The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, October 01, 1853, Image 4

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snnc in shier done. QDS2TCS3 tFOaaOIB CE>&3‘3a'S2*„ 9% i IMS®®!®.* Clothier and Merchant Tailor, {ISEXT DOOR TO HILL AND DAWSONS ,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. JS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST -&■ SPRING- ANR SUMMER Styles of Cldhins:, Furnishing Goods. BTiTR —ALSO— (SAo&iPsir mm, wamsis & ®ia©ißsa.iLAS*A CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES AM) VES'IINGS, of the latest i!!t|) rUti>trjs, of KkENCii arid Esgush s vies mauuf.ictured to order and warranted, under i hi* direction of u®. m. 3§jsm> win wi 1 hf pleased to areommodate hi* fiiend* and all otneri* that may call, with such garments as Cannot fail to |)i*'a ■*>. Columbus. Oct 9 tw&wtf sriffliE in sunn nimi. No- 125 Broad Street, Columbus, 6 , lIAS NOW ON HAND A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SFRIM2 AKD SHIER CMtTIUJMi! To which he invites the attention of the public Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine f* f themselves. Every article usually kept in .t ‘'CLOTHING STORE” will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, April 20— No. 125 West side Broad Street mimSliLissssr BLANK Nil AND Vi ITIt.M RV WARE BOISE, 102, BROAD STREET. HAVE just received and ofler tor sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station- ery, Domestic and Foreign Writing Faj e Forrisn Writing Ph] ci s. De la I. ue’s, Joynson’s, the celebrated Victoria Mill-, anu ‘no tie?! French a. lec tured Packet, Letter, Cap, Bath and Note. American Papers—Blue and White, I aid and Wove, Foolscap, Packet Po;-t, Commercial Cot, Letter, Batli Post, Bill and Commercial Note Papers'— Manulaituied by Owen (V Hurlburt, Planner & Smitn; also, various kinds of our own manula-ture, including Hat Cap and Medinas. Blue,Cream Laid, Wove, Damask, Mounting, Adhenve, White and Blufl” Government and Main Envelopes of all sizes Pens of every description both Gold and fcttel, also Quill Pen Nibs. Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated taps, colored and plain glass. OC7~Our arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, and a libe ral discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. April 27, 1853—w&tvvtf. G. B, CURTIS, Agent. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, (SUCCESSORS TO GESNER & PEABODY,) WHOLESALE AND R E TAIL DEALERS IN Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, DYE STIFFS, SUKGIi AL and DENTAL E3 rsc ists ‘bj mjt he: j*: t 1 mm 9 PERFUMERIES, SOAPS , FANCY ARTICLES, sc. Slc. BLUR STORK, SIGN OF THE NEGRO AND MORTAR No. 77 West side Bread street, Columbus, <Sa THE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends of Columbus, and to the public generally, that having purchased the entire interest of Messrs. Ge.snkk & Pkabody in the store well known as the BLUE DRUG STORE, will continue the business under the name and style as above. This intimate connection with and dose application to the business for several years, which has given them much practical experience—united with a determination to be close and vigilant as well as prompt and active in their attention to its duties and requirements—will, thev hope, be a sufficient guarantee to the public of their efficiency in the business, and that it will be properly comim ted Determined to ileal in none but IT ‘AIIRANI'ABLjK ARf they hope by such means to met it and receive a liberal share of public patronage. Physicians and Merchant dealers doing business in the country, will find it greatly to their in terest to call and examine their ample stuck before purchasing elsewhere; for, in addition to fresh and well selected at tides, they offer inducements in prices, which they are confident will prove perfectly satisfactory. * 1 lii their extensive ai langenients for the proper advancement of the business, they have not been unmindful ot what would he to the interest and convenience of the City Physicians, hut, in view of t'm ir accommodation and for their especial benefit, have fitted up and neatly arranged a rootn with all necessary ajipuiatus attached to be devoted exclusively to Chemical and Pharmaceutical operations. In this effort of theirs to relieve them of the trouble ami vexation to which thev have been so lotto subjected, preparing their own prescription,-, or io having them properly attended to, they think they ought ami believe they will sustain them. Both or either of them will he i resent at all times (except from 10 o’clock A. M. until 2 o’clock :VI. on Sundays) to attend carefully and promptly to this department of the business—and in no instance *.ll any hut known extra Medicines be used in the preparation of presentations. FO ™ s - “apman. For Sale. be sokl below j Blank Cards In pack?, of the be?t qualities. Waterman* arid American Drawn g l ajerot all sizes Wafers and ; Bealit g Y\ ax, red, hiack, assorted colors and fancy, i Ladies’ Reticules aid Satchels of r.ew styles, Port Fo | lies, Foi? Monnaies, Quiils, fancy pat ei W eights, Tissue ! Pajer. !ri.k Paper, Lead Pencils of Fal er, Rhoades, and j other make, l ackgammon and Bristol Boards, Writing j li ks , 1 ai.kerV U are;-, An.oldo’s genuine Copying Ink, glass Ink Btai ds, li din Fid ler aid Green’s Fatei tlr k Eraser, ; l ocket Knives of Wostenholm’s, Rodgers’and Crooke’s | mar ufacture. Blai k Books made and ruled to order ; also on hand i aid constantly making, Printing and Wrapping papers ol j all the various kinds. ~ FOR sXLW. I ble *As£3 ° r HumiDKWag ° n ’ ’ Osjiuiab m, Sept. 7 & MEDICAL NOTICES. MUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTsTOILS, PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. OR. R. XT WARE, rt IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha ever been 1 efore offered in this market. All wishing H to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this ine, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRAND Y, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, tor Medical purposes, to be had at R. A. VI ARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS.— Lubina and Bazins assorted varieties, for sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE.—\ay best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SEGARS AND CHOICE CHE WHIG TO BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just reoeived and for sale by R. A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale t.y ‘ R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2. 1853-w&twly DR S. B. LAW, q HAS located ltimseli in Columbus, Ga., intending to pur- SStsoue the pract c-‘. ol his pro ession. YjH tiisoflice is on Jackson street, opposite and directly Last <0 of the ettiodist Church. the 01 e iornieriy nccupit and !>y Dr Holt, where he may be louiid at all tirms unless absent prwies sionaily. Columbus, June 1, I63—twtf MEDICAL CARD. DR. N. H WIGGINS, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Cos lumbu* and vicinity. £3^"'Office at Dr. Young's Drug Store. Cohmibu-*. .lulv 2—vv&twt M ex. can Mustang u ini meat THIS invaluable preparation lias been but a few montl s before the people >t the South, yet many thousands ol butte* have been sold and used in a great variety of diseases, and it has given universal satistact on. We i ve heard ol none that were dissatisfied with it. We ofter it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints tor winch it is recommended, with lull confidence iti curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both ol rn n and an mats,and it. has always given satisfaction, be eause it has performed just what we said il would, ii has healed Cancers aud scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty. gW* A child in Frederick ton, N. 8., a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tig* t bandng. rver all; iu a short time the screams of tin child inducts! the mother to .emovethe bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton w'ool had taken fire by spoil taneons combustion and had considerably increased tin size of the burn. The mother happened to think that sh* had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, which she got immediately and applied to the burned limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as it was applitd, the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its mother’s arms, by the soothing influence of tu s valuabh preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quit** extensively in the stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and W estern Express, for curing Gaiks, Chafes, Scratches. Sprains and BruL.e,and it has proved very elfvc uai. Many of their men hatri also used it on themselves and then families, and they all speak of its healing ;iri remedial qualities in tile highest terms- One of our h< -tiers go? kicked, and badly cut ano bruised n his knee-—as usual, the .Vlusi.,og Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re moved, and it was perfectly well iu three or four days.— We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on man or beast. J DUNN, Foreman oj Adams £$ Co.'s Express Stable , N. Y. Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wile was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Beliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her pains iu the least. She used a fifty ceiil bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirely; she & now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends o use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed * James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG <3t7 CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESN ER &PE A BODY- Fehrnarv 5. 1853 fw&wlv Prof. Alex. <\ Barry’s Tricopherous, OR MIDICATED COMPOUND, For I'eautifyi /g, Curling, Preserving , Restoring and Strengthening the lia r. Relieving Diseases of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains , and Healing .External Wontn's. TAounded by no geographical 15 * es, the repu ation of Barry’s A Tricopherous pervades the Union. ‘I lie rales of the art! cle of iate years have inc eand in a ratio that almost exceeds belief. Professor Harry, alter a careful examination of bis sale.'*’ book, find* that the number of bottles delivered lo order, in quantities of Irom a hall gross upward, during theytnr 852, was within a trifle of SUiO.l OH. It is unnecessary to present at length tiie evidence of the won derfnl properties ot the Tricopherous, when the public have fur nished” uch an endorsement as this. 1 he cheaj res* ot ti e article and tbe exp filiations given of its cheniica action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of sup, rfleial irritation, tha’ rec< in mended it to the attention ot the people. This was all t! at the inventor desired Every bottle advenist-d ibel . The etlects of the fluid exceeded expectati< n. It ar'ed nki a charm. The ladies woi Id not t>e without it. ( ountry dealears in eiery sec tion of,the Uniti and states tom and th- y must have it; and* thus was built up a wholesale trade ot tin extent hitherto unheard of as regards artic es ot this kind. The highest point has not yet been react ed, and it is believed the sales this year wiil be a million and a halt ol bottles. Depot and .Vanutactcry, No. 137 Broadway, New Yoik. Re tail price. 25 cents a large bottle. l iberal and scount to purchasers by the quantity Fold hv all the principal me’i hurts and druggists throughout the United states and Canada, Mexico, W ist Indies, Great Britain, France, &c. and by R. CARTER, Columbus, Ga. Au ust 9, 1853—w&t n. _____ JR UN A $25 Reward. fRANAWAV irom my plantation, in Baker county, on the 9th of June last, my nenro man \VI l.r-O.N, thirtv* two or thirty three ye rs o age, six feet high, weighs about 190 IDs., dark cnmphxioii. aid ha j a very iutelhg nt cxiinte ance. aid negro was raised in Talbot county, where he lived in til abou the Ist ot June last, and is now probably in that vicinity. I wili give the above reward tor his delivery at am Jail where I can get hin , rtl-am. ‘uh‘6 t r ‘ . \V OttprvFP, NOTICE. RAN AWAY on the Oth inst., a negro man by the name ot DICK, twenty years old, complexion is black, tolerably quick spoken, about five feet six or eight inches high. At.y intelligence from him will he thankfully re- A x c ®' v ** d at * otton Valley P. ()., Macon county, A'a. Doubtless he is on h s av to Carolina and is trying to And his way bv the Railroad. WM. 11. GARNI- R A t> ril v6—w ts Taken Up, MM?, 1 ! 1 * a n*gn. m>y who -ays bis name is ca® #• !• AV * *“ al * ie to ore Wi.ltaiiigoi.. f 11 *county, Said boy is about five let*t 1° ‘f K nr flve ■ -ches hi.h, nearly coo; er color, stout hunt yi ’ 11 .** c: ‘ u y ( >rder, iar te th project a iittie, and is about twenty years old. tr^! t ‘ r b y t! e name of McKinney brought 1 ini from .r-j. na. ‘lie owner is requested to come orward, (irove negro, nay charges and take him a-n jiy. v v ARNf K Putaula. P. O , wept n ts^jf snnu Sanaway. •-'ntn c V he reßUie,,CtJ ot ‘'aniel D. Ridenhonr on th OI la**, a negro man by the name of JEF; ’f* ’* :lbo;,t 40 v arsof .-ge, dark complexion. L r s ° n u ‘ et a! ”gsb. ran deformed. The fln in xmJ a > ra i 5 ® tor,ne,i : sometimes dresses himsel 1 ia a female snd e teaves to pass himself of get him el hLr mSc' 00 c<,D^rninfir said uegro to that ! D - w- Ridenhaur will be liber a^Miw The Great Purifier of the Blood! NOT A TARTICLE OF MERCURY JN IT. \ S infallible remedy lor sfcroluhi, king’s Evil, Rheumatism L V Obstii ale Cutaneous Emotions, Pimples or Pustu es on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic ifore Eyes, King V\ orin orTelter. dcald Head, Enlargement and Pain oi the Bones and Joints Stubborn Ulc rs, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago. Ppinal Cora piaints.and all diseases arising Irom m injudicious use ofMer curj, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity ol the Blood. This valuable me-dicme, which l as become celebrated lor the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, baa induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their triends, to j offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence j in its virtues and wondt riui curative properties. The following j ce'tifieates, selected from a large number, are, however, stronger ] testimony than the mete word of the proprietors: and are all j from gentlemen well known in their localities, and ol the highest j respectability, many 01 them now residing in the city ot Rich- > mom , Virginia. F. Bovdbn. Eeq., of the Exchange Hole’. Richmond, knowr i every where, says he has seen the medicine called Carter’s Ppan* | isn Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly ah ; the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most aston- j ishtngly cootl results. He says it is the most extraordinary med j icine lie lias ever seen. Asm and Fbvkr—L'rkat Ccrk— 1 hereby eertity, that for i three years 1 had Ague and Feverot the most violent description. 1 had several : hysicians, iook large quantities of Quinine, Mer cury. and 1 believe ail the Tonics advertise and, but all without any permanent reliel. At I; st i tried C; iter’-. Spanish Mixture, two bottles o’ winch effectually cured me. aim i am happy to say 1 have had neither chills nor fevers since. 1 consider it the best Tonic in the w orld, and the only medicine that ever reached my case. Beaver Dam, near Richmond. Va. John I oxemev. B. l.rt'K. F.sq., now in the city of Richmond, and tor many year- in the Post Office: has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that h< has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says tie has never known it to fail when taken according to directions. Dr. Minor, a prac'ising physician, and formerly of the City H nte! in the city ol Richmond, say s he has wi m ssedinanum her of instances’tiie effects ol C artel’s Spanish Mixture whicl were most t ruly sir prising. He says in a case of consumption dependent on tne liver. the good i flf cts were v\ ondertut indeed .■Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Rich mond. was cured of lav* r complaint of 8 years standing, by tin use of two bottles ol Cur et’a Spanish Mixture. Great cure or Sckofi i a. — Ihe editor-ol the Richmond Re publican had a servant employed in their press room, cured o violent Scrofula, combined w ith Rht umatism, w hich entirely disabled him from work. Two botlles ol Carter’s Spanish Mix dir. made a periect cure of him. and the editors, in a public no tice say they ‘cheerlully recommend it to all who areafflictec with any disease oi the blood.” Still another cure of Scrofula. —I had n very valuabl* boy cured ol Fcro ula by * arter’s Spanish Mixture. I considei it p. truly valuable medicine. James M. Taylor, conductor on tin K. F. & P. R. R. Cos., Richmond, Va. Salt Lkum of “JOvears staniiino Ct'REn- Mr John hompv son residing in the city ol Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of salt Rheum, which be had nearl - year*, and which all the pi ysicians of the city rou.d not cure Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city ot Richmond, and his cure is most remarkable. l\ m. A. Matthews,oi Richmond. Va , had a servant *ured o xypiiiliis in the worst form, by Carter’s Spanish Mi tore, lie say he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Rich r” E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and wi at physicians call* and confirmed consumption, by three bottles ol Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton. Commissioner of Revenue, says he hnaaeei the go and t fleets os Carter’s Spanish Mixture in a number ot By phi tit ic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for.thtd hor: ible disease VVm. <.. Harwood, of Richmond, Va., cured of Old Pores am nicer* wt ich disabled him from walking. Took a few bottler of Cur er’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without i crutch, in ashort time permanently curtd. Principal Depots at M. Ward,Close &. C0..N0.83 .Maiden Lam New York. T. W. Dyott & Pons, No. 13‘2. North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bennett it Beers, No. 125 Maine street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by THOS. M. TURNER At CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga GESNER & PEABOGY, DAN FORTH & NAGEL. Columbus, Ga And by druggists and country merchants every where. Price $1 ; six bottles for $5. Msv *2f—wA twlv lii ‘ {jJ YJ left % 0?\ £%** ! I ”L I A / &-~§r •MJifl. - -’’-Tp* and / -Jkhii#:- /-d'LV; -•- : • fist* w ! m V&Jfr > f f tmjk -*•„> l £*&s’ •’fW; §p||L CHEREY PECTORAL For tiic rapid ( nr* of core as. coins, hoarseness, ! BRONCIIETIS. HIIOOPINC-COIiCH, CROUP. ASTHMA. AND CONSUMPTION. ! Os iili the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them val ! uable) for Ihe cure ot pulmonary complaints. nothing has ever I been found which could compare In its effects with this prepara j tion. Others cure ooHsetiim s, but at all times and in all diseases ; ol the lungs and throat where medicine Can give relief, this wili do it. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly sale in accordant ; with the directions. We do not advertise for the information !of those who have tried it but those who have not. Families that have known it* wiil not be with* ut it, and by its time ly use, tiny are secure from the dangerous consequences ot Coughs and Colds which neglected, r.pen into fatal consumption. The Diploma ol the Maisachusetia Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Hoard o! Judges in September lt-47 ; also, the medals ol the tnree great Institutes of Art, in this coun ty; also the Diploma of the. Oui Institute at Cincinnati, has been given to the Cherry Pectoral, by their Clover,- mem in con sideration ot its extraordinary and usefulness m cur ing affections oi the lungs and throat. Head the following opinion founded on the long experience oi the eminent Physician ol the port and city of , St. Johns, May 8, 1851. Ifr. J. C. Ay*>r: rive years trial ol yourCherrj Pectoral in m\ 1 practice, has -roven what i foresaw (rim Us composition, mus* oe true, that it * radicate? atid cures the colds aiiM c ugns to whicti we, in this section, are peculiar!-. iiuLne. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, nor do I knov how a better remedy can be made tor the distempers of the J throat and lungs. j. j. Burton, M. D., F. R. 8. : pee what ii has doneot. a wasted constitution, not only in the | following Cases, but a thousand more: ! Sudbury, Jvn. 2Jth, 185!. i Dr. Ayer :In the month of July last 1 wasattecked by a violent diarrhoea i the mi,.es of California. S returned to >an Francis co in hope of recet v ing henetit li om a change of ciimate atid diet. .M> tiiuirh.ea ceased, but was loili wed severe cough **; much soreness. 1 Anally started lor home, but received no bene* fittrom the voyage, My cough continued to grow worse, at u when I arrivid in £ ew York, I was at once marked bv my ac quaintances as a victim o; consumption. I must confess that 1 saw no sufficient reason to doubt w bat my Iriem> alt helievt-d At this time I commenced taking your truly invaluable medicine with little expectation ol deriving any benefit Irom its use Yon would not receive these lines did 1 not regard it my duty to state ! to the afflicted, thrum h you, that my health, in the space of eighi [ months, is fu.iy restored 1 attr.bute it to the use oi your Cher ry Pectoral. Yours tru.y, William YV. Smith. „ „ t . Washington, Pa,, April 12, 1848 Dear sir: heeling that I have i.een spared from k premature grave, through your instrumental! 1 } hy the providence of Cod j wiil take the iiborty to express to you my gra itude. A cough and the alarming symp’ ms of consumption had re duced me too low to leave me anything like hope, when my phy-ician brought me a hettleoi your “Pectoral.” b ’seemed to afford -mmediate relief and now in a few we*ks time has restor ed me to sound health. If it w ill do icr others w hat it lias done tor me, von a eceruinly one oi the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, 1 am, very respectfully yours. John .1, Clarks. Rector of Ft. Peter’s church. n ith such assurance and r<m such men, no -.trenger proo: crr.n be adduced unit as it be from its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Aver, , , , rac *A ca / a , n d Analytical Chemist . Lowell, Mags sold m Columbus, Ga., by Rorf’Rt (aR'T’P’P .. r . an d DANFORTH & NAGEL and by Druggists generally. June 1 i—w&tw4nt. TO RBMt! THE .Store House two doors above YVhßtk-Bev &. Cn by Messrs. Flewel £ n & Cos as'.. Book hire. Pusseanon given Ist Oc'ober. For farther nar-W*r aPP^ UO - rt m ft . .-v p- ■: v . f C?: A * *’. 5 f ‘Mi\ rs TO THE PUBLIC. RAD WAY St CO., the li.veutors, Manutncturera and Pro prietors of the Justly celt hinted h. I<. k. Remedies, were i!. first, to Remedy poe-ess rg the Aar vein * nt i. Mi raculous P.wer of stopping the most 1 xcruciating s in an instant, allaying the worst Cramps and spasm* either it.ten ai or external in a tew minutes, and sooth.tig the n ost severe 1 atox veuis of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, at and Tic Dolortnx, ass onus applied. The K. It. K. lin edies consist ol ibtee Remedies, e cli possessing quick and wondertul powers over ceitatn am piainis and disease*, and will ins airly — RELIEVE The Human System jrem Pain. REGULATE Each Otgan to a Healthy AcLon. RESOLVE Ate ay all Diseased Deposits RENOVATE The body Jrom ail Corrupt Humors. REBUILD The Weak and Bioken Helen Con stitutions. RESTORE To Health, Strength amt Vigor all unsound, and wot n out ports. R. U. lU—No. 1. RAD WAY’S READY RELIEF. For all Acute Complaints. INTERN A L AND Ea ‘1 E K NA L . The moment it is api lied cxteii ill y < r taia u ri e system, it willa'op the most excruciating pain and quickly it move tla cause. RHEUMATISM. Mr. Granger, a mason wto m v n m Brooklyn, was a cripple ♦or nine years, ltadvvay’s Kenny Relief, A diet'd him fn m 1 1 in in fiiteenminutes, oiiabltd inui to watk two milts wiliu nt the ad of stick or crutch in three days, and cute-, him cntiiely :* onewtek. ... ‘1 lie usund* of other cases equally as wot deriul at* the above, have Lein cured by K. K. Keuet. CHOLERA MORBUS. Kadwav’s Ready Beliei w it* te-ic-v v it e all j fun in iiltevii or twenty miuuuis. It will cure Uc mi .-l usj c-.aie ca ses in a few hours. NEURALGIA. The moment the It. R.Riliei i nppdtd it allays the mest pain tui Paroxysms. It will uivtays cun . SHk HI APACHE. It will rele>e tbe nil ?t x in Dlieen mii.utco It will liktw iso j revenl renewed altackt. AGUE. In ten minutes a tea spoemui ol It. R. relief w ill stop the Chill# and break the 1 ever. .. . AcT.cs o. ib Pan sos ml kii ds, Piuiecs, Ittrs, K. ot. r-traii.f. 1 1 rail s, ttffl joints, linuiu. tijliifcim it Kiiuway’s Kenny lieiiet win in a nw n.e mine.) step tie nain. It rtduces twellinps, heals sores, cuts ai.d won.os, removes bruircs, ahuv 11. c most vio*u.t lri.tuni is. loi aii jmis lm K. n.Keliel. Look *or in- sitnature ol l.tdway St Cos. er* each bottle. m . R. R. R.—No. 2. RADWAY’S RENOYA'I INE RESOLVENT Resolves, Renovates, Rebuilds. JT cLKLb Scrofula, Tun ois, Lin dii g of the I.ungs, •’ypliiiis, 1 in sun j ticn, ti.ViiUsDnt.ce, •fores, Rickets, Fait 1-heLDJ,, Nw.t * < i.i ker, Brmci.iiis, lever Forts, Ki sli t let is. Itysipelns, *1 c.ti 18. T t.e above eighteen c.nij.lai: ts R. R. l.cio*vcnt will preltlvcly cure. It ni.ovi tt stl e.* stt m, corn} lettly ttfolvitg sway turn tie rohds ill u (lie Poisoncns end 1 utisit lijisits, Hu tip tie b.ood at and Fluids oi ] lit, fit man totiuj ii t n in,-, itsiont p 1 1.- erpy m u Vipo*, Leuilh, ano rticnptb, to vtiy ltpii,u,u Atm I Ler ol the body. LETTERS FRCM HIGH At TI OKITY. lion. J. J. M utilet. i.o \ i tt; n i.v. r.e . \ rites us wider date ot y ay id, Dolt,’s I ti.cvatug le-ilvtit cuitd or e ol Lis itpues. oi* i is 1 no ts t.oi- :.t it iu.on. oi a rcroiu >us 11 n j lait t, t>i is>ai yy < nrs an i dii g. T 1 j oor w was a disc listing objct oi pity. 1 e w..s a noviip n-usui nn#. The otLer r tpnes tould i men ail* inti t tsnejuce will I im. Noi.eoi ti e Doctoi*cou ddo anything ki bin . 1 ewitcntiie -1 ty cured by Kndwnv’s Ktno-'atii-g lesolvcnt, aid t- *i w at work uj on ti e 1 1; i tnt oL. To il * jt j n oi •'•. b. r. .1 iodic-- on is w ell known, and Vo ti e woild, Mr. .liitd.eli uis no stranger. SCROIULA. Mr. VV. n.OLivKK.of Diayu n, Looly Cos. Ga., under date of May 30, 1853-Writes, ‘dhi i • s-ivim girl wli was so hcu cect that i o one would Ki'e a lhiip tor 1 er lite,” 1 e was so tov ered w ith sores, that Vt ere w :-.s iotasj ot t jme fit sh oi lie si>e oi a bi vei do Ist on Itr wbole body, was.entirely cuttuly i.actway’s i.ent-vating 1 esohent. NINETEEN YEA ES. Mrs. HentursCn, ot Vt est t rd, A ass., ha* boon covered with sores tor nineteen years Lei l t nit ct l y R. K. Keici.veLt. SALT RHEUM. Ti e most ol ?ti a ecaies <> t-un i bet in will quirk!) yield to the K 1 N VaI.NG Ki Ft 1 M.M. U.t gtr tnu :n w 1 1. sup post and tlia. this complaint was hertditary in, ai.d );d been afflict-d will. Fall i-lei nt si* cel is bitth, va.- n.r*d ty il.-- use ol alt w lotih sot tit line vatu gbt soivt 1 1. it and tie POISONOUS RLLUM INTITILY 1 RADIO ATI D 1 ROM lIISiYSTIM. IT REGENERATES ‘ Kvery organ and rr.en.Le’ ot tl e t.t dy ; it n ekes 80Ui d,i.tahl y ; arid strong all weak, oiseafedind un'st.ui u pait*. WEAKNESS * In Male or Female is quick y emte, and the dt bilitaled at and 1 emaciated mane strong, vigorous ti and Lcadli). impottice and i Nocturnal F inisßiot.sin a in, ot di.-ta e* t.l cither ci e or Dane j ot the generative organs, is quit k*y n moved, ai.d the Led) te i stored to a beatthy ar.d si unu tor ditii n. j LOW SPIRITS—NERVOUSNESS. : In WOMEN, the numerons complaints ; ;id ai’ments which ; cast such glut.m over tl eir sp'riis, ait w eii st soltle 1t l ovaung f Resolvent will quics iv ri move ai:d ti e mi st N I 1- \ ( l>. < 1 < O MY and DLI;K tFS! I>, feel !i LA TIA,MI.C Nr. sue. IJAPhY. | Fersons wialiu gti is R'tntdy wbl ptia.-e i.?k lot LuivayV | Renovating Resolvent. Its price is tut loilar jer be-t.e. No j small bottles, nor it the genuine ever sold lor less. Lath bottle j t*ear tbe ‘sic s.mile signature o. K ALU AY st CO., D 2 Fulton street. New York. R. R. R. OFFICE, 162 FULTON ST., N. ORK. ; .V. B.—Look lor the signature ol kAD WAY &t CO., on each ’ bottle. R. R. R. Is sold by Druggists everywhere. For sale by R. CARTER, Columbus, Ga. ana J. F. WOODBURY, April 16—wly Hamilton, Ga. A SURE REMEDY FO ’T WORM h This preparation has now been before the public fora quarter of a cen'ury. Itagreat intrinsic merits have steadily a* vai ■ed;] e sale and use of it- and H now enjoys a prominent position ! tl e public favor. It is mild in its operation and contain* no calrmcl i-or oth*r dung* rous ingredients, and can le given with j erfect safety t<- thn most del cate Infant. It costs on y 25 cents, per > ottie, aid sold by i early all Drug, gists andsio'e keepers iu the co ntiy. For sale by DAM CRTH & NAGFI, . „ . Columbus. Ceorsdc. Ana Druggisls generally. j u iy —w ly DR. GALE’S ANODYNE OF OPIUM. It is a fact well known that many people ate acctist* tmd to buy at and usevitbout tl.*- a<v ! ceof a jlysiciin. many oft) * * , e . parati’ us ot Oidum.n* haudan’ rn, Par/goric, /.atiniai,’. , Godfrey V Cordial and she Ike. .. , ' s * Ti e effect of these medicii es i* fei eral'y ki owr. ard while they are admitted to possess Anoriyi *• at and seda'ive’ nu j, Hi* g not to be dispen-'ed with they are still liable to serious I > j, * tj, Ile in many cases and dsubtles- aie often naitchitvous in theii tin den* y. The m h ciiemical prephratloii. i 6w ml milted toihei t blie is believed lo possess all their virtues, ard < \en non w i'l vt {e ing c liretfibit* will- (heir bad , ff, es- i, ill, ris this <i i, *- n hastily founded,n.r based on limited et eriei ce--aft* r a tri-1 of some years in which this r< medy l ecu pl, lc . din the 1; rd r of emtr.ei t physical g, and tiie*t ii de*d under. very varutyof circumstance, and n all up, repriate cas. ol disiJe'itKill b*.ln\.d to s'and in. rivalled, nos only for its rate i *d : -ciial vir- SS"eI., , “SS“ f0l>l " , ”' b, ‘“" rt '“- ‘"y it B. A. FAHNEFTOCK. ftri.T. it CO. Abo sold by D r Uggis's eeneraliv. Pri^e. af'cems * i-e! boU!e.‘ For sale by DAN FORTH It NAGEL, Columbus, Ga. July 12— w ly For Sale. MY Plantation on the Glenmille, (Ala ,) rnrd a-ven sn ’* ee ifdm Colunjbus. containing 340 scrV, about ICO of which is cleared and in a fine state oi cuhhetion 1 The irnprov* mei.fs are a frame dweihr g with four rooms, kiichen, crth ni.d stables conv enient.v i-rranted Tl a place has r.n abundant supply of excellsnt spring w , t( - r c. n venient to churches, scfools ai-d market, is very health* nrd in an excellent neigh bo rheaxi—persons wishing \b purcha-e c obtain any desired Information by call-ng on Mr. Whilen or th or the subscriber in Ooluinbus “ ’ Jn ksclututos, Jme Ml— ■ s A D U L T 0,