The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, October 05, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKIfi TIMES AND SENTINEL. VOLUME I] THE TIMES & SENTINEL. TEJTSEST LOMAX & ROSWELL ELLIS. EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES <fc SEXTIXEL U pabiiatmd EERY IFED.VFSDA rand FRIDAY MO R.V- I.YO and SATURDAY EE F..YI.YG. THE WEEKLY TIMES Jfc BEXTIXEL is published every TUESDAY MOR.YI.YG. Office on Randolph. Street, opposite the Post Office. TER MSI: TRI-WEEKLY, Fivi Dollaus per annum, in advance. WEEKLY, Two Dollars per annum. <n advance. fTTF” Advertisements conspicuously inserted aJ On* Dollar per-sqasre. for the first insertion. and nrrr c*nts for every sub ■eqneot ins.-r.ion. IJ erai de*iaction will be made for yearly advertisements. Sr. e- of Ijad and Xettroes, by Adminiairaters, Executor?, o Guardians, are required by law to be held n the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three La the afternoon, at the Court House in theconnty in which the property is situate. Notices of these sales must be riven in a public rsieUe /rty days previous to the day of sale. -V-Mice* for the sale of Personal Property must be given at 1 tr *i fra days previous to the day of sale. Notice hf Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be publish ed forty days. Notice :hat application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sea Land or Negroes, mas be published weeklv for txo moulds. Citations for Letters of .Administration must be published thirty Jams —for Dismission from Administration. monthly six rmmntks—ior Dismission from Guardianship /ft* days. Rules for Foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly fsr -~out mantis —for etah:'-bins ?*>M paper-, for the fmi sprr - f three months —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin istrators. where a bond has been gi*en by the deceased, he full spare of three months. Publications will always be continued aceending to these, the 1 -gal requirements, unie-s otherwise ordered. LEGAL N< ‘TICE’ (t EORGIA. Matcoget Coanty.—Will be sold on T the first Tuesday in October next, at the Market House in *he City of Odum bus. the following property, viz: Macarina a woman about twenty-cine years old. and her two ch.tiiren, Caroline a girl about twelve years of age and Mar ini eta girl about six year? old : aiso, Mar Ann a woman about twenty-five year* old and her child Stephen a boy six years old. levied on as the property of A uscusUis C. Johnson* to satisfy sev eral fi fas in my hands, one fiom the Inferior c urt of Muscogee m far rof M. Reed again*; said Johnson: and other S sos in my hands against s?'sd Johnson. Also forty acres of land in the south-west corner of lot of land, number not known, in the ninth district of Muscogee : bounded east by the land of Ginn. and. the north-west by Fontain : levied on as the property of Wm. 3. Thompson. Levy made ami re turned to me by the Constable. Also, the f -Mowing articles—six glass decanter?.fire tumblers, one drain, one screen, one bagatei! table. three dor* a bot tles. four glass jars, four picture frames, four tin measures, lev ied on as :re property of Charnac Newberry ;o satisfy a 5 ta from Muscogee inferior court in favor of Michael Woodruff, against said Newberry. Also the Bfick Yard on the norh side of ’.he Lumpkin road, near or on the line of the East Com none of the city of Columbi containing -lx acres, more or less, levied on as the propeny of Wm. B. ‘Robinson to satisfy a fi fa from Muscogee Super, r Co' fevorof VaJencourt H. Cady against Wm, B„ Bird F. and Nathaniel Me Robinson and Seaborn Jones owners of the steamer Oceola. Propeny pointed out bv fieabom Jones. Columbus, sept 3—tds A. 5. RUTHERFORD. Sheri?. ni the tame place, on the first tn ft or em ber next, the folloxxing property to-writ: Most* a moiafiu man about .wtno.-nve years of see. El'za beth a woman eighteen year-old. Henrietta a child about two rear- . id. Lucinda a woman twenty-five years old ; levied on as the p - >t-erty of Thomas King to satisfy* a mortgage Ufa from Muscogee Inferior court inffavor of Wm". A. 0.1 .om. and other fi fas nm hand against -aid King. 3—ids A. 3. RUTHERFORD, slicrlf. Early ShepnfF 3 Sale -* v - tLL be sold on the firs’ Tuesday in November nex*. before \\ ;he Court House door in Blakely. Early c inty. Georgia, the following property, to wit: One hundred and se • enty-five acres of land, on the east side lot number 12 in the 6th diitrict of Earlv county; and one negro woman named Chine, cbout 50 year? old, levied on *>-* satisfy sev erafg fas issued out of a justice Court, a lav r 3. S. roalf r ! and others, rs. Allen J. Harrison. Lew made and returneii to me by a Bafiif. -1 AI-’ 20 acres of laid .n the N->r,n Last oner ci lot num. er si levied on to -satisfv one fi ta issued from a justice's court in favor of David Bush. rs. R. W. Hay Levy and returned to me bv a Constable. JOHN 3IRMON>. ; g3_w;d- Dep.gherrff Early c>. Administrator's Sale.—F. v-.r.tie* an order oi the j\ Oniinarv of the county of Early, will bv so-d in foe town of Blakelv. before the Court house door. on the first Tuesday in November next,within the lawful hours or sale, the follow ngpro ne-tv *0 wit: Lots number 5. 6. 41. A”, and par >.-t 40. -2. ... Sa‘ tj a e VtWa of Fort Gaines, most of said lots having building? and iinprovemeuis thereon. Also. 10 acres lyingenCoiomokee twjnjr -art of lot N v. 33 L sth district Early, also, one hundred ami SieTeen acre* on the north -de 0f32 in the s:h district of Ear lv the las: mentioned lot or parcel of land, w . e Ui and out a ;*ma ; lots of from sto 20 acres each, and-old ?epara:<-tv * sur. nurcha-ers, apan of which will be exhibited on the day t sa.e. V-o two acres being par’, ot lot number 320 :n th* oth a.s.i c. c f£?riv countv. known as the snap eye .place. the west land number 2-0 intae 4th district of tarty county. Th‘ • ve described property will be s*d :u the benefit o; the hefrs and eiedi:< -rs oi John \Y. Smnvc. Sate of said couny de ceased. a, stud deceased’s day oi N*st. August 16—ids. A DM IN ISTRA T R IX’IS SALE. —Agreeably to an cr- A deror tee Court f Ordinary oi Masco gee county. w:._ V id at the market house in me city of Columbia, on the f uesaav in November next, lot of land number 137 m rie 7th district of said county, together with ail the anpur iaces thereto belonging, as me re a: estate ot David Graham. late ot said county .deceased. Terms made know’a on me uay ot sr_e_ Apr 2D—tds FERIBA L. GRAHAM, Admtrx. A DMINISTRATRIXS SALE.— Agreeably town r \ a .. r -.i the Court ot Ordinary o: .Marion couaty, Gi~ w i sokl before the court house uoex m tbe mwn i Buena Vista, said county, #n the nisi 1 aes.ta> ini <>vem v, , r ~,3v-t, 3 v-t between the .awiai hours ot ?aie. .ny >*chK -i anc ■ r °L\nhwri corwr of lot number at-, and the norta 1,1 If oi'.ot of land number W, all in !he 3ra disrr.e: oi or.j ----:nlly onene-ro on7 neio P womnn’ Sd’cmlf. Manna (DMLMSrRA'T’dr? SALE. a vr 1 v con.ntY.-Bv v rtne of an orae. t ’ EOR ~ Court of Ordmarv of said coun’.y. G Ei?uh:s. nefore ; s-sd “ * &e 1 r-o-div n November nexu oerween ie itoorC n jhe nr?tTu ad Kjn ©ne hucand ana awful haars Ji fortv-eighu and oue han fired and seventy two. one han-.ed - - coun tv. containing eacr. forty-nine, all ta iheafth n _, K¥i ;w hundred and a::y deceased. :or the bene fi- id a- the property oi J- U Tervai ofsaie will gi of the heirs and creditors oi a-d Uiirwru. be made imjhe lay of sole. jHOMAr gPEIGHT. Adm>, SALG r -AgreeaOtyt. A ot the Court of Ordinary of Manon county, Ga.. before die court bouse door® \~-ta H irioa countv, Ga., on the first Tuesday n - ’ - l ; >t ol .and number 66 in :ne tbirtv-first dismct ot hr 2ssrrsis? nbodoo. T™ *=•“?“ J? iffy St'SA-N M. Cl-K£.l±^l “*1 7T • . c*lw ■’ * lO • r \ tor ~ . r . 7 a!y w : n „.. id be:, re the _ v court of 0..—-—. - Cherokee c ary. <’c ennr: Bou *■JfagSj.'jZfjfS ‘.h. Sr.. 1 -g‘V..,‘- n Ob.m-er Onm!,. S’ldiirlle pn . ,r ----loth A Vjr i v county deceased. Terms m?o ----!t of J-ian J*.ues, a- * * pHOS. H. AN I HEWs. Adm -- -j -yctre Facias o nitAr William J bcv- -^ l * , -. Muse* gte Imenor Coun. .: Archiba and H. Scot-, deed. _l. Tcnß , i? 33. : Michael H.Goas. J. a-he aL'-wre case. It appearing to toe court n„ th- ei-it. Ittherr -re Michael !i. Goss is not to be .j JU perfected on the said ordered by the Court, sna-. -e riit , ; n <,,aie ptiltl’C .ts .chael il.Goss by the pub-i rm, V oar months before :he £*z -ue ,1 this State once a m.mth .o. -*o ’ axt term of ibis Court. .wescee Infer-r Court, i me extract from the nt iiute- A,t*tT-'n day ol Auc cicr si • “THE UNION OF THE ST4TES ANO THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE STATES.” COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY .MORNING, OCTOBER 5. 1853 f 4 dmini-tra: or s Sale,— ’ ret;iMy :, ga e-,ierof‘he jXV Govt of CfrdiLary of Eariv e-unnr. wi:; -c- and beiore the ! tour, of Ordinary in ihe town of Dad -. Pauidiag count’. rt|l the firs; Tuesday :r Novent next. .f huj-1 V . nfflsi lh- If*th Dist, 3d section Paulding countv. 3o!d r, • prc&eriV of John Jones late of Early cour*v _X,f. T-r~r • r:: <c h.* • 6 wtds. ’ THT>. b. ANDREWS. Adin'r. 4 dministraior’s Sale.— NYiii V - * bes re ;'-.e < :r A house door in Bainbndg. , Dec... r la \on “the” S--’ Tuesday in December next. Lot h,d N. 146'in the 19th dis trict of Decatur county : agreeably • a- order of she Cour.of Ordinary ot Early county. Sold for the benefit of the ht-ir- of , Ep-y Dy-ondecease*by ABNER DYSON. Adm*r. October 4.h —* ids. j \ dminijtratnr's Sale—Will be- id 1 -fore the Cir XV h, ;e d> r h Newt Baser tn ... ame first Tueecav in December next, T. wn !< ’ No. 51. in ‘he Town ■ f A’banv. agreeably u., an order of the Court of Ordlr.arv oi Eariv countv. :r the benefit of the heir? and creditor- f Rol-en Thomr- n. deceo-r-sd. Terms on dav of sale. JOHN THOMPSON. Adm'r. October 4th—w us. with will annexed. GEORG! A. Mariou county. Court of Ordinary for said County, in Vacation. June 27. 1853. ; Present, E. \V. MILLER, Oedinart. AI'HEREAN, Robert Little and s mael Pencry. admtni*:ra * tor* upon the estate of John Pend ry. deceived, petition th:s court for letter? of di-mi-sfon irv.m Iheir said administration. These are. therefore to cite and adm : r.:-h ail and -insular tie kindred and creditor? o: said deceased, to file their crjectior if any they have. In terms of the law. otherwise letters of dis m:se.-ry w;.I be granicd said applicants t the January Term next of sa ; d court. Given under my band and official -isrnatuie at office, this June 27:h. 1d53. Jaiy 2 G E. W. MILLER. Ordinary. Executor’s Sal e.— Will be- don :he fir-: Tuesday in November next in the town of Lumpkin Siewar. couniy, Ga.. twelve hundred and fitty acre? of land, lying 7 mil.east of Lumpkin, on the ?tage road leading to Oglethorpe, belong ina to the--’u’e ot Coving*- n Br ■ k-. dec’ :., late of Ran*:- county. The above place i? well - _ . cultivation: about half open land, and half in wo*fo. Trnn made known on the day of sale. C. C. BROOKS. Ex'r. Sep:, fi I-XI —wtds* N. B. The above iarsd cun lx? b&d at private -ale. bv ar-piv ingto D. R. St’-ae on the premise*, or’ R. C. Black, at the rpe, or tnyseif. 11 m: es east of Columbus. C. C. B. Executor*- Sale.—By none :an order or the ::ary ot the C Jficy *t Stewart, wili ne ;• d_i me wa t Lumpkin, 1 etc re the Cos urt House door on the first T ues day in Novemoer next, within the lawful hours of sale, the store house belonging to the estate A James ceased, striated on the southwest corner of the pebde square. -ept 20—tds W. H. CAIN, Err. GEORGIA. Marion county. ’ f ‘ ; . ■ 1". tember 3d. I “53. Present. E W MILLER. Oreinast. WHEREAS, John A. Adminisirr. r upon the estate of Rjehnr nd F.- ! =er>. Jeciased,petiii - this cc’artfcra discharz-- from h‘- -aidcdw's.-'cra: iu Ilia, therefore.. ■ rdered by thgeomt, Jhs! all pe*socsconcern- ; ed. shew cause, . _*y *: ey - so petitioner -b-'-uid not be<l -charp- i: - : *-rv. -< ,v- - - wi;| t-e grantt *a:d petitioner at .:e N.rr’i T-rtn. iv-. . c--an. and he be released fre-m hi? i|*i> ; liiy rd:u : - •r as aforessid. H. ’■ . -i ILLEE. 1 Tiinary. A true ex rsd fr:m fine micuvs -ate c in. Sep . 3d, i553. Sept 10 —m6m E. VV. MILLER. v>rd:tiary. GEORGIA. Marion county. Court of Ordinary for said Count]}. July Term, 1553. Present, E. YT. MILLER. Oseinart YV”HEREAS. David Donn. adrainL-trstor upc*n the estate es v Phii*p Bailey, deceased, petit:-* ns this e irt for a discharge from hi- said admlniwrai.jn. It is. therefore, erdereti by the court, that a.I r-er-en* c “- cemed. -hew cause, if any they have, why -x.d i-etlti- ner -h uld not be discharged; otherwise letter- dismiss,-ry wili be grain ed -a.d petitioner a: the February Term. 1-34. : -aid ? art. an he be reiced from hi? liability as admini-iratc-r as aforesaid. A true extract from the minutes es -aid court. Juiv 4th. . -53. July 9—m6m E. VV. M! LEER. Ordinary. GEORGIA. Marion county. Court or Ordinary fur said County, Vacation. July Ist. 1"53. Present. E. W. MILLER. Ortinast. YT' r 'H f. REAir. Jer-t. ‘ .1. V.c ur. acn: r. -*- f the e-'..’ - *1 Tltomn* J. P -kr \ -iecea-A-i. pe: i:- r_? * ~c tr r a discharge ir m : - said s-im:r*-*t::t: -n. 1; a. iher-ricre. ordered by the court, that ail persons cor ceru ed.-hew cause, ‘any they have, why -aid petitioner -benid not be ::-charge<!: therwi-e let:- - ii-tr, : -->ry wdi be Araie.-.-: -_:d prt.'.icctr as the February Term 1-54. id court, and he L*e release*, from hi- liabii'iy as admin;sartor as a:* resatd. A rue extract tri m the f -aid oert July 1. 1453. July J—m6m E. VV. MILLER. Ordinary. Marion county. art f Ordi ary - Vmeitfwa, Sep- , temler 13. 1?53. Peesext. E. W. MILLER. < IsirvAitv. IT is - rdered L-y tiie Court that ail r.- * pertaining : Estate? of Orphans, Lunatics ana ee-eased per? its. whioii have been put i;-:.-d ry the Oro r. .ry ot -aid uaty and re: or E.-*.v--s in the Li: -, ry Vad tnecum, a public Gxrer- of san* “lare and county, b--. and the -ante is “hereby transferreti totha Cciurtbu? T.mas on SecLael. a puc-iic Gazette pubilsl.e-i a: C-. iuni is. fle rtra: ano that said notices be continued tn said Time- so - unfit they expire aect-rdinz :■ i,-.*-v. And that the -am. be as gc-'d acd valid in taw as ifiiiey had been . oaciv.’rd in said Vadeaweum. Audit is farther ordered, that this order be published in said Times i: •-•rKie a week for one mouth. E. W. ?>iIJLL£R, Ordinary. A true extra.: from the mir.u*:-i -aid C urt. S-r t 13. 1"513—1m E \v. MlLLEß.Ordinary. GEORGIA. Marion county. Court of Ordinary *or sa:d countv. in Vacation, Jlau 23. 1853. Present, E. W MILLER. OariNAsr. vr-HERKAS. Catharine Pan!. Adm’trx. upon the --fate of v v Wax. Short, deceased, applies :o :'a.- court tor letters*: d,-nii--i->n frc-m her -aid adntiriinra -n. Tbi- - to noi.iy all per-*tn- : n:ere-:ed. file :he!r objection-, if any they have.” pr: -r to the November Term uex: of -aid c -ur. at winch time letter? dismiss*.ry w*l! he grairedsaM ap-pUcaa: according to the statute in such cuse? made and provide**. May 2f —ctm E. VV. ‘'ILLI'F;. Tdinary. Susan Grubbs l stew*?.t susee; ?. :rar, vs. Apr.i Term. 1'53. Josi-ih Grubbs. V Libe for Divorce. IT appearing by the return o the SnertfiT that the defendant - uot ;■*> be found in .his count* , it :? ther ore ->rdere*i by the Coun that service of this iibe* Ns periected oa tae said J-.-siah Gr.:’ b?. by pubiieatiou- t this .-.r m fre C domfeos T : mes and bentine; once a month for four moz. - uex: : reccd.t.g the ensu ing term of this Court. A true extract from the Minutes -f Stewart Super r Coun for April Term. 1?53. June 15—Iam4m I. M. COX, flerS. Caroline S.Catenhead j stj-viet >t??3i- s Cocat. vs. Term. 1h53. Tbosnas J. Catenhead. b L el f r Divorce. IT aptsear nr by tne return of the tsherfF that the defend—e; - no; to be icund in the coanty oi -lewan. it is there:-, re • -• er ed by the Court that service -f this libel be perfected on the said Thomas J. Catenhead by puhucxfion this -rder in the Ccinm ! bus Times and SentineC once an.- trii :for four months next pre ceding the ensuiag Term of this Court. A true extract rrotn the Minuses of said C- ur:. inn** 15—lam4m I. M. CC>X. Clerk. COURT OF ORDIN ARY T ._ jS, for Ewrly county. * Jai Usj. l„. 5. S. STAFFORD, Ofimary. Presidinz: • t: ... pear.hg to the Court by the Petition of Berrien Chambers. X bat Nathaniel Bartlett, deceased, did in his ife time execute to said Berrien Chambers, hi- bond conditioned to execute titles ■n fee simple to sot of land number two hundred and rtmety-sev en. in the twenty-sixth d-strict of E.jfiy c mty. to aaid Berrien Chamber” : and the said Nathaudel Saniett having departs! this life withot I executing titles to said so: of fond, or prtvldinc in any way for me same. And t fur her ap pear rss hat the -aid Eer r-.e'ii Chambers has pad the fall amour: f the purr he so price o said lot of land: and the said Berrien hartng petitioced this Court to direc* and -rder Thoma- B. .Undrew-, administrat* ro: -he estate cf N-thaaiei Br.rtk-tt, -ieeeased. :o execute to him ti ;i*-? :o said lot of land in confomity wttfc said betid act! the taw: it * thenMforr. ordered by the cc-tirt here, that notice be given a; Vhree publtc y-iace? in sate county, and in the Colon: bus T ah? Ly Senrinch oi such ap-t-hcatton :fcrv-e ni*.mhs. :’r...l ai! per-* us r'Lcented may file their --bt-r’i'-E- :a Clerk's *'6*?*.-. uaay aev have, why Thomas B. A.rvfosyradm nisastior asat’oresEid. -htiaki not cx*-cute lilies to sam 4h oi land so scid Berrien Chant tiers* in eocionnity to said Deed and the Siatutt In such -e made aad pro :*iet. x -tie extract from the mumieae! -a:c court. Juiv Idih. irs3. ’ r. ?. ST A FFO BD. Ordinar* E. C. Juiv 26—w3m q months ai*-- * cz.e we ; ha.: ap; .y i*> itt Otdjutry. *-i Randolph Couniy. i*-r :ea-e n> seU a porueu o; the Real Esti.e J-e’oaging J detcaaed. A_Lt> lAiSE.” S.pi. Lsih. 1853—w3m S WfAJI BUTTS. AdnTx. GEORGIA, , COURT OF ORDINARY, Metrar* connty. * M’ T-nr*. 1-53. T P N .. r -tltion •: Will'amTl. Hi :-e. Ex—* it- - *•*’ t'r.- e_ W . andT-ssiam-r.*. TTh.-taas House, deeeas-hL f-r ett. r s of disanission from h;s said executershtr: It -on m-ifroo, ordered by the erattbat ad persons concern ed. sa-„*w ca*ise.on or . --so-re the next term so -aai c or. why sai-i_lettrrs should not hen be granted. Atrae extra*:: from the nCauseaof sa. 1 court. April 12.1553. Ann? 19—w-tm J. L. WIMBERLY, •John A. J. Weathersby i >tew*i: Srpii&jea 1 r.r vs, April Term. -53. Elizabeth Weathersby. ‘ Libel f * 7>; - -re, IT— artng by the return of the SherdFihat ‘he defendaati :•* n> iso b- found ;n the Couniy of Stewart, it is there:--*e t •iere.i hy tiie Court tlat -.ervice of’ihis libel be penct*-d on ice -a: ! t zabe .it Weather-by, by publication cf this- -rder ir. *be i Ccl-tmb-is Times and Seat, cel -ace a mm-i-.a i- r four nt- a tits text dlrg the ensuing term ;r. ■-I -art. A true- extract from the Jfisui -of this Court. i me lam f n I. M. ONX. Clerk. GEORGIA, , fi =TCT OF ORDINARY. Randolph county. * .sane Tern. 1853. T>H!L P CAUSEY. -. tn*. * n *r.e --■*;. -f David Hsr- I- veil, ate O! ?.*: ce-t :y. deceased, L..vii.g peilticced tii •’ -urt : r letter- -i -tr. -t- -i. 1: i- t for ‘it;-.: ?. I p r-reocs con* •■-r ed. ti ! e iheir -r pject ‘f any they have, on->r before the T -rm o; th *c- next siting. - therwi-e s.f.d Alm - be then and thre dismissed. Gives tinder my hand a: dice the . ■>:n day of June fall. J ne 21—worn.’ O. p. BEALL. Odinary. GEORGIA. , COURT OF ORDt.YAR V. Nustoger county. * Juiv Term. 1 “53. R ULF. .V/ AT'” HERE AS! H.iuh E. K dg-.-rs.!r-_* r • n the e-* de * Franc:s M. Vickery, deceased, late • f il-uscogee county. Laving nppile'l for letter- •; dismiss:-:r- m -a:-l admin:stmt:* a, : !* - • rder-d by the c *trt. that all perso-s concerned show ‘ i c* use. it any tr.-.-y have.- why sa;-i adminstrat* r she->ltd n<- I e cl-mis-ed a: :.. r • • urt * *">r*i ary t so- held insudfor said c ib • • -*-a the fir-5 .V**tday in March next. A Use transcript from the minutes of said court. August'. 18 ’ August 9—win:. J* ‘ N J ‘HNS* N Ordraar . GEORGIA, t Cocf.t ? Oa.i?i>*AaT. llnscogee countv, i April Term. 1c53. RULE .VI SI. T ’Vm.N. Nr>-r.. .dminisiraforde ‘ ‘ - n-m n ’ ▼ toe e-toie ff- ha Ligsrin. deceased, having applied : r letter-- f di-mission from said administration : It is -:*rderei that a! per* -it? concerned shew cause, if any they have, why -.-_id a*i!nin;s’.rmor should :: i be -usmicsed at iheC- 1 * dinar*-- >; be held in and for sri-i county on the Sr-; Monday l-i N vem'-er next. A true transcript from the minutes *•? said cc-aru A: r 14. i-'3. •y~nt JN -.5 ft. GEORGIA, i Corar or it. Muscogetcounty, v Apr T ...:5-l. RULE .V/ SI. ‘ Wm. N. Neis- n. adm r, -a: * the estate of , Vt A-nristiis Pent* dy. deceased, hav.r.g sr “ :*-.* etusrs of dismiss: n from saidadminis;*ation : I: * < % rier*ei hatalip-er | sons concerned. cause, if any they hr. . i admin :strut r -it i!*i be ci-missed at the C* or; - dfotary to he he iin an. for sfod county n the first M-.-nday la N- vetnber next. A true transcript from Tne minutes of said •: i-ort. April 4.1553. Apni 12—worn JNO. JOHNS 4 N. Ordicarv. GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORD.NARY, Stewart county. > N -ember Term. 1*53. petition of William H. 13- us*r. Exec tit- r • : the las: l_ Will and Testamen* o:Tb mas House, decer -ed. : :*r letters or dismission from his said execute -ship. It is on m lion, ordered by the court that El per- - concern ed. sfc-.-w cause. •-n or before* the next November term of said court, why said letter- should not then he granted. A true extract Trent the minutes fss: ie< un. April 12. -53. j April 10—w'nt J. L. WIMBERLY, rdi imt. GEORGIA. COURT OF >’ RJ WAR 1 . Randolph coanty. > June Term. I*‘s3. I> LfP CAUSEY, - I Y-'.laie L's -‘t:d c J. f ni i x*%* .jf 5. utn omrtfDr !e*:er? l! s onie'ed ’.has all ir.d singular the parties interested, show cause. It say they have, c-n or before the uex: January Term of *,iT-court, why the ret.txn *•: -nui adminlstrat*-r sb- -Id nttU- otherwise ae will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand a*. -■fi'ce ’he 25!h J’tue. 1-53. July s—vfim O. P. SEALE. Ordinary. GEORGI A, ret ca T os rbcixrt or said corx- Rautlolpli coanty. * tt. April Term, 1553. J AMES \V. C LLINS. admiri-’niter of AV.CoiT.n?. Sate of -aid fj .- mty. decease*:, retitions th.s court to grant him letter- , f : i,.-sicn from his said admtr. -trat rt. and it appearing that ! -:*d*l estate has been fully admiaisieret:: Ordered Shat all persons i Sc .eirobjecii- i:- ii atiy they have, n ‘before i::-eN ‘-vest er T• -m ; thi- court next -r.-d.-rev - - aid ndmln.istraMr *-r .be then and ’her-.- dim;s.s<ni. Ayri. 12—wSm O. P. BEALL reilnary. / EORGIA, Early county.-V. r -. Id D. An- V T drews nrpil-.-s*.*: me so-r Le.ter- i iuurdianship itheper r-'-ssand pr-.-perty of Abner. Tb-nias and Fereby Ann J u—. minor heirs .-fJ*: !:a -Jones. late * f said coanty deceased. Th se rre ;? BC-tify all persons concerned, to make k:o wn their oljec . - Let’ *- - . . : -foi; not t-e granted -aid applicant. Given tinder mv Land at Sc-. “rpiemL -23*1. 1-53. 8. S. “7AFF >RD ‘'’niinarT. • Htfob-r 4:i—wt: f\E RC LA M .. sty —W \T Ptrvis applies t> me so-r tell--"? :: Adrrdnt-fo.dca *ie estate oi James W. Woo.laj, late of said coanty, These are therefare, t : rite and admonish a.l, and angu lar i::e kindre*: .nd creditors :-x -aid deceased, to be and appear a: my -'-dice. : a or bell-re the first Mo nday ox >’ - Trmher next, to sno w eaast, :: any they nave, ’.vby sai-J . .-iters -no it. a ti t : e zranted. Given unde- my hand at office, this 24th irepternh-er, i"53 Sept. 25. 1553 w 7; EW. MILLER, L’r-iinary. / ’ —Wb |JT Lewi related at iaw, by reason ot the fcuhire <r any . ers-rn to acply fir letters :f Admit ,strati r> : These are taereiore cite and admonish ah. at. i sioauiar the kindre-i andcreci:- rs : said ce:eased, i -shew .-use, it aay they have, witn i:i tne time presefirec or law, way letters •:; admiitistrafi r. atc* :Id no-t be granted th- clerk of the - treri-t-r C :rt rs’ie ‘ther person’ situ act rams to the statute, in such case made ana provided. - m tr. . - _ ■ • - . 1-; E. W. MILLER. Ordmarf. U’ eorgia. Harion county— 1. * r - \T esifiu- oi A iiatE. “art-.r A.r.a. Va.etidite- Ad an-1 •1- rxe M. D. N ’ll r.c-rs lad-.rphan- ,*:'E-.i? £.l ; • : . late of -a i cc-unty. deceased, are -ented at law by reus-’ a .of the foliar* .. .y per- to sc : y _cr ;e :cr, c l GaArttlansiiir for -aid mix. rs. These art. therefere. to cite ami admonish all and -tti-g’iJartae k mired of sm-i mine r :-f-aid <i-ceased, to be aad at * • :- r r.. my dice, w thin the time prtscriced by w. : shew errtse. if any tney have, why the Clerk :tin ."aperior Conn ‘ - -nr tv. •*’ s* me ther i-*- r. • : -aid re uniy. -h uld tk* *.-• .- * is:-*d Guardian i r said minor?, agree:, iy *.- the statute in-uch xs made and provided. Given under mv hand fiad-:iSc:_l -imattire a: offic *. hi- Aits. 30. 1~-53. Sept'3—s: E. . ‘ - . - i C’ eorgia. Talbot county.— rdi nary, if • : . - * . .-I VT •- ®rsock* * rphans, petit I•: c? : *-r letters of Dls-miss"* fre-n. said guardlaatsl’ p: Be i; ordered. That all persons c r.o-rned. fee ari-i atr-pear a: the J cite Term ■; the Court vfi Ordinary .-f said eo tmty. -i: . n suing. then and there to shew cause, i: any they have, why siJd letter* should z ■ * be granted. A trie extract -rom the minure - -t:-aid ourt. Ar-ril 15th. 1533 April 26—w6m MARION PETHCNE, Ontinary. ('’ eorgia. Clarion eonnty—fVTiere Jo a T. Maihi- T tpp.-es'< me for letters of administration trp ‘*! the estate ci Nathaniel G. SJaisnter. iai of rad coanty. decease:. These are. therefore, to cite arte admonish"all and stogniar the kt’nforsd and creditor? of sc..*i -it--.* I- t tre ami ar-irear my offic within me time prescrt'"-e*i by law. aa*i -hew cn-n-e. i*’ any the; have, whysa.-i let as -hon'd n->* jnnt-L Given under m hand acd official simattire zx office. Aatnst lb. 1553. Aur"2fA-5; i- W. iiiLLF.R. xifoxary p E< > RGI A, MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—W here as* VT T ’ v N. J :ies tzrbes i.-rietiers •;-f a-iannisrarlvit fie boms non - untr. site wili annexed, on ibe estate ot Ran.; . Jones, .are said county, deceased. These are, there t-*e, to ci :c- ait i a ime-nisfi at I persoas - -lohre- o, * - .- v -.* use. “ y t::. y ; Atters . - * - . ; _* t) S: i applicant a: tie Coaitj -f Orriraiy t.. :e gel-.: in and for satfi eonnfr :. tae first .M ync.*y ir NYre-af ~r r-tezr. Giwa under my hand this cr:. oay c f Se**tKnber. 1"53. byrr. 2u, i&53. jcj . - ‘ilbjtjV, Ordir.arv. / ? ijOllGlA. iliii!-!*- 1 t ---fi ‘y.— .. _ \T f 8 Brown apr-sies • rrv- t.-r .etters of A-inur istm tionon tae estate of Mary Fredoola Bi=;vm,JLate of said eon-t ----ty cc-ceasei are. ther-;-; re. : ■ cite a .a axiinoai-ii all tad si::_ lar the kindred and cFcGiiors ui deeeased. to be srV appear at my oSse n itira the time prescribe.: iaw*. u:M snow cause, Hf any they have, way said fetters should u t be granted. Given under my hand it office the 16-?i dav , - September, O. P. BEAf l , Ordinary, •"ey* 2!—wf: (’ eurgia. ?larion county—AVl -rre s. R ‘ ni< r.d B. TL* - - at-. i- me so-r •fi r - f on the fs"3ie oi C art * > Ly'es, deetast-d. Ti.e-c are, therefore, to cite and sdm%uh all and singalar the kindred and creditor- <>i id ilicrprnl tn be and appear at m> ffiev wi I . me ir* :,i by ir.w.:-- shew cause, if any they kui . ..* - -i forers si • u.J t* i oe sr:a.ied. Given aader’my hand and fllcial iimut-tre. a: .ffies.ttsfi- Sep tember v. a. i-.'ci, sept !'i— wst r. VV. A-SILI.ER. 1 Trenaiy. | 4 Mgi i, ■■ r : >n county— Whereas. Uenrv M. Jeter, *"Y Imr. up>u the e-* I : lathah De i em. -t.pplie* ■ •me fi.r .efi- r-of dismiss -a from fi'? admmististi*n •> said T are. therefore, to cite and adii’oni-h ai: aad singular the - : tired :-t ere- or- . -aid deceased. 21- their Elections, :i any tfcry have. In icins of e law. letfora Dis •ti - - ry i he mntt- i to said Je’er. a*frn'r. as aforesaid, at thes January Term next o: the court of ordinary for sa*d eoatuy. Give:; under my b*iad and official ssenature al thi I me 2s h. .-53. Jaiy 2—cadna E. \V. MILLER. Or: aary.. { ‘ eorsia. ASarion county—'• Areas. Mary S.. -t. • VIY Adm’trx. upon the esaue of John C. - - ’he viir;jpy conr; : -:-.:d coun y. :• r Jesters c-i dismission r- ner admlc.sntr.oii or said estate. T . -e here: re. to cite and admonish ail and singular the fetad:*-fi sn<; ere-:.’ •* of -aid •: ceased, to fiie their object ions, ii any they have, ottenrise said tetter? ? D I e granb vine I-made b* -a . ..u.a'trx. at the November Term next, of the court of ordinary for said county. gv- n under mv r.and -nd fßcial -nature See. fit - JJar : 2d. 1-53. Mav 7—mom E. W. AfILLES. Ordinary*. ‘ C- eorgia. Marion couaty —.3. -f Ednv.t -1 I srock r-eirgcnrei erse*f by rtaso*. of the tatiute ot any ; , ter-- n to apciy for letter- of admiaistra: •. a on -ad e-iate. Tl ese are. ther* re. to e e .-.n l dme: -h ail and sineular the i kindred and creditcrs of said deceased, t* be tad appear a: my isc:- within ±e time p-f-cr ’-.-ed by law. to shew ca'tse, if any ■;. -y - .-re . why *he • ierk - *"• r.e Super’ - r ‘four* f *a:d c -onty. .* -me ih-r per- n - -or: county, sac-;id n**t be appointed to auminister n aic estate. Given tinder my land and ificiai -'gr.itare at office. thss3!~; August.Jss3. “ ®pt3—St VV. Mi LEXER. Ordinary * • eorgia. 3lnrion county— : ,V tier-re.-. Usnte- VV d \T ail appl’s-for letters of adminisrrajion. with ’he will annex ed. up a the estate ot Jessie WorreX ia.e *-f -aid county, >lec’d. fi.-. :.r . li.erei-'-r*-. -- -lie ,ia<l .-.-.i:r. ’ ni-h ai! and -ing*i!arthe kindred and i there interested, to be and appear a; my office wit* the time prescribed r y sow. and -hew :a;i-e. if any they hr.-..-, why said letter? -hroird n---t be granted. ea under rav han : axstl official sianafiire a: office. August 3!. 1-13. <*■'.% 3—5: E. VT. MILLER. Ordinary. months after date application will be to the court : ordinary cf Muscoc-.-e county for leave to set! ; the negroes lie longing to the estate of Joanna Christian, late of ; -aid c- art*.deceased. SILAS M McGRADY, * r-_ Sept re win-, IVEY -MORRIS. * fi*, \ ... Xl - 3xte ol M tnroe county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immeciaie payment And ai l perse as having de mands against said deeearetd, will render them ia agreeably to lave*. Date of letters f administratfoa Ist At: i. 1553. Sept 3—w7t WM B. MERRITT, AdmT. ry-’ WO MONTHS alter c tie apt iication wil* c-e madei J. the Coart of Ordinary i Manon connty, Ga., for leave fi roll all the lar*d belocginsr to tne estate of Ephraim S. Lui.sf -rd. late of said countv. deceased. Se : 17-2rn EPHRAIM H. OWENS, AdmT. f|V,VO MONTHS aifor date applicadc.l wili be made JL to the Ordinary C- irt of Marion county, Ga.. tor leave * .- -11 the - zir.2 * the estate ‘ J-rssie fi. Bor mar., .ate of M >aroecountv. d*^:eased. - . I—2m Si. 1 . ERRJTT, Adm'r. BUSINESS CARDS. Attorneys at Lrty, BUENA VlfiTA. MARION CO. GA. Will prac’iee . the ro-:’files of Mar n. Mac-mJ Houston Stewart, Ra*.c .. 1 . .:* :_t -. X.yr. ..- ... *.- c=-u:i:,e-w *-.-- *-- *:. -- ..- ; e require-!. #*. ?. milixH-. ursr.. fitm. snows* January 2S — swly | M’ : LAS GACHET, A TTO R VEY AT LA. W, TvsOiifi-, Aia^ama. OFFICE OVER P- .MX fi- BRICK STORE. T -U ILL attend the courts - . Circuit, and Montgomery, Pike, and Barbour in tc re c:-u: circuit, march —wiy GEO. S- BOBZNSON, ATTORNEY A TLA W . Cn hbert, Georgia. Rimncis:—H ns. M. J. WeSborti sad AMvd ; Cos luma Cut rt, Nov 2 —40 wa TICKER w BEALL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lry.yszs. Ste'.vaht CorsTT, Ga. *-- • - • fitter and It and ph -.-unties : and will give prompt atten* v .. i- ai. i>‘tsiße?s et. i m-irei I--.- their care. lOH.V .2. TUCKER. E. H. BEALL. i.unit it a. January ir. 1653—3w1. DOUGLASS iz DOUGLASS, AITOHNEYS AT LAW, C ruber t, Gicrgia. YYroLL practice in the counties -f the fi-vathwe-tera Circn * v an din Stewart countv of the Chattahoochee ciiraii. EUGENI US L. DOUGLASS. Nov 30—wiy M ARUELLUS DOUG LASS. S. S. ST ATT CRD, ATTORNEY AT LA W. 31aLtely*. Early Cos., Ga. ap 6wa GEO. COOK ALFORD. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. lV :LL pru-.-ttce :a the eonnties t- tae Ninth Judicial Cir t—• t ‘fi the fi L ‘awford, ixossei c ~ Ala., Aug. 2, 1553—wltfo THOZidAS J. mJCKOLLS. ATTO RN ZY AT LA W, Coloibcs. Georgia. ffireover I. G. St2xfp*x*s, near corner of Broad andSaa u< - ph stree-ro. ‘-Y; LL practice in theeotuittes • ft his mu the adj-'-ming jndeisl . rcii.tLa Xx. bama. .'lurch 15—-wly w. c. M IVER, A TT O R N £ Y AT LA W , j. CS3CSS-ZE, MaCCS CO., Ala. * fi. praofiee tathe c-. unties .I Macou, 5! c-Liztirery I * aiiapoosa. Pie, E-arbocr acd Ruseel. . as uary ad—tw i y R. J. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY. ‘ MOSES a: PEABODY', ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, COLL MELfi, GEORGLY. WILL practice ia Muscogee t-ut”. Ga., atd Ruseell county, A.m, and la the fiupreme Court of tne. Slate of i Gt r r.a. Coiunfiws, J use 23-wtwtf S.rei-i. fi. HuaiLT Con. uses Cr c-i-w” *v j HA Mil “ON fi C CUNNINGHAM, . ud'iaL 1 S ure'T Lax , TROY. P:s.z C :stt, Ala. A; r:l 23. irll w o:-. 1%. WASHBURN, WILDER & CO, i FACTORS re ■ >N MERCHASTS. 114 BAY -TREET, J: SEPH WASHBURN, i y* ILDtuR. > Sayanxah, Ga. . R ANcTS G. DANA. ) fiepi. I* 1 —- - G- 8. HARRISON. AUCTION. COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING 31 erc han t. NOS. 59 and 61 BROAD STREET. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A. K. AYER. AUCTIONEER AND SALESMAN. UjfF 5 Lic-erai advances made on Negroes and Merchandise. Columbus, Aug. 20, 1553—w&twly 11. T. GREENWOOD. J SIAM MORRIS. J. I. RIDGWAY. GREENWOOD. MORRIS i RIDGWAY. FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANT?. No. it Cai* udelet Street, New ‘>rleTs. Oct 2S—w&twly E. LOCKETT, WJt. fl. LOSG, JOHN H. TATIS. LOCKETT, LONG 4 CoT COMMISSION MERCHA NT S AND SHIPPING AGENTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ILL attend to the selling ot a!! kinds of Produce. Strict arteatton giv-n to receiving and forwarding goods, and tilling orders from the country. July 9 —wAtwly i, H, BURROUGHS 4 SON, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Sep'g*—wfc'.wSm AUCT S Q N AND COM3IISSIOy BL SIXESS. THE undesigned would respectfully iaforai his friends and the public cenera.Hr. that he has opened a store on Broad street. nearly opp* .site Mr. J axes Ktvlis’s Sans Souci. for the purpose of carrying- on the above bosine*. and would be happy tor mem to give him a call. He proposesdi/mg the AUCTIOJY I-'t'D CO.VMISSIOJt’ B CSLYESS in the usual way. and will a. so attend to the sellmg and hiring of Negroes for those who may entrust him with their patronage. JOHN QUIN. X. B. —Consignments a iiercCaaeize carefully attended to. <Jctober thi. 1-52—wit'.wly. DAVID ROSS, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No. 72 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga., June 21—wtf J. S. WOOD3RLDGE. PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPBT coluairus, Georgia. Rooms over Fo-ter Purple*- Jewelry Store. Broad Street. Columbus. Jan. 3—w Notice. \ LL persons ire f. rewamed from trading for any of ihe : or st> ten trom the subscriber, to. : Three notes on John F. 1 Tuggle, the first oi said notes dated sometime during the nrst >t this insg., duet.*:-- 25m December, i? 54, :■* the sem of two hundred and fifty dollars, and payable to Wn. Mainer or bearer: the second of said notes dated as first u resata and coe the 25th •: t December, 1555, payable to Wm. Mainer or bearer, for the sum of two iiuudred and titty dollars : the third of sard notes dated as first aforesaid ..::J uue me 25th December, 1r56, payable to Wm. .Mainer or ovarer i.r me sum of *wo nuudred <md twenty dollars, i One note on Mastin D. Hendrick, dated and doe m Janua ry last past, payable, to M m. Plainer or bear er. tor the sum of ne hundred and forty two dollar? and seventy five cents, with a credit of forty seven dollars and -ightv two ca., end- orseden the back. One on Henrv Dav, fated -omefime during the first tine year of 1850, and due the 25th December, 1650, payable to Wm. Mainer or bearer, tor seventy-live dolmrs. One note on James Anderson Butler, dated about me same time of the last aforesaid note, acd due the SEth December, 1851. i r fifty dollars. One note nB. F. Brocks tor five dollars, due the 25th Decem ner, 1553, and payable to Wm. Mainer or bearer. Also two notes that the subscriber had paid off tor himself and Benj Mainer, security, dated ‘he 12th day of March, 1-5*2, j one ofsmd n-’ trs was due the 25th of last December, and me o: her cue me 25th of December, 1553, payable to John M. r razier r -r bearer, tor two hundred ar.■ I seventy five dol iis rach. One n* -te on Haywood Mainer, due’ die 25th December, 1551, payable to Mm. Mainer or bearer, tor eight : liars and sevenr-nvc cn.-ts. WILLIAM MAINER. Cutii ert, Sept 20. 1-53.-w4t Notice. 3* FEN :r -'rayed ‘.cm the subscriber near Cutfcber*. Ran . ic ‘. c.-unry. Ga_oa the n;sh: of the 13th inst_ a sorrel mart- M U I.E of ordinary -.ze. about four years old ; mare neai y r< -ched. her rail shaved and swab tied last spring and has three inches wide and about four inches lons between her eyes ana n- -c. A.a- information concerning aid male will hA'n.. tuiiy receive*:, or if stolen. I will pay ;wenty-2ve dollars for the mute with sufficient evidence to convict the” thief . Aadre<*. JAMES A. RUCKER, August 23 —wtf Cuthbert, Ga. FRAUD ! 4 LL who want Axis of :be real CoLi.;*3 <fc Cos. make should ; .A. be partiea'r.- n • the stair. are Tar loos * counterfeits and rm;tan>*ns stamped Collins and labelled n uch list urs. whocn are ;r jo mem, v sold ;n s-roe pars of the L'n> “eti elates our manufacture. They are made in different parts of the country by various axe-maker*. and generally of every im tert-: r quality. The genuine Collins axea,wb:ch have acquired such an extensive repmation. areinvariably stamped “COLLINS se. TO- HARTFOfib.” and each axe has a printed label wbth mv sl-'nafire. i: saw- more than Tw*>TT-nvt mss since we tnmenced the oustae-* with the stamp of- dlins in Cos. Hart . ni.” and I do not know of any ‘Aiter axe-maker by the name of •_v dins In the United States. SAM. W. COLLINS. August 23c. Ics3.—wly. For Sale Steam Engine. Engine Lathes, &e. Hr 0 - tonaignaaents. the subscribers ..-ffer axgreet] vredaeed | a. prices. Ode superior extra in.-h new Steam Engine 35 horse power. v *tj >itrc.m pipe- 3J.C governor complete. 1 2 inch cylinder 4>J inch stroke. j Two nine feet -tide Engine Turning Lathes. One Turning Lathe, for Wood. Appiy at Columbus Cotton Gin Fscorr. Aug 3—warn E. T. TAYLOR &. CO. i ‘ “ MARBLE WORKS. East -ide Broad St. near the Market Hoase COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly oa hand all .-rads ot Grave Stones Hot aments. Tombs and TaoUts, oi Axzricas, Italian and Ixish Mamlz- Engravingand carving done 1 oe stone in the best possible m-nner; and ai.Siadsol Gran ite Work at the notice. JOHN ri. MADDEN. sa.e. Corumbas, March 7, lsso. 10 ts D. B. THOMPSON & CO-. (AT THE SIGN OF THE HE.ART,) Bclcw Hill, Daw>an A Cos. TIN. Copper, Sheet Iron,Steam Boa: work, all manner m Gutters, Piping, Conductors and Eoonng done to order, snistantisLly imd warranted. Nov. t - 43—ti [NUMBER 118.