The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, November 05, 1853, Image 3

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Death of the Sleeping man. —Cornelius \ roo m in died at his brother’B residence in Clarkson, on Monday, the 17th instant. While on 1 iii>.i in New York lie was taken sick, which, seemed to induce a wakeful state for a suo t period, and them a stupid condition, with inter vals of wakefulness, until he was brought home j on the 14th. Ho talked very little, inquirin'* after his mother, who had been dead two years, his father and brothers, whom he seemed par tially to recognise. He complained of great internal heat and soreness of his throat and stomach. On the morning of the day of his death he called for food, and ate a hearty meal, and from that time seemed to be in paii until about 2 o'clock p. m. f when he died with out a struggle. , ’ •* age was some thirty-fom years.— Rochester Democrat . Street Meetings Stopped in Washington. — On Sunday, Capt. Birch, of the Auxiliary Guard, attended at the points at which temper ance meetings were proposed to be held, and notified those about to make addresses, tiiat the law made it his duty to arrest them if they at tempted to address crowds in public thorough fares ol the city. Thus he prevented Mr. Geo .'*,ivage and his triends from haranguing a crovvt in the square between 7th and Bth streets, or Pennsylvania avenue; and also prevented lh* intended proceedings of the meeting advertise* to he held tn front of the Patent Office building The parties proposing to hold these meetings, at once acquiesced in this action of the officei of the law. by dispersing.— Star. Omar Pasha. — The Combind Fleets. —The London Times of the 14th ult., intimates tha notwithstanding the threats of the Turkish com mander-in-chief, against the Russian army in th Danuhiau Principalities, amounting to a condi Ron al declaration of war, so far as that warrior is com erned, his instructions forbid him from crossing the Danube. ‘The Times adds: Those of our coieroporaries who exultingh announced more than a fortnight ago tiiat the combined fleets had entered the Dardanelles, and that war had positively must >t course he distressed at ascertaining that hostilities even now are likely to he avoided, and that the‘combined fleets,* which the excep- j tion of the steamers detached at the Divan’s 1 request, w ere still, on the 7th of this month at ! anchor in Besika Bay. Richefieii. — Who that has ever seen this fine play, and has got anything of a memory, but recollects the beautiful sentiment which the ‘ author makes Richelieu utter when addressing i the young man whom he had selected as the j hearer of an important message: Richelieu. —‘Young man, he blithe! for note j me, from the hour you grasp that packet, think i your guardian star rains fortune on you!’ Francois. —‘lf 1 fail!’ Richelieu. —‘Fail! fail! In the might lexicon j of youth, which fate reserves for a glorious ; manhood there is no such word as — fail! Coimntmfll. | COTTON STATEMENTS. “is I‘I?: fiT f i¥l if „T ! t* 111'! r |fif? iil;^ o_o t ! -a. ■ s 1113 • ; ‘• }< /• day. * 1852. * 229 3476 8701T25C6 lS6j| Sl7, 271* 10094 Nov. 5, . ‘ “ ~ “ 1853. ! 43 3302 14209 17554; 1554| 872210276! /lb, Columbus, Nov. 5. The Cotton market for the week has been quiet but j firm, and all of 3,000 bale- changed hands at prices ran- j Tug from 7to 10 cent-, the lower qualities here a-in j other markets are the least sought after. We quote : Inferior, : Ordinary, 7 a 7s, Low Middling, .£ j a 7| ; Middlings 8 a S* : Strict Middlings 84 a 8f : Good j Middlings, S3l a Middling Fair, 9g a9s : Fair 10. 1 Charleston, Nov. 3. The wdes 4 Cotton lW the week comprise T ANARUS, 100 | bales. The market closes at 1-4 cent advanced on last week’s prices. The receipts of the week amount to 6,850 bale*, and the stock on hand exclusive of that ■ n chipboard is 17,940 bales. New Orleans, Nov. 3. The sales of Cotton on Wednesday were 5.000 bales. The better qualifies are scarce, and the market is firm. , Decrease in Receipts—The decrease in the re ceipts at all the ports, as compared with last year, amount \o J 95.00 C bales. ______ CITY OFFICERS. r 3P ALEXANDER M. ROBINSON announces bim eft as a candidate for re-dcction to th# office of Deputy Marshal in January next, Oct tde \VE are authorised to announce the name of JOSEPH REM BERT as a candidate for Deputy Mmsnal in me ensuing election in January next. Oct llw&twtd £ WE ate authorised to announce Mr. JOHN D A h NOLD as a candidate tor tne ofliee o l City i'laWiu, a* the eiection in january nest. . i August 17, 1863. 1 ” GEORGE CJULLEK is a candidate tor Maisnai at the ensuing January election, and will be ; Aug. 16, w&twte MANYU)IhK- Attention, Columbus Guards. APPEAR at the Armv on Monday night. 7 Company meeting. Business otimportance lore the company, and punctual aUendaiKe . requested. Nov s—lt VS . G ANDRE ►- DUS. M. & 8. W. WOOD RUFF, PHYSICIANS AND ACCOUCHERS. No. C 5 Broad Street, Columbus. Ga. _ Di; \v. WOODRUFF having returned to Columbus j 4CX4 i ? n Is to make it his permanent place of residence. T"g/ ! e respectfully off rs nis services to the citizi ns. and flatters minsel th t muahis opportunities to quality hiin . r h ‘dui es ■ t his pro■ession.aua from his experience in he nr <i m.*dieme. ihat he will be abL- to give satisiactiou *ho may oe pi eased touupluy h-R* • * ird having associat ed himself w I)R. m. woodruff, rU Tliii' : i. l e e, ii’| ri i’e inlind “Pur. M. VVoodMIT. raMrlKe j <o. _ ciu. tent by mail. • _ i m .... rninitv.**Whereas Joseph E. (1,. <■o, n*d Given turner my hand iU N® C ßiwt 3lSt 0CI ' 1&3 ’ J. L WIMBERLY, Ordinary* List of Letters, RWffi “ officc - tohmiku ’- <>f 1 ) ir3 Jolly, Mi Hey Alien, John 2 Johns, J if A. ihur Nancy Jones, Jam* Deliia James, A J ‘ W < l fhizibeth E, I nos St 3 Jones, Mrs M a Kiths, Jackson Bostic, Mary A Knowlton, Manly C Beers, b C- 2 Low, haw Bruner, D M Loeka and. A T Bigham, John Long, Paul F Brown',*G W K | k„ ( | Beard, Wui jLTmLL Brown, ZiJphia Lynn‘\V \ Burt, James Lsa h. J M Brown, Wm P Lowerv. Lewis Blount, James M Lew, , W F Buchanan, Green Lewi* F B Barnard, Catharine Lewi, Mies Mary Branch, Martha L Letter, Zephronia ‘ cr 4. Ztbulon Manassee &. Bro % lk > M Mori-*. Hr-n nn D( ' lK * - V1 Mori** Hen na Blynn & Baldwin Motor, g g Bin, L M Moor, Titos p“[ Ch, w-n Manly. Eliza C Baker, Wilks Maddox, Lewis F Brownmg, Perry Markham, Charles Brannon i .nza Murrell, John C Brown, W rr- Mongiu,>SW Carter, Martha S 2 Martin, Wm R Campbell, Wm 3 Mrh illey ii Cunning, Wm Thos Memillen! Jasper Collier, J A Morrison, Marv R Cheiry, Emelino Morris, Ivy Colclouh, R A McClung, Geo Champion, Isabel McEien.iy, Dr R K u^ lsi * £ E McCoy, Dio ken Coffee, Henry McGough, John Clark, Lucy A E MeCoimiek, Mary Cox, Thomas McCullough, James Cocnick, Moris McConnell, James F Craig, Parker Me Intire. Denis Coleman,RW McCoy, Jenc Cox, J I Mo Keen, WmP Crawford, John Name*, Thomas Davidson, MrsC F 2 Nesbitt, Janies Ooozonberry, C V Nelson, A f Davison, JG 2 Nickol.-qH E D*vis, W A O’Hallorand, Jihn Dukes, Hubbard Pa ne Simon W Downing, Wm 4 P. rr, Alary E Dime, Angeline Peabody, Wm C Duck,David Pool, Martha E Decrow, James R Pjog, VV David, Wm S Parker, Z**pheniah Daniel John Pond, John G Dukes, Mary Pitts, Mary Davis, Susan P Perry, Bradford Dismukes, Wm Quigley, Edw’d Davis, Ansiey RadclifF, Wm H Derrer, Lewis Kice, M F Deane, Sarah Ramsey, E B Daw try. Green Rogers’, Lewis R Davis, Jacob Rogers, Maryß Dawson, D T Robinson, VV R Davis, I? M Roland, Eueratus Eaves, Lewis A Randal, Thos Flail, Jacob Roper, Joshua Fort, W 2 Robinson, James Fincher, Elizabeth 2 Rowland, Martin, Floyd, Gahus Richardson, Lucy L F wster, Ludwell Roberson, Francis Flynn, John Skidmore, TL Farmer, Ira E Sandeford. Margaret Feudaii. Sarah Sawyer, Ben bay Gray, George Sellers, Win F Gould, M C Shoup, Jacob W Gouis, Samuel Skidmore i Withum Granger, Wm P Stage A Fusbic Gfetery, Mr Sinyre, John R Gen-va, Joseph Somers, John Gault, Thos M Swytmy, Joim Hutchins, Mary Ann Stallings, \V r ni B Hamilton, Airs Thos Smith, Mitchell Hall, Mary P Smead, P H Hughs, Mrs Ann Scarborough, Kelly Harris, John Sulivan, Jane Hood, Capt Tary, Wm H Hays, Thos S Thompson, Wrn C Holmes, Wm P Tillman, J M Hobbs, Dr A B 2 Tray wick, M is E M Hines, Miss Emma 2 Taylor Joim B Howard, Susan E Thornton, Johnson Humphreys, Eliza 2 Tillery, John Hutson, Richard Thomas, John W Hargrove, C Threalkeld, T M Hubble, Mr Totten, Wm J Holtzciuw, Jincy Thomas, Geo S Holland, Aug’s 2 Vanzant, John 1 iewett. James Vanzant, Sarah Howard, Miss Eliza Word, Thomas A Holyhand, Patrick ‘ iiiiarn--. Timp Hannic, Joseph Walt* n, Sarah S i aft, Sarah vV VV .nd or. J R M •; al i, J R Weston, J ohn B * wvard, Wilson Williams. Martha A Hood, H T Wild , L Iv 2 Johnston, Geo D West, Samuel Jackson, Martha Ann With um, C E & Cos June*, R R Walker, Mary l Jackson, Arlan Whitby, Mary Johnson, Mrs M A “ Wiliiams, James b Johnson, Miss Ann GW *** Persons calling for any of the above letters, will please j say they are advertised. R. C. FORaYT U, T. M. “Columbus, Nov. 5, 1853. —w&twlf Masonic Female College, LUMPKIN, STEWART COUNTY, GA. I. R. BRANHAM, A. M., I Associate Principals | JAS. AUGUSTUS BASS, A. M S I. R. Branhas, Prof. Mathematics & Natural Science. Jas. Augustus Bass, Prof. Belies Letues and Moral Science. . Br.naam, Modern Languages. M;-s Maf.y Gay, Primary Department. Mrs. A Delia Bass, Alusic hi .memos. Assistant in Music. Calendar for 1854. j Spring Term commences 1 lth * Annual examination commences In y iwtri. Commencement day ; 15 r n ’ ... Autumnal Term yitembev j.ii. Sent'-Annual examination commences Leo. ?n. The Musical Department w ill be undci the direction t>f ; Prof. Branham. . . -. .. For further information address eitner oi tlie umcers ... I any member of the Board of Trustees. . . r Lumpkin. Noy S, 1833 —w&twtrileni Administrator** Fate—\A ill be soid before the cour house iu Buena Vista, Marion com. >, on th- first in Januarv next, the tallowing uatmd negroes, vz : ispenct r :• nunliitv ttve vtarsoid, Peg t> a woman forty hi o yea;* old. ion-iro'to the’estate of John rrimmoii?. line o: said couny.ue •ei-etlS Foldbv virtue of an order of ih Inferior ( eurt <>i ;• •! Sidy While sitting for Ordinary purposes. Terms made nowa on he day’. y L mviNS, Adiu'r. NnV B—tus * Marion county—-Whereas Daniel J.u es ( T atu?uan .wKorkleapplies to me for tetters ol: dnmusi.;.- ; Jon upon the estate of Samuel R. MoKorkle. late of sad com ty r . e are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail aim singular ihe k;i ured a'd creditors of said uec a-io, to be uud aj pear aj otUc- within the time prescribed by saw, to ? new cause. any 1., 1( i w hv said letters should m f be granted. ‘■ ; v V ej, under no hand and ofliclalsigi ature, Oct 31st. • . - ‘ E. W. MILhE/f, ordinary. \cv 4 sin , iforsla. Stewart county—Whereas, Jesse Rerd ( T nd*oh,. A. TucKerappi es u.r letters of tannin rtn. mn oi V * , ~..t eof \ Read, late of sa-.icounty, deceased, ll, Tlv “e t*> e,te and admonish ail and si.:*uiar .* V ‘ 0.1,1 crdiora or said ueoeasi u. to shew cause, w n-'O the hei - , j k.- law, wht said leiiers should not hr grant- STSSHt *• G EG LODGE. 9£m I. O. O F O. F . *v,a are particularly requeued to -pilF. nußiuers _ ;■ >m cl , Koi diy , ight next, to nn ke 1 meet at tr,e l '° “ , celebjate our approaching :> m the necessary arrangements to cerem £ EKi N . G , versa ry. Wm. Matthkson, e. ■ . Ootumbus, Now 4 - i w - - Notice to Builders Tta*. lot of Sheers. Counter, .od '. 1 which I will dispose oi tCueGH A FFENRJED. Columbus, Nov 2-twSt A. 11. DEWITT, jeweller and watch repairer. ONE DOOR BELOW J. ENNIS C Q >(>. 99 BROAD ST., COLI JfßI T S, G\. FOR s>ALE,a fine of Hunt- ey Tased English Lever W&tche? 13 Earns Gola, with very heavy Caecv, -tome . 4 weight- 2 over three ounces. Lad, C 4* Geneva Watches beaotifuily with I) mono* • Snrtl assortment of Silver WV.r , > .T a .>ctts, Pitohers, Cun*, ic., Ac p “ Boxes and Snuff Bosr* : * ~M s ;i. patterns l . M ° DfUe3; 100 nne P ia ' ivd Castoi ’ --• wt tasty Bukoui pl “ 6d Wait ' ,rs > “ C.k b„,- .-r. . SUi,obi * for H ~< and Gents Diamond Breast Pins tSS^ d *?° for Ri " SS ’ ,ingie Wl^ Counting House Gold Pc-itr. eirvStor rt °ntP 7V y , oi goods enerali - v kept in a Jev - f /A- J ‘ ’ a, ‘0. 1 wh| charo gotten un with the most ap nfea d tl? m fthe l** 1 quf!lit >’’ at prices that will ; pleaee the public and prove sattsiaotorilv. m mnm UATCHESand GLUCKS repaired in the best ! Columbus, Nov. 4—w&twtt HATS. f® f.. .0, c-.!! be auntd by WYNNE is. EDWARDS. S , 103 Rr Gents fine Pump Eoots. pa i* 5 V.’*!. ‘V“‘ \ tou! ‘' !iler br .it its; CongreM Gaiter* jjjr Jf £ >* al. to!.-: ; 3 eu, uhe;- -.nd fall Brogans,.:t WYNNE & EDWARDS, i . , . oiiilo „ b ' !h ''AT 103 Broad street. ! Elegant Ladies’ shoes. Kid and Glove Leather Gaiter?: Hon tag 80. t*. and Jenny Lind Shoes; Black, ‘. ■ X Brown, liiu and D-ab Boots ; French 1 aghufife). Kid Slips, lilac*-’ and Bronze at WYNNE & EDWARDS, j Columbus, Nov 4—w&twtf Rubber Over Shoes and Sandals. I/HK Ladies aud Gem lent-si: sNo, Cork in-soles, t U YNNK& EDWARDS, 1 o'umhu*. Nov ,—w&twti 103 Broad street. Misses and Children’s Shoes. ! MISSES Gaiters; Morocco and Leather Boots; also, a large j lot of Children Shoes, just opened. WYNNE A. EDW ARDS, * Vilnnibu®. Nov 4 —wSllvv 103 Brt-iid rtreet j Srvanfs Shoes. VLL kinds of shoes suitable for s.rvant’a wear; plantation 1 oregain ; kip. huff ;tnU stout calf do.; womens kip. buff j i-.nd f'ah i.ace Boots. V fir:--, rate article ol he&w kip hoots for t.-.e'. For wne by i WYNNE A EDWARDS i Golumbus.Nov 4—w&tw H)3 Broad street. I | lEORWIA, Mil sc ogee County. ii be oold on V 1* the first Tuesday in D. comber tie t. at th. t II >; ie ti the * ,'ity of * olumbus, the following properl ..v 2: * *ne to* in the city ot Columbus number lour hundred and fifty s v impruwmt-nis there 11, levied on a? the pioperiy of Patrick tioulihon to satisfy a justice ti fa in favor of Theopulug Btewart, vs said P. Keuiiiion. Levy made and returned to me ; by a constable. ’ Also fifty acres of land in the ninth district of Muscogee coun ty, south west corner of lot number *248 adjoining lands of Ginn on the south and Foniain on the north v. st ; levied < n : as the property of Wm. 8. Thompson to sti isfy a ii fa in favor • of .lames Crane, bearer, vs. iw. 8. T hompson, and also other j ti fas. Levy made and returned tome by a constable. A iso o.u- lot ot land number twenty three in the sixth district | of Muscogee county, levitd on as the property of \\ in. Janes to i satisfy sundry ti fas in favc r of Wilson Culpept er, bearer, and ! olher fl fas, vs W'm Janes. Property pointed ou* by defendant, i i L.evv made and returned to me by a constable. * Also, a negro man named Harry about thirty years of age, ! levied on as ihe property of AugustusC. Johnson to sati-fy a fi ta ; from Muscogee Inferior Court in favor ofJes-ee M. Read against ; t raid Johnson. j \lso lot n mher one hundred and forty six—bounded as fol- 1 j 1 ■s; coinrn mein rat the north em-t corner, th.-nce we.-i until it i voioes to th*- p-irt -old o Barbalie, then with the division line ’ north so an intended corner oetween t tie said Dudne-y and Bar , bariethence west, to a corner between Uudney and Llarlmrie, I and !fence continued west to a corner made r tween James M ■ Brooks and ihe sa : -i Dudney and thence north £0 a corner mi de i in the public road upon the west line; the north line running l ! east west ami thence hack to th • north east corner, containing i one t. : ndn and and twenty two acres, more or less, levied on as the pr pertv of George VV. Alford to sat sfj ‘.wo fl las from Marion Superior Court, one iu favor of Win B. Walker, one in favor of 1 ! Me W. McLendon against said Al ord. tot ;• - m A. s. IiUTHEPFORD RboHff. Randolph Sheriffs Sale. iir ILL be sold on the first I‘tieaday in Let ember next, before > V tb Court House door, in the town of Out fiber!, Randolph j county. within the uausl hours of sale, the following: property, j to-wit: j One lot of land number one hundred and forty three, in the 6th j dS#tr ct of ?aid county, levUdon a the property of Arthur Mu- ! nor t eat iffy ones! f issued from the Superior Court of Stewart j county, in lav or of Benjamin P. Dikes vs. Arthur Manor and ! : other*. !.<>• of land number iwo hundred and thirty one in the fourth 1 district of said county, levi;u on a* the property of Daniel M. \ ; Suggs to rail -ty one ti fa issued out or aju dice court of sped coun- 1 i ty in favor ot \Yilliarn R, Beal, v? Daniel M. Snsg. Levy made j i and returned ;o me by a constable. Two negroes, Matilda r. mulatto girl about twenty two years of j l age and Jack a boy about twenty on? years cf ace, levied on as ! the property oi Lemmon Dunn to satisfy sundry ii .as issued from j the'superior court of said county in favor of William Wright and ; i Hamilton Wright, survivor?, vs said Dunn and others, an. sun 1 j dry ii fas issued out of a justice court of county in favor of , James Suggs and Ed warn Preston, vs Lemmon Dunn. I lot ot land number three hundred and three in the eighth di ’ trie! of said county, levied on as the propeity of Bryant Alford to ! satial v one tl fa issued out of a justice court of said county in <u i vor ot Levi Mercer, vs Bryant Alford and Ira Altord. Levy made i and returned to n.e bv a constable Nov 2 RICHARD DAVI?, Pep. Sheriff. riT\ BAKERY FOR .SALE. } TWILL seii the Goods and Chanels belonging to the City lakery. One good horse and new wagon, and all the furni i ture belonsiiiy to the house, cheap for cash. Apply immediately J to Nov 2—tw3’ CASPER LEWIS. w, G. ANDREWS & CO., | DEALERS IN sTA PL E DR Y GOOI> S, GROCERIES, WISES, LIQUORS. i-C.. &C. | (Four Doors below Hill i. Dawson’- olp i'oe.ner) | BKOAI) STRKET, COLI Mlt I S, GA. Columbus, Oet 15,1?53. —tw&wtf SHCES. t Pair <•! Extra BROGANS, just received aud for OUvGaleby W. G. ANDREWS .A CO. Columbus, Oct 15,1553 — v. iwtf NOTICE. IF \ C.ARHEIT is rnv duly authorised agent to transic: any J business of mint. that may uereartei be iound in his hands. olumbus, July l —M4ttwiat J. I’. HiCKs. REMOVAL DKS. UKQCHART vV STANFORD have removed their office to the building formerly occupied by the Bunk of St. Marys, on Broad street. Colnmbita. Oot 14-w*wtf REMOY \L. THE ajeenev ‘t ‘.***:- ROCK ISLAMD FACTORY j is removed to the store formerly occupied by Messrs. ! D P. Eilie A’ t 0., t’ircf doors MTorift oj the Telegraph j ifice. . , - Cotton and Linen rag? aiways wanted : tour cents a < jound will be paid for vo CT.rtN ok>s when broesb* in i luantities of one hundred pounds or more. ! Fairpri -be given fur Waste or all Kinds i’,f. •I>: -u t 1.-'[t, VC ; ~ \ - -• t! r • -cap. Letter Wrap- i Pirr/.'J - 80--, ‘ patters, for sale j ,v, V b. t. • -- a •• ~-t . ’oiKiv, an ample Ptock. j I Colombo AH; 15-‘i DF. WIUXOX, Agent. \i;\s goods. Theaut;ecrilei in Store a large, stock of S’ TA FLE -i A L> /.1-V CY 811 Y GOO D S which are oderod tor sale at prices CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Furehaters tor Cash will tind it to th>jr ad.autage i toexamine my stock -d prices, before purchasing. I Columbus, April 2-tw C. MY DATT. Genin’s Hata, I \ J,. c Gesw’. * NO. o>* aTYLia* } ‘f- j ust received and for ale bv i . M Irch J. n. MERRY. j Shirts ! Shirts!! \ SHIHJS, C DH.WEkS ■ * *: it tea Jus. received and for t *le t> v ; 3-;w J. ft. MKPRY. j TO TIBJLAIIiai MRS. DESSAU re* : wctlully inform tno Ladies of Columbia ? > and vicinity, that she h..* just returned from th- j North, an i i* now opening at her nosidenoe, >O. 110 Broad Street, most spieuuiJ a;ui lasliiooable st .kof | FAIL AND WINTER JIILLINEIiY. ALSO An aHs-rtment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS FOR ladies’ wear—srcil AS SILKS, TALMAS, MANTILLAS, CLOAKS, RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, md ail kinds of Good* g ncraliy kept in a .Millinery >tore. In tnc DRESS M.AKINii line,she is in the possession ‘ J }he ‘itesi European styles and patterns; and her stock ‘ 1 rimming!- tor Drosses cannot surpassed tor b nuty &n.: quality, as ritfctiti-Ti whs given to this* branch <>t :er sth-ek. A call from her friends and ‘-us;orners i.- respectfully poiicii.-d. Columbus, Oct 12—wcv twtf P. A. CLAYTON, GROCERAN T> COM MT S SIO K No. Broad Street, Coltnnbii, G. 1> FGS leave to inform his friends and the public general* > ly, that he has just received from N< w York, New Oi i leans and Boston a well assorted stock ol choice GROCE RIES, consisting of Java, Elio and Cape Coffee. Brown, Loaf Crushed and Pulverized Sugars. Superior Green and Black Teas. Superfine Gcina-ssoe anu Heekv S-df-rising Flour Rice, &.c. ’ ’ New York pickled and dried Beef. “ “ “ smoked Tonguee and Pig Potk. Northern Butter .-:: . Cheese. Butter, Soda, VV ai r a id Sugar Cut ckers and Pilot Bread. Sugar cured and New York tirjos. Irish Potatoes, Red and White Onions. Fish, Salmons,Lobsters, Smtd, Clams and Oysters,her metical ly sealed. Sardines in whole, he if and quarter boxes. Soap,Starch, Candies, Mustard, Chocolate, Ac. Pickles, Catsups, Sauces, Jelly, Brandy Fruits, Can dies, &c. Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs, Mace. Cloves, Citron, &c. Granges,Apples, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Fiibeils, &e. Fine Brandies, Medera, Sherry, Port, C-lant and Champaigne Wine? Fine Holland Gin, St. Croix Rum, Scotch and* gehala Whbkey. Porter, Scotch, Ale, Champaiguc, Cider, Schnapp Gin and Boker? Bitters. Vinegar, Lemon Syrup, Extracts of Lemon, Venilia, ! Rose and Almon. j Superior ’l’abaeco, Segars, Snuff, See. : Powder, Shot, Lead, cfce. i Brooms, Brushes, Baskets, Sugar Boxes, Sifters, .VJea j sure?, A e i Tumblers, Decanters, Sic., ! Together with various articles, all of which he offers at a smaii advance on cost and charges. To arrive, a well assorted Kt of cheap Crockery. Also, Fiesh Raisins in whole, half and quarter boxes. I have made an -uigenients to be supplied by every steam er front New Yoik so thatmy good? shall always he fresh and good. ‘ “ P. A. CLAYTON. November I—wtwtf aty Corner Stone copy EDUCATION. MALE SCHOOL. 1 /fYjigv'k Mr. John fcham’s School will recommence the first Momlay in October, 1853, and will ysK&JIf. close June 30th, 1854. Tuition per Scholastic Columbus, Sept. 21—w&twtf. Glenuville Ft 1 male Collegiate Institute. BARBOUR COUNTY, ALABAMA. REV. D. S. T. DOUGLASS, A, M., President. Aided hy competent Assistants. The rru-tees would . nnowK- so toe • uixens of Gienville and ! it? vicinity, and to the public j/ejierr.Hy, that they have secured j the services of Rev. D. S. T. Dnuglu-s, late President of Auburn j Masonic Female College, under whose su pet vision and direct i ion the Institute will bo re-oganized on the first Wednesday i (the -lth ) of January, 1854. Every preparation will be made, necessary to furnish facili* t ies ot a high order, for the education ot young ladies. The course of instruction will be thorough and practical in every department that our Institution may be free from the common imputation—“ Young ladies arc accomplished, not ed ucated.’ Spot ling, read : n>r, geography, arithmetic, history, penmanship with the analysis and construction of the EugliMi I language will receive especial attention, as the pre-requisites of j ! a thorough and finished education. Funds have been raised, i ! and other necessary arrangements made to commence immedi- ■ ateiy after the Ist of November the erection of beautiful and j commodious College buildings with a chapel hp.ll eiuhty by elx ; ty feet, exclusive ot collonade. The principal edifice will be two stories high, and constructed throughout with special refer ! ence to the com enience, comfort and health of the pupils. The ; exercises will be conducted in the present Ineritute buildings | until the completion oi the new College. There will be no Steward’s hall connected with the institute, | but a citizen of the village has proposed to open a pleasant I boarding house, solely for the encouragement of the enterprise. ■ Students from abroad may be assured of finding an agreeable : Lome with us in our quiet, healthy village. i lie social and religious advantages of GlennviUe, with its : churches and seminaries, its accessibility, with daily stages from Columbus to Eufaula, where the line is intersected b> a : cross line from Chunnenuggee. Ala., to Oglethorpe, Ga , offer great inducements to those persons seeking favorable locations | for the education ot their sons and daughters. The means have ! been pledged cr the erection of a Made Collegiate Institute, so soon as the Female College shad have been completed. We confidently toiicitan investigation of our educational advanta ges before choice shah have been made elsewhere. Ine Mutic Department will be under the direction of Mrs. Doutda3S, who brings with her on enviable reputation as a vocai and iiotru.ucntai pertormei, os well as a succes-uul and accu- ! rale ii st- uctor. The scholastic year will consist of twocousecu ti ve se-sion> of twenty weeks each. Hates of Tuition per Session. Preparatory Dkpartmest. First Division, $ 8 00 Second Division, i4 00, CoLLVOIATR DmRTMKNT. Fresh Class, sl7 00 sophomore Cla>.-:. 20 00 Junior “ 22 00 Senior *’ 24 I*o F xui Studik*. • Music (on Piano.) 42b t 0 - mu Guitar.) 25 00 | No ■. barge for use of Instrument, Anri ml and Modern Languages, .each * *l2 Do-wing and Painting 12 00 j F uabroWery ... 12 00 Wix wo x per lesson,) 1 00 All the students will beinstrue’ed in Vocal Music witsoct CHAROP. hills due IIALS IV ADVS.KCR. For turther particulati, see ciimlars, which may be vb- iueil ! by applying to the Secretary of the Board, or the President ot the j Institute. Board of ’i rustees. L. £. Dcßoeic, PRESiDK.-ix, A. C. Mitchell, i A. M. isA>f<*RD. R. Mitchell. Wjb. Frkkmav, j l. M. Raifors, M. M. Glesv, rier'y and Trea urcr, j Glenville, Nev. 2. w4t?wtf. IaOST. THIS morning, between the Howard Factory and .Messrs. S.riiey & Johnson’s store, a anall ,*.. LEV INK WA'FUH, with a heavy Gold FOB CHAIN atta lied. The findei will be liberally rewarded by lea’ iig th* l same at Messrs. .Marcos .Y White’s. Cos t n ‘it-. <~b t 15-twtt Instruction in Music. HAVING.-, ... -d permim diy with ray family to the . eitv of Columbus, i otter my professional services bo | the inhab-itsnt? *’ CvJam'.niv ;:c>u it- vicinity. Having 1 taught ML r-'iU “ -■•ot- fth? argest cities in the United States for tin- i-.-t - : - y-ar-, I feel confident that I cau give enfir. >a’i- action to ail who may lavor me with their kind patronage I am kind!v toLr to the following gentle meu : Dr. H” - .(>’ L ckhart, Ci;arie3 Roggera, \Vm. H. Young, H. II Eppifig, John F. Hudson, and oilier?. All orders left tor me at the Book and Music Stores, or at my residence, oa Church street will meet with psompt attention T. H. VAN DEN BERG. ol Vccai and Instrumemal Music, Coiumous, Oct 21 —twtf Enquirer copp. FOR THE LADIES! JUST received by Express a large lot of POINTED VELVET RIBBON Sj j of every width, which rp are selling at on e third less than he regular price. ALSO —- Our second large invoice of fine to which your atteotion ts respectfully solicited, j , J. M RAFM, Cohmums. Oct 21—twbt G 4 Broad st. BLACK SILKS h aV ” nuw in STORK a splendid ateortmmt of tv I I-\IN BI.ACK SILKS; among which are the celebrated Bischaffs and Gr<>? de Zuric brands. Also, Plain Black Satin du t hine aid Satin La Reine, for Mot-rnino. Fig'd.. Watered & Rich Brocade SILKS. Oct i*.- -;w BROKAW, CLEM. >NS & CO. CASHMERES AND DT.AINES. | \\* E offer tor ihc. inspection ot our customers, a vety ▼ ▼ large assortment ot French (ail wool* Printed Mous se! ine de Laine- and Cashmeres, of hoautitul colorings and designs, bought at greatly less than their intrinsic or market *alue, which we will sell for lees than the cost of importa tion. BROK A\V, C L.E VION SA- CO. Columbus, Oct 28-tw PRINTS. JUST received, a fresh supply of French, English and American Prints. *).-t 28— tw BROKAW,CLEMONS & CO. BOOTS AND SHOES., jj. ~! 1 have on hand and ahull continue to receive — a _ SM I a (rood ‘■••leclion of the different descripiions %M I 1 and niyles of fBl Gentlemen’s, Boys nml Youths’ ALSO I.ndies\ Misses’ mul Children’s GAil’ F. R S AN l> LA C E BOOTS, tbelvarioua styles of SIIO E S AN D SLIP I* ER S . rr* Call and see. W. IV. ROBISON. Columbus, Oct 3—tw9t Enquire*- -md Oorner Stone copy three t'mes each. GAS FI T TING! PRICE REDUCED. subsctillers will fitup huilding? with PIPE for the 1 use of GAS at 20 and 2* cents per toot. Fixtures sold verv low. Cash when the Gas is set on. WHITThLSEY & CO. C olnmbne, *)-t 26—twtf $lO Reward. LOST about the Ist June, one Gold Lever Watch, made by John Harrison, Liverpool, No. dy. ig 3,325. The finder will be paid the above reward by leaving it at the store of George Hungerford. Columbus, Oct. 21-tw3t WANTED TO HIRE. * 1 “'HE undersigned wj hes t* hire, an active, honest BOY A from the first of January next, for a houso servant at a private boarding house. A good character required. Apply to F. K SHAAFF, Columbus, Oct. 28—ts At l>. Mulford’a. Comforters! Comforters! r pHE Eagle Manufacturing Company have on hand a 1 large number of Com orters, irell made, and of GOOD At A TERIAL, which they will sell at a moderate price.— The attention of planters and i ther.s is called to them. Columbus, Oct 2'd—wtw‘2m • * HOME AGAIN.” C. T. CUSHMAN, i. ft. I. I)K.\TFBT. 60 Hi’und .Street, over Foster <k Furplf’ii Jw> slry Slorc, tolumbuii, Oa. ENDS^and^ patrons will : tided for business Having critically examined the best specimens of Dentistry in toe Crystal Palace, and city, al so the choicest case? exhibited at the World’s Fair, London, and added to a practical experience of twelve years, a reg ular interchange of views with the leading Demists of Am erica and Europe, I can wiih confidence promise success in professional undertakings. .Single, or double sets of natural looking teeth construc ted with the utmost consistent dispatch, and ai! risk of their efficiency assumed. Examination of specimens, references, and commendato ry letters from patients, &c., is invited. 3ept24—tw &,wtf FACTORY HANDS WANTED. j The Eagle Manufacturing Company, | WANT to hire fifty hands. Many families now living in ! she country would find it greatly to their advantage to en ] gage w ith them. High w ages are paid and constant em j pioyment guaranteed. Houses are furnished th hands ’ free from rent. None but industrious and moral persons I will be employed. J. RHODES BROWNE, Agent. Columbia*, 28-tw&w2m HOTELS. BROAD STREET HOUSE. COLUMBUsS, GEORGIA. undersigned hasiakencharge of ttii? esti-hlirhintnt. The house 1 as been tl oreugbly ru ovnted at and lurn.shtd ami. The travelii g public will find bis r cm? airy.i eat at and clean,and bis table bountifully supplied with even delicacy the market afford*. On niaut-ses will always be in readiness to carry passengers to and Irom the Hotel to the 1 cpot at tl Bti am I oats. L. T. WOODRUFF, Proprietor. Columbus, Oct. 11- w&.twtf LUMPKiN HOTEL afvaA LUMPKIN, STEWART A i?] COUNTY, GEORGIA. JO.i B> JOHN >l. SCOTT. i THE subscriber respectfully announce! to his friccdaand the i public generally, that h:a home is now opemd fur the eccon.xnc dati-.n ot the traveling public and tie citizens of fie c only. This Ho! 1 is commodious ai.d well arret’ted for c< mforl. aid the proprietor hope-, by goou atiention, t ood fare at.a moderate charges, to merit and receive a libera! ihare of patioi age : and a; I think the best puffs !•■;• <. Hotel are made at ike place, would say to ail. try me. and judge I >r } out selves. I.unip*-iu, Ptewart < <>.. f-'a ,:aif. 2. I?a3—wtt GLOBE HOTEL, IU EM VISTa, MAItION CO., G A . THEsubacriber rt. pectfully announces to de friends aid the public tp nerolly. hat he bus taken charge o. this w.iil kn >*J. * I-i EsTA BLIHII MENT. Thehouse is commodious and well finished; and no pains will be spared to r* nder h- wiio may favor him with their paf.rooare. BOOKS AND STATIONKHY. JOKD \\ L. VIuWFLL. Bookseller and Stationer, ‘ j \A7OULD respectfully inform his friends, and the nublic gen \\ enfiy 9 that he hatpurchased the extensive *tocli of i ooks. Staticnery, & of A. C. FLFAYELLEN CO., .and will endeavor to keep con <an:ly on hand a complete assort merit of SCHOOL CLASSICAL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND STATIONERY. T Kilicii e continuance of the patronage heretofore exieoded to v predecessors, r nd that of as many ihiw customers as will fa vor me with a call. I vrllluseevery exertk.- to please, both in price# and articles purchased. KT CALL AND SEE. jgJ Two doors beiaw MyguVl suinicr, -141:01 .uv.otiie and 5\ bit* Fla 2, Kn. Bro-d are-f. Colmnou*, C-. %3T Boohbmdwy up suora. Aug. *—