetters, Rash, and all Eruptions, Fever Sores,&c. KttMl INJURING! COMPANY, Office, No. 10 Wall Street , New York. cash capital, $500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Secretary. E. S. GREENWOOD, : : : : : Agent. Columbus, Georgia. October 1, tw6m FOR SALE OR RENT. MMY Plantation, three miles below Columbus, between live and six hundred acre*, cleared. JNO. A. JONES. Oct. 1. w&twtf EDUCATION. Montpelier Female Institute. MISS MARTHA M. BUELL, Principal, and Teacher of the higher English Branches. MISS LOUISA S. SPENCER, English branches,German,and Italian. MISS MARY A. PHILLIPS, English Branches. MISS ADELINE A. CONKEY and MISS ADELINE BUNN, Vocal and Instrumental Music. MISS LUCRETIA S. HOOPER, Drawing, Painting, Embroidery, and Instrumental Music. M’LLE. ADELINE CIIANSY, French. MRS. S. M. JAMES, Domestic Superintendent. REV. RUFUS M. WHITE, Rector. REV. SENECA G. BRAGG, Chaplain. THE 25th Term of this Institution will com* jffj''HplLy- mence on the 13th of October. A prospectus, and any information may he had by appliea vjjffP-jjfit tion to the Secretary and Treasurer. As the number of pupils is limited it is important that early application should be made. W. S. WILLIFORD, Sec’y. & Treas. Macon, Ga. From Bishop Elliott’s Annual Address. “With the consent of the Board of Trustees, I placed the Institute under the charge of a lady well tried, and well known, Miss M. M. Buell, and invited the Rev. Rufus M. White, who had just at that moment resigned the charge of St. John’s Curch, to accept the Rectorship of the Insti tute. These appointments, together with the continuance of the Rev. Mr. Bragg at the Institute, should give parents every confidence, that such as the school has heretofore been,such it will be hereafter. I commend it most heartily to the Diocese, assuring it that the School has never been in finer condition, and praying it to use every exertion not to permit an institution to go down, which has been built up at the expense of so much sacrifice and suffering.” Sep27—w&tw til Novi Female Seminary. Mrs. W. S° MARBLE, HAVING procured large and commodious rooms, will re open her school on Forsyth street, Monday Sept. ‘26th. Tuition per Scholastic year: Elementary Class $25 00 Preparatory “ 30 00 Junior and Senior Class each 40 00 Latin, French and Spanish languages, each 20 00 Music I 50 00 Oil Painting 50 00 Painting with water colors, Drawing and Embroidery, each ! 20 00 cr Tuition in advance. Mrs. Marble has had many years’experience in teaching, and will pay every attention to moral as well as intellectual im provement. She has been kindly permitted to use the names of the fol lowing gentlemen for reference: Dr. Bozeman, ) B. A. Thornton, Esq., V Columbus. M. Torrance, Esq. S Rev. I>. Burkhalter, ) Buena Vista. Rev. Y. F. Tignor, j “ “ Capt. T. M. Newell, U. S. N., Savannah. Columbus, Sept 3—twlt&w4t* Columbus Female Academy, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF MR. AND MRS. CHAPMAN, WILL commence its next session on Jt/ouday, Oct. 3, 1853. The session will be divided into two terms, the first end ing Feb. 15tb, the second July Ist, 1854. Tuition per Term : Juni< r Department. 818 00 Senior *• 20 00 Contingent expens 1 Ob Columbus, sept. 14—w2 &.tw2t _______ MALE SCHOOL. Mr. John Isham’s School will recommence the first Monday in October, 1853, and will c^ose -* une 30th,1854. Tuition per Scholastic Columbus, Sept. 21—w&twtf. FIND GROVE ACADEMY. The exercises of this Academy will be resumed on Monday, October, 3d, and will close June 30th, 1854. Tuition per Scholastie year, S4O. WILLIAM F. PLANE. Columbus, Sept. 21—w&twtf. Mrs. H. JOHNSON WILL resume the exercises of her School on the first Mon day in October next. A few* young ladies can be accommodated with board. Columbus, Sept 17—tw3t&wSt Male School. yjSt JAS. J SLADES School will open Monday, 26th-Sept. 1853. Tuition (scholastic year forty weeks) S4O 00 Payable quarterly• Columbus, Sept 13, 1853.—tw&w8t Muscogee Railroad Company. GREAT REDUCTION IN FREIGHT ON COTTON# Ok uful after the Ist of September, COTTON will be carried from Columbus to Savannnah, at FIFTY CENTS per hun dred pounds, including Insurance over Railroad. notice to consignees. ANDISE arriving from the East and not to i Railroad will be retained in the Depot at Co be .iavaJTree of charge, and if not then removed will K,OOTeol fi.o r’y Wsrehouevs tor rsgc the penee es the owner, p t RICKER. September 7,1853. PIANO-FORTES AND MUSIC. WM. B. CARTER, HAVING purchased the interest of D. F. Willcox, has re moved to NO. 72, BROAD STREET, (at J. L. Howell’s Book Store,) where ho will keep constantly on hand a genera! assortment of MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, of every variety and price. Patrons and iriends are invited to call and examine liis stock. Orders solicited, and a liberal discount made to Teachers and Schools. Pianos to let, tuned, and repaired. October 1. twtf A CARD. THE subscriber having soild his stok of Books, Stationery, <(-c. to Mr. John VV. Pease, retuns his thanks to the public, for the liberal patronage bestowed upon himself, and soiiciis from his patrons a transfer of the same to his successor, who of fers on reasonable terms, as good and extensive an assortment of Books and fancy and staple Stationery, as can be lound any where in this part of the country. The Subscriber may bo fouud hereafter at the Agency of the Rock Isiand Factory. D. ¥• WILLGON. Oct. 1. twtf DISSOLUTION. THE mercantile Arm of J. Ennis & Cos., has been dissolved. by the withdrawal ©f A. Lyman, on account of ill health. The dissolution of partnership to take hfTect from, and after the Ist of October, 1853. J. ENNIS, V. R.TO.MM I', A. LYMAN. Oct. I, w&tw4w npilE undersigned will continue business at their old stand on JL Broad str- et, ander the name and Style of J. Ennis & Cos., and invite the attention of their customers, and the public gen erally, to their large aud well assorted stock of Hardware, &c. which are offered upon accommodating terms. JAMES ENNIS, V. R. TOMMY. Columbus, Oct. 1 w&lw4w (Enquirer please copy.) Leeches! Leeches!! rrHVO HUNDRED Large Sweedish LKECHES just rccei _L ved, and for sale by DANFORTd &. NAGEL. Oct. 1 w4t Wanted, BY’ a graduate of a College, who has had experience in teach ing, and can furnish the best recommendations, a situation as teacher in a classical School in a city, or an advanced School in the country. Address FRANCIS T. CHASE, Jl/outgomery, Ala. Oct. 1 wtf . New Boarding House. MMRS. Catharine F. Williams has taken the large and spacious Rooms over the store of Messrs. Schley & Johnson, east side of Broad street, and is now prepared to furnish gentlemen with boaid. Oct. 1 twht FALL GOODS! BC and J. M. RAU M, NEXT DOOR TO THE MARINE BASK, 04 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., IS now receiving and opening his FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF GOODS. Among which can be found the richest and largest as sortment ol SILKS and fine DRESS GOODS, ever offer ed to the Ladies of Columbus. We would particularly call their attention to several styles of extraordinary nov elty and beauty, manufactured in France for the Crystal Palace Exhibition, which can only be seen at Our House. LADIES’ FANCY DRESS GOODS, For Richness and Elegance unsurpassed in the country. EVENING DRESSES FOE SOIREES. PINK, BLUE, BUFF and WHITE GLACA SILKS TARLATANS of all colors. White Brocade SILKS and SATINS. Magnificent RIBBONS Embroidered with gold and sil ver for Sashes. Fancy HAIR PINS and HEAD DRESSES. SATIN DAMASKS, Moiree Antiques, Hompadore SILKS. MUSLIN DeLANE, solid colors of all shades. Fine FRENCH DeLANES, superb patterns. 150 pieces MUSLIN DeLANE at 12i cents per yard, English, French and German MERINOES. Black and colored ALPACAS from 25 cents up. MOURNING GOODS of all kinds. Second Mourning SILKS and DeLANES, EMBROI DERIES. JACONET FLOUNCIiNGS, SWISS FLOUNC -INGS. CHEMISETTS, UNDERSLEEVES, COLLARS and CUFFS. 200 dozen LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS at 6f cents. MANTILLAS, TALMAS and VISITES of the late Paris Patterns Rich Canton CRAPE SHAWLS. Rail Road CORSETS, anew article. Alexander’s and .Touvin’s best KID GLOVES. Ladies’ and Misses’HOSlEß Y of all kinds. PLANTATION GOODS. PRINTS, Plaid LINSEYS, KERSEYS. Striped OSNABURGS, TICKINGS, DENIMS. Bleached SHIRTING and SHEETING. Fine IRISH LINEN from 25 cents up. FLANNELS and Canton FLANNELS. Besides ten thousand other articles too numerous to mention. The Ladies of Columbus and surrounding country are invited to call and satisfy their curiosity by examining out stock before purchasing. What we profess, we will do, and that is to sell at as lownrices as they can be bought in the United States. 83*° The real Paris and London Fashion plates receiv ed up to the latest moment. J. M. RAUM, 64 Broad Street, Columbus, Sept 3,1853 —tw6t&w3ms EMBROIDERIES. JUST received, a large assortment of Swiss, Jaconet and Mull Flouncings, Muslin Bands, Swiss and Jaco net Edgings and Insertions, French Worked Collars, and Undersleeves, Thread Lace, &c. BROKAW. CLEMONS & Cos. Columbus, July 2. twtf. MUSLINS. PLAIN and Stripe Jaconet and Swiss Muslius, India Mull and Nainsook, do. Brilliante Cambrics ; a large stock just received. July 2 —twtf BROKAW, CLEMONS & CO. HOSIERY. JUST received a full stock of Ladies’ Sanaal Lisle Hose, Misses’ Fancy do., Gents Plain and Fancy Lisle and Eng. half Hose/ Also, a superior article of Ladies’ Silk BROKAW, CLEMONS & CO. NEW GOODS. The subscriber has in Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered for sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Purchasers for Cash will find it to their advantage to examine my stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2—tw C. MY GATT. Genin’s Hats. A FEW cases Genin’s a no. one Hats—Spring styles. Just received and for sale by March 3C—tw __ _ _ J. 11. MERRY. Shirts ! Shirts ! ! \ LARGE invoice of SHIRTS , COLLARS. DRAWERS J\_ HOSIER i', &e. Just received and for sale by March 39 —tw J. H. MERRY. GEORGIA, Marion County—Whereas, the estate of Lewis Taylor, late of said county, deceased, is unrep i resented at law, by reason of the failure of any person to apply for letters of Administration ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and credit ors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have,) with in the time prescribed by law, why letters of administration should not be granted to the clerk of the Superior Court (or some other person) of said county, according to the statute, in such case made and provided. Given under my hand aud official signature, at office, Sept. 20th, 1853. ‘ E. W. MILLER, Ordinary'.’ Sep 28—w7t BY C, S. HARRISON, A. K. AYER, Ai CTIONEER. AUCTION SALE OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, &c. &c. AT 11 o’clock on Tuesday, the 11th of October next, I will sell at the store of Messrs. WHITTELSEY &. CO., their stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Musical Instru ments, Music, Fancy Goods, &c., Consisting in part of Fine Gold English and Detached Lever Watches, in Hunt ing and Single Cases ; Gold and Silver Lepines. Brass, Porcelain and Wood frame 8 day & 30 hour Clocks. Gold Fob, Vest and Guaid Chains, Stone set and plain. Bracelets, Gold Lockets, single and double, all sizes. Gold Brooches and Pins of every description. Gold Rings, plain and set, a variety of styles. Gold Ear-hoops and Drops ; Gold and Silver Pen and Pencil Cases. Bagley’sbest Gold Pens, large and small; Gold and Silver Thimbles, Keys, Seals, Studs, Buttons and Cull Pins. One beautiful Plated TEA SETT ; Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Fine Castors, Fruit and Cake Stands, Butter Stands, Candlesticks, Napkin Rings, Solar Lamps, Porce lain Vases, Toilet Bottles, Card Cases and Baskets. All kinds of Brass Instruments for BANDS; Guitars, Violins, Bass and Double Bass Viols, Drums, Flutes, Fifes, Clarionetts, Flageolets, Accordeons, Tamborines, Double Barreled Guns, Pistols, Flasks and Shot Pouches, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors, Porte Monnaies and a largo lot of Fancy Goods, Toys, &c., &.c. ALSO a large lot of ZEPHYR WORSTEDS of every shade, A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Sacred Music Books, Glee Books, &c., &c. Sale to continue from day to day until the Stock is closed out. Terms. —All sums of SIOO and less, Cash ; all over SIOO, sixty days with approved security. tjW The above will be sold at COST for CASH, until the day of sale. Columbus, Sept. 16, 1853.—tds. PiAKTOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. fg.v —i THE undersigned have engaged the serviceso: ‘u ‘fiSl Mr. F. O. RAMM, Tuner and Piano Maker,latelj lEWflu from Erards’ Celebrated Establishment in Paris. \J J Sr U U Mr. R. is probably the best in his profession in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to all orders in the above line, and will be responsible tor all work done by our workmen. Orders addressed to Whittklsey & Cos., or Truax &. Pease, will meet with prompt attention, WIIITTELSEY & Cos. Columbus, April 22, 1853. TRUAX &. PEASE, twtf —Jel4 wtf NEW MUSIC STORE, (A feio doors below Hall Moses,) BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. THE undersigned have associated themselves together, under the name and style of TiIAX & Pi Ail, for the sale of Musical Merchandise, and take this method to inform their friends and the public generally, that they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of goods in the above line, among which may be found— PIANO FORTES, - ®%i§§3PS of various styles, from the best MELODEONS, from the celebrated Manufactory of Prescott & Brothers ; Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Fluti nas, Flutes, Files, Banjos and Tamborines. Also, Instruction Books of all kinds; together with a fine stock of SHEET MUSIC, of every variety. All of the above goods we offer for sale on terms that cannot fail to please. Purchasers are cordially invited to call and examine our stock. Orders solicited, and executed with care and dis patch. J. L TRUAX, Columbus, Sept. 20—w&twly J. W. PEASE. Pianos for F*ent. iraw’.y -’ THE subscribers have just received severa, IpmlisHßpS very good second hand Pianos from New u u Sr \/ York, which they will sell or rent at reason able prices. r l RUAX & PEASE. Columbus, Sept. 16—twtf New Sheet Music A GOOD assortment, just received at the Music Store of Columbus, Sept. 16—tw TR l 1 AX & PEASE. New Sheet Music. THE subscribers have this day received a large assortment ol Sheet Music; among which are many new and popular pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies in parti? cular are invited to call and examine our stock. TRUAX & PEASE, Columbus, March 2—tw 106 Broad street. fIBBBESBBBBBBRBBnfIHBBBBHHHHBBnHBBHBfiSBHBBBBSBaHBSHBH BOOKS AND STATIONERY. JORDAN L. HOWELL, Bookseller and Stationer, WOULD respectfully inform his friends, and the Dublic gen erally, that he has purchased the extensive stock of Books, Stationery, &c. of A. C. FLEWELLEN & CO., and will endeavor to keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment of SCHOOL, CLASSICAL, LAW. MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. I solicit a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to my predecessors, and that of as many new customers as will favor me with a call. I will use every exertion to please, both in prices and articles pmrehased. ££?- CALL AND SEE. Two doors below Mygatt’s Corner, sign of the.BlueJand White Flag, No. 72 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. ~tW Bookbindery up stairs. Aug. 3—ts booksUbooks! JUST RECEIVED BY JORDAN L. HOWELL. One splendid Illuminated family or pulpit Bible, containing 1600 engravings. Abbotts Juvinile Histories, comple setts ; Ir vings works ; Scenes in the life of the Saviour by the Poets and Painters ; Reynolds works; Coopers Novels, 33 vol Library edition ; Maria Edgworths Tales, do do ; 10 Vol’s. Abbott’s Young Christian Series ; Sher woods works complete ; Classical Library complete ; Vi nets Pastoral Pheology ; Olins Travels in the East; Dan iel Websters work complete. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence ; Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel. Home Scenes and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. ALSO, A Few more of Dr. S. S. Fitch’s celebrated ABDOMI NAL SUPPORTERS. Columbus, May 21—twly Valuable Books! McCulloch’s Universal Gazetteer, a Dictionary, Geo graphical, Statistical and Historical, of the various coun tries, places and principal natural objects in the world. Il lustrated with seven large maps The works of Dr. Stephen Olin, comprising his sermons and lectures. The Life and Letters of Dr. Olin. Memoirs of the life and ministry of the Rev. John Sum merfield, with an introductory letter, by James Mont gomery. Men of the Time; or, Sketches of living Notables, by Redfieid. Private life of Daniel Webster, with two beautiful en gravings of his residence and birth place—also a profile of Sir. Webster—by Lanman. Yusef, or the Journey of the Frangi—a Crusade in the East, by J. Ross Browne. Theory and Practice of Hydropathy—with notes on the cure ol Cholera by Cold Water, by H. Francke. Water Cure for children ; a short guide for the rational treatment of children in health and disease, by Schiefer decker. . Pilgrim’s Progress, wit h Scott’s notes, and life of the au thor ; neatly bound. Price 50. Letters to Young Ladies; sixteenth edition, revised and enlarged, by Mrs. Sigourney. “A few more ‘Fern Leaves’ left of the same sort.” Also—por sale low, two large size Letter Presses, at JORDAN L HOWELL’S Columbus, Aug. 31, 1853. Book store. JUT RECEIVED. THE Xllth VOLUME OF GEORGIA REPORTS by JORDAN L. HOWELL. GAS FITTING AND FIXTURES. THE Subscribers will continue the Gas fitting business with their usual promptness. A good supply of burn ers on hand, which will be sold low. Orders left at our Music Store, will receive immediate attention. Tortus cash, when the job is done. WHIT TELSE\ & CO. Sep27twtf New Books ! New Books! ! Heavenly Home, by Rev. H. Harburg, author of Heaven, or Sainted Dead and Heavenly Recognition. Life and Memorial of Daniel Webster, by J. P. Lyman. Rural Essays, by A. J. Downing. Historical Sketches of Robin Hood and Captain Kidd, by Win. W. Campbell. Boyhood oi great men, intended as examples to youths Edgar Cliflon, or Right and Wrong, a story of school life, by C. Adams. The Tongue of Time, or the Language of the Church Clock, by Wm. Harrison, A. M. Pleasure and Profit, or Lessons on the Lord’s Prayer, by Mrs. Manners. Miles Tremenhere, or the Love Test, by Annette Marie Millard. One Year, a tale of Wedlock by Emelie F. Carter. Modem F'lirtations, by Catherine Sinclair, author ol Beatrice, &c. Sawyer’s Story, or the Orphan’s Wrongs, by a member of the New York Bar. Bride of Omberg. by Emilie F. Carter. Salad for the Solitary, by Epicure. Lady Leighton, or Belle ot the Manor, by Mrs. Gore. Passions and Principles, a Domestic Novel,by :Mrs. Grey. Just received by J. W. PEASE, Columbus, Sept 16-twtf AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SAM’L C. WILSON, Lessee and Proprietor. Situated North Side of Broad'street, three Doors Ifowf of Washington-street. THE subscriber having taken a lease of this First Class Hotel, will give his undivided attention to the accommodation oi his fri nds and patrons. His i “-1-ill oest efforts will be directed to promote the comtort of all those who may favor him with an oppoitunity to servethem, with permanent or transient onrdiug, as well as such through travellers, as may patronize his daily ordinaries. The constant aim of the undersigned will be to preserve the character of the House, and to add to its reputation daily. SAMUEL C. WILSON. Augusta, Sept. 2—twlmwtlNov ‘J* HOME AGAIN.” G, TANARUS, CUSHMAN,. 1.. 0, S. DENTIST. 69 Broad Street, over Foster & Pnrple’s Jew* elry Store, Columbus, Ga. FRIENDS and patrons will please notice that I have return YTfed from New York,fully pro vided for business. Having critically examined the best specimens of Dentistry in the Crystal Palace, and city, al so the choicest cases exhibited at the World’s Fair, London, and added to a practical experience of twelve years, a reg ular interchange of views with the leading Dentists of Am erica and Europe, I can with confidence promise success in professional undertakings. Single, or double sets of natural-looking teeth construc ted with the utmost consistent dispatch, and all iisk ot their efficiency assumed. Examination of specimens, references, and commendato ry letters from patients, &c., is invited. Sept24—tw&wtf w. F. LEE, D. D. S. d.ental surgeon. Office on Broad street, over Mygatbs store. Columbus, Oct 29—(f SURGERY DR. STANFORD has returned to the city, and is now fully prepared to enter into the practice of Surgery. Columbus, Sept 17—twtf i, w. Si Rift tin us a ¥¥n FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAxrASfSirAH:. Sept24—w&tw3m INK MANUFACTORY. A few doors above the Market, at IVo. 158 Broad street, Columbus, CJa. THE undersigned has just completed his establishment for the Manufactory of Ink, and offers extraordinary induce ments to Merchants, and all others to purchase his superior ar ticle. This Ink is of a bright jet black, flows beautifully from the pen, and is so indelible, as many can testify, that even oxalic acid will not rnnove it from paper. No other Ink will stand the testof oxalic acid. Write a word with this Ink and the same word with any other Ink contiguous to each other, apply oxalic acid to both, and instantly the word written with the other Ink will disappear, while mine will remain. Hence its value for Merchants, Banks, Mortgages. Public Documents, &c. No dishonest bookkeeper can erase a figure once made with this Ink. Fraud or defalcations from this source will be totally cut off by those wh use this Ink. I will sell as cheap as such an article can be bought in New York. For sale wholesale and retail by Aug. 27—tw2mwtf JOHN E. LAMAR, Proprietor. “Iron King.’’ I ENLARGED Cookina stoves—2 sizes—will receive wood 3 \J feet in length. Warranted to work well. ALSO. Eastern Iron Witch—Pacific Air Tight (an excellent stove) Eastern Premiums Bro. Jonathan, and Lady ot© Cooking Stoves. Latest improvements. Box Stoves, Parlor, Office and Hall Stoves—various varieties and patterns. For sale by D B THOMPSON & CO., 143 Broad st. Columbus, Sept 14 w&tw2m— SURGICAL INFIRMARY. DRS. WILBMAN A GANAHL HAVE opened, in Savannah, an Infirmary for the treatment of Surgical and Chronic Diseases. The buildings are spacious, with ample grounds attached, and expense has not been spared to provide the latest and most ap proved appliances of the SURGICAL ART, for the benefit of those who may resort to this Institution for relief. The terms for Board, Nursing, &c., are $1 per day—slo being required in advance. The fees for Surgical operations to be agreed upon, before the operation is performed ; except incase of indigence, when $1 per day will cover ail expenses. Slaves provided ior, in separate building, on ihe above terms. N. B. No case of Surgical or Chronic disease will be received into this establishment, unless it is believed, after examination, that the case is curable, oradmits of relief; but $5 will be in variably charged for Examination and opinion, if the case is rejected. tW Tho undersigned would receive into their private offices, on liberal terms, a number of young men, who are desirous of availing themselves of a thorough cou*se of pre iminary instruc tion, clinical opportunities and anatomical investigations. P. H. WILDMAN, M. D. Cor. South-Broad and Abercom sta. CIIAS. GANAHL, M. D. South-Broad, 3 door3 east of Barnard st. Savannah, Ga., Sept. 10, 1853—w&twtf FIRE PROOF WAR! IMfi* J. C. RUSE, R. PATTEN, W. C. HODGES. LVYVNv VVE continue the W ARE HO USE IVWVT\ r‘ O M M I S S I O N business at our well known FIRE-PROOF building anotfSßH aaain tender our services to our planting friends for the storage or sale of cotton, or any business entrusted tons. . We have no connection with any Grocery House, but will be pleased to receive the orders of our friends for BAGGING, ROPE, or any other articles, which we will purchase at the lowest cash prices. Liberal advances made on shipments to our friends in Savan nah, New York or Liverpool. RUSE PATTEN & CO. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 24, 1853.—w&.tw6m The Celebrated IRON WITCH Cooking Stove—4 sizes—warranted. These stoves have never been known to fail. For sale by Sept 14— p. B.THOMPSON CO, 143 Broad sL Leviathan Air Tight Cooking Stove, FOR HOTELS AND BOARDING °HOUSiffs. C\ AP ABLE of cooking for one hundred persons, with eight / boiler holes. Fo. sale by D. B. THOMPSON & CO., Columbus, sept 14—2 m No 143 Broad street. For Sale. A Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, will be sold below Boston prices. For particulars, apply at this office. Columbus. Jan.4 —wtf VALUABLE BOOK. The laws of life, with special refer ence TO THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF GIRLS.—- By Elizabeth Blackwell, M. D. Anew supply of this popular book just receved and for sale by [Je 315 twtf U VV. PEABB