The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, October 29, 1853, Image 4

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INSURANCE. Savannah Mutual Insurance Company. Company has returned in stork Putt pkr tent, o premiums in the last two years. The subscriber lies th Slock scrip Twenty-five percent, ior the last twdve months am a dividend •! * percent cash on the stock issued tor 1352. In sures • ■ this office will briaz their stock scrip of 1852 and receivt their dividends—they cau at the same time receive their acrij tor I M3. Marine and Fire risks taken at the usual rates, by Oelutnhtis. Juty *—wfctwr. J. MnsFS*. Acm*tP. CALIFORNIA IHSIiRANBE BY TUB KENT UC K Y MUTl T A L IN3L K A .NCECt im NY. Apply to JOHN MUNN, Agent, Columbus, Ga. ! , BOSWELL & BILLING, July 9—w&twly Medical Examiners. AGENCY OP THE MANHATTAN LIPS INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. ft. H. EPPINC, Asrent for OolurabtL,, Ga. j BOSWEI.AB. HU.I. /AT/. Medv:,il Examiner,. Psnipiiletacontaiiiii.E tables ot Halo# and other iu , ’o*' n *atioii may be obtained by application at the office ot the Akcnte. I * muN^v *23—*w&. w I v MARINE AND PIPE INSURANCE ! BANK OF SAVANNAH. AGENCY AT COLUMBUS, receive Deposits—au.J Checks for .-.ale <>u New York tt Mscoiiiuiii Bavanuah. April->4-twtf _ RICHARD PATTEN. HftMl INSuiAfitat 80MMMY, OJJice, No. 10 Wall Street. New York. CASH CAPITAL, $500,000.1 SIMEON L. LOOMIS, President. ! CIIAS. J. MARTIN, Secretary. E. S. GREENWOOD, : : : : : Agent ■■ ; MEDICAL NOTICES: I DRUGS, MEDICINES, i’AIATS, OILS, I PERFUMERIES, etc. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK, o It . 11. A. IV All E, q IS now receiving a much larger supply than ha yf i ever oeen 1 etore offered in this market. All wishing • to purchase pure ami unadulterated articles iu tide ! line, will do well to call and examine. PURE BRAND Y, OLD FORT AND MADEIRA IK INK, ior Medical purposes, to he had at R. A. WARE’S Drug Store, j PERFUMERIES AND COSMETICS.— Luton* and ! 1 Bazins assorted varieties, tor sale by R. A. WARE. ! LONDON PORTER AND SCOTCH ALE—Ve.x ! 1 best quality, tor sale by R. A. WARE, ‘j, SEjtARS AND CHOICE CHEWING TO - ! bACCO, can be had of R. A. WARE. j THREE HUNDRED SWEDISH LEECHES, just ! received and lor sale by A. WARE. BRUSHES AND BROOMS of every kind, for sale by R. A, WARE. i IV IN DOW 0 LASS, froi.s 8 by 10 to 20 by 24. for saG j hy . u „ 4 , R. A. WARE. Columbus, Ga., April 2. 1853-w&twly DR S. B. LAW, q M Allocated hiuHelfin Columbus, Ga.. intending to pur* mg#die the practice of his profession. KB His office is oi Jackson *tFx?et, opposite uid directly East I Ulofthe Church, the one formerly occupivd by Dr liolf, where ht? ni ny be found hi ti*l times. unless übsuiu pr&fcs* ? aionally Columbia, June 1, Uss3~twtf surgeryT ; DR -ST ANFORt) has returned to the city, and is now luliy prepared to enter into the piaetice of Surgery, i Cos umbus, Sept 17— twtf SURGICAL INFIRMARY. SRI WILEMAN & GANAHL HAVE opened, in Savannah, an Infirmary for the treatment os ! Surgical and Chronic Diseases. The building are spacious, with ample grounds attached, and i expense has not been spared to provide the latest and most an* 1 proved appliances of the SURGICAL ART, for the benefit of those who may resort to this Institution for i ’ relief. The terms for Hoar % Nursinjr, Sec.. are $i per ,iav-$lO being Ii required in advance. The lees tor operations to be ! ! agreed upon, be'oreilie operation is performed ; . xcept incase ! • ol indigence, when $1 per day w ill cover ai: exoi nsea. ! , Piaves provided :.>r, in a.-para'e btti:d>mr, or the nheve terms. ■ i N. !. Noimtol Surgical or i bronic di.-oate will be me veil ! ; ini*, tliis establish meet, unless it is ts'Ue ed, atier exau iiiidi- * i tnat the case is curable, or admits of relies ; but 65 will be iid va r, ab!\ charged for Examination and or.won, it the cate is 1 • rejected. tjC Tha unde r.-i gned wou’d receive into their privr to offices, ! i on liberal terms, aittunbi rof young men, who are des-rous l ! ! availing lot ruselves ot a thorough cou j-e of pre imiru rv in-trcc- ! , Uon, cliuical opportunities and anatomic.! h*ve..igaiii.iis “ i P. H. WILDMAN. M. D. Cor. South-Bioad and Abercorn sta. i CU AS. GANAHL, M. L>. I outh-Broad, 3 doors east ot Barnaid Et i , Fc-f.t. 10, ?Ss3—w&iwif SUWAR ?7 | SUCCESSORS TO H. s. SMITH & CO. fcVxVu THE undersigned having purchas'd the en- j re interest oi li. S. SMII II in the \Varef>-‘; r -JN Ii Douse hereto or,*cccupird by It. S. v .. ha.e associated themselves together under the name aid j style as abovi, lor the transact.on of a general WARE HOUSE. COMMISSION - AND— GR O CKR Y BUS jNESS. They have had the Ware House re-covered and thoroughly re- 1 paired. - * j h us 'ties9 will be conducted in the new building li-i A t ,‘ e - lo , r ® former y occupied by K. Harnard i Cos., and ; J > i liiear House, where will be kt pi a large supply of i Bagging, Rope, Salt, Iron, Sugar, Coffee, &c., j on *ts ‘ H bernlTt-ri to lur, " Bil their and patrons SiSMrsrr ‘“ j ia “ fb. utuai Messrs. sT'K\v IIT & GRAY having been com ected with the business of H. 8. Smith t Cos naJisssr’ “ ,i ' l •*■ ssss: N. B— We sell the cottot of our customers free OF COMMISSION. JNO. D. STEWART v P. .1. SEMMES, *\ W. A. BEDELL, W. C. (iRAY. Colnmbiw. Jnne2l—wtlian. N touiHißNi ummimmmi COWETA FALLS MANUFACTURING • I rt#u ?i Ud ‘ I<NrFACTV * , ’ s ’ are !,ow successful I r>ri v*! \i having added sev rat pieces < t New and lin Heavy :mo I.Vmt Wr Ult ‘> uow l ” j _ C^ ON GOODS, cotton yarns, xsso.iu.l. uusuruasecd 111 quality. a, lor ®dt Woolen j sans, Colored. | TW Yu C Y. < F < V <,r C ' Jeh or T °B. ! ■Wi U ’° OL 5 6r ’d ke up i iiu For tr<M unit pvr yar j. ______ ______ ___ CARTERS SPANISH MIXTURE. jsl&t M O (Shi i-G/ }h s NISZ-\- :><: ■; The Great Purifier of the Blood ! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. A N” infallible remedy tor Bcrotu!n, King’s Evil. Rheuniatisro X\ Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, JMtr.pies or Pustu es on the ! Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Pore Eyes. Ring Worm or letter. * Fcaki Head, Enlargement am! Pain ot the Bones and Joints. | Stubborn Uici re,Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, spinal Com : plaiute.and all diseases arising trom m injudicious use oi Met* j cury, Imprudence in Lite, or Impurity ol the Biood. Tills valuable medicine, which has become celebrated for the i number ot extraordinary cures effected through its agency , has * induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their trienils, to ! offer it to the public, which they do with ti-e utmost confidence ! in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following i ceititiesdes, selected Irom a large number, are, however, str; tiger ! testimony that! the mete word of tin proprietors; and are all from gentlemen v ell know nin their localities, and of the highest j respectability, many ot them nov. residing in the cib of Rich- I tnom , Virginia. F. Boycum, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel. Richmond, known . every where, says be has seen the rnedicinecalled ('arkiV Bpan. Dn Mixture administer! and in over a hundred cases, in nearly all Sho diseases for which it ia recommended, with the most aston ishmriv uf>oi reaulis. lie says it is tin. most extrao:dt.lary med- I icine lie has ever seen. Aar is and Fkver—Great Cure—l hereby certby, that foi ! three years I hud Ague and Fever ot tlie most violent description. ’ 1 had several ? hysiciuns, took lartzt quantities of Quinine, 51 er ! cury, and i believe ail the Tonics advertised, but all without any * peniiauent relict. At lest 1 tried Oerter’s t'panieh Mixture, two ; botties of which effectusliy cured me. and 1 am happy to say 1 j have lifid neither chills nor lever? since. I coiu-idi rit (he best i Tonic in the w orld, and the only medicine that ever readied my I case. Beaver Dam, near Richmond. Va. John Lonoden. * < .B. Ii ok. Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and tor many : year? in the Post Office: ht>s such confidence in the astonishing i efficacy of Carter’# r punish fixture, that ii< hm bousrh.t now ards j of 50 botties, which l e has given away to the afflicted. Mr. : Luck say s be ha? neier known it to tail when taken accord inj: | to directions. I Dr. JiiNOE, a practising physician, and formerly of the < i(y | Hotel in the city ot Richmond, says he has w i iu s?ed in a mnn ber of instances the effects ol Cartel’s Spanish Mixture which i were most truly sut prising, lie says in a case of consumption | dependent on the iher. the good efii c!s w< re tvonderlui indeed. Hamuel M. Drinker, of the firm ot Itritiker & Morris, Rich | tnoiid, was cured of l.iv< r complaint ot ti years standing, by the use of two bottles oi Caret’s Spanish fdi.xtim-. <rjjat ci rk o? Fcrofi ? a.—The editor-ot the Richmond Be* publican had a servant employed in their press room, cured ot violent Hcrofula, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two botties of Ce.rterV J'patHsh Mix ure made a pertect cure of him, and the editor.-, in L public no tice say they ‘-cheerfully recommend it to all who sre affiicted with any disease oi the blood.” Still anothkk curb op. Scrofula.—l. —l had ? v.-y v::b’-: >i boy cured ol Scroiula by Carter’s Fpnnbh aiixtuie. ! cor- -;'-r it a truly valuable inedicine. James Id, Tavlor, c-mdactor on ■ -■ R. F. & P. li. R. Cos., Richmond, Va. Balt /itscm or 20ysar3 stanpino Corkj>—Mr John ’hotnji son residing in the city of IDchinond. w*> cured by three bsitiies of Carter’s Spanish Mixture, of r*' Rheum, whi*h lie ha<l nearly 20 %ear. c , and w hich all the physician? of the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson it a well known merchant in thecity ol Richmond, and his cure is most remarkable. A. Mattiikws, of Pichmond. Va , had a servant < ured cl Sypnillis in the worst form, by t.’after’s Fpanith Mi lure, lie say - he clieeri'uily recomtneuds U, and considers it ay invaiuabie medicine. I**ich4R K. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula. an( j wbat physicians called conSrmed consuiuption, by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of Revenue, save he has sees the go* and effects of Carter’s Spcnhh Mixture in j* minibcr of Fv philitic ca.-es, and says itisa p.erfect cure for that hor.iblediseHee. VVm. Harwood, of Rici motid, Va., cured ol t.dd Sores and Ulcers which disabled him from walking. Took s few bottles of Car er’s Spanish Mixture, and w as enabled to walk without a crutcli, in n , hort lime pennsneiitly curt"). Principal Depots at M. Ward,Close & C0..H0.83 -UaUien l.aue New York. T. Vv’. Dyott Si. Sons, No. 132, North 2d street, Philadelphia. Bettnett &. Beers, No. 125 Maine street, Richmond, Va. And ior sale bv THOS. M. ‘TURNER & CO, JAS. iJ. CARTER, Savannah, Ga GESNER & PEABODY. DANFORTH & NAGEL. Columbus, Ga And by druggie and country merchants every where. Price ; six bottles for $5. M ay 25—vv& tvv 1 v THE HOAD TO HEALTH. ftlllilrA-’ A ■ ■ •■■■- • • • rs-m. i-•• ’ • V ’ -v, HOLLOWAY’S PILLS. CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER AND BAD DIGESTION. Cony of a letter from Mr R. W. Kirkua, Chemist,? Prescot street, Liverpool, dated Glh June. 1851. To Professor Holloway : s?ir—Your pijiaaiid Oiii ment have stood the highest on our list of Proprietary 5 rd.ciuer lor some j ears. A customer, to whom l can reter tor any enquiries, desires we to let you know the particulhi&ot her cate. -he had been troubkr) for years v. ill*, a disordered liver ana bad tbgteiloii. On the last occasion, however, cl the attack was so ala tiling, aid the ii Sammnt!< n set in so m verity, that doubts were ei tc.untied of her mh. being able to bear up under it ; fortunately she was in* duced to try your Piilr,at:d she intorms me that after the first, and each succeeding dose, had great relief. She continued to take them, and alt hough she used only three boxes she is now in the enjoyment of pern cl health. I could have rent you ninny more cases, but the alx ve. from the seventy of the attack, and the speedy cure, 1 think speaks much in favor of your astonish ing Pills. * Signed W. It. KtUlvUsS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER IN VAN DIEM AN’S LAND. Copy of letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, oi th I t March, 1851, by Major L Waleh. Margaret MeCoiniigan. nineteen years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violt-i t rl’.euu atic lever for up wards of two months, which had entirely deprived her of me use of her limbs : during this period she was unc’-er tie care o I the m< st eminent nudical inch in lioiart Tows, and by them her case was considered nopekss. A friend prevailed mon her to try HollowayV celebrated Pihs, whch she cornu nted lo do, and man incredible short space of time they effected a perfect cure. Cure of a j aln and tightness in the Chest and Stomach o’ a person 84 years of age. From Messrs. Thaw & Son, Proprietors of the Lynn Ad vertiser, who can vouch lor the following statement August 2d, *B5l. To Professor Holloway: Sir : 1 desire to bear testimony to the good effect of Holloway's Pills, hor someyeais i have suffered severely irom a pain and tightness in the stomach, which was also aee< mptinicb by a short ness of breatn, that prevented nu* Iroin walking about. lam 84 years of age. and nmviJbstand i.*r my advaiced stab oi hie, these Pills have so relieved me. ti. at lam desirous that others should be made at quaii ted with their virtues. I am now ren dered, by their niea s. compaiatively active, and can take exer cis.. wiilioui Inconvenience oi pain, which 1 could i.ot do before, (signed) lIENUY LO£, North-street Lynn, Norfolk. These ceiebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints : Ague, Asthma, Bilious complaints, bloicheson the Skin, Bow el complaints,’ dies, ( onstipution oi the Bowels. Consumption, Debility, Dropsy, Dysentery, Erysipelas, Female It regularities. Fevers oi all k nds, I its, bout, Headache,indigestion, mflamma tion, jaunaiee, liver complaints, lumbago, piles, rheumatism, retention oi urine, scrofula, or king’s evil, sore throats, stone and gravel, secondary symptoms, tic douloureux, ulcere, veneral af fections. worms <ii aii kinds, weakness from whatevercause, &c* Sold at the l stabiishmem of Proiessor Ilolloway, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar. London 1 and by ail resptc’able druggistsand ,dea ersin medicines throughout the British Impite.a’ dot those ot the United States, in boxes at 3?>jc. 87, and SI 50 each.— Wholesale by the principal drug nouse iu the Union, and by Messrs. A. B.'& D. Bands, New York. There 1? considerab e saving by taking the largersizes. X. R.—Directions for the guidance oi parents in eveiy disordet are affixed to each box. For sale in Columbus, bv GESNF.R & PEABODY. WM. \V. LINCOLN, May 17-tw 11&.w 1 teowy Savannah, Ga, Lumber! Lumber! ALL orders ‘or lumber left at Ihe store ofW.G. ANDREWS & CXJ. will be prmptly delivered. Th< se indebied foi lumber bought in the yeais 1851 and ’52. will please call auo 0. and, HOLLAND. teiuuibus, Oct 14-w&tw3w |i >\ ‘N if 1 ‘2* 1 * A I .ti’j'? i “ s'jlw- vkrf'vi {\ .. ,2—37 I Ms Ni / -'■ ‘ T %}%?M ! >% ‘. '” “%ts& ; ;■ ;|4 :v r ; V..:;; y *•'&) , ! Hi J ? f ™ £ ■■ fc^ i ...V ; <1 ?TUI> BTf A | i For tlic rapid Cure of carss. corns, boarsemiss, i BRONCHITIS. VBOOPMG-COKJO, 1 • CROUP. ASTHMA. AXD COXSIJMPTIO\. Os all the numerous medicines extant, (and some of them val ! uable't for the cure of pulmonary complaints, nothing has ever l been found which could compare in its effects with this prepara ! lion. Others cure somei’.tru e, but at ail times and in all diseases j oi the lungs and throat where medicine can give relief, this will ! do t. It is pleasant to take, mid pertectly safe in accordance j with the direction?. Vfe do not advertise for tDe information of those who have tried it but those who have not. Families that have known Ps va ue will not be with* ut it, at and by its time ly use, tlu-v are secure ‘nun the dangerous consequences of Coughs and Colds w bieb negieettd. ripen into fa'al consumption. The Dirdoma ol the *.la?aaciiusef ! s Institute was awarded to this preparation by the Board oi Judges in srj ten ber 1 r--*7 ; , also,'ho n edalsol the time great Institutes ot Art, ill this cou i- j try ; also the Diploma of the Ouio Institute at Cincinnati, has : been given io the < berry Pectoral, by their Covert ment in con sideration of its extraordinary exieilence and usefulness in cur- | iitg affections ol the lungs and throat. Read the following opinion founded ontt e long experience of j the eminent Physician ol tl;e port and city of Ft. Johns, May 8, 1851. Dr. J.C. Ay“r: Five year’s trial of your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, has Woven wind 1 foresaw trim its composition, tmis*. be true, that it eradicates and cures ti e colds and c> uguto w hich we, in this section, are pcculiaih iiabit . I think its equal has not ye j been difcoeered, nor do 1 know how a better remedy can be made lor the distem| era of the throat and lungs. J. J. Burton, Ai. D,, F. li. 8. Fee w hat it has done on a wasted constitution, Lot only in the following cases, but a thousand more: fvrst’SY, Jvn. 24th, 1851. Dr. Ayer: In the month of July last ! w'as attacked by a v'mieut diarrhcea i the of California. I itturnedto can Francis co in hope of receiving benefit fioui a charge of clirnale and diet. My diarrhcea ceased, but was lollowed bj a severe courli —*tnl inucii soreness. I filially started tor home, but received no bene fit trom the voyage. My cough continued to grow worse, a* and when I urriv* and in ? ew York, I was at marked by my ac quaintances cs a victim oi consumption. I must coiih s> that I saw no sufficient reason to doubt what my friends ah Del it ved. Atthistime I commenced taking your truly invaluabie medicine with little expectation of deriving any benefit Irom its use You would not n evive these lines did I not regard is my duty to state to the atflicted, tiironjrh you, that rn\ health, in the space ot eight months, is fudy restored. J attribute it to the use oi your Cher ry Pectoral. Yours truly, William W. Pmith. ‘VYashinoton, Pa., April 12,1848. Dear sir: Feeling that I have been spared from a premature taave. through your instrumentality by the providence of God, i willtake the iiberty to express to you tny gradtude. A cough and the alarming sympt ins os’ consumption had re duced me too low to leave me anything like hope, when my I'hyidmi: r.rought me a betileof yottr “Pectoral.” it seemed to afford immediate i t lief and now in a few weeks time has restor ed me to sound health, if it will do for others what i! hasdoue forme, von a e certainly one ot the benefactors of mankind. Sincerely wishing you every blessing, i aia, very respectfully yours. John J.Clarkk. Rector of Ft. Peter’s church. With such assurance and rora such men, no stronger proof enn be adduced unit?* it be from its effects upon trial. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical and Analytical Chemiat, Lowell, Mae*. Sold iu Columbus, Ga., by ROBERT GARTER, &ud DANFORTH & NAGEL and by Druggists generally. June 11—w&tw4m. Yhete P£l! tiro entirely uad fire it, most superior Medicine in the cure of all Bilious Complaints, Chills and Finer, Dyspepsia, Costive’ ness, Liver CoTnp’a/nt, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Fevers of ell kinds, Less of Appetite, Obstruct id and painful Menstruation, and ell linjserin# dis*n*e*. Asa FenuUe Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to cura the worst case* of PSScs, aflei 1 ail other remedies fail. They purify tolowfl, eqaathes ike cie culatinii) restore slsc Liver, ISitisneys, hji?! otSter Secrstoi’y Organs to a iießithy oir asifi action 5 and aa an Anti Bilious Family Mwdicui© tliey hovu uu equal. Pi ice ‘25 cents per box. A !ao, SI remedy for Coughs, Colds, Catarrh , Bronchitis , Croup, Whooping Cough, jlsthnui, Consumption, Nervous Dis eases, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Erysipelas, Disease of the Heart, Inflammation, and Pam in the Chest , Back and Side, and ail diseases arising front a deranged state of the Stomach, and to relieve the distress and bid feeling from eating tso hearty find, in tcrak and dyspeptic habits. WARRANTED TO BE FJREUf VEGETABLE. These Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and Aperient. One 25 cent box possesses three time3 more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups, Balsams, or SarsapariMas that was ever made, and a sim ple trial of only one box will prove this important truth. They promote Expecivratlon, Loosen the Phlegm, and Clear the Lmigs and other Secretory Organs of all morbid matter, and there i3 not another remedy in the whole Mated a Rlodica capable of imparting such healing properties lo the Lungs and Vital’ Organs as Pills. They Cure Costiveness, produce a good, regular Appetite, and Strengthen (he System. Pl ica *25 cents per box. containing 25 doses of Call on the Agents who roll the Pills, and get the Planter's Almanac gratis, giving full particulars and cer tificates of cures. Both kinds of the above named Pills ara for stue in Coiuuibue, Ga., by DANrORTH &, NAGLE. G ESN Eli & PEABODY. In Girard, Ala., by And on inquiry can be had in every town In Georgia and Alabama. HULL & SPi.NCER, April 23~vv&tweo2w 12Ann street, N.*Y Prof. Alex. C. Barry’s Tricopherous, CR MEDICATED COMPOUND, For Feautifyi ig, Curling, Preserving, Restoring and i'treigihemvg the Fair. Relieving Diseases of the Skin, Curing Rheumatic Pains, and Healing External Wounds. TYoumled by no geotnapl.ical iii es, the reputation of BnrryV j Trlciplurous j ervi.des the Union, ‘ll e rales of the arti cle ot lute years have inc eased hi a ratio that almost exceeds belief. Pro egsor Barry, utter a carelul examination of iis sales’ book, finds that the number of bottle* deiiveivd to order, in quantitieß of from a half giosß upward, curing theytaf 1852. was within a tulle-of fiso,< 00. U in unnecessary to prison! tv. length the evidence of she won derful properties oi tin* Triccpberous, when the public have fur nhhed uoti an i ndorst rru nt ss ibis. Ibe cheaj ness ot the article and tie exp snations given of its clumiea ; action upon the hair, the scalp, and in alt cases of superficial irritation, 2 gt rec< m mended it to the attention of the people. ‘J ids was ail tl at the inventor desired. Every bottle advertised iisell. The efiects oi the fluid exeteded expectation, it acted tike a chartn. The isdies would not be without It. Country dealearsin every sec tion of ihe United Mates louud they must have it; and thus was built up a wholesale trade oi an extent hitherto unheatd oi as regards articles of this kind. The highest point has not jet been reached, and it is believed the sales this vear will be a million and a half o! Dottle s. Depot and A/anulactcry, No. 137 Broadway, New Yoik. Re- ) tali price, 25 cents a large bottle. . Liberal d-scoant to purchasers by the quantity Sold by all he principal men hants aid druggists throughout the United -tales and Canada, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain, France, &c.and by R. CARTER, Columbus. Ga. August 9. 1853—w&twGm. .u: ‘ ss- ‘.-•-er'-ZJtifr'i'-':. i ‘-*rrt Flour, Meal, and Breadstuffs. THE subscriber, proprietor ofthe CITY MILLS, begs leave to inform the public that he has now on hand and will con j inue to keep a good stock ot prime H HF..IT .4.Y/) CCJBiS, i m t will be prepared at all times to furnish customers iu any i quantities with Flour Meal, &c., at tne shortest notice. New vheat iB now’ in. The City -Vill is eitnated above the city a short distance and s now in good running order- My prices at present are as follow s : Superfine Flour Sfi?3perbbl. Family Flour 675 • “ Extra do .....7 30 “ ‘* r ’ f n * Veal cts bushel OP The bighott cash prices paid for Corn and Wheat. frity Mill, lima e, ISM-1 w ts D, A. WYNN. GENTLEUE s FASHIONABLE CLOTHING OF THE Latest and most approved Styles, A lorge assortment of Boy’s and Y outh’s .lothing, Gents FurnisliiEg Gocus, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, ”V alises, L mbrellas, &c., can be found at Clothier and Merchant Tailor, (Next door to Hill 4* Dawson, 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.,) Avery large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS of the latest import*, tionsof French aid English styles, for sale by the yard ;or manufactured to order, and war ranted, under the direction of mm* n. mmwm^ who will be pleased to aecommodato old friends, and new, iu bis line. Columbus, Oct. 21, 1853. —w&twtt LA GRANGE MUSIC STOItE, wiwmimMM ibsh'ml* Just opened, in Thornton’s Hock Building, on the West side of th Court House Square, a large and WK WILL KKRP COXSTAXTLY OX HAXD, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF 3IUSIC—BUCII A Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Port Folios, &c. &c. WIMJBQS, witii and without TOLLIN’ ATTACHMENTS ii DOLCE CAMPANOS, Hews’ American Action, and the LEAF TUIU NER, patent of Knabe, Gachle & Cos., and from many other Factories. A AT,SO, “■'N FLAGEOLETS, CELLOS, BSUHS, BANJOS, ACCOBBEONS, PIXICTOS, Ufnsic Boxes, of various sizes, arid well selected Brass Instruments ior IJAIVDS , Italian, Roman E . :;Ai strings for MUSICAL INdTRU?*iFNTS ot ail kinds. All ot wnich wo pledge ourselves to Bell as cLoap as can be purchased elsewhere in the South. IJmierSn Teachers and Schools, supplied at the lowest rates, and all orders filled with ea-e ITALIAN , old Cremona Violins, Celia strings, Pistols,Coit’3 Revolvers, and all other kinds, Powder Flasks, j Percussion Cans, Port Monias, Ladies’ Cards .and Dressing Cases, Portable writing desks, Walking Canes, with gold and i silver heads, French Baskets and Boxes, latest styles. Large assortment of Stationesy. LIGNOSKI, KENER Sc CO. I*. 8. All Finn os sold by tis will be kept in order ior one year, without chars. Dura i Dinty guaranteed hy Factors and by us. All new music received as soon as published. | ‘ Nov. 11, 1852. _46__tf_ “brooks & CHAPffIM, i (SUCOESSOU3 TO GESNER & PEABODY,) WHOLE SA L E AN © Ii ET A1 L i DEALERS IN | Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, DYE STUFFS, SUUGIUAL and BEMTAL m ms rsr .ga tscj mm an zm; nar* 9 PERFUMERIES , SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES , Sfc. & c . *r>niiiiqi>n—i as hw uj'ir mi iirriwMS—i—a—s—sgac—■gJMMuaMuawniswtai blue store, sign of the negro and mortar. 77 West side Bread street, Cclambixs, Ga THE undersigned would resfcclfuily announce to their fiicnds of Colun bus, nr.d to the public genei.iil v, that mixing juie* nstd ine tuiiie iu Iciest, ol iVicssts. Gksnfh <A Fkakody in li;0 store well known as the BLUE DRUG S'i ORE, wiii continue the business under the mime ‘ and style as above. j This intimate connection with and close application to the business for several years, \H.idi | has given ihtrn niuch piaetical expeiience—united witii a dt teniiinalion to be close and vigilant j as well as j>r< mpt and active in their attention to its duties and t< qnitt tm i.g— will, they 1 rj e, be j a sufficient gnaianke to the J übjic of lit ir t flicit rev in the 1 tisiness, and that it w ill fe | mjeily | conducted. Detern.imd to deal in none but WARRANTABLE Aid ICLES, the v hue bv such means to me? it at and leceive a lil eial fl are of public pationage. I msicians tuifi JVicm iiunt dealeis dfdrg 1 nsincss in t! e cruntiy, m ill find it gieatlv to the ir in* teres! to cad at and ex; mine ti.eii an |!e st< ck 1 eloie f ui(!.asir g c isc white; adeilii ti to (T<: b j and well selected at tides, they osier inducements in pi ices, which ibey ate confident will pioie I perfectly satisfactoi y. | extensive arrangements for the p.toj er advancement of the i usiness. they have ne t 1 ecu | unmindful of what would i.e to the into test at and eonvenie nr e of the Cil v FI ysicians, hut, in view of tiuir aceon modation aid for ihtir especial 1 tin fit, have fittui uj) and neatly artangul a lorm with all necessary apparatus attached-to he devoted exclusively to Chemical and 1 iTat maceutical operations. In this t flbtt ot tbeiis to relieve tin rn eil the trouble and vexation to which thee have iiV( n . f ‘° ,01 ;” subjected, in pie} ating their own presciijitions, or in having them ptopetly attended to, they think they ought and believe they will sustain them. Loth or either oi them w ill be psesentat all times (except firm 10 o’clock A. M. until 2 o’clock i*. :vi. on Sundays) io attend carefully and promptly to this depaitment of the business—and in no instance will any but known extra Medicines be used in the* preparation of present fions. JNO. W. BROOKS. FOSTER S. CHAI MAN. Colt nd ns. S< pt. 34, 1853 tw &wCm LU M P KIN Fl’ R NIT l) R R WAEE RCCM AKD MAKUFACTCHY. TM K sub criber hits now ei, hand aim lor sale g his \\ are Room in Lumpkin. a large and v\ e I vH_ prices, and is constantly Manufacturing ai.d re * i * ceiVii g among others, ti e following articles oi the latest styles: Chairs, troias. Bureaus, Sales. Bedsteads, Sideboards,’ l>ining-Tablee, Wardrobes, Work-Tables, Wash stands, Rocking-chairs, Looking Glass and Picture r'ran es, nd in fact all articles belonging to hie Hue of business can be bad at the shortest notice and lowest terms. •Also, W indow Glass, French and American manufacture; Fire b ard Prints and Border, Window Shades, fitc., Ac. Class cut to any shape or size. Ail work warranted. Pianos and Meiodeons furnished to order. Ail orders thankfully received and piomptlv attended to. Feb. 15—7w1y W. H. CROSSMAN. LAMPS, PHOSGENE GAS, BURNING FLUID AND CAM PHENE. T IIL subscribers are manufact Tersofand dea’ersin the above articles, and offer for sale to the trade ore ot tire largest as sorfme: ts ot spirit lamps to be ‘out and in the In ted Stau&. Tiiey would call special attention to the patent Safety Phosgene Lamp, which furnishes the most brilliant portable light known, and is so constructed on the principle ot Daw’s tafety Mine Laron as to make an explosion trom accident imposs.ble. It is suoeri or to any artificial lisrht where the gas of cities cannot be obtain ed. y&terta s lor light ot beet quality alwav 6 lor sale ai the low est market price. t. ii .AS. VTAKR, Jr. & Cos. Columbus, Angus! 9 IPsS—wlim/ Ullon &lrefct eW oF,£ ‘ The Celebrated TR N V\ ITCn Corking Stove—4 sites—warranted. These 1 stoves have never been known to fail. For sale t v T’V 14 ~ l) - . THOMPSON fc CQ, 143 Broad st. Leviathan Air Tight Cooking Stove, FOR HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES. f ‘'P ol cooking for one hundred Demons, with eight boiler holes. Fo, sale by t>. B. THOMPSON &. CO ColmffihTfc, Mpt 14—3 m N* 243 Broad •wNat- ALEIVAIS FOR FALL ’J BADE. IF£3. NEW AND HEAVY WOOLENS. The Greatest Bargains Ever OLcicd IN NEW \OH K. WM. 11. KNOEPI Kli, Nos. G 9 and iOl William Sttcet, New Yotk, HAS now for rate an • xtei.eive stock of FAJ I, GOODS suit able tor t LOTH I ELS Ah A MERCHANT lAiLOl.fc— mostly of ms oivs importation. Short time i.d (. sh hi yttrs ire pcrtictdsrN hilud to ct.l andexamii.e my stock betoie purchasing <lsiwhc re. __ _ New York, .ianuan 22—4w1y MARBLE WORKS. Eabtside I?rcad St. near the Market House COLUMBUS, GA. HAVE constantly on hand all kinds of Grave Stones Monuments, Tombs and Taoleis, of American, Italian and Irish Marble. Engraving and carving done on stone in the best possible manner; and allkinde of Gran lte Work at the shortest notice. JOHN H. MADDEN. P • s.—Plaster ot Paris and Cement,always on hand tor ealo. Columbus, March 7, 1850. 10 ti IV lJ\ TblT S F aTTcTTITI is. HEAVY ARRIVALS OP NEW WHI AT! t?ROM GEORGIA. TENNBS-fJiB AND BALTIMORE ena bles us to furnish the whole ‘ adry, and Columbus besides, with fresh ground FLOUR from New Wheat, at su:h prices W to v! ! ow nil classes to buv. ( ORS MKAL at TO cents per bushel. SHORTS for teed at 60 cents p r hundred. Btf A.\ do- a ! 60 cents per hundred. t U.-TOM GRINDING and ne at tho shortest notice, be ter, quicker, and a be ter yield, than at fnv Mill in Georgia. CASH paid'or C-ItN and WHEAT, the highest mar Let price. L. LIVING&TON, Agent. invariably, fcept. V, lSrl