The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, November 02, 1853, Image 3

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c;ng on Constantinople. Austria and Prussia remain neutral. Great preparations are rnakiug in the French Navy Yards. The Japan expedition lias returned from Jeddo, having met with a friendly reception. Com. Perry had deliver* ed the President's letter and is to return in the spring for an answer. A battle between the Russians and the Circassians lias occurred, resulting in heavy loss on each side. The difficulties with the English operatives continue. The Preston Mills have closed. 25,000 persons are idle. Cotton in some cases has advanced 1-16 Rice is quiet. Commercial. COTTON STATEMENTS. 2 2 s:?3;i i 1 kII t 2 .stock I Sis if H on i =° hand p-l g-| 4-1 i g.&ij.s. §- ■ this 1a52. 229 3195 5500 8930 113 731 847 8033 Oct. 29, 1853. 43 311511094142522032 6690 8722 5530 ~ , . Savannah, Oct. 31. Cott^~ l f ero wa ? a <air demand to dav,the sales foot ing up --9 hales at prices ranging from 8* to 9£ cents. New Your, Oct. 30. T‘ lC s <des ot cotton in the New York market tor the past iiiree days amount to 7,200 bales, at an advance of from i to, ot a cent, fair Orleans is quoted at 12 cts.:Good Mid d n,g at 11 cts.; hair Upland at 111 cts.; and Good .Mid dling Upland at 10! cts. “ New Orleans, Oct. 30. On Saturday the cotton market was dull, and operator were awaiting the foreign steamer’s accounts. The sales ot the week amount to 10,000 bales. Low jtfiddiine is quoted at Si cts., and Strict .Middling at 9 to 9* cents! Decrease in the Receipts—The decrease in the receipts at all the Southern ports, as compared with last year amount to one hundred and eighty thousand bales. ’ CITY OFFICERS. tS? A1 .LX A N DER M. ROBIN SON announces hfon selt as a candidate for re-election to the office of Deputy Marshal m January next, Oct 29—tde Di'Yi f i2. r nm Uth ' JliK>d \°. announcetl,e name of JOSEPH j KLMBLK i as a candidate for Deputy Marshal in the ensuing election in January next. Oct llw&twtd ai * authorised to announce Mr. JOHN D AKSULIJ as a candidate for the office of City Marshal at the election in January n<-\t August 17, 1853. ‘ ~ ‘ tde. GEORGE GI LLEN is a candidate for Marshal t the ensuing January election, and will be supported by- Aug. 16, w&twte MANY VOTERS. SPECIAL NOTICES^ COUNTY OFFICERS. AA E are authorised to announce the name ot DAN IKL J. REES as a candidate tor the office of Receiver of Tax returns of Muscogee county, at the election in January next. Nov I—tde WE are requested to announce EZEKIEL WALTERS a candidate tor Tax Receiver of Muscogee county, at the ensuing election in January next Nov I—tde WE are authorised to announce FRANCIS M. BROOKS as a candidate for Sheriff of .Muscogee county, at the election in January next. Columbus, Oct 18,1853.—wtwtde Maj. E. J. HARDIN is a candidate for Clerk of the Su[*crior Court of Muscogee county. Election first Monday in January next. Oct 18—tt ZYigP W- E. LOVE announces himself as a candidate for Sheriff of Muscogee County, at the election in January next. Oct. 15—w&twtde. fygf 3 HOMER V. MULKEY will be a candidate lor Tax Collector of Stewart County, in January next. Lumpkin, Oct. 15—wit STEPHEN PARKER announces himself a candidate tor the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county, at the ensuing election in January next. Oct 14-te WE are authorised to adnounce THO MA g CHAFFIN a candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee county at the ensuing election in January next. Columbus, Ga., October 11—w&twtd* HENRY M. HARRIS, better known as Drummer Harris, announces himself as a candidate for Coroner ot Muscogee county at the ensuing election in January next. WE are authorized to announce EDWARD BIRD SONG a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk Superior Court of Muscogee county in January next. Columbus, Oct 11—w&twtd WE are authorised to announce ANDREW P. JONES, Esq. as a candidate for re-election for Clerk ot the Inferior Court ot Muscogee county, on the first Mon day in January next.wte ti? 5 W E are authorised to announce JAMES M. H U G H E S as a candidate for Sheriff of Muscogee coun ty. Election first Monday in January next. Columbus, Aug. 20, 1853. —w&twtd £ WE are authorised to announce DAVID J. BAR BER as a candidate for Clerk oi the Superior Court ot Muscogee County, at the election in January next. June 25, 1853—w&twte. THE CAMPBELL’S ARE COMING! at temperance hall. FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY ! WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOV. 2, 1853. —:o: MURPHY. WEST AND PEEL’S ORIGINAL CAMPBELL MINSTRELS. Aesi.tpd bv Mr. EDWARD KENDALL, the world re ’ nowned Bugle Player, and GEORGE KENDALL, the Celebrated Coronet Solo Performer. Among the members-of this inimitable Troupe will be found Luke West, Matt Peel and Joe Murphy. They will give a short series ot their inimitable enter- j tainments as above. Front seats reserved for the Ladies f r t Tickets 50 evnts. Doors open at ♦>. o clock. Concert to commence at 7i. H E. DICKINSON, .Manager. „ - ..... . 1 F. C CROSS, Agent. Columbus, Nov - —twit Tribute of Respect Armory City Liht Guard, ) October 28, 1553. $ It having pleased Divine Providence to call from our rank® our friend and beloved soldier, Nicholas V are, we cannot part with our amiable and soldierly friend without oxnressing our sincere griet and sympathy with the rela tives and”rumerous friends of the deceased. Therefore be it resolved, That in thej decease of private Nicholas Ware, the City Light Gum and have been unex pectedly deprived of one of Us each of its members ol an esteemed and Gloved inend. Resolved, That as a mark ot our esteem and sorrow for the deceased, that the members ot the corps wear the usual badge of mourning tor thirty days: and that a ,P ----these resolutions be furnished the city papers. bicn unanimously adopted. Lieut THORNTON, ) Serg LARUS, , Cominitt*e Priv. MUSGKOVL, 5 DIED; In Giennville, Alabama, Dr. Lucius B. Glekn. in the 24th year of his age. e Leaves have their time to fall And flowers wither at the North winds breath And stars to set. But all— Thou hast all seasons for thine own, Oh Deatii Alas he hath come in the early %nrina timA loveliest flower, ere shedding around, ana with his icy breath has withered ifie noble-’ blossom on the parent stem. -oon. t Hisearly death has cast a gloom, such as is rarely felt over a arge circle of friends and acquaintances, could the svmna thy and untiring devotion of dear friends during hisKt but painful illness have availed any thing, the already break mg hearts and mournmg souls would have been bidden to weep no more. Asa son and brother he was ever as a son and brother snould be-as a friend, he was one who received and merit- Hi fiS r f peot , au ? e f te , em of all who knew him . au ! t ?’ ° n .J. i)e haL leaned to virtue’s side, fie has left an aching void which can never be filled. Aged and sorrow stricken mother ! thou who hast S li f thv sou! laid ’neath the cold,cold sod, ceaEthy sorrow n°- and remember the loved ones soul ‘bevond the Sa?e - thonSf fi and geHt 6 SlSt6l> !; kmd and dev °ted brothers though thou mayst weep, remember that “as to a brother watAh a > be o“ \° thy t rolh <’ will his mingled spirit watch o er thv heaven-bound faith. s 1 momffor r |‘Jr WCII l,Ved b< ** OTIe ’ ° “Green be the turf above thee Friend of my early days : ’ None knew thee but to Jove thee, None named thee but to ’praise.”’ An old Friend. Randolph Sheriffs Sale. \V,t L ,. bc on ,h first Tuesday in December next before t ? .he ( ouri House door, m the town of f’nihh rt ’i* o \ ii 3* *• > one hundred ami fom three,in tbeiitli di. tr.ct o said county, levied on as the property of Arthur M nor t satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior ( tourt of Stew’rt county, m favor o f Benjamin P. Dikes L Arthur m,d Lot ot land number two hundred and thirty one in the fourth district of said county, leviaid on as the pronertv of Daniel If bKoS'ivflba n % ’ R Ue ,' J oU r of a J u * lice coart of said couu- SdsiStf2 meTy a’c B on a ible Da,nd SnggS ’ marie JnN n tfT S \ Matil u a a mulaUo irl ahout twenty two years of a and Jack a boy about twenty one years of age, levied on a he property of Lemmon Dunn to satisfy sundry fi Ns issued from thetsupenor court of said county in favor of William Wri-ht anH Hamilton W right, survivors, vs said Dunn and others, au. sun jILf. If SUeCI l °l,i t i of a j'lstfce court of said county in favor of James 3uggs :.ud Ldv. ard Preston. \s Lemmon Dunn. Lot of land number three hundred and three in the eighth di>- levied on a. the property of Bryant Alford to vrpntriv* \- fa ISSUed S Ut ol £l justice court of said county in fa- or Levi Mercer, vs Bryant Alford and IraAi.'ord. Levy made and returned to ine bv a constable ‘ ’ BILHARD DAVW, Den. Sheritt. Extensive sale of Town Lots in Bienville. FOItMEKLY I N ION SPKINOS. T'DRLE hundred lots in Bienville, formerly Union Lprmsfs, .Macon county, Ala., will bt offered - ’ for sale on 1 hursday, 22d day oi December next. Lithographed copies of the pran ot the T 1 own can be seen on the spot and generally throughout the country, until the day of sale. Bienville is situated on the Vv estern extremity of Ciiun nenuggee Kidge, immediately upon the Girard and Mobile Railroad, 52 miles ironi Columbus, Ga., and 175 from Mobile, and at the point of intersection of the contemplated Montgomery and Union Springs Railroad. The reputation oi Chunnenuggee Ridge for health, good watei and refined society, is too well e.-tahkshed to require comment. Sirrounaed on tue Noiili and i - t by a rich prairie country, and on the South and Ea-t by productive soft lands, all in a high state of cultivation, and constituting a body of the choicest farming lauds in the South. Bienville will be one oi the ino.-t important depots on the Girard railroad, and a place ol no small commercial importance— presenting uncommon inducements for profitable invest ments. J. M. FOSTER & CO. Bienville, Ala., Nov 2—wtds Notice to Builders I have a fine lot of Shelving, Counters and Draw ers, which 1 will dispose of at a bargain. B. B. DeGRAFFENRIED. Columbus, Nov 2-tw3t CITY BAKERY FOR SALE. I WILL sell tbe Goods and Chattels belonging to the City “lakery. One good horse and new wagon, and all the furni ture belonging to the house, cfceapfor cash. Applv immediately to Nov 3—tw3* CASPER LEWIS. Giennville Female Collegiate Institute. BARBOUR COUNTY, ALABAMA. REV. D. S. TANARUS, DOUGLASS, A. M., President. Aided hy competent Assistants. The Trustees would announce to the citizens of Glenvilie and its vicinity, and io the public generally, that ihey have secured the services of Rev. D. S. T. Douglass, late President of Auburn Masonic Female College, under whose supervision and direct ion the Institute will be re-oiganized ou the first Wednesday (the 4th) of January, 1854. Every preparation will be made, necessary to furnish facili ties of h high order, for the education of young ladies. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical in ; every department that our Institution may be free iroru the common imputation—“ Young ladies are accomplished, not ed ucated.” Spelling, reading, geography, arithmetic, history, penmanship with the analysis and construction of the F.ugiish language will receive especial attention, as the pre-requisites of a thorough and finished education. Funds have been raised, and other necessary arrangements made io commence immedi ately after the Ist*of November the erection of beautiful and commodious College buildings with a Chapel hail eighty by six- . ty feet, exclusive of collonade. The principal edifice will be two j stories high, and constructed throughout with special refer ence to the convenience, comfort and health of the pupils. The ; exercises will be conducted in the present Institute buildings ■■ until the completion of the new College. There will be no Steward's hail connected with the Institute, but a citizen of the village has proposed to open a pleasant boardinghouse, solely for the encouragement of the enterprise. ; Students from abroad may be assured of finding an agreeable j home with us in our quiet, healthy village. The social and religious advantages of Giennville, with its churches and seminaries, its accessibility, with daily stages from Columbus to Eufauia, where the line is intersected by a ■ cross line from Chunnenuggee, Ala., to Oglethorpe, Ga.. offer j great inducements to those persons seeking favorable locations j for the education of their sons and daughters. The means have been pledged lor the erection of a Male Collegiate Institute, so soon as the Female College -had have been completed. V\ e j confidently solicit ru investigation ot our educational auvanta ees before* choice shall have been made elsewhere. The -Music Department will be under the direction oi Mrs. Douglass, who brings with her an enviable reputation as a vocal and instrumental performer, ls well as a successful and a ecu rate instructor. The scholastic year will consist of two consecu tive sessions, of twenty weeks each. Kates ot Tuition per Session. Preparatory Department. First Division, 5 * Collegiate Department. Fresh Class, Sophomore Class, i uns . or ;; ;;; Cm oo Kxtka Sti'diks. Music (.on Piano,) nn “ (on Guitar,) -o i < No charge for use of Instrument, Ancient and Modern Languages, (.each) 00 Drawing and Painting, *; ™ Embroidery 7 A Wax work (per lesson,) All the students will be instructed in Vocal Music wtthoi r chargß. Bills due half in advance. For further particulars, see circulars, wlucn may be obtained by applying to the Secretary olthe Board, or .he I resident o. o e Institute. . ~ Board of i rustees. F E Dißose. President. j A. C, Mitchell. A*. M. Banforp, R- Mitchell, nv fpEE'iiN. J. M. Raikord. \\ K. LRKI.IA.. M M Glk.vx, Bec'y and Treasurer. . Glenvilie. Nev. 2. W. G-. ANDREWS & CO., DEALERS IN STA P L E D R Y GOODS, groceries, WISES, LIQUORS. i-C, 4C. (Four Doors below Hill <N Dawsons old Corner) BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, G Y. Columbus, Oct 15, 1853—tw&wtf SHOES. 000 S^ Ex,r “ 0 "ol^ m te.l)ctlS.lßsS-w.'f _ NOTICE. D. r iur| ( I i* mv d'-dv authorised agent to transact any A. GAKKLi ii- - jj erea fierbe found in his hands. • business of Dereß w j. B HICKB.^ Columbus, July l P- A. CLAYTON, GROCER AND COMMISSION No. 82, Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. “)^ rm his friends and the public general- Ii” so ahat he has just received from New York, New Or ! Rrpc and st . ona well assorted stock of choice CROCE j KIES, consisting of Java, uio and Cape Coffee. Brown, Loaf Crushed and Pulverized Sugars, bupenor Green and Black Teas. Rioe P &c‘ ae GenneiSee and ilcck - v Self-ridng Flour, New York pickled and dried Beef. v “ “ 5-moked Tongues and Pi i‘ nk northern Butter and Cheese. Butter, Soda, \Vater and Sugar Crackers and Pilot Bread Sugar cured and New York Hams. if 1 . Potatoes, Red and White Onions. lMi.fcamions,Lobsters,Shad, Clatn- and Ovsters,her metically scaled. ’ Sardines in whole, half and quarter boxes. p? a P.>starch, Caudles, Mustard, Chocolate, &c. CatSUp3 ’ Sauees J© l1 )’* Brandy Fruits, Can- Pepper, •''pice. Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves. Citron, &e. Oranges,Apples, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Filberts. & c Ch™paipSw£, MedCra - Sherr >’ I>on ’ Clar ” <* gehila Whi'STey ° in ’ S ‘ Cro “ Rom > *”< Cl ' 3 " ,|,aig ' W ’ Ci<ier ’ Soi “’ a W* r "” P.™ e fj U A’. Lem ° n S - vru P’ Retracts of Lemon, Venilla, Ko.-e ana Almon. Superior Tabaceo, Segars. Snufl*, &<• Powder, Shot, Lead, &c. Brooms, Brushes, Ba,skcts. Susrar Box.-s. Sifters Mea sures, &c. Tumblers, De -anters, &e.. I °sether with varioi articles, all of which he offers at a ‘tn.-iii advance oil cost and charges. ‘Vo arrive, a well assoited let of cheap Crockery. Also, I rit—!i Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes. J have made arrangements to be supplied by every steam- ; , r > rom New York so thatmv goods shall always be fresh I and good. p. a. CLAYTON. I November I—wtwtf 02?” Comer Stone copy, j ? 0 TH | LkD 11 f \ MRS. DESsAU WOULD res[wctfuliy inform the Ladies of Columbia * and vicinity, that she has .just returned from the North, and is now opening at her residence, (No, 110 llmm! Street.) a most splendid and fashionable stock ..j FALL AND WINTEHMILLIXERY. An assortment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOO D S Jo it ladies’ weak —.such as SILKS, TALMAS, MANTILLAS. CLOAKS. RIBBONS, EMBKOIDEKIES, and all kinds t*i Goods generally kept in a Millinery store. In tue DRESS M. 4 KING line, she is in the possession o! the latest European styles and patterns; and her stock ol j rimmings ior Drosses cannot be surpassed for beauty and quality, as special attention was given to this branch of her stock. A cad from her friends and customers is respectfully solicited. Columbus, Oct 12—vv&twtf NEW GOODS. The subscriber has in Store a large stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS which are offered for sale at prices CHSAP AS THE CHEAPEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. ZW° Purchasers for Cash will find it to their advantage to examine niv stock and prices, before purchasing. Columbus, April 2-tw C. MYGATT. Genin’s Hats. \ I lAv cases Gkmn’s a no. oaz Hats—Hprin stylus. i. Just received and for sate by March 30 —tw ’ J. n. MERRY. Shirts! Shirts!! A LA KG I! invoice of SHIRTS, COLLARS. DRAWERS HOSIER y. &c. Just received and for sale bv March39—tw J. H. MERRY. LOST. THIS morning, between the Howard Factory j'fo'Y and Messrs. Schley & Johnson’s store, a small ssfLEPIN E WATCH, with a heavy Gold FOB CHAIN attached. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at Messrs. Marcus & White’s. Columbus, Oct 15-twtt Comforters! Comforters! IMIE Eagle Manufacturing Company have on hand a _ large number of Comforters, well made, and of GOOD MATERIAL, which they will sell at a moderate price.— The attention of planters and ethers is called to them. Columbus, Oct 29—wtw2m ‘ * HOME AGAIN.” G. TANARUS, GUiHM&Ni* D. D, t, DENTIST. 69 Broad Street) over B’oster Purple’s Jew elry Store, Columbus, Ga. FRIENDS and patrons will please notice that I have return ; -U-Qj"frTr cd from New \ ork, fully pro- rTr vided tor busine--. Having critically examined the best specimens of Dentistry in the Crystal Palace, and city, al so the choicest eases exhibited at the World's Fair, London, and added to a practical experience of twelve years, a reg ular interchange of views with the leading Dentists of Am erica and Europe, I can with confidence promise success in professional undertakings. Single, or double sets of natural-looking teeth construc ted with the utmost consistent dispatch, and ail lisk ol their e fficiency assumed. Examination of specimens, references, and commendato ry letters trom patients, Ac., is invited. Sept24—tw&wtf REMOVAL DRS. URQUHART vt STAN FORD have removed their office to the building formerly occupied by the Bunk of St. Marys, on Broad street. Columbus, Oct 14-wtwtf REMOVAL. THE agency ot the ROCK ISLAND FACTORY is removed to the store formerly occupied bv Messrs. D.P. Ellis & Cos., three doors North of the Telegraph office. “Cotton and Linen rags always wanted ; tour cents a pound will be paid for oooi* clean onus, when brought in quantities of one hundred pounds or more. Fair prices will also be given tor Waste of all kinds (from Factories) Bagging Rope, &c An extensive assortment of r oolscap, Letter W r:q>- Blank Book. Printing and Envelope papers, for sale Low Yi-o. Blank Books and Stationery, an ample stock. Columbus, Oct 15—if P. F. WILLCOX, Agent. JAMES 110 USSEAU -j r- grps a fine assortment of Groceries on band, for sale on lV reasonable terms, consisting or 100 Bhls. Floury 75 Sacks Rio Coflee: 100 Boxes Tobacco —Assorted Qualities: 25,000 Cigars—Assorted Brands ; 10 Bbls. New England Rum ; 10 Bbls. Common Gin; 25 Jars Snuff; 75 Casks Bacon, 40 Hgds. N. O. Sugar. ;00 Barrels Whiskey. 250 Coils Kentucky Rope. 50 Bales India Bagging. 1500 Sacks Salt. Yiso fine Brandies and V< Sues ot different qualities Also. many other articles to*, mention. Those ishin* t•, purchase, will pien- si ve him a call. - SVc-t side Broad .-tro-t, 0 doors at>'c Rankin’s ’ colqinbu?, Ja"• i 1 • ISS ■ IwU Caution. . LL persons arelorewarne.: not to trade tor a bond made by V Reuben C. shorter t-. the subscriber, for title- !e number ‘O’ in the “lb district of originally Lee. now Kai dolpTi county ; A -be -am 3 lias been lost or destroy etl, so that ! ft rot lay my t-1 j- on if. The bond was dated about the first •>r December, ‘fi A v .,j Vh-re remains to be paid on the bond some three huu I dred and twenty-seven or thirty dollars, on the parrot nt ofwhk h | turn titles vere to be made. ~p M . Q . ... [ Bept 13 -w3m JU-LFii JOLLY . Instruction in Music. HA\ ING removed permanently with my family to the . city of Columbus, I offer my professional services to the inhabitants of Columbus and its vicinity. Having taught ML SIC in some of the largest cities in the United States tor the last seventeen years, I feel confident that I can give entire satisfaction to all who mav favor me with their kind patronage. I arn kindly permitted to refer to the following gentle men : Dr. Henry Lockhart. Charles Roggers, Wm. 11. \ oung, H. H. Epping, John I . Hudson, and others. All orders left for me at the Book and Music Stores, or at my residence, on Church street, will meet with psompt attention. T. H. VANDEN BERG, Professor o f Vocal and Instrumental Music, Columbus, Oct 21 —twtt’ Enquirer copp. FOR THE LADIES! JUST received by Express a large lot of POINTED VELVET RIBBON Sj, ! of every width, which we are selling at one third less than he regular price. ALSO Our second large invoice of fine to which vour attention is respectfully solicited. J. M. RAUM, Columbus, Oct 21—twfit G 4 Broad st. BLAC K SILKS. Y,\7E have n w in STORE a splendid assortment of V? PLAIN BLACK SILKS: among which are the celebrated Bischaffs and Gros do Zurie brands. Also, Plain Black Satin du Chine and Satin La Reine, for Mocrnixu. Fig’d., Watered & Rich Brocade SILKS. <’ ; 19— tw BROKAW, CLEMONS & CO. C A SUM ]■: RES AN D D’L AIX ES. Y\ rE offer for the inspection of our customers, a veiy V ? large assortment of French (all wool) Printed Mous seline de Laines and Cashmeres, of beautiful colorings and designs, bought at greatly less than their intrinsic or market value, which we will sell for ];■.-? than the cost of importa tion. BROKA\Y. CLEMONS & CO. Columbus, Oct 28-tw , PRINTS. FUST received, a irosii supply of Ft euch, English and ? t American Prints. Oct 28—tw BR( K A \Y. CLEMONS & CO. IQQTS km SKdIS.. a 1 have on hand and shall continue to receive gL< - rA Ia good selection of the different descriptions and styles off dH Gentlemen’s, Boys and Yonths’ ALSO Ladies’, MissesCaml, Children’s GAITER S AN D LACE 1100 TS, 7 i with thefvarious sty'es of S ts O i: S A X 1) S L I 1* 1‘ E R fs . J'gF’ Cali and see. IV. \V. ROBISON. Columbus, Oct B—tw9t8 —tw9t fPjt* Enquirer and Corner Stone copy three times each. DISSOLUTION. rpiiE mercantile firm of J. t•'■nuis& Cos., has been dissolved. I by the withdrawal of A. Lyman, on account of ill health. The dissolution of partnership to take hffect from, and after the Ist of October. 1853. 4. ENNIS, V. R.TOMM Y, A. LYMAN. Oct. I, W&lW4w r pilE undersigned will continue business at their old stand on A Broad >tr et, under the name and Style of J. Ennis & Cos., and invite the attention of their customers, and the public gen erally, to their large and well assorted stock of hardware, &c. which are offered upon accommodating terms. JAMES ENNIS, V. R. TOMM • Si Columbus, Oet. 1 wiaw4vv__ _ ( Enquirer please copy.’ GA S FITTI NG ‘. PRICE REDUCED. FpHE subscribers will fitup buildings with PIPE lor the I use of GAS at ‘lO and 25 cents per f<*ot- Fixiures sold verv low. Cash when the Gas r- let on. YVtIITTELSEY & CO. Columbus, Oet 20—twtf •310 Reward. LOST about the Ist June, one Gold Lever Watch, made bv John Harrison, Liverpool, No. 3,325. The finder will be paid the above reward by leaving it at the store of George Hungerford. Columbus, Oet. 21-tw3t WANTED TO HIRE. npHE undersigned wishes to hire, an active, honest BOY 1 from the first of January next, for a house servant at a private boarding house. A good character required. 1 Apply to ‘ F. K. SHAAFF, Columbus, Oct. 28—tt _ At D. Mullord s. FACTORY HANDS WANTED. The Eagle Manufacturing Company, WANT to hire fifty hands. Many families now living in she country would find it greatly to their advantage to en- with them. High wages are paid and constant em ployment guaranteed. Houses are furnished the hands iVf,” from rent. None but industrious and moral persons will 1 e employed. J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Columbus, 2S-t\v&\v2m NEGRO BLANKETS, 4 HEAVY lot of BLANKETS,just received, and for A sale by W. G. ANDREWS 5c CO. Columbus, Oct 15,1853 —w&twit j D. E. THOMPSON Sc CO., (AT THE SIGN OF THE HEART,) Ileloiv Hill, Dawson & Cos. r-piN Conner Sheet Iron, Steam Boat work, ail manner 1 of Gutters, Piping, Conductors an( j Roohng done to ; order, substantially and warranted. Nov. 2 ts 800 NS AND STATIONERY^ JORDAN L. HOWELL.” Bookseller and Stationer, H>UI,D respectfully >ut.rm his friends, and the public gen- V > orally, that he has purchased the extensive stock of Books, Stationery, & o. A. C. FI.KWt.LLEN 6t CO., and will endeavor to keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment ut SCHOOL. CLASSICAL. LAW. MEDICAL AND i MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. I solicit a c mtinuunce of the patronage heretofore extended to ] my predecessors, rnd that of as many new customers as will favor me with a call. 1 will aso every exertion to please, both in prices and articles purchased. OOf- CALL AND SEE. Twn doors below Mysatt's Corner, sign of the.lilue’and White Fla'.'. No. 72 Broad street, Columbus. Gn. Bookbindery up stairs. Aug. 3—ts EDO kITj 0 Q K ST JUST RECEIVED BV JOBBM t. HOWELL. Ci .-n. ■; Li.imii.ated ; niily or pulpjt /igi* ‘ A Fi • . cort:.” ■ g iG'.Ki engravino.a. ’ ■ ■ sells; Ir fe-g ‘ v; > .-c • 1 in ihe ui the Saviour by the Poets ■ 1 . : ; -r~ ::• y.. ■ works; Coopers Novels, 33 vol 1 • tst*. • .y m: A T Hs Edgworths Tales, do do ; 10 Vol’ -. A. ■ ■ ‘ - > -ung ‘ hrietiar. Series : Sher woods works cotnple: • : 1 -a- tea! Library complete; Vi ! nets Pastoral Pheo’ogy : < Travels in the East: Dan | iel Websters work complete. The Marrying Man; by the author of Lewis Arundel. Home Influence . Days of Bruce ; Mother’s Recompense; ! Vale of Cedars ; Women of Israel, j Home Scene* and Heart Studies; by Grace Aguilar. ALSO, ! 4 Few more o! Dr S. S. Fitch’* celebrated ABP<~MI j A NAL SUPPORTERS. 1 Columbus, May 21—tw ly EDUCATION. MALE SCHOOL. -Of?* Mr. John Is ham's School will recommence the first Monday in October, 1853, and will close June 30th, 1854. Tuition per Scholastic Columbus, Sept. 21—w&twtf. PINE GROVE ACADEMY. t The exercises of this Academy will be resumed on Monday, October, 3d, and will close June 30th, 185-1. Tuition per Scholastic year, S4O. “TJr WILLIAM F. PLANE. Columbus, Sept. 21— w&twtf. MUSICAL. PIANO-FORTES AND MUSICT WM. E. CARTER, HAVING purchased the interest *>f D. F. tVlUeox, he* re moved to NO. 72, BROAD STREET, at J. L. Howell’s Book Store.) where he will keep constant!} on hand : general useoritnent • MUSIC \N *) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, of every variety and price. Patrons and iri.nds are invited to call and examine hie stock. < tribes soheited. and a liberal discount made to Teachers end Schools. Piano® to let, tuned, and repaired. • icioher 1. twtf NEW MUSIC STORE. \A fete doors belotc Hall Moses,) BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, OA. HTMIK undersigned have associated themselves together, .1. under the name and style of TRjU A X & P| A S|, for ttie sale of Musical Merchandise, and take this method to inform their friends and the public generally, that they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of goods in the above line, among which may be found— PIANO FORTES, rffar— of various styles, from the best I J x J a makers. J * Sr J 3 MELODF.ONh, from the celebrated Manufactory of Prescott Brothers; Guitar-. Violins, Accordeons, Fluti nas, Flutes, Files, Banjos and Also, Instruction Books of all kinds; together with a fine stock of SHEET MUSIC, of every variety. All of the above goods we osier for sale on terms that cannot fail to please. Purchasers are cordia ly invited to call and examine our stock. Orders solicited, and executed with care and dis patch. J. L TRUAX, Columbus, Sept. 20—w&twly J. W. PEASE. Pianos for Rent. r THE subscribers have just received severs very good second hand Pianos from New j ° x J J York, which they will sell or rent at reason able prices. TRUAX 6c PEASE. Columbus, Sept. 16—twtf New Sheet Music A GOOD assortment, just received at the Music Store ot XL Columbus, Sept. 16—tw Till’ AX &, PEASE. Blew Sheet Music. r rMiE subscribers have this day received a large assortment <*l JL Sheet Music; among which are many new and populat pieces never before offered in this market. The ladies in parti* cularare invited to cal! and examine our stock. TRUAX & PEASE, Columbus, March 2 —tw lOfi Broad street. FiABJOS TUNED A BID REPAIRED. —• THE undersigned have engaged the servicesol ps**q~3 ; fejH Mr. F. O. BAM M, Tuner and Piano Maker, lately rii~£rtni iroßl Grants’ Celebrated Establishment iti Paris. J J £. \J J Mr. R. is probably the best in his profession in the Southern Country. We are prepared to attend to all orders in the above line, aiid will be responsible tor all work done by our workmen. < inters addressed to AYhittklsky & Cos., or Tkvax & Flask, will meet with prompt attention, WHITTELSKY &. Cos. Columbus, April 22, 1853. TRUAX & PEASE, twtf—Jel4 wtf HOTELS. BROAD STREET HOUSE. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. r *’ U ;• I r 7'*!lE undersigned has taken charge of this establishment. The I house has been thoroughly renovated aid furnished anew. The traveling public w ill find Ids rooms airy, neat and clean, and his table bountifully supplied with every delicacy the market affords. Orcnibusses will always be in readiness to carry passengers to and from the Hotel to the Depot and Steam Boats. L. T. \VOODRL r FF, Proprietor. Columbus, Oct. 11- w&twtf LUMPKIN HOTEL. LUMPKIN, STEWART fW| COUNTY, GEORGIA. Uy JOHN M. SCOTT. THE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally, that Ins house isnow opened ser the accommo elation of the traveling public and the citizens of the county. This Hotel is commodious and well arranged for comfort, and the proprietor hopes, by good attention, good fare and moderate charges, to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage : and as! think the best puffs tor a Hotel are made at the place, would say to all, try me, and judge for youiselvi s. Lumpkin, Stewart co.. Ga., aug. 2, —wit GLOBE HOTEL. til ENA VIST*. MAiUON CO., GA . . THEsubscriber r-pectfully announces tofis friends ar.d the public ax nerally, that he has taken charge fi-oS! of this well known JtJLI K a T .V F. LISII M ENT. Tbehouseis commodious and well finished; and no pains will be spared to render thosecomfortable, who mayfavor him with their patronage. Dec3—tf E. TITCOMB.I 1853! 1853!: 1853!!! COOPER’S - 'tV EL L. TilE undersigned has taken the entire manage ‘sir ment and control ot COOPER’S WE LL , and is now prepared to accommodate the public. Anew dining room has been erected, the Sleeping Rooms plastered and fitted with furniture and bedding, and a complete renovation effected. Ample accommodations will be provided or 1 IV E H l N I* RED GUESTS; and no more will be received than can be comfortably accom modated. . „ „ FOR INV A LID S there can be no more advantageous retieat. The water is highly recommended bv the medical facility, and the wonderful cures effected by its use almost surpass belief. Ample details of several astonishing cures may be obtained on application at the Well. The terms will be inoueiate, and no exertion will be spared to make guests comfortable. The Vicksburg and Jackson and Raymond Railroad willcon vey passengers to Raymond, thence three miles to the Well, in \V". H. Smith's line of NEW FOUR HORSE STAGES. The time of trip is less than three hours from Vicksburg.— Through tickets from Vicksburg to Cooper's Well, can be obtain ed at the Railroad depot, Vicksburg: price *2 20. May 10—wtf “ JOHN THATCHER. EIRE PROOF WARE ROUSE-. J. C. RUSE, 11. PATTEN, W. C. HODGES. WE continue the AY ARE HOUSE FTMYYy > AND COMMISSI O > business y*** 1 -I at our well known FIKE-PROOE build mg, and iurain tender our ser\ice tu our planting mends ior the storage or sale of cotton, or anybusiness entrusted to us. We have no connection with any Grocery House, but v> lhl be pleased to receive the orde sos our friends or HAliblSU, ROPE, or any other articles, which we will purchase at the lowest cash prices. . . _ Liberal advances made on shipments to our Inends in Savan nah, New York or Liverpool. RUgE pATTEN & CQ Columbus, Ga„ Aug. 24, 1853.—w&tw6m j FOUND (v y the 2?th mst., tn the puuhc road near the rerdence o! * Owin Thomas, Esq-, a pocket book containing twenty-one dollars and sixty-five cents, which the owner can get b> applying to the undersigned and paying for this advertisement, A, C. FLEWELLEN, Columbus Ga. November I—wtf.