The Tri-weekly times and sentinel. (Columbus, Ga.) 1853-1854, November 16, 1853, Image 1

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THE TRI-WEEKLY TIMES AND SENTINEL VOLUME I], JTHE TIMES & SENTINEL. TENMENT LOMAX & ROSWELL^ELLIs” EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. I*l riIIYVEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL aild Fn '™ y *°™- I WEEKLY TIMES & SENTINEL, is published every TUESDAY MORJYhYG. Off co on Randolph Street, opposite the Post Office. TERMS: K ® oi *lars per annum, in advance. JM’-'KiA, !wo Dollars per annum,in advance. 11 * Advertisements conspicuously inserted at One Dollar SlW.*’ , i >r .. ,ne rst insertion, and fifty cents for every sub sequent insertion. Liberal deduction will be made for yearly advertisements. Sales o( Land and Nearroes, by Administrators, Executors, o lUardians, are required by law to be held on the first Tuesday in tne month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and t nree tn the afternoon, at the Court House in the county in which the property ts situate. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette forty days previous to the day of sale. .Notices tor the sale of Personal Property must be given at i east ten days previous to the dety-pf sale. * Notice to Debtors and iOf&litors of an Estate must be publish ed forty days. 1 Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary tor leave to sell Tfend or Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. J fit at ions fotjLetters of Administration must be published “ir y days \& r Dismission from Administration, monthly six mont/is _ f ,o j/iYismissirn from Guardianship forty days. Kuies of Mortgage must be published monthly f t / oUr Jr>t°nth s — for establishing lost papers, for the full it .\ <e Jf xon ths —for compelling titles from Executors or Admin* where a boml has been given by the deceased, the full spacer 0 f three months. Upiblications will always be continued according to these, the requirements,unless otlierwise ordered. LEGAL NOTICES (GEORGIA, Muscogee County.— Will be sold on T the first Tuesday in December next, at the Market House n the City cf Columbus, the following property, viz: One lot in the city of Columbus number four hundred and fifty s ; x with improvements thereon, levied on as the property of Patrick Houlihon to satisfy a justice li fa in favor ofTheopulus Stewart, vs said P. Houlihon. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also fifty acres of land in the ninth district of Muscogee coun tv, south west corner of tot number 2*lß adjoining lands of Ginn on the south and Contain on the north west; levied on as the property of Win. S. Thompson to satisfy a fi fa in favor of James Crane, bearer, vs. lira. S. Thompson, and also other fi fas. Levy made and returned tome by a constable. Also one lot of land number twenty three in the sixth district of Muscogee county, levied onus the property of Win. Janes to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of Wilson Culpepper, bearer, and other fi fas, vs Wm Janes. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, a negro man named Harry about thirty years of as;e, levied on as the property of AugustusC. Johnson to satisfy afi fa l'romMuscogee Int el ior Court in favor ofJessee M. Read against said Johnson. Also lot m tuber one hundred and forty six—bounded as fol lows: commencing at the north east corner, thence west until it conies to the part sold l o Barba fie, then with the division Hue north to an intended corner between the said Duduey and Bar baric: thence west to a corner between Lmdney and Barbaric, and thence continued west to a corner made between James M Brooks and the said Dudney and thence north to a corner nude in the public road upon the west line: the north line running e;l t w est and thence back to the north east corner, containing one hundred and twenty two acres, more or less, levied on as the property of George W. Alford to satisfy two ti fas from Marion Superior Court, one in iavor of Win B. Walker, one in favor of Me W. McLendon against said Alford. Nov4 _ tds A. S. RUTHERFORD. Sheriff. Randolph. Sheriffs Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before Hie Court House door, in the (own of Cuthbert, Randolph county, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, number one hundred and forty three, in thefith district of said county, levied on as the property ot Arthur ma nor to satisfy one ti fa issued from the Superior Court of tetew-rl county, in favor of Benjamin P. Dikes vs* Arthur Jifanor and °‘LoT'of land number two hundred and thirty one in the fourth ~.*,/ >iiid pnimiv levied on ns ihc property oi Daniel -'I/. Su4s to iXfy onefi fa issued out of a justice court ofsaid coun- R. Beal, vs Daniel M. Suggs. Levy made and returned to me by about twenty two years of - l W ° t'lf.fvbov almutTwenty Sue years of age,’ levied on as *nnl vlciclv *. * } t\ <‘iiistv sundrv li ius issued lrom ot sam others, an- sun Hamilton Wngbt, sun ivor , county in favor of ,!ry ti fas issued > to.a • gjuj c • Lcnimon Dunn. James Suggs and i an(l three in , hc eighth dis- Lot of land number as the property of Bryant Alford to trictot said county, tevie notice court of said county in fa woi Levi MerS v s Alford and Ira Alford. Levy made and returned to mebv dA yis, Dep. Sheriff. ov ~~ —~%i W<,.;Facias"~to make Parties. William J Scott, Adm r, ] \ -Muscogee Interior Court, of Archibald H. Scott, dec and. Jin A, "^ t l Te „n, 1853. Michael H. . -j, Defendant in sin- above case, It appearing to toe t our Ulu t . m g, ate . p U therefore ienotto . pc , ed on t j !e Baid ordered by tlic, Court, t.t_ ti 01 - t l,is rule in some public for lour mooli,, botor. the AugtistTermlßo3, this ioth day - a p JONES, clerk._ ftn.inmhiis. sent (>, 183.1—Wim __ i VV tors upon the estate ‘ , . their said administration, , thi ß cou°rtfo?lettc™ofdand 1 JH and creditors of tetfifof d£ ; rm i .lest oi m.d cowl; and d offlcmlsigM‘"'c at office, this Given under nty !>a ilU 27th. 1853. E. VV. MIU.FR, Ordinary. .Tti’y 2— mfim -—r-'. wnTbcTsold on the 27th day , —TTnitnistra tor s > air* , 0 t Alexander C. Hick \of December next, at t e rc j p or tion of the perishable l S'SSe hoowo 0,, day C.PAtnfCJ, *£>• Nov. 12, w4od ,7^:reeably to an order of the i (!mtnish' a!or s f S \t ri"on county, will be sold at the A court o'] o.i .he first Tuesday in January next, Amanda, a woman *>years Jeff,a yellow boy,33>e-nr aIK , her ch. and Ce’ ilB , okl as the property L , BSSS county, deceased, for the EUR ITT, Adm'r. tvelve months credit _ Nov. 12, 40d —r— Win be sold on the first Tues- j it’ land No. lumdred and Sfi, > djg^ N l - po i tlx>C K < Nov 15 — -—-rr —T\V;|i he sold before the court * ,!min Ist rotor's ***•- countv , on the first Tuesday A house in Buena \ istu, M* ..., n1 ,.,l negroes, viz : bpenier .. it, January next, the ‘oliowin. o „ tor ty five years old, bc- purposes. Terms made known on the day. M l. BIVINS. Adm’r. Nov 8-tds - Oiule.— w iU be sold betore the itmrt ~4 d.idib‘ ral t-*,,r Baker countv. on the first Tuesday /\ house door in Ne j N > - (1< in the Town ot Albany, in December next. Town nu ., 01 -ordinary ot Early county. >"■ i!i,ert 1 Terms.” and; “ “y„ ns Tn( ,Adm'r. with will annexed. October ltl,-wt-.s. virtlw . ~| an order 7 vVthe i duiiilst.r*tora before the A court of Orclinary ot t J > ,„ tll * first Tuesday m T ecetu court bouse door orMid • ol e , all the estate £ l,cr next, between the lav-’ COIIM „, consisting ot two I h.x-ih C. Gray, deceased,— six.v four and throe handled „j laud numbers tw° hu” (} j j containing two buu* •rid nine in the 28th ‘Hstn- i u jim c pf tb( . heirF a„d Sand fifty acresjadt; • gl* > uuUe Wn*n. ,hn r. litois of said dteras. i. , daVof. ale. jv M B. KK ‘, Mm r. Oct 15 —wide the union of the states and the sovereignty OF THE STATES.’’ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1853 A hnn!nhi!, t ? r ?r Sale—By v irtue of an order trom the the co ir h °‘ . ordi,,ar y -Marion county, will be sold coiurivon thoflriJ' ,) " sc door in the town of Buena Vista in said ful hours nrcni! r 7 l \ le!ioa J r in December next, between the law umbernn£one hundred and forty acres of and off rflot nalTj f hu [ l . dre(l a,,d forty eight in (he 31s: district of origi i.imTt now M an °u county. Sold as the property of Joshua ‘N deceased, tor th u benefit of heirs ano creditors. Terms maoe known on the day of sale. n ., .. . ‘ NICHOLAS H. GEESLIN, Adm’r. . ‘ j -1 td ,i /ALPHA DAVIS, Adm’trx. A •Imbiigtralor’s .Vale.—Will be sold before the Court f ’ bouse door in Bain bridge, Decatur countv, on t lie lirst I uesuay in December next, Lot ol land No. 110" in the 19th dis- Irictof Decatur county ; agreeably to a** order of the Court ot Ordinary ot Early county. Sold for the benefit of the heiis <d Epsy Dyson deceased, by ABNER DYSON. Adm’r. <lctober 4th—wtds. A dmlnlstrators’ Sale—By virtue of an order iroin the j-X. honorable court of Ordinary ol Marion county, will he sold before <he court house door in the town of Buena* Vista in said county, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the law ful hours of sale, lot of land number one hundred and sixty one, the east end ol the smith halt ot lot number one hundred and sixty, and s>f acres off of the north half of said lot one hundred and sixty ; all of said hull being in the 31st district of originally Lee now Marion county. Sold as the property of Thomas Ma jors, deceased. Oct 14—tds FI ELDING JACKSON, Adni’r. ((ministrat ors’ Sale—Will be soltl at the market xi house,in the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, a negro boy named Sidney, eighteen years of age, belonging to the estate of John A. Waikerl deceased, will be sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Oct, I I-his .1 AS. S. WALKER, Adm'r. Administrators’ Sale.—Will be sold~on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door in Cuthbert, Randolph county, the negroes belonging to the estate ol George W. Moye, deceased. Oct 14— Ida WILLIAM A. MOVE, Adm’r. A dminlstrator’s Sale.—Wiil be sold in Cuthbert, xA. Randolph County, on the first Tuesday in December next, the negroes belonging to the estate of George W. Moye, sold tor the benefit of the Heirs of said deceased. WILLIAM A. MOYE, Adm’r. Oct. 8, Ids Administrators hale: — Will he sold on the first Tues day in December next in the town of Cuthbert Randolph county, lot of land No. ltili in the 7th district of said county hav ing about thirty acres cleared land and common log cabins thereon, sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of said county for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Archibald Peterson dec’d. Oct. II 1853—wtds- JOHN PETERSON Adni’r. A ilministvator’s Sale.—Will be sold in Cuthbert, /Vdolp t county, on the first Tuesday in December next, the settlement of lands on which Sterling G. Rodgers resided at the time of his death. The settlement embraces lots Nos. 2,4 and 30, in the 9th district of said county, on which there tire some 225 acres open and improved lands. Said lands are situated some seven or eight miles west of Cuthbert, Ga. Terms on the day. Oct.B,—tds. C. C. <S* C. A. WILLIS, Aam’rs. A dminist inf orN ‘*ivle,--()n the first Tuesday in Jitnu ary next, will be sold before the c >urt, house door at Butler, Taylor county, all the lands belonging to the estate of Stephen Johnson, late of said county, deceased, lying in the thirteenth district ol originally .J/uscome now Tav or county. There are four lots—known as the Stephen Johnson lands—well improved. Also at the same t ime and place, all the negroes belonging iO said estate —some ten or liflee , i in number, and very likely—done under an order of the court of Ordinary of Taylor county. Terms on the day of sale. Met 25—wtds G!DEON N LYVSOM, Adm’r. Vdministrator’s yaie.-* Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Early county, 1 will oiler for sale at ilie court house door, in the town of Blakely, in said county, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following negroes, as the pro perty of John Jones, late of said county, deceased, to-w it: Minerva, a negro woman about 40 years of age. Harriet, “ gill “ 17 “ “ Jane, “ “ “ ‘•' “ Wiimcy, “ “ “ 13 “ “ Jeff. “ boy “ 4 “ “ Terms cash. THOMAS B. ANDREWS, Adm r. Oct 25—wtds do boufs non. A dniinisirator’s Sale.—Will be sold on the fiist xV. Tuesday in January next, before the Court House door in the city of Columbus, the following named slaves, as the pro perty of James A. Delaunay, deceased; to-wit. Chanty, Emanuel, M ary Jane, Gaiatee Silvy, Georgia Ann, Harry, Saldd ee. Toney, Margarett. Sold in obedience to an order lrom the Ordinary of Baldmin court}', for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Tei ms on the day. GUSTAVUS DEL AUNA \ , JOHN D. STEWART. November I—wtds. Adtn’r with the will annexed. \clmin.istr atom’s Sale.—ln pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Harris county, Ga., will be sold before the Court House door in the town ot Hamilton, Harris county, on the tir#L Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, all the negroes belonging to the estate of Thomas M. McKee, late of said county deceased. Said ne groes consist of four in number, three men and one womrai am on” the men is one good Tanner and finisher. Sdd on a credit of 12 months, and for the purpose of distribution. No v 1 —wtds AUCHI B ALD McKEE, Adm r. G EOHIiIA, Marion county. Court of Ordinary for said county, in Vacation, Sep tember 3d, 1853. Present, E. W. MILIjER, Ordinary. VT t IIKREAS John A. Owens, Administrator upon the estate YY of Richmond Roberts, deceased, petiti ns this court for a discharge from his said administration, it is. therefore, ordered by tliecouit, that all persons concern ed shew cause, if any they have, why said petitioner should not be discharged ; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted said petitioner at the April Term, 1854, of said court,and he be releoseil from hi, lUbtttty.. Ir,,m ,hC m """ e E?'w! I HHJLER.'riASf’ GEORGIA, Marion county. . Court of Ordinary for said, county, in V acatwn, May 23. 1853. Present. E. W. MILL Ell, Ordinary. EKE AS, Catharine Paul, Adm’trx. upon the estate ol \\ Wm. Short,deceased, applies to this court lor letters ot dismission from her said administration, . .. This Is to notify all persons interested, to file their objections, if anv thev have, prior to the November Term next of said court, at winch time letters dismissory w ill be granted stud applicant accordins to the statute in such cascamnde and provided. May 28—m6m _ L _ r(lin * ir y* GK O R Cr” iA , V LUFRT OF ORDIN ARY, Uaiidolpli county, t June Term, 18->3. T-vni[ ip CAUSEY, Administrator on the estate ol David llar l veil, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned tins court for letters of dismission. It is ordered that all persons con cerned, the their objections, (if any they have,) on or before the January term of this court next ensuing, otherwise saul Adini.- trator will be then and there dismissed. Given under my hand at office the 16th day of June 1853. n,Hnrv .I*.no2l—w6m. O. I . BEALL, Odinar>. ‘Tdmtniatrators’ Sale—\Vill be sold on the first iV Tuesday in December next, within the *cgal hours ot sale, before the court house door in the town ot la.botton, Talbot countv Ga.. agreeably to an order of the court ot ordinary ot -.-iid county, the following lands belonging tc the estate of Oliver ti p Daniel, late of said county, deceased, lot number--Go con tn;nrr io*2 acrei, more or less; also fraction number two bundreu nml ninety six containing one hundred and fifty two actes. more less with a reservation of one acre and school house on said i>renii"<es, with the privilege of the spring tor the use ot said school. Also thirty nine and a half acres, being south east corner of lot of land now occupied and owned b\ Richard on which said Richard Rolfe’s grist mill now stand- . all ot which lands being in the 23d district ot originally Muscogee now Talbot county. Sold for the benetit oi the heirs and ■ redi tors of said deceased. Terms made knowm on thedaj^ Oct *) ,imilti.stratoi’s Sale.—Will he sold Jn cuthbert A rmndolph county on the first Tuesday m Dece.nbe^next, nmtirneof’his “of land Noe. -03, 141. 213 hi ‘he 11 th district of said county; the settlement is a verv desirab’itfone and in t fine state of i = ve.mmt; also the 5S:a Mary awoman V Many a girl 14 Ilice Vt'oi™!’ s'l.ov'?C fvTuiU Uy T 1 \ ’SH ia, t.V TSWafAi- Oct. 11 1853 —wtds. GEORGIA, I COURT OF <>**>'£-* 11 ’ “•Si? J} JZ S’ oflVavid 1.. r- P veil, late of said county, deceased, having petitioned ■.* C °lt r is orderedt totaH aiul'singular the parties inleresteo. -how , i,u lio laic. on or betore the next January lermol c ?. u ' Cl J r.i.. the petition of said admiuistrator should not -e W e w he bei.and there dismissed. “■SSS2IS.7S IS ■ •"• inly s— \vt>m ’ —— — V'IcOKGIA, > t'ot KT OJ OKPISCKY Ol SAlii rot J j . h Voinit v. t tv, April Term, DroJ. Kn v l vfi" l w\uGG?Nß. *diuiuistra;,.r ot W.tVlliu-.late ‘'l said I AMlf ‘'•™d ~H) tk .nMhis court to grant him letter;; •! rJ county,dectaso.,^jmiuj.t ration, ami it appearing that dismission from Ins sa , Urdcm i that all person,- said estate basbeeu MJ or before the Notember KSSS-p ;?%• ; xml be then am! there di--t---- PEALI, t ‘ndiuaty. i April 12 wbm GEORGIA, ) COURT OF ORDINARY, ! Muscogee county, S JuK Term, 1853. R VL K oYf SI. | ‘ll TUI'. REAS, Ihuli R. Ro,lgers. administrator on the estate of tt rrancis 51. Vickery, deceased, late of Muscogee comity, having applied for letters of dismission from said administration. It is ordered by the ourt, that all persons concerned show j cause, (if any they ha’ e. i why said adniinstrator should not be dismissed at the Court, c f Ordinary to be held in and for said coun- i ty on the first .Monday in March next. A true transcript from the minutes of said court, August 5, 1853. August 9—w6m. JOHN JOHNSON Ordinaly. 1 COU RT OF OR DINARY ) 0 n , , 0 . „ For Talbot County. \ September Term, 1803. RULE NI SI. WHEREAS. Simeon Deloach, one ot the Executors j ▼ t ot Samuel K. Croll, late ot Talbot County decM., ; has petitioned lor letters ot dismission front said executor ship. Be it ordered that all persons concerned, be and appear at the April term, 1854, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be “ranted. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, Septem ber, 22, 1853. MARION BETHUNE, Ordinary. Sep 28—w&twfim f J Bit ‘j; C4I A , Marion county* Court, of Ordinary tor said, County, July Term, 1853. : Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. YI7HEUEAS, David Dunn, administrator upon the estate of \ * V Pliilip Bailey, deceased, petitions this court for a discharge : from his said administration, It is, therefore, ordered by the court, that all persons con cerned, shew’ cause, if any they have, w'hy sid petitioner should i not be discharged ; otherwise letters dismissory will be grant- j ed said petitioner at the February Term, 1854, of said court, and i he be released from his liability as administrator as aforesaid. A true extract from the minutes of said eourt, July 4th, 1853. ! i -TillyD—intim E. W. MILLER, Ordinaiy. GEOitGiA, Marion countv. Court of Ordinary for said, County, in Vacation. July Ist, 1853. Present, E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. WHEREAS, Jeremiah Witcliar, administrator of the estate of Thomas J. Parker, deceased, petitions this court for a discharge from his said administration, It is, tiier,fore, ordered by the court, that all persons concern ed,shew cause, if any they have, why said petitioner should not be discharged ; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted said petitioner at the February Term 1854, of said court, and he be released from his iiability as administrator as aforesaid. A true extract from the minutes of said court July 1, 1853. July 9—nifim E. YV. MILLER, Urdmary. EORGIA, MARION COUNTY—Whereas,Stephen vT T. Murray apt lies to me for letters of aclmini-tiation with the Will annexed, upon the estate of John Murray, late of said county deceased, These are, therefore,to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and ap pear atmy office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature at office this 7th of November, 1853. Nov. 15,1853 —w6t E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. (t l orgla, Marion county.--Whereas Daniel Janes Y and cstisan McKorkleapplies to me for letters of administra tion upon the estate of Samuel 1L McKorkle, late of su'd county deceased, These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, Oct 31st, 183 t. Nov 4-wfit E. YY’. MILLE/f, Ordinary. (1 corgia, Stewart county.—Whereas, Jesse Reed J and Sohn A. Tucker applies for letters of administration on the real estate oi Abner Read, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the heirs and creditors ofsaid deoeased, to shew cause, within the time prescribed by law, win said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my hand in office this 31st October. 1853. Nov B—vfi: J. L. YY'IMBEBLY, Ordinary. C'N covjgia, Stewart county.—Whereas Joseph E. T Lewis applies for let ters of adm mist ration on the estate of M/artin Lee, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all concerned, to shew cause, if any ti eyhave, w ithin the dine prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand in office the 31st Oct. i853 Nov 8-w6t J. L WIMBERLY, Ordinary. n EORGIA, Early county.~\Ybercas,Thos. B. An il drews applies to me for Letters of Guardianship of the per sons and property of Abner, Thomas and Fereby Ann Jones, minor heirs of John Jones, late of said county deceased. ‘I h* se are to notify all persons concerned, to make known their objec tions, if any thev have, why said Letters of Guardianship should, not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand at of fice, September 23d, 1853. S. S. STAFFORD, Ordinary. October 4th—wfit. * „ _ GEORGIA, Marion County. —Whereas, Jonathan H. Purvis applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of James W. Woodall, late ot said county, deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the tiret Monday of No vember next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office,this 24th September, 1853. Sept. 28,1853 w7t E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. I v eorgla, Randolph County.—Whereas, Zadock vJT Sawyer applies tome for letters of administration on tlie estate of Frances Sawyer,late of said county, deceased. These, are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objections, if any they have, on or before ilie lirst, Monday in December, next, otherwise said letters vviil then and there be granted to the applicant. Given under inv hand the seventh day of Oct. 18o.i. Oct. 8 w7t ’ O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. (~ M EORGiA, Marion County.—Whereas, the estate of* JT Lewis Taylor, late of said county, deceased, is unrep resented at law, by reason of the failure of any person to apply for letters oi* Administration : These are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and credit ors ofsaid deceased, to shew cause, (it any they have,) with in the time prescribed by law, why letters of administration should not be granted to the clerk ot the Superior Court (or some other person) of said county, according to the statute, in such ease made and provided. Given under my hand and official signature, at office, Sept. 20th, 1853. E. W. MILLER, Ordinary. Sep 28—w7t _ eorgia, Stewarteamity—Pursuant to the last Will VT and Testament of James A. Carswell, late <>l said county, deceased, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house doer in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, a certain negro man bvthe name of Bill, as thetiroperty of the said deceased. ERASMUS S. IV'ALL, Ex’r. Oct 14—tds By B. S. WORK ILL. ipi eo rg ia , Muscogee county.—whereas, \X William N. Jones applies for letters of administration de bonis non with the will annexed, on the estate ot Randal Jones, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to shew cause, it any they have, why letteis ol administration as aforesaid,should not be granted to said applicant at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for -aid countv on the first Monday in November next. Given under my hand this 6th day of September, 1803. Sept. 20, 1853. JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. (X EORGIA. Randolph County.—Whereas,Fran- X eis M. Brown applies to me for letters of Administra tion on the estate of Mary Fredonia Brown, late ofsaid coun ty deceased. , . , . ...... These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ali and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause,'if anv they have, why said letters should not be “ranted. Given under my hand at office the 16th day ot September, 1853. O. P. BEALL, Ordinary. Sept. 21 —\\6t. / \cor;i( Marion county—Whereas, Richmond B IX Lyles applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of dairies Lyles, deceased. These are, therefore, to ci’e ami adn >nish all and singular die kindred and ci editors ot said deceased, to be ok! appear at mv office within the time presort ad by law, to shew cause, if any they have.-w I.v said letters should not be granted. Given under’my band and nflirial signature, at office, this Sep tember 9th, 1853. Sept 10—w5t E. YV. MILLER, Ordinaly. / v corgia, Mat ion couuf >—Whereas, Henry M.J*-t*r. IT Adiu’r. ii, on the e>!ahJonathan IK-ason. deed, applies ’ to me lor tetters <>l di'mL-fo i-'.mt bis administration ot saul estate. These are, therein e, to •••,>* and admonish all and singular the kiudred and c-reditors'of said deceased, fi* file tlieir objections. B an', they have, *• ’.erms <>l the law, otherwise letters Di.-- inissorv w id he giauuil to -aid Jeter. adu.Tr, as albresaid, at thes January 7Vrm next ol the court ofordinarv l<>r said emiutv. Giveu under my hand and official signature at office, tbi June 2*th, 1853. jyt’ 2 mfim L-. YY". ?!! LLLF fhdinsry. f V eorgla, Marion comity— Whereas. Mary ?hort, i * X Adm’trx. upon the estate of John C. Short, deceased, peti tions the ordinary court ot said county, for letters of dismission \ trom her administration ofsaid estate. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the j kindred and creditors of said and censed, to file their objections, : ! if any they have, otlierwise said letters will be granted (if a legal showing is made bv said adm’trx.) at the November Term next, ; of the court ofordinarv for said county. Given under mv hand and official signature at office, llit?* May 2d. 1853. * May I—mfim E, YY’. JfiLLEB, Ordinary. (t eorgla, Marion county— The estate of Edmund Jf Brock being unrepresented by reason of the failuie of any I person to apply for letters of administration on said estate. 1 hose are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the j kindred and creditors of said deceased, f he and appear at my i office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, or some other person ofsaid county, should not be appointed to administer on said estate. Given under my hand and official signature at office, tliisSlst August.lßs3. s> pt3— 5t YY . MILE.LER, Ordinary ('I eorgla, Marion comity.-- .vliereas. Samuel H. JT Crawford applies to me for letters of administration upon j the estate of No.-uni Green, who lately died beyond the limits ot ! said Staito, lenvingsui estate in said State and county : ‘these are, 11 ereforo, to cite and admonish alt and singular i the kindred and c: editors of said deceased lo bound appear at my office, within the tune prescribed by Jaw, to shew cause, it ! any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at ••flii e. Oct 18, i 1853. Oct2s—wot E.YV. MILLER, Ordinary. Georgia, Marion county— Whereas, William ?mith applies to tne for letters of administration de bonis non upon | the estate ol Powell Benton, iate ol said count} deceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular ! Ihe kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to he and appear at : my office, within the time prescribed hv law, to shew cause, if i j any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office, Oct 18, 1853. Oct 25—wot E. YV. MILLER, Ordinary ! /Georgia, Taylor county—Daniel W. Miller applies vT for letters of administration upon the estate of John Charles, deceased, a non-resident owner oi property in said county and State : Kindred, creditors and all others concerned, are cited to ap pear at the court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in December next, and object, if they can, to the grant of said letters of administration to the applicant or some other person. Given under my hand this October 21st, 1853. Oct 25 wOt ‘ JAMESB. HAMILTON, Ordinary. Georgia, Randolph county—Whereas, John It. Maddox applies to me for letters of administratratioii on the estate of LovLk T. Pearce, late of said county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed bylaw, and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under lay hand at office the 2t>th day of October, 1853, Oct 25—wtit O. P. BEALL, Ordinary, (A eorgia, Early county—Whereas,EdmundColman, X late ot said county deceased, is unrepresented at law, These are to notify all persons concerned in said estate, to shew cause,if any they have, why Thomas If. Andrews, the Olerk of the Superior Court of said county, should not be ap pointed administrator upon the estate of said deceased. Given under mv hand at offica this Oct 14th, 1853. Oct 25—wf>t _ 8. 8. STAFFORD, Ordinary. lAxcciitor J s Sale.—Agreeably to an order of the court o LJ Ordinary of Muscogee county, will be sold at the Murkc House in the City of Columbus, in*said county, oil the first Tues day in January next, the negroes belonging to the estate of Jo anna Christian, deceased, being seven in number, viz.: Hezoki ab, 30 years old, Emily 35 years old, Milly 8 Years old. Reeves fi years old, Charles 4 years old, Matthieu and Mark 18 months old. Sold for the benefit ol the heirs. Terms made known on the day of sale. IVEY MORRIS, I ~ . Nov. 12, 40d S.M. McGRADY. \ rs ’ Notice to rtel>tors and creditors,— All persons indebted to the estate of Harmon Butler, late o Randolph county deceased, tire hereby requested to make immediate pay ment ; and all persons having demands against said deceased, are requested to present them according to law. THOMAS CORAN. AdnTr. Nov 15—wOt MARY ANN BUTLER, AdmTrx. N oticeto debtors and creditors—-All persons in debted to the estate of Spyrus Britt, late of Randolph conn ty, deceased, are hereby request jd to make immediate payment; and all persons having demands against said estate will present them according to law. ALLEN J.JMES, Ailm’r. Nov 15—w6t BA* AH BRITT, Adm’trx. ‘V'oticc to debtors i*d < reditors—All persons in- IN debted to Hie estate of Jan e-. 1. Taylor, lato of Early county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and all personshaving demands against said deceased, w ill ren- j dcr them in agreeable to law. Oct 15-tit BENJAMIN COLLIER, Kx’r. rp WO MONTHS alter date application will be made to | _L the Court of Ordinary of Marion county, Ca., for leave j to sell all the land belonging to the estate of Ephraim I S. Lunsford, late of said county, deceased. Sept 17-2 m _ EPHRAIM H. OWENS, Adtn’r. I' iwo months after dale we shall apply to the Court of Oidinary, of Randolph County, for leave to sell a portion of the Real Estate belonging to Spyrus Butts deceased. ALLEN JAMES, AdmY. Sept. 15th, 1853—w2m SARAH BUTTS, Adrabc. TWO month* after date application will he 1 to the court of ordinary of Muscogee county for leave to sell he negroes belonging to the estate of Joanna Christian, late of said county, deceased. SILAS M McGRADY, ) . Sept 0- w2m IVEY A/ORRIS. \ xr ‘ TWO months after date application will be made to the JL court of Ordinary of Early county, for leave to sell a negro man named Dave, belonging to the estate of James J. Taylor, late of said county, deceased. Oct 15—2 m BENJAMIN COLLIER, Ex : r. npWO months after date I shall apply to the court of Or -1 dinary of Early county for leave to self all of the real estate belonging to the estate of Magers Henderson, late of said countv, deceased. THOS. B. ANDREWS, AdnTr. Oct 25—2 m de bonis non, with the Will annexed. a ‘A WO MONTHS after date application will be made to . the Court of Ordinary for said county for leave to sell all the land belonging to the estate of Redmond Yates, late ol Marion county, Ga., deceased. Nov 15—‘2m ENOCH ALDERMAN, Adm’r. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BOSTON & VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, No. 196 Bay Street Savannah, Ga. JOHN BOSTON, JOHN L. VILLALONGA. REFERENCES: John H. Howard, B. T. Chapman, A. VV. Chapman, Ruse, Patten &, Cos. October 1 1 —w&twtf WASHBURN, WILDER & CO.. FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 114 BAY STREET, JOSEPH WASHBURN, ) JNO. R. WILDER. > Savannah, Gy. FRANCIS G. DANA. ) Sept, lb—tw6m C- S. HARRISON. A UCTION, COM MISSION, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING ill ercliant. NOS. 59 and 61 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. A. lv. AYER. AUCTIONEER AND SALESMAN. tJfP* Liberal advances made on Negroes and Merchandise. Columbus, Aug. 2c, 1853—w&twl v H. T. GREENWOOD, JOSIAH MORRIS, •!. I. K IDG WAY 1 - ■ GREENWOJiII. vY RIDGWAY FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 1* Carondclet street. \ew ** Oct 22 —w&t wly w.m. ti. kimbhokTu, ‘O>IMI sSI O N 31 djr ( }{ \yl’ 9 j Novß- w&twtf SAVANNAH, GA E. LOCKETT, WM. H. LONG, JOHN 11. DAVIS. LaQKITfFMJNG CttF C() M M ISSI o N M E K C H A NT S AND SHIPPING AGENTS. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WILL attend to the selling ol all kinds of Produce. Strict attention given to receiving and forwarding goods, and seling orders from the country. Those of our friends who tidlire to favor us w ith consignments,can make the neces sary arrangements through our friends Ruse, Patten &. Cos. July 9—w&twly * J. H, BUR ROUSHS & SON, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SA VA NNA 11, GEORGIA. Sep 124 w At w 3m BUSINESS CARDS. WILLIAMS, OLIVER AND BROWN, Atto rne vs at Law , BUENA VISTA. MARION CO. GA. Will practice in the counties of Marion, Macon,| Houston Stewart, Randolph, J/usoogee,Lee, Taylor, and any adjoining c unities where their services may be required. >.VM. K. WILLIAMS, TIIADDLCS OLIVER. JACK. BROWN* January 28 —swly NICOLAS GACHET, A T T ORNEY AT LA IV, Tubkeqek, Alabama. OFFICE OVER PORTER’S BRICK STORE. WILL attend the courts of the Ninth Circuit, and Montgomery, Pike, and Barbour in the Eighth Circuit, march 29 —wtv GEO. S. ROBINSON, ATTO RN E Y AT LAW, Cuihbert, Georgia. Rickkrenuks :—lions. M. J. Wellborn and Alfred Iverso Columbus. Cuthbert, Nov 2—43wtf TUCKER BEALL, A TTO RN EYS A T j. A W , Lumpkin, Stkyvart County, Ga. WILL attend regularly the Superior Courts of Stewart, Marion cMimpter and Randolph counties: and will give prompt attou- Mon to all business entrusted to their care. JOHjY A. TUCK Kit, K. 11. BEJiLIs. Lumpkin, January 18. 1853—3w1y DOUGLASS & DOUGLASS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Cuthbert, Georgia. WILL practice in the counties of the Southwestern Circuit and in Stewart county of the Chattahoochee circuit. EUGENICS L. DOUGLASS, Nov 30—wly MAKCELLUS DOUGLASS. S. s. STAFFORD, A T TORNEY AT LA W. Blakely, Early Co*, Ga. apSvva GEO. COOK ALFORD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. W ILL practice in the counties of the Ninth Judicial Cir cuit —and the Supreme Court oi the State. Crawiord, Rustel co., Ala., Aug. 2, 1853—wly* THOMAS J. NUCKOLLS, AT T ORNEY A T L AW, Columbus, Georgia. Office, over Dr. Ware’s Drug Store. WILL practice in the counties ol'this and the adjoining judicial circuit in Alabama. March 15—wly w. c. m iver; A T T ORNEY A T L A W , Tuskegee, Macon co., Ala. vVill practice in the counties of Macon, Montgomery l'allapoosa, Pike, Barbour and Russel. January 22—4wiy R. J. MOSES, JOHN PEABODY, MOSES & PEABODY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WILL practice in Muscogee comity, Ga., and Ruseell county. Ala., and in the Supreme Court of the State of Georgia. Columbus, June 29-wtwtf Sam. S. Hamilton, Col’ mbus Canning ham. HAMiLTON A: CUNNiNGHAM * ATTORNEYS AT LAW, TROY, Pike Countv, Ala. April 23, 1853—w&twly. DAVID ROSS, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, No. 72 Broad Street. Columbus, Ga., June 21—wtf J. S. WOODBMDGE, PRACTICAL ARTIST & DAGUERREOTYPIST COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rooms over Foster te Purple’s Jewelry Store Broad Street. Columbus, Jan. s—w A. BACKER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN BRANDIES, GIN, WINE, SCOTCH ALE & LONDON PORTER, SEGARS and all kinds of GROCERIES, No. 10 WHITAKER ST. SAVANNAH, GA. Brandies and Gins, under Custom-House Lock, in bond and entitled in debenture. Savannah, Oct. 18,1853-wtwly g. “” 1 1 1 m i FRAUD! ALL who want Axes of ihe real Collin* & Cos. make should be particular to notice the stamps, as there are various counterfeits and imitations stamped Collins and labelled much like ours, which are fraudulently sold in seme parts of the Uni ted Btates as bur manufacture. They are made in different parts of the country by various axe-makers, and generally of every in ferior quality. The genuine Collins axes,which ha\e acquired snjli an extensive reputation, are invariably stamped “( OI.LINS & ('(HARTFORD,” and each axe has a printed labei with my signature. It is now more than Twenty five years since we commenced the business with the stamp of ‘"Collins & Cos. Hart ford,” and 1 do uot know of any other axe-iuaker by the name of • ‘oiling In the United States. SAM. W. UOLLINtf. August 23d, 1853. —wly. REMOVAL I \Kfe. URQUHAR l OF STANFORD have removed I J their office to the buildiug formerly occupied by the [b'nk oi St. Mary?, on Bread street. Columbus, Get U~wtwt (NUMBER 135