The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, October 08, 1853, Image 4

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INSURANCE. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. THIS Company has returned in stock Sixty per cent, of premiums in the last two years. The subscriber has the Stock scrip Twenty-five percent. tor the last twelve months and a dividend of6 percent, cash on the stock issued for 1852. In surers in this office will bring their stock scrip of 1852 and receive their dividends—they can at the same time receive their scrip tor 1853. Marine and Fire risks taken at the usual rates, by Columbus, July B—w&twly K. J. MOSES, Agent, CALIFORNIA lj Nj I Uj Ri A N G g BY THE KENTUCKY MUTUAL SL.IJtCE INS UKA NCK COM PA NY. Applv to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga. BOSWELL & HILLING, July 9—w&twly Medical Examiners. AGENCY OF THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. H. H. EPPING, Agent for Columbus, Ga. J)RS BOS WREE St filf.J.IjVG, Medical Examiners. ! Pamphlets containing tables of Kates and other information j may be obtained by application at the office of the Agents. Gobiliius, Nov 23—tw&wly MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, Wl I.L receive Deposits—and Checks for sale on New York Macon and Savannah. April 24—twtf RICHARD PATTEN. HQMEi INS USANCE; COMPANY* Office, No, 10 Wall Street, New York. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000. SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Secretary. E. S. GREENWOOD, : : : : : Agent. Columbus, Georgia. October I, twGm MEDICAL NOTICEST DRUGS, PAINTS, 0118,’ PERFUMERIES, &c. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, DR. R. A. WARE, now receiv * n K a much larger supply than ha ever been before offered in this market. All wishing M to purchase pure and unadulterated articles in this line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRAND Y, OLD PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, for Medical purposes, to he had at R. A. WARE’S Drug Store. PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS.— Lubins and Bazina assorted varieties, for sale by R. A. WARE. LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE. —Very best quality. For sale by R. A. WARE. FINE SESARS AND CHOICE CHEWING TO BACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just received and tor sale by R. A. WARE. BR USIIES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A. WARE. WINDOW GLASS, from 8 by 10 to 20 by 24, for sale by R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2,1853-w&twly DR. S. B. LAW, q HAS located himself in Columbus, Ca., intending to pur flSCSsue the practice of his profession. TS? His office is on Jackson street, opposite and directly East of the J'ethodist Church, the one formerly occupied by Dr Holt, where he may be found at all times, unless absent profes sionally Columbus, June 1, 1853—twtf SURGERY DR. STANFORD has returned to the city, and is now lully prepared to enter into the practice of Surgery. Columbus, Sept 17—twtf SURGICAL INFIRMARY. j MS. WILBMM & SAMEL { HAVE opened, in Savannah, an Infirmary for the treatment of ’ Surgical and Chronic Diseases. The buildings are spacious, with ample grounds attached, nnd expense has not been spared to provide the latest and most ap proved appliances of the SURGICAL ART, for the benefit of those who may resort to this institution for relief. The terms for Board, Nursing, &c., are $1 per day—§lo being required in advance. The fees for Surgical operations to be agreed upon, before the operation is performed ; except incase of indigence, when $1 per day will cover all expenses, Slaves provided for, in separate building, on the above terms. N. B. No case of Surgical or Chronic disease will be received into this establishment, unless it is believed, after examination, that the case is curable, or admits of relief; hut So will be in variably charged for Examination and opinion, it the case is rejected. Thn undersigned would receive into their private offices, on liberal terms, a number of young men, who are desirous of availing themselves of a thorough couse of preliminary instruc tion, clinical opportunities and anatomical investigations. P. H. WILDMAN, M. I). Cor. South-Broad and Abercorn sts. j CIIAS. GANAHL. M. D. I South-Broad, 3 doors east of Barnard st. Savannah. Ga., Sept. 10, 1853—w&twtf I MEDICAL CARD. DR. N. H WIGGINS, OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Co lumbus and vicinity. Z3T Office at Dr. Young's Drug Store. Columbus, July 2—w&twtf JAMES lIOUSSEAU KEEPS a fine assortment of Groceries on hand, for sale on reasonable terms, consisting of— -100 Bbls. Flour; 75 Sacks Rio Coflee; 100 Boxes Tobacco—Assorted Qualities; 25,000 Cigars —Assorted Brands ; 10 Bbls. New England Rum; 10 Bbls. Common Gin; 25 Jars Snuff; 75 Casks Bacon, 40Hgds,N. O. Sugar. 100 Barrels Whiskey. 250 Coils Kentucky Rope. 50 Bales India Bagging. 1500 Sacks Salt. Also, fine Brandies and Wines of different qualities. Also, many other articles too numerous to mention. Those wishing to purchase, will please give him a call. trsr Store West side BrOad Street, 6 doors above Rankin's Corner. Columbus, Jan. 11,185 . 1 wtf , CLOTHING FOR THE Vhll 0 F 1 853! PURCHASERS of CLOTHING are informed that wo are manufacturing the I I LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHING (at wholesale only) suitable for the Country Trade,to bo found in the States. 82iPWe do business on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM. Orders promptly filled. An examination of our stock is solicited. HANFORD & BROTHER, 29 Park Row, (opposite the Astor House,) N. Y. N. B We are the largest manufacturers of Oilfp Ci.oth jmu in the eourttrj. Rubber Clothing at the lowest mar- i kef rales. New York, June 21—w3m | CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. The Great Purifier of the Blood ! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN infallible remedy for Scrofula, King’s Evil, Rheumatism Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustu'es on the I Face, Blotches, Roils, Chronic Sore Eyes. Kins Worm or Tetter. | Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and .loints, | Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Com j plaints,and all diseases arising from m injudicious use ofMer i cury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable medicine, which has become celebrated for the j number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has I induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to i offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence ! in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following ! certificates, selected from a large number, are, however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors; and are all i from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest i respectability, many of them now residing in the city ofßich | mond, Virginia. F. Boyden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known j every where, sa\s lie has seen the medicine called Carter’s Span. | isn Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all I the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most aston- I ishingly good results. He says it is the most extraordinary med icine he has ever seen. j Ague and Fkvkr—Great Cure —I hereby certify, that for | three years 1 had Ague and Fever of the most violent description, i I had several physicians, took large quantities of Quinine, Mer ; cury, and I believe all the Tonics advertised, but all withoutany j permanent relief. At last I tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me, and J am happy to say I have had neither chills nor fevers since. 1 consider it the best Tonic in the world, and the only medicine that ever reached my case. Beaver Dam, near Richmond. Va. John Longdkn. C. B. Luck, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and tor many years in the Post Office: has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy’ of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, that helms bought upwards of 50 bottles, which lie has given away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to directions. Dr. Mingk, a practising physician, and formerly of the City .Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he lias witnessed in a num ber of instances the effects of Carter’s Spanish Mixture which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of consumption dependent on the liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Morris, Rich mond, was cured of Liver complaint of 8 years standing, by the use of two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Great cure of Scrofula. —The editorsot the Richmond Re publican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely diabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mix ture made a perfect cure “f him, and the editors, in a public no tice say they “cheerfully recommend it to all who are afflicted with any disease of the blood.” Still another cure of Scrofula. —1 had a very valuable boy cured of Scrolula by Carter’s Spanish Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable medicine. James M. Taylor, conductoron the R. F. &*P. R. R. Cos., Richmond, Va. Salt Reum of 20years standing Cured —Mr John ’bomp son residing in the city of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20 years, and which all the physicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in tliecity ofßichmond, and his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond. Va-, had a servant cured of Syphillis in the worst form, by Carter’s Spanish Mi ture. lie says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Richard E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, and what physicians called confirmed consumption, by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter’s Spanish Mixture in a number of Sy philitic cases,and says it isaperfect cureforthathoriibledisease. Wm. G. Harwood, ofßichmond, Va., cured of Old Sores and Ulcers which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch, in ashorttime permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. Ward, Close & Cos.. No. 83 Jl/aiden Lane New York. T. W. Dyott & Sons, No. 132, North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bennett & Beers, No. 125 Maine street, Richmond, Va. And for sale by TIIOS. M. TURNER & CO. JAS. H. CARTER, Savannah, Ga GESNER & PEABODY, DANFORTII & NAGEL, , Columbus, Ga And by druggists and country merchants every where. Price SI ; six bottles for $5. May 25—w&twlv ii n YU “.*) ‘l .■ i (ta ; I 1 if ij iiv - T"V f s.> PT ,-V: fV /, f . if| j i 0.-w. Klin liir ; r‘Tf 1 IIFRIt AT. For the raniil Cure of COUGHS. COIAS. HOARS FA KSS. BRONCHITIS. WHOOPIMi-COI'GII, CltOl P, ASTIHIA. AND CONSUMPTION. Os all the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them val uable) for the cure of pulmonary complaints, nothing has ever been found which could compare in its effects with this prepara tion. Others cure sometimes, but at all times and in all diseases of the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will doit. It is pleasant to take, and perfectly safe in accordance with the directions. We do not advertise for the information of those who have tried it but those who have not. Families that have known its value will not be without it, and byits time ly use, they are secure from the dangerous consequences of Coughs and Colds which neglected, ripen into fatal consumption. Tiie Diploma of the Massachusetts Institute was aw arded to j this preparation by the Board of Judges in September 1847 ; j also, the medals of the three great Institutes of Art, in this coun try ; also the Diploma of the Onio Institute at Cincinnati, has j been given to the Cherry Pectoral, by their Government in con , sideration of its extraordinary excellence and usefulness in cur ; ing affections of the lungs and throat. | Read the follow ing opinion founded on the long experience of j the eminent Physician of the port and city of St. Johns,May 8, 1851. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Five year’s trial of your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, has proven what I foresaw fre m its composition, must be true, that it eradicates and cures the colds and cougiis to which we, in this section, are peculiarly liable. I think its equal has not yet been discovered, nor do I know how a better remedy can be made for the distempers of the throat and lungs. J. J. Burton, J\l. D., F. R. S. See what it has done on a wasted constitution, not only in the following cases, but a thousand more: Sudbury, Jan. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer :In the month of July last 1 w r as attacked by a violent diarrhoea in the mines of California. I returned to San Francis co in hope of receiving benefit from a change of climate and diet. My diarrhoea ceased, but w as followed by a severe cough—and much soreness. 1 finally started for home, but received no bene fit from the voyage. My cough continued to grow w orse, ard when 1 arrived in New- York, I was at once marked by my ac quaintances as a victim of consumption. 1 must confess that I saw no sufficient reason to’doubt w-hat my friends all believed. At this time I commenced takingyour truly invaluable medicine with little expectation of deriving any benefit from its use. Aon would not receive these lines did I not regard it my duty to state to the afflicted, through you, that my health, in the space of eight months, i9 fully restored. I attribute it to the use of your Cher ry Pectoral. Yours truly, William W. Smith. Washington, Pa., April 12,1848. Dear sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a premature grave, through your instrumentality by the providence of God, 1 will take the liberty to express to you my gratitude. A cough and the alarming syrnpt ms of consumption bad re duced me too low to leave me anything like hope, when my physician brought me a bettleof your “Pectoral. It seemed to afford immediate relief and now in a lew weeks time has restor ed me to sound health. If it w-iildot'or others what it has done forme, von aie certainly one of the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, 1 am, very respectfully yours, John J. Clarke, Rector ofiSt. Peter's church. With such assurance and .rm such men, no stronger prool c*ui be adduced unless it be troro its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemist,Jmwcll, Mass. Sold in Columbus, Ga., by , vuon-r i \r pi and DANU OR 111 & NAGEL and by Druggists generally. June 11—\v&.tw4m. Mexican Mustang Liniment. VT Nr v York prices. We have Just received a large invoice of the above excellent- medi ’ii'*-, t>> oe *- i, M at the manufac ture* “s prices. Callmthe BUM. HRt <- BllißL, March 2—tw&wly Sign <>/ the A egro and .verier THE ROAD TO HEALTH. Ig IK^ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Copy ol a letter lrom Mr R. W. Kirkus, Chemist,7 Prescot street, Liverpool, dated 6th June, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Sir—Your pills and Oimmeutharc stood the highest on our list of Proprietary Medicines- lor some years. A customer, to whom I can refer for any enquiries, desires me to let you know the particulais of her case. She had been troubled for years with a disordered liver anti bad digestion. On the last occasion, however, the virulence oi the attack was so alarming, anti the inflammation set in so severely, that doubts were entertained of her not being able to bear up under it; fortunately she was in duced to trv your Pills, and she informs me that after the first, and eacli succeeding dose, had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she used only three boxes she is now in the enjoy ment of perfect health. 1 could have sent you many more cases, hut the above, from the severity of the attack, and the speedy’cure, I think speaks much in favor of your astonish I ing Pills. Signed W. R. KIRKUS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER IN VAN DIEMAN’S LAND. Copy of letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, ol th Ist March, 1851. by Major I- Walch. Margaret McConnigan, nineteen years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fever lor up wards of two mouths, which had entirely deprived her oltlie use of her limbs: during this period she was under the care of the most eminent medical men in Hobart Town, and by them I her case was considered hopeless. A friend prevailed upon her to try Holloway's celebrated Pills, which she consented to do, and in an incredible short space of time they effected tv pertect | Cure of a pain and lightness in the Chest and Stomach of a person 84 years of age. From Messrs. Thaw & Son, Proprietors of the Lynn Ad vertiser, who can vouch for the following statement. August 2d, 1851. To Professor Holloway-: Sir: l desire to bear testimony bribe good effect of Holloway’s Pills. For some years I have suffered severely lrom a pain and j tightness in the stomach, which was also accompanied by a short i ness of breatn, that prevented me from walking about. lam 84 years of age, and notwithstanding my advanced state ot life, these Pills have so relieved me, that lam desirous that others j should be made acquainted with their virtues. 1 am now ren j dered, by their means, comparatively active, and can take exer cise without inconvenience oi pain, which I could not do before. (Signed) HENRY COE, North-street Lynn, Norfolk. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints : Ague, Asthma, Bilious complaints, Blotclieson the Skin, Bow el complaints, Colics, Constipation ot the Bowels, Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female Irregularities, Fevers of all kinds, Fits, Gout, Headache, indigestion, inflamma tion, jaundice, liver complaints, lumbago, piles, rheumatism, retention ot urine, scrofula, or king’s evil, sore throats, stone and | gravel, secondary symptoms, tic douloureux, ulcers, veneral af fections, worms of all kinds, weakness from whatever cause, &c. Bold at the Establishment of Professor Holloway, 244 Strand, ! (near Temple Bar, London) and by all respectable druggists and dealers in medicines throughout the Britisii Empire, and of those j of the United States, in boxes at 37j£c. 87, and $1 50 each. — i Wholesale by the principal drug house in the Union, and by Messrs. A. B. &. D. Sands, New York, i There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes.” i N. B.—Directions for the guidance of parents in every disorder j are affixed to each box. I For sale in Columbus, by GESNER & PEABODY. ! WM. W. LINCOLN, May 17-twlt&wlteovvy Savannah, Ga, Mexican Mustang Liniment. THIS invaluable preparation has been but a few mouths before the people of the South, yet many thousands of bottles have been sold and used in a great variety of diseases, and it has given universal satisfaction. We h ve heard of none that were dissatisfied with ’ . We offer it as a remedy in the various diseases and com plaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence in curing them, as over four millions of Bottles have been sold and used for a great variety of complaints, both of men and animals, and it lias always given satisfaction, be cause it has performed just what we said it would. It has healed Cancers and scrofulous sores and ulcers that had resisted the treatment of the Medical Faculty. G£§T A child in Frederiekton, N. U., a few days ago burned its legs severely against a stove. The mother im mediately applied Linseed Oil and Cotton Wool, with a tight bandage over all; in a short time the screams of the child induced the mother to remove the bandage, when it was discovered that the cotton woo! had taken fire by spon taneous combustion and had considerably increased the size of the burn. The mother happened to think that she had part of a bottle of Mustang Liniment in her house, which she got immediately and applied to the burned limbs of the little sufferer, and as soon as it was applied, the child ceased its cries and soon after fell asleep in its mother’s arms, by the soothing influence of th s valuable preparation. This is to certify that the Mexican Mustang Liniment has been used quite extensively in the stables of Adams & Co.’s Great Southern, Eastern and Western Express, for curing Galls, Chafes, Scratches, Sprains and Bruits,and it has proved very effectual. Many of their men have also used it on themselves and their families, and they all speak of its healing and remedial qualities in the highest terms- One of our hostlers got kicked, and badly cut and bruised n bis knee—as usual, the Musioiig Liniment was resorted to, and the soreness and lameness was soon re moved, and it was perfectly well in three or four days.— We have no hesitation in recommending it as a valuable preparation, to be used externally on man or beast. J. DUNN, Foreman of Adams if, Co.’s Express Stable, N. Y. Rheumatism. —This is to certify that my wife was af flicted with severe chronic Rheumatism ; she had suffered for months with the most excruciating pains ; she had tried Rheumatic Compounds, Reliefs and almost every thing recommended for this dreadful disease. None of them relieved her pains in the least. She used a fifty cent bottle of Mustang Liniment, and it cured her entirelypsbe s now perfectly well, and recommends all of her friends o use the Mustang Liniment. (Signed) James L. Oliver. Savannah, Georgia, January Ist, 1853. Principal Offices, 304 Broadway, New York, and St. ; Louis, Missouri. A. G. BRAGG & CO., Proprietors. Sold in Golumbus, Ga., by GESNER & PEABODY- February 5, 1853—tw&wly Prof. Alex. C. Barry’s Tricopherous, OR MEDICATED COMPOUND, For Beautifying, Curling, Preserving, Restoring and Strengthening the Hair, Relieving Diseases of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Healing External Wounds. TJounded by no geographical lines, the reputation of Barry’s A Tricopherous pervades the Union. The sales of the arti cle of late years have increased in a ratio that almost exceeds belief. Professor Barry, alter a careful examination of his sales’ book, finds that the number of bottles delivered to order, in quantities of from a half gross upward, during the year 1852, was within a trifle of 950,000. It is unnecessary to present at length the evidence of the won derful properties or the Tricopherous, when the public have fur nished such an endorsement as this. The cheapness of the article and the explanations given of its chemical action upon the hair, the scalp, and in all cases of superficial irritation, first recom mended it to the attention of the people. This was all that the inventor desired. Every bottle advertised itself. The effects of the fluid exceeded expectation. It acted like a charm. The ladies would not be without it. Country dealears in every sec tion of the United States found they must have it; and thus was built up a wholesale trade of an extent hitherto unheard ot as regards articles of this kind. The highest point has not yet been reached, and it is believed the sales this year will be a I million and a half of bottles. Depot and .4/anufactory, No. 137 Broadway, New Yotk. Re tail price, 25 cents a large bottle. Liberal discount to jmrehasers by the quantity Sold bv all tiie principal men hunts and druggists throughout the United States and Canada, Mexico, W est indies, Great Britain, France, &c. and by R. CARTER, Columbus, Ga. August 9, 1853—w&twfim. ■ i, m ii r v ii ■ mini nin Him u ni'imu—jl_ LAND WARRANTS WANTED. BOUNTY LAND W \RRANTS for TO, so, IGO acres wanted, for which tpehigheet cash prices will he paid bv Columbus, mi” 24—3 twtf J. KNN IB &. Cf). MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE. 4 T the bookstore formerly occupied by A. C. FLEWELLEN Xi. f 'C>. All business entrusted to me will be promptly at tended to. : Aug. 3, If] J. L. HOWELL. f |MIE first Volume of Putnam's Alagazine being completed, per sons can have them bound in anv stvle, bv leaving them with ‘ JCWID'KUBB, June 24—w Book Binder. No. 72 Broad st. BROOKS & CHAPMAN, (SUCCESSORS TO GESNER & PEABODY,) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, DYE STUFFS, SURGICAL and DENTAL ‘BB T JWSL -SE3 PERFUMERIES , SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, &c. BLUE STORE, SIGN OF THE NEGRO AND MORTAR. No. 77 West side Broad street, Columbus, Ga., j THE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends ot Columbus, ana to tiie public generally, that having purchased the entire interest of Messrs. Gesner i eabody in the store well known as the BLUE DRUG STORE, will continue the business under the name and style as above. This intimate connection with and close application to the business lor several yeais, \xlxieu has given them much practical experience—united with a determination to be close and vigilant as well as prompt and active in their attention to its duties and requirements —will, they hope, be a sufficient guarantee to the public of their efficiency in the business, and that it will bepiopeih conducted. Determined to deal in none but WARRANTABLE! ARTICLES, they hope by such means to merit and receive a liberal share oi’ public patronage. Physicians and Merchant dealers doing business in the country, will find it greatly to their in- ; terest to call and examine their ample stock before purchasing elsewhere; for, in addition to j and well selected articles, they offer inducements in prices, which they are confident will prove J pt rfcetly satisfactory. In their extensive arrangements for the proper advancement of the business, they have not been 1 unmindful of what would bo to the interest and convenience of the City Physicians, but, in view of j their accommodation and for their especial benefit, have fitted up and neatly arranged a room— with ail necessary apparatus attached—to be devoted exclusively to Chemical and Pharmaceutical | operations. In this effort of theirs to relieve them of the trouble and vexation to which they have j been so long subjected, in preparing their own prescriptions, or in having them properly attended j to, they think they ought and believe they will sustain them. Both or either of them will be present at all times (except from 10 o’clock A. M. until 2 o’clock A P. M. on Sundays) to attend carefully and promptly to this department of the business —and in j no instance will any but known extra Medicines be used in the preparation of prescriptions. JNO. W. BROOKS. FOSTER S. CHAPMAN. Columbus, Sept. 14, 1853—tw&swOm am mn mui mil €l© tliier and Merchant Tailor, ! (NEXT DOOR TO HILL AND DAWSONS,) Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. js NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY GENTLEMEN WITH THE LATEST -* SPUING AUB SUMMER Styles of Clothing, Furnishing GoocSs, “M fS’KSL ‘’JIP &&&£ 9 9 ejgg ALSO y ,y s mpist mm® miimm & wwmm&Mj+A CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, of the latest importations, of French and English styles manufactured to order and warranted. under the direction of who will be pleased to accommodate his friends and all others that may call, with such garments as cannot fail to please. Columbus, Oct 9,1852. tw&wtf SPRING AND MSS KOTIK JOHN BMITM, No. 125 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SPRIER PLOTMINU! To which he invites the attention of the public Hoping they may favor him with a call and examine for themselves. Every article usually kept in a ‘-CLOTHING STORE” will be found at JOHN SMITH’S Columbus, April 20—w&twtf No. 125 West side Broad Street ROCK BUI IRIKS iSHCY. mi m m wmm w kiiji 102, BROAD STREET, 0 HAVE just received and offer for sale, a good variety of Staple and Fancy Station ery, Domestic and Foreign Writing Pape Foreign Writing Papers. De In Rue’s, Joynson’s,; > c i • i the celebrated Victoria Mills, and the best French manufac- I ■ . . lfs in packs, oi the best qualities. Waterman’ tured Packet, Letter, Cap, Bath and Note. i | nd Amencan Drawing Paper of all sizes. Wafers and American Papers.—Blue and White, Laid and Wove, j “Ladies’ Reticulesand'W n 2 , C f ol ,° rS a " d , fanc I '/ .v 0 Foolscap, Packet Post, Commercial Cost, Letter, Bath lios Port Mormaice LWtaV new styles, lo i^ Post, Bill and Commercial Note Papers—Manufactured by i Paper Silk Paner “ IWHsf r’V'V Owen & Hurlbuit, Plattner & Smith ; also, various kinds j other make SV ml ,Zav • \ *,**£’ Ri, ! oac! Jf’ f ol our own rnanulacture,including Flat Cap and Mediums Ink-- Banl-fi-’ i* Lk 5 ai n!on ,and Bristol Boards ihiJs Blue,Cream Laid, Wove,Damask, Mourning, Adhesive’ I Ink StamNlrd^nNH 10 °^ S^ Cnun ? e v° pyin ? V* r White ~and Bluff Government and Plain Envelopes of al i Pocket wSSLui ‘V S , lat^ Dt Pen Nibs 6V6ry tlescri P ,ion bolh Go!d and Steel, also mamdhetum V\ ostenholm s, Rodgers and Lmokc* Ink Stands of bronze and silver plated taps, colored and ma . d - e a,u l. ruleti t 0 ° r fe r 5 en hand plain glass. 1 uoiorea ana and constantly making, Printing and Wrapping papers oi all the various kinds. OirOm arrangements are such as to enable us to offer great inducements to buyers, and a libe ra! discount made to cash purchasers. Initials stamped on Paper or Envelopes. ‘ Apnl ’27, 18od—w&.wtl. G . B. CURTIS, Agent